Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
SKILL GAPS AND TRAINING NEEDS in young existing & potential entrepreneurs NATIONAL REPORT FOR VENEZUELA
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
Preface At present, Venezuela is facing countless economic, social, and political challenges; some experts have labeled it as one of the poorest countries in Latin America, with the largest exodus ever recorded in the history of the western hemisphere in the last 50 years, according to the United Nations and the UNHCR, where 5.4 million Venezuelans have migrated to several countries around the world until November 2020. Even so, in the middle of such discouraging reality, there is an important group of the population that wishes to move forward, who dreams and long for a modern, prosperous, safe and free country, with opportunities for everyone, and act accordingly. That group of Venezuelans refuse to believe all is lost and they are giving themselves a chance to develop their talents with creativity, ingenuity and a lot of effort, fighting to raise their country, their beloved Venezuela. That group of Venezuelans are the Young Entrepreneurs. However, their talents and eagerness notwithstanding, they bump into a lot of obstacles to boost their business given the lack of a structured platform to support entrepreneurs. As we have seen from the WP 1 research in the GET YES 2 Program framework, carried out last December 2020, there is the Venezuelan entrepreneur ecosystem, where different actors participate, from movements sponsored by the Government or by public institutions, non-profit organizations and donors, middle organizations (accelerators and incubators) that add value to the ecosystem, as well as universities and education centers and financial institutions that provide resources to finance entrepreneurships, it is clear that everything is not enough to deal with the growing number of business in Venezuela at present, that are emerging from the same need there is in the country. That is when an initiative like GET YES 2(Global Exchange and Training for Youth Employment Services – 2nd. Edition), a program co-financed by the European Union, promoted by the CEFE organization of Macedonia and that calls upon 6 countries (Venezuela, Turkey, Bulgaria, Uganda, the Philippines, and North Macedonia) thus becoming an extraordinary opportunity to support young entrepreneurs and boost their business to the next level, apart from strengthening the ecosystem through alliances among the key players themselves, with the purpose of forming a showcase that allows us to show to the world the possibilities and potential solutions that our entrepreneurs can offer Venezuela and the whole world, thus attracting the attention, disposition and resources out of organizations of international cooperation such as the European Unión among others in order to support entrepreneurship. The stage in which we present this report concerns the second of the full WP 2.2 program; the previous one, 2.1 carried out December 2021, consisted of raising the updated data of the Venezuelan enterprising ecosystem, the different projects and programs that are being performed in our country, the key players are giving life to the movements of entrepreneurs GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
nationwide, as well as to some entrepreneur experiences that have been benefitted during their participation in such programs. In the stage we are dealing with in this WP 2.2 report, the goal is to carry out the selection, contact, integration and commitment of the several organizations that give life in the enterprising ecosystem in Venezuela in order to be part of the “GET YES 2, Jóvenes Emprendedores Globales”, as well as the nomination of the candidates who will benefit with the scholarships for this training. Likewise, the broadcast is set as an objective via digital media in order to spread the contact web and potential candidates. The current report shows in full detail the strengthening needs and capacity development of an universe of over 120 young entrepreneurs who are running, until March 1st 2021, to be benefitted with one of the 72 scholarships that we will grant in the Program’s framework from CEFE Venezuela, to boost their enterprising competences in a training program that will be carried out during the last trimester of 2021 and the first trimester of 2022. Likewise, we will be presenting the information issued by the allied organizations that, up until now, have expressed their desire to be part of the program. There are three fundamental elements evidenced in this research: on one hand, the need for support from entrepreneurs in the capacitation area as well as in financing, united with the intention from organizations to join to initiatives that boost the entrepreneurship in our country and, even more so, towards the youth sector of the population and, lastly, the hope that all involved know there are institutions like the European Union to eagerly contribute in the recovery of Venezuela, which is possible to motivate international cooperation as an important generator to support entrepreneurs which, undoubtedly, brings a light at the end of the tunnel and the possibility of looking at the time that has come to rebuild the country. GET YES 2 is an association between 6 organizations of 6 countries around the world: Venezuela, Turkey, Philippines, Bulgaria, Uganda and North Macedonia. It’s a 24-month project of capacity development in the youth field. The main motivation behind this project is to encourage the cooperation, exchange and updating of good practices among the project countries with a final vision: new quality jobs through the creation of an enterprising mentality and culture among the economic actors of the societies. The goal is to create the knowledge and the technical capabilities of the six partners and, with that, generate: reports with data to support the entrepreneurs, analysis of the training needs, 24 new trainers, training programs for the learning of enterprising competences, an education platform for the skill retention, solutions to information technology for standardized work, experience exchange in the creation of local jobs and, through created systems, motivate 300 young existing or potential entrepreneurs to create new jobs. As an added value, there is the standardization and the work on webs among the CEFE centers worldwide.
