My Horses Best Moments

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My Horses Best ents Mom

The Horse Our lives crossed, And we have learnt how to teach you ! That was our beginning. Your nobleness... power... braveness, wild beauty.... mains in the wind. That nature, master of his own. Head and tail proudly raised, Savage strength, soft energy... Friend, confident, companion.... Who better to listen than your horse ? And how he feels, how he lives the sensation ... That harmony! A friendly touch, it's the surrender, The reward, A slight press of a finger, A gentle touch of the leg ! Admire the movement, the delicacy... The lightness.... Piaffer, passage, levade a capriole, It doesn't matter, We ask and he gives, Fantastic and total harmony..., Unnoticed symbiosis; So, we love him, as part of ourselves !


uis Valença Rodrigues - his name has become

enshrined in the history of the Lusitano. As a student and companion of Nuno de Oliveira he significantly influenced the riding culture of Portugal and indeed the whole of the Iberian Peninsula. He was one of the founding fathers of The “Escola Porutguesa De Arte Equestre”, the Royal Portuguese Riding School that restarted in 1979. Today Luis Valença Rodrigues is one of the most respected masters of riding in Portugal. In 2002 he was awarded the title of ‘Patron’ of the Equestrian Show Academy of Versailles.

In 2003, at the International Festival of the Lusitano he was appointed by the APSL (Portuguese Association of the Lusitano) as one of their best riders and the Royal Portuguese School consecrated him the honorary title of ‘Master’. The ground-breaking Stud of Luis Valença Rodrigues, the “Centro Equestre de Leziria Grande” at Vila Franca, is pioneering in the training of horse and rider. It has established a reputation as one of the most impressive tourist attractions in the world of Lusitanos.

In APASSIONATA Luis Valença Rodrigues impressively reveals the skill and dexterity of the Lusitano horse, recapturing the presentations that were made to the kings of Portugal in the eighteenth century. The versatility of the horse is presented in a number of disciplines.


HE LUSITANO THROUGHOUT THE AGES The Lusitano is the most ancient and most versatile horse in the world. He has been labelled “Son of the Wind” owing to his prompt responses and flexibility in handling. Present in all four corners of the globe he is at the origin of many different breeds. The Lusitano remains to this day a characteristic element of our culture and our ancestral traditions. His existence can be traced back to 1700 BC as shown by the remains of portraits in the “Escoural” caves in the Alentejo region and has remained with us ever since. Obedient and easily manageable he became indispensable to

the 7th century men of the “Lusitania”, aiding them in resisting the Moors and the laying down of the oldest state in Europe – Portugal. During the 13th century, the thoroughbred, the fastest horse in the world, originated in England. This came about when Princess Catherine, daughter of King John IV of Portugal married King Charles II of England. She carried in her boat not only the bases of the future British Empire but also the Portuguese Royal Mares who together with Oriental horses (Arabic, Turkish, Berbere) created this fine English breed. The Lusitano then went on to accompany us during the glorious discoveries of the 15th Century – one need only mention Vasco da Gama – and later on resisted the French invasions.

In 1836 he paid his last tribute to King Michael who six years prior had founded The School of Veterinary Science in his honour. Furthermore, he watched the rise and fall of Liberalism and was ever present in the implementation of the Republic. Throughout the centuries it was possible for breeders to refine the race rendering it unique and incomparable. Tributes were made to the Lusitano in the form of paintings by the finest artists and statues were put up in his honour in the main squares of all the great cities. He accompanied the growth of civilisation as man’s inseparable companion.

However, time went by, man evolved with him came progress and the development of technology bringing about faster and more effective means of communication. At the same time the mechanisation of the army rendered his utility redundant. Furthermore, a higher emphasis was put on technique and this race was gradually replaced by another type of horse – the Athlete – prepared for competitions, resistant, combining both speed and power. Nevertheless, the Lusitano got its “second wind” with equestrian art in which man, together with this noble brute can perform exercises of rare beauty.

It was not until the 1960’s that this horse went beyond our frontiers, being put on display in Europe, America and later in Asia and Australia by the genie of Nuno de Oliveira and the personality of Sommer d’Andrade, a connaisseur with a taste for perfection. They imposed on the equestrian world the potential of the saddle horse, his tame temperament, the ease and pleasure in handling him. The Lusitano was quickly put on a pedestal when compared to other races created specifically for sport who are mighty but lacking in sensibility, possess great strength but are harsh to mount.

Thus today our Lusitano is sought after and appreciated, the art of riding him defying all the boundaries of pleasure. One can even say that the Lusitano and Equestrian Art are the most precious BINOMIAL God has created/united. And so one has followed his path throughout history. At times he was used in battles or for pure pleasure; at others aiding in agricultural labour and as a means of communication between peoples. All of this breed’s potentials are still used by us and he is the King of Equestrian art, almost like a statue in motion, maintaining alive the culture and tradition of our people.


