40-Day Prayer Journal

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There must be

more than this ...

“ Blow a trumpet in Zion, consecrate a fast, proclaim a solemn assembly, gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children and the nursing infants ...” JOEL 2:15–16


1 July – 9 August 2010

40-DAY PRAYER JOURNEY 1 JULY – 9 AUGUST 2010 Overview Chart

1 July

• 40-Day Prayer Journey begins • Leaders’ Prayer: 40-Day Prayer Opening at BPJ Centre’s Main Sanctuary, 7–10pm

3 July

• Super Saturday: Prayer at WDL Centre’s Main Sanctuary, 2–5.30pm

Send insights and impressions to 40dayprayer@cefc.org.sg

1 August

8 August

24.7 Prayer Chain (1 Aug, 12pm to 8 Aug, 12pm; various locations) • BPJ & WDL Centres Combined Prayer: 7–10pm, BPJ Centre • Dawn Prayer: 2 Aug, Mon – 6 Aug, Fri • 2-hour Slots: All CGs & DGs (Refer to Appendix) • District Prayer: 8–10pm (1 night each) • Mandarin-Dialect Prayer to be held concurrently

9 August

• 40-Day Prayer Journey ends • Super Saturday: Rescheduled to Mon, 9 Aug 40-Day Prayer Closing at WDL Centre’s Main Sanctuary, 2–5.30pm

Contents Foreword


Trumpet Call


Using The 40-Day Prayer Journal


A Guide To Fasting


Perspective Of God: Listen To Me! Week 1, 1–4 July


Call Of God: Return To Me! Week 2, 5–11 July


Promise Of God: I Will Restore You! Week 3, 12–18 July


Purpose Of God: You Will Know Me; I Am In Your Midst Week 4, 19–25 July


Day Of The Lord: I Am The Sovereign One — Judge & Saviour Week 5, 26 July–1 August


People Of God: Will You Do My Will? Week 6, 2–9 August


Appendix: 24.7 Prayer Chain (Roster & Venues) District Chart 24.7 Prayer Chain (Roster & Venues) Location Chart

All rights reserved. All Scripture references are taken from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) unless otherwise noted. The ESV Study Bible (Crossway Bibles: Wheaton, Illinois, 2008) was used as a reference in writing the devotional thoughts in this journal at times. 40-Day Prayer Journal


Foreword Prayer builds intimacy with God. Prayer is not just a verbalisation of our inner thoughts and needs to a God in outer space; it is an aligning of our hearts with His in our inner space. J Heinrich Arnold said, “Christian discipleship is not a question of our own doing, it is a matter of making room for God so that he can live in us.” This 40-Day Prayer Journey is an initiative that sprang from a sense of desperation. Come 1 July, I will lead the church as its Acting Senior Pastor. I have little strength when it comes to leading the Covenant family. The very word “prayer” comes from the Latin word precãrius — a linguistic cousin to the word “precarious”. In other words, perhaps the best kind of prayer is the one that is desperate. Hear the words of those who prayed to Jesus desperately: In the storm, the disciples awoke Him, “Save us Lord; we are perishing!” (Matthew 8:25) In her blood disorder, she said, “If I may but touch his garment, I shall be made whole.” (Matthew 9:21, KJV)

Trumpet Call

We pray not only because we are strong, but because we are weak.

In their blindness, they cried out, “Have mercy on us, Son of David!” (Matthew 9:27) I am not saying this is the only kind of prayer we are to pray. Of course, there are faith-filled prayers like that of the centurion’s, “… speak the word only, and my servant will be healed.” (Matthew 8:8, KJV). We are all on a prayer journey. We pray not only because we are strong, but because we are weak. This is the journey I invite you to join me on. Do it as an individual; as a family; as a small group; as a zone, and as a Church. Don’t miss this blessing! There must be something more than this …



et even now,” declares the LORD, “Return to Me with all your heart, and with fasting, weeping and mourning; and rend your heart and not your garments.” Now return to the LORD your God, for He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in lovingkindness and relenting of evil.

Blow a trumpet in Zion, consecrate a fast, proclaim a solemn assembly, gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children and the nursing infants. Let the bridegroom come out of his room and the bride out of her bridal chamber. Joel 2:12–13, 15–16

Reverend Tan Kay Kiong Acting Senior Pastor (July–December 2010) Covenant Evangelical Free Church 2

40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


Using The 40-Day Prayer Journal


the THREE chapters in the Book of Joel in one sitting before 1 July 2010. Prepare Your Heart: • Tell the Lord you desire to meet Him • Ask Him to cleanse you from all sin and unrighteousness • Believe that He has forgiven you in Christ Jesus and thank Him • Bring before Him your open and contrite heart • Enter into His presence with expectancy Meditate Before Prayer Session: • Hebrews 4:16 • Hebrews 11:6 • James 4:8 • Psalm 51:17 • Jeremiah 17:9 • Matthew 11:28–30


40-Day Prayer Journal

Delight in being with the LORD. He is waiting for YOU! He delights in being with you! Enjoy your time with Him! End your time with the LORD in prayer. Seal your transaction with the LORD with a Personal Prayer for the day.

He is waiting for YOU! He delights in being with YOU!

Going Through The Watchman Prayer Next, pray for God’s people in Covenant EFC and for Singapore with the Watchman Prayer for the day. • Note the prayer focus for the day • Read and pray through “Our Dream”, the Scripture provided and the “Three Greatest Prayer Needs” • Pause and ask the LORD if there is another Scripture, burden or blessing He would like you to pray about • Follow His Spirit’s leading. God’s Word will authenticate the promptings you receive

Going Through The Personal Prayer During the 40-Day Prayer Journey, read each day’s Scripture passage and reflect on God’s Word and the prompters for the day. Transact with the LORD on what He is speaking to you about.

Give thanks for His presence and guidance in your prayer journey. Continue to linger in His presence and joy as you go about the day’s routine

Act According To God’s Word: • Claim God’s promises • Obey God’s commands • Repent from sins • Give thanks for God’s blessings • Pray for God’s purposes to be done

During the final week from 1–8 Aug, we will be holding a 24.7 Prayer Chain. In that week, pray together with other fellow believers in Christ the insights and burdens you received during your personal time with the LORD.

If God has revealed to you any impressions or insights during this prayer journey, please email us at 40dayprayer@cefc.org.sg and share them with us. Include your name, contact number, topic of impression/insight, CGL name, Worship Centre and indicate the date you received them. 40-Day Prayer Journal


A Guide To Fasting (Adapted from LoveSingapore’s 40-Day Prayer Guide 2008)

How To Fast You are free to fast however the Spirit leads you. Some options are: • Total Fast: Abstain from solid foods for an extended part of the day. Take only water. You may fast from sunrise to sundown or from breakfast to afternoon tea. • One-Meal Fast: Sacrifice one full meal a day. • Beverage Fast: Abstain from solid foods for 24 hours. Take only water and liquid foods, such as milk, Milo or other health beverages. • Daniel Fast: Abstain from meats and other favourite delicacies. Take only small portions of fresh vegetables, fruit and juices. You may practise this as a 40-day routine. Or as Daniel 1:12 suggests, make this a 10-day fast. • Esther Fast: Abstain from solid foods for 24 hours for 3 days (Esther 4:16). How To Enjoy Fasting • Set aside time each day to seek God in prayer and fasting. It may be half an hour, an hour, or more. • Adopt an attitude of prayer as you go about your daily duties at home, at work or at school. Apply what you learnt in tangible actions. • Scale down your normal activities. Avoid rigorous exercise such as rock-climbing, cycling or jogging. • Be alert! Besides fasting from food, fast from things that distract, such as television, the Internet, computer games; or things that destroy, such as coarse jesting or careless words. • Break your fast gradually and wisely. For health reasons, you should consume small portions as you break fast, avoiding chilli or acidic foods as much as possible.


