OnePiece Presspack 3

Page 1


Spontaneous, not too serious, not too cool. Confident with no worries, so jump in and join us



celebrities /





Over 20 million records sold

#1 pop idol of this decade

one direction X-factor favorites


Natasha Bedingfield UK singer-songwriter

Perez hilton Worlds most famous blogger


RICHAD BRANDSON TRiATHLON TEAM UK actor and singer Sam Attwater.

AMERICAS BEST DANCe CREW (MTV) ABDC Finalists Quest Crew in OnePiece


OMAROSA Two-time participant on The Apprentice

George Lopez

Andy Garcia

American comedian, actor, and talk show host

The Godfather loves his OnePiece

varsity fanclub american boyband visits our Beverly Hills Concept Store


Pixie Lott

hayley williams

UK singer-songwriter. More then 50 million youtube Views

Hayley and B.o.B became famous with the song Airplanes

Nico Tortorella USA actor from Twelve and Scream 4


octopussy (james bond girl)

Whitney Port and Ben Nemtin

Maud Adams was the Bond-girl in Octopussy

Whitney Port from The Hills and Ben Nemtin from Buried Life, MTV

dj afrojack DJ Afrojack spinning records in Vegas


Jaden smith

sadie frost

Son of Will Smith from Karate Kid

walking her dogs


Ellie goulding

Ronan keating

English singer-songwriter

English singer-songwriter


sara paxton


Jason wahler

Actress from Liar Liar, CSI Miami


Actor from The Hills and Laguna Beach

Ed drewett Singer-songwriter


malin 책kerman

Henry holland

Famous Hollywood actress

Famous Designer

wonderland The new Spice Girls from Britain



f Rex Lee

Artist “Bumpy ride”

Lloyd from Entourage


Nick Simmons


Dave Annable

Son of rock legend Gene Simmons

Dancing with the stars

TV-series Brothers & Sisters




The Swiss National Snowboard Team

American singer, guitarist and television presenter,

DIRTY SEXY THINGS (PEROU) British fashion, portrait and music photographer


RENĂˆ DIFF Vocalist in the pop-group Aqua

Casper christensen Danish comedian and actor



hayden panettiere

German pop group

American actress from Heros and Scream

dirt nasty Recording Artist, Rapper


PIxie geldof

ashley dawson

American actress from Heros and Scream

British actor from Hollyoaks



magazines and newspapers




What’s hot this week

Send us any fashion questions or let us know your thoughts at

Emma Watson

Wacky trend

our latest style crush

Friday 26.11.10

Adult-gros Love them or loathe them, there is a new craze in town – adultsized babygros (or adultgros, if you will). Brand new website onepiece. has launched a range of romper suits in a rainbow of colours. Perfect for days on the sofa recovering from one of your many Christmas parties – or if you are feeling really brave, wear it out and about. Young X Factor boy band One Direction are more recently out of romper suits than most, but they were spotted in them...

Lost in Showbiz

Let’s raise a toast to Gillian McKeith, page 2


nown for playing feisty Hermione over the years in the Harry Potter movies and for fronting the Burberry campaign last season, Emma Watson, 20, is shaping up to be quite the fashion icon. From her one-shoulder velvet dress to her show-stopping lace and feather ensemble at the Deathly Hallows premiere, Emma has us green with wardrobe envy. If like us at Celebs you hanker for a piece of her style, look no further than the great high street where we have hunted down some Watson wonders.

The OnePiece is cosy, comfy and trendy. But can a man dressed like a toddler ever photograph Sarah lee for the Guardian

Debut at Debenhams



20% off

Compiled by: Carly Stevens. Pictures: PA/Wenn/Pacific Coast/Rex.

yes PLeAse

no thAnks

Tinchy Stryder’s new collection, Star In The Hood, launches this month. Get a funky vest or comfy jogging bottoms – Rihanna has already got hers. See

lovelies are essential winter warmers, when mixed with touch-screens and tiny buttons you can end up taking them off more than putting them on.

star in the hood


Hoorah! The festive party season is upon us, I will be ditching my satchel in favour of this luxe sequin bag – any excuse to add some sparkle to my outfit.

gloves While these leather or knitted


Michelle Howard, Junior Fashion Assistant 51

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B 3


PĂĽ Kultur & NĂśje i dag: Massor av nya bĂścker

Jättebebisen rätt i tiden

Annat otippat som blivit mode Plyschdress – herrarnas mĂĽste i slutet av 1960-talet. Kjol pĂĽ byxa – 1990talets stora klädkombo. Praktiskt när det är kallt. JätteglasĂśgon – 2008 blev ĂĽret när oversized-glasĂśgonen slog igenom som trendsettarnas mĂĽste.

â– â– Bebisdräkt fĂśr vuxna har lite otippat seglat upp som en trend. Och det är NykĂśpingsbor som driver fĂśretaget i Stockholm. Den norska mysdräkten Onepiece är här.

Patrick Barkham takes babygrow chic to the streets


Sequin bag, Mango, ÂŁ37.90

Debenhams 08445 616161 JD Sports 0844 264 1000 Leila London Lipsy Mango 020 7434 3694 Marks & Spencer 0845 3021234 One Piece




Xtra Factor star Konnie Huq has been spotted out and about in a fabulous vintage-looking dress by Darling from A haven of quirky brands, filled to the brim with cute dresses, jackets and accessories galore, Leila London is offering Celebs On Sunday readers 20% off online. To receive your discount, simply enter Leilacelebs. Offer ends 11 Dec 2010.

one direction: ‘You’ve really made those adult-gros your own’

Where to buy

Limited Collection at Marks & Spencer ÂŁ89


Samira Ahmed Why I love Little House on the Prairie, page 18

Romper stomper


er den barnslig ut? Vänta tills du har den pĂĽ dig. – Man blir lite som ett barn av den, och gosar upp sig i soffan och sätter sig där man vill, säger Ă…sa Berggren, tidigare NykĂśpingsbo, numera pr- och marknadsansvarig fĂśr Onepiece. Just nu är det mĂĽnga bebisar som är moderiktigt klädda. Den sĂĽ kallade onepiecen – ganska exakt en babydräkt fĂśr vuxna – har seglat upp pĂĽ modebloggares och stylisters topplista. Urcellen Ellen i tv-rutan var fĂśre sin tid när hon pĂĽ tidigt 1980-tal svävade runt i rutan i sin onepiece. Ta en luvtrĂśja. Ta ett par mjukisbyxor. Sätt ihop. SĂĽ, där har du den sĂĽ kallade onepiecen. Och bakom ratten pĂĽ den svenska delen av fĂśretaget är det idel personer frĂĽn NykĂśping. Ă…sa Berggren har tidigare varit NykĂśpings Lucia och även spelat musikaler med Nymos. Nu jobbar hon alltsĂĽ med den mjuka overallen. – Omkring 90 procent av alla skolelever i Norge har en onepiece. Där har det blivit en ungdomshetsgrej. Men vi vill att den inte bara ska bli nĂĽgot fĂśr unga, utan fĂśr alla. Det är världens bästa mysplagg, säger hon. Ă…sa Berggren har med sig NykĂśpingstjejerna Amanda Edman och Mona Olausson i fĂśretaget. Nyligen Ăśppnade deras nya butik intill flotta Biblioteksgatan i Stockholm. Vid Ăśppningen ringlade kĂśn lĂĽng. – Alla vill gĂĽ runt i en. Det är fantastiskt, säger Ă…sa Berggren. Ett enda lufsigt mjukisplagg att hasa om-

kring i. Somliga skulle tänka att det var lite som hÜjden av dekadent civilisationssÜnderfall. Som Roms undergüng. Sü varfÜr har nügot sü osannolikt som en sparkdräkt fÜr vuxna slagit igenom just nu? Delvis är svaret att mjukisdräkten flutit pü en vüg som dragit fram genom kändisvärlden. Profiler som Kate Moss, Westlife, Jude Law och Beckham har lütit sina kroppar glida in i det heltäckande plagget. Unga bloggtjejer med boostade läppar är ocksü ett gäng som hyllat plagget. Isabelle StrÜmberg, Kissie och Anna Hibbs är nügra av modebloggarna som plockat upp den fotsida dräkten.

PlatĂĽträskor – PĂĽ 1970talet skulle man bĂĽde vara lĂĽng och hemvävd. Pannband och benvärmare – PĂĽ 1980-talet

gjorde gympingtrenden otillbĂśrlig pĂĽverkan pĂĽ modet.

