National association of VET centres recognized by the Ministry of
Labour (according to Law 40/87) Private No-profit 45 organisations managing about 100 VET centres distributed in 10 regions in the North, Centre and South of Italy Accreditatation in: Veneto Region (initial, continuing/ permanent, higher training; counselling, job services); Sicily Region (initial and higher training); as “agency of job intermediation” at the national level Researches/ networking / training of the trainers / dissemination / exchange of good practices / innovation / mobility 11 employees and 14 co-workers (2014) In 2013: turnover was 2,7 million €; In 2013:: all SCF’s members realised more than 15millions hours of training (certified by the Ministry of Labour)
Emilia Romagna Venezia - Mestre: official office
Bologna: coordination office  Our members are located in 10
regions: Basilicata, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Liguria, Lombardia, Marche, Piemonte, Puglia, Sicilia, Veneto
Unemployment of people aged15-64 in 2013: Italy: 12,2% (10,7% in 2012): 11,5% women et 13,1 men FVG: 7,7%: 6,6% (6,8% in 2012): women et 9,1% men. Par Province: Udine: 7,9% in 2013 (+/- 7% in 2012)
NEET in 2013: 26% (=2,435 millions about 97% aged 18-29). En FVG: 27.554 in 2013 (17,2%).
source: ISTAT http://dati.istat.it/Index.aspx?DataSetCode=DCCV CIG (ordinary, extraordinary, derogation): 1st semester 2014: Italy: 562,5 millions hours, – 4,7% compared to the 1st semester 2013 BUT: -28,5 CIG ord.; -16,7 CIG derogation and+20,1 CIG extraord. Decrease in11 regions, and INCREASE in the remaining 9 (Lombardy Tuscany, Calabria, Latium, Molise, FVG, Basilicata). FVG: 16millions hours, + 17,4% BUT: -31,8 CIG ord.; +33,3 CIG derogation and+38 CIG extra-ord. +24,1% in Udine.
source: http://www.uil.it/documents/6°%20Rapporto%20%20CIG%202014.pdf Other info: (http://www.uil.it/documents/sintesidef.pdf): about 13millions people (=33,4 of active population) in 2013
(+3,8 millions compared to 2008): en CIG, receiving ASpI and Mini ASpI (unemployment subsidy), in mobility, searching for a job, discouraged (and so not looking for a job), working temporarly, working part-time voluntarily, receiving working vouchers, en stage. Particularly: About1,7 millions people en CIG (+179,3 compared to 2008) = 4,4% of the active population 2,3 millions subsidised by the State/Regions (ASpI and Mini ASpI) = 6% of the active population
Other info: Population in FVG in 2013: 1.229.363 people, about107.917 immigrants (respectively +0,6% and +5,2% compared to
2012. Most numerous groups: Romanians, Albanians). At national level: over 59,5 millions people, of which 4,4 are foreigners (mostly from Romania and Morocco).
GDP: -1.8% in 2013 compared to 2012 at national level; -1,6% in 2013 compared to 2012 in FVG. Pro-capita GDP in 2011:
UE28: 25.100€; Italy: 26.000€; FVG: 29.660€.
SCF has been participating, as promoter or partner, in a number of EU projects financed by LLP (Grundtvig and Leonardo), Daphne III, Progress, IPA Adriatic, AGIS, and Tempus. From 2001 to 2013, SCF has promoted foreign mobility within the Leonardo da Vinci programme for more than 1,100 people, of which almost 650 young people in initial vocational training, 158 young graduates and graduates, and 300 VET professionals. As part of the activities of transnational mobility, SCF has signed strategic agreements with the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Galician Regional Government, and since 2010 SCF has welcomed about 80 people (PLM mobility) from those 2 Spanish regions. Since 2013, SCF has been actively involved (through its national funds) in the development and testing of ECVET tools; a Memorandum of Understanding has already been signed by 11 Italian and EU partners, and the application of Learning Agreements started in January 2014 and will continue all along the year for about 100 participants in mobility.
ESF funded projects
EU funded projects
Activities under Law 40/87
Researches on topics related to members’ activities, target groups, issues: in 2012, for example, SCF published two researches on youth subjects, both under renewal this year: the first one "GEN 2020" makes a picture of the situation of young people in Italy with respect to Europa 2020 indicators; the second one collects and presents best practises of its associated members promoting the well-being of young trainees; among these practises some concern anti-bullying practices or more in general anti-violence practises. Conferences and seminars: many and different topics are targeted in a year but are mostly linked with on-going activities and funded projects (see on the homepage at www.scformazione.org and blogs) Training of the staff: each year, normally in summer time (June or July), Intensive residential 3-days training sessions for its associated members’ staff on subjects related to the different areas of our work. SCF also promotes each year other 2-3 training courses at the local or regional level using the resources of its interprofessional fund (Fonder). Innovation.
SCF has regional accreditations in Veneto and Sicilia and therefore implements actions at the regional level too. Particularly, SCF has been promoting since 2009 labour services and activation measures for people suffering the economic crisis in the Veneto region. SCF is also partner of “PRO Telejob” a ESF funded project in Romania promoted by the Provincial Employment Agency in Teleorm.
At the national level, SCF is member of the following networks/associations: CONFAP - Confederazione Nazionale Formazione Aggiornamento Professionale (www.confap.it), which traditionally finds a common
inspiration in the Christian social and represents more than 350 VET centres nationwide.
OPEN Consortium - Offenders Pathways to Employment National Network (www.openconsorzio.org) promotes social and working re-
inclusion of juvenile and adult offenders and ex-offenders through programmes aimed at preventing exclusion and recidivism. Activities at the national and EU levels in this field are therefore realized within the Consortium (e.g. Prevention Crime programme, LLP Leonardo da Vinci VET.PRO Mobility).
C’entro working in the socio-assistance and health sectors through education, rehabilitation and assistance services. C’entro is
member of the EU network Eurocarers (www.eurocarers.org).
ORIUS Association (www.associazioneorius.eu/index.php?lang=en), a non-profit organization that operates in the social economy
sector providing services for developing projects, joining social integration and environmental sustainability. ORIUS is member of Re.E.Use (http://rreuse.org/t3/), a European umbrella for social enterprises with activities in reuse, repair and recycling.
FARI - Federazione delle Associazioni Rurali Italiane (www.federazionefari.it) is an association promoting training and learning to
preserve the rural environment, and its products. FARI is member of AIMFR – International Association of Family Movements for Rural Training (www.aimfr.org)
At the EU level, SCF is member of CEC – Comité Européen de Coordination (www.cecasbl.be) regrouping 21 members based in 14 EU Member States. In February 2014, SCF joined AMFORHT – World Association for Hospitality and Tourism Education and Training (www.amforht.com) that links Training and Education, Hospitality and Tourism trades, Education and training services of international governmental and non-governmental organizations. AMFORHT accounts for more than 250 organisations worldwide.
EU projects: IPA Adriatic “Key Q” Leonardo TOI “SiQuCAE”, “2PFIP” (training credits, validation of non formal and informal
learning), “La strada per domani” (training for social managers),
Leonardo DOI “So.To” (social tourism), Grundtvig Partnership “Fe.Bo” (video and problem solving based learning for adults)
….. (and many others not strictly related to CAVA) And Membership to : - AMFORHT (World Association for Hospitality and Tourism Education and Training)
- Accademia Nazionale di Arte Casearia
Valorisation of micro-productions THROUGH TRAINING Development of new and adapted training approaches/models for this specific
Promotion of competences and skills Dissemination towards other members of our networks and promotion of their
territories and economies
Valorisation of previous experiences
RITA FESTI festi.r@scformazione.org