40-Day Prayer Journal

How To Involve Others Fasting together as a group is easier than doing it alone. Some options: • Family: Agree to fast and pray as a family. Decide on the type of fast your family members are comfortable with. Use this 40-Day Prayer Journal for your family devotion. • Covenant or Discipleship Groups: As a group, commit yourselves to a specific type of fast. Throughout this 40-Day Prayer Journey, yearn for personal transformation, church transformation and national transformation. Ask God to use your small group to be His mouthpiece and His outstretched hands here in Singapore and the nations. • Friends: In this city of mobile phones, keep a daily prayer appointment with a friend by phone. Send SMS reminders to pray or to share daily insights over the 40-Day Prayer Journey. At the agreed time, connect to pray!

“ Go, assemble all the Jews who are found in Susa, and fast for me; do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my maidens also will fast in the same way. And thus I will go in to the king, which is not according to the law; and if I perish, I perish.” esther 4:16

40-Day Prayer Journal




1–4 July


God: Of

Listen To Me!


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Perspective Of God: Listen To Me!




PERSONAL PRAYER Joel 1:1 declares that the Book of Joel is the word of the LORD. That is, this is the word from the LORD and is relevant to us, His people, even today. Do you believe? Will you embrace whatever the LORD says to you through His Word and obey throughout this 40-Day Prayer Journey with Him?

WATCHMAN PRAYER Church: Overall Scripture Revelation 21:5 Our Dream Returning the Church to its disciplemaking roots through authentic discipleship and intentional disciplemaking so as to reproduce disciples of “a certain kind� and to multiply them to win the world for Christ. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. That God will make new every leader and disciple in Covenant so that our spiritual fervour is strong and our fruitfulness is ever-increasing. 2. That each Worship Centre will be fired up with a unified, local vision of serving the community with our social arm. 3. That Covenant will be used mightily by God to spearhead a global disciplemaking alliance movement through our Senior Pastor. That the Church will model our core values in truth, community, stewardship, balance and brokenness.


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


Perspective Of God: Listen To Me!




PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 1:1–20 and note down how the LORD sees the lives of His people. Have the blessings from God “dried up”, been “cut off”, and “destroyed” in your life? Will you acknowledge the condition of your life and soul to the LORD?

WATCHMAN PRAYER Church: Mission Statement Scripture 2 Timothy 2:2 Our Dream Returning the Church to its disciplemaking roots through authentic discipleship and intentional disciplemaking so as to reproduce disciples of “a certain kind” and to multiply them to win the world for Christ. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. That God will empower every leader and disciple to become “a certain kind” in their life — with a humble posture in heart; a wise perspective in mind; excellent pragmatics in works, and a spiritual power over principalities and darkness. 2. That God will enable us to first become His disciples, then disciple our family, then our small group members and working colleagues. 3. That God would send us out into the world and the nations to become His living witnesses through love and kind deeds.


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


Perspective Of God: Listen To Me!




PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 1:1–20 and list down what the LORD is urgently calling you to do. Will you heed His Word to give ear, put on sackcloth and lament, fast, gather to the House of the LORD and cry out to Him in light of how the Lord has convicted you regarding the condition of your life and soul?

WATCHMAN PRAYER Church Core Value: Truth We value Truth centred upon the Word of God. Scripture Psalm 119:160 Our Dream For Covenanters to have a strong conviction that truth as revealed in the Word of God is most precious. That we will be unwavering in our commitment to the Bible as the inspired, inerrant and infallible Word of God; and as the sole authority governing a disciple’s life and practice. For the pulpit ministry and Bible teaching to continually be held as high premiums in our ministries. That we will have a growing love for God’s Word and deepening appreciation for sound biblical teaching, despite the contrary views, opinions and voices of our times. Truth personally applied, resulting in lives being transformed and disciples being effectively made. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. Church level: Covenant’s preachers and teachers will be committed to the faithful, clear and fresh preaching and teaching of God’s Word. 2. CG level: Gifted Bible teachers will arise and serve their small group communities. 3. Personal level: Covenanters will read the Bible daily and grow in knowledge and understanding of God’s character, works and ways.


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


Perspective Of God: Listen To Me!




PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 1:15 and Joel 2:1–11. The “day of the LORD” refers to the LORD’s holy and righteous judgment on both His people and all peoples. Note the descriptions of this terrible day, the exhorted response of all peoples (v1), and the LORD Himself (v11). Do you find yourself trembling in fear and awe of the LORD? Why and/or why not? Will you ask the LORD to grant you this rightful fear of Him?

WATCHMAN PRAYER Church Core Value: Community We value Community centred upon the Worship of God. Scripture Acts 2:43–47 Our Dream We are called to love God with all our heart, mind, strength and soul, and to love our neighbours as ourselves (Luke 10:26–27). Our dream is to be a community where every Covenanter is a true worshipper of God, one whose love for others flows out of his/her love for God. It is out of this love that we will learn to care for, minister to and lovingly serve one another. Where every Covenanter will be part of a small group community with regular testimonies of changed lives as we live, grow and serve in community. Where we will, as a community, share the Gospel message with the unreached, poor and needy, reach out to them and love them. That multitudes may come to know our Lord Jesus Christ as a result of our insuppressibly joyful witness and service. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. Hundreds of potential CG Leaders of godly character will answer the call, be trained and equipped, and lead by serving and serve by leading. 2. Every Covenanter will be a true worshipper of God, become a committed member of a CG and of the church, and actively contribute to the life and ministry of the Body. 3. Every CG member will grow in spiritual maturity and in faithful service to God and to people, and leave a lasting legacy.


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40-Day Prayer Journal




5–11 July

God: Call Of

Return To Me!


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Call Of God: Return To Me! WEEK 2, DAY 5



PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 2:12–13. Do you feel the longing of our LORD’s heart for us to return to Him with all that we are and all that we have? Will you give your undivided and unrivalled devotion to the LORD alone? Will you tell the LORD you will no longer give Him tokens of yourself, your love, time and energy?

WATCHMAN PRAYER Church Core Value: Stewardship We value Stewardship centred upon the Will of God. Scripture 1 Corinthians 4:1–2, Ephesians 4:7–16 Our Dream Every Covenanter will see himself or herself not as an owner, but as a steward of the Gospel and God-given resources, i.e. time, talents and treasures. We will see that we are called by God to leverage our resources as best as we can for the extension of His Kingdom and we’ll be faithful in our stewardship of the Gospel. That Covenanters will tithe faithfully and give sacrificially to support the church’s ministries. In the stewardship of our spiritual gifts, we believe that God is worthy of our best, and we will cultivate a spirit of excellence in all our ministries. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. We will have the mindset of a steward rather than an owner. 2. We will become an increasingly better and faithful steward of time, talents and treasures, for the extension of God’s Kingdom. 3. We will grow in excellence in our ministries and service.