Skägg delat i tvĂĽ tovor – PĂĽ 1500-talet

En riktig bakisidĂŠ

stoltserade självaste kung Erik XIV med det dualistiska modeskägget.

Enligt berättelsen var det när tre unga killar i Norge segade sig igenom en hürdfÜr bakisdag som idÊn till plagget Onepiece fÜddes. De satt och spünade kring vad som vore det perfekta bakisplagget. En av dem konstaterade att mjukisbyxor var toppen. Nügon annan tyckte att luvtrÜjan regerade. Sedan kom de helt enkelt pü att det perfekta vore att blanda de tvü plaggen. Vips, sü var onepiecen skapad. Det var fÜr fyra ür sedan. FÜr ett ür sedan fick en stor norsk bloggare upp Ügonen fÜr dem och sedan spred sig trenden.

Teletubbies. Men det är lüngt frün sanningen om man provar den. Vilka sammahang är den menad fÜr?

– FĂśrst och främst när det är sĂĽdant här väder. Det är ett hemmaplagg i grund och botten. Men designen har utvecklats och vi har fĂĽtt fĂśrfrĂĽgningar om att till exempel barpersonal vill ha den. Nyligen var vi fyra som hade pĂĽ oss den när vi gick till krogen Storstad.

Rosvalla 3/12 med julbord!

Hur reagerade folk, var det nĂĽgon som sa nĂĽgot?

– NĂĽgon frĂĽgade â€?Var har ni kĂśpt dem? De ser sĂĽ sjukt skĂśna ut.â€? Andra skrattade och tittade lite konstigt. Hur ofta bär du onepiece?

– Jag bär den jämt. Jag har olika fĂśr olika ändamĂĽl. Men det är inte riktigt nĂĽgot uppklätt mode. Inte Gossip Girl direkt. Allvarligt talat, är inte det här ett riktigt fĂśrhĂĽllandedĂśdarplagg, pĂĽ samma sätt som mjukisbyxor klassats som det?

– Snarare tvärtom. Det här manar till att man ska ligga och kramas.

Olle SĂśderstrĂśm

0155-767 58

Ă„r det en luvtrĂśja? Ă„r det ett par mjukisbyxor? Eller kanske bĂĽde och?

KĂśp biljett 0771-45 46 00


Handlar inte det här bara om offensiv sponsring?

– Nej faktiskt inte. Det har spridit sig och blivit en celebritygrej. Det hÜr av sig münga till mig som vill bli sponsrade. Men vi jobbar inte sü, svarar Åsa Berggren.


Vad säger du om att alla kallar den fÜr bebisdräkt fÜr vuxna?

– Det är lite den associationen man fĂĽr. Som

Personliga minnen av John Lennon POCKET John Lennon skulle ha fyllt 70 ĂĽr i

ür och samtidigt är det exakt 30 ür sedan han

Robin Stegmar. GÜran Gillinger. Rino Brezina. Mia BergstrÜm. Pär MalmstrÜm. Evelina OlsÊn Kapellmästare: Roger Mikander


NYKĂ–PING, ROSVALLA 26 mars 4/3 Ă–rnskĂśldsvik 5/3 Gävle 11/3 LinkĂśping 12/3 GĂśteborg 18/3 Karlskrona 19/3 MalmĂś

be taken seriously? Pa

TRansworld surf

September 2011 - Australian surf magazine


flaunt magazine August 2011 - USA fashion magazine

sky magazine Switzerland - October 2011


the ultimate sweat/pajama combo WAD - French fashion magazine


they are brilliant Antenna Magazine USA - October 2011

elle October 2011


“It’s the latest craze”


Irish Daily Mail, November 12 2010, Ireland Irish Daily Mail, Friday, November 12, 2010

Daily Star, November 9 2010, UK Page 13


ONESY! by Robert Mayes


HE first clue that my outfit might not be to everyone’s taste was the dog in Herbert Park. On spotting me, the gentle labrador transformed into a snarling attack hound, frightening the living daylights out of me and nearly taking my arm off.

Was it the hood? I know that even the dogs in Dublin 4 are discerning, but that’s a little over the top. The ladies upstairs at Brown Thomas were hardly kinder. One peered down her perfectly formed nose at me and sniffed: ‘It’s not very stylish…’ before casting a look at where the zip ended. ‘And not very practical.’ The minute I stepped on to Grafton Street, however, I was mobbed by a posse of 18-year-old lads desperate to know where I got my ‘onesy’. The girls on the Luas were equally intrigued. Just this week, Westlife were seen wearing OnePieces as they practised for their gig on Sunday’s X Factor – the day after wannabe Westlifers, One Direction, posed for the paparazzi in theirs. Even celebs who should know better are wrapped up in them. Peaches Geldof, Davina McCall and Jude Law have been spotted in the OnePiece, Sadie Frost has been threatening to buy one for all her friends this Christmas, while no less a personage than Cheryl Cole is quoted in the PR bumf saying: ‘This year is all about the jumpsuit.’ So what is all this fuss about a romper blanket with sleeves that made an appearance last winter. Neither is it a Morphsuit, the full-body suit that make you look, well, like Morph, in a range of snazzy colours.

It’s the latest craze — a Babygro for adults you actually go out in. This courageous Mail writer puts ‘the onesy’ to the test


O, a OnePiece ‘Jump In’, to give it its full name, looks like a Babygro for adults and is effectively a jumpsuit made out of high quality, fleecy cotton with a hood, and a zip that starts at the crotch and goes all the way to the top. It was invented by three twenty-something Norwegians called Thomas Adams, Henrik Nøstrud and Knut Gresvig, and costs around €90 for a plain design ranging to €140 for a brilliantly crass stars-and-stripes pattern. It was the most popular company on Norway’s Facebook last year, earning 120,000 ‘likes’ without any formal marketing, and now, like some kind of pillaging Viking fashionista, it’s threatening to invade Ireland, amid breathless predictions that it could be the ‘trend of the decade’. They even suggest it could take the sting out of the recession. We’ll come to that later. First, in my capacity as travel editor, I was that soldier whose mission it was to run it past the residents of Dublin. Will it catch on as apres ski? Do you think it’s couch or club wear? No, I’m not a weirdo. Mine was among the more sober options available, a fetching dark


In the Shelbourne: Not even a cocktail could help me blend in blue with a Nordic snowflake-style motif. The more adventurous choices include vivid purple, lime green, the stars and stripes or an eye -popping pink candy stripe number sported by Shane Filan in footage on TwitVid. Being something of an old school type, I pulled on some old Nike hightop runners that seem to have sneaked back into fashion, and headed into the brisk chill of Wednesday afternoon, fully expecting to be mocked at every turn or send children running for mammy’s skirts. But Joe the barman at Bellamy’s pub in D4 was nonplussed. Granted, he thought it was a two-piece tracksuit. When I pointed out it was like a Babygro – ‘Ah, a onesy! Nice. Whatever you’re having yourself.’ Aside from a few whiplash doubletakes, D4 seemed singularly unimpressed; the labrador was as bad

Out and about: The onesy kept me warm if a little conspicuous in the chill of downtown Dublin

as it got. So it was off to town, feeling as snug as a bug in a (sort of) rug. If nothing else, my OnePiece romper was proving ridiculously comfortable in the nippy November air – with only a T-shirt on underneath. It feels exactly like wearing a duvet. Lisa Dwan, the former Fair City actress and now PR maven who is marketing it in Europe, calls it a ‘personal central heating system’ and reckons it could save you a fortune on heating bills. ‘We didn’t turn on the heat for days,’ she says. ‘Our poor little dog was shivering.’ I’m not sure it’s come to that yet, but Tomasz Roshon, the Polish barman at the Shelbourne, warms to the theme. ‘It’s interesting and new and it’s great. I noticed it was a onepiece as soon as you walked in. €100? Is it warm? I would wear it. Then all you need is your onepiece, shoes, and maybe some underwear. Easy.’ Not so easy on the other side of the bar. ‘Awful, awful, awful…’ was 39-yearold HR director Róisín Cahill’s reaction. ‘It’s an overgrown Babygro. That’s what I’d put on my baby, not on my big people.’ Sipping cocktails with her in the Shelbourne bar was Darren Cahill, the operations director for Honda. He shook his head, though he was

intrigued: ‘It’s different. I can see people wearing that – definitely as apres ski, and you know, I wouldn’t even be surprised to see it in the Shelbourne.’ Waitress Claire Estran, 36, from Durban in South Africa, had one particular complaint, and it was the large zip label bearing the OnePiece logo. ‘I don’t like the way the zip tag hangs down like that,’ she says. ‘It’s crude.’


