Animal PLUS March 2015
WHAT IS CORRECT ANIMAL TREATMENT? And should animals receive the same rights as humans?
Volume 2/ Issue 5
Table of Contents March 2015
What is Correct Animal Treatment?
10 Benefits of being a Dog Owner!
Story by: Charity Ekpo There is much disagreement as to whether non-human animals have rights, and what is meant by animal rights. So what is correct animal treatment?
Story by: Kathy Benjamin 10 reasons to own a dog today!
11 Animal Entertainment, Amusing? Story by: Animal Equality Illustrations by: Raven Krupnow Circuses, zoos, aquariums, dog fighting, hunting, fishing, horse racing, and bullfighting. Many people find amusement in these kind of activities. Here is why we think (as well as you should think) otherwise.
5 Major Threats to Marine Life
Blackfish Interview
Story by: the Save Our Seas Foundation
Story by: Eleanor Hooker
The oceans are in trouble. Here’s what you need to know and what you can do to help.
This month we talk to animal rights expert James McWilliams on Sea World and humananimal relationships.
21 20 Vegetarian 101 Story by: Happy Cow Becoming a vegetarian is easier than before, but we’re here to make it even easier!
Animal PLUS
TREATMEN By: Charity Ekpo
After volunteering at the Milwaukee Area Domestic
difficult problems, and even mourn the loss of their
Animal Control Comission (MADACC) and seeing
loved ones. Just like humans.” (Nonhuman Rights
or hearing about the negative or cruel situations
Project) These individuals believe animals feel and
some of the animals there were put in, it started to
think like humans do so they should not be subject
make me wonder how we individuals in the U.S. view
to such things.
as correct or incorrect animal treatment, as well as in other countries. We seem to be separated into
On the other hand, there are non animal rights
three groups. One group being animal rights activists
activists whose points of view are basically the
who believe in the non-cruel treatment and rights
complete opposite of animal rights activists when it
of all animals. Another group being those who do
comes to the correct or incorrect way to treat an
not believe animals think or feel so they are not so
animal. These individuals do not believe animals have
worried when it comes to animal being killed and
rights as also shown as shown on page 6.
nor do they believe animals need any rights. The last group, which is probably the most common,
Basically these individuals see animals as nothing
are those in the grey area when it comes to animal
more than animals and believe do not need the
rights and treatment and will often tip back and forth
same rights that humans do. For some, there seems
between animal rights activists and non animal rights
to have a habit of caring about other animals more
activists. These groups of people do not agree with
than others. For instance, some may deeply frown
cruel treatment or killing of animals such as dogs or
upon and disagree with those who kill or harm
cats, but won’t worry so much when animals like
animals like cats or dogs but are okay with cows,
rats or cows are killed. This is where human and
fish, pigs or chickens being killed for food or rats and
animal relationships get pretty confusing and where
mice being killed in their apartments because they
quite a few inconsistencies and paradoxes start to
are ruining their home. This is something Hal Herzog
take place. Each of these positions are usually heavily
refers to as the “troubled middle.” “We middlers see
influenced by the culture or how one was raised.
the world in shades of grey rather than in the clear blacks and whites of committed animals activists and
Let’s start with how animal rights activists view
their equally vociferous opponents.” (Herzog 11-12).
as positive animal treatment. When most people think of the correct treatment of animals our minds
Here in the U.S. a majority of Americans eat meat,
most likely go to animals that are not being abused,
which means these individuals are okay with certain
neglected or abandoned in any way. The owner(s) or
animals being killed to provide food for them and
individual should feed their animal, show care and
their family. When one hears that people eat animals
affection towards their animals, provide them with
like dogs, people become so appalled by this, but
shelter, etc. However, to animal rights activists there
why? Why is acceptable to eat specific living things
is much more to it than this as is shown on the far
here, but not elsewhere? Also the “troubled middle”
right column of page 6.
may not only not have a problem with eating specific animals, but they also may not mind attending
“These are complex animals who have deep
places such as zoos, aquariums, circuses or other
emotions, understand each others’ minds, live
events that include animals being held, used and/or
in complicated societies, transmit culture, use
trained against their will for entertainment purposes.
sophisticated communication, solve
Participating in and/or attending these events violate
“These are complex animals who have deep emotions, understand each other’s minds, live in complicated societies, transmit culture, use sophisticated communication, solve difficult problems, and even mourn the loss of their loved ones. Just like humans.”
