Gunnery Bulletin Fall 2012

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The Gunnery Bulletin


Peter W. E. Becker: Gunnery’s Eleventh Head of School page 2

The Gunnery Bulletin |



Peter W. E. Becker: Gunnery’s Eleventh Head of School 7 Gunnery LEADS Program 10 Vitual High School 11 Steve Bailey in Hong Kong 2

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND SCHOOL OFFICERS Peter W.E. Becker Head of School Stephen W. Baird ’68 Chairman Joan A. Noto P ’97 Vice Chairman David E. Kaplan ’81, P ’13 Vice-President Jay B. Sheehy ’73 Treasurer Peter B. Slone ’73 & P ’11 Secretary Patrick M. Dorton ’86 Jonathan M. Estreich P ’06 Gerrit Vreeland ’61 Members at Large Richard C. Colton, Jr. ’60 Duncan “Dick” Ebersol P ’08 Gretchen H. Farmer P ’05 James R. Gallop P ’14 John M. Greenwood ’71 David N. Hoadley ’51 Francis X. Macary ’77 & P ’03, ’05, ’07 & ’15

Kirsten Peckerman Eugene A. Pinover P ’01 Sarah Scheel Cook ’82 Christine B. Stonbely P ’99 Richard N. Tager ’56 Peter S. Twombly ’74

TRUSTEES EMERITI Leo D. Bretter ’52 & P ’88 Jonathan S. Linen ’62 Val J. Prevedini ’69 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT David N. Hoadley ’51

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BOURNE COUNCIL Stephen W. Baird ’68 Stephen P. Bent ’59 Leo D. Bretter ’52 & P ’88 Edsel B. Ford 2nd ’68 Jonathan S. Linen ’62 Val J. Prevedini ’69 William S. Smilow ’82 Jonathan M. Tisch ’72 Roy S. Walzer ’65 & P ’86 GUNNERY COUNCIL PRESIDENT Brandon J. Dufour ’02 PARENTS COUNCIL CO-CHAIRS Susan and Mike D’Elia P ’12 & ’13 COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE CONTACT Todd C. Santa Maria, Director of Communications and Marketing ADVANCEMENT OFFICE CONTACT Laura D. Eldridge P ’12, Director of Institutional Advancement ADMISSIONS OFFICE CONTACT Shannon Baudo, Director of Admissions PHOTOGRAPHERS Coffeepond Photography Phil Dutton ’81 Anna Kjellson Paloma Torres DESIGN & PRODUCTION CEH DESIGN Bethel, CT

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Head of School

Peter Becker


arrives on campus

he Gunnery’s eleventh Head of School, Peter Becker arrived on campus this past summer with his wife Amy Julia and children, Penny, William and Marilee. Upon arrival, he met with the trustees, administrators, and faculty and got accustomed to his new surroundings. Most recently, Peter was a Master of History and Interdisciplinary Studies at the Lawrenceville School in Lawrenceville, New Jersey. He led the redesign of the Interdisciplinary Program’s curriculum seeking different ways to instruct, encourage and inspire students to learn and communicate. He was also the Housemaster of Kennedy House. In addition, Peter was the Director of the Humanities Program, and a coach of the girls’ varsity squash and boys’ freshman tennis teams. He also held Lawrenceville’s Shutt Faculty Chair for four years.

Peter is a graduate of the University of Virginia, where he earned a B.A. with Distinction in Religious Studies, and Yale University, where he earned an M.A. in History. He was awarded a Fulbright Grant to study classical history, architecture and archaeology at the American Academy in Rome, Italy. Prior to his eight year tenure at The Lawrenceville School, Mr. Becker worked as an investment banking and venture capital analyst, where he gained the finance and management skills he has drawn on throughout his career. Peter moved from investment banking to work for the Fellowship of Christians in Universities and Schools (FOCUS), a non-profit organization that supports independent schools as they serve the needs of students. At FOCUS, Peter led development efforts, particularly in the areas of fundraising and opening new regions. As Peter and Amy Julia were getting settled on campus, they took some time out to talk about their first impressions about Gunnery and the role of family in their lives.

Right: Amy Julia and Peter Becker, Head of School Opposite page: Peter with family William, Penny, Amy Julia and Marilee

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peter becker

What did you see in The Gunnery that made you want to come? What first attracted me to The Gunnery was the enthusiasm about the school demonstrated by people I trusted immensely. First and foremost in that category is Lance Odden, a former Gunnery trustee and the Headmaster of Taft when I attended. Lance knows independent schools—and boarding schools in particular—better than anyone and for him to speak as glowingly about the school made Amy Julia and me very excited about the prospect of leading it.

Above: Peter with Marilee Top: The Becker family (from left to right) Penny, Amy Julia, Peter, Marilee, and William

Second, before the search process heated up, Amy Julia and I made a clandestine day trip to Washington. We drove through campus, briefly had lunch in the Depot, and went for a hike in Steep Rock. What probably struck us most from that trip was the proximity of the natural world—you can’t go very far around here before being struck by nature’s beauty, power, and reality—and that we would like our children to be able to call a place like this home. Third, I’m captivated by the example of Frederick Gunn and am convinced that few independent schools in the country can look to their founder for inspiration and guidance that

remains relevant to the 21st century. His unique example of both progressive and conservative vision, and the adherence of Susie Graham and her predecessors to that vision, has helped anchor the school’s mission and helped it resist the temptation to blindly follow the latest fads in education. In other words, it’s a school that knows itself and is proud of its particular vision.


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Penny Becker

William Becker

“What probably struck us most from that trip was the proximity of the natural world—you can’t go very far around here before being struck by nature’s beauty, power, and reality— and that we would like our children to be able to call a place like this home.” PETER BECKER

Finally, Amy Julia and I were struck by the size and intimacy of the community, the love of the place evinced by the students we met, the passion and dedication of the faculty, and the quality of the senior staff. That sounds like more than one factor but I think they are interrelated. We’d always wanted to

commit to a small school because of the depth of relationship between faculty and students possible there. I don’t think schools can live up to the standards demanded by the idea of in loco parentis if the faculty aren’t excellent and aren’t committed to knowing students well. I’m convinced that is much more achievable in a small school than in a large one and we saw that in action when we visited campus last fall.



ears ago, before we had children

our “dream job” would be in a small

and when we were living in

Connecticut boarding school. We

Richmond, Virginia, Peter mentioned

envisioned ourselves in a place where

that he could see us at a boarding

it was possible to know everyone by

school. It made a lot of sense—at the

name, and, given my family’s long

time we both worked with students

history in Connecticut, we hoped to

in independent schools, and we had

settle down and raise our children

met during our own time at boarding

close to their cousins and aunts and

school—and yet I wasn’t sure I wanted

uncles and grandparents. When Peter

to move back into a dorm anytime

received a call about the position at

soon. But Peter felt confident, and it

The Gunnery, we laughed. It seemed

didn’t take too long to convince me.

too good to be true.

Within a year of that conversation,

We knew our idealized and vague

we were on our way to Lawrenceville, and soon Peter would become the housemaster for a dorm of thirty boys.

desire for a “small Connecticut boarding school” wouldn’t automatically line up with the specifics

As much as we enjoyed our life at

of this historic school in Washington,

Lawrenceville, we also always said that

Connecticut. But as we got to know

continued on next page




peter becker

How does family factor into your life? Amy Julia and I met at Taft and have been best friends ever since. That’s the foundation of our marriage and without her... well, let’s just say that without her I don’t think the search committee would have been interested in my candidacy! We have three wonderful, rather outspoken children—Penny, who is six; William, now four; and Marilee, who is a year and a half old. My family keeps me grounded—it’s hard to get too full of yourself when you’re changing diapers and Amy Julia loves me so much that she’s happy to point out when she thinks I’m wrong. They are all excited to make The Gunnery home and we’re excited that, when they’re adults, our kids will consider The Gunnery where they grew up. What have you been up to over the summer months? Over the past few months, I have met and corresponded with current trustees, parents, faculty, administrators, alumni, residents of Washington, and not enough students. One of my primary goals at this point is to get to know the school from a variety of vantage points. Everyone I’ve spoken with shares a passion for the school. Collectively, they are the backbone of this amazing institution.

In early July, I spent a week at The Institute for New Heads run by the National Association of Independent Schools. It was an invaluable experience to get to know seventy other new heads as we were briefed by experts in the operational aspects of school life. I’ve also tried to spend some downtime with my family. I’ve been touched in particular by the outpouring of enthusiasm from alumni, as represented in particular by the stories they’ve shared with me. Many are funny, some are sad, and all of them have been touching. They demonstrate the loyalty this school engenders and the consistency of our mission—we prepare students for life. Here, students grow in character and wisdom as they learn calculus and critical thinking and make life-long friends. It’s humbling and exciting to be at the helm of such a unique community.

Marilee and Amy Julia A NOTE FROM AMY JULIA BECKER (CONTINUED) the school, which, of course, really

the hill behind the football field. They

meant getting to know the people

are already talking about dinner in the

associated with the school, we began

dining hall and their great backyard.

to believe this community might be

When I think about my role as the

the right fit. I spent a day visiting classes and talking with faculty and students last fall, and I came away with the overwhelming impression that the members of The Gunnery community cared about one another and enjoyed the school. When our children came to visit that same day, they couldn’t have been happier walking through campus and waving to “new friends” and rolling down

wife of the Head of School in the years to come, the word that comes to mind is hospitality. It’s a word that means “the friendly reception and treatment of guests or strangers.” Our family has already received much gracious hospitality from The Gunnery community, and I hope we have an opportunity to give a similar welcome to students, faculty, parents, alumni, trustees, and other members of the

community. I hope our home will become a place where all the members of The Gunnery community feel welcome, and a place where “guests and strangers” become friends.

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Members of the class of 2015, the latest class to go through the Pathways program, at the end-of-year Freshman Dinner.


Takes the LEADS L LEADS (Learning for Engagement, Action, and Dedicated Service) is described by Academic Dean Chapin Miller as “a relatively new and comprehensive curriculum which incorporates some longstanding programs.”

EADS (Learning for Engagement, Action, and Dedicated Service) is described by Academic Dean Chapin Miller as “a relatively new and comprehensive program which incorporates some long-standing programs such as the sophomore ethics classes and the junior classes in public speaking.” It is a four-year curriculum, based on the mission of the school, representing a four-year progression to instill the values of stewardship, character and community engagement. The focus builds each year to the point when as seniors, all Gunnery students

share a common experience based on the LEADS. model. Additionally, this program seeks to create an umbrella under which more intentional interdisciplinary work will happen. Despite being a new program, LEADS, like all other Gunnery initiatives, is rooted in a deep tradition and value system. “Frederick Gunn believed that the most important education was character education,” said Thomas H. Hollinger P ’01 & ’04. “Early on, he incorporated into his school the importance of developing leadership skills as well as academic skills. He was



takes the LEADS.

freshman, I never knew how or what to study. Pathways changed that for me.”