HUCKS, and that was my favourite bit: handy to zip up or down for the boys, though possibly tricky for the girls. The Shelbourne bar is one kind of catwalk, but the acid test was always going to be the fashionistas of Brown Thomas. The make-up and fragrance staff seemed pleasant enough about it, as were the skinny-trousered c h a p s i n m e n s w e a r, w h o a l l appeared to want to know where they might buy one. But it was upstairs in the boutique sections that the going got really tough. It’s not often you can invite a woman to give you the once-over and not take it personally when they’re reduced to sniggers and hysterical laughter. Suffice to say, Martine Hannigan, 41, a sales assistant for Mary Grant

clothing in BTs, won’t be rushing out to buy one. As for the prospect of Dublin heaving with romperstomping youngsters, she’s philosophical. ‘Everything and anything goes these days – no one gives a damn. It’s all about expressing individuality, and if that does it, then great.’ The sales assistants were unanimous: the only way the OnePiece might take off is if our weather turns Norwegian – and we start eating fewer pies. They point out as one that it’s unlikely to suit anyone who doesn’t have a ‘slim profile’. ‘It’s not very fashion,’ says Clíona Fox, 21, she of the clinical eye who sells the chic Danish label Day Birger et Mikkelsen. ‘I don’t think people will sacrifice style for comfort to that degree. They just won’t.’ And more pertinently: ‘How do the girls go to the loo? Which is the crucial respect that the OnePiece differs from a romper: no flap. Which might indeed leave you in a flap. So, as that old marketing jingle goes: if you buy one piece of clothing this year, the boys in particular could do worse than make it a OnePiece. Amusing as it was to run around town in a romper, the only place you’ll see me in one is at home this weekend, comfortable in the knowledge I’m the hippest cat on the couch. So come on Westlife, you can do it – serenade the nation tomorrow in a set of overgrown Babygros.

NORWAYS LARGEST BLOGGER A-Magazine, November 20 2009, Norway

largest facebook group Dagens NĹ“ringsliv, June 7 2010, Norway


THE NEXT HOT TREND? Boston Globe (G-style cover story), March 31 2011, USA


LATEST IN HIGH-FASHION COMFORT Evening Standard, October 25 2010, UK

SADIE FROST JUMPS IN The Times, October 30 2010, UK


THE ADULT ‘ONESIE’ IS A TREND Grazia Magazine , June 7 2010, Norway


“People look jelous when they see me” Aftonbladet, November 4 2010, Sweden


x-factor finalist

Evening Standard, October 25 2010, UK

Metro, November 9 2010, UK 38

up to Keep h all the n wit date b gossip o/ cele me owbiz sh

Playing hide and seek: Boyband One Direction may be young but surely they’re too old for baby grows? The X factor finalists, Liam Payne, 17, Louis Tomlinson, 18, Niall Horan, 17, Harry Styles, 16, and Zayn Malik, Pictures: Eroteme 17, arrived for rehearsals yesterday in their curious outfits

Dannii Minogue urged big sis Kylie Minogue to ‘whip that ass’ on Sunday night’s X Factor. The judge was impressed by her 42-year-old sibling’s famous backside which

she showed off in a daring tassled red mini as she performed new single Better Than Today. Speaking in her dressing room, Dannii, 39, told me: ‘I said to her, “Girl, that butt is looking good! Whip that ass.”’



X-FActor rocking the onepiece Sun, November 9 2010, UK

“the demand is huge” Daily Telegraph, November 13 2010, Australia


saturday, november 13, 2010

Dodging bushfires

Seeking big baby comfort Chelsea White MOVE over Snuggie, a new comfort outfit is hitting Australia — giant baby pyjamas. Adding legs and hoods to those blankets with sleeves is the OnePiece, fashion’s answer to an infant’s onesie. Created by Scandinavian designers, the OnePiece was a Facebook cult hit before going global. But OnePiece comfort in prints from pink patchwork to the US flag doesn’t come cheap — up to $210. And the OnePiece has become a celeb hit, from singer Rhianna to socialite Paris Hilton and actress Sadie Frost who plans to buy them as Christmas presents. While the OnePiece remains an online buy here, Australian sleepwear king Peter Alexander already boasts all-in-one sleep suits, complete with a ‘‘bum flap’’. ‘‘The demand is huge. I was planning to do them just once for our winter April drop but they sold out so quickly I now have them every winter month,’’ Mr Alexander said. He attributes the demand for the funny looking pyjamas to their comfort and that they are reminiscent of the rompers we wore as children.


$50m to make state safer exclusive Andrew Clennell State Political Editor

Simple: Sydney models try out the OnePiece which have become a facebook hit

MORE than $50 million will be spent to substantially increase backburning operations in a bid to prevent a Black Saturday bushfire disaster in NSW. Premier Kristina Keneally and Emergency Services Minister Steve Whan will fund the work in response to a royal commission into the Victorian tragedy. Ms Keneally’s spokeswoman said plans were being finalised with an announcement due Sunday. Sources said the big boost to the Rural Fire Service budget would include the provision of a new warning system and a better communication system. The money would be spent buying new equipment and funding increased backburning operations. The money would be spread between the RFS, National Parks and the SES. Opposition emergency services spokeswoman Melinda Pavey told Par-

liament this week that the Government had taken too long to respond to the Victorian bushfires recommendations. She said that in 2009-10, hazard reduction had been increased to 170,000ha. But the five-year average for hazard reduction in NSW was 126,000ha — ‘‘far below the benchmark set by the Victorian royal commission’’, she said. Ms Pavey said hazard reduction should be greatly increased, including in the Blue Mountains and a Coalition government would aim to do that. Victoria’s Black Saturday fires in February last year killed 173 people and left 414 injured. ‘‘All the states were required to respond to the royal commission and as usual NSW was last,’’ one source said. ‘‘The money is predominantly aimed at backburning. There is new money for an enhanced warning and communication system.’’ Sydney’s deadly bushfires in January 1994 prompted a massive overhaul of the rural fire service at that time, leading to increased funding.


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“the ultimate chillout piece”

“Thumbs up from chris lowe”

Piteå-Tidningen, November 13 2010, Sweden

Express and Star, November 23 2010, UK 18

Piteå-Tidningen · Lördag 13 november 2010

Helg 33

Vad är det värsta som kan hända?

Sparkdräkt för vuxna gör succé MOde Tre söndagströtta grabbar kläckte idén om det ultimata mysplagget. Nu har deras sparkdräkt i vuxenformat blivit inne och bärs både av kändisar, modefolk på Elle och på trendiga klubbar.


n tidig söndagsmorgon 2007 satt tre norska killar i 20-årsåldern och fantiserade om den ultimata slapparklädseln. De enades om att kläder i sweatshirt-material var perfekta, men att resårbandet i midjan på byxorna var för obekvämt. Så föddes idén om att för-

ena huvtröjan och mysbyxan i ett plagg.

Sociala medier Under 2009 började Onepiece bli uppmärksammad på diverse bloggar. Plötsligt blev sparkdräkten en trend och bärs av bland andra Kate Moss, Paris Hilton, David Beckham, Jude Law och Sadie Frost.

Det som var tänkt som en slappardräkt hemma har också hittat sig ut på nattklubbar För marknadsföringen, som skett via sociala medier, har märket belönats med norska priset ”Gulltaggen” 2010. I slutet av året eller i början av januari öppnar Onepiece en konceptbutik i Stockholm. Mari gustafsson


Chokladkalender med rättvist innehåll n Förberedelserna inför advent börjar smyga sig på. En sak som är efterlängtad av många barn (och säkert en hel del vuxna) är adventskalendern med en liten chokladbit bakom varje lucka. Det är något magiskt med att krypa upp i soffan om morgonen och öppna dagens datum.

Omtänksamhet på flera sätt är rätt i jul (och alltid)!