Animal rights activists believe there should be: No experiments on animals No breeding and killing animals for food or clothes or medicine No use of animals for hard labour No selective breeding for any reason other than the
their basic principles and/or ethics of what they
benefit of the animal
see is correct animal treatment and what isn’t.They
No hunting
of course don’t think of this way when viewing or
No zoos or use of animals in entertainment
attending these events because they assume the animals are in good care. But if a troubled middler really thinks about it, these animals are taken from their natural habitat and their family, trained, and kept against their will to entertain people around the world. So why does this specific group of people find this kind of treatment okay? Sure the animals are being fed, taken care of, etc. But most animals would probably rather be in their natural habitats than in a space that is not nearly as big
Non animal rights activists believe: Animals don’t think Animals are not really conscious
as the space in their natural habitat. So why is
Animals were put on earth to serve human beings
this seen as acceptable?
Animals don’t have souls
as acceptable?
One way of thinking that affects the way one feels about the treatment of an animal is whether or not they actually believe the animal has feelings, or
Animals don’t behave morally Animals are not members of the ‘moral community’ Animals lack the capacity for free moral judgment
they view these animals as not “human” but rather “nonhuman”(basically defined as anything on this Earth that is not human). These individuals believe that animals can’t feel guilt, love, hatred, fear, or really think at all like humans can do. So when it comes to
... 7
them being killed, taken or mistreated for whatever
how they may feel towards animal cruelty in the
reason, it does not morally or emotionally affect
future. This is true whether one’s country has animal
them in any way. Not only does this way of thinking
cruelty laws or not.
highly affect an individual’s way of thinking towards correct or incorrect animal treatment, but it usually
Whether one is an animal rights activist, a non animal
means they also do not care for animal rights, nor
rights activist or a troubled middle, these thoughts
do they believe animals need rights. Of course if one
towards animal treatment are coming from various
does believe an animal has feeling, they are much
influences throughout one’s life. Culture and the way
more considerate of them as well as their rights.
one is raised are the most impactful on almost any opinion on any subject, including animal treatment.
Another factor in the way people view animal
These kind of experiences also affect the one defines
treatment is whether or not they grew up with
an animal or a human being. If for instance, one sees
animals. Those who grow up with animals may
an animal as this creature whose only purpose on
sometimes be more sympathetic towards those
this Earth to be food for human beings, then they are
who are being mistreated while others may feel
most likely a non animal rights activist. If one believes
indifferent and/or won’t question it. In places
the complete opposite and believes all animals
like Mexico or China, there aren’t really any
are living being that feel, think, and react just like
consequences towards those who take part
human beings then they fall under the category of
in or commit animal cruelty (or at least the
an animal rights activist. And finally, if one sees some
consequences are not as enforced as they
animals as human while others not so much, they are
should be). In fact, animal cruelty is just seen as a
probably the troubled middle, along with many other
normal thing to do in some of these locations.
individuals in this country.
“Sadly because children are indoctrinated in these forms of violence to animals in many countries like Puerto Rico, they find animal cruelty to be a ‘normal’ aspect of life.” (Shocking Animal Cruelty in Other Countries-Can We Change it?) With cats and dogs being the most common animal to be treated cruelly there have been many cases where there is an overpopulation resulting in animals being taken from their owners (owners who have no say on the matter) and inhumanely and cruelly killed to reduce the animal population. While some may be used to this, chances are not all individuals who live within these locations agree with this sort of treatment. A good handful of them however likely do feel indifferent when it comes to some of the cruel acts toward animals just because of how common it is. This just goes to show that the way one is raised around animals and the treatment of that animal that they are exposed to, have a huge factor on 8
Benefits of Being a Dog Owner By: Kathy Benjamin
Aside from providing us with companionship and entertainment, having a dog provides us with countless mental and physical benefits.
1. Get Sick Less!
3. Help Kids Grow Stronger!
If our cleaning commercials are to be believed,
Getting your little one a furry companion can be
humanity is in the midst of a war against germs
beneficial? We all value our health and dogs can
and we won’t stop until every single one is dead. In
actually help contribute to keeping your child
reality, the amount of disinfecting we do is making us
healthy just by being part of the family! According
sicker; since our bodies are exposed to fewer germs
to Science Daily, kids who grow up with dogs in the
we can’t build up immunities to them. Fortunately,
home have fewer allergies and are less likely to have
dogs are covered in germs! Having a dog in the
eczema. Kids with dogs in the home also have fewer
house means more bacteria enters the home and
sick days and grow up with higher levels of certain
gets inside the occupants. In turn, people with dogs
immune system supporters that keep them in tip-top
seem to get ill less frequently and less severely than
shape as they get older.
people with cats or no pets.
