Code JUST/2009-2010/DAP3/AG/1349
Project POVEL Daphne programme
This presentation has been produced with the financial support of the Daphne III Programme of the European Commission. Contents are the sole responsibility of Scuola Centrale Formazione and its partners and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.
Intermediate monitoring of the project progress was performed by handing out a survey card (attachment 1) to project partners asking them to complete it together with the stakeholders who helped organize the activities carried out during the reference period. The card is divided into three sections: one concerns the common assessment of the project macro-areas, another analyses the progress of the activities during the reference period, the third highlights strong and weak points. All the common project areas feature similar average scores ranging between 3 and 4, in the following chart the averages by area of indicators are highlighted.
Opinions on general project aspects 4,0 4,0 3,5
3,7 3,3
Project structure Project management
Products made
Meetings Remote communications
1,0 0,5 0,0
This project has been produced with the financial support of the Daphne III Programme of the European Commission.
By analysing the motivations given to the scores by the project partners one understands that the project contents are deemed by all partners as especially interesting and useful to tackle in the reference contexts. The project structure is also recognized as valid, suitable to contents and beneficiaries: in particular, consistency between the planned activities and set objectives is stressed. The only problem reported in this area consists in the short time which could be devoted to the experimentation of the second kit, because of inevitable coincidences between the project due dates and important school deadlines in the contexts where the kits were experimented (ex. exams, internships...). As for the rest, the structuring of the activities proved to respond well to the needs found during the designing and planning phase, in particular the activities targeted to beneficiaries proved to be adequate and effective. The partnership is considered functioning, as predictable communications are more effective during transnational meetings than on remote (email, telephone, Skype...) media which are not deemed as capable of ensuring effective communication among multiple partners at the same time. On the contrary, especially the use of email is appreciated in the communication between pairs of partners to manage specific issues or items, relationships in which answers are usually more prompt and straight-forward. As concerns remote communication it is worth stressing that partners appreciated the project website and the regularity and quality of the newsletters. As mentioned, both the organization and the agenda of the meetings are much appreciated and deemed essential to ensure the effectiveness of the passage of information and the supervision of the progress of the project activities. The area which receives a relatively lower (but still good) score concerns management. If we examine the motivations given to the scores we understand that the emerged problems mostly refer to problems connected to language understanding (which are very frequent in partnerships like this in which countries with three different languages collaborate and a fourth language is chosen for the project) and initial problems to clear up the operational objectives of the project and apply them to specific tasks. This second area of problems was then solved after the first project meeting, during which clarifications were given on the initial perplexities. All the other management-related comments stress the effectiveness of the management of relationships, of the distribution of tasks, of sharing in the decisions and of the supervision on the achievement of the set objectives; all these elements return a good picture of the management strategies adopted.
This project has been produced with the financial support of the Daphne III Programme of the European Commission.
As concerns the products made, two types of remarks are put forward: firstly you can see that the set products were actually made, on which more specific remarks are found in the following paragraph; secondly the entire partnership recognizes the excellent level of innovation of the products made which were able to draw interest and effectively involve the final beneficiaries. In particular, in relation to the prepared Kits, the need to accomplish an adaptation of the kits to the contexts of experimentation and the age and type of beneficiaries is noted; this indication had already been given during the planning phase and is stressed by partners as essential to ensure the effectiveness of the instruments in different countries and contexts from those where they had been planned. Focusing one’s attention to the making of the products set for each project phase: research, definition and preparation of instruments and teaching kits for education to legality, experimentation of the kits and the teaching instruments and awareness raising thereon in the reference local contexts, one can see that all the set products were made by the partnership. In particular, for the research phase it was noted that
questionnaires for research-phase purposes. As concerns this phase, the quality of the reports and of the essay written at the end of this phase was appreciated, these products are recognized as especially useful to better recognize the areas of intervention. It should be noted that, despite the problems of planning and managing a medium-scale research which involves teenage final beneficiaries from four different countries, the outcome is recognized as high-quality. The preparation of the 4 teaching Kits (Media violence, Peer violence and bullying, violence related to drug assumption, violence related to alcohol abuse) was ensured by four work groups, each coordinated by one of the partner countries. At the end of this phase 4 kits were made, accompanied by teaching instruments, proposals of activity management and practical indications on the accomplishment of the proposed activities. The KITS were designed as being part of a specific context, but with characteristics which would make them adaptable to other contexts to ensure their transferability. The experimentation phase was especially demanding: each partner experimented the teaching Kit of which it had led the making and a second Kit chosen according to the needs of the final beneficiaries of the reference context; indeed each kit was experimented by at least two partners in different national contexts. As already mentioned, the experimentation of the second kit required adaptation to the needs of the national context, the resulting adaptation process that was more demanding was the one concerning the “violence related to drug abuse� Kit prepared by the
This project has been produced with the financial support of the Daphne III Programme of the European Commission.
Corsican partner, its adaptation was more difficult not much because of the different local context, but because the beneficiaries involved in the partner experimentation which led to its creation were older of age and had different characteristics from those involved by the other partners. In this case, too, the adaptation still ensured the success of the kit transferability. In this phase more problems were noted connected to meeting the set project deadlines: as already mentioned, some coincidences between important school deadlines of CFP and the schools where the experimentation took place and the project deadlines made meeting the set deadlines and accomplish the experimentation of the second Kit difficult. Despite these problems, a significant number of students was involved in the experimentation (higher than expected). To conclude, please note that the proposed activities, at the current project progress, are consistent with forecasts. The problems which emerged were supervised over the course of the project in order to ensure good progress of activities and the problems connected to meeting the schedule were managed with appropriate changes which would make the completion of activities in line with the partnership needs possible. For a detailed assessment of the experimentation phase please refer to the final assessment.
