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Sampling Methodology and the Report’s structure

Sampling Methodology and the Report’s structure

Key findings:  There were 111 responses to the survey in N. Macedonia by youth aged 15 to 35  The team of researchers used an online survey and used email or phone communication in the process. Due to the pandemic recommendation, the team didn’t conduct any personal meetings and inquiries


The team of researchers from N. Macedonia, two researchers from CEFE Macedonia, managed to gather 111 responses mostly by online questionnaire, email, phone conversation with young people and organizations. Most of the questionnaires were answered through the online link and platform, using the google forms survey created by the CEFE Macedonia team members. For better communication with the respondents, the team provided a translated version of the survey.

The sections of this Report follow the section order from the survey. Additionally, with this Report we are providing brief presentation analysis.

During the distribution, while attempting to reach the target foreseen in the project, the biggest doubt was whether the questionnaire is too long and whether it will keep respondents’ attention. However, the number of respondents was double the projected number; hence we were positively surprised by the youth participation and responsiveness.

What should be taken into consideration while assessing issues faced during the process is that at the time of the data collection in N. Macedonia most of the young people and organizations working with young people were working remotely. Although this was a field research, the research team overcame this issue by using personal contacts (emails and telephones) of partner organizations, public schools and universities, social media publications, personal connections with interested individuals and other channels of communication which at the end resulted in completion of the targeted number of questionnaires.

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