2.. Better Heart Health!
4. Cancer Detection! Your dog could save your life one day. It seems that our canine friends have the ability to smell cancer in
Everything about owning a dog seems to lend itself
the human body. Stories abound of owners whose
to better heart health. Just the act of petting a dog
dogs kept sniffing or licking a mole or lump on their
lowers heart rate and blood pressure. A Chinese
body so they got it checked out, discovering it was
study found that people who own dogs get better
cancerous. The anecdotal evidence was later backed
sleep at night and are sick less often. Other studies
up by scientific studies. Dogs are so good at this
show pet owners have slightly lower cholesterol and
that some of them are trained to detect cancer, in
are more likely to survive a heart attack.
as little as three hours.
5. More Exercise!
9. A Reflection of Your Personality!
While other pets have positive effects on your health
The kind of dog you have tells people a lot about
as well, dogs have the added benefit of needing to
your personality. A study in England found a very
be walked and played with numerous times a day.
clear correlation between people’s personalities and
This means most dog owners get the recommended
what type of dogs they owned; for example, people
minimum 30 minutes of exercise a day, lowering
who owned toy dogs tended to be more intelligent,
their risk of cardiovascular disease and keeping
while owners of utility dogs like Dalmatians and
them in better overall shape than cat owners or
bulldogs were the most conscientious. Other studies
people without pets.
have found that dog owners in general are more
6. A More Active Social Life! Polls show people trust others who have dogs more than just random people walking on the street and are more likely to go up and interact with them. Even if you live alone, having a dog has the same emotional benefit as that of a human friendship.
7. Resistance to Allergies!
outgoing and friendly than cat owners. But be careful: Dogs also take on their owners’ personality traits, so if you fly off the handle all the time, it might explain why your dog is so aggressive.
10. Be Happier! Dog owners are less likely to suffer from depression than non-pet owners. Even for those people who do become clinically depressed, having a pet to take care of can help them out of a depressive episode, in
While dogs can be one of the worst triggers for
some cases more effectively even than medication.
people with allergies, growing up in a house with a
Since taking care of a dog requires a routine and
dog makes children less likely to develop allergies
forces you to stay at least a little active, it is harder
over the course of their lives. Even if you were just
to stay inside feeling down all the time. The interac-
a fetus when your mother lived with a dog, you are
tion with and love received from a dog can also help
still less likely to be bothered by animal hair and
people stay positive. Even the mere act of looking at
dander, or to develop eczema as an adult.
your pet increases the amount of Oxytocin, the “feel
8.. Lower Stress at Work!
good” chemical, in the brain.
The benefits of bringing a dog to work are so increasingly obvious that more companies are catching on. Studies show that people who interact with a pet while working have lower stress levels throughout the day, while people who do not bring a pet see their stress levels increase over time. Dogs in the office also lead to people taking more breaks, to play with or walk the dog, which makes them more energized when they return to work. This, in turn, has been shown to lead to much greater job satisfaction and productivity. 10
Story By: Animal Equality Illustrations By: Raven Krupnow
AMUSEMENT? Circuses, zoos, aquariums, dog fighting, hunting, fishing, horse racing, bullfighting‌ all of these practices keep animals in captivity and use them against their will for human entertainment. People take part, considering them fun, entertaining, artistic or cultural, but none justify the forcing of animals into confinement, to suffer and die, for our benefit. In the past, in Roman circuses, elephants, humans, tigers and other animals were killed for the sake of amusing spectators. In England, bears were forced to fight dogs until one of the two died. Until very recently, in a Spanish town, goats were thrown to their deaths from the church tower during festivals. All of these forms of entertainment have finally been rejected by the majority of society, though still many more forms of abuse
are yet to be questioned and eliminated. Many of
a sad one for animals incarcerated in them. Because
these legal abuses disgust us, whilst others appear
circuses often travel many miles between different
to be perfectly acceptable, but just like the Roman
sites, animals invariably suffer. The temporary
circuses it is probable that they will one day be seen as
accommodation for animals, confined quarters, as well
unacceptable in our society.
as abusive training practices inflicting pain and stress means a life of misery for lions, tigers, elephants and
domestic animals in circuses. Natural behaviours are
Circuses attract the public, especially children, for
thwarted and animals have to endure performances
being colourful, fun and original. Sadly the reality is
several times a day.