Junior students, through LEADS, are required to take public speaking and make a speech in front of the whole school. Eventually, a select few will be asked to make further speeches down the road. Pictured: Ian Riley, 2012-2013 Head Prefect Elect, speaks at Commencement.

very insistent that people learn respect and responsibility. We still refer to Mr. Gunn’s mission 167 years after he wrote what he thought was important. It still informs what we do here.” Beginning with Pathways, the freshmen course which was launched as a pilot two years ago, students engage with a variety of issues directly relevant to adolescence: identity, relationships and communication, health and wellness, and, finally, the definition and requirements of leadership. It is a class in which students are expected to engage actively with the topic at hand; it requires that students manage their impulses, relate effectively to others, and engage in respectful and constructive dialogue about subjects that can be sensitive, but are essential to the reality of high school freshmen. “This class also teaches the freshmen how to be good Gunnery students and make the most out of the resources here,” said Chip. “They learn how to be an active student

“I was taught how to study early, set up a schedule, and not overwhelm myself. I have been using these skills ever since. As an incoming freshman, I never knew how or what to study. Pathways changed that for me.” –Megan Salerno ’14

with the right mind-set to go about a scholarly approach to school.” “My teacher taught me study skills,” said Megan Salerno ’14. “I was taught how to study early, set up a schedule, and not overwhelm myself. I have been using these skills ever since. As an incoming

Unlike the Pathways class, which asks students to look inward, in the Ethics & Responsibility class, they are asked to look outward. Sophomore students engage in various forms of discussion—debate, dialogue, and discourse—around a wide range of the central issues of our time from the social to the environmental and beyond. Developing the skills essential to true engagement in informed discourse and learning to respect diverse belief systems are two outcomes of this course. Students explore their own personal moral code, test it against critical issues and reflect upon its deeper meaning in their individual lives and as members of a learning community. The ideal of service to others is promoted through a consideration of individual and group responsibility. Questions of social justice are raised and explored. Each student develops a personal statement of moral principles over the course of the term, which they deliver to their class at the end of the term. “We looked at different situations from 100 different angles,” said Megan. “I never would have thought of the things my classmates were coming up with in each given situation. This class has made me more open-minded—every single person has a story—you can’t just judge them on first interpretations or encounters.” The Ethics & Responsibility class is followed by one of the most recognizable components of the LEADS program to most alumni: Public Speaking. Required of all juniors, this class is designed to raise student awareness of the rhetorical implications inherent in


public performance and to equip them with the necessary tools to be effective communicators. Making students aware that public speech has a specific goal and that it must recognize its audience, this course introduces a variety of strategies from which to make informed rhetorical choices for maximum effectiveness. Students also are taught specific aspects of performance such as body language, volume, eye contact. Students participate in classroom discussion, give speeches and critiques, and deliver a final speech to the school community. Overall, this course aims to make students comfortable and effective in front of an audience. The LEADS program culminates in a Senior Capstone project, designed to encourage seniors to give back to their school community. Thirty hours of service will be required. “This is a pilot program for the upcoming year,” said Kate Merritt, Assistant Dean of Students/ Dean of Residential Life and Pathways Teacher. “We are hoping to roll it out for the senior class in the following year.” “Ten to twelve students are voluntarily doing this next year,” said Upperclass Dean, Craig Badger, who heads the capstone segment with Morgen (Goepel) Fisher ’03, the other Upperclass Dean. “Each came up with their own projects which had to be centered on service.” Seniors choose to study something that they are interested in. They can embark on a number of different activities in keeping with their theme. Craig said, “For example, if someone picked

`Working with the Homeless’ as their theme, they can spend a few hours working in a soup kitchen, another few hours in a homeless shelter, and so on.” An Honors Capstone is also being considered for students. Students will have to spend 40–50 hours working on it. They will also be required to do a mandated presentation to the school. “If you look at the progress of LEADS,” said Craig, “the senior year is about

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discuss making healthy decisions in a wide array of areas from nutrition and exercise to cyber-bullying to the handling of stress. Tom Hollinger feels that all the programs within the LEADS curriculum “lead towards the goal of getting kids to understand how important it is to stand up and be counted, how it matters to work with others, and how imperative it is to respect other people’s points of view.”

Associate Head of School, Eileen Aguirre-Kelly P ’12, introduces a discussion in the Ethics & Responsibility class.

working in your community. You become more external. We hope they (the students) get some satisfaction out of working on something greater than themselves. It helps their self confidence to put themselves out there and accomplishing something.” The LEADS program objectives are also promoted on the school’s Constant Forward Motion Days. Held once per marking period, leadership speakers (a mixture of Gunnery faculty and guest speakers) meet with the students and

“These classes have helped me both in and out of school,” said Tim Reitman ’14, who to-date has participated in Pathways and Ethics & Responsibility. “I have a younger brother, and I want to make sure he follows a good example.” These classes have also given Tim a sense of confidence and even helped him land a summer job. In the end, LEADS gave Tim and countless others what Mr. Gunn had always intended. “I definitely have a sense of ethical and moral responsibility,” said Tim.

If supporting the LEADS program is of interest to you, please contact Laura D. Eldridge P ’12, Director of Institutional Advancement at 860-868-7334 ext. 283 or at





Inside The Gunnery’s

High School


tarting in the fall of 2012, The Gunnery will offer courses as a part of The Virtual High School (VHS) Collaborative. “This will enrich our already robust academic program,” said Eileen Kelly-Aguirre P ’12, Associate Head of School. “We are taking what VHS offers and meeting pre-existing goals of our academic program. VHS provides students with access to high quality online learning experiences and courses not offered at their school. Each course is taught by specially trained classroom teachers who are highly qualified and certified in their subject areas. VHS was founded in 1996 and is credited for bringing online learning into secondary education. VHS defines themselves “as a program that provides co-synchronous courses for secondary school students taught in global online classrooms, online professional development in 21st century teaching best practices for educators, support with blended learning initiatives, custom course development and private offerings to meet unique educational needs.” Their design and delivery standards were the model used by the National Education Association in their recommended standards for online learning. In addition, VHS has won numerous awards, including the Stockholm Challenge Award for Global Excellence in Information Technology and is a three time winner of the United States Distance Learning Association’s (USDLA) award for Excellence in Programming and Excellence in Best Practices.

According to Jennifer Wojcik, Gunnery’s VHS Site Coordinator and Contributing Teacher, “VHS will be used to extend our curriculum and provide our students with internationally based options and understanding. The VHS Collaborative has been successful in the education world for quite some time. We are very excited to include this as a pilot program within our curriculum.” Below are some of VHS areas of focus: ■ Six additional AP classes will be available through VHS. The Gunnery currently offers 16 APs in a number of different disciplines. ■ “Given our size, the number of AP classes that we currently offer is large,” said Eileen. “VHS APs allow us to broaden and further strengthen our academic program without sacrificing the many benefits of our smaller scale.” Students can participate in a number of inter-disciplinary science and technology courses including Animal Behavior, Epidemics, and Bio-ethics. ■ Term-length courses that enhance the student’s cultural awareness and literacy will add to our already existing global and cultural studies offerings. ■ Social Science courses such as Government, Psychology, and Sociology have also been made available.

For more information on this program, please visit us at

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eloved faculty member, Steve Bailey, taught Advanced Physics in Hong Kong for three weeks in July as part of an international expansion of the Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth (CTY), a national program for 7th to 10th grade students. The Johns Hopkins University CTY program offered six courses including Biomedical Science, Cryptography, Intro to Computer Science, Macroeconomics and the Global Economy, Non-fiction Writing, and Upper Level Physics.

are conducted at University of Hong Kong Science and Technology (UHKST).” The eligibility of the students for these courses requires that they score “with distinction” on the Math, Science, and problem-solving portions of the World Class Test (WCT). The WCT is a series of tests created by the British Government in 2001 to identify academically talented and creative youth. Students are required to apply creative thinking and logic in response to math, science, and general problems and to communicate their thought process clearly on paper.

Students completing Steve’s physics course are expected to take (and do well) in AP Physics B in the fall. All have completed at least Algebra II Honors. Many have finished pre-calculus and will also be taking calculus in the fall. Each class is composed of 18 students. “In my class,” said Steve. “I have students from the United States, Hong Kong, Thailand, Vietnam and one from mainland China. All courses

After a grueling six weeks of classes, Steve was joined by his wife, Jane, on a trip to China where they were welcomed by The Gunnery’s Mandarin teacher for the past two years, Jian (“Johnson”) Wu. Steve, Jane and Johnson traveled to Hong Kong and Beijing to meet prospective students and their parents and talk with alumni and current students.






& prize night

The Gunnery Class of 2012 Samuel James Aguirre-Kelly Sarah Jane Auchincloss Sang Jun Baek Daniel John Barker Ryan J. Biddiscombe Jameson Fisher Bonti Madeleine June Boudreau Timothy Patrick Burns Miriam Canut Segura Rebekah Anne Capece Charlotte Elizabeth Carew-Miller Victoria Lyn Cassone Mackenzie Lyn Chase John L. Costello Jibrail Meekaiel Coy John Connell Cullen, Jr. Charles Edmund Davol Anthony Paul D’Elia Andrew Phil De Paulis Alessia De Vitis Allison Lynn Desaulniers Jack Vincent Douglas Taylor Renée Dubé Katherine Lea Eldridge Alexa Rae Frageau Cassandra Lee Frageau John Mark George

Arthur Seiya Gordon John Leslie Gould Andrew Nolan Graham Sara Lyon Haestad Thomas Edward Hart Raeburn O’Brien Hathaway Daniel Cheng Hay Thomas Joseph Heubusch Patrick James Higgins Benjamin Hjalmarsson Chester Andrew Hojnicki Peter Francis Iani Lindsay A. Jerry-Collins Fan Jiang Maxwell James Kaufman Melanie Hulme Kellstrom Harrison Richard Kemp Rhiana Isabel Kestenbaum Yea Weon Kim Zachary Gilbert Larson Aaron Michael Levy Sarah Marie Lombard Cameron Paul MacKay Darby Elizabeth MacKay Brett Adam Mackell Jeffrey Alex Manville, Jr. Frederick Peter Marks II

Veronica Marie McStocker Christopher Mark Olson, Jr. Mackenzie David Peeler Ashley Marie Pires Erin Renee Potter Graham Hooper Pough Jarrid Michael Privitera Janine Jade Prokscha Charlotte Meta Reilly Tyffany Robyn Richards Hugh Marc Rinaldi Cameron Clarke Romoff Beatrice Danielle Rubin Emily Anissa Seguin Sarah Olivia Shulman Hayden Marshall Smith Soo-Jin So Pedro Souza Alexander Louis Sproviero Joseph Sampson Stevens II Elizabeth Mary Sutherland Jaren Masayuki Taenaka Reneé Simone Waller Brooke Mallory Williams Jake Cameron Wood Yui Ham Yan Li-Ting Yu

Top scholar in the Class of 2012, Jaren Taenaka

To hear the Commencement speeches – Log into iTunes and download The Gunnery’s podcast!