ULLFIGHTING The tradition of bullfighting is well kept in Portugal. Thus one of the objectives of perfecting the Lusitano was to make it faster. This was not so it could escape the bull, rather it meant he could mislead it, break it, master it and hail it. It is the so-called Quarteio on horseback. In the Iberian Peninsula as a whole, this horse is not surprisingly called the “Iberian” horse but in Spain it is designated as Andaluz and in Portugal as Lusitano. Having the same origins and various similarities, what distinguishes these two breeds are the selection criteria. Not used in bullfights, other requisites are demanded of the Andaluz and he is chosen

for his flare and beauty. He is essentially a leisure horse. His back is longer and he is often used in popular Spanish festivals where his owner will carry the ladies on the croup. The Lusitano however is chosen for his functional purposes. With the bullfight tradition very much alive in Portugal, we have bred our horse in an even more attentive way so as to adapt him superbly to this art. He possesses muscular strength and has the capacity for abrupt stops and starts. In 1997, competing with the world’s most distinguished races, the Lusitano was world champion in attelage. He has maintained the same presence in the bullfighting arena, where he is the crowds’ delight. He has also started to make his presence in international dressage competitions. The judges

have started to appreciate the qualities and potential of a horse that has been around for thousands of years and was already worshipped by the ancient Greeks.


hat is Dressage? Dressage comes from the French word "training" and "deportment" and is both an art and sport combined. It describes the process of schooling a horse to respond obediently and effortlessly to it's rider's commands. I hope you enjoy this page and get a better understanding of dressage. One more thing- if you get only one thing out of this, let it be that dressage is not a snob squad! It is a pleasure to watch a horse perform with such beauty, grace and finesse.


ow Dressage Began At the time of wars, soldiers were required to train their horses (called cavalry horses) to respond to leg and seat aids in order for them to carry weapons while riding. Many of the leading soldiers, or officers, knew how to train a horse extremely well. They became important instructors and handed down their knowledge of training. The French were especially good at this and named it "dressage". The word "dressage" is now used in all languages around the world.


hat Dressage Is Dressage is a system of training where the horse and rider work together as one. It is the systematic, gymnastic development of the horse and is a program of suppling, balancing and obedience work. Natural paces and abilities, which a horse will sometimes display at pasture, are developed and built on to create more difficult movements. These range from simple patterns and circles to extreme collection such as piaffe.


urpose Of Dressage The purpose of dressage is to get a horse moving freely and in natural balance. To create a more alert, supple and responsive animal. ressage Training There are six goals when it comes to training a horse in dressage: rhythm, contact, suppleness, collection, straightness and impulsion. You must gradually enable the horse to carry more of his own and rider's weight over his hindquarters than over his forehand. When you get him coming from behind like this, it will create lighter forehand and a horse that is much easier to steer and stop.


ovements Of Dressage There are three basic gaits in dressage: walk, trot and canter. Each one can be preformed in either extended, lengthened, working (regular), collected or medium. Circles include 10, 15 and 20 meters, where voltes are eight meters or less. Lateral movements include shoulder-in, travers, renvers, leg yields, and half-passes, all which test the horses ability to respond to the riders legs. Some other movements are diagonals, serpentines, center lines, flying changes- the horse changes the leg he is leading with in the canter, tempi changes- flying changes at certain intervals (for example every four strides), pirouettes-the horse will pivot around his hind legs, passage- an elevated trot which makes the horse appear to be floating, and piaffe-the most collected movement where the horse will trot on the spot.


ressage Competitions In competition, horses perform tests which reflect the movements used in schooling and determine the horse's correct progress toward goals such as suppleness, balance and obedience. Dressage tests are from the Basic levels, which are ridden in a twenty by forty meter ring, up to Grand Prix level tests, which are ridden in the larger twenty by sixty sized ring. Competitive dressage is much like figure skating in a way that it requires movements and gaits to be preformed in certain sequences. Judges will mark each movement on a scale from one to ten (one=not preformed ten=excellent) and give the test a total score.


ezíria Grande Riding Center (Centro Equestre da Lezíria Grande - CELG) Located in Vila Franca de Xira, an unpolluted region notorious for its horse breeding, the CELG has been specifically created bearing in mind the horse and all activities related to him. Thus the variety of the CELG’s infrastructures has been carefully studied so as to blend the horse riding activities into its beautiful surroundings. Over the years, the CELG has become a true landmark of the equestrian heritage by the training of both horses and students. It has maintained the spark and spirit of the early days proving that loving horses is well worth it!

Operative since 1983, and having begun in 1985 the novel modality “Equestrian Tourism”, the CELG is not only an equestrian school dedicated to the traditional Portuguese art but is also a leisure centre open to nationals and foreigners. It promotes rural events lightened up by country-men on horseback, as well as by the rhythm and vivacity of folk music and dances. The highlight of these events is however the Equestrian Festival, a tribute to the horse in a splendid Dressage demonstration, illustrating his uses throughout the XVIII century. Here the Lusitano’s potential is shown alongside the various cultural aspects related to the art of horse riding such as costumes, harnesses, adornments and all else that has for generations united man and horse.