Visitors to animal circuses learn nothing about the
society that respects animals. If zoos teach anything,
natural behaviour of animals only that is acceptable
they teach us dangerous lessons. They teach us that
to enslave them. The practice of enslaving animals and
humans have the right to enslave animals and reinforce
teaching them tricks implies that the animals’ own
the notion that animals have no other purpose
lives hold no inherent value in their own right. Animal
other than for our gain. Zoos do not teach us to
Equality urges people to visit animal-free circuses, as
respect individuals.
these are indeed fun. For everyone.
ZOOS Zoos are prisons in which hundreds, sometimes
“They lose control over their lives and the environment”
thousands, of animals are encaged for the enjoyment of paying visitors. Animals in zoos are caged for life
The behaviour of animals in zoos is typical of many
and deprived of the opportunity to develop and fulfill
other animals in captivity. It is stunted and unnatural.
the full range of their interests and needs. They lose
Zoos do not teach children about the natural
control over their lives and the environment they
attributes of animals, on the contrary zoos provide
live in. Social animals are often forced to live in the
a distorted image and teach them how animals
misery of solitary confinement. Animals who would
should not be living. The disturbed and often bizarre
prefer to live alone are often forced into close contact
behavior of animals in zoos provides further evidence
with others. Some animals are confined next to their
that holding animals captive is simply wrong. If we
predators, and some are held in crammed, barren
want to instill values in children such as respect for
environments where they are constantly bullied by
others, we should start by not visiting places that
cagemates. Many animals are taken from their families
enslave and cage animals for life.
and sent to other zoos, or killed when their group size exceeds the space allotted to them.
Animal Equality carried out an extensive investigation into Spanish zoos and observed animals living
Many zoo animals suffer from ‘zoochosis’, a term used
in squalid environments among their own
to describe repetitive stereotypic behavior such as
faeces in a state of anxiety.
swaying from side to side, head bobbing and pacing. The complex emotional and social relationships
animals need to thrive are destroyed in captivity.
Hunting is considered a sport in many countries around the world. As a result millions of animals die
The alleged ‘educational’ role of zoos needs to be
every year. The most common practice is ‘small game
challenged if we want to live in a just and equitable
hunting’, in which the victims tend to be partridges,
turtle-doves, rabbits, and aquatic and migratory birds.
it has been common practice to put hounds down at
There is also ‘big game hunting’, in which the victims
the end of their working lives around 6 – 8 years, or
include wild boar, deer and rams. Hunters use guns to
when a foxhound becomes too slow to keep up with
kill certain individuals, and lead pellets to kill, injure
the pack. There have also been numerous occasions
and mutilate others. Cruel and barbaric bloodsports
when hounds have been injured or killed on roads and
have no place in modern day society.
railway lines and when terriers have been injured or killed during terrier work.
Fox hunting originated in Britain, but is practised all over the world, including in Australia, Canada, France, Ireland, Italy and the United States. In Australia, the term also refers to the hunting of foxes with firearms similar to spotlighting or deer hunting. in Britain, ‘hunting’ without qualification implies fox hunting (or beagling, stag hunting and mink hunting). In Britain, hunting animals for
“The temporary accommodation for animals, confined quarters, as well as abusive training practices inflicting pain and stress means a life of misery...”
sport is illegal, however the law is being broken. Just because something was once a way of life does Fox hunting was banned in Britain in 2004, but it still
not mean it is right. We live in a modern, progressive
practised on a weekly basis all around the country. A
society and allowing dogs to chase and kill wild animals
fox hunt is a cruel and bloody event and involves the
for entertainment is simply not acceptable.
chasing of a red fox by a pack of trained foxhounds or other scent hounds and a group of hunters on
horseback or foot. When being chased by the hounds,
Aquariums’ are aquatic prisons in which thousands of
a fox will often attempt to escape underground. At
marine animals, such as tropical, fresh and saltwater
this point a terrier is often sent down the hole to hold
fishes and cetaceans are confined. Many of these
the fox at bay while the terriermen dig out the fox. As
individuals would otherwise swim thousands of
the fox is unable to escape it will then experience high
kilometres a day and possess senses which guide
levels of fear which, without being able to escape, will
them through their aquatic habitat, but are frustrated
increase over time.
in tanks where they are condemned to spend their entire lives. We do not see the boredom, the
In the autumn of each year, hunts take the young
monotony or the suffering endured by the animals
hounds out cub hunting to kill young foxes. However,
behind the screens. Seeing the reality would surely
foxes are not the only animals to suffer. Historically
prevent us from participating.