Legacies in the Class of 2012: Charlotte Riley, Elizabeth Sutherland, John George, Mackenzie Chase, Charlotte Carew-Miller, John Cullen, Sarah Auchincloss, Frederick Marks, John Gould, Hugh Rinaldi, Charles Davol and Hayden Smith

Alessia De Vitis, Lindsay Jerry-Collins, Emily Seguin and Sara Haestad

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Ariel Baum ’03 presents The Chace Award for Excellence in Leadership to Samuel Aguirre-Kelly ‘12

Madeleine Boudreau, recipient of the Senior Mathematics Department Award, and Charlotte Carew-Miller, recipient of the Brinsmade Prize and The Michael Post Award for Excellence in English, with their advisor Katherine Merritt

John George, Daniel Hay and Andrew Hojnicki 2012 Prefects: Samuel Aguirre-Kelly, Taylor Dubé, Darby MacKay, Elizabeth Sutherland, Charlotte Carew-Miller and Cameron MacKay




& prize night

Athletic Director Jon Russillo presents the Athletic Cup Awards to Taylor Dubé ’12 and Benjamin Hjalmarsson ’12. Taylor is also the recipient of the 2012 Gunnery Cup.

Seniors on the boys’ crew team: Joseph Stevens, Graham Pough, John Cullen, Christopher Olson, Andrew De Paulis and Cameron MacKay with their coach, Anna Kjellson (center)

Dean of Students Christopher Baudo, Dean of Faculty Eileen Kelly-Aguirre, Chairman of the Board Stephen Baird ’68 and commencement speaker Ariel Baum ’03 with Head of School Susan Graham as she was awarded an honorary Class of 2012 diploma.

Logan Adams ’15, the recipient of the Teddy Award, with the previous winners of this award, Andrey Yuzvik ’14, Cameron MacKay ’12, Tristan Kishonis ’13 and Ian Riley ’13

The Gunnery chapter of the Cum Laude Society: Matthew Daylor, Katherine Merritt, Anna Kjellson, Eileen Kelly-Aguirre, Sang Jun Baek ’12, Steven Bailey, Ria Han ’13, David Shaffer, Madeleine Boudreau ’12, Mark Conklin, Taylor Dubé ’12, Jarrod Sisk, Brianna Goldstein ’13, Ian Riley ’13, Tristan Kishonis ’13, Charlotte Carew-Miller ’12, William Smith, Pamela Taylor, Susan Graham, Alisa Croft, Craig Badger, Fan Jiang ’12, Jaren Taenaka ’12, Caitlyn Cotton, Alison Frye, Russ Elgin, Selah Stebbins and Amy Paulekas


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CLASS OF 2012 COLLEGE MATRICULATION American International College

Ohio Wesleyan University

Trinity College (2)

American University

Old Dominion University

Tulane University

Boston University (2)

Palm Beach Atlantic University

Union College (2)

Bowdoin College

Parsons The New School for Design

University of Aberdeen

Centre College

Pennsylvania State University

University of Connecticut (2)

College of Charleston

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

University of Denver

Concordia University – Montreal

Rollins College

University of Redlands

Connecticut College (2)

Salve Regina University

University of Rhode Island

Cornell University

Skidmore College

University of San Francisco

Emory University

Spelman College

University of Vermont (2)

Franklin and Marshall College (2)

Springfield College

Washington College (2)

Franklin Pierce University

St. Francis Xavier University

Wellesley College

Furman University

St. Lawrence University (2)

Wesleyan University

Gettysburg College

St. Thomas University

Western Connecticut State University

Hartwick College

Stonehill College

Westminster College

Hobart and William Smith Colleges (2)

Suffolk University

Wheaton College MA

Hunter College of the CUNY

SUNY College at Cortland

Whittier College (2)

Ithaca College

Syracuse University (2)

Wilfrid Laurier University

Lehigh University

Texas Tech University

Marquette University

The College of Wooster (2)

Massachusetts Maritime Academy

The George Washington University (3)

Northeastern University

The University of Tampa






From Hatching Eggs

to Tidal Mud “ T

eaching is my passion,” Gunnery biology teacher Alison Frye declares. And so she spent her summer break teaching at the Duxbury Bay Marine School (DBMS) in Massachusetts. This past summer, she directed the ecology education department there, working with 7–14 year olds and instructing high-level ecology courses. The position is a natural outgrowth of her work as an educator last summer at the New England Aquarium in Boston, as well as a continuation of her four-year association with DBMS as a rowing coach. Alison grew up fishing, boating, and, as she says, “knee-deep in tidal mud.” At Bates College, Alison majored in biology: earth, environmental, and marine and competed in varsity rowing and swimming. She also studied marine science during a semester abroad in Queensland, Australia, which shaped her passion for conservation biology and inspired her subsequent research

on education as a means of protecting Uganda’s dwindling rainforests. Now, she is passing on her wealth of marine and conservation experience to lucky Gunnery students.

Alison, who arrived at The Gunnery two years ago, is a true daughter of Frederick Gunn. She begins her assumption that her first and most important task is to get students to appreciate their natural surroundings; “then, they will take enthusiastically to the next steps of observation and conservation.” She accomplishes this with multiple encounters with natural phenomena in the classroom and on field trips. The experiment that most captures the campus imagination is the Biology I experiment, which involves incubating and hatching of chicks. Each spring, there are progress reports in the daily student notices of the impending births. And when the first shell gets its first pecking hole, almost everyone on campus finds a minute to stop by the

viewing station on the second floor of the Science Building to welcome the emerging chicks. The Environmental Science class’s yearly field trip to the Livingston Ripley duck migration research facility reinforces classroom lessons in the interdependence of fowl, waterways, and land use. Alison introduced Marine Science to the Gunnery’s curriculum. An underclassmen elective, the course attracts both experienced and inexperienced water people, but, by the end of the first week, they are all hooked. Whereas, many of us remember the lab dissection of a frog, Alison’s class dissects a shark. The objective is not only to see how the fish is constructed, but also to see how it is adapting to changing environments and pollution. Alison’s thesis at Bates was on “Using education as a means of conservation in the Ugandan rainforest.” We’re glad Alison has brought her passion to The Gunnery.

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During spring break, Andrew Hamilton ‘14, Stephen Macary ’14, Won Jun Lee ’13, Robert Hooper ’14, Raeburn Hathaway ’12 went on the trip of a lifetime to five cities in China with The Gunnery’s Mandarin exchange teacher, Jian Wu. The students visited Beijing, Shanghai, Xi’an, Anqing City, and Yellow Mountain. In addition to the usual tourist sites, they enjoyed a home-cooked meal, a home stay and a visit to the boarding school of one member of a highlevel visiting delegation, which came to The Gunnery in the fall. Faculty and students bid a fond farewell to Mr. Wu, whose contract ended in June. They will welcome his replacement, Zhang Rui (Jerry) from Chongqing, China in August.

The Gunnery was nominated for ten Halo awards in the Seven Angels Theaters annual recognition of the best in theatrical performances in high schools and independent schools around the region. Both of the school productions: Picasso at the Lapin Agile and A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum garnered nominations for individual performances as well as lighting, props and management. The Forum was nominated in the category of Best Classic Musical (Pre1965). Jack Douglas ’12 won the award for Best Comic Performer in a Play (male) in his role as “Gaston” in Picasso at the Lapin Agile.

Thomas A. Burger, III ’13 from New Canaan, CT was appointed as Gunn Scholar for the 2012-2013 school year. He plans to study the career of General Benjamin D. Foulois, Class of 1893, who was the founder of the Army Air Force and learned to fly with the Wright Brothers. General Foulois stayed in close touch with The Gunnery throughout his long and illustrious career and left a considerable correspondence. In addition to the history project, Tommy has a particular interest in the subject since he is learning to fly with computer science teacher Elliot Fisher.

The Gunnery’s upper class girls’ dorm, Van Sinderen, joined with the Red Cross to sponsor a Blood Drive in the Emerson Performing Arts Center. Emily Seguin ’12 of Fairfield, Vermont, head RA (resident advisor) for the dorm organized this ambitious community service effort. The Gunnery’s students manned the registration tables, provided the refreshments, and, most importantly, recruited donors. Said Kate Merritt, Assistant Dean of Students, “We had seven walk-ins and 37 donors in all; for a first effort, it was spectacularly successful… We are very pleased with the program of dormsponsored community service.”

Meet the 2012-2013 Prefects

The following are excerpts from prefect speeches given this past spring to the school community.



Almost everything I have done in the past three years has most likely involved The Gunnery in some way, and, if I did not end up here, I would not be at all who I am today … and that is why I am running for prefect, to contribute to making the school that has changed my life, an even better place for all of us, to help us all grow with the school. I am committed to improving The Gunnery in as many ways possible, and helping speak out for the student body is undoubtedly one of the best ways to do exactly that. I strive to help make this school the best place for us to shape our lives in the most positive way possible, to be unselfish, and bring together the community to the best of my ability.



What should be understood more than anything is that being a prefect has nothing to do with any of us as individuals.

It is about being an ambassador and representative of The Gunnery and about giving of oneself for the betterment of this community. These people sitting here in front of you are above all things, selfless. They are asking for the opportunity to give of themselves for all of you, and that is something we can all truly admire. I, for one, am certainly honored to be counted among them. And I have no doubt that each and every single one of us will continue to work to help this community, prefect or not, and I certainly hope that can serve as a precedent for all of us.

riley Head Prefect


You’re walking, just walking. You don’t really know where you’re going yet, but that’s okay. I’m walking too; and I don’t really know any more than you where we’re going. I can point you in what I think is the right direction, but ultimately, the path that you take is entirely your decision. The path that we take will be ours. I’m not here to tell you the definition of a leader because there isn’t just one definition; everyone has their own definition, everyone has their own idea of someone

who they would follow. My personal definition of a leader is someone who is guided by those which they guide. Someone who takes into account which path that you want to take; someone who listens, considers, and responds. WYATT


The role of a prefect is not an easy one, in part because it is ever changing. Granted there are a few obvious things, like leading school meeting, having office hours, and planning social events. However, these barely scratch the surface; a prefect must be a leader, a role model. Someone whom you can approach for a casual conversation or look to for advice ‌ a prefect should not simply be one who speaks for the students. A prefect should encourage students to speak for themselves and act in their own best interests.