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Call Of God: Return To Me! WEEK 2, DAY 6



PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 2:12–13. The LORD is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love. Recall the times in your life when you have tasted personally the LORD’s grace, mercy, patience and His steadfast love. Will you return to the LORD your God who loves you without end? Will you love Him beyond external actions, in sincerity with your whole being?

WATCHMAN PRAYER Church Core Value: Balance We value Balance centred upon the Wisdom of God. Scripture Ecclesiastes 7:18 Our Dream Covenanters will ride the tensions of life’s complexities with compassion and discerning wisdom from above. Our lives will consistently exhibit a biblical balance amid a world prone to extremism. It’s often not an eitheror option, but a both-and position that must be carefully held in tension. With controversial issues regarding ministry, Covenanters will have humility, an open mind and the right posture to understand the positions on all sides, so that we can adopt a balanced position, without compromising our biblical integrity, and see ministry effectiveness and cultural relevance. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. We will seek and receive wisdom from above, as revealed by God, primarily in His Word. 2. Ministries will apply wisdom and balance to avoid extremes, e.g. style and forms of worship, exercise of spiritual gifts, engagement in spiritual warfare, evangelism and social action, etc. 3. Ministries will be effective and culturally relevant without compromising biblical integrity.


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Call Of God: Return To Me! WEEK 2, DAY 7



PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 2:12–14. When we sin against the LORD, we deserve whatever punishment He decides. But when we truly repent and return to Him with our whole heart, He will forgive us. Joel says, “Who knows?” Perhaps our gracious LORD might even bring blessing instead of disaster! Will you confess and repent of any sin the Spirit is convicting you of? Will you thank and praise the LORD for His grace and mercy even when you do not deserve it?

WATCHMAN PRAYER Church Core Value: Brokenness We value Brokenness centred upon the Way of God. Scripture Psalm 51:17 Our Dream For Covenanters to know that God always looks at the heart and have “a broken spirit and a contrite heart” before God. To know that the Lord Jesus Christ has called us to die to self and follow Him. That we will live out a discipleship of humility, brokenness and avoid the performance trap. We’ll be neither proud of our accomplishments, nor plagued with a sense of inadequacy and insecurity. To respond with graciousness and gratitude when praised by people, but seek only the approval of God, please Him and honour His name. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. Covenanters will live out humility and brokenness through personal prayer and worship before God, even amid major failures or setbacks in life. 2. Covenanters will practise sincere confession of sins regularly, and receive God’s forgiveness and cleansing on account of Christ’s perfect work on the Cross. 3. Covenanters will seek the approval of God and not the applause of people in everything that they do.


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40-Day Prayer Journal


Call Of God: Return To Me! WEEK 2, DAY 8



PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 2:15–16. Crisis! Emergency! Our God has found us — individually and as His people — wanting (v12–14). The trumpet call has been sounded! Everyone has been summoned to fast, gather as a solemn assembly and be consecrated, regardless of age and life station, even the newly-weds.

2. Envisioning and concretising of Vision 2011–2015 for WDL Centre. 3. To bridge a greater community partnership with Admiralty’s leaders and for strategic penetration into Admiralty.

Can you hear this crisis call today? Will you respond to this call today? Pray that other believers hear and respond to the LORD as well.

WATCHMAN PRAYER Church: Woodlands Centre (WDL Centre) Scripture Deuteronomy 11:11–14 Our Dream Every disciple to be captivated by the wonder of God, committed in his or her walk with God, consumed with the will of God and consecrated for the work of God to: W — Worship God Daily. D — Do as God says Faithfully. L — Lead others to God Passionately Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. God to guide, bless and provide for the launch of our second service on 1 August 2010. a. A Season Of Effectiveness with a new anointing to minister to the community and people that God will draw to Himself (Acts 14:1). b. A Season Of Signs And Wonders (Acts 14:3) — God to work mighty signs and wonders here at this time. Dare we believe? c. A Season Of Mighty Deliverance (Acts 14:5, 6) — From every opposition, distraction, attack, deception, discouragement, temptation and bondage.


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Call Of God: Return To Me! WEEK 2, DAY 9



PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 2:15–16. Consecrate a fast! Fasting is a way to express our repentance, our genuine humbling of ourselves before God to seek Him in earnest prayer. Have you covenanted to fast in this 40-Day Prayer Journey? If you have, how has the fasting been thus far? If you have not, will you seek the LORD, ask Him how He would like you to fast, seal it with a prayer and begin?

WATCHMAN PRAYER Church: Bukit Panjang Centre (BPJ Centre) Scripture Ezekiel 34:26 Our Dream That Bukit Panjang Centre’s leaders and members will unite in our efforts to: B — Bless the land of Bukit Panjang and the nation. P — Personal revival, Divine appointments and Active obedience (PDA) for Jesus daily. J — Join a small group community for growth and service. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. That God will give us His outworking as the team discusses the next FiveYear Vision from 2011–2015 for the Church and community. 2. That God will raise the leadership base and equip us to shepherd the flock faithfully. 3. That God will grant healthy growth in the congregation, both in quantity and quality, so that we may fulfil the mandate of Jesus (Matthew 28:18–20) .


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40-Day Prayer Journal


Call Of God: Return To Me! WEEK 2, DAY 10



PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 2:15–16. Call a solemn assembly; gather the people; consecrate the congregation; assemble the elders; gather the children, even nursing infants. Even the newly-weds are not exempt.

WATCHMAN PRAYER Church: Staff Team Scripture Acts 13:36 Our Dream Pray that our Covenant Staff Team will have a: a. Strong calling to serve God’s purpose together with great faithfulness and fruitfulness. b. Steady compass to fulfil God’s purpose in building an Intentional Disciplemaking Church (IDMC) characterised by authentic discipleship and intentional disciplemaking. c. Solid commitment to pursue God’s purpose for our generation with passion, purity and perseverance. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. A deep hunger for God and a powerful unction from Him to serve Him. God’s primary calling on our lives is intimacy with Him over service for Him. Pray for focus on knowing God rather than serving God! 2. God to send and provide the right godly, gifted staff (in this generation and the next) at the right time in the right way for various ministry opportunities. 3. God to raise up strong, godly, gifted lay teams (in this generation and the next) to partner with the staff team to bring clarity, alignment, movement and focus amongst all ministries.


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Call Of God: Return To Me! WEEK 2, DAY 11



PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 2:17. We are all God’s holy priesthood today! Let us ask the LORD to search each of our hearts as we ask ourselves individually — Would I weep for God’s people, those who have not loved Him with a whole heart? Am I able and willing to cry out to God in desperation, “Spare Your people, O Lord! Avert the judgment due us!” Am I concerned at all that God’s Holy Name is discredited by prebelievers because of our sins?

WATCHMAN PRAYER Church Board Scripture Job 1:13–20 Our Dream Note the action of Job (v20) when he received a series of bad news. He got up (did not give up), tore his robe and shaved his head (repented), fell to the ground and worshipped (acknowledged the LORD of his life). Job’s act of repentance and worship of the LORD in the face of difficulties reflect his values and priorities. Our dream for the Board Members is for them to live out the core values of Covenant EFC — Grace, Growth and Godliness; in Truth, Community, Stewardship, Balance and Brokenness — and for them to have the priority to collectively seek and catch the vision of God for Covenant. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. Unity between Board Members and Church Staff and between the Board Members. 2. Board Members to be imbued with wisdom from above (James 3:13–18) and to model the vision of an Intentional Disciplemaking Church (IDMC). 3. Every Covenanter will be a disciple walking in the Lord, practising PDA.