Namn: Åse Nordlund. Bor/Familj: Med underbar sambo Anders, en 4-årig fin Vilda och lilla Svante, 10 månader i en vit villa på Svartudden. Gör: Mammaledig! Jobbar till vardags som gruppträningsansvarig, instruktör och hälsovägledare. Just nu: Är jag så glad för att vintern gjort entré! Så ljust och mysigt! Sen tar jag igen mig efter en del energikrävande åtaganden som jag haft senaste tiden! Allt från temaklasser, föreläsningar och störst av allt, sången som jag gav till vår Svante på hans dop – vilken utmaning! Så tränar jag: 5–6 pass varje vecka, året om. Jag har riktigt grym träningsdisciplin, älskar variationen som finns inom träning och det jag har planerat blir nästan alltid av. Nu är jag bara så sugen på en ny längdskidsäsong! Ledorden är alltid genomgående väder, årstid och lust! Dessa kommer man långt med och håller motivationen vid liv. kontakta mig på

Även om jag, som de allra flesta, också

tvivlar och ifrågasätter mig själv, så har min starka tro på mig själv och min förmåga att lita på magkänslan verkligen fört mig framåt i livet. Visst har jag behövt pushas, bekräftas och berömmas, men när det gäller utmaningar – ibland bromsas! Och det var detta mamma, med denna grymt sköna kommentar, gjorde ett tappert försök till. Utan framgång. För att försöka bromsa en sportbil i maxfart – det är inte att rekommendera! Klart som tusan att jag kan skriva! Mamma utmanade mig bara ännu mer. ”Ok, då. Säger du det, så är det med största sannolikhet så”, menade mamma och log pillimariskt, samtidigt som hon förstod komiken i det hela. Och än en gång hade jag fått och tagit chansen. Chansen att utmana mig.

Många gånger har vi skrattat åt detta, för tänk vad mamma hört om mina nya upptåg genom livet! Både bra och dåliga, men alltid har hon funnits där och stöttat mig. För mig är chansen till nya utmaningar nästintill helt positivt förankrad. Visst har jag misslyckats rätt rejält en del av gångerna, men i efterhand är dessa knappt något jag minns. Känslan att lyckas har alltid varit starkare än känslan av att misslyckas. Det är nog just det som är mångas problem i att våga. Man är så otroligt rädd för att misslyckas!

Ibland behöver vi tänka och analysera, men ibland är det något som kan stoppa utvecklingen. Vi borde lita mer på magkänslan och inte tänka så mycket på vad folk omkring oss tycker. Dessutom borde vi sluta lägga fokus kring det eventuella misslyckandet. Då är det dömt att misslyckas. Vi har en förmåga att ta livet på lite för stort allvar. Det jag ofta tänker och använder mig av borde tänkas av fler: Vad är det värsta som kan hända? Den gillar jag.

Scientists believe they have the potential to “switch off” a distressing side-effect caused by a key treatment for Parkinson’s disease. Dyskinesia causes involuntary movements – including jerking and swaying and is a side-effect of the drug levodopa, used by more than half of Parkinson’s patients. It differs to the Parkinson’s “tremor”, which is a symptom of the disease itself. Levodopa is a chemical building-block that the body converts into dopamine – the message transmitter that is missing in the brains of people with Parkinson’s. Now experts led by a team at Cardiff University have identified how an overactive system within nerve cells can lead the development of dyskinesia. “Turning down” this system could halt dyskinesia or slow its action. Researcher Dr Riccardo Brambilla, of Cardiff University, said: “Our work will pave the way for effective new treatments that can reduce or prevent dyskinesia. “The challenge will be to target and block the right nerve cells in the brain which cause dyskinesia, without interfering with the benefits of levodopa.” The study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, was funded by organisations including Parkinson’s UK and the Michael J Fox Foundation.

Lost star takes to the stage

Express & Star, Tuesday November 23, 2010


Film opener spells Shamed Manford success for Potter goes back on tour Teen wizard Harry Potter has worked his charm on audiences by smashing a string of box office records in the UK. The penultimate film in the blockbuster series set five records, including the biggest opening weekend, taking £18.3 million. Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1 opened on Friday and beat the threeday figure set by James Bond film Quantum Of Solace of £15.4m. The movie also achieved the biggest single day (£6.6m), the biggest Friday (£5.9m), the biggest Saturday (£6.6m) and the biggest Sunday (£5.7m) of all time at UK cinemas.

Report by Maria Cusine Although Deathly Hallows is the final book written by JK Rowling, the film version has been split into two parts with the second to follow in July next year. Josh Berger president of Warner Bros Entertainment UK, said: “The opening of this film has become an extraordinary worldwide event. “These remarkable box office numbers are a testament to the talents of the filmmakers, cast and to the vision of JK Rowling, the creator of this magical world.”

Comedian Jason Manford has announced details of tour dates in the Black Country and Birmingham after quitting The One Show over an internet sex scandal. The 29-year-old from Salford resigned from the BBC1 flagship show on Thursday after admitting he “flirted” with around a dozen women and “went over the line with a few”. The new tour will see the stand-up comic play venues in cities including London, Liverpool and Belfast in October and November next year. He will play two nights at Dudley Con-

Report by Simon Stone cert Hall on April 8 and 9 next year, as well as two rescheduled dates at the Civic Hall in Wolverhampton in June. The shamed star is also due to also appear at Birmingham’s Alexandra Theatre on July 9. The married father-of-two, whose wife Catherine is pregnant with their third child, took over presenting The One Show from Adrian Chiles in July and was an avid user of Twitter with more than 200,000 followers.

Full-bodied fleece jumpsuit zips off shelves

How to get one piece of the fashion action

Dubbed an adult babygro, Norwegian jumpsuits have become the trend for winter. CATHY SPENCER reports

It has been described as the perfect apres-ski outfit or great for cosy nights in before the fire – and even X Factor’s One Direction love the adult babygro. The band, including Wolverhampton’s Liam Payne, were snapped popping to the shops in the one-piece Norweigan jumpsuits.

Lost star Matthew Fox is to make his debut on the British stage in the world premiere of a new play by US writer Neil LaBute. The Hollywood star, 44, who played Dr Jack Shephard in the hit US desert-island TV drama Lost, which came to an end after six Sarah Hill, checks out Jess’s one piece, in Wolverhampton Suits you – thumbs-up from Chris Lowe years in May, will tread the boards with British actress Olivia Williams. In A Forest, Dark And Deep is described as a dark comedy of sibling rivalry which “escalates into a psychological thriller bursting with savage conflict”. Fun LaBute will also direct the play, which will open at the Stock at department stores in the West Vaudeville Theatre on The Midlands have been flying off the shelves, Strand in London’s West and there are a number of versions of the End in March next year. jumpsuit available online, including a range Fox stars as Bobby, who of ‘Funzee’ sleepwear that has the slogan: helps his sister Betty “Why should babies have all the fun”. (Williams), clear out her cotUK president of the Norweigan jumpsuit tage in the forest. But “noth- company OnePiece Jump In, Ole Fjelberg, ing is as it seems and the a 22-year-old student in London, said the truth refuses to be packed designs had gained cult style status in Noraway”. way. He said: “They were originally designed for wearing in the mountains after a hard Stars and stripes OnePiece £125 Celebrity fan – Sadie Frost X Factor’s One Direction have been seen wearing the suits day of skiing but they are fast becoming a fashion statement. The OnePiece is the latest product that takes advantage of the increasing numbers Lego is the “heritage” toy of people opting to stay in with the televimost likely to be passed on sion. Student Jess Janiak tried on the suit for the corner shop – I don’t think it will take year-old daughter, Sherrie, wanting one for to future generations, acChristmas.” Sarah Hill, 18,of Coven, near With the recession meaning money is a winter stroll in Wolverhampton, and de- off as an outdoors fashion.” cording to a poll. One shopper who saw Jess, Nigel Foxall, Wolverhampton, said: “I probably would short, people are rationing their nights out. clared: “I couldn’t be cosier.” Children can also expect Despite plunging temperatures the 20- of Shifnal, near Wolverhampton, said: “They wear it at home and it looks nice and cosy so Last year’s trend for nights in was the to be given their parents’ ‘slanket’, a sleeved blanket perfect for year-old fashion student, of Rowley Regis, don’t look fashionable and I wouldn’t buy would be great on those cold winter days.” teddy bears, Rubik’s Cube slouching on the sofa. Wide-legged jump- said the babygro did the trick. “I wore tights one for the woman in my life as they are not Chris Lowe, 17, of Bilston, a Walsall Colunder it but my top half is just as warm,” at all flattering. I suppose it is like the story lege media student, said: “I saw them on the and dolls’ house, the survey suits were also sold for sofa-slouching. to mark the DVD release of Sales of supermarket alcohol have soared the Wolverhampton University student said. about the Emperor’s new clothes – if some- X-Factor and I think they look great on both “I would wear it around the house, espe- one tells you something if fashionable you girls and boys. There are not many people Disney’s Toy Story 3 found. as people look for cheap ways to stay at around here that would wear them unless Other favourites include home, and big shows like X Factor and cially when it is cold and rainy outside as it will believe them, even if it looks awful.” Paula Duffy, 43, of Featherstone said: “I they really take off – it will definitely be on Barbie and Ken dolls, Strictly Come Dancing have benefited from is quite comfortable. However, I don’t think I’ll wear it outside again, not even to nip to wouldn’t wear one, but I can imagine my 21- my Christmas list.” Matchbox cars, Scalextric, the trend to stay in by seeing ratings rise. train sets, rag dolls and marbles. One Poll surveyed 3,000 adults online between November 1 and 7.