The prefects are always designing activities and new rules that they believe, based on the feedback from their peers, would best help, fit, and entertain the entire community. The role of prefect is something that is impossible to define because from year to year our group of prefects is always so different. This variety comes from the ever-changing community

they represent. New people joining the community, others graduating and moving on, faculty, success in athletics, and weather are a few of the many things that impact the way the school year goes. It is the job of the prefects not to make the school the way he or she thinks it should be, but to adapt with the attitude of the community, and work with them to effectively make changes to better the school.



Whether you consider yourself an active member of our community or not, I believe that there are many opinions floating around about what goes on and how our school is run. I collect them every day and think about them often. I think about the types of students who go to our school, the professionalism of our faculty. I analyze our rules and privileges and I try to adapt to them. I believe that we have to become more confident in the school we chose to attend while gaining more respect for our community. My goal is to change our opinions and perspectives on how amazing The Gunnery actually is to its core. I would strive towards the type of school that we are all proud to attend.





GUNNERYathletics Student-Athletes Turn in a Successful Spring Season


t has been a great spring,” said Jon Russillo, Director of Athletics. “All of our teams from varsity baseball to LAX to tennis have turned in solid seasons.” Boys’ varsity baseball (13-4 overall, 9-2 in the league) made their way to the Western New England Prep Baseball League Championship. Boys’ LAX (9-6 overall, 9-4 in the league) got to the semi-finals in the playoffs against Canterbury. In addition, the golf team ended their season at 15-1. Aside from the wins and triumphs, the players and the coaches experienced the success brought about by camaraderie, sportsmanship, and strong leadership. One message echoed loud and clear from the fields. This year, like any other, strong upperclassmen set an example to the other players on what it means to be a good teammate. “Our two captains, Anthony D’Elia ’12 and PJ Higgins ’12, represented what we try to accomplish,” said Jeff Trundy, Head Baseball coach. “They respected their team mates and earned

their respect in the process. Ryan Biddiscombe ’12 and Hugh Rinaldi ’12 were also significant contributors to the program and have invested a lot of time and effort in the last few years.” This sentiment was enforced by Shannon Baudo, head Girls’ LAX coach. “We have a great group of five senior leaders on the team; two are four-year seniors. One of them, Charlotte Reilly ’12, will go on to play at St. Lawrence University.” Girls’ tennis team coach, Jim Graham said, “Arguably our group has the most camaraderie and fun of any team that I can think of on campus. We have players from freshman to senior on our team. Everyone equally contributes.” Log on to on our athletic program, including the latest team scores and coverage of the end-of-year Athletic Banquet.

Boys’ LAX

The student-athletes gave The Gunnery several exciting moments during the last few months. For boys’ varsity baseball, this was their third time competing at the Western New England Prep Baseball League Championship. “We won the Championship in 2007 & 2009,” said Jeff. “The kids certainly enjoyed the moment at the Championship. They realized it was an accomplishment. They certainly earned the privilege to be there.” Jeff and his fellow coaches treat every game with importance, knowing some games will be more of a challenge than others. “We’ve faced competition against Berkshire in previous years. We had two great games with them. Our win against Suffield in the semi-finals advanced us to the championships. Those games in particular were highlights to our season.”

Girls’ LAX

While Darby was excelling on the courts, her brother, Cameron MacKay ’12 was leading on the green. Cam along with the rest of the golf team, finished the season at 15–1. In an interview with the Housatonic Times, golf coach, Russ Elgin said, “They were competitive and shooting low scores during our tryout period. I think the early spring also helped us. For the first couple of weeks, we were not dealing with cold and wet days for practice. I think the good start to the season became contagious and pushed them to be even better. The three returning players are playing better and the three newcomers have complemented them very well.” Top players have been seniors Cameron MacKay ’12, Hayden Smith ’12 and Jake Wood ’12, and juniors Anton Fondelius ’13, Julie Nopack ’13 and Paloma Vega Gonzales-Ruiz ’13. At The 27th annual Pippy O’ Connor Independent School Girls’ Golf Classic, Paloma came in with a score of 77 in a three-way tie for 2nd and Julie came next in 5th place with a score of 79.

Girls’ LAX also saw wins against two of their biggest rivals, Hopkins School and Millbrook. However Shannon said, “Our loss against Berkshire was telling. We knew we could keep up with one of the New England power houses.” Boys’ LAX played in their first-ever league tournament, the semifinals against Canterbury. They were third seed out of 14 teams that made it to the tournament. “The guys have worked really hard all year,” said Mark Conklin, Boys’ LAX coach. “I was really happy for them.” The court action was just as exciting as that on the fields. “Girls’ tennis highlights included our wins over Canterbury and Millbrook,” said Jim. “Casey Cullen ’14 won in three sets in the Millbrook game. Darby MacKay ’12 was terrific in number one. Izzy Baggi and Amanda Payne came in third in the Suffield Tournament.”

Izzy Bagi ’13, Coach Jim Graham and Amanda Payne ’14 after securing third place in the Number 1 doubles spot at Suffield Tournament.





A Message from Mike & Sue D’Elia P ‘12 & ‘13 Presidents of The Gunnery Parents Council


ur experience as Gunnery parents has been wonderful. Our sons, Anthony ’12 and Nick ’13, have grown in ways that we never would have expected. They have become leaders in their community. They’ve become more responsible. They have a self confidence that they didn’t have before. We can attribute this to our sons’ relationships with their teachers, coaches, advisors and the partnership we, as parents, have with everyone at the school. When a child is entrusted to The Gunnery, it is understood that the faculty will care for, nurture and educate the students in their charge. Open communication, frequent interaction and parent involvement ultimately strengthens the support system for all students. The Parents Council is a volunteer organization that facilitates this partnership and support by helping the administration, faculty, and students throughout the year. Three key committees drive the Parents Council initiatives. • • •

The Admissions Committee The Advancement Committee The Student Life Committee

Sue D’Elia, President of the Gunnery Parents Council, with sons, Anthony ’12 and Nick ’13

Every parent can play a role in the life of The Gunnery. All parents are already members of the Parents Council by being a current parent or guardian. Whether you live near or far, there are ways you can help. We encourage everyone to get involved.

Three key committees drive the Parents Council initiatives. The Admissions Committee–

Working with Shannon Baudo, Director of Admissions (, parents help to facilitate outreach to prospective and incoming families, support regional receptions, and contribute to campus revisit days.

The Advancement Committee– Working with Chelsea Stuart, Associate Director of The Gunnery Fund and Parent Programs (, parents help to raise nearly $300,000 in parent support and participate in special capital initiatives that fund construction projects and endow financial aid, faculty support and other academic programs.

The Student Life Committee– Working with Kate Merritt, Dean of Residential Life (, the Council enriches the out-of-class experience through dorm competitions (which usually involve providing food as a reward), barbeques, exam care packages and other fun events.

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Faculty Member Ed Small delivers a farewell speech to Head of School (and friend) Susan Graham.

L-R: Fiona Miodownik ’82 and Susanne Morgan ’82 catch up with Gunnery English teacher, Pam Taylor.

The Alumni Association Meeting.

Susan Graham presents Trustee, Sarah Scheel Cook ’82 with the 2012 Alumnus of the Year Award.

Peter Houldin ’92 addresses the crowd.

Nine alumni were inducted into the school’s Athletic and Arts and Letters Hall of Fame: Inductees above: Thomas Zavorskas’s ’62 son and grandsons accept the citation in his honor. Others include: Carey A. Bodenheimer ’87, Peter H. Smith ’57, Richard L. Feigen ’47, Norman Hines ’57, Peter W. Lash ’52, Jack B. McIntosh ’92, Elizabeth Meyer Kelley ’92, and Bruce K. Adams ’67.





Friends and classmates at the Blakeslee H. Botsford ’82 Memorial Dedication

Matthew Cohen ’92 at bat

The Alumni Row on Lake Waramaug

The Class of 1962: (front row) Peter Thom, John Sartorius, Joe Juhas, Rod Brant, (middle row) Henry Soper, Holt Whiting, Bill Wrightson, John Harris, Battle Hamilton, Alan Iselin, (back row) Stoney Bird, Nick Veeder, Jon Linen, Jack Moore, Perry Pepper, Fred Long, and Phil Magnuson

The Class of 1987: (left to right) Tiffany Hillkurtz, Meredith Smith, Silvia Mayo Molina, Kate Howell, Todd Rubsamen, Linda Galletto, Page Waller, Pietro Belluschi, and Laura Sherwin

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Former Trustee, Harry T. Jones III ’53 & P ’89, and current Trustee, Kirsten Peckerman

A Silent Art Auction for Alumni Weekend attendees included 34 works donated by Gunnery and Wykeham Rise alumni. Celebrating Susie Graham’s commitment to the arts, the works included three oil sketches by famed American Impressionist John F. Follinsbee, Class of 1911, contempory works such as those of Tom Farmen ’00, sculpture such as that of Norm Hines ’57, and oil landscapes by Associate Director of Development Tom Hollinger. (Pictured above: Nick Molnar ’72 makes a bid.)

Director of Institutional Advancement, Laura D. Eldridge P ’12 catches up with Rich Nolan ’07 and Colin Thompson ’07.

Trustee Emeritus Jonathan S. Linen ’62 presents Susan Graham with a special farewell gift: Quotes and Reflections, a book filled with essays and reflections from trustees, administrators, faculty members, alumni, parents, and current students.

The Class of 1977: Richard Flanagan, Frank Macary, Steven Cornell, Joel Varley, Martin Pitts, Scott Yale, David Miller and Steven Yale

Susan G. Graham Honored


onathan ’72 and Lizzie Tisch hosted a very special gathering of trustees, former trustees, leaders of the school and friends who came together to celebrate the legacy of Susan G. Graham, The Gunnery’s first female Head of School. The event was held on April 4, 2012 at the Loews Regency in New York City. Stephen W. Baird ’68, current Chairman of the Board, served as Master of Ceremonies for the evening. “Susie is one of the greatest educational leaders,” said Steve. “She has built a wonderful team and a community that fosters learning and growth. With the Board, she realized many dreams, conquered many challenges, and lifted the school into a terrific place for the future. She leaves an indelible legacy.”

