CEFL SOAR Magazine - Fall 2010 Issue

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FALL 2010 Edition


Healthy Woman: Making a Fresh Start on Health and Fitness

Woman to Woman by Nilda Perez


The Power of Gods grace at work by Rosalind Humphrey

Yvonne Ortega: Her

Journey Through Breast Cancer

by Jennifer Reyes

Still I Rise by Maya Angelou

You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I’ll rise. Does my sassiness upset you? Why are you beset with gloom? ‘Cause I walk like I’ve got oil wells Pumping in my living room. Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides, Just like hopes springing high, Still I’ll rise. Did you want to see me broken? Bowed head and lowered eyes? Shoulders falling down like teardrops, Weakened by my soulful cries. Does my haughtiness offend you? Don’t you take it awful hard ‘Cause I laugh like I got gold mines Diggin’ in my own back yard. You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I’ll rise. Does my sexiness upset you? Does it come as a surprise That I dance like I’ve got diamonds At the meeting of my thighs? Out of the huts of history’s shame I rise Up from a past that’s rooted in pain I rise I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide, Welling and swelling I bear in the tide. Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I rise Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear I rise Bringing the gifts my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise, I rise, I rise.

© Maya Angelou, 1978.


FALL 2010 Edition

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Officers, SOAR Team, Mission Editors Notes Voice It! Sisterhood Weekend Contributor’s Page Soul Food : To Life

Yvonne Ortega


Yvonne Ortega: Her Journey Through Breast Cancer Jennifer Reyes


Start Your Own BCA Service


Lezette C. Roulhac

Healthy Woman: Making a Frest Start on Health and Fitness Sandra Almonte

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The Power of God’s Favor - At Work

Rosalind Humphrey

Woman to Woman

Nilda Perez



From Fear


Why Read The Bible?


Jennifer Reyes Jennifer Reyes

Empowerment from Hollywood

Dr. Liz Rios


Would You Mentor Me?


The Last Word Dr. Liz Rios

Dr. Liz Rios

A publication of the Center for Emerging Female Leadership. Visit us at www.cefl.org or on Facebook Soar is a member of

Listing of Officers

Soar Editorial Advisory Board

Dr. Shirley Arnold

Co-Senior Pastor, Tree of Life Family Church www.tlcfamilycgurch.org

CEFL National Board of Reference Dr. Suzan Johnson Cooke Wisdom Women Worldwide

Bishop H. Curtis Douglas Founder & Sr. Pastor, Dabar Worship Center

Judy Jacobs

Psalmist, Minister & Speaker Founder, International Institute of Mentoring www.judyjacobs.com

CEFL Board of Directors Eunice Ayala Morales Rev. Edna R. Quiros, M.Div. Rev. Marcy Ramos, MSW Gladys Rios

Brian McLaren

Rev. Enid Rios Rivera

National Author & Speaker

Rev. Dr. Marc Rivera

Sr. Pastor, Primitive Christian Church

Rev. Dr. Raymond Rivera

Betsy Rivera Rev. Rachel Chinnery Todman, MPC

Founder/CEO, Latino Pastoral Action Center

Rev. Enid Rios Rivera Executive Pastor, Primitive Christian Church www.primitivechurch.org

SOAR Team Rev. Elizabeth D. Rios, MA, Ed.D. CEFL Founder/CEO & Soar Publisher

Jennifer Reyes

Soar Editor-in-Chief

Tiffini Williams Graphic Designer

Sandra Almonte Nilda Perez Rosalind Humphreys Perez Lezette C. Roulhac Contributing Writers


Soar Magazine is a digital publication of the Center for Emerging Female Leadership, Inc (CEFL). The ministry of CEFL seeks to help women live purposefully, learn abundantly and lead excellently. Our mission is to develop leaders of excellence and integrity by providing resources, training and gatherings for personal and professional growth. Soar Magazine targets women influencing others in society be in home, church, government or marketplace who want to lead from a Christian world-view.

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Soar equips women to recognize, utilize and maximize their unique calling for such a time as this. Soar Magazine is published four times a year and our vision is to help women’s dreams take flight.

Editors Notes Sistahs, Welcome to the Fall edition of SOAR! What would your life be like if no obstacles were in your path and you were given the ability to act in full confidence and authority? What projects would you accomplish? How different would your life be? What would your family look like? Would your self-image be different? The problem is that when we do try to take a stand, we find ourselves fighting people, fighting systems or fighting ourselves.

In this issue, we want to empower you to move forward despite the battles you face in your workplace, home, and even in your health.

To be empowered is to take your God-given authority, God-given confidence, and apply it in the areas where God has placed you! Sometimes you will get hurt, you will be misjudged, and you will find yourself surrounded by haters and betrayers. But if God is the one who has placed you in that arena then you need to pick your head up, straighten up those shoulders, and continue to battle for everything God has given you. For those weary warriors, please know that God is the one who restores and replenishes your soul. In this issue, we want to empower you to move forward despite the battles you face in your workplace, home, and even in your health. In the following pages, author and speaker Yvonne Ortega shares her fight against breast cancer. Lezette Roulhac will show you how your church can start an annual breast cancer awareness service. Plus, we talk about the power of mentorship. There’s so much more to glean in the following pages. We have all been gifted for an incredible destiny! For some of us, it’s a matter of believing in ourselves and the truth that God loves us with an everlasting love. Sistah, this may be your time to pick up the pieces and move forward with the authority and confidence that the Lord has bestowed upon you. We believe in your God-given talents, my Sistah. I pray that you will find yourself in these pages and be empowered to be the person God has created you to be. Be Blessed, Jennifer Reyes SOAR / 5


Let’s face it, today’s Christian women are not only turning to their Bibles, but they are also watching Oprah, learning how to find the perfect pair of jeans; reading Suze Orman for financial advice, and listening to the oldies. As Christian women, we are called to be a light while being just as knowledgeable and discerning about the world we live in. This is why, from time to time, you may see some secular material in our publication that falls in line with our theme. We believe that this decision will help meet the needs of our ever growing readership who are confronted on a daily basis with the struggle of living in a secular world while maintaining a holy lifestyle.