shows, art galleries, museums, or go for hikes in the
Other spectacles exist where animals are used
countryside whilst observing animals respectfully
to serve a human purpose. Rodeos, horse and
in the wild. The possibilities are almost endless.
greyhound racing are just some examples. In all
But above all this we can make a difference in our
of these the same wrong is repeated: Animals are
lives by informing others about why these places
created, raised, bought, sold and used for human
should not exist. We should all be able to enjoy
entertainment to their detriment. There are countless
freedom, human or not.
forms of entertainment which do not cause harm to, or oppress, animals. We can go to circuses that do not use animals, the cinema, the theater, concerts,
Pollution Estimates show that marine litter is now 60–80% plastic, reaching 90–95% in some areas. An estimated 86% of turtle species, 43% of seabird species, and 44% of marine mammals have plastics in their gut. Plastic can fill the digestive system of these animals causing them to starve.
By the Save Our Seas Foundation
The oceans are in trouble. We are at a crossroads in history, and the actions we take – or fail to take – in the next decade will decisively impact the future of our seas and of our planet.
Climate Change The global ocean absorbs between 25% and 50% of all human CO2 emissions. While this process slows
down the greenhouse effect, it also lowers the pH of seawater, making it more acidic. This threatens all marine animals and plants that secrete calcium carbonate as part of their structure.
Co2 17
Habitat Destruction 400 “dead zones” around the world – areas of ocean along the coast where the water at the sea floor have become completely deprived of oxygen, essentially killing off all life.
Overfishing 90% of all large predatory fish including tuna, sharks, swordfish, cod and halibut are gone. Scientists predict that if current
trends continue, world food fisheries could collapse entirely by 2050.
Inadequate Protection Only 0.6% of the world’s oceans have been designated as protected - compared to almost 13% of our planet’s land area.
WHAT YOU CAN DO Do your bit to minimise your impact on ocean
Removing subsidies on fertilizer use, which
pollution. Recycle, reuse and reduce. Avoid
would limit their use and reduce the problem of
plastic wherever possible.
marine dead zones.
Putting pressure on governments to limit fishing subsidies,
Significantly and rapidly cutting worldwide CO2
estimated at tens of billions of dollars per year. Eliminating
emissions. While recent history has demonstrated that
subsidies of this scale lowers the financial incentives to
this will not be easy to accomplish, it is the only real
continuously expand fishing fleets far beyond sustainability.
solution to the problem.
Blackfish Interview By Eleanor Hooker
Local animal rights expert discusses Blackfish, SeaWorld and the human-animal relationship
Recently, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District
CultureMap: I reached out to you because of your article
of Columbia Circuit denied SeaWorld’s appeal of
on wrote critically about SeaWorld, and
safety citations that were issued by the Occupational
later that day your article was taken down.
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) after an investigation into the death of Dawn Brancheau.
James McWilliams: Yes, I was a contributor at
Brancheau, a trainer, was killed by the orca Tilikum
Forbes, and had written about animal rights on
in 2010, an incident that became the subject of
the site before. It’s difficult, from a journalistic
the documentary Blackfish.
perspective, to write about animals. When you’re reporting on a situation, you can’t get the animal
As a result of that investigation, OSHA fined
perspective, you can only get the perspective of
SeaWorld and restricted trainer interactions with
the human who’s keeping them in captivity. When
killer whales by physically separating the trainers
I started writing at Forbes, I made a point to not
from the animals during show performances.
empower those who benefited from the exploitation
This ruling supports the Department of Labor’s
of animals without at least providing the animal’s
decision to fine SeaWorld, acknowledging that
perspective through science or through the people
the company knew about the hazards associated
who work with the animals on a daily basis.
with orca performances and did not adequately address those hazards.
In writing about Blackfish, I didn’t want to give more of a voice to SeaWorld than they already had.
CultureMap spoke to Austin’s own animal rights
I wanted to make it clear that an orca in captivity
expert James McWilliams, a history professor at
is suffering and I wasn’t going to quote their
Texas State University, McWilliams writes about
spokesperson who claims otherwise. But editorially,
the agricultural, economic and moral implications
that’s what they expected me to do. And when we
of human-animal relationships. We talked about why
disagreed, they took down the article and I resigned.