Jess will keep cosy – but inside

Young less tolerant

Police to hear people’s views

Problems with anti-social behaviour in a Midland town will be discussed at a meeting with police. The PACT (Partners And Communities Together) meeting in Bewdley will be held on Tuesday, November 30, at the Baptist Church in High Street at 6.30pm.

Young people become less tolerant of refugees and immigrants as they grow up, new research suggests. They are also more likely to believe in tougher jail sentences and cutting benefits for the unemployed. The proportion of youngsters who believe Britain does not have room to accept any more refugees rose by 20 percentage points between the ages of 11 and 18, the study by the National Foundation for Educational Research, reveals. And almost four-fifths of 18-year-

Children are at risk from speeding drivers and “dangerous roads” near schools and homes, a survey revealed today. As many as 10 per cent of nine to 13-year-olds have been knocked down while walking or cycling, the poll by road safety charity Brake and insurance company QBE found. More than 60 per cent of nine to 13-year-olds think the roads around their home and school are dangerous for those on foot or bicycles. And almost nine in 10 of these children reckon drivers go too fast in their community. The poll showed that 50 per cent of nine to 11-yearolds and 61 per cent of 11 to 13-year-olds have had a near miss while walking or cycling. The survey was launched as part of Road Safety Week in which a petition about road safety will be handed in at 10 Downing Street. Brake believes that urban speed limits should be lowered to 20mph and strictly enforced. Brake campaigns director Julie Townsend said: “It is shocking and unacceptable that so many children die and suffer appalling injuries on our roads. “Many more children are prevented from having healthy lifestyles because of the threat of fast traffic. One of the best ways we can protect our children is by slowing down to 20mph when driving in communities.”

Rufus in tribute to Garland

The full-bodied fleece zips from crotch up to forehead, and is becoming a favourite with the stars this winter. Sadie Frost says she is buying one for all her friends this Christmas and the suit has also been spotted on Peaches Geldof and Davina McCall. At £80 a time, the designer suits don’t come cheap, although High Street stores including Primark have caught up with the trend and produced their own versions at a fraction of the price. The concept was dreamed up by three Norwegian men in their twenties – Thomas Adams, Henrik Noxtrud and Knut Gresvig. Bold colours are available for the suits, although more elaborate designs can cost up to £120. One design covers the jumpsuit in the American stars and stripes and others take Nordic or Fair Isle designs. The Norweigans now have 120,000 fans on Facebook and it is reported that around thirty per cent of skiers were wearing them last year.

Lego passed on to family

20mph urban limit is urged

olds agree that people who were not born in Britain but live here now should be required to learn English, compared to half at age 11. The study followed 24,000 young people from the ages of 11 to 18. The findings show a massive rise after age 16 in the proportion of teenagers who think jail sentences should be increased and benefits cut. While 26 per cent of Year 11 pupils said the Government should increase sentences for young offenders, this rose to 45 per cent by Year 13.

Moat charges man in court

A man charged with helping fugitive gunman Raoul Moat appeared in court. Scott Raisbeck, 30, of Grebe Close, Blyth, Northumberland, is charged with hiding evidence and perverting the course of justice. He entered no pleas at Newcastle Crown Court yesterday. A provisional trial date was fixed for May 9. Raisbeck was released on unconditional bail.

Priest tackles fears

A priest has made a direct appeal to American families of the Lockerbie bombing, saying they have nothing to fear from an inquiry. Father Pat Keegans, who lived in the Dumfries and Galloway town, wrote an open letter to families of US victims seeking their support for a fresh probe into the 1988 terror attack on Pan Am flight 103. The letter follows a petition at the Scottish Parliament urging a new investigation into the conviction of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi,

the only man found guilty. Megrahi’s release on compassionate grounds last year split opinion and caused anger in America where most victims’ families live. Father Keegan’s letter calls on families to “show your concern” for views held by those who dissent from the verdict. It added: “Your certainty in the trial’s validity and conviction should allow you to accept that such an inquiry would vindicate your belief – you should have nothing to fear.”

Singer-songwriter Rufus Wainwright will pay tribute to showbusiness legend Judy Garland as part of a series of concerts at the Royal Opera House. The five-day residency at the venue in Covent Garden, central London, will also include appearances by his sister Martha and father Loudon – both singers in their own right. It will include two performances of his Judy Garland tribute Rufus Does Judy!, a staging of the singer’s 1961 comeback concert at Carnegie Hall in New York, and a version of his debut opera Prima Donna, which was first performed last year in Manchester. The self-confessed “opera addict” said the concerts next July would be the only chance for fans to see him in Europe in 2011. Wainwright said he got his love of opera from his mother, folk singer Kate McGarrigle.

Rare spider colony found A spider feared extinct in the UK has been caught on camera after a colony of the species was found. The Rosser’s sac spider had not been seen in Britain for 10 years, but a colony has been discovered at Chippenham Fen in Cambridgeshire. The light brown spider, Clubiona rosserae, was discovered in the 1950s, but the draining of the fens and changing farming practices since have threatened its habitat.

Car wash for charity funds

A charity car wash is being held tomorrow in Cannock. Members of the Princes Trust Team 246, based in Cannock, will be cleaning cars from 11am to 3pm at Halfords car park, Link Way Retail Par. Cash will be spent on a variety of causes.

Åse listar, 5 sätt att våga utmana dig själv:

Färdiga kalendrar med en liten sak vid varje datum på teman som Lego och Hello Kitty har också tagit plats på marknaden. Hos Krokodil finner du adventskalendern med rättvisemärkt choklad.

När jag fick frågan om jag ville börja skriva krönikor tvekade jag inte en sekund. Även om jag i princip aldrig läst en blogg eller funderat kring att skriva i en tidning, så hoppade jag på direkt. Där fanns aldrig någon tvekan. Min magkänsla, som så många gånger förr, talade om för mig att detta skulle bli hur kul som helst! Sagt och gjort – jag berättade ivrigt detta för mamma då hon kom förbi senare på dagen. Hon tittade storögt på mig, försökte dölja rynkan mellan ögonbrynen och utan att hon hann vara med flög kommentaren ur henne: ”Men, kan du verkligt hä?”. Denna kommentar är antagligen något som hon kommer få höra resten av sitt liv, men framför allt är den fantastiskt rolig! Den kan tyckas vara negativ, men i vår PÅ SPRÅNg Med ÅSe relation och kring mig är den nog bara ... positiv!

Find to boost disease victims

kalender med rät tvi sem ärk

ta godsak er.

1. Jobba för att känslan att lyckas alltid är starkare än den att misslyckas. 2. Våga! Vad är det värsta som kan hända? 3. Strunta i vad andra tycker och tänker, i morgon har dessa människor något annat eller någon annan att lägga sitt krut på. Sorgligt men sant! 4. Ibland måste man ha lite vassa armbågar och att vara där det händer! 5. Lita på magkänslan och ditt inre. Med detta, självinsikt, självrespekt och massa ödmjukhet kommer du att göra succé!