You can find SOAR in the following places: Facebook Evangelical Press Association (www.epassoc.org) www.soarmagazineonline.com WWW.CEFL.ORG 6 / SOAR

SOAR Magazine is about women, just like you, who are not afraid to share what’s in her heart or mind. If an article touched your heart or ministered to you (or didn’t), please tell us about it at soarfeedback@cefl.org. Your voice truly matters.

CEFL SIGNATURE EVENTS 2010 We are a learning community of diverse women for encouragement, challenge, deep inquiry and accelerated development.

2010 Sisterhood Summit, Davie, FL SOAR / 7

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CONTRIBUTOR’S PAGE and realistic views that have helped many discover their potential and strengths. Roz’ “can do” outlook motivates and encourages women from all walks of life to tap into and reassert their value in their many roles. You

Sandra Almonte

Certified Fitness Trainer with the International Sports and Sciences Association (ISSA) and Certified Kickboxing Fitness Trainer with The Kickboxing Fitness Institute. She has over eight years experience in the fitness field with expertise in special populations such as diabetics, the overweight and older adults. Sandra was the first to be awarded the Master Trainer Certificate from NY Strength and also holds certificates in Wellness Coaching, Muscle Mastery, Fitness Safety, and Performance Nutrition. Sandra has also earned a career diploma in Physical Therapy Aide. She has written articles on various fitness topics for her local community newsletter.

Nilda Perez

Lezette C. Roulhac

is the youngest of four girls, life long resident of the great state of New York, student and devoted musician at Primitive Christian Church located in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With aspirations to teach within the urban setting, Lezette completed her BA in English & History at Hunter College in 2008 and is currently working on her MA in T.E.S.O.L. (teaching English to speakers of other languages) at the Steinhardt School of Culture and Education at NYU. Through her writing she hopes to encourage women, particulary young women, to dream, aim high, and never settle for less.

is the Founder and CEO of Aspire 4 Life Inc. a Counseling, Coaching and Consulting services agency. This agency was established October 2004. She is a native New Yorker, born and raised in the Bronx and a resident of New York’s Hudson Valley area since 1999. Nilda holds a Bachelor of Science in Social Science from Adelphi University and a Master’s in Clinical Social Work from Fordham University. She is presently working toward a Doctorate of Strategic Leadership with her emphasis in Coaching and Global Leadership from in Regent University in Virginia Beach, Va. Her website is www.aspire4life.com

Roz Humphreys

is a native New Yorker, writer, mother and wife. Her writings express candid

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Psalm 118:17: “I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done.”


Germany, prisons, schools, and shelters. At these words, my eyes light up, my heart flutters, and I come alive with the hope of being a retreat speaker in these places. As I write this, I am gazing at a photo of me with two college friends, Lois and Vicki. A friend took this picture at Lois’s graduation party over a year ago. Vicki had just completed treatment for cancer. The three of us performed a creative dance to a song entitled To Life. Vicki called after my diagnosis. I cried as I told her about wanting to be a retreat speaker. “You’ll be an even better one for having had cancer,” she replied. Then she told me she was leaving the next day to be a speaker at a retreat. What an inspiration she is to me. Perhaps many of us have a list of goals and dreams. We may have sensed a call from God to a particular ministry, a career change, or further schooling. We don’t doubt that we have heard from God, and others along the way have confirmed God’s call on our lives. Now we are confused, disappointed, fearful, angry, or experiencing some other mix of emotions because of cancer, but we can still have dreams and plans. Cancer can disrupt them, but it need not destroy them. Perhaps Vicki is right; going through cancer may even make them better. I can think of half a dozen people who have survived cancer and are now praising God. They continue to follow God’s plan for their lives. In the Genesis passage for today, we read that God called Abraham and made a promise to him when Abraham was seventy-five years old. He was one hundred years old before he and Sarah had their promised son, Isaac. They may have gone from wondering when God would keep his word to if he would keep it. Sarah’s effort to take matters into her own hands instead of waiting on God’s perfect timing reflect our tendency to question God or to rush ahead of him. As Abraham and Sarah gazed at the beautiful son God sent them, they knew the twenty-five years were worth the wait. Merciful Father, let me live and joyfully proclaim what you have done for me. Keep me from trying to be your assistant administrator or executive secretary. May I see the delays not as punishment or disaster but as part of a better plan. Amen. “Used by permission” from the book, Finding Hope for Your Journey through Breast Cancer by Yvonne Ortega. Copyright ©2010 by Yvonne Ortega, published by Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group


Hope Builder: Genesis 12: 1-4;

Yvonne Ortega:

Her Journey Through Breast Cancer by Jennifer Reyes

What would you do if you knew you were called by God, were taking steps to follow His plan, and then got breast cancer? Yvonne Ortega is one amazing woman who found herself in this exact predicament. This Mexicana had spent her life teaching young people the beauty of the Spanish language and culture. Yvonne expanded her knowledge by visiting Mexico, South America and living in Puerto Rico for a few years. While teaching is her main love, she felt God expanding her borders and calling her into the area of counseling adults. Yielding to the call, Yvonne taught school full-time and completed her counseling requirements in evening and summer classes. She graduated, continued to teach full-time, and attempted to complete her 4,000-hour counseling residency evenings. At the end of the first year, Yvonne realized at the rate she was going, it would take too long for her to become a counselor. So she took a step of faith and taught part-time and counseled part-time. Next step‌retreat speaker. But the next step in her journey didn’t arrive as planned. In 2001, Yvonne received the devastating news that she was one out of every seven or eight women who was diagnosed with breast cancer that year. How do you handle such news when you have spent so much time, money, and sacrifice fulfilling what you believe to be a call of God over your life? Yvonne endured the classic four stages of