This project has been produced with the financial support of the Daphne III Programme of the European Commission.
Annex 1 Project POVEL Daphne programme
MONITORING FORM The monitoring has the goal to control the project development and identify problems early to find suitable solutions. The form will be sent by mail to each partner periodically and partners will answer by mail to in two weeks from receipt. The evaluator will process forms collected, and will return the results maximum in a month
This project has been produced with the financial support of the Daphne III Programme of the European Commission.
1. Opinion on certain general aspects of the project ALL PARTNERS Project aspects
Project structure (es. planning respect, consistency between objectives and context needs)
1 2 3 4 5
Motive and comment
Project management (es. Clear distribution of tasks, 1 2 3 4 5 Effective communication, effective coordination) Partnership (es. Responsiveness to tasks, partners collaboration, Appropriate use of communication systems)
1 2 3 4 5
Products made in the period (es. Products expected and actually 1 2 3 4 5 produced, products quality, roducts innovation level) Meetings (es. satisfacting logistics, shared programs, 1 2 3 4 5 effectiveness, reports) Usefulness of remote communications (skype, mail, website)
1 2 3 4 5
This project has been produced with the financial support of the Daphne III Programme of the European Commission.
2. Products made for each action (each partner has to complete only the table about activities of which it is responsible or where it is directly involved).
WS0 Management and Coordination of the Project Indicator
Partnership Agreements between the Lead Partner and each Partner operational project Kick off meeting in Brussels 4 Steering Committee meetings meetings of the evaluation/assessment team On-line videoconferencing (skype) and distance cooperation to ensure coordination and integration of activities performed by all partners within the project Communication tools
Reference value
Value in the period
Product description/deviations from the predictions
due copies for each partner work plan and project agenda 1 2/year evaluation plan, evaluation tools, 1 intermediate report, 1 final report
website on line, newsletter sent
This project has been produced with the financial support of the Daphne III Programme of the European Commission.
Research goals set of research tools (questionnaires / guidelines for group work) At least 500 teenagers reached in the research Partnership involvement in the research
Students involving in research
Research report
Reference value
Value in the period
Product description/deviations from the predictions
research plan presented before data collection questionnaire and guidelines in partners languages questionnaire data recollected (about 30% expected answers) At least 12 VET professionals acting as research facilitators (for an average of 3 facilitators per involved Country) 1 collection of good practices and young people proposals concerning violence prevention and support to victims; blog electronic (on-line/ downloadable) + 40 pages, 150 copies on a CD or paper for participant to workshop in Brussels and partners)
This project has been produced with the financial support of the Daphne III Programme of the European Commission.
Reference value
Work group for kit creation are operating
Learning kit concerning education to legality: prevention of peer violence and bullying and support victims
learning kit concerning education to legality: prevention of violence related to alcohol abuse
learning kit concerning education to legality: prevention of violence related to drug assumption
learning kit concerning education to legality: prevention of media violence
Value in the period
Product description/deviations from the predictions
4 workgroups are created, each one coordinated by a partner from a different Country: Italia, Francia, Spagna, Belgio electronic / printed: 66 copies (beneficiaries + VET professionals); 30 pages, including supporting materials electronic / printed: 66 copies (beneficiaries + VET professionals); 30 pages, including supporting materials electronic / printed: 66 copies (beneficiaries + VET professionals); 30 pages, including supporting materials electronic / printed: 66 copies (beneficiaries + VET professionals); 30 pages, including supporting materials
This project has been produced with the financial support of the Daphne III Programme of the European Commission.
Reference value
Workshop organized
4 workshops (1 in Friuli Venezia Giulia, 1 in Corse + 1 in Barcelona + 1 in Brussels) with an average number of 30 participants each. Each workshop has a duration of half a day Printed (80 copies of Leaflet and papers to be distributed to participants + project partners) + electronic (sent via e-mail and published on the international and national blog of the project activities (8-16 hours) x an average number of 30 young learners in 4 Countries (IT, FR, BE, ES).
Brief Training/education activities for young learners usually come from training courses yearly runned by partners. Guidelines for the updating / optimisation of training kits
Value in the period
Product description/deviations from the predictions
1 working paper in electronic format (CD/USB or downloadable from the project blog
This project has been produced with the financial support of the Daphne III Programme of the European Commission.
SCF/CEFAL/PROVINCIA DI RAVENNA WS4 DISSEMINATION Indicator Reference Value in Product value the description/deviations from period the predictions Project leaflet
Project newsletter
Press release
Final international Conference
Final conference leaflet and papers
printed (200) and electronic (dowloadable from the blog/social web electronic bimestral sending, distributed via mailing list at least x local and regional media are informed of project final conference and invited to take part in it 1 final international Conference in Ravenna with 50 participants. Duration: half a day; translations from English/French to Italia1 printed + electronic (CD/USB): 200 copies to be distributed to participants + project partners (20 pages)
This project has been produced with the financial support of the Daphne III Programme of the European Commission.
3. Main problems in the period and solutions adopted or will be adopted PROBLEMS
This project has been produced with the financial support of the Daphne III Programme of the European Commission.