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tHree metHoDS of Camoflage uSeD i n the design, it is necessary to fully consider the constraints brought by the waste incineration process. i ntroduce activities- t ake waste incineration process as part of exhibition route r espect the site history and legacy status quo. Use the current architecture and integrate it with the new building functions to form a functional community w eaken the sense of existence of the power plant to reduce the aversion of the surrounding neighbors. bringing natural forests


metHoDS of Camoflage-Site legaCy anD HiStory

making a mini-City

uSe tHe eXiSiting Site ConDition of poSt inDuStrial arCHiteCtural elementS to Create a tiny “City” of aCtivitieS anD programS, Set WitHin a park neXt to a “mountain.” site remained strUctUre g1 steel transfer station(showroom) site remained strUctUre blast Furnace(extreme sport tower) botanical glasshouse institute exhibition center cat-walk cat-walk site remained strUctUre steel transfer trail plant unDer tilteD park plant it into real Site environment mini-City ConStruCtion proCeDure BuilD up