"A *ouse boL o stroll through thn Jnnp J"rL *ooJ. A t'o" sarl) the mouse onJ the mourn looLnl gooJ."
Vrlk fu*h". into th" J""p JuJu -ooJ, rrJ Jir.orr"r what hrpp"tts wh"t. th" quick-thirrhing mouse come, {u"" to {ace with m o-l I a sraaL" urJ a hung.y g.offulo
A mouse tooL , stroll through th" J""p Jutlu -ooJ. A {o" saw the .rrouse anJ th" ,,rouse lool"J gooJ. "Vhnrn are you going to, littln bro*n *ousn? Come onJ horn lurrh in my urlnrgrourl horrn."
"It's te.ribly f.irJ o{ yor, Fo*, but no g."I{ulo." I'm going to have lrtt.h with u
"A gruffolo? Vhat's o gruft'olo?" 'A g.r{{ul"! \fhy, JiJn't you luro-?
"He has terribl" tusLs,
unJ terrible
ArJ terrible teetL in his terribl"
"Whnrn are Aou meeting hi*?"
"Here, by tlr"s" ,o"lu.,
A-J hi. {urrourite {""J
is roast"J {o*. "
I'* ot't'!" Fo, sriJ.
"GooJLyn, littln mouse," unJ away k" .p"J.
Fo"! Do"sn't he lnrro-,
"lJ Th"r"'. no such thing as a grrrff"l o?"
C, went the rnouse tkrough th" J""p Ju.lu *ooJ. A, o-1 saw the rnouse anJ th" mouse loolu"J gooJ. "Vhnrn are aou going to, littln bro*, mouse? Come on{ hrrn tea in my treefup house."
"It's {rightfully ,ric" of you, C-1, but no I'm going to hrve tea with a gruffulo."
"A gruffolo? Vhat's o grut't'"lo?" 'A grofful"! \trhy, JiJn't you Lro-?
"He hr. lur"btly lurr"".,
unJ turneJ-out toes,
poisonous wart at the
"nJ "{
"Vhnrn are Aou meeting hi*?" "Here, by this stream,
ArJ hi. {urourite {""J
is owl ice crea rn."
crea*? Tbonk;t bowkoo! Goolbyn, littln mouse," u..l a\ /ay C*l fl"or. ice
O"r1! Doesn't he lnrro*;
"lJ Th"r"'. no such thit g as a grr{{"1 o?"
. ;
..*-?..' ::.:; .1,
Cn went the rnouse througL th" J""p Jurlu -ooJ. A srrrlue saw the rnouse anJ th" mouse lorlu"J gooJ. "Whnrn are aou going to, littln Lro*n mourn? Co*n t'o, o t'east in my logpiln hourn."
"It's -orJ"r{rlly gooJ ,{ yorr, Srul", but no I'rr,. having a {east with a gru{[ulo."
"A gruffolo? Vhat's grut't'olo?" " 'A grofful"! \[ky, JiJn't you Lno-?
"His eyes are orange,
hi. torrgue is blrcL;
H" hrs prrrpl" pricLl"r ull over hi, bu"L."
"Vhnrn are Aou meeting hi*?" "Here, by this luL",
A-J hir {urourite {""J is scrambl"J sr,rlu"."
"Scra*Ll"; ,noLn! It's time t l";Jt GooJbyn, littln mouse," u,,J away
Srul" .liJ.
Srrrln"! Do"sn't he luro-,
Th"r"'s no such thirrg
as a
_ - \-j -'
* ps!:
this creature with terrible "1r-, AnJ terrible teeth in his terrible )aws? H""ku. Lt lnr,"". urJ tu.neJ-out toes "bbly ArJ"a poisonous wart at the .rrJ o{ hi, nose.
His eyes are orande, hi, torrgue is b1u.L; ,,,,,,H" h* p.rrpl" pricLl"r ull over hir bu.lu.
"Ch h"lpl Ch ,ro! It's a gru{{alo!"
"Ma fauouritn t'ooJ!" the G.rff"lo suiJ. "hu'll furfu gool on a ,lirn of brnol!"
"GooJ?" ,urJ the mouse. "Don't .u11 rne gooJ! I'n. the scariest creature in this -ooJ. Just
-rllu b"hirJ
urJ soon yorr'll see/
Er"ryone is u[rur| o{ -".
," saiJ the Gru $ulr, tursting with laughter. *\'ott go ohnol I'll t'ollon ot'tur." right
Th"y -u1L"J u"J -r1L"J till the Gr.r{{"lo sriJ, "I hno, o hi* in the lnorn, ohnoJ."
"It's Srrlu"," suil the rnouse. "Vhy, Srulu", h"llo!" Srrlu" toole one looL at the Grr{{"lo. ,, " Ok ,ru*b, !" L" sriJ, " GooJbyn, l;ttln moLrse I h" rhJ to his logpile hor.". ArJ
"You see?" suil th" mouse. "I tolJ you so." "Amazing!" saiJ the Grufful".
Th"y -u1L"J some more till th" G."ffulo suiJ, "I hno, o koot in the trees ohnoJ."
"It's C-1," sriJ tke mouse. "Vhy, C-1, h"llo!" O-1 toole one looL at the G."fful". "Oh Jnor!" h" suiJ , "Goolbyn, littln mot se," ArJ h" {1"- to his treetop korr".
"You s"e?" suiJ the rnouse. "I tolJ you so." "Astourling!" saiJ the Grufful".
Th"y -u1L"J some nrore till the Gtrr{{ulo sriJ, "I con hno, feet on tke path oknol."
"It's Fo*," sriJ the rnouse. "Vhy, Fo*, k"11o!" Fo* toole one looL at the Grrrffulo. "Oh hnlp!" 1r" suiJ , "GooJbyn, littln mouse,"
h" ran to his unJergrorrJ ho.r.".
"V"11, Grrr{{rlo," sriJ the rnouse. "You Ernryone ts u[rurJ o{ .t
But now rny tummy's teginning to .o.t t1". gr.t{{ulo crurrrbl"!" My {rvourit" {orJ is
,ru*bln!" th" Gru{{"l" sriJ, A-J quicL as the wit J he turn"J unJ [1"J. "Grut't'olo