One fine example of the name and fame individual horses have created for themselves is definitely SULTAO. This fine Palomino with his distinct character and way of carrying himself is the exlibris of the CELG. For years he has been the attraction and calling card of the Valença family. Since 1994, his debut year at the “Horse and Pony International Salon” in Paris, SULTÃO has achieved an unmatched curriculum. He is a true Globe Trotter of riding, his presence requested yearly in the main European equestrian events. The thousands of visitors to the CELG have made him the most sought after element of this unique riding centre. He is certainly a worthwhile sight.


questrian Gala at CELG Our show’s purpose is to promote the Lusitano Horse, its main actor, as well as to promote the Traditional Equestrian Art in a moment of beauty and history, laid deep within our culture and tradition.

It is not, however, a mere historical reconstruction of the Picaria Real. Rather, it is to depict in a show that which has fortunately remained among us in a popular way – the Lusitano Horse. The Lusitano is considered the oldest and noblest companion of Man in Equestrian Art – which reached its height in the 18th Century. From that period of sheer magnificence we have inherited a splendour still present in the art of riding – both in terms of costume and knowledge.

It is that romantic splendour that the CELG, under Master Luis Valença’s guidance has been exhibiting with his shows at national and international level. In them, one will find an array of displays beyond the classic rigour of ‘Dressage” the unpredictability of horseback bullfighting or the effort of equestrian competitions. They heighten the noble equestrian art to the realm of fantasy in a diversity of choreographed numbers with matching music and costumes in which one can count on the participation of 10/12 horses and 8/10 riders.


PASSIONATA the greatest horse spectacular in the world.

Thirty-three stallions and one mare, all from some of Europe’s most famous riding centres, will take part in this equestrian extravaganza. APASSIONATA has presented five of the royal baroque horse breeds in a breathtaking show. Dancing Andalusians, fiery Arabians, powerful Friesians, elegant Lipizzaners and royal Lusitanos from five countries have demonstrated the perfect classical horsemanship that has been the wonder of Europe for many centuries.


PASSIONATA promises pure entertainment for all the family. As well as opera singers and fiery flamenco dancers, in his UK premiere has featured stunt riding, classical dressage, pas de deux and quadrilles. Even the mythical horse Pegasus has make an appearance! From Arabian desert scenes to simulated Iberian bullfights, from the noble court of imperial Vienna to Spanish cowboys performing elegant dances with their ‘garrochas’ or long poles, APASSIONATA demonstrates perfect collaboration between man and horse. PASSIONATA horses are the most beautiful examples of their breed, hailing from the top riding centres in Europe.


• The Portuguese riding champion and Grand Signeur of breeding and training, Luis Valenca, will present the Lusitanos from his ‘Centro Equestre da Leziria Grande’. • Former Belgium Grand Prix rider, Celine Willms, who was one of the main attractions at the Royal Windsor Show to mark the Queen’s Golden Jubilee, rides the Lipizzaner ‘Pegaso’. • The Friesians are from the Royal Register of Netherlands, while the Andalusians come from the ‘Centro Ecuestre Artequus’ of Miguel Barrionuevo in Spain. • The Arabians are ridden by the true masters of stunt riding, Chkimbo and Kiki Reda from Morocco.


erits and Achievements

1974 > Obtained the 1st planning permission to build a riding and training centre for tourism purposes. Feb. 1975 mid 1977 > In Spain, specialised in the organisation and orientation of tourist groups. Mestre Picador of the Portuguese School of Equestrian Art Owner and Technical Manager of the CELG (Centro Equestre da Lezíria Grande Lda. - Vila Franca de Xira) Advisor for the Municipal Tourist Board of Vila Franca de Xira 1996 until 2002 > Technical Manager of the 'Royal Horse Gala' a group of 4 academies with approximately 40 horses and 20 riders, aiming at the promotion of the Baroque horse Technical Advisor for the A. P. S. L. Member of the Equestrian Directing Board of the FEP Portuguese Equestrian Federation 16.02.1998 > Mestre de Equitação, "Riding Master" certified by the IEF (International Equestrian Federation - n. 271) May 1998 > Awarded a Medal of Municipal Merit by the Town Hall of Vila Franca de Xira November 2000 > Golegã - Trophy 'Revista Equitação' for 'Hipic Centres' Technical Director of the Equestrian Art and Tourist Centre Academy 'The Horseshoe Point Resort and Country Club" in Pattaya, Bangkok, Thailand. November 2001 > Golegã - 'Career Trophy' August 2002 > Awarded the Title of 'Patron' of the Equestrian Show Academy of Versailles. June 2003 > In the 15th Edition of the International Festival of the Thoroughghbred Lusitanian Horse, that took place in the Hippodrome of Campo Grande, Lisbon, his wife and him were the Honorary Presidents and considered the great ambassadors of this strain. During this festival a Tribute to him was made with the presence of almost 60 riders – former students. He was also awarded the title of "Honorary Member of the Portuguese School of Equestrian Art".

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