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emotional turmoil beginning with denial, negativity, anger, and finally hope. Oftentimes, falling in and out of stages as she struggled through the process. This was just the beginning of what she would endure in upcoming months. The hardest part of the journey was deciding how to break the news to her son and parents, and suddenly having to make life-changing decisions regarding treatment. She agreed to take radiation. However, only after many tears and prayers did Yvonne agree to undergo chemotherapy. She fully understood that her hair, eyebrows and eyelashes would fall out and her strength would fail. The new goal in her life plan was to survive! Through it all, this Latina fought to keep her faith. When asked how she overcame her fear of the unknown, Yvonne chuckled and responded, “Which time? Fear was part of the journey. Fear of whether I would live or die. Fear of what I would look like without hair. Would people turn away from me? Would I get the right wig? I feared all those things and more. What helped me through those times was praise and worship music and being in a constant state of prayer. I also kept a gratitude journal. It helped me to find something to be thankful for each day.” Yvonne wrote down all her experiences. She kept a journal that not only detailed her story but the emotions she struggled with and how God kept her through it all. Yvonne shared with me a wonderful and shocking truth about her journey. She said, “I never knew how much God loved me. I put God to the test to see if He would really be with me. Specific verses in the Bible spoke to my heart, and I would remind God about what He said over my life. I realized God loved me with an unconditional love and that He would provide for all of my needs.” God did that and so much more. God sent friends and family to get Yvonne through one of the toughest battles in her life. God proved Himself faithful again and again. Yvonne never gave up hope that she would fulfill the call of God over her life. Although Yvonne loved teaching Spanish, she asked God to let her live and said she would praise Him and become a full-time counselor. She asked God to bring the job to her and to make sure it came with state retirement so she could transfer her years of teaching in VA. One month after her final radiation treatment, Yvonne was contacted by a woman from a counseling agency who was looking for a full-time counselor. When Yvonne informed the woman she had never applied for a position, the woman responded, “I know…I have an application for you.” At 12 / SOAR

the interview, Yvonne discovered that the position included state retirement. You see, God didn’t shut the door on Yvonne’s call. It was just delayed. Since then Yvonne has pursued God like never before. A licensed professional counselor, Yvonne penned the devotional, Finding Hope for Your Journey through Breast Cancer. The book captures the pain and triumph that women go through during breast cancer. Her blogtalkradio show at www.blogtalkradio.com/hope-for-thejourney, educates women on the resources available to breast cancer patients and offers encouragement. Men and women can go to her website at http://www.yvonneortega.com and sign up for free weekly devotionals in both Spanish and English. How great is that? In all things, God has proven in Yvonne’s life that the call doesn’t end when bad news comes. If you are able to stick with God, hold on tight to His hand, and listen for His voice, you will see that nothing is wasted. Yvonne’s life is a testimony of how God can bring us through the most challenging situations and birth a new life that will glorify His name and empower others.


BCA SERVICE L e z e t t e

C .

R o u l h a c

May 2007 is a time in my life that I will never forget. That was the month my mother was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. A malignant tumor the size of a walnut had developed in my mother’s left breast and was threatening to take her life. The news hit my family so hard it felt debilitating. That was the first moment in my life where I felt completely and utterly powerless. After meeting with my Mom’s doctor to discuss her prognosis, I remember sitting in my room and blaming myself for this happening. You see, in October 2006, my mother had mentioned to me that she felt a small bump in her breast. We assumed the lump was simply some scar tissue that had formed from a previous biopsy. Who would have known that just seven months later this lump would be cancer? Feelings of sadness, guilt, and anger came over me like torrents. “Why didn’t I push her to go to the doctor and get that checked out back then?” “How stupid could I be to not suspect that a lump in someone’s breast could be life-threatening?” “Why us?” “Why not someone else’s Mom?” “What are we going to do?” Feelings of guilt and self-hatred invaded my heart and soul for months during my Mom’s treatment. Deep down I knew that it really wasn’t my fault that my Mom had breast cancer, but why was I so angry? Why all the frustration? I said to myself, “Gee, maybe I’m not praying enough? Maybe I don’t have enough faith? Perhaps I’m not reading 13 / SOAR

my Bible enough?” Well, my problem was not lack of prayer, or faith, or any of those things. I realized that I was frustrated and angry because this was a situation that I thought I was absolutely powerless to fix.

CHOOSE A MONTH Our BCA Services take place every October to coincide with Breast Cancer Awareness month. CHOOSE A THEME

Sometimes I would close my eyes and wish I could make myself small enough to get into my Mom’s bloodstream and obliterate every single cancer cell in her body and do my victory dance with the white blood cell army that was backing me up! I was frustrated because I knew that although great advances in breast cancer research and treatment had been made, lives were still being lost and families still being devastated by this disease. I knew that African American and Hispanic women like me were more likely to die from breast cancer than woman from any other group. Despite my feelings I held on to two realities: God is a healer and education is vital.

CONTACT ORGANIZATIONS FOR FREE LITERATURE Susan G. Komen, CancerCare, American Cancer Society or any organization in your neighborhood can provide free literature. Contact them in spring or early summer to ensure that you receive an adequate amount of literature. BE CREATIVE There’s plenty you can do to make the service special and so much fun! You can ask all the women to wear pink and camouflage if they have it. You can designate that day’s offering as a donation to a reputable charity that focuses on breast cancer or women’s cancers in general. You can

DESPITE MY FEELINGS I HELD ON TO TWO REALITIES: GOD IS A HEALER AND EDUCATION IS VITAL. Awareness became a way of fighting against the powerlessness that threatened to consume me. I got on the internet, went to conferences, and discovered a wealth of information about breast cancer. I was made aware of things I can do as a co-survivor and resources available to my mother. When devastating situations occur we tend to turn inward and not allow anyone in our inner sanctum but God would not allow me to do that. Instead, I was tapped to bring what I learned to others. Therefore, in 2007, my church started its very first Breast Cancer Awareness Service (BCA). Since then we have sought to bring awareness to our Latina and African-American Sistah’s, while encouraging them that God is with us. It has become an annual highlight and a way to minister to all women. Interested in creating your own BCA service? Well, here’s a few tips to get you started.

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do something to honor survivors and encourage caregivers. You can also do something to remember those who have passed on. Fundraisers! There are multiple ways to make this service special and memorable REMEMBER THE PURPOSE OF THE SERVICE Our purpose is to: (1) educate all men and women, young and old, about breast cancer, what it is, how to screen for it, what the symptoms are, and where they can go in their neighborhood to receive free or low cost mammograms and clinical breast exams (2) to encourage them to educate and look out for others (primarily the other females in their lives) before they are affected with breast cancer (3) to remind them that there is hope and a God who can and still does heal. Sistah, you do not need to remain powerless. God can use you in the midst of your darkest hour to bring light to someone else. The enemy wants you to believe that it is hopeless but when we step out of ourselves and allow God to use us, we become very powerful indeed.