Top: Edsel ’68 and Cynthia Ford and Dick and Susan Saint James Ebersol P ’08 join Susie for a photo-op. Above: Christine Stonbely P ’99 along with Jonathan Linen ‘62, Stephen Baird ‘68, and Roy Walzer ’65 unveil Susie’s portrait for the crowd.

Log on to to view more photos from this special evening.

Trustees and Gunnery fathers, David Kaplan ’81 & P ’13 and Gene Pinover P ’01

Jeffrey Feil P ’98 poses with the Grahams: Susie. Jim, and Sarah

Above: Eileen Aguirre-Kelly P ’12, Associate Head of School, with Roy Walzer, former Board Chair. Left: Susie with Senior Master, Russ Elgin

Gerrit Vreeland, Erin and Patrick Dorton ’86

Above: Trustees Kirsten Peckerman and Christine Stonbely with Susie Above: Susan Graham with the evening’s hosts, Jon ’72 and Lizzie Tisch.

Left: Jonathan Linen, the Board Chair whom Susie first worked with, poses with his wife Lee and The Gunnery’s tenth Head of School.





NEWtrustees Francis Macary, James Gallop, and Dick Ebersol Join The Gunnery Board of Trustees


he Gunnery is pleased to announce the appointments of Francis X. Macary ’77 & P ’03, ’05, ’07 & ’15, James R. Gallop P ’14, and Duncan “Dick” Ebersol P ’08 to the school’s Board of Trustees. These new trustees bring a diverse skill set in mass media communications, public relations and marketing, investment management and entrepreneurism. Frank Macary, CEO of HOB Industries in Wolcott, CT, can be classified as one of The Gunnery’s most loyal alums. In addition to returning for school events and contributing generously towards the school’s fundraising initiatives, he sent his four children to The Gunnery. As each child went through, he experienced The Gunnery all over again New Trustees: James R. Gallop P ’08, Duncan “Dick” Ebersol P ’08, through their eyes. During this time, Frank Francis X. Macary ’77 & P ’03, ’05, ’07 & ’15 met and spoke with many of the students and fellow parents. “I can bring some unfiltered feedback.I’ve been back to the school many times over the last eight years. “The Gunnery is a little piece of heaven in God’s country I think it’s important to hear those messages as we shine where, if you are lucky enough as a teenager, you can spend this gem.” the best years of your life,” said Mr. Ebersol, television Like Mr. Macary, Mr. Gallop is very familiar with the boarding school scene. He attended the Holderness School in Plymouth, NH and was looking for a school with similar attributes for his son. “The Gunnery has an energetic faculty of high quality who are great role models for kids,” said Mr. Gallop. “They create an environment where students can prosper, take risks and learn lifelong lessons. At its core, it is a very nurturing community.” Mr. Gallop has a background in law and investment management and is currently focused on venture capital investing and lower middle market private equity. He served for nine years as a Trustee of the Holderness School and continues to serve as a member of the school’s Investment Committee.

executive and former chairman of NBC Sports. “I bring a sense of curiosity to the Board. I really care deeply about what happens to young people at this stage in their lives and what they learn to become good citizens. I think it is a privilege to have an education in the United States, and I am glad to be a part of that here.” Macary, Gallop, and Ebersol’s presence will be invaluable in defining the governance and future leadership of the Board, particularly at this exciting time. “We are at the beginning of a whole new era with (new Head of School) Peter Becker, a terrific young man who has incredible curiosity and ideas,” said Mr. Ebersol. “It will be fun to be here during this transformational period.”

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the gunnery

Jon and Steve Tisch Present $1 Million Challenge for New Girls’ Dorm

Graham House


wo of Gunnery’s biggest supporters, Jonathan ’72 and Steven ’67 Tisch recently announced their commitment of up to $1 million for the building of a new girls’ dorm. This new residential space which replaces Butler Dorm will be named Graham House after recently retired Head of School, Susan G. Graham and will serve as a capstone and a tribute to her legacy of her twenty-one year career. Jon and Steve have made this project a priority and put forth the $1 million challenge to match all gifts over $25,000 and up to $1 million. Graham House, which will be 20% larger than Butler Dorm, will hold eleven double rooms or a configuration of doubles and singles. Resembling the freshman boys’ dorm, Teddy House, it will be built in the historic Ehrick Rossiter architectural style. It will have an atrium for natural light and upgraded amenities such as bathrooms, special bathrooms for parents, a student lounge and faculty apartments. A vibrant residential life program is at the heart of our closeknit community. The Gunnery has traditionally presented a family atmosphere for boarding students. As Mr. Gunn’s first students lived with his family and learned social responsibility,

Steven E. Tisch ‘67 Jonathan M. Tisch ‘72

current faculty act in loco parentis as dorm parents in small rather than large dorms. This traditional pattern allows adults to insist on the attitudes of respect, service, and kindness so important to community life. Once the funds are committed, the Board of Trustees can approve the construction and secure all permits and commence construction. Ideally, Butler Dorm would be taken off-line and student/faculty housing would be distributed to other dorms for the year that it would take to complete the building. To be part of this challenge, contact Director of Advancement, Laura Eldridge at 860-868-7334 ext. 283.




the gunnery

Lucio and Joan Noto P ’97 Commit $1.2 Million to The Gunnery


oan and Lucio Noto P ’97, long time Gunnery supporters, have announced their commitment of over one million dollars to the endowment, the athletic fields and the College Counseling Office. Their gift also includes a leadership level contribution to The Gunnery Fund. “I love the school,” said Joan. “The Gunnery did a great job for my daughter, Ali ’97. Giving this gift is a way of saying thank you for helping to make her the woman that she is. They gave her the attention she needed. She was on the honor roll for three years. She was tri-captain her senior year. She did very well academically, went on to Franklin and Marshall, and has become very independent and successful. This school takes a child and allows that child to grow in every way possible.” In addition to her generous monetary contributions, Joan has served as a trustee since 1996, beginning when Ali was a student. She has assumed many leadership roles since then as the Vice Chair of the Board and one of three Co-Chairmen for the Campaign for The Gunnery. During her tenure, she has served on the Admissions, Marketing, Educational Policy, Advancement, and Buildings and Grounds Committees. “From the moment I met Joan, I knew that she should be on The Gunnery’s Board of Trustees,” said Susan G. Graham H ’12. “She impressed me not only as an intelligent and articulate woman who had embraced her children’s educational experiences but also as a dedicated parent who understood the power of leadership through partnership. I’m thrilled that Joan agreed and profoundly grateful for her many extraordinary contributions throughout my tenure as Head of School at The Gunnery.”

Joan, a graduate of the Convent of the Sacred Heart and Manhattanville College, was an elementary school teacher and recognizes the importance of educators. “Without your faculty, you have no school,” she said. “Without a great faculty, the school will not fulfill its mission and help the students be the best they can be. We have a very dedicated faculty at The Gunnery—the majority stay for a long time. They are essential to the Gunnery experience. The kids come away with very good friendships with the faculty.” Joan lived abroad for many years with Lu, the former CoChairman of ExxonMobile Corporation. The Notos and their five children, Renee, Wendy, Lawrence, Andree, and Ali lived in Italy, Japan, and Saudi Arabia.

Important Notice for Donor Consideration


Economic Growth & Tax Relief Act (EGTRA) or often referred to as the ‘Bush Era Tax Cuts’ is set to expire on December 31, 2012

The gift and estate tax credit amount, currently at $5.12 million,

The capital gains and dividend tax rate will increase on assets held longer than one year. will go back to $1 million.

NOTE: We hope the goal of all Gunnery contributors is the genuine philanthropic support the school. Whatever the motivation, it is important for us to inform, not advise, our community on issues and events which may impact its giving. It is important to consult with one’s advisor prior to making a gift.


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PLANNEDgiving Mary P. Cooney, WR ’73, Columbia ’85, Smith ’88


y love and appreciation for teachers and their art has made a profound impact on my education. I never considered myself an academic. I remember, when I was ten years old, and our family moved to Washington from suburban New Jersey, I was in for a mild culture shock. I was too young to enroll at Wykeham Rise, but my parents were impressed by the private schools in the area. Four years later, and after my parents acquired a home on Roxbury Road, I enrolled as a day student at WR. It was the first year of the coordination effort between Gunnery and WR. One memorable experience was the course, “Introduction to Anthropology and Sociology,” taught by Mr. Hendrickson. I earned an “A” for the course, along with the comment: “Mary has really caught fire!” This was a great feat for me as I was truly dedicated to the arts, and any poking for me from the Gunn to continue sciences was paramount. So, the question is why keep The Gunnery in my will despite the fact that I hold two Ivy League degrees? The answer is very simple: The other schools that I graduated from have endowments in the billions. My life in Washington was worth more than that. Thank you, my sister, Carol, WR ’72, Susie Graham and Gunnery friends along the way who shaped my recollection of my past into a better place than I could have ever imagined!

“So, the question is why keep The Gunnery in my will despite the fact that I hold two Ivy League degrees? The answer is very simple...”

Log on to to download The Gunnery Annual Report.

> CONSIDERATIONS FOR DONORS Gifts of appreciated securities may be desirable given the income tax deduction and avoidance of capital gains tax. Those donors who wish to contribute or fulfill any outstanding pledge commitments may wish to expedite their intentions by the end of the calendar year. Sources: Yahoo Finance, Bill Beschoff, Smart Money: What End of Bush Tax Cuts Means for You, May 16, 2012 Sharpe Group Newsletter, Give and Take, May 2012, article: Next Few Months Offer “Certainty Window” Kevin Miller, April 6, 2012: What Are The “Bush Era Tax Cuts” That Everyone is Talking About?