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40-Day Prayer Journal




12–18 July

Promise Of God : I Will Restore You!


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


Promise Of God: I Will Restore You!



WEEK 3, DAY 12

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 2:18, 19a. God answers His people’s repentant cry for His mercy and grace although we rightfully deserve His righteous judgment for every commandment we disobey and disregard. The only requirement from our Holy LORD is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart He will not despise (cf. Psalm 51:17) Will you believe these wonderful promises of God? Confess, repent, believe and give thanks as the Holy Spirit leads you.

WATCHMAN PRAYER Church: Operations Scripture Acts 6:3–4 Our Dream We dream of an Operations Department filled with men and women who are completely devoted to the LORD and to the work of the church. An Operations team with excellent corporate, infrastructural, administrative, and communication support to the pastoral ministries so that Covenant may reach its IDMC mission and vision! Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. The greatest need of every Operations team member is God! Pray for every member to have and experience a vital walk with the Lord! 2. Pray for every function (Admin, IT, Building & Facilities, Finance & HR, Media & Communications, and Covenant Resources) to have: a. An intentional upward focus on God. b. An authentic outward expression of Grace, Growth and Godliness. c. An ultimate inward reality of the love, grace and presence of God. 3. Pray for wisdom, tenacity and strength, unity and teamwork, fun and joy as we serve God and serve others!


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


Promise Of God: I Will Restore You!



WEEK 3, DAY 13

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 2:13–14, 2:18–19. The LORD is the Initiator of Restoration! The LORD covenanted not merely justice, but His steadfast love to us, His Redeemed (Psalm 89:30–34). Hence, He provides us a way back to Himself that we may enjoy all blessings He has promised to His own once again. Will you take some time to thank, worship and adore the LORD for His grace, faithfulness and steadfast love?

WATCHMAN PRAYER Worship Pillar Scripture 1 Samuel 16:23 Our Dream Our dream is to encounter God every time we gather as a Church, as a family or an individual simply because He takes delight in us. That through an honest and wholehearted offering of worship to Him, we would be empowered by His Spirit and see transformational change in our lives. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. A mighty visitation of God at both Worship Centres. 2. A renewed heart among Covenanters to encounter Him afresh. 3. A Church that is hungry for Him and His Word.


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


Promise Of God: I Will Restore You!



WEEK 3, DAY 14

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 2:18–27, 3:18–21. What a contrasting description of the restored life and land of God’s people when the LORD ordains abundance in harvests, rain and waters and the reinstatement of honour among the nations as compared to the dryness, destruction, reproach and ridicule among the nations in times of His righteous judgment! Do you believe our LORD will restore blessings and in abundance as we repent and return to Him with our whole heart? He longs to!

WATCHMAN PRAYER Prayer Pillar Scripture Isaiah 56:6–7 Our Dream Every disciple of Jesus Christ has a heart that is … … amalgamated with God’s heart … burning with a passion for God, His holiness and the lost … praying for God’s will and Kingdom purposes to be done in one’s own life and that of others, the church, the community, our nation and other nations. Every disciple to intercede for others in prayer. Every disciple to influence God’s people and Kingdom through prayer. Every disciple to ignite others to pray intercessory prayers. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. Everyone is convicted that God has appointed each one of us to pray. 2. Everyone embraces this privilege and responsibility to pray and prays! 3. Everyone prays for God’s will and Kingdom purposes, beyond personal needs, enjoys praying, ignites others to pray and does not fear praying.


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


Promise Of God: I Will Restore You!



WEEK 3, DAY 15

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 2:28–29. The LORD promised to pour out His Spirit on all flesh! And this promise has been fulfilled at Pentecost (Acts 2:4)! Think about this: The Holy Spirit the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, i.e., God Himself, dwells in every child of God. That includes you!

Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. An excellent team of trainers and disciplemakers in Intentional Discipleship Training (IDT) and Small Groups Infrastructure (SGI). 2. Clarity in developing the IDT discipleship model and its implementation. 3. Vision to design, publish, promote and support our IDMC discipleship resources.

Do you believe God is always with you? He lives within you! The LORD longs to commune with you intimately through His Spirit every moment, every day. Will you?

WATCHMAN PRAYER Equipping Pillar Scripture 2 Timothy 3:17 Our Dream A clear discipleship equipping process that will train disciples from conversion to disciplemakers who “can pass it on to other faithful men and women”. We desire to see every new believer grounded in God’s Word, established in the foundations of faith, spiritual disciplines, community, ministry, empowered to grow and serve in the Spirit and mobilised to win the world for Jesus. We want to design and publish a comprehensive range of discipleship resources and make them available to the IDMC global alliance. We want to equip and empower a core team of trainers and mentors that will lead, guide and direct the disciplemaking equipping process. We will develop learning tools, design discipleship programmes and enrich the equipping platforms across all ministries to enable leaders and trainers to contribute towards the global disciplemaking mission of Covenant EFC.


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


Promise Of God: I Will Restore You!



WEEK 3, DAY 16

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 2:30–32. With the backdrop of impending judgment, the LORD promises salvation to everyone and anyone who calls on His Name! Such grace — a way of escape when we are all guilty of sin before a holy God and rightfully deserve His righteous punishment! As you call on His Name today, will you renew this exclusive, covenantal worship of the LORD who is your Saviour, God and King?

WATCHMAN PRAYER Outreach Pillar: Local Outreach Scripture 1 Peter 2:9 Our Dream • A PDA (Personal Revival, Divine Appointments, Active Obedience) lifestyle as a personal and church phenomenon characterised by a supernatural–naturalness. • Strong corporate atmosphere for power evangelism as a core. expression of the full Gospel (Romans 15:18–19, 1 Corinthians 2:1–4, 1 Thess 1:4–5). • 75–80% Average Worship Attendance growth by conversion. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. God to ignite a passion for Him, compassion and urgency to reach the lost — so that we may live with a sense of destiny and desperation. 2. God to raise up lay teams who will run with the vision, together with the staff team. 3. God to bring unity and synergy among departments involved in the Outreach Pillar — New Life Community Services (NLCS), The Next Generation (TNG), MD (Mandarin-Dialect Ministry), English Congregation, etc.


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


Promise Of God: I Will Restore You!



WEEK 3, DAY 17

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 3:17. Through repentance, the LORD restores holiness in the lives of His people and hence, the land. Today, as we repent and return to the LORD, God cleanses us and makes us holy by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Through Him, our body is now the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). Will you be holy as He who loves you is holy and so brings about holiness in the land we live in?

WATCHMAN PRAYER Outreach Pillar: Missions Scripture Psalm 96:3 Our Dream The dream of Covenant EFC is not a church with missions, but a church in missions, where: a. Every member captures God’s heart for missions through frequent and fervent prayers for the nations. b. Every member “goes forth with joy” on missions and marketplace trips to reach the nations at our doorstep and beyond our shores. c. Every member gives sacrificially to missions beyond their tithes and offerings. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. Missionaries In The Field — God will provide every physical (visas, finances, etc.) and spiritual need (empowering, equipping, etc.) so our missionaries can be effective sowers, harvesters, and disciplemakers. 2. Members Of Adult CGs — God will burden every member and every CG to adopt a region, a people, and a missionary. 3. Members Of The Next Generation — God will raise up every youth (aged 13–25 years) to have a passion to go and disciple the youth in their schools and the nations.