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
The GET YES 2 association appreciates the usefulness of an integral comprehension of the ability gap and the training needs among the youth in the creation, operation and development of enterprises, especially those associated with the real or potential creation of companies. The identification of specific knowledge deficiencies and the ability gaps of the addressee groups in the partner countries is the main objective of an online survey carried out around all the project’s partner countries. The main objectives of these surveys are: (a) reveal the “ability gaps” of the possible young company creators (interpreted as “training needs"), (b) consider how the training programs could be organized and carried out more efficiently, (c) investigate the disposition and the will to cooperate with other organizations that support entrepreneurs in their corresponding countries. The present Report contains the results of the survey conducted in Venezuela The associated tasks were coordinated by Mr.Rafael Solbas and Ms. Ana María Valera who were the main authors of this Report. Also, Ms. María Gabriela Pocaterra and Ms. Germán Álvarez gave valuable asset for mentoring the process. The author(s) wish to acknowledge the information and support received from CEFE Venezuela.
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
Table of Contents I.- Executive summary (in English) ………………………...…………………………………………………………..…. 6 II.- Executive summary (in national language) ……………………………………………………………............ 8 III.- Sampling methodology and report structure ..................................................................... 10 FINDINGS: 1. Personal characteristics of the survey participants .................................................... 11 2. Professional characteristics & Business ...................................................................... 14 3. Motives to become entrepreneurs / intrapreneurs ................................................... 18 4. Company management: foreseen or experienced problems ..................................... 19 5. Ability requirements associated to company management ....................................... 21 6. Knowledge and adaptation of the ability requirements associated to company management .................................................................................................................. 24 7. Participant appreciation in the survey, on how the competences can be improved and reinforced ....................................................................................................................... 25 8. Comparative analysis of the “problems”, the “ability gap” and the "knowledge adaptation" among the polled people ........................................................................... 25 9. Specific problems of the National Survey .................................................................. 26 IV.- ANNEXES: 1. ANNEX A: Survey results .......................................................................................... 29 2. ANNEX B: Survey questionnaire ............................................................................... 55 3. ANNEX C: 2nd form, beneficiaries ............................................................................. 88
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
5 21 11 6 180% 360%
NOTICE: Every organization is committed to nominate at least 8 candidates who fulfill the selections’ characteristics CANDIDATES • • • • • •
50 114 78 144 156% 600%
NOTICE: 72 candidates will be selected + 12 alternatives for the Training Program
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
15 91 1.566 10.121
NOTICE: A media tour is scheduled for April 2021.