EXAMPLE > John Doe has securities currently valued at $40,000 (held longer than one year) with a cost basis of $10,000 > He will pay capital gains on $30,000 > Assuming his current tax bracket is 33%, capital gains will be 15% on the $30,000 or $4,500 > Reverting to the pre-2001 tax bracket, he will be in the 36% bracket, his capital gains will be 20% on the $30,000 or $6,000 > Donating the security to The Gunnery, he would pay no capital gains and could take a tax deduction for the full $40,000






The Gunnery News Shack No matter what it was used for when you were here, The Gunnery’s little brown shingle house with white trim next to the schoolhouse has always been a standout for its size. It was constructed as a fraternity house (Delta Beta) for the younger boys in the 1890s. It has been put to many uses in its long life [Ed. Note: most of the time spans are guesstimated]. It was the classroom for Elizabeth Kempton’s storied art classes in the 1920s to the 1940s. In the 1940s and 1950s, it was The Gunnery News’ home. In the 1960s–1980s it was the Senior Shack where boys with parental permission could smoke; and, in 1986, it burned to the ground, was entirely rebuilt and, presumably, had its usage changed. In the 1990s, it was a classroom for foreign languages. In the early 2000s, it was briefly a Gunnery museum created by members of the class of 2003 with Willy Smith; and then it was renamed Elizabeth Kempton House in 2005 and dedicated to daytime study halls. Now it is being rewired, renewed and rededicated to become The Gunnery’s Communication Center. The Gunnery’s Director of Communications, Todd Santa Maria, took up residence in August. “I wanted to move nearer to the center of campus;” he said, “Our department will be closer to the pulse of school life.” The archives would love to know what the News Shack was used for during your student days. If you have stories to tell, send them to

1952 Phil Jesup is raising orchids in retirement.

We were happy to see General Peter Lash and his wife Ginger here for his 60th reunion. General Lash was inducted into the Hall of Fame Alumni Weekend. A graduate of West Point, General Lash played varsity football and lacrosse his junior and senior years. His fondest memory is scoring the winning touchdown in the game against Navy. He remarked that he was fortunate to have worked his whole career with very smart people with excellent skills in leadership and, especially, thinking. Tim Tredwell turned out in force for his 60th reunion. He spends eight months a year in Bonita Springs, FL and four in Newtown, CT. He was recalling great times with Willets Underhill ’31 mowing hay and racing tractors on Long Island, especially one time when he was called upon to haul Willets and his tractor out of a gopher hole.


60th Reunion


Colin Colston wrote from Hertfordshire, England, “In my Class of ’56 the English teacher was Michael Post—see the dedication to him in the 1956 Yearbook. His widow, Polly Chatfield was here with his daughter a couple of weeks ago. It was a great time for memories.”


From his friend of many years, Donna Plummer, we heard at reunion that Cotton Damon retired as Business Manager from Hebron School, and worked for five more years as Business Manager at the Brookwood School in Manchester-by-theSea, MA. He has been pursuing his passion for barbershop harmony for many years, becoming the Contest Administrator for the Northeast District of the Barbershop Harmony Society. He was delighted to find that fellow alum and Topsham neighbor, James Millinger ’53 shared his passion. More recently, he has been singing in a chorus.


55th Reunion


“The Class was represented by yours truly, George Krimsky, at this year’s alumni weekend, the last for Susie Graham after 21 years at the helm. It was a grand affair, capped by a dinner dance under a tent. The Class of ’62 showed up in force for its 50th, but not as much as we did in 2010. On the personal front, I’ve retired from the newspaper business after 45 years but am keeping busy with some freelance writing, while Paula and I enjoy our four grandkids and remain comfortably ensconced here in the woods of Washington, CT, with mutt Dixie. Can be reached at” Andy Littauer writes: “I founded a small group of companies in Romania about 18 years ago, which is still running. I was in Bucharest with a brief from U.S. Treasury to work with the World Bank to advance banking privatization and help modernize the existing State banks to bring them closer to an enabling environment. That set in motion, I opted to remain, though with little thought that I’d still be there so much later. I came to Treasury and thence Romania, following many years with a German bank, the last period as regional head in South Asia (including China), living and working out of Hong Kong. My bank opted to move to Singapore and I began a new career which brought me to Eastern Europe. I am spending far less time overseas and finding myself in a role as more interested shareholder who shows up for protracted periods but spends most time on a book I am writing. Can be reached at”

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A 50th reunion yearbook was given to members of the class of 1962. An update was offered by each of the classmates: After an illustrious career in the army (82nd Airborne Div. and the Army Space Institute at Fort Leavenworth, KS), Jeff Barker eventually became a defense contractor and the senior space instructor at the Army Command and General Staff College. Now completely retired, he counts as one of his many successes his part in the development of the first hand-held GPS system. Stoney Bird serves as chair of the coal-free Bellingham campaign in Washington state, reserving time also for music-making, for hiking in the Cascade Mountains, and for his personal life.

After a lifetime of working in all aspects of real estate, Rod Brant is dividing his time between Concord, MA where he is working part-time for EPRE INC, Orrs Island, ME and Bradenton, FL. After working in broadcasting through the ’70s, Craig Carragan tried his hand at computer software and, with a banking friend, eventually grew a commercial software business into a nationwide company. In 2011, he and his wife Clare bought a house in Naples, FL. He plans to divide his time between CT and FL, now that he is a FL resident. Harry and Jackie Craven have not let grass

grow under their feet since retirement from the Environmental Protection Agency in 2003. They are members of the Christian and Missionary Alliance denomination and serve in several ministries for their local congregation. They spent March of 2012


Charlie Smith drove north to The Gunnery in late June to show the late Kim Hart’s ’57

brother Val, Norwegian son, Niklas, and his wife and Kim’s grandchildren some of Kim’s old haunts, including Van Sinderen dorm, which in 1957 was the Infirmary.

Between April 1st and June 15th, $100,000 was on the table—and it was up to Gunnery alumni, parents and friends to make new and increased gifts and secure the matching funds. Well, 165 donors rose to the Challenge bringing in $124,022! Congratulations and a HUGE thank you from all of us on campus including students, faculty, and staff who will benefit from the extra boost.

Thank You!





in Ghana working as teachers assisting missionaries of a Christian organization known as Rafiki. Since 1981, Rick Gibbons and his wife Barbara have lived in Cooperstown, NY where he is a practicing artist in leatherwork as well as the owner of a retail leather store, Riverwood Gifts. Barbara is a professor at Stonybrook School of Nursing and their three daughters are married with seven grandchildren between them. Their son is on a traveling sabbatical in South America. A Senior Economist and Policy Advisor at USAID, Dominican Republic, Duty Greene has taken his Peace Corps experience in Chile in the 1960s and his Ph.D in Agricultural Economics from the University of Michigan to their most effective venues, stationed in Ecuador, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic for the last 25 years. In his regrets about not attending reunion, he mentioned retirement is not too far off. Starting out in the publishing business as a management trainee right out of college, Kit Hall researched and sold his way to Canada with Midas (Muffler) International. After Midas broke up, Kit, living in Vancouver, went with a small start-up manufacturer, then bought the company, built a manufacturing plant, sold it, and leased it back. Married to his wife Karin since 1963, Kit has two sons, a daughter and five grandchildren and divides his time between West Vancouver and Yuma, AZ, where he is general partner in a 400 acre development, Cielo Verde. Battle Hamilton retired from teaching three years ago, having taught at the Tatnall school in Delaware for 36 years, coached tennis for 28 years and soccer for 13 years. He loves to work in wood, describing himself as a “woodpecker” rather than a “woodworker.” He’s been married to Gale Cornelia Flynn for 37 years. Two of his children live nearby in Delaware and two live in South Carolina.

We are seeking Reunion Volunteers!

John Harris brought a pair of his carved

wooden Canadian Geese as a contribution to the Alumni Weekend Art Auction. After establishing a retirement career as a carver of birds in Rotonda, FL, he and his wife Gail have moved back north to Kittery, ME to be nearer his children and grandchildren. He continues “to carve, do a few shows, fish from my kayak, and chase after an uncooperative golf ball on occasion.” Janet and Buol Heslin have started “an entirely different life” since 2005 ranching in the shadow of the Tetons in WY. In addition to raising sheep, horses, and cattle and the work that entails, Buol enjoys Nordic skiing, horse packing/camping and playing classical guitar. Alan Iselin reported that he has served science as an illustrator and has, since college, supported himself with his drawing. He now draws with wire.

From Joe Juhas’ 50th reunion bio, one can ascertain that he’s never let any grass grow under his feet: starting as a bartender and children’s party entertainer at Harvard and continuing in progressive politics and civil rights, law school, finance, investment banking and alternative energy, law; living in Kentucky, DC, Manhattan, Hong Kong, and Litchfield. Now he is remarried to his second wife Terry Hopkins and alternating between DC and Litchfield, enjoying their two grandchildren. Having lived in his home state of Hawaii since 1973, Peter Larsen is enjoying the retired life with his wife Kathleen, four children and two grandchildren. He played soccer and rugby all over the world into his 50s and then took up paddling on a sixman outrigger canoe. Jon Linen retired as Vice Chairman in 2006

after 37 years with American Express and serves now as Advisor to the Chairman. He has and is currently serving on a number of boards and is an advisor to various organizations. He lives in Summit, NJ and

It may seem far away but we’ve already started planning for Alumni Weekend. This year, we celebrate the classes ending in 3s and 8s. Want to help make this event a great success? Call or email David Hargadon, Assistant Director of The Gunnery Fund, for more information at 860-868-7334 x 201 or

Save the date Alumni Weekend June 7th-9th, 2013!

Dorset, VT with his wife Leila and has three married children and ten grandchildren. Fred Long retired from the law in 2007

and is living in Denver, CO with his wife Martha. They have four sons and six grandchildren. They enjoy traveling, golf and gardening, volunteer locally, and attend Broncos and Rockies games. After a career in the Navy, Phil Magnuson retired from a 25-year career teaching middle school science. He recalls fondly his friendship with John and Constance Moore. He lives between Lakewood, NY and Boca Raton, FL, and is in frequent contact with his eight foster sons, saying, “to be a grandfather (easier than parenting).” He volunteers at the children’s science center, in Boca Raton, substitute teaches and is a pro shop guy at Chataqua Institute courses. Perry Pepper sent a message and a photo

to Blair Smith in anticipation of their 50th reunion this past June: “For some reason, Blair, I remember a car ride with you and some Hollins girls, going I don’t know where, but one of them took a great shine to you. She is still one of our best friends, Lee Mansell, now Carvalho, and still just delightful. I include a picture taken at the Hollins graduation and you can see if you can guess which one she was.” Pepper also reports his retirement last June from a 34 year tenure as the chief administrator of a community hospital which has become one of the leading hospitals in its region. Since retirement he has signed up as a preceptor for medical students at Penn, and is doing some volunteer work at The College of Physicians in Philadelphia, and at a clinic for folks who don’t qualify for medical assistance.