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


Promise Of God: I Will Restore You!



WEEK 3, DAY 18

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 2:18–27 and 3:18–21 again. With all the blessings the LORD lavishes on His people, He exhorts us to “be glad and rejoice” (v23) and to “praise the name of the LORD” (v26). Take the next minute to name your blessings — one by one! Next, be glad in the LORD; rejoice in Him; and praise His Name in worship and song because the LORD is your God. You belong to Him and He has richly blessed you!

WATCHMAN PRAYER Small Group Infrastructure (SGI) Scripture Hebrews 10:24–25 Our Dream The NT church grew as the Word of God spread (Acts 6:7). The early church lived, served, reached and grew together! The setting today is different, but the idea remains — the church grows when the Word of God spreads; God’s Word spreads when believers of the church spread it; we spread it when we grow in Christ-likeness, we grow best in Christ-likeness in a community of fellow godly believers. We dream of a Covenant church on the move, with our small group community moving ahead, because God is moving mightily in our small group members’ lives. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. Pray for every CG member to walk with the LORD, read the Word of God and have a PDA lifestyle for God daily. 2. Pray for CGs to grow in authentic discipleship and intentional disciplemaking. 3. Pray for SGI Leaders at every level to grow in God, His grace and godliness.


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40-Day Prayer Journal




19–25 July

Purpose Of God : You Will Know Me; I Am In Your Midst


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


Purpose Of God: You Will Know Me; I Am In Your Midst



WEEK 4, DAY 19

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 2:27 and 3:17. In the Book of Joel, God unveils His purpose through His judgment and restoration is for us to know Him. “You will know that I am the LORD your God ...” (v17). Do you know the LORD for whom He has revealed Himself to be through His Word? Can you honestly proclaim the LORD is your God; there is no other? Take some time to process your thoughts, feelings and will. Commit this sacred time in prayer.

WATCHMAN PRAYER Mandarin Ministry (Bukit Panjang Centre) Scripture John 17:20–21 Our Dream We dream that believers are empowered to be channels for Jesus’ mission — sent by the Father to be a blessing for humankind. In the Mandarin Ministry, our dream is focused not only on the pre-believing parents of our English-speaking members (blessing of family oneness), but also on a younger bilingual generation that might lead the future of Singapore (blessing of national unity). We have yet to make a breakthrough in reaching the Mandarin-speaking Singaporeans. We claim Jesus’ promise: “I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word; that they may all be one (emphasis) …” May the Lord continue to blaze this vision in our present generation for the future of the nation. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. The Lord will raise up visionary leaders for the future of the Mandarin Ministry. 2. The Lord will empower the people in the Mandarin Ministry to make a difference in their lives regardless of social or educational status. 3. The Lord may impassion our English-speaking members to reach out to their pre-believing Mandarin-speaking F.R.A.N.S.* *Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbours, Strangers 52

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Purpose Of God: You Will Know Me; I Am In Your Midst



WEEK 4, DAY 20

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 2:27 and 3:17. God desires to dwell amongst His people at all times. Can you hear the LORD saying through your pain in times of judgment, “Return to Me, My child, and repent. I am with you. I love you too much to abandon you,” as He pours forth His unconditional love and forgiveness? Pause and let your spirit bear witness to the Holy Spirit within you — He is the LORD’s promise to you, that He is with you always.

WATCHMAN PRAYER Mandarin Ministry (Woodlands Centre) Scripture Matthew 9:37–38 Our Dream As disciples of Jesus Christ, we dream of having compassion for the lost, reaching out and bringing a new hope and faith to them, just like Jesus does. It is our desire to see our Mandarin-speaking members bring the Good News to many pre-believing family members, friends and neighbours, and to equip them to disciple the next generation of Chinesespeaking believers. We want to welcome the many mainland Chinese whom God has brought to our doorstep, reach them towards Christ and integrate them into our church. We also want to reach out to the younger China students who have the potential of staying here long-term. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. The Lord will unite the new leaders with a clear vision for the pioneering work of the Mandarin Ministry in Woodlands. 2. The setting up of an SGI in the Mandarin Ministry (WDL Centre) to strengthen the community life and pastoral care of the members. 3. The Lord will stir up a great passion in us to reach out to the prebelieving community locally (China students) and overseas through missions involvement in China.


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


Purpose Of God: You Will Know Me; I Am In Your Midst



WEEK 4, DAY 21

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 2:18–27. The LORD keeps His covenant as recorded in Deuteronomy 28 — blessings for obedience or curses for disobedience. He is holy, righteous and just, executing according to the choices His people make. Yet, by His excellent grace, the LORD made provision for His people to return to Him even before they sinned so that He might resume blessing them afterwards (Deuteronomy 30:1–10)! What an awesome God we belong to! Will you pause to worship, praise and exalt Him now?

WATCHMAN PRAYER Cantonese Ministry (BPJ Centre) Scripture Acts 26:18 Our Dream “When those hired about the eleventh hour came, each one received a denarius.” Matthew 20:9 Though no one hired the workers at the eleventh hour, the landlord hired and paid them the same as other workers. This is God’s love towards the elderly. Indeed His love and favour unto them is even greater! May the elderly come to the LORD before their departure from this world, and take ownership of the Cantonese Ministry, continue to pursue God, evangelise, serve joyously and passionately, and be prayer warriors. The joy of the LORD is their strength to possess the gate of the enemy! Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. The Lord will raise up faithful leaders with passion and compassion. 2. The congregation will receive anointing and boldness in evangelism and prayer. 3. That we will have a greater desire to love Christ and witness for Him.


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


Purpose Of God: You Will Know Me; I Am In Your Midst



WEEK 4, DAY 22

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 2:18–27. Twice the LORD mentioned “... My people will never be put to shame.” He is so determined to give us good things and abundantly! Even after we sin against Him, He woos us back to Himself so that He may continue to bless us. Have you been put to shame of late? Will you confess, repent and return to the LORD who desires to remove your shame in Jesus Christ? He wants to bless you!

WATCHMAN PRAYER Hokkien Ministry (BPJ and WDL Centres) Scripture Acts 26:17–18 Our Dream We believe the Lord is preparing a great spiritual “fishnet” to bring about a major revival-harvest of the Hokkien people in Singapore and globally, as we establish and strengthen links with other churches to be a united harvest force. In line with this, we aim to serve as a bridge of the church to win, disciple and send the heartlanders to win more for Christ. We desire to see their lives continually transformed by God’s power, as they become a people called for the Lord’s glory and purpose. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. God will send a full-time Hokkien Pastor, a man full of the Spirit, wisdom and passion to reach out to the Hokkien people, to assist Pastor Gilbert. 2. God will raise up more faithful and committed lay leaders and labourers for WDL Centre. 3. God will build up the Hokkien congregation to be a people of faith and courage, who abide fully in Christ and bear fruit to bring glory to our Father’s name.


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


Purpose Of God: You Will Know Me; I Am In Your Midst



WEEK 4, DAY 23

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 2:28–32. The LORD has already poured out His Spirit on all flesh (Acts 2:4). His purpose is for everyone — across genders, generations, social classes and nationalities — to receive His Holy Spirit by believing in and receiving His Son, Jesus Christ, as his/her personal Saviour and Lord. Hence, the LORD desires everyone to enjoy His Presence all the time — His Spirit in us! Will you ask the LORD for His heart for all peoples?