Healthy Woman

Making A Fresh Start On Health And Fitness S a n d r a

A l m o n t e

The weather seems to be getting cooler, days are getting shorter, trees are looking like pastel drawings of yellows, reds and everything in between. All signs that Fall is around the corner. Gone are the days of sitting by a pool or at the beach and not caring about what you eat or exercising. (Sigh.) Fall is the perfect time to start a new exercise program and new eating habits. It’s a season for new beginnings. Do you desire to be empowered for success in the areas of health and fitness? Grab a pen and paper or a laptop. Paint a picture with words of how you would look, feel, and act as your ideal self. What behaviors do you want to be doing consistently? Write in the present tense as if you’re already looking, feeling and acting the way you want to. Some examples could be: “I am feeling more energized during the day”; I am making better food choices”; “I have a positive mindset”. Once your picture is to your satisfaction, start setting goals. Make them SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound) and in the present tense as if you’re already doing them. For example, if part of your vision is being a smaller size, one of your goals could be “I am going to exercise on Tuesday and Thursday by walking briskly for twenty minutes at 6am before work.” There should be no room for questions in the goal such as what days you’re going to do a specific exercise, how long you’re going to exercise, and what time, etc. Evaluate your goals every week. They can be adjusted so that you can meet them without struggling. The new season is a great time to start a new exercise program or make changes to an existing one. If you’re new to exercise, check with your doctor to rule out any unknown conditions before you start. Once you have clearance, start simple. It can be walking, jogging, or bicycling two days a week for twenty minutes. Increase the time or 16 / SOAR

intensity of the exercise when you no longer feel challenged. If you’re making changes to your existing routine, start at a moderate level. You want your body to become stronger not weaker. Along with exercise set nutritional goals. Adopting good eating habits doesn’t have to be rocket science. It doesn’t have to be about will power. Making better choices is about making smart choices. Start simple here also. If you know you should be drinking more water, one of the goals could be – “I am drinking an extra glass of water every other day this week”. Another example could be, “I am bringing a salad in to work on Monday and Wednesday for lunch”. It really is that simple. Your goals should be easily attainable. They shouldn’t have to be burdensome. Ok. You have your vision and goals written down and you’re ready for action, now what? Tell others who will be encouraging you onward about your goals. Having someone you can talk to about your goals on a weekly basis is a great help. When you know you have to tell someone if you’ve met last week’s goals, it’s harder not to follow through. It takes 21 days to implement a new habit or develop fresh routines. Take advantage of the new season and new momentum. Get out there and begin to make your dream a reality. There’s nothing like the feeling of meeting goals and seeing your vision realized. You can do it!

The new season is a great time to start a

new exercise program or make changes to an existing one.

THE POWER of Favor – At Work


When you embrace God’s goodness, the natural course is for it to overflow to anyone you encounter.

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Often times when we think of God’s favor, we equate

it with one tangible thing – money. But those who’ve experienced God’s goodness know that it goes far beyond the long greens. God’s goodness has never been based on our do but defined by who He is. When you can get that…when you can reconcile that in your heart and in your head, then you can begin to understand what God’s favor is. God’s favor is unmerited. It always will be. He blesses us just because. The problem with this is that it blows away the mind of many and because we feel unworthy, it becomes incomprehensible. A sad fact is that we do not expect favor. As a matter of fact, I’ll go as far to say that most times, we feel we deserve punishment. I believe the reason many have a tough time with the acceptance of God’s favor is because they’ve been taught that God was a lightning striking, wham, you’re dead type of entity that was out to get His children. If that has been drilled into your head since childhood, it takes a major mind shift and an undeniable life-changing experience to convince you otherwise. The reality, whether you accept it or not, is that God’s favor is available to all – all the time. God’s favor is always at work. Look at your life – have you experienced any of the following: • A family that loves you. • A best friend that is with you when all others wouldn’t stand by you. • A spouse who loves you and is committed to stick by you no matter what. • A roof over your head and food on your table. • A beautiful sunrise or sunset.

The list can go on and on. We take these day-to-day expressions for but they are still blessings. It is God’s way of show and tell. Did you know that the Bible says He dances over you? He rejoices over your life and wants you to expect good things because He’s aching to give them to you.

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When you accept that God wants to bestow upon you good things, you live balanced. What that means is that you know that the good is not limited to your personal and spiritual life. God’s favor is at work all the time even at work. When you embrace God’s goodness, the natural course is for it to overflow to anyone you encounter. You don’t question why you become your boss’ favorite, why you are trusted with the big projects or wonder why you got the promotion that you thought impossible. It’s simply and purely God’s favor over your life. There is power in God’s favor. It’s not a haughty recognition or something that should be taken lightly, but as a child of The King, there should be expectation of preferential treatment. God loves to spoil His kids and His love towards us is unconditional. It’s not based on our do – it’s based on his unexplainable, deep love for us. I was blown away the other day during one of my pastor’s message when he said that God was madly in love with us. Have you ever been madly in love? When you are, you’re eager to do about just anything for the person you love. It doesn’t matter if they love you as much. You just want to try to make them happy any way that you can. God is always like that with us, even when we feel like sinners. The price Jesus paid on the cross ensures that we are no longer slaves to guilt and opened up the opportunity for relationship with a God that loves us madly…and all He wants is our love in return. That my friend is deep…and when you fall into relationship you grasp the mind-blowing reality that God’s favor is at work all the time, in every area of your life, yes even at work and that alone should give you the confidence that all things are possible. I think Jesse Duplantis expressed it well the last time he came for a visit. He said “don’t let your feelings tell you how to feel and don’t let your feelings tell you how to believe”. We will all go through periods of unbelief and rough spots but the secret of getting through is to believe that good WILL come because it’s God’s nature to favor his children and you happen to be one of them.