Blackfish tugs at our heartstrings and how we can
This wasn’t anything dramatic. I contribute to a
rethink our relationships with the animals around us.
number of publications, and really, I give Forbes a
lot of credit. They knew my perspective when they
thought about this from an animal’s perspective
hired me to write for them. But I couldn’t in good
until 10 years ago when I was writing a book on
conscience make the changes they were requesting.
agriculture. The research for this book led me to dairy farms and feedlots. I was able to see animal
CM: What other journalistic practices do you find difficult
agriculture close up and really at its most graphic,
to adhere to on this topic?
and I walked away from that thinking, initially, this is not sustainable.You look at the manure lagoons, at
JM: Over the last 40 years, we’ve vastly expanded
the amount of methane going into the air, at what it
our understanding of the level of animal awareness
does to local water systems. It’s unsustainable.
and intelligence, which at the very least should prompt us to consider their capacity to suffer, to
At the same time, I began reading about animals
realize that they are not objects. This goes back
from an ethical perspective too. I found certain
all the way to Darwin, to the discovery of the
questions posed to me, like, can you ethically justify
evolutionary link between us and the animals
eating animals if the end result is unimaginable
around us. Given the increasing prevalence of
suffering? And it turns out I couldn’t. I had seen
that knowledge, it is stunning to me how poorly
animals suffering directly and I found it very difficult
mainstream journalism takes it into account.
to keep eating them.
CM: The response to Blackfish in the media seems to
CM: How do you see those conversations resulting in an
demonstrate that people are drawn to this topic, and
actual change in how we relate to animals?
are interested in learning about animals. Do you think that desire is also part of why people go to a park like
JM: It’s incredible how far we’ve come. In general,
SeaWorld in the first place?
you have a hard time finding people who haven’t put some thought into our relationship with animals,
JM: I do wonder why people go to SeaWorld. I’m
and I think any conversation that addresses that in a
deeply skeptical that they go to learn more about the
genuine way is a sign of change.
lives of orcas. What do you learn about a mammal as massive as an orca being held in a tank? What do
If you look at that hundred year period and you
you learn about their natural behavior? The answer
ask, what tipped the balance? You can point certain
is nothing. What you do realize is that they are
events. The publishing of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, the daily
incredibly intelligent animals to be doing what they’re
publication of The Liberator, which was published
doing. And if anything, that heightens the paradox.
every week for 30 years.You can look at the Dred Scott decision. There were all these people making
CM: What’s the connection between how we interact with
arguments, and then there were some big events that
animals for entertainment and as food?
came along, but you could never predict how they would all work together. The bottom line is that in a
JM: For a long time, I didn’t think much about the
hundred year period, there was a radical shift.
human-animal relationship beyond how most people think about it, in that it’s convenient and nice when we have companion animals and when we visit the zoo or watch animals do tricks at a circus. I never 20
an101 By Happy Cow
Are you thinking about making the transition to a vegetarian or vegan diet? If so, that’s good news. With more and more emerging research supporting the benefits of a plant-based diet, along with fast growing demands (and websites like HappyCow that leads one to vegetarian restaurants and health food stores), it is easier than ever to become a vegetarian. Stereotypes project that vegetarians and vegans only eat lettuce and a few vegetables and that their diets are boring. But the standard American diet, which used to make once healthy populations now obese and unhealthy, almost always consists of mainly just flesh meat and processed junk food. Just because non vegetarians gorge on the flesh of cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, lamb, fish, and animals does not qualify their diet as “varied” or balanced. In fact, it’s the very opposite that rings true!
When you speak with most vegetarians and vegans,
heart disease, cancer, and obesity. We’ve all heard
they will tell you that since becoming vegetarians,
the saying, “Everything in moderation.” The thing is,
they have become more open to food variety and
an overly excessive amount of protein in the human
have discovered a cornucopia of wholesome and
body can is detrimental to health.
delicious food options.
There are vegetarians and there are vegans A vegetarian diet consists of mostly plant-based foods and no animal flesh. Some vegetarians consume eggs and/or dairy while others do not. A vegan diet, the most strict form of vegetarian, eliminates all animal products and animal by products. But do not think that vegans are deprived. On the contrary, vegans have access to everything they want to eat, only their foods are made without animal products - from ice cream, cake, cookies, pastries and gravy to mock “meats” that taste so much like the real thing. While the vegan versions of favorite foods are just as delicious, if not more, they contain no cholesterol and almost no saturated fat or none at all! It’s a win-win situation. If there are the same tasty food options available that involve no cruelty to animals, that are healthier, and the producing of them is gentle on the environment, why not choose the more healthy, beneficial choice?