ADVANCES: APPROACHES AND MEETINGS • Via telephone with more than 21 Organizations • 16 of which will be nominating candidates • More than 30 emails sent to Organizations • Direct contact with independent candidates through social media (Instagram) RISKS: • • • •
Form understanding by candidates Development of the second form with candidates Time to deliver forms Answer interpretation from form 1
INTERNAL REPORTS: • General: • Coordination: • Link: • WhatsApp group constantly in touch
2 4 2
People involved: Estimated man hours:
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
6 96 hrs. effective
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
Executive Summary (Spanish Version) OBJETIVOS Y CUMPLIMIENTO NÚMERICO ORGANIZACIONES • • • • • •
5 21 11 6 180% 360%
NOTA: Cada Organización se compromete a postular al menos 8 candidatos que cumplan con las características de selección POSTULANTES • • • • • •
50 114 78 144 156% 600%
NOTA: Se seleccionarán 72 candidatos + 12 alternativos para el Programa de Formación
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
DIFUSIÓN: • • • • •
15 91 1.566 10.121
NOTA: Se tiene prevista una gira de medios entre el 15 y el 19 de marzo de 2021
AVANCES: ACERCAMIENTOS Y REUNIONES • Vía telefónica con más de 21 Organizaciones. • Siendo 16 las que estarán postulando candidatos. • Más de 30 emails enviados a organizaciones. • Contacto directo con postulantes independientes por redes sociales (Instagram). RIESGOS: • Comprensión de los formularios por los postulantes. • Desarrollo de segundo formulario con postulantes. • Tiempo para entregar los formularios. • Interpretación de las respuestas del formulario 1. REPORTES INTERNOS: • General: 2 • Coordinación: 4 • Enlace: 2 • Grupo de WhatsApp de comunicación permanente HORAS PERSONA: • •
Personas Involucradas: Horas Hombre Estimadas:
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
6 96 hh efectivas
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
III.- Sampling methodology and report structure: The sample of 114 respondents were obtained from participants that filled up a Google Form posted on the Instagram Profile of @cefevenezuela and from beneficiaries of organizations that conform the National Entrepreneurial Ecosystem The report is structured according to how the questionnaire was designed. It will start with the survey participants’ characteristics, followed by their professional and business characteristics. According with the responses received, the local team developed a second survey in which the participants could share more details related to their idea of business or the business already stablished, in order to select the participants for the trainings that will be developed in further steps of the GET YES2 program. The findings will be presented, starting with participants’ motives for becoming entrepreneur, their expected or experienced problems in running a business, the importance of skills requirements associated with running a business, the knowledge and adequacy of skills requirements associated with running a business, and participants’ views on how skills could be upgraded or retained. The study concludes with an analysis on how the problems, skill gaps and knowledge adequacy among those survey are interrelated. The report ends with national survey specific issues that might help understand the limitations of the study.
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
Personal characteristics of the survey participants.
Key Findings: 1) More than half of the participants are females. 2) A little more than half are between 26 and 35 years old and approximately 1/3 of the participants are between 18 and 25 years old. Most of them with a bachelor degree. 3) From the 23 states of Venezuela, we received participants form 15 states.
From the 114-candidate universe that have answered the survey so far; 52,63% are ladies while the remaining 47,37% are gentlemen.
I.1 Gender Male Female
47.37% 52.63%
Due that GET YES2 is a program aimed at young entrepreneurs, the considered age range to participate between 15 and 35 years old. For that matter, the biggest portion of candidates (83,3%) is between 19 and 35 years of age, out of which 50,29% are between 26 and 35 years old while 32,5% are between 19 and 25 years of age. Roughly 11,4% are between 15 and 18 years old.
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
I.2. Age 4.4%
0.9% 11.4%
25.4% 32.5%
15-18 18-25 26-30 30-35 36-45 46-55
Although the bigger part of the key players who support entrepreneurship are located in the country’s capital (Caracas and Miranda State), we gladly observe that many entrepreneurs from within the country answered the call and applied to participate in the program from the east, west, center western, center, and the Andean zone of the country, which tells us that we can cause a national impact with the implementation of the program.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Caracas Valencia Maracay Mérida Valera Barquisimeto Maracaibo Puerto La Cruz Maturín La Guaira San Juan De los Morros Turmero Cagua Palmira San Cristóbal
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
As for our candidates’ educational level, the biggest portion (69,30%) are college people (7,02% have masters), while 29,82% completed high school. There is one participant from the 114, that mentioned having schooling not completed.
I.3. Educational level 7.02%
High School 62.28%
University Level Post-Graduate Schooling not completed
• Regarding the Aspiration for Business of our applicants, more than half (54,4%) mention their intention to establish or continue with their business in the next 13 years, 37,7% already have an active business, while that 7,9% express their desire to be an intrapreneur
I.6. Aspiration for Business 7.9%
I already have established business 37.7%
I Intend to establish a business in the next 1-3 years
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
I aspire to be intrapreneur - to use entrepreneurial competences in existing company
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
2.- Professional Characteristics & Business Key Findings: 1) Social Entrepreneurship and Commerce are the main areas with the greatest number of participants, also the major investment intention is related to social entrepreneurship followed by innovation economy and Networking Investment. 2) Most of the 90% of participants mention that their business has 1-9 employees. Considering this a wide range, it is quite difficult to define how big the business are. 3) The main reason to start a business is the belief that it could be “a good idea”, also the business model and finding the right moment to invest.