By Rosalind Humphreys


Nilda Perez, LCSW-R, CCLC


omen carry an insurmountable amount of responsibilities on their shoulders. Married women are responsible for children, husbands, work, church and community duties. Single moms carry the entire burden of children, work and numerous tasks. Single women also have their huge share of responsibilities; being self-supporting and most often caregivers of elderly parents or sick siblings. Despite a woman’s marital status the burden of responsibility usually falls on the woman. The significance of juggling multiple responsibilities is that we often gain a wealth of knowledge and insight we never had before. Most interesting is the fact that women can be so engulfed in their daily routine that they are often oblivious to their effect as mentors and disciplers. The roles of mentorship and discipleship are typically left to those who are in specific leadership roles. These roles may be in the home (father or mother), church (pastor, Sunday school teacher, and women’s ministry leaders), professionals and/or community leaders. These individuals, however, are not the only ones who should mentor. You have an incredible wealth of knowledge and wisdom embedded into your soul. Don’t ever discount your ability to be used in this incredible way. My sister, there are women hungry to be mentored and discipled by more experienced women. There are women in the church, in the workforce and in the community who have never had a role model such as a mother, friend or a co-worker to help them through their

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growth process. Many have never been guided or instructed by a woman of influence. An influential woman does not necessarily mean a woman in a high powered position. It may be a stay-at-home mom, a single woman or an elderly woman. Women are longing to find that person who will lead them through the maze of tough decisions to meaningful successful lives. I bet you are that person! MENTORING & DISCIPLESHIP Being a mentor or discipler doesn’t mean that you are perfect or that you haven’t made mistakes. Chip R. Bell defines a mentor as one that deposits wisdom on to another and becomes a trusted advisor and a teacher. A mentor guides and assists someone in the process through training and teaching and imparts her wisdom and skills over to the follower. Mentorship is leadership used with the intention to assist individuals or groups, reach their goal(s). What is the difference between a mentor and a discipler? There is a distinct difference although they often overlap. One mentors when one assists through support, teaching, guiding the mentee to arrive to her desired goal. The mentee seeks your expertise. In discipleship the desired outcome is to have her follow in the leader’s footsteps. Discipleship closely mimics mentorship but in this stance the follower is willingly immersed in the ideas, actions, and convictions of the leader with the desire to take over in the future. Women typically mentor and disciple children, husbands, and oftentimes other family members. Women can strongly impact other women as well. Women accomplished in, marriage, singlehood, motherhood, career, business, community or ministry are equipped to mentor or disciple. Single women who are comfortable with the place God has them in for this season can build up other single women. Single women can encourage an elderly lonely woman, a shut-in or a single mother. Why then aren’t more women intentionally mentoring and discipling other women? BREAK THE SPIRIT OF FEAR Fear is the number one reason why women hesitate to be mentors. Women fear that they do not have the resources, the intelligence, the time, or the wisdom to be a mentor. 2 Timothy 1:7, tells us exactly the opposite. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. That means that you do have everything you need to be a mentor!

A candidate to mentor can include (but is not limited to) a woman who:

• Overcame struggles with a teenage child that turned their life around through a mother’s prayer life. • Has hurdled through the impact of having an ill child • Prevailed through a divorce or deceased spouse • Is single and can support a single woman, a lonely elderly woman, an overwhelmed mom • Started college as a mother or an adult • Has a successful career or business God has deposited in each individual gifts and talents which need to be shared; and it does not have to be done in a traditional format. Women can teach, train, guide and help develop others using formal or informal approaches. Young adults, middle age and elderly women alike have something to contribute in the growth of another woman by providing foresight, direction, and motivation. THE CHARGE! An exceptional mentor does not only distribute wisdom, but also extracts knowledge and understanding from their apprentice. There is an exchange made in the mentorship and/or discipleship relationship in which both women learn from the other. Therefore, there’s a blessing in store for both participants. The book of Ruth reveals a beautiful example of one mentorship/discipleship experience. Naomi gave mentorship and discipleship while Ruth gave fidelity and commitment. The result of their relationship allowed Ruth to marry Boaz and produce an heir that would continue the lineage that would ultimately birth our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Jesus is the prime example of a mentor and discipler. He taught, trained and supported His disciples but the true test arrived when He ascended into heaven. This was when the disciples exhibited all that they truly captured of Jesus’ vision, to the degree that they were willing to die for the cause and charged us with the call to go out into the entire world and make disciples. We are all called to disciple and mentor. Today you can begin to seek the woman that God will have you pour knowledge and understanding into. Pray and ask God to lead you more resources regarding mentoring. Speak with other people who have done it and learn from their experiences. When the time is right, God will guide you to the woman destined to flourish under your care. Who knows, it may be the very person already living in your home, working at your job, or sitting next to you in church. Either way, you have been trusted with a valuable experience that no one else has. Let God use you for His glory. The greatest reward is to witness another woman flourish as a result of your gift.

Calling ALL


Ginger Ale with Frozen Grapes

Who Knew? Chemo Resistance and Nutrition You may never have heard of chemo resistance, but believe me, your doctor has. Over time, some cancers become less vulnerable to chemotherapy and start to grow again, which is why physicians may switch treatment regimes over time. There’s some evidence that chemo resistance may be linked to inflammation and the ratios of fatty acids in cancer cells. In terms of a nutritional approach, Dr. Keith Block says it may help to keep the diet lower in saturated fats and omega-6s—and higher in omega-3s, which are abundant in fish such as salmon and trout.

Lemon Mustard Salmon Salad

1hr 30 min

Not applicable

Serves 4 Ginger is one of your best friends during chemo, both for its flavor, which can spark even the most jaded taste buds, and for its tummy-soothing properties. A lot of people think store-bought ginger ale will do the trick, but the actual ginger content in most commerical varieties is minimal. Plus, you often get a whole host of other garbage (can you say high fructose corn syrup?) that you’d be better off without. Enter this recipe, which uses straight-up ginger syrup so you can control the amount of zing in your tonic. The frozen grapes serve the same purpose as your basic ice cubes, but also sneak a bunch of healthy minerals and phytochemicals into the brew. Makes about 2 cups syrup

Serves 2 All salmon are not created equal. This recipe features wild Alaskan sockeye. It’s the “wild” part that’s really important. Wild salmon are far higher in omega-3s than their farm-raised brethren, and omega-3s have been linked to a whole host of cancer-fighting benefits. The nice thing is, you don’t have to go fishing or even handle a salmon fillet to make this dish; there are great brands of wild sockeye that come in cans. That said, of course you can also make this with an equal amount of leftover home-cooked salmon. Either way, this salad is easy to prepare: All it takes is a quick stir with a few choice ingredients, and there you go—a nice, filling dish that’s rich in protein, yummy, and versatile. Serve it in a pita, wrap it in a tortilla, or mound it atop salad greens.