“Too much animal protein can impair the kidneys as well as leach calcium, zinc, B vitamins, iron and magnesium from our bodies.” Although too much protein is bad, our body needs some amounts of it. Protein is deemed as “the building blocks of life,” and everything has protein in it in varying amounts. A varying diet consisting of vegetables, fruits, beans, grains, and legumes provides more than adequate amounts of protein - only without the added cholesterol and saturated fats, antibiotics, chemicals, steroids, sulfuric substances, etc., found in animal sources. The best way to eat, for me, is to consider which food will give me more nutrition per calorie, ie. the most nutritional bang for my caloric buck. This is one of the reasons I, along with vegetarians I know, stay trim and healthy. One hundred calories of cow meat is tiny, but one hundred calories of broccoli
How does one get enough protein as a vegetarian?
is a huge amount of broccoli. Besides, anything you
The “but you need more protein” issue is a myth -
protein? Like babies who feed on their mothers’
it is a false argument. It is based on a far outdated
milk, getting the nutrients from the milk that their
experiment conducted in the early 1900s on rats.
mother already consumed, people who eat animals
Many current medical studies are showing that too
are only getting the nutrients, second-hand, that the
much protein, in fact, especially from animal protein,
animal already consumed. Personally, I’d rather get
is the problem. Too much animal protein can impair
first-hand quality where my health is concerned. A
the kidneys as well as leach calcium, zinc, B vitamins,
good book that delves into thirty years of studies
iron and magnesium from our bodies. Studies have
where animal protein is concerned (including milk)
also correlated too much protein with osteoporosis,
is The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, PhD.
think you might be getting from eating flesh meat is only “second-hand.” Where does the cow get its
What about calcium? Do I need dairy for strong bones? NO, you do not need animal dairy for calcium or anything. This idea is perpetrated by an extremely aggressive advertising program paid for by the dairy industry that is not based on good science. It is a money-making scheme. Milk contains animal protein, and thus contributes to the host of illnesses listed above. Studies have shown that people in countries that consume milk routinely tend to have weaker bones than those in countries that avoid milk. Osteoporosis have been correlated to an excess of protein in the diet along with sedentary living. Milk does NOT slow the process of osteoporosis that commonly occurs in older women. Pasteurized, processed dairy, in my opinion, is a toxic “food group”. It doesn’t help that it’s basically all saturated fat and cholesterol. Dairy also contains antibiotics,
udders that are hooked up to painful metal machines all day to keep up with demand so that they blister and bleed? Not so appetizing. On the other hand, a reliable source of minerals (manganese, chromium, selenium and magnesium) can be found in fruits and vegetables and in higher quantity and better quality. Fresh fruits and veggies are also high in boron, which helps lessen the loss of calcium through urine - while animal protein increases the loss of calcium through urine. Plantbased foods are abundant in first hand calcium that is more easily absorbed by the body. This includes, but is not limited to, quinoa, molasses, green leafy vegetables such as kale, collards (any kind of greens, really), broccoli, soy products, grapefruits, chickpeas, fortified grains and cereals, red beans, seeds, raw nuts, etc.
hormones, pesticides, steroids, chemicals, and even perchlorate (that is the scientific word for rocket fuel!) Yuck! Dioxin, too, one of the most toxic
Going from vegetarian to vegan
substances in the world, is often found in dairy
It is as simple as cutting out the dairy and animal
products. And how about the blood cells and pus
by-products. Examples of animal by-products are
that come in it, too, from the far overgrown mutated
gelatin, glycerin (unless specified that it’s from plant 24
sources), cochineal, casein, whey, etc. Don’t let your
TVP (textures vegetable protein) is the way to go.
jaw drop just yet, though - it’s far easier than it
TVP has a meaty texture. Add some sauce, and it
seems. The healthiest vegan stays almost exclusively
is a surefire way to make your meat-eating friends
in the fresh produce section and the bulk staples
believe they are eating beef in their tacos! If friends
section, where one can stock up on things such as
know you as a strict vegan, you could really have
fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables, oats, rice, beans,
some fun with this.
flour, seeds, various grains, etc. There’s no worry there - everything is mostly likely vegan.
You will be able to find substitutes for any kind of meat to make the dish that you want to make.