In this section, the biggest percentage is in the Other Services category with 32,5%; 28,9% place their entrepreneurships in the Commerce sector, while 15,8% say they are in the ICT (Information & Communication Technology) category.
II.1. The Business'Activity sector Commerce
ICT services (Information and Communication Tecnology) 11.4%
Social services
Other services 15.8% 3.5%
However, on a second form sent to the candidates, 9 categories are detailed (Agriculture, Maintenance, Orange Economy, Tourism, Education, Digital Business, Social, Health, and Technology.
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
The biggest portion is located with 34% in the digital business category, followed with 28,2% by the education category, 25,6% in the social area. Coincidentally, most of them also commented that their focus is investing in social entrepreneurship 58,10%, followed by innovation economy 45,20%, and web marketing economies 32,30%.
• As for the entrepreneurship size, we find most of our respondents 92.98% are in the range between 1 and 9 employees, while a small group corresponding to 6,14% are between 10 and 49 have partners. Only 0.8% say they have more than 50 employees
II.2. The Business'present size (employment) 6.14%
0.80% 1-9 10-49 50+
• Also, in this section we inquire as to whether the ventures come from a family business or not and we find that the majority (84.21%) have established their businesses by themselves, while 14,04% say they have inherited his/her family's business.
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
II.3. Did you inherit (success) your business from your family? 1.75%
NO, I'm the establisher of the company
YES, I'm the second or further generation of successors NO, but I will be the successor
• The 4 decisive factors to develop an enterprise, according to our applicants answer were; In the first place, 26,48% considered it a good idea, followed by 16,03% who mentioned due to their business skills, and 16,03% due to the business model.
II.4. What was/is your decisive strength for starting a business (you can mark more options) Business supporters
It was right timing
Business model Finances Competences for managing business Good idea
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
• The last query in this section was related to the sector of the economy where they thought it would be more attractive to invest, the highest interest is shown in social entrepreneurship, 44.4% mentioned the innovation economy while that 13,2% leaned toward the network marketing economy. It is also important to mention that almost 10% (8,3%) prefers other sectors to invest that the ones mentioned.
II.5 Wich type of economy you like to invest most? Other
Innovations economy
Network Marketing Economy Block Chain Technologies Green economy Circulating economy Social entrepreneurship
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
6.4% 9.3% 8.8% 31.9%
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
3.- Motives to Become Entrepreneur / Intrapreneur Key Findings: 1) Our participants remarkably value the possibility to develop innovative ideas with their entrepreneurships, that is why is the option with the major number of answer on this section. 2) Being their own bosses, seconds the options
The principal entrepreneurship motive, according to our candidates, is the possibility to implement new ideas 35,96%, followed by the intention of becoming his/her own boss 22.81%, while 11,40% think their entrepreneurship is a good opportunity within their career. It is important to mention that 21,39% gave other motives that complement the options shown.
III.1. What is r was your MAIN motive for opening or having a company? Other (explain)
To become my own boss
I had no alternative
My family expected me to doing business
I thought it would be an opportunity to put innovative…
It seemed a good career opportunity Accumulating capital (to become rich)
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
11.40% 6.14%
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
4.- Company management: Problems that are Experiencing in their Entrepreneurships or Expecting to Experience Key Findings: 1) Most of the problems mentioned in the survey are classified as moderate or low importance. 2) The lack of skills and abilities to run the business, not feeling ready and the lack of entrepreneurial skills are the problems that stand out the most. 3) In the additional comments mentioned by the participants, they mention various problems that affect them as entrepreneurs both in the present and perhaps may affect them in the future: the lack of capital to finance their ventures, their incompetence in the sales area and digital marketing as little knowledge in the financial area.
100% of the issued problems are perceived as of moderate or low importance. The biggest percentages where this trend is observed are the following issued problems: I lack the skills and knowledge to handle the business, 92%; I’m not yet ready and well-prepared to handle the business, 94,3%; I’m not capable to take control of all the functions the entrepreneur needs, 91,1%
Of the issued problems, only on 4 of them, the answer percentage with high level of importance overcame 20%: 1) The enterprising process is very demanding in terms of family/friend relations and the sentimental load, 22.6% 2) Startup and managing a business is very demanding in terms of bureaucracy, also 22,6%. 3) Handling possible conflicts that come out of the business process, 20,2% 4) Managing costs and calculate prices are a challenge for me, 21,5%
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
Within the aforementioned 20, others mention problems related with: 1) Financing entrepreneurship among themselves: Lack of capital to start up the business and know-how; I lack capital; Today I don’t have the required capital to start up my business; How to expand my business to other fronts (with not much budget) and get an investor or the budget to make the business even more. 2) Sales and social media: The sales process is expensive and getting ideal customers; A strategy at the moment of collecting for a service; The most complex challenge we have for now is to establish a flowing and standardized sales process; Posting the product has become a challenge; Taking the business to the next level of sales; The main weakness is handling social media in order to expand and raise the sales.
