Annex D Project “POVEL” Daphne Programme DIRECTIONS TO COORDINATOR: at the end of each kit each student will complete this questionnaire. The goal is to collect the students point opinion about activities. The answers should be recorded on the attached database (there is a specific worksheet for each kit subject). The database should be sent to Caterina Aimé at The answers can be put into the database in French, English or Italian.
Trial costumer satisfaction to students Kit Topic:_____________ Vocational Training Center/School:_________________ Tick the box on the sentence selected. 1) Think about Kit topics: a I didn’t learn anything new b I learned some new things c I learned many new things 2) Your opinions about the kit topic: a They are changed b They are partially changed c They are the same 3) During presentations and discussions: a I wasn’t interested b The topics were interesting but they were addressed in a boring way c I was interested 4) I was more interested in: a Presentations b Discussions c Anything else (specify):.......................................
5) Did you talk about kit’s topics with friends? Yes
6) If your friend was in one of the situations have been described during Kit: a I would like to give him/her some advice, but I think I’ll not be able to do it b I think I would be able to give him/her some information c I did not say anything 7) Would you like to participate in other training moments like this? Yes No 7.1) Briefly explain why: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 8) If you have any comments, write them here: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
Annex D Project “POVEL” Daphne Programme
Satisfacción de los estudiantes acerca de las pruebas Tema:_____________ Escuela / centro de formación profesional:_________________
1) ¿QUÉ PIENSAS SOBRE EL KIT UTILIZADO?: a No he aprendido nada nuevo b He aprendido algunas cosas nuevas c He aprendido muchas cosas nuevas 2) TÚ OPINIÓN SOBRE LA UTILIZACIÓN DEL KIT UTILIZADO: a Me ha cambiado la opinión b Me ha cambiado parcialmente c Opino lo mismo 3) DURANTE LAS PRESENTACIONES Y DISCURSIONES…: a No estuve interesado b Los temas eran interesantes pero se presentaron de forma aburrida c Estuve interesado 4) ESTUVE MÁS INTERESADO EN …: a Presentaciones b Debates c Juegos y pósters.......................................
5) ¿Le has hablado del kit a tus amigos? Sì
6) ¿Se ha encontrado alguno de tus amigos en una situación como las planteadas en el kit?: a Me gustaría dar a él o ella algunos consejos, pero creo que no va a ser capaz de hacerlo b Yo creo que sería capaz de darle / ella alguna información c Yo no he dicho nada 7) ¿Te gustaría participar en otra “formación” “aplicación del kit”? Sì No 7.1) EXPLIQUE BREVEMENTE POR QUÉ …: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 8) SI TIENES COMENTARIOS, LOS ESCRIBES AQUÍ: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
Projet “POVEL” Programme Daphne
Questionnaire d’évaluation à l’attention des élèves Sujet du Kit:_____________ Centre de formation professionnelle/ Ecole:_________________ Cocher la case correspondant à la réponse sélectionnée. 1) Concernant le sujet du Kit: a Je n’ai pas acquis de nouvelles connaissances b J’ai acquis quelques connaissances c J’ai acquis de nombreuses connaissances 2) Votre avis sur le sujet du Kit: a A beaucoup changé b A évolué c Reste le même 3) Au cours des présentations et des discussions/débats: a Cela ne m’a pas intéressé(e) b Les sujets étaient intéressants mais abordés de manière peu attractive c Cela m’a beaucoup intéressé(e) 4) Ce qui m’a intéressé(e): a Les présentations b Les discussions/débats c Autre (préciser):.......................................
5) Avez-vous abordé les sujets du Kit avec vos amis? Oui
6) Si l’un de vos amis était dans l’une des situations évoquées dans le cadre du Kit: a Je souhaiterais lui donner des conseils, mais je ne pas sûr(e) d’en être capable b Je pense être capable de lui fournir des renseignements c Je ne lui dirais rien 7) Souhaiteriez-vous participer à d’autres formations basées sur le même principe? Oui Non 7.1) Expliquer en quelques lignes pourquoi: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 8) Vous pouvez nous faire part de vos commentaires: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
Projet “POVEL” Programme Daphne
Questionario di valutazione per gli studenti sulla sperimentazione Argomento del Kit:_____________ Centro di formazione professionale/ Scuola:_________________
1) Pensa agli argomenti che avete affrontato: a Non ho imparato niente di nuovo b Ho imparato alcune cose nuove c Ho imparato molte cose nuove 2) Le tue opinioni riguardo l’argomento trattato: a Sono cambiate b Sono cambiate in parte c Sono rimaste uguali 3) Durante le presentazioni e le discussioni a cui hai partecipato: a Non ero interessato/a b Gli argomenti mi interessavano ma erano affrontati in modo noioso c Ero interessato/a 4) Ero più interessato/a: a Durante le presentazioni b Durante le discussioni c Specificare altro tipo di attività :.......................................
5) Hai parlato degli argomenti che avete affrontato con dei tuoi amici che non erano presenti? Sì
6) Se un tuo amico si trovasse in una delle situazioni che sono state descritte: a Avrei voglia di dargli un consiglio, ma non mi sentirei capace di farlo b Mi sentirei capace di dargli delle informazioni c Non gli direi nulla 7) Mi piacerebbe partecipare ad altri momenti come questo? Sì No 7.1) Spiega brevemente perché: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 8) Se hai altre osservazioni da fare puoi scriverle qui sotto: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________