WATCHMAN PRAYER Sunbeam Scripture Psalm 78:5–7 Our Dream a. To build the spiritual foundation of our children, lead each one to know our Lord Jesus Christ personally, and fully understand what a personal, intimate and authentic relationship with Him means. b. To develop an active partnership with parents and help them disciple their children to salvation. c. To build a platform for Intentional Disciplemaking Families in an Intentional Disciplemaking Church (IDMC). Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. The Lord will refresh, encourage, empower and bless the current team of faithfully serving teachers and leaders. 2. Parents will take an active role in the disciplemaking process of their own children. 3. To raise up more leaders and teachers for the ministry.


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


Purpose Of God: You Will Know Me; I Am In Your Midst



WEEK 4, DAY 24

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 2:28–32. Imagine each one of us on fire with the Holy Spirit. Imagine the likes of Peter and the early church rising up in boldness today to bear witness to the love of God and the only Saviour of the world. This is the work of the Spirit!

Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. Young people will turn from apathy to adoration and activity for God, to impact their generation and the next for Christ. 2. Young people will know, listen to and be influenced by God. 3. For God to help Christian parents disciple their children to live God-fearing lives.

Will you ask the Holy Spirit to fill you afresh right now? Lay hold of the LORD till the Spirit has His way in your life and empowers you.

WATCHMAN PRAYER The Next Generation (TNG) Scripture John 10:14–16 Our Dream One act ... Of discipling one ... Impacting one young person, who impacts another ... Forming one group impacting another, multiplying the same kind. Resulting in many groups influencing families, communities, and ultimately a world of jealousy, distrust, scepticism, confusion, bitterness, empty pursuits, hopelessness, brokenness and death. Giving hope, faith, love, encouragement, clarity, life ... Giving a Shepherd, a Father, a Saviour. For the next generation to make this impact, we need: One decision: Follow Christ wholeheartedly One message: The selfless love of Christ One voice: Jesus, the Good Shepherd One dream: To the ends of the earth One body: The Church


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


Purpose Of God: You Will Know Me; I Am In Your Midst



WEEK 4, DAY 25

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 2:28–32. Imagine what life would be like in Singapore, when men, women, boys, girls, all generations, social classes and nationalities receive the Holy Spirit! At every street corner, people empowered by the Spirit declaring God’s love, mercy and grace! Worship, praises and testimonies of what great things the LORD has done and how awesome He is filling the air!

Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. Couples in Covenant EFC will establish, embrace and enjoy Christ-centred marriages. 2. Parents in Covenant EFC will experience the Father love of God, and model it for their children by godly parenting. 3. Husbands and fathers in Covenant EFC will fear God, and by godly example, lead and inspire their wives and children to be likewise.

Will you pray and be God’s agent for the salvation of others in Singapore, however the Spirit directs?

WATCHMAN PRAYER Families-in-Covenant (FiC) Scripture 2 Chronicles 31:18 Our Dream We envisage the church as a colourful quilt, the social fabric of which is the family, each one interwoven out of Christ-centred marriages and godly parenting, where: • • • • • •

Every husband loves his wife sacrificially Every wife respects her husband unconditionally Every father brings up his son purposefully Every mother surrenders her daughter to God resolutely Every son obeys his mother submissively Every daughter honours her father lovingly

We dream of a certain kind of church, whose families are so resilient, exemplary and counter-cultural, that the pre-believing community, the secular state, the godless nation and the lost world come knocking on its door.


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40-Day Prayer Journal




26 July–1 August

Day Of The


I Am The Sovereign One — Judge & Saviour


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


Day Of The Lord: I Am The Sovereign One — Judge & Saviour



WEEK 5, DAY 26

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 1:1–20. The grim judgment that God’s people were going through then pointed to the coming judgment (cf. “the day of the LORD”, Isaiah 13:6–16; cf. Revelation 6:12–17).

Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. Men returning to authenticity and godliness. 2. Men rising up to humble service and loving leadership. 3. Men relating meaningfully with one another.

God’s people are exhorted to get right before Him before the Judgment Day comes. We are urged to “Awake! Weep! Wail! ... Be ashamed ... Lament ... Consecrate a fast; Gather everyone together to God’s house and cry out to Him for our sins.” Will you do so?

WATCHMAN PRAYER Men-in-Covenant (MiC) Scripture Proverbs 27:17 Our Dream The LORD will use MiC for His glory to realise the mission of: a. Calling every man to return to authentic and godly manhood and impact his community The manhood God intended begins when every man embraces his identity in Him, takes up his responsibilities from Him and reaches towards His destiny for him. The responsibilities of every man are loving leadership in his home, effective witness at his workplace, humble service to His church and strategic involvement in his community. b. Catalysing men’s movement in Singapore and beyond We believe God will bring about a men’s movement within churches, across churches and beyond churches in the years to come and MiC is called to be one of the key catalysts for this movement. This will enable each local church to develop unique, viable and sustainable structures that encourage men towards a God-intended manhood.


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


Day Of The Lord: I Am The Sovereign One — Judge & Saviour



WEEK 5, DAY 27

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 1:15; 2:1–11, 2:30–31; 3:14–15. The day of the LORD refers to the LORD’s holy and righteous judgment on His people and all peoples because all have sinned. How many times did the phrase “day of the LORD” appear in Joel? Why do you think the LORD repeats it?

Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. Key leaders and facilitators draw close to God daily through prayer and God’s Word. 2. Multiplying of godly leaders and facilitators for our Breakthrough Weekend and Walking-in-Wholeness programme. 3. Courage to see the impossible become possible!

The LORD’s judgment is near. It is very awesome. No one can endure it. Are you ready to be judged by the LORD? Speak to Him about it.

WATCHMAN PRAYER Women-in-Covenant (WiC) Scripture Isaiah 58:11–12 Our Dream We seek to disciple women to become obedient followers of Christ in every arena of life, be it as a daughter, wife, mother, sister, colleague, or neighbour. This discipling process begins at our Women’s Breakthrough Weekend, where each heart has the opportunity to hear God’s voice individually and through a community of loving people in a safe environment. Thereafter, an eight-week Walking-in-Wholeness support group programme is available to those who need further healing in their lives. It is our desire to see women connecting with and encouraging one another to walk their necessary journey. We dream of a connecting place where women can drop in to be equipped, counselled, spend time in solitude and prayer, and reach out to pre-believing friends so that all may grow to embrace their God-given destiny.


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


Day Of The Lord: I Am The Sovereign One — Judge & Saviour



WEEK 5, DAY 28

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 2:12–14, 2:18 and 2:32. Out of His immense mercy and grace, the LORD has provided a way out of judgment for our sins on the day of the LORD. This only way is to repent with a willing heart and genuinely commit to love and obey God completely. Moreover, the LORD promises to help us obey Him through His Spirit (Joel 2:28–29; Ezekiel 36:26–30; 2 Peter 1:3–4). Will you call on His Name today?

WATCHMAN PRAYER New Life Community Services Centre Scripture Matthew 5:14–16 Our Dream New Life seeks to demonstrate God’s love by empowering people to master life’s transitions — in particular, the building of the next generation. As the face and hands of Covenant EFC, New Life’s core commitments to the church are: a. Mentoring every young person, empowering him/her to live a purposeful life. b. To be the platform by which Covenant EFC expresses God’s love unconditionally. New Life plans programmes that allow Covenant members and ministries to engage the community with the love of Christ. c. Serving the community by providing quality social-community services with professional excellence as a charitable organisation. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. Long-term direction for New Life’s work with The Next Generation (aged 18 months–18 years). 2. For God to guard the Board and Centre Manager’s spiritual and professional relationship and leadership, position the right leaders and people in the right places and help New Life focus on personal growth within the organisation. 3. To develop an infrastructure and system for volunteer and donor management.