4 cups water 2 cups sliced unpeeled fresh ginger 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice 2 tablespoons honey Frozen seedless grapes Sparkling water Mint sprigs, for garnish

1 71/2-ounce can boneless, skinless, sockeye salmon, drained 3 teaspoons Dijon mustard 2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lemon juice 2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil Pinch of cayenne Pinch of sea salt 3 tablespoons finely chopped celery 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley

Rebecca’s Notes You can also use this ginger syrup to make a hot beverage. Just stir 3 tablespoons of the syrup into 1 cup of hot water, then add more honey or lemon if you like. Bring the water and ginger to a boil in a saucepan, then lower the heat, cover, and simmer for 1 hour. Uncover and continue to simmer for 30 minutes.

Put the salmon in a bowl and break it into small pieces with a fork. Stir in the mustard, lemon juice, olive oil, cayenne, salt, celery, and parsley, then do a FASS check. If needed, adjust the flavors with lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Variations: Add capers or chopped radishes to this dish—they will not disappoint!

Strain the infusion through cheesecloth and discard the ginger. Stir in the lemon juice and honey and let cool to room temperature.

Or combine just the salmon and celery with 2 tablespoons of the Basil Lemon Drizzle or 1 tablespoon of the Moroccan Pesto; both are great dressings to try with this salmon recipe.

For each serving, add 1/4 cup of the ginger syrup to a glass with frozen grapes, then fill the glass with sparkling water and garnish with a sprig of mint.

Prep Time: 5 minutes • Cook Time: Not applicable Storage: Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 2 days. Per Serving: Calories: 180; Total Fat: 8.5 g (0.7 g saturated, 3.4 g monounsaturated); Carbohydrates: 1 g; Protein: 27 g; Fiber: 0 g; Sodium: 670 mg

Storage: Store the ginger syrup in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 7 days. Store the grapes in a resealable plastic bag in the freezer for 3 months. Per Serving: Calories: 50; Total Fat: 0.2 g (0.1 g saturated, 0 g monounsaturated); Carbohydrates: 12 g; Protein: 0 g; Fiber: 1 g; Sodium: 5 mg

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• In place of the paprika, coriander, and cinnamon, use 1 teaspoon cumin, 1/4 teaspoon ground coriander, and 1/4 teaspoon dried oregano. • Replace the paprika with anise seeds. • Replace the oranges with lemons, and in place of the paprika, coriander, and cinnamon, use 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme, 1/4 teaspoon rosemary, and 1/4 teaspoon sage.

Orange Ginger Roasted Chicken

1 hr. Serves 6 Roasted chicken is such a staple for many people that I wanted to provide a zippy recipe that would avoid the all-too-frequent pitfall of bland, dry results. Here, I’ve replaced the common rosemary-thyme rub with ginger, orange zest, and cinnamon, which are also appetite stimulants. Rubbing the spices under the skin, filling the cavity with more aromatics and orange juice, and then roasting the whole shebang makes for one moist, tasty bird!

Prep Time: 20 minutes • Cook Time: 1 hour Storage: Store in a covered container in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days. Per Serving: Calories: 215; Total Fat: 5.1 g (1.3 g saturated, 1.5 g monounsaturated); Carbohydrates: 4 g; Protein: 35 g; Fiber: 1 g; Sodium: 715 mg

Additional recipes can be found in Rebecca Katz book, “The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen.”

1 41/2- to 5-pound organic chicken 1 teaspoon paprika 1/4 teaspoon ground coriander 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 11/2 teaspoons sea salt 1 orange, zested and juiced, rind reserved 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger, plus 1 finger-length piece of unpeeled fresh ginger, halved lengthwise 3 cloves garlic 2 cinnamon sticks Use disposable kitchen gloves to handle the bird more easily and keep things sanitary. Preheat the oven to 400°F. Pat the chicken dry with paper towels. Stir the paprika, coriander, and cinnamon together, then divide the mixture in half and stir 1 teaspoon of the salt into half. Rub the salted spice mixture all over the outside of the chicken. Sprinkle the remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt inside the chicken. With your palm facing downward, use your first three fingers to gently lift the skin on both sides of the breast to loosen it from the meat. Rub the remaining spice mixture, the orange zest, and grated ginger under the skin of each breast, massaging them lightly into the meat. Place the garlic, cinnamon sticks, ginger pieces, and orange rind inside the cavity along with half of the orange juice. Place the chicken on a roasting rack in a glass or ceramic baking dish, breast side up. Roast until a meat thermometer reads 160°F when inserted in the thigh and the juice from the meat runs clear, about 1 hour. Let the chicken rest for at least 10 minutes before carving. Just before serving, pour the remaining orange juice over the chicken. Variations: Here are a few other spice blends for a tasty bird:

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Available wherever books are sold

“Reprinted with permission from The CancerFighting Kitchen: Nourishing, Big-Flavor Recipes for Cancer Treatment and Recovery. Copyright © 2009 by Rebecca Katz with Mat Edelson, Celestial Arts, an imprint of Ten Speed Press, a division of the Crown Publishing Group, Berkeley, CA. Photo Credit: Leo Gong.”

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FROM FEAR Jennifer Reyes

After 10 years of working for a great organization it was time for me to move on. The crazy thing is that I was making good money. I had developed great relationships with my co-workers and I was positioned to move upward, again. All of the signs said to stay. But deep down inside I was unhappy and longed to do something different. Each time I dreamed of leaving, terror would consume me. What if I got a new job and hated it? What if I can’t make the same amount of money? What if I leave a perfectly good, comfortable job for something worse?

Fear versus faith isn’t just for work issues. It can be applied to health issues, marriage trouble, wayward kids, and emotional problems. We will go through seasons when our faith must triumph over fear to grasp the blessing that lies on the other side. Fear can be the one element that keeps us from grabbing hold of what God has for us. Don’t let that happen to you! One Sunday after church I went online and found a job posting for a major publishing house. Not only did I submit my resume but I was hired after one interview. Since then God has opened up an array of opportunities for me that I never would have known if I had decided to play it safe. When I finally decided to trust God, a heavy weight was lifted from my shoulders. Sistah, don’t let fear rob you of your faith. Drop the heaviness of unbelief. Let God guide you into the perfect and remarkable plan that He has specifically created for you. He is in full control and you can trust Him to take care of you and the situation.