Devoted grandfather of three, David Mathewson, reported that he had retired to Signal Mountain, TN after a career in teaching and administrating in schools and working in international marketing and manufacturing. He has been happily involved in portrait painting, writing, illustrating and publishing his first book, and restoring vintage British sports cars and is building a large model railroad for his grandson. Rick McBurnett retired as an American Airlines pilot in 2004 and now divides his time between Lake Tahoe and Victoria, British Columbia where he can pursue his active outdoor lifestyle with his life partner, Sally. He’s a back country and downhill skier, mountain biker, kayaker and fly fisherman. Jack Moore has lived the healthy life

since 1973 in Reston, VA. He leads a monthly Nutrition and Health Series, rooted in the wisdom of traditional diets and is a raw dairy activist in the community of the Weston A. Price Foundation. He practices yoga, enjoys hiking, and grows his own veggies.

notes | 35


Serge Pepper reported that he became “of

Sandy Van Sinderen reports finding the

Counsel” to his final law firm and moved to his farm on the eastern shore of Maryland in 2007. Still married to wife, Marion, whom he met at The Gunnery in 1961, he is enjoying their six grandchildren and volunteering in local charitable efforts involving the environment, handicapped children and historic preservation.

lady of his dreams in 2003 and married Jane on a cruise ship in Nova Scotia in 2004. He is still teaching at Montgomery Community College in North Carolina and loving it. His wife is retired and is mother to their two dogs Lady Abbie and Lord Ducky.

Sam Posey is an artist who designs cars,

houses, a school and a firehouse, has prints at galleries and museums and has written several books. He is also an American motor racing car driver. He has been, since 1998 been a commentator on F1 races for Speedvision. John Sartorious and his wife Judy

returned to NYC from NJ in 2001, and he retired from a 28 year career at US Trust in 2008. They spend weekends and summers in Westhampton Beach enjoying golf, sailing, and gardening. They also enjoy traveling and remember a special trip to London to indulge another passion, bridge, followed by a Danube River cruise. John has taken up building and sailing radiocontrolled sailboats. Henry Soper is living in CA and a member of the full faculty of the Fielding Graduate University, the Director of the Neuropsychology Concentration there and the Director of the Developmental Neuropsychology Laboratory in Ventura. His research interests have included epilepsy, higher cortical functioning, autism, and ADHD. Gus Southworth reports that he continues

to practice law full time with Carmody and Torrance as the head of litigation. He and his wife Susan are “slowly moving north to our second home in New Hampshire, the proverbial house (camp) in the woods, where we will one day retire and where we spend almost every weekend.” After 24 years as a cabinet maker and shop manager in commercial millwork, Charles Spencer got involved in community organizing for the environment in Oregon in 2003. In 2010, he moved to Tuscon, married his childhood sweetheart, Katharine, and got involved both in part time work and in volunteering to help the hard of hearing, an affliction from which he suffers. He is involved in Transcendental Meditation and continues to exercise, including a longtime passion for rowing. Peter Thom, originally from Detroit, sent

tales of a long career in the automotive industry. He now collects and restores the antique cars of his youth. Peter’s leisure enthusiasms include hunting, fishing, and diving. He has been on several big game safaris in Africa and enjoyed taking his three boys, “when they were old enough to run faster than me and climb trees if necessary.”


Tom Ward settled in Greenwich early

in his career and has been a practicing lawyer there for 40+ years. He has also been Chairman of the Town of Greenwich Board of Parks and Recreation for 12 years and teaches real estate law at Fairfield University. He has two sons, a step grandson and a granddaughter and has been married to Emma for 44 years.


Joe Juhas reports that Tom Ware has

always been a teacher and retired from Buckingham Brown and Nichols not long ago. He volunteered to teach in Ethiopia in 2001. Tom has three sons from a former marriage and lives currently with his wife Nancy in Charlestown, MA. Evan and Nancy Whalley relocated to Pinehurst, NC and a semi-retired life in 2010. Nancy consults for several hospital systems and Evan is a director of Legal Shield, providing legal service and identity theft prevention plans to small business and families. They play as much golf as they can at Pinehurst Resort. Holt Whiting told the 50th reunion

yearbook preparers that he has been active in the independent school CFO community for most of his life. After leaving Durham Academy in NC, he helped start and run a national professional association for independent school financial officers, did some consulting and then retired. Having been on the ski patrol at Stratton Mountain for 36 years, he has started skiing again after two knee replacements and is also still golfing. He’s also active in the Rotary Club. His daughter, Liz, has a two year old daughter, who lives near her grandparents in Durham. Bill Wrightson is celebrating 50+ years with

his wife, Trish. A devoted mathematics and lifelong data processing professional, Bill is currently living in Hilton Head where he has become a volunteer coach for the long distance runners on both the cross-country and track teams. Tom Zavorskas retired in 1987 as a

Lieutenant Colonel after 20 years from the US Air Force, where he was an Aircraft Maintenance Officer. From 1995–2007, he and his wife Lorraine traveled New England as dealers of collectibles and antiques. Widowed in 2010, Tom is recovering and values his two boys, Todd and Craig, and his six grandchildren. After joining the first Peace Corps group to go to Korea, Nicholas Veeder spent the rest

1 A portrait of Helene Webster, 3, painted by proud papa Geoffrey Webster ’63. 2 Perry Pepper ’62 was recalling a trip with Blair Smith and some Hollins girls and sent along this photo.

of his career in engineering fields—almost entirely software engineering—working at McDonnell Douglas, RCA, Accutest, Digital Equipment Corp, and Compaq. “When Hewlett-Packard bought Compaq I took my bronze parachute and retired in 2002.” He and his spouse, Chay, whom he met in the Peace Corps, have a daughter Christy, who is a marketing person for a civil engineering firm in Manhattan, and a son Nicholas, who is struggling to secure a job as an English teacher.


50th Reunion

Sherman Hotchkiss has joined the board

of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Indian River County. Sherm currently manages an oil and gas exploration company. Geoff Webster is expanding his house in

Grasse, France and building a new studio. He is 67 and has three children: ages Jim 6, George 4, and Helene 2.


Marc Greene is participating in the new

Washington History Group organized by Willie Smith. He hoped to catch a glimpse of Kenyon Greene in the video of the Washington Fair (circa 1950) which was shone at the May meeting. He is a practicing solo attorney in Washington.







1 Mark Riley ’69 was recently named one of Talker Magazine’s 2012 Heavy Hundred List. 2 Jeff Bruemmer ’73 visited campus in May with his brother Kevin from Berkshire. They took in a lacrosse game. 3 The Alling ’81–Graney children: William, Josephine, and Wells


4 Marshall Mercer Talocco, January 2012 with sisters Mia and Emma 5 Justin De Lauri ‘99 just couldn’t let Mike Ullram’00‘s 5th anniversary slip by without a record of the event; here with wife Claire, John Quitta ’00 and him.


45th Reunion


Mark Riley has been an award-winning


broadcaster, hosting and directing numerous radio programs. Currently, he is the host/presenter of WWRL 1600 AM’s morning drive talk program. He is well known in the New York area as a TV political analyst and has appeared frequently on The Road to City Hall on New York 1 News.



40th Reunion

On April 30th, Jeff Bruemmer and his brother Kevin (a Berkshire grad) came to cheer on their respective alma maters at the Annual McKee Cup game. The McKee cup is also named for two brothers (sons of Rusty McKee ’72) Will McKee G’ 07 and Parker B’ 07. Jeff remains very involved in lax to this day as president of a club near Washington’s Crossing, PA.


Still in Franklin, MA, Rick Flanagan has a one-year old grandchild and still plays hockey. He was a hockey PG at The Gunnery. He’s also very “big into yoga.” Dennis Leddy and David Miller insisted that

their class (1977) was the most derelict of all, being the last year that The Gunnery was single sex. They had just returned from playing in the Bourne Cup which

split right down the middle this year. They came to The Gunnery because of Coach Haddick. David graduated from Stetson and played one year in the minors for the Orioles in 1981. He is currently part of the Community Health Network providing administrative services for Medicaid, CT. He has a wife, a son and a stepson. Dennis was a basketball recruit at The Gunnery who played basketball at Ursinus, reaching the NCAA final four his senior year. He lives in Massachusetts, has a daughter who’s a senior at Loyola, a son who’s a freshman at Furman and a son who’s a junior at Kent.


35th Reunion


30th Reunion

Over Alumni Weekend Rees Shad was recalling a computer course with Ed Small who told him, in no uncertain terms to stay away from computers. Now he teaches programming and has, as one of his students’ assignments, the making of business cards announcing his profession as a programmer.


25th Reunion

1992 Hilary Sheldon Talocco and husband, Nick welcomed Marshall Mercer Talocco. He was born January 12, 2012 and joins his older sisters Mia and Emma.


20th Reunion


15th Reunion

2000 Justin DeLauri couldn’t resist sending a shoutout and photo reminder to Mike ’99 and Claire Ullram on their 5th anniversary in June. John Quitta ’99 was part of the

merry band of Gunnery participants. Will Mullaney contacted the advancement group and gave us his latest news: “I’ve been in my home for about 18 months now, which I purchased at the end of 2010, and continue to work as Senior Engineer, Global Network Operations for CooperVision, Inc. Over the last six months or so, I’ve head the pleasure of visiting Belgium, the Netherlands, and Puerto Rico with my company, just a few of our 50 or so sites world wide. I spent most of my time off this past winter skiing in Rochester

notes | 37



The Wykeham “Girls” at reunion: Bottom left: Mary Cooney, Jean Burke, Debbie Simmons Harris, Caroline Alex Key; Second row left: Heidi Boardman, Anne Atwater, Maria Maybee Mason, Lori Blitzer, Brett Smith; Third row left: Gillian Whittle, Shelley Caroe, Lynn Flanders, Skeeter Richardson; Fourth row left: Titi Halle, Sarah Griswold,Susan Reed; Top row left: Elizabeth Serrell Nord, Martina MacCarthy. By Mary P. Cooney, WR ’73, Columbia ’85, Smith ’88 The following is a multiple class notes covering the 60’s–70’s Wykeham women (and a few good Gunnery men) who attended this year’s reunion: Heidi Boardman, WR ’69, University of Denver, contributed a pottery piece she made to the Silent Auction. She was happy to meet up with her former WR roommate, Caroline, Cass Key, WR ’71, who is a scenic artist at The Magic Kingdom, Lake Buena Vista, FL. Caroline writes: “Give me a brush, some paint and a primed surface. These three things are with me wherever I want to go.” Lynn Flanders, WR ’69, Wells College, works as a line dance instructor at Lynn’s Lines in Oxford, CT. Maria Maybee Mason, WR ’69, presented “Wykeham History and Gunn Memorial Museum Timeline,” at our WR Luncheon and Receptions. Sarah Griswold, WR ’70, who works in greater NY area museums and institutions, has had a profound impact on the WR Alumnae Association since its genesis by founder, Shelley Caroe, WR ’74. Anne Atwater Bourne, WR ’74, who went to Washington College, has been faithfully attending every reunion. She is a general manager for a corporate broker of nonemergency medical transportation for Medicare clients. Jean Heathecote Burke, WR ’74, an Arcadia and Temple grad, who is also a frequenter of our events, got a personal tour of Chris Young’s Arts

& Letters showcase in the library by none other than Chris, G ’72 himself. I understand that Tina Rosser, WR ’69, who lives in the area attended the GW Tavern Dinner. Elizabeth Serrell Nord, WR ’72, Art Institute of Boston and Titi Halle, WR ’69 both attended our luncheon at Gunn Memorial Library but were here on a short trip. Susan Reed, WR ’74, who teaches at the Wooster School in Danbury attended the Alum Bagpipe Parade and WR Luncheon. Finally, on a personal note, I would like to express our gratitude to Nick Molnar G ’72, Chris Young G ’72, Sam Abady G ’73, Peter Twombly G ‘73, Ridge Young G ’74 and Peter Bergen G ’84—not to mention some Gunnery husbands of Wykeham Alums—all of whom have been good friends of the old “Wykeham Chickhams” these past several years. Thanks to “a few good Gunnery men,” for your enthusiasm and support along our journey. See you next year! At the conclusion of our reunion weekend, Mara Maybee Mason, WR ’69 and I made a visit to see Father Willoughby Newton in NYC. While he was looking at a photo journal that Maria produced, Willoughby commented: “And to think that all of these women were little girls!” We feverishly updated the still handsome, distinguished and gentle-gentleman (aged 88 and making plans to move into an assisted living facility in Virginia where he grew up) with stories and accomplishments of the Wykeham “girls.”