“i don’t think i ever felt cosier”

Lost in Showbiz

Let’s raise a toast to Gillian McKeith, page 2

Samira Ahmed



Why I love Little House on the Prairie, page 18

muters hardly clock me. I catch the eye of a white van man – he looks away hurriedly. Past the building site – no whistles or abuse. On to the tube – silence. As the escalator rises into the office, I catch up with Simon Chilvers, the Guardian’s assistant fashion editor. “It just looks like a hoodie at first but then you get the full reveal. Aside from the obvious cock decoration,” he says, glancing disdainfully at the zip, “it’s a bit nappytastic.” “It’s infantilism,” sniffs Peter York when I phone the social commentator and rather breathlessly describe what I am wearing. “It has a suggestion of making your own entertainment – it’s pyjama parties, it’s sleepovers.” My OnePiece certainly brings out the maternal instinct in Guardian women. “You look like a little toddler but stretched out,” exclaims the women’s editor. “You look like it’s time for your bottle,” says a mother-of-two. “You want to be holding a teddy bear by its ear and trailing it down the corridor looking sad,” says Guardian photographer Sarah Lee. “I want to mother you,” smiles Helen on reception. It may look preposterous but the OnePiece says something about our lives now. Primark, which sells “sleepsuits” and all-in-ones for men, women and children, reports a surge in popularity for its jersey onesies, particularly its Fair Isle and kitsch flamingo print. Nightwear and loungewear retailer Hush says sales have more than trebled over the same period last year. Market analysts Mintel report a 9% growth in the overall market for nightwear in the last five years. Unsurprisingly, this is dominated by women’s nightwear; less predictable is the finding that pyjama-wearers are now more likely to be under-35s. Annie Graham, 16, from Cambridge says plenty of her female friends have one-pieces, including a vintage Kermitthe-frog outfit and a boys’ all-in-one from Primark decorated with footballs. For Graham’s generation, popping round to their friends in pyjama bottoms to do homework or watch a DVD is part of everyday life. When she went to France, she ended up wearing her Jack Wills pyjama bottoms everywhere. “You can’t really tell you are wearing pyjamas,” she says. Wearing tracksuit bottoms all the time when out and about, however, is still seen as a bit “chavvy” by Graham and her friends. So would she wear a OnePiece in public? “I love it,” she says. “I would actually wear one out. They look really cool.” Critics of frivolity would highlight the absurdity of a OnePiece costing £80-130 symbolising an age of austerity (although Primark’s are much cheaper). But according to Robert

Romper stomper

Patrick Barkham takes babygrow chic to the streets

The OnePiece is cosy, comfy and trendy. But can a man dressed like a toddler ever photograph Sarah lee for the Guardian


I’m seale for freshned ss too

u Who are yo calling a ? Teletubby

‘Thank heavens for incurious London’ . . . Patrick’s day in his OnePiece Right: Tinky Winky, style icon

‘I love it,’ says Annie, 16. ‘I would actually wear one out. They look really cool’

Johnston, associate editor of GQ, the OnePiece is a response to tougher times, in which evenings in, nesting, and winding down after the stresses of an increasingly insecure workplace take on a new importance. “It’s cosy and warm, it’s closing the doors, it’s an Englishman’s home is his castle” – make that a bouncy castle. “It’s going back to the womb. It’s everything to do with austerity and you can turn down the thermostat a couple of notches when you wear it as well.” For York, a OnePiece is not the best way to cut your gas bill. It is “a very bad sign,” he sniffs. “In tough times people should be wearing worsted and bullet-proof tweed. I’m currently wearing a lovely pair of tweed trousers, which means I don’t require any central heating in my house.” Surely there is no harm in a OnePiece in the privacy of your own home? York pauses. “There’s psychological harm, letting down standards. I suspect some of these people don’t dress for dinner! In time they won’t be putting on their dinner suits for dinner!” Braving the chill of the real world once more, I meet three construction workers on a fag break wearing orange onesies: proper manly workwear.

“Chop that dongle off. You could get arrested for that,” says the eldest of the three. Would they consider wearing one in the privacy of their own home? “No way,” says the youngest, pointing at his orange overalls, stained with hard work. “I’d rather work 12 hours on that roof than wear that,” he says, shifting away from my OnePiece in a crab-like fashion. Every day, lithe and fashionable young people in tracksuit bottoms stream out of the dance studios near King’s Cross. Here, surely, I will find a sympathetic audience for my cosy OnePiece, which I am increasingly appreciating – from the inside. Three dancers reveal that one of their friends wears a “babygrow” when he comes to the studio. “It’s powder blue and it got really dirty but he’d still wear it everyday,” says Adam Browning, 19. How did they react when they first saw it? “We laughed,” says Oli Dale, 19. “We were quite nasty behind his back.” So would they wear a OnePiece? “It would be good for dancing,” concedes Kayleigh Meeking, 21. But it is really rather warm, I tell her. Their conclusion? “I’d wear it at home but I’d feel a bit of a knob walking around,” says Browning. “No offence.”


he insurmountable problem with my achingly ofthe-moment OnePiece – the onesie, the rompersuit, the adult babygrow, the allin-one sported by Sadie Frost, the X Factor band One Direction and a growing band of comfort-seeking hipsters – arises in the full reveal. At first, people stare at me, George Dawes with a strong hint of Tinky Winky, with a mildly amused facial twitch betraying an internal monologue that ends in the phrase “what a knob”. Then they glance down and catch sight of the zip with a big cotton tag, the dongle that dangles from my low-slung crotch. “It’s the dingly-dangly zip. It’s quite disturbing really, it’s directing your eyes downwards,” says my landlady, Angela, when I greet her first thing in the morning in my rather surprising suit. The most coveted Norwegian import since a-ha, the OnePiece threatens to smother all memories of last year’s big Christmas hit, the Slanket, an enormous fleecy blanket with armholes. The real reason for its zeitgeistiness, however, is not simply because a PR shark persuaded a few celebrities to get papped in one. The arrival of the OnePiece on our shores this month – where it has turned up in Harrods as well as online – may be the moment when loungewear, the burgeoning “third wardrobe” that is neither workwear nor sleepwear, comes out of the closet. Every teenager seems to be sporting grey marl tracksuit bottoms. Pyjamas are back in fashion, selling fast for youthful brands such as Jack Wills rather than just in the grandad department of stuffier chainstores. And increasingly both adults and teens are displaying a new willingness to publicly parade in outfits that were once reserved for slobbing around in private. In the spirit of these escapist, womb-seeking times, I must spend a full working day in a OnePiece, which features an attractive Fair Isle design and then, lower down, the very practical – but rather unsightly – dangling zipper. The last one-piece I wore was a manly navy-blue boilersuit when I was nine years old and my mate Jeremy and I would muck around on the farm, pretending to be tractor mechanics. My adult all-in-one is not so manly. “Think Power Ranger,” I intone to myself as I furtively toddle to the tube. “Teletubby,” my brain chants back. “Moomintroll. Big baby.” Thank heavens for fabulously incurious, famously tolerant London. A nightmare for attention-seekers, this city has seen it all before. So most com-

be taken seriously? Patrick Barkham zips up his ‘onesie’ and hits the streets

photographs Sarah lee for the Guardian

Friday 26.11.10

The Guardian (G2 cover story), November 26 2010, UK

None taken, I waddle off to Tesco. Earlier this year, a 24-year-old mother was escorted out of a Tesco in Cardiff for wearing pyjamas. The model Danielle Lloyd later said she had been barred from a Tesco in Essex after staff mistook her Juicy Couture tracksuit for jimjams, a claim denied by the store. Cruising the supermarket aisles like a toddler who has shrugged off his harness, I remain unmolested by security. There is not even an embarrassing announcement over the PA saying that Patty has lost his mummy. Unlike a baby, or my normal adult self, I successfully eat lunch without spilling a drop of dribbly mee goreng down my front. After lunch, I make an important breakthrough: I discover the crotch-level zip can be tucked inside my OnePiece, thus removing the unsightly dangle in the region of my groin. By now,

I am fully converted to this spacious fleecy womb, with the hood snuggling around me. It just feels like, oh Mummy . . . As a fashion item, is the OnePiece trendy or just stupid? It may mark a throwback to the rave boilersuits (complete with dummies) of the recession-hit early 1990s, but it is certainly not another 80s revival, as York emphasises. “The 1980s was very much about dressing up. Directional young people from the 80s look fantastically formal by today’s standards,” he says. Johnston predicts that the OnePiece is a trailblazer and spring-summer fashions will take their cue from it. “The drop-crotch has gone from the catwalk to the mainstream. It takes its lead from jogging pants and tracky bottoms – people pulling things down and getting all comfortable,” he says. But “private pleasures, public pride” is Johnston’s motto when it comes to the OnePiece, which he believes is only permissible in the privacy of your own home. He is not convinced that any man can get away with a OnePiece, not even a manly man (several friends gently point out the OnePiece would look far better if I had good shoulders). “Personally I don’t buy into it but I can see the attraction of being all comfy and cosy in your own home, especially as the weather turns colder. People are buying pyjamas again, not to wear with partners but to wear by themselves,” he says. The GQ style guru recommends an alternative: drawstring (not elasticated) pyjama bottoms in classic blue-and-white stripes with thick woollen fisherman’s socks and a hoodie. “Tinky Winky,” heckles a colleague in the office, but I am won over by the OnePiece. I finish the day by going for a curry. My all-in-one is not a natural piece of eveningwear. “If I wore that my partner would never have sex with me again,” remarks another colleague. But the OnePiece isn’t about sexiness; it is a celebration of nesting and hibernation and all those lovely winter sensations. In the following week, I sleep in my OnePiece one night when I arrive home chilled and then deploy it as nature intended: spending a hungover Sunday wrapped in its warm embrace. Curiously, I’m never too hot in it and certainly never too cold. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever felt cosier since the second before I was forced screaming out into this cold, hard world.

