Media violence prevention kit

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Online and aware Educational kit for the media violence prevention

JUST/2010/DAP3/AG/1349 With financial support from the Daphne III Programme of the European Union

First meeting “Violence according to us”

Expected running time: 3 hours Objectives: •

Preliminary, for the group and the leader

Speculative, for the theme

Activity: The project is illustrated to the boys/girls and they are told how the subsequent meetings will be arranged. They are shown a .ppt file containing different images of violence. Afterwards, a brainstorming session on violence is held. The boys/girls will be asked to list all the words that the term violence conjures up. For a successful activity, it is essential to encourage young people not to be judgemental. At the end of the brainstorming session, designed to create a work group and to gather information on the perception of violence by young people, another .ppt is shown. The second presentation collects definitions of violence and a short analysis of the phenomenon. The last activity is the creation of posters (or IT products, depending on the availability and the skills of the boys/girls) on the theme of violence. The class is divided into small sub-groups, the materials are handed out. The objective is to make a product that represents “violence according to us”, it is possible to use images, found on the internet or on paper magazines, or make drawings or writings. Materials: •

ppt, supplied in the kit;

pc and projector;

posters and markers;

scissors, glue and magazines.

Where possible, the activity can be performed in the computer room.

Second meeting “Violence through the media”

Expected running time: 2 hours Objectives: •

Informative, on the theme of violence through the new media.

Activity: The boys/girls are asked to write a word that reflects their idea of violence connected to the use of new media. The leader, or a boy/girl, writes the words on the blackboard and the class reasons on what has emerged. Viewing and discussion of a .ppt file on the new media. In view of the subsequent meeting, “significant witness”, the boys/girls are asked to make a list of questions to be asked on the themes of legality and the crimes that exploit the new media. Materials: •


ppt, supplied in the kit;

pc and projector;

sheets and pens.

Third meeting “Significant witness”

Expected running time: 2 hours Objectives: •

Informative, on the theme of violence through the new media.

Activity: For this meeting it is necessary to perform a local analysis of the most popular source, we recommend that you involve law and order like carabinieri or postal police. If it is impossible to have law and order at the meeting, you can also call an IT expert. The possible themes are: •

digital reputation;



IT crimes;


Materials: •


PC, video-projector

Fourth meeting “Networking”

Expected running time: 3 hours Objectives: •

Development of revision abilities;

Creation of a spirit of cooperation.

Activity: The boys/girls are actively involved in the making of a video-interview. Both questions and answers are prepared by the boys/girls. The leader must lead the boys/girls in making a video which allows the different possibilities of media usage to emerge. Two boys/girls pretend to be the interviewees and answer the same questions. One will represent the bully who uses the media to commit acts of violence and the other one an ordinary person who uses the media in a healthy and aware way. Materials: •

interview outline, contained in the leader’s kit;


production material.

(find a professional for the mounting of the video material)

Fifth meeting “Slogan”

Expected running time: 3 hours Objectives: •

Developing skills and knowledge for the use of the media.

Raising individual and collective social awareness;

Strengthening socialization and interaction skills within a group;

Activity: Before beginning the activity the boys/girls are shown the “Povel” website and all the boys/girls concerned register. Participation in the website, which includes a blog, can be stimulated by promoting the publication of the works made by the boys/girls with a possible contest. The meeting is divided into three different activities to be carried out in small groups. Group one: preparation of a glossary with specific terms emerged during this journey. Group two: preparation of a set of good practices for a healthy and aware use of the new media. Group three: creation of a slogan that represents the group’s viewpoint as concerns the theme at hand. The slogan can consist in a sentence accompanied by images or a short video. At the end of the work in small groups a representative will give a report to his/her classmates on the activity performed in order to share the various papers. Materials: It is advisable to perform this activity on Internet-connected computers. If this is not possible, include in the kit a pre-arranged set of good practices and glossary to be hand-written and we recommend that a poster is prepared with a slogan.

Sixth meeting (optional) Board game

Expected running time: one 3 hour-long meeting or two 2 hour-long meetings. Objectives: •

Developing skills and knowledge for the use of the media.

Raising individual and collective social awareness;

Strengthening socialization and interaction skills within a group.

Activity: The kit includes a software to create a parlour quiz game that can be played on the computer. The use of this software is immediate and easy (the leader will be given a short user’s guide). The boys/girls will be in charge of devising the questions that will make up the game. The focus will be on project-related themes. Once the game is over, the class will have the opportunity to experiment it and the finished product will be saved on a USB drive to allow the boys/girls to do it again outside of the class group. Materials: Computer USB drive, to be supplied in the kit

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This presentation has been produced with the financial support of the Daphne III Programme of the European Commission. Contents are the sole responsibility of Scuola Centrale Formazione and its partners and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.

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