1 Peter Lorenz ’03 and family presenting the trophy to the Cincinatti Juniors Rowing Club, winner of Boys’ First Boat Grand Final race at Founders Day 2 Card announcing Adam Criscuolo’s ’00 MFA thesis exhibition 3 Christine Natalie Chuah, born on December 18, 2010 poses for her parents Michelle Wong ’03 and Jun Wei (Joseph) Chuah


4 Matthew Aspros ’02 in the Utah desert where he discovered an ancient pueblo. 5 Greta Murphy ’05 competes in the Boston Marathon 6 Poppy Baldwin ’80 and Brianna Goldstein ’13 at the alumni row during Alumni Weekend 7 Catherine Needham with proud grandmother, Susie Graham and sister Charlotte.

notes | 39


and Vermont, and watching RIT hockey while proudly wearing my RIT jersey and Gunnery ball cap! Now with the warmer weather have started Sporting Clays again. This summer I’m hoping to meet up with Jen Jolliffe (also ’00) in Toronto as she returns for her sister’s wedding. Jen herself recently took a new job at CanTung in Canada’s North West Territories. I plan to make a visit to campus sometime this summer, which will be my first since my 10 year reunion, 2 years ago. Hope to see some faculty-turned-friends on my visit. Anyone transiting WNY or attending schools up here, feel free to give me a call.”


Declaring himself a founding member of the Gunnery’s Outdoor Club, Matthew Aspros sent proof of his continuing interests: a photograph of him with climbing gear near an ancestral pueblo an dwelling. He discovered it during an expedition from Durango, Colorado into the Utah desert in December. We caught up with Heidi Lukos Giraldi and her husband, Tom, at reunion. Five month old Molly and 20 month old Samuel were along for the fete. Heidi said she sees classmates Brandon Dufour and Jess Peters Greeley frequently. W. Jed Stuart is in training for the Lake

Placid Ironman on July 22.


10th Reunion

Adam Criscuolo teamed up with fellow

student Chad Whitaker to mount their Masters of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition on the third floor of the Davis building in Indiana, PA which they converted to a gallery. He told Bill Zimmerman of the Indiana Gazette that, “His work, some created at IUP’s Center for Turning and Furniture Design, includes wheels, handles and levers to “engage the viewer in a sense of play, and tempt them to interact with the artwork.” One untitled work is a Plexiglas disk suspended from the ceiling and another is a large stone hanging from above, suspended by acrylic tubes. The viewer’s impression of the work changes, he said, as the natural light of daytime gives way to the space’s artificial light in the evening hours. Criscuolo said he funded his studies at IUP through subcontracting work, taking on projects such as cabinet making, specialty woodwork and stonework” On another note, The Gunnery was indeed appreciative of Adam’s donation of a beautiful commemorative box to hold the parting gift of a book and congratulatory notes prepared for Susan Graham’s retirement dinner over Alumni Weekend. Adam drove from Indiana to deliver it for the festivities.


Michelle Kit Wong and her husband Jun Wei (Joseph) Chuah are living in Princeton and have a daughter, Christine, born December 2010.

In October 2005, Andrea Marron had a kidney transplant. Since that time she has become passionate about raising awareness about organ donation.


From Anna Kjellson, we learned that Greta Murphy has found her passion working with kids at Boston Medical Center, as a Research Coordinator in the Pediatrics Department. She says, “On a daily basis, I am at eight different community health clinics in low-income areas of Boston, working with mothers and their infants to address their individual needs. I absolutely love working with my research team at BMC, and I hope that our project has a successful impact on primary care in the future!” She joined the BMC team to run her first ever marathon. “All the funds I raise will specifically benefit the Nutrition & Fitness for Life program in the Pediatrics Department. This program employs community lead initiatives to help lowincome kids who are overweight or at risk of becoming overweight.”

2006 James Estreich came back for commencement and told us he is working at Horizons Media as a Branch Strategist for a Capital One Bank Account. There, he plans campaigns around advertising.


Heather Bell lives in Southbury and came to offer college advice to upperclassmen in January on Young Alums Day. She works for Brandon Dufour’s ’02 driver’s ed. company. She is planning to go to graduate school in environmental studies. Jen Wojcik reports that Stephen Roberts is executive chef at BRYAC on Fairfield Ave. in Bridgeport, CT.

With fond memories of his wonderful photographs illustrating his year as an exchange student from Germany, we were happy to welcome Max Matschke back to campus. He was able to make a flying visit during a five month stint at the Columbia Business School in New York this past spring. Adam Houli is leading a double life. By day, he works as The Gunnery’s Assistant Director of Admissions where he recruits and interviews prospective students. By night, he plays for the Danbury Whalers (Professional Minor “A” Hockey– Federal Hockey League).

In an article in the Daily Press by Andi Petrini we learned: In his first year as boys’ lacrosse coach at Hampton Roads Academy, Mike O’Brien took his team to a 54–6 season and its first state title since 1999, Division II State Champions.


5th Reunion

Emily Bell graduated from Colgate in May with a degree in physics. She’s applying to graduate schools in architecture. Emily came to the Young Alums Day in January to counsel the upperclassmen about preparing for college. She played in 16 game’s for Colgate’s varsity lacrosse.

Rowing stroke, Cassidy Goepel pushed the Ithaca College second varsity eight boat to a third overall in the New York State Championships in late April. Cassidy came to the Young Alums Day in January to counsel upperclassmen on college preparation.


It was good to see Kevin Shaughnessy who came to Young Alums Day in January to counsel upperclassman on preparation for college. He’s a junior at Bates with a double major in math and physics. He’s also playing varsity football and club lacrosse. Sophomore Dan Young had a great season on the Ithaca College tennis team.


Sophomore Chris DePaola, rowing first seat, and his teammates in the second varsity eight were New York State Champions on Lake Whitney in May. They had won the Liberty League championships at Saratoga Springs the week before. From the CT Post we learned that star hockey goalie Alex Vazzano will be leaving UVM after two years and returning to CT to play for Sacred Heart University. His future coach C.J. Marattolo was quoted as saying he was looking forward to adding the CT native to his team. According to NCAA transfer rules, Alex will have to sit out the 2012-2013 season at Sacred Heart, but he can practice with the team.

2011 Haley Slone came back for commencement

and told us she will spend five months in Africa doing volunteer work through the KAYME program. In June, Zach Bodnar received an Award of Merit from the Connecticut League of History Organizations for his Gunn Scholar project on Civil War Letters.







IN MEMORIAM The Gunnery community is saddened by the loss of many cherished sons in the past few months and sends its condolences to their friends and families:

Susan Graham H ’02 and the rest of the

Graham family welcomed their 3rd grandchild on May 21, 2012. Catherine Vera Needham joined sister Charlotte at 7 lbs. 11 oz.

J. Christopher Farlow ’57 4/20/2009


Frederick Flather ’50 4/16/2012

John and Bett Alter came back to Commencement in June to greet all their graduating students and faculty friends. John has just been appointed chaplain at Christ Church School in Virginia. Bett is orchestrating the school’s introduction of coeducational boarding.

Joseph Hartshorne ’55 1/31/2012 Alexander S. Parr ’37 3/10/2011 Michael Pawlowski ’01 7/4/2012 Richard J. Rosefield ’55 3/18/2012 Robert S. Rubler ’54 3/5/2012


1 Mark Showalter and his wife Charlene with the plaque announcing his award at Bryan Memorial Town Hall

At the Memorial Day celebrations in Washington this year, Mark Showalter, Head of Maintenance, was awarded the highest citizen honor in the town, the Major Stephen Reich Award for Exceptional Citizenship. Mark is also the fire chief in Washington. Mark is the second Gunnery employee to receive the award. Peg Addicks received it in 2008.

Charles E. Russell ’74 1/26/2012 Henry W. Seeley ’35 1/17/2012 Michael H. Smith ’60 6/12/2012 Stuart W. Tisdale ’47 3/21/2012

Do you ever wonder where your class mates are today? Help us so we can help you. Reconnect with your friends and classmates with the upcoming Gunnery Directory. This valuable resource will be available in the spring of 2013. The directory will include home and business information in addition to family and education listings. y live? Where the

Don’t miss your opportunity to be part of this important project. In September, when you receive a postcard with a toll-free number from us, please take a few minutes to call, update your information and order your copy of the directory. Your Gunnery friends will thank you!

want to Do you ch? u get in to

What are


they up to

Look for a postcard this fall and reply!

For years, your gifts to The Gunnery Annual Fund have supported our academic, athletic, and extra-curricular programs. In this way, alumni, parents, and friends of the school have an impact—annually—on the school’s success.

Why not call the fund what it is?

It’s The Gunnery Fund! So going forward, when you hear from us in the Advancement Office, we will ask for your support of The Gunnery Fund. And rest assured, your unrestricted gifts will continue to make a difference on this campus.

T H A N K Y O U F O R Y O U R S U P P O R T.

the Gunnery Mr. Gunn’s School Established 1850

The Gunnery’s 2011-2012 Annual Report is available online. To download a copy, contact Joan Hayes Davis at 860-868-7334 ext. 203 or at

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the Gunnery 2012–2013 Events



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February 5


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April 18


San Francisco, CA

May 5


Lake Waramaug, CT

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Photos to right: New Head of School, Peter Becker, visited with alumni in the NYC area at a reception hosted by Ali Noto Carlin ’97.

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