New store in gothenburg GT, December 08 2010, Sweden

LAZING AROUND IN METRO Metro, December 12 2010, UK


Celebrity favorite

Stylish in the slopes

Dagbladet, January 4 2011, Norway ~é

é àéÒ

The Times, january 15 2011, UK

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must-have ski apparel The Independent (snow magazine), January 22 2011, UK

“I loved my day in the onepiece � Sunday Life, February 6 2011, UK


PIECE E N O E C IE P O W T E C IE P E E R E H C T IE E P C E IE N P O E N E C jumps in “Gadget 2011” E O indoors and PIESpain out... IECperfect O PBent, W T E WOlooks C IE P E CE2 2011, Spain March 1 2011, UK HRE La Republica, March T IE P E E C E IE R P H T E E N C O CE E PIE N O E C IE REE P H T O E W T C IE E EP P C N E IE O P N E O EE C E IE C P IE P O O TW W E T C E IE C P E I E P E R E E H T R CE IE P CE TH E E N C O IE E P C E E I N P O O E EE PIECE TW E THREE PIECE TWO PIEC PIECE E E R PIEC H T E C IE P CE ONE E N E C O IE E P C E IE N P O O E W C T IE P O IECE W T EE PTERRY E IECE P C E IE P N E O E E R GEORGE C H T IE P E O W PIEC T E NE STORIES C IE P CE O E E TELLIN’ R E H C T IE E P C E IE N P O E N E WO PIECE O E THREE PIECE TWO PIEC E PIECE CE ONE PIECO PIECE ONE PIECE THRE ONE PIECE EE PIECE TW E THREE PIECE TWO PIECE IECE ONE PIECE CE ONE PIEC PIECE THREE PIECE TWO P NE PIECE O E WO PIECE ONE THREE PIECE TWO PIECEE PIECE CE ONE PIECO PIECE ONE PIECE THRE ONE PIECE EE PIECE TW E THREE PIECE TWO PIECE PIECE ONE PIECE CE ONE PIECE PIECE THREE PIECE TWO ONE PIECE CE IE E ON P O W T E WO PIEC C IE EP E R H CE T IE E P C E E IE P R H E T N E O C CE E PIE N CE O IE E P C E IE N P O O E W C T IE E OP W T EE PIEC CE E IE C P IE E P N E E O R E H T C IE E OP W T 40 NE PIEC E C IE P CE O E E R NE PIECE TH OK, I know it looks like I’m jumping on (or should that be jumping in) the onesies bandwagon but I just want to say, I had the idea first. I’ve loved the idea of slipping into a fleecy fabric and covering my entire body in its welcoming comfort for many years but never really knew where to look for such an item of clothing. Now, Norwegian company Onepiece ™ has got every pop star, film star, sporting celeb and wannabe modelling the very latest in geeky comfort, I feel I’ve missed out on a Dragon’s Den opportunity all those years ago. Of course George Dawes wore a big baby romper suit on TV’s Shooting Stars, so similar items have been seen but it was just not quite what I was searching for. Perhaps, as a little tyke, I might have had a version of one myself, although I don’t remember such an event if I did. Friends have bought me onepiece pyjamas with feet and a button down flap at the seat, and although these were very nice, I knew there just had to be something more, well, substantial out there… but where? I’m sure there will be people who think its all about regressing back to my childhood but it isn’t - I’m almost certain I don’t want to look like an ageing Teletubby… and I definitely don’t want to live in LaLaland. However, there is something very reassuring about the look, and the fact that X Factor’s One Direction wear them means that they are trendy, youthful and fairly hip. Not that I was planning on arriving at the


next shareholders meeting wearing one, showing the assembled faces how ‘with-the-times’ I really am… no I’d keep it for my own personal, and not public, romping moments. I didn’t know about the zippered Onepiece ™ until I was in Holland a few weeks ago and saw a guy (who I suspect was in his early 20s) walking down the street wearing one. My mouth fell open, and not just because he was really quite cute, and in such a colourful fleecy ensemble it is almost impossible to look anything but cute, it was the exact item I had been searching for all these years. I stopped him and asked where he had bought such a splendid garment and he pointed to the label. Eureka! No that wasn’t the label it was the moment when the world made sense and I knew I could track the firm down via the internet. Can you imagine my horror when I found out that everyone was wearing one? My original concept stolen, and even worse, had become the very item that everyone wanted over Christmas; the one item that looks perfect indoors and out… all zippered in to keep you all snugly and warm. I could have said “Bah Humbug” but instead I put in my order and joined the happy throng of fleecy, cosy-comfort wannabes. If you’re thinking of ordering one of these and want to save yourself £20 then go to the One Piece website and enter this discount code: 61020128


Germany jumps in Hamburger Abendblatt, March 10 2011, Germany

on the red carpet with sara paxton Touch Weekly, March 18 2011, USA



Kuukausiliite, March 26 2011, Finland


Summer style in Germany Gecanntes bild, April 1 2011, Germany

Dragen, December 3 2010, Sweden

a new craze in town Sunday Mirror, December 05 2010, UK



What’s hot this week

Send us any fashion questions or let us know your thoughts at

Wacky trend

Emma Watson

our latest style crush

Adult-gros Love them or loathe them, there is a new craze in town – adultsized babygros (or adultgros, if you will). Brand new website onepiece. has launched a range of romper suits in a rainbow of colours. Perfect for days on the sofa recovering from one of your many Christmas parties – or if you are feeling really brave, wear it out and about. Young X Factor boy band One Direction are more recently out of romper suits than most, but they were spotted in them...

Compiled by: Carly Stevens. Pictures: PA/Wenn/Pacific Coast/Rex.

The onepiEce trend hits sweden

one direction: ‘You’ve really made those adult-gros your own’


nown for playing feisty Hermione over the years in the Harry Potter movies and for fronting the Burberry campaign last season, Emma Watson, 20, is shaping up to be quite the fashion icon. From her one-shoulder velvet dress to her show-stopping lace and feather ensemble at the Deathly Hallows premiere, Emma has us green with wardrobe envy. If like us at Celebs you hanker for a piece of her style, look no further than the great high street where we have hunted down some Watson wonders.

Debut at Debenhams




20% off


Xtra Factor star Konnie Huq has been spotted out and about in a fabulous vintage-looking dress by Darling from A haven of quirky brands, filled to the brim with cute dresses, jackets and accessories galore, Leila London is offering Celebs On Sunday readers 20% off online. To receive your discount, simply enter Leilacelebs. Offer ends 11 Dec 2010.

yes PLeAse

no thAnks

Tinchy Stryder’s new collection, Star In The Hood, launches this month. Get a funky vest or comfy jogging bottoms – Rihanna has already got hers. See

lovelies are essential winter warmers, when mixed with touch-screens and tiny buttons you can end up taking them off more than putting them on.

star in the hood

Where to buy

gloves While these leather or knitted

Limited Collection at Marks & Spencer £89


Sequin bag, Mango, £37.90

Hoorah! The festive party season is upon us, I will be ditching my satchel in favour of this luxe sequin bag – any excuse to add some sparkle to my outfit.