Fear can make us do some crazy things. It can also keep us inactive and ineffective, if we are not careful. Fear is a God-given instinct to protect us from harm and we act accordingly. But God’s plans are never to harm us. In fact, Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Fear can be the one element that keeps us from grabbing hold of I came to a place where I realized that what the problem wasn’t about fear. It was God about my lack of faith. Did I really believe that God was leading me? has for Can He open doors for me? Will us. He provide? I had prayed about this Don’t move. I received counsel from Godly let that people. I procrastinated and every happen to day my burden got heavier. It finally Youyou! are here. boiled down to whether I believed God or not. You are enough. You have something to give.

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WhyReadThe Bible? By Dr. Liz Rios

The Bible sheds LIGHT on God’s plans and how to walk your path. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119:130 The Bible is a MIRROR. You see your hidden motives and what needs to change in your attitude and behavior. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. James 1:23-24

The Bible is FOOD. If you read it and do what it says,

you’ve eaten it. If you eat it, you grow to become a person of integrity, insight, and enduring courage. Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” Matthew 4:4

The Bible is a WEAPON. The truth in the Bible

destroys misconceptions you believe about yourself, how life has treated you, and how to find happiness. For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

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Empowerment happens in many different ways, through various different sources and sometimes it is through the most unlikely of venues. Sometimes empowerment simply happens when someone from the hood has success in life too! Sometimes even Hollywood films can empower our society. Perhaps one such possibility is that of Adrienne Bailon, a young girl raised on the Lower East Side of Manhattan one that I personally watched grow up in my home church in Manhattan, NY. A frequent visitor of the church when in town, Adrienne and I got a chance to talk over the phone about her role in a new faith-based drama , her church girl roots and her hopes for the future.


from Hollywood By Dr. Liz Rios

Known mostly for her popular “Cheetah Girls” role and as a former lead vocalist of the R&B group 3LW, Adrienne Bailon (That’s so Raven) and internationally renowned music artist and actor Ja Rule (The Fast and the Furious, Shall We Dance) have signed on to star as the male and female leads of this movie titled, I’m in Love with a Church Girl a debut feature film from indie production shingle Reverence Gospel Media. Bailon got involved in the movie when the casting agent was looking for someone with black hair and reached out to her agent who after reading the script felt that Adrienne would love it. She did and that began her journey with the film. A film I believe will inspire many. Based on Galley Molina’s own amazing true life story of high level crime, redemption, love and faith, the film is directed by Steve Race (The Beach House) from a script written by Galley himself. In the film, Miles Montego (Ja Rule) has it all – cars, boats, good looks, mansion, money, women, but more importantly, he has a past. Miles is a retired high level drug trafficker who is now completely legitimate. Even though Miles has turned over a new leaf, the DEA can’t seem to let him out of their sights. Miles’ only downfall is that he is extremely loyal to his circle of friends and former colleagues who are not retired from the lucrative business. Struggling to keep on the right side of the law, Miles meets the one girl of his dreams but she’s not the usual type of girl that he’s used to dating. Vanessa (Adrienne Bailon) is a church girl in every sense of the word. They are tested to their last ounce of faith and strength in God and each other. God continues to chip away at Miles through struggles from his past, having to live up to his reputation, feelings of unworthiness,

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the death of his mother, federal charges, his friends being indicted, the strain on his relationship with Vanessa, almost losing her in a near fatal car accident, and finally the spiritual breakdown and one on one with God that brings Miles to his knees. Miles is faced with the decision of holding on to the old ways of his past or letting go and letting God have His way in his life… Extreme Measures for Extreme Circumstances “The message of this film is really simple but profound,” said Bailon. “Sometimes God needs to use extreme measures to deal with extreme circumstances. Molina was that Extreme Circumstance. I love that about God. He doesn’t care about your past and he can use anything to get his message of unconditional love across to his people.” This film is simply about the God’s power in a man’s life. A power that as far as we can see right now has stood the test of time thus far as Gallery is now a children’s pastor at Evergreen Valley Church in San Jose, California. Some of the controversy surrounding this film is that it has hired “sinners” to do the “faith” acting. But Adrienne believes people are judging her based on old school standards of faith. She is a church girl she says, grew up as a church girl, and eventually wants to marry a “man of God”. She believes God can use her in her circles and is trying to live her life based on her own personal philosophy of Christianity. “I ask that Christians out there pray for me not judge me” and “support faith-based films so that more of them can be done in Hollywood.” “The film is targeted to a broad audience” says Adrienne “and my hope is to do more films of this nature in the future as well as produce more solo cd’s. I know I’m not perfect but like Molina I know I am loved by a God who will go to extreme measures and use extreme circumstances to get his love to me. I hope that this film communicates that to Soar readers and all others who get out to see it in 2011.” Perhaps an empowering message for people to believe in God’s extreme unconditional love for us will come forth in this film. Perhaps we should celebrate those that come from spiritual roots and continue to pray for Adrienne and others like her in Hollywood who were church kids at one time and now find themselves in a whole new world because the Word clearly states in Proverbs 22:6 Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.” ( New Living Translation) I know her mother and I know she did! Regardless of how any one Soar reader may feel about Bailon and her success in Hollywood, one thing we should do is pray. Pray that more faith-based films are produced and pray that every seed of God’s Word planted in the hearts of actors in Hollywood produce much fruit in their own lives so that their lives will also be their message.

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Galley Molina

To find out more about, “I’m In Love With A Church Girl” visit: www.iminlovewithachurchgirl.com www.youtube.com/user/ churchgirlthemovie www.facebook.com/ iminlovewithachurchgirl

Tell us what YOU think? Visit us on Facebook and let us know if you would go watch this film, if you believe it can be an empowering message or if you wouldn’t and why.

Would You Mentor Me?

By Dr. Liz Rios

All around the country I’ve been seeing the same thing happening. More and more people are doing it. More and more women are feeling the need for it. Some are afraid of it, others welcome it with open arms. A question I’ve heard many times throughout my time in ministry is “Would You Mentor Me?” Yes, mentoring is the ‘it’ buzzing everywhere right now.

In 2011, it is my sincere hope that more and more of you dear sisters will seek out others to play these various mentor roles in your life and you will not be afraid to mentor others or ask women you know you can learn from “would you mentor me?” I’d love to hear what you’ve done to apply this in your life, would you tell me at our Facebook page. Thanks!