It’s easy to “veganize” your favorite recipe with
There are substitutes for burger patties, ground beef,
substitutes. For instance, if a baked goods recipe calls
chicken (nuggets, slices, patties, strips, etc), turkey,
for an egg, you can use half a mashed banana, a bit
deli slices, hot dogs, fish, shrimp, etc...Yes, vegans have
of applesauce, tofu, Ener-G brand egg replacement,
it all. By reading the ingredient labels carefully, you
or blend some flax seeds with a bit of water in a
will be able to determine which meat substitutes are
blender until they are the consistency of raw egg.
vegetarian, and which are vegan. The non-vegan ones
For milk, you can use soy milk, rice milk, almond milk,
might contain egg and some kind of dairy. And then
oat milk, or hemp milk. Soy milk tends to be the
there is tofu, the ultimate vege “meat”. Tofu soaks up
most commonly used replacement, and if you don’t
the flavors in a dish, and is highly versatile; you can
mind a little fat,Very Vanilla Silk Soy milk brand “for
even make delicious pudding with it.
kids” (who says adults can’t enjoy it, too?”) tastes just like melted ice cream. Non-fat soy milk, such as
There are also vegan versions of cheese, whipped
West Soy brand non-fat, comes in vanilla or plain.
cream, frosting, gravy and more. Try chocolate
You will be able to find different flavors of soy milk
without the milk added in chocolate bars,
such as chocolate, chai, and coffee, at most major
baking chocolate chips, and hot cocoa. Even
health food stores. Around the holidays, Silk brand
vegan ice cream comes in several brands and
offers a soy nog that tastes very much like eggnog.
an assortment of flavors.
For butter, you can use vegetable margarine or oils; I find that dishes taste the same without that added butter fat. Cheese cake? No problem. Toffutti brand makes a vegan-style cream “cheese” that produces cheesecakes that taste just like the dairy version. Tacos? There’s always the option of beans and lentils, but if you want that meaty flavor and texture,
“A reliable source of minerals (manganese, chromium, selenium and magnesium) can be found in fruits and vegetables and in higher quantity and better quality.” 25
How about snack foods? Well, you certainly don’t have to give up that habit. You really don’t have to “give up” anything when you become a vegetarian or vegan. There are vegan versions of almost everything available. Most potato chips and tortilla chips, unless made with some kind of cheese or dairy derivative, tend to be vegan. Check the labels. Most health food stores and markets sell everything I’ve mentioned (and then some). Natural foods markets are a blessing for vegetarian and vegans.You will see aisles upon aisles, shelves upon shelves, of veggie friendly products.
Don’t like the taste of vegetables? Vegetables are the most nutrient-dense foods. They are essential in any healthy diet. It’s usually in the spicing - it’s hard to believe anyone could take a taste of Indian vegetable dishes or Middle Easter vegetable dishes and hate the taste. Their cuisine is among the most delicious in the world. But, if that doesn’t work, an awesome method to get some vegetables into your body is making yourself a green smoothie. What you do is you mix vegetables in a blender with fruit, and the taste of fruit overrides the taste of the vegetables and it no longer tastes so “vegetabley.” You can be creative and do any amount of combinations you like with this. Pineapple is especially useful because of the strong fruity taste, but any fruit really works. Just make sure you still put a good amount of green vegetables in there and you got a tasty glass of immeasurable nutrition.
Other Concerns Like most Americans, vegans should also be cautious about how much sodium and sugar they eat. A food’s
and uncooked food, with uncooked food making up
vegan status does not preclude high sodium or sugar
no more than about 1/3 of their calories.
content.Vegans would be wise to target a maximum of 1500 mg of sodium per day and minimize their use
For the most part, vegan nutrition is not all that
of foods and drinks with added sugars. Many vegans
different from “mainstream” nutrition. Some
are trying to eat an all- or nearly-all-raw diet because
education is necessary, but that can be said no
of increased interest in fruits and vegetables. While
matter what style of eating we choose. While
eating more of these foods is certainly a good idea
American meat-eating moms have every right to
for nearly every American, there are also concerns.
be concerned about their vegetarian teens, the
Cooking actually liberates some nutrients, and also
vegetarians should be concerned that Mom is eating
helps break down tough plant fibers and bitter
her beans and DGLV (again!), and getting plenty
compounds, making vegetables more nutritious and
of fruits and vegetables for those healthy plant
appealing. And the large volume of low-calorie, low
chemicals. With a bit of balance and guidance, being
protein food might support healthy weight loss, but
vegan is easy. But being a healthy vegan is being the
it might also lead to unplanned, undesirable losses
best vegan you can be.
in weight, loss of strength, and bone density. Wise vegans will find a suitable balance between cooked 26