Michelle Howard, Junior Fashion Assistant

Debenhams 08445 616161 JD Sports 0844 264 1000 Leila London Lipsy Mango 020 7434 3694 Marks & Spencer 0845 3021234 One Piece



Jason Whaler Her og Naa, April 1 2011, Norway


a swedish success for norway Dagens Industri, April 2 2011, Sweden

“Get comfy with a onepiece” Hydrogen Magzine, April 4 2011, USA

verdt 960 millioner kroner. Innen tre år er det ventet at tallet har tredoblet seg. – Regionen gikk inn med to millioner kroner under filminnspillingen, så sånn sett kan du si at vi har fått 500 prosents avkastning, sier Anders Ekegren, sjef for Filmregion Stockholm, KAssAsuKsess: Millennium-trilogien, her ved hovedtil avisen. FA rolleinnehaver Noomi Rapace. Foto: ScaNpix


Onepiece herjer sverige Norske OnePiece, produsenten bak det omdiskuterte plagget med samme navn, har tatt det svenske markedet med storm, melder I helgen åpnet OnePiece sin tredje butikk i nabolandet, og den norske hel-

dressen er ifølge Onepiece’ svenske sjef, Åsa Berggren, blitt en stor hit. – Det går utrolig bra, sier Berggren. Onepiece selges, i tillegg til butikker i Norge og Sverige, også på Harrod’s i London og i Los Angeles. FA

Foto: oNepiece

iosen me, føem n er

Finans Avisen, April 05 2011, Norway TIRSDAG 5. APRIL 2011 |

der på Millennium

mde ckder


SvenSkehit: Onepiece.



Justin beiber in his onepiece

everyone wants a onepiece

Se och Hor, April 8 2011, Norway

Dagens Media, April 4 2011, Sweden

Superstjernen Justin Bieber

Vinn onePiece


Popstjernen Justin Bieber kaster seg på OnePiecebølgen. Her kommer tenåringen ut av turnebussen sin i Nottingham i Storbritannia.

Unge Justin Bieber er blitt yndlingen til mange av de eldre popstjernene. Her er han sammen med Rihanna.

elsker sin norske kosedress

Trenden når stjernene! Nordmenn har for lengst lagt sin elsk på den heldekkende joggedressen. Nå følger Justin og resten av Hollywood etter! OnePiece er joggebukse og hettegenser sydd sammen til ett plagg. Det er komfortabelt som bare det – og nå er det også blitt stjernenes favoritt. Denne måneden ble den norske OnePiecen en del av sortimentet i den eksklusive butikken Kitson i Beverly Hills, og tenåringsidolet Justin Bieber (17) har allerede skaffet seg sitt eget eksemplar. Kos i bussen. Sangeren er nå på turné, og den myke kosedressen egner seg perfekt for lange timer i turnebussen. Den norske designtrioen



Thomas Adams, Henrik Nostud og Knut Gresvig er stolte over å ha etablert seg internasjonalt. Norsk suksess. – Store stjerner som Lady Gaga, David Beckham, Paris Hilton og Jude Law har for lengst sikret seg sine favoritter, forteller Adams. Han drømmer om en stjerne til på kundelisten. – Ashton Kutcher er en kul kar som jeg tror hadde rocket en OnePiece meget bra, sier han til Se og Hør. TeksT: AlexAndrA Fjereide FoTo: Mr PAPArAzzi, Henning jensen

Vinn din egen OnePiece!

Se og Hør gir bort en OnePiecedrakt lik Justin Biebers til fem heldige vinnere. Det eneste du skal gjøre er å sende oss en SMS! Skriv sHOne <navn, adresse, størrelse> og send til 2255 Meldingen koster kr 1 SVARFRIST: 15. april

The latest craze

global phenomenon

Sunday Mirror, April 11 2011, UK

Lable Magazine, 2011, Australia FASHION

Luxe in LeiSuRe

Jump in for joy

What is it about Scandinavians and their ability to produce items of popular culture that become a global phenomenon? ABBA from Sweden, Angry Birds via Finland and now the One-Piece-Jump-In leisure suit, the creation of three young Norwegian men, is sweeping the world. Recovering from a late night out, the trio fantasised about designing the ultimate chill out wear. After some brainstorming they came up with a combination of a hoody and sweat pants and so the One Piece was born. “At first we just made them for friends but they told their friends and soon it got bigger and bigger. The word spread via social media and when one of Norway’s top bloggers wrote about the suits it took off,” explained Thomas Adams, CEO of One Piece. “Norway is only a country of 4 million people but we knew we had something when 2% of the population had purchased one of our garments. It has now grown worldwide. I’m based in Los Angeles and another of the trio is in London due to the response. Adding to the buzz is when celebrities such as Justin Beiber, Kate Moss, Paris Hilton, David Beckham and Jude Law have been photographed out and about in our suits.” Versatility and comfort are the main reasons for the success of these unusual garments and Thomas is well aware of the usual first reaction to the One Piece. “They’re the garments that no one wants to wear until they put one on and then they love it because they are so comfortable. People don’t need to take themselves too seriously and they can go straight from the couch to the night club.” Sadly for Thomas and his two friends those lazy Sunday mornings are a thing of the past as they work tirelessly to promote the brand around the globe. “I expect the suits to go very well in Australia because you have a strong surf culture. They’re perfect for after-surf wear and I’m sure Australians will love them.” Visit for stockists.

henry holland and pixie geldof

THE HoodiE is back and madE To sHarE

Sunday Mirror, April 11 2011, UK

This season the Bonds Made2Share Hoodie has evolved and includes a voluminous hood that collapses and drapes around the neck when not worn up, and plenty of room in the body with discreet side pockets. With a choice of solid colours such as black, grey and moss green, plus a whole range of striped options including black and watermelon, white with coral, there’s one for everyone. In stores now.

Bare to dream Running Bare, the iconic Australian active wear brand founded in 1983, has announced dual ambassadors for the first time. Model and Getaway host Kelly Landry has joined with Home and Away star Rebecca Breeds to promote their dual love of fitness and living an active and healthy lifestyle. Both young women have their own passions which make them a perfect fit to represent health and well being. Their love of fitness and enthusiasm makes them the ideal ambassadors to represent the lifestyle and active-wear brand Running Bare. The Running Bare AW11 collection is a fusion of colour exploring bright basics and printed sets that keep you motivated and inspired through the winter months. Designed to be layered, the collection has a great range of hoodies, tees, crop tops, singlets, leggings and track pants that can be mixed and matched to take you through the season. Suitable for a wide variety of activities meeting aesthetic and practical needs plus all stretch garments are manufactured locally. Visit


label magazine WinTeR 2011



online magazines and blogs



Justin beiber, March 25th 2011, UK

OnePiece, Star-Trend April 10 2011, Germany

the luxe version of the snuggie

onepiece is so hot right now

International Business Times , March 28 2011, USA

Sociallite life, March 30 2011, USA



where to get those jumpsuits, Noveber 9 2010, USA

NOW, November 2010, UK

The ultimate chillout wear, April 8 2011, USA, 2011, worldwide


for years i have wanted a onepiece

israel jumps in

Guru online magazine, 2011, UK

Fashion Walla, 2010, Israel

grab bag 2011

whitney port in a onepiece

washington post, 2011, USA

New York Fashion, March 2011, USA


OnePiece hits the streets

Next big fashion trend

Nylon Mag, March 2011, USA

Hollywood Life, March 2011, USA

Next generation jumpsuits

My jam all day every day

Fashion Etc., MArch 17 2011, USA

The Gloss, March 16 2011, USA


los angeles times


March 2011, USA

Racked LA, March 21 2011, USA

new fashion and lifestyle statement

world has gone craZY FOR THE...

Antenne Magazine, March 16 2011, Norway, February 11th 2011, USA


“God are they comfy” Heat World, November 3 2010, UK

sofa slobbing just got fashionable Mix Mag Fashion, Novembe 9 2010, USA

the must have, November 18 2010, UK


THE STORY / The OnePiece jump in is the brainchild of the three norweigans in their twenties - Thomas Adams, Henrik Nørstrud and Knut Gresvig. The idea behind the brand came to when the three of them fantasized about the ultimate chill-out wear that would be perfect for the lazy sunday at home. By simply sewing together a hooded sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants the first OnePiece was born. Initially explicitly meant for home usage - the OnePiece quickly grew a life of its own, as it ventured out from peoples homes and in to the streets.




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