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


Day Of The Lord: I Am The Sovereign One — Judge & Saviour



WEEK 5, DAY 29

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 3:1–16, 3:19–21. When the LORD restores His people, it is the day of judgment for the nations (v1–2). The LORD is Sovereign over all and sits as Judge over the nations regarding their evil deeds.

3. New Life Children Services: Visionary leadership; clarity of long-term direction; collaboration opportunities with primary schools within Bukit Panjang and Woodlands; partnership opportunities with grassroots and community stakeholders, and expansion of New Life Steady Readers Programme for children with literacy incompetence. A new Student Care Centre opens in Q4, 2010 at Block 507, Jelapang Road.

Yet, amidst God’s terrifying judgment on the nations, His people will find safety and security in Him (v16). Will you trust in the LORD? Thank and praise Him for His protection and deliverance. We certainly do not deserve it!

WATCHMAN PRAYER New Life Childcare and New Life Children Services Scripture Matthew 9:36 Our Dream We aim to nurture wholesome children in partnership with parents and to love children by mentoring them to become character champions. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. Thanksgiving for • Passionate Heads of Departments with clarity of calling and commitment to serve, and • God’s provision of more qualified new staff who vitally contributed to the growth and development of community work. 2. New Life Childcare: Strengthening of the newly set-up leadership (supervisor and senior teachers); unity and collaboration between the Chinese and English teaching faculties for a holistic curriculum; greater focus on character and life skills than academic emphasis for children; replacement of two English teachers, and a safe, loving and conducive school environment.


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


Day Of The Lord: I Am The Sovereign One — Judge & Saviour



WEEK 5, DAY 30

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 3:1–16, 3:19–21. As the LORD pours out His righteous judgment upon the nations who oppressed His people, the LORD is showing His faithfulness in vindicating His people against their enemies. Are you hurt, despised or oppressed by someone — whether in the past or present? Will you let go of this/these person(s), the pain, anger and all the suffering that resulted from it and let God take over?

3. Woodlands New Life Youth Services: Recruitment of a visionary and experienced youth manager and youth workers; interim leadership for the Woodlands team; school-based work — opportunities to work with youth-at-risk in more schools within Admiralty; effective interim drop-in programmes for mainstream youths at the Church Foyer; MCYS’ approval of use of Block 540, Woodlands Drive 16 void deck for the youth hub, community-based work — effective long-term partnerships with fellow service providers.

Believe the LORD is your vindicator.

WATCHMAN PRAYER New Life Youth Services Scripture Proverbs 22:6 Our Dream We want to build character and develop resilience in youths through life’s transforming purpose. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. Thanksgiving for • Passionate and faithful youth staff; • Partnership opportunities with schools, grassroots and fellow service providers, e.g. YGOS, Project Bridge, Care Corner (Woodlands). 2. Bukit Panjang New Life Youth Services: Strengthening and expansion of school-based work with youthat-risk; refreshed mentoring framework and programmes at the hub for mainstream youths; pioneering of community-based work for vulnerable youths; recruitment of passionate and professionally-trained youth workers and developing youth workers with leadership potential, renewed collaboration and partnership opportunities with grassroots.


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


Day Of The Lord: I Am The Sovereign One — Judge & Saviour



WEEK 5, DAY 31

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 2:30–32. As much as the day of the LORD is poured out upon every person and every nation, God’s Salvation from His terrifying judgment is also freely given to anyone who calls on the name of the LORD. Think of the many people in Singapore who worship idols. They will be utterly judged eternally. Read Romans 10:14–15. Will you go and share the Good News about Jesus, repentance and forgiveness of sins (Luke 24:45–49)?

Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. Athletes be inspired beyond the finish line to pursue the crown of righteousness. 2. Athletes be actively engaged in YMTG activities to build character, discover their worth and give of themselves to a higher purpose bearing lasting fruits. 3. Unity in the Body of Christ as we sow into the next generation together for God’s Kingdom.

WATCHMAN PRAYER Singapore 2010 Youth Olympic Games Scripture 2 Timothy 4:8; John 15:16; John 17:21 Our Dream When life affords you a “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity, like Singapore hosting the first-ever Youth Olympic Games (YOG), seize it! Hence, the Church of Jesus Christ must arise as one to stand alongside our nation and host the games together. We see interdenominational churches and para-church organisations coming together, joining hands to bless the world. YOG is also a great opportunity for our next generation to stand and shine as stars, as they grow to lead our country towards our destiny. This project will allow them to showcase their talents, abilities and leadership skills in the Youth More Than Gold (YMTG) activities. Adapted from “Note from Organisers” Youth More Than Gold www.ymtg.sg/v1/about/note-from-organisers


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40-Day Prayer Journal


Day Of The Lord: I Am The Sovereign One — Judge & Saviour



WEEK 5, DAY 32

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 2:28–32. The LORD promised to pour out His Spirit on all mankind — everyone saved in His Name is a conduit of His signs and wonders!

24.7 Prayer Chain begins today at noon

Mark 16:15–20, Jesus’ Great Commission, records that these power, signs and wonders are the work of the Holy Spirit for the authentication of the Gospel as we proclaim it boldly. Do you believe this is the Word of God? Claim God’s Spirit working in and through you for His glory and Gospel!

WATCHMAN PRAYER Singapore: Gate A — Arts & Entertainment Scripture Philippians 4:8 Our Dream The LORD gave the Arts & Entertainment to mankind to celebrate the beauty of life — song, dance, drama, painting, television, movies etc. Imagine the Arts & Entertainment scene advance the Kingdom of God and exalt His Name! Through the various Arts & Entertainment arenas, people get to know the Holy, Almighty, Sovereign Creator God and come to believe and receive Jesus as their Saviour and Lord! Hence, through the Arts & Entertainment, we are led to worship the Giver of life and all beauty. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. God-fearing leaders to be agents of influence and change. 2. God’s people to rise up and pray for the reclamation of the Arts & Entertainment industry for God, His Kingdom and holiness. 3. For God’s people to be planted in the industry and that those finding enjoyment through it be holy and blameless — choosing to honour God and His Name.


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2–9 August

People Of God : Will You Do My Will? 82

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People Of God: Will You Do My Will?



WEEK 6, DAY 33

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 1, 2 and 3. What is God saying to you regarding who He is in the Book of Joel? How is this revelation lived out in you today? What are you going to do about it?

WATCHMAN PRAYER Singapore: Gate B — Business, Science & Technology Scripture Proverbs 10:9 Our Dream All endeavours in Business, Science & Technology are to be pursued to honour God. Such endeavours in practice, research and marketing are to bless society, serve the LORD and transmit God’s values. In the midst of these pursuits, people from all walks of life would encounter God and His values and come to know Him through those they meet who uphold His values, honour and trust in Him. From the young users of technology to the elderly senior scientist and research fellow, each being amazed at God’s creation and miracles, to anyone buying and selling products that experience little graces of honesty, truth and integrity. May the LORD be glorified and known! Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. Integrity, ethics and responsibility to be upheld in the Business, Science & Technology arenas involving lives and the world’s eco-system. 2. Working adults to have time for family and friends. 3. God’s people to rise up and pray regularly for each of these three arenas.