Mentoring is as old as civilization itself. Through this natural relational process, experience and values pass from one generation to another. Mentoring took place among Old Testament prophets (Eli and Samuel, Elijah and Elisha) and leaders (Moses and Joshua) as well as New Testament leaders (Barnabas and Paul, Paul and Timothy). Throughout human history, mentoring was the primary way that people passed on knowledge to others now with the advancements of technology face to face transfer of skill, wisdom and nurturing are being replaced with computers, E-books and web-streaming of videos. The connection human beings had with one another as the knowledge and experience giver and the receiver has weakened or is nonexistent. So as I said, now throughout society people everyone are rediscovering that the process of learning and maturing needs time and many kinds of relationships. This is where mentoring comes in. However, not the kind you probably are thinking of . I myself have never had an “intentional” mentor though I’ve had numerous mentors from afar. It wasn’t even until recently that I could even say that because I always thought of a mentor as someone who spent time with me regularly and helped guide me in my decision making. However, I always longed to have formal mentors in my life but that was not to happen until recently. I was introduced to two very different women and their programs of mentoring Dr. Shirley Arnold and Pastor Judy Jacobs. Simultaneously, a friend and I had been talking for a while about starting a mentoring program for the women of CEFL but the task in and of itself seemed too insurmountable for me alone especially since I work as a consultant to nonprofits writing grants and have Executive Pastor responsibilities in my church, not to mention a family that need to have their needs met. In the book “Connecting: The Mentoring Relationships You Need To Succeed” I learned the different types of mentoring and realized I indeed had occasional mentors in my life and that I too played a mentor role at different times in my life. One of the common myths of mentoring is that of the ideal mentor. The fact is, there is no one person that will be able to provide all the input you need. It is much more practical to think about mentoring in terms of the functions mentors perform. The following outlines one view of the different ways mentors interact with mentees. SOAR / 29




Discipler Spiritual Guide

Coach Occasional


Teacher Sponsor Contemporary Model

Historical Model

Central Thrust of Empowerment Instruction in the basics of following Christ Accountability, direction and insight for questions, commitments, and decisions affecting spirituality and maturity Motivation, skills and application needed to meet a task or challenge Timely advice and correct perspectives on viewing self, others, circumstances and ministry Knowledge and understanding of a particularsubject Connects mentees with people, resources andopportunities A living, personal model for life or ministry, who is not only an example but also inspires emulation

A model character from history, either biblical or historical, who has positively impacted your life

When seeking a mentor it is important to consider the specific mentoring functions you need most and to enlist a mentor that can serve in that role. Pursuing a focused mentoring relationship that springs off a particular mentoring function will help your mentor cut through the fog and confusion associated with a more general approach. I encourage you sister to seek out mentors or better yet enroll in our upcoming CEFL mentoring program.

In September (during my home church’s women’s retreat) a song was played that instantly trigged the water works for every women in attendance, it was “I Need You To Survive”. I think what makes this song so powerful is the immediate reminder we women get when we hear it that if it wasn’t for the sisters in our lives we would have “almost let go”. It reminds us of this one simple fact, none of us are fully equipped to excel in life. Our weaknesses, blind spots, limited capabilities, and lack of experience all point to one thing-interdependence. Over a lifetime, a balanced network of mentoring relationships include upward mentors, who speak into your life, downward mentees, who are receiving input from you, and peer mentoring relationships, in which there is a mutual give-and-take sharing. It has been through the words and advice of the women (and men) who have served as mentors in my life that I learned to have confidence in the God-given abilities and talents deposited in me, it is where I accepted the fact that I was not born to fit in but to stand out, it is where I learned to face every challenge that has come my way in the face and encouraged myself to do the very thing I thought I could not do. How has it been for you? Reflect on your life? Who has been there for you in roles stated above? Perhaps there are some you’ve failed to recognize as mentors. Send them an encouraging word. Or perhaps you realize you yourself have served as a mentor in some fashion, thank God that He’s used you to impact someone else’s growth. But whatever you do, keep pouring out and keep opening up, these relationships will serve you in more ways that you can imagine. 30/ SOAR

The Last Word by Rev. Dr. Elizabeth D. Rios, CEFL Founder/Soar Publisher

Can God Finish What He Started? Declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things which have not been done, saying, “my purpose will be established, and I will accomplish all My good pleasure.� Isaiah 45:10

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Can God finish what he started? Oh yes

God’s unconditional love for you, no matter your past

He can! Just as Jesus broke upon the earth

mess ups!

as a rebel Himself in order to fulfill god’s words from thousands of years earlier,

I hope this issue of Soar has encouraged and empowered

so God knows exactly what He intends

you. One thing I know for sure is that God started

to do through your life. Of course,

something in you and He is not finished with you yet so

you’re not a robot acting out some

be patient with yourself, dip your toes in the water when

preprogrammed agenda. Instead, God

He tells you to go forth into unexplored areas and

placed all your desires and abilities and

never, ever, ever stop trusting Him!

patterns of thinking inside one never-before-seen personality. One fascinating creation YOU!. When your personality is given to His direction, amazing things happen. Out of that intimate relationship, God leads you into the very purposes He thought up before the earth was even created. That’s some brain strain, but it’s true. Not even your mistakes and messes can hinder God’s purpose in your life. If your heart belongs to Him, He makes your weaknesses the very platform for His strength. He started something in you sister, trust Him to bring it to fruition as you continue to have your mind stayed on Him. In addition, God will put people on your path to empower you and to help you see the potential still dormant in you and quite possibly help you understand

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Your Sistah,

Helping women’s d r e a m s t a k e flight

NY Tristate Region Rev. Enid Rios Rivera Northeastern Regional Representative & Board of Directors Member 212-673-7868 l pastore@cefl.org Southern Region Rev. Edna Quiros Southeastern Regional Representative & Board of Directors Member revedna@cefl.org CEFL Founder Rev. Dr. Liz Rios drliz@cefl.org Soar Magazine Soar Editor-in-Chief Jennifer Reyes l Soareditor@cefl.org

To write for Soar: write@cefl.org To provide feedback soarfeedback@cefl.org Advertising advertising@cefl.org

SOAR Magazine is a digital publication of the Center for Emerging Female Leadership, Inc (CEFL). For information on CEFL Mentoring Program (as mentee or mentor) please contact Dr. Liz Rios at drliz@cefl.org

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