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
3) Finances, with problems such as: It’s going uphill to organize the financial issue of my business most of the time, it’s one of my weaknesses; I feel uncertain to undertake due to my lack of knowledge in the finance, legal and leadership areas; I have little knowledge on how to manage my business finances.
5.- Importance of skills requirements associated with running a business Key Findings: 1) The management of all entrepreneurial skills is classified by applicants with a high degree of importance 2) The most valued competencies are accepting responsibilities, being able to negotiate and communicate professionally, as well as understanding and implementing the importance of digital marketing. 3) In relation to sufficiency, there is a clear need to strengthen entrepreneurial skills that will undoubtedly take their ventures to the next level.
As for the importance and the sufficiency of the competences associated to a business management, the following elements come up from the candidate’s answers. • • •
• •
The importance is presented as a relevant element with 79,2%, very much in line with the sufficiency that, between High/Very High and Moderate, reach 96,8%, which indicates it is very necessary to count on competence for business management. In relation to risk handling, so needy in times of uncertainty, the answers indicate that the participants in the questionnaire consider it and area to be reckoned with, though not with the same strength as with the previous answer. Likewise, the Decision Making and Responsibility Acceptance are considered as too necessary for business management; it is complemented with Negotiate and Communicate Professionally. As the ability to generate, evaluate and select highly potential business ideas, assertiveness is another one of the emerging elements with more than 90 % of the answers. The aspect of creating a business plan and presenting it appropriately in front of investors and other interested party emerges with force and must be an area to be considered in the experiential training actions. That is complemented with the capacity to create and execute a marketing plan, with emphasis on the digital. In view that the questionnaire in this Section counts on seven questions, out of a total of 25, related with prices, costs, balance reading, it seems to be the area of finances and accountability where the candidates, who have replied on the date, present the biggest interest.
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
Section V: Skills requirements associated with running a business – Importance and Adequacy
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
6.- Knowledge and adequacy of skills requirements associated with running a business business Key Findings: 1) Most applicants opt for multiple ways of learning to improve their entrepreneurial skills. 2) Although they value diversity, they emphasize the importance of practice as a learning methodology and exchange with other entrepreneurs. 3) The responses also indicate that a percentage above 84% mention the importance that our interviewees give to teaching others their knowledge, which indicates that they will be multipliers of the program and of the good practices learned in it.
• • • •
The biggest part of the candidates prefers to have presential presentations in which they can share experiences of other entrepreneurs, combining with online information. 96% of the candidate entrepreneurs indicate agreeing with learning through experiences. The biggest part of the candidate entrepreneurs show interest in sharing their experience and knowledge, including through lived trials. Due to the opinion of our candidates regarding Enterprising Competences and how to fortify them, the clarity that the participants have is evidenced regarding the need to get them, of improving what they have so they can make their idea, entrepreneurship o intrapreneurship have the results that they bring up. For that, learning with the CEFE Methodology will be the more appropriate solution to close that gap.
Section VI: Upgrading your skills for becoming entrepreneur/intrapreneur – Preferred types of training delivery modes
GET YES 2 – February/March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
7.- Let’s cooperate - Survey participants’ views on how skills could be upgraded and retained Key Findings: 1) 100% of the participants agreed to be part of the training to upgrade and retain new skills. 2) Most participants requests support from organizations to develops their business.
Most of our candidates agreed on the capacitation need for developing their enterprising capacities, the consolidation of a solid enterprising ecosystem where they can lever up and make their businesses grow, as well as the creation of networking spaces to promote, generate alliances and support networks that, with other entrepreneurs, allow them to complement and support each other. Another element that they mention frequently is the need of organizations that support, with economic resources, the boost of their business and the creation of legal and economic policies that favor the creation of new companies, with less bureaucracies and norms that encourage the inclusion of the entrepreneurships within a legal framework that supports and helps them grow.