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


People Of God: Will You Do My Will?



WEEK 6, DAY 34

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 1, 2 and 3. What is God saying to you regarding who your Master is to be in the Book of Joel? How is this revelation lived out in you today? What are you going to do about it?

WATCHMAN PRAYER Singapore: Gate C — Communications & Media Scripture Isaiah 32:6 Our Dream Communications & Media like newspapers, books, magazines, television, DVDs, advertisements, Internet, mobile phones, etc., will be used to communicate truth and model purity. We dream that both purposes and content would be crafted to glorify the LORD and point people to Himself, His holiness and saving grace. Imagine the magnitude of influence of sharing the Good News of God’s love and truth to the whole world literally! Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. God-fearing leaders in this industry to be agents of influence and change. 2. God’s people to rise up and pray for the reclamation of the Communications & Media industry for God, His Kingdom and holiness. 3. For people, especially children, youth and young people, to choose truth and purity and renounce addiction to these means, pornography and the like.


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


People Of God: Will You Do My Will?



WEEK 6, DAY 35

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 1, 2 and 3. What is God saying to you regarding who you are in Him in the Book of Joel? How is this revelation lived out in you today? What are you going to do about it?

WATCHMAN PRAYER Singapore: Gate D — Disadvantaged & Marginalised Scripture Psalm 82:3–4 Our Dream Singapore and the Church of God as a nation and society will be a community filled with grace and mercy for people who are poor, orphaned, having special needs, suffering from mental disorders, abandoned aged, migrant workers, etc. The Church will be a compassionate and loving community who provides healing grace to these people by accepting them, defending them, meeting their needs and manifesting Christ to them. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. God’s people will have compassion for the disadvantaged and marginalised, accept them and meet their needs. 2. God’s people to repent of neglecting and marginalising these ones whom we are to help and care for. 3. God’s people to proactively help, care for and serve these ones in God’s love and name.


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40-Day Prayer Journal


People Of God: Will You Do My Will?



WEEK 6, DAY 36

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 1, 2 and 3. What is God saying to you regarding what you are called to do in the Book of Joel? How is this revelation lived out in you today? What are you going to do about it?

WATCHMAN PRAYER Singapore: Gate E — Education & School Scripture Proverbs 22:6 Our Dream The educators and students in our schools will endeavour to know the truth and upon knowing the truth, they will eventually seek God and serve Him. Truth encompasses the whole spectrum of life — understanding life, the know-how of living and living life to the fullest. With this knowledge and know-how, coupled with wisdom, generation upon generation will be willing and passionate to serve the community around us and beyond the shores of Singapore in the discipline and industry expertise we have been trained for. We will thus be blessed to be a blessing to others. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. God-fearing leaders in this arena to be agents of influence and change. 2. God’s people to rise up and pray regularly for students, educators and policy makers of the Education & School arena. 3. Our education system will be holistic in emphasis, orientation and practice regarding character, life skills and academia.


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


People Of God: Will You Do My Will?



WEEK 6, DAY 37

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 1, 2 and 3. What is God saying to you regarding what is of ultimate importance in your life in the Book of Joel? How is this revelation lived out in you today? What are you going to do about it?

WATCHMAN PRAYER Singapore: Gate F — Family & Home Scripture Ephesians 5:21 Our Dream Imagine families and homes permeated with love, respect and stability, beginning with fathers leading the family and loving their wives, and wives respecting their husbands. Marriages are Christcentred, and family life is built on the Word of God — God’s Truth. Parents will not exasperate their children while children obey their parents. The fear of God and love for God are evident within the family and overflow to the community around them and whomever they meet. Hence, the world will know that the LORD is God — He is the initiator and source of marriages and families, that we may all be blessed, accepted and loved. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. Fathers will take up the mantle to lead their families as God’s appointed head of the household. 2. Married couples are determined to keep their marriages undefiled. 3. Families will experience great spiritual awakening — revival of the Word, revival of worship, revival of prayer and deep personal transformation.


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


People Of God: Will You Do My Will?



WEEK 6, DAY 38

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 1, 2 and 3. What is God saying to you regarding what you must put as first priority in your life in the Book of Joel? How is this revelation lived out in you today? What are you going to do about it?

WATCHMAN PRAYER Singapore: Gate G — Government & Leadership Scripture Romans 13:1–4 Our Dream Those who constitute the Government & Leadership will govern with godly principles and lead with the fear and wisdom of God. As they are appointed by the LORD, they will serve Him and His purposes — not only to see to the welfare of citizens and residents, but also to bless the nations around us as the LORD blesses us with national security, prosperity and freedom. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. God-fearing leaders to govern with godly principles and lead with God’s wisdom. 2. God’s people to rise up and pray regularly for our Government & Leadership. 3. Salvation of our leaders, and faith and courage to do the LORD’s bidding for those who are God’s children.


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


People Of God: Will You Do My Will?



WEEK 6, DAY 39

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 1, 2 and 3.

24.7 Prayer Chain ends today at noon

What is God saying to you regarding how you can be empowered in the Book of Joel? How is this revelation lived out in you today? What are you going to do about it?

WATCHMAN PRAYER Singapore: Antioch Of Asia Scripture Acts 11:19–27 Our Dream That the Church in Singapore will fulfil her God-given destiny as a centre of Christian witness to the nations, especially in Asia. That the Church will be united in praying for the nations; growing in God’s Word; obeying the Holy Spirit’s direction in sharing the Good News; supporting missions; sending missionaries and blessing the other nations in one accord, so that we will see the LORD turning the hearts of many to Jesus for His glory. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. The Church in Singapore will embrace and fulfill her destiny as a centre of Christian witness to the nations, especially in Asia. 2. Hearts to be filled with compassion for the lost. 3. Churches in Singapore will be united in praying for and reaching the nations for Christ through growth in God’s Word and obedience to the Holy Spirit’s leading.


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal


People Of God: Will You Do My Will?



WEEK 6, DAY 40

PERSONAL PRAYER Read Joel 1, 2 and 3.

40-Day Prayer Journey ends. A new journey begins!

What is God saying to you regarding what you should anchor your life upon in the Book of Joel? How is this revelation lived out in you today? What are you going to do about it?

WATCHMAN PRAYER Singapore: National Day Scripture Genesis 12:2–3 Our Dream As God’s people, live as the salt of the earth and the light of the world in all Seven Gates of Cultural Influence. Singapore will see our good works, glorify God and come into salvation grace. This transformation leads us, as a nation, to serve, love and bless other nations with humility and generosity in all that the LORD has blessed us with, like expertise in leadership, infrastructure and economic strategies. Three Greatest Prayer Needs 1. Repent of self-sufficiency and pride on behalf of our nation and acknowledge that it is God who established us as a sovereign nation and has blessed us. 2. God’s people unite in Christ Jesus, to rise up in prayer, be an example and lead our nation to bless, love and serve the nations around us. 3. Transform Singapore to be a nation where joy abounds and her people will love the Lord, serve and care for others in practical ways.


40-Day Prayer Journal

40-Day Prayer Journal



2010 24.7 Prayer Chain (Roster & Venues) — Districts Categorised By Colour


2010 24.7 Prayer Chain (Roster & Venues) — Locations Categorised By Colour

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