8.- Comparative analysis of “Problems”, “Skill Gaps” and “Knowledge Adequacy” among surveyed We observe that, even though the candidates consider the 100% of the raised problems, they have experienced, are experiencing, or expect to experience, between low and moderately important, we have to point out it is of high relevance for them to mainly strengthen their enterprising competences, accept responsibilities, understand and implement the importance of digital marketing and the capacity to negotiate; this latter one coincides with one of the raised problems at the end of section IV, in the section, others that have bigger percentage of importance: “handling possible conflicts that come out of the business process.” Another interesting coincidence, mentioned in said section, are problems of the commercial and marketing area, among which: “taking the business to the next level in sales”, placing the product is a challenge”, establishing a standardized process and sales flow”, taking the business to social media”, finding ideal customers”, that come out to be the 3rd with the highest score, highly important in the enterprising marketing competences: understanding digital marketing, improving sales skills, and the capacity to create a marketing plan. Another distinguished area was the financial one, where problems arose such as: “many times, it all goes uphill to organize the financial topic”, “my lack of knowledge in the financial area”, GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
“financial processes to fulfill”, “scarce handling of financial knowledge”, which they are all directly related with the enterprising competences of high importance for the polled people, in section V: understanding costs, getting to know the profit percentages and the capacity to understand price strategies. And last, but not least important, another one of the problems mentioned in countless occasions was the need for capital to finance their entrepreneurships, that is related to the enterprising competences of business planning: to be capable to understand, plan, and present a business plan to a panel of investors that, in section, they classify as highly important. In relation to their preferences to receive the knowledge, the results in many of the polls point out the constant capacitation, of mixed preference that includes the presential modality as much as the virtual one and the mentoring from experts; they made special emphasis in the exchange and interaction with other entrepreneurs in order to create support networks and alliances that allow to strengthen the ecosystem, lever up each other and being multipliers of good practices in the relief generations. These findings make us happy knowing the CEFE Methodology which is just based on learning through experience, plus the own nature of the GET YES 2 Program where one of the main focus is the exchange of good practices between entrepreneurs and collaborators from all the partner countries. Another interesting aspects that caught our attention was the support that our entrepreneurs receive in their familiar surroundings, which represents a favorable point that may boost to keep up and continue forward even in the middle of the difficulties, though we also observe that it may be a little tough for them to separate economic and family affairs, and that may represent a limitation to make their entrepreneurs grow, though they decide to move forward assuming calculated risks, aiming at social and economic displacement, coinciding this factor with the high percentage of entrepreneurship in developing countries.
9.- National Survey specific issues Among the improving opportunities that we observed in the form, we can mention the following: •
The questionnaire didn’t easily allow to get the conclusions that lead us to an objective selection of the candidates; that is why, the work team decided complement it with a second form that would allow to identify with better precision the purpose, intention and projection of the entrepreneurship and, this way, being more objective at the time of select candidates and grant the benefit to those who have the focus on business sensibly, with social, environmental responsibility and moving up in time.
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
We observe some difficulties in text writing at the time of connecting the ideas for a better understanding of the answers that we were trying to get.
In the section: Personal Characteristics & Business, in question II.2. Business size (number of employees), we considered the range between 1-9 employees too wide, due to the fact that it doesn’t allow with accuracy if it is a starting entrepreneurship or it has been there long.
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Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
ANNEX A: Survey results 1. Personal characteristics of the survey participants.
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Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
2. Professional characteristics & Business.
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Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
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Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
3. Motives to become entrepreneurs / intrapreneurs.
4. Running a business – Expected or Experienced Problems
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Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
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Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
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Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
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Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
5. Ability requirements associated to company management. Entrepreneurial Competences
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Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
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Ideation Competences
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Marketing Competences
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Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
Organization and Production Competences
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Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
Financial Competences
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
Business Planning
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
6. Knowledge and adaptation of the ability requirements associated to company management. VI.1. Which do you consider to be the best way for upgrading your skills?
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
Best way of retaining skill
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
ANNEX B: Survey questionnaire
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
ANNEX C: 2nd Survey
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
GET YES2 – February / March 2021
Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
GET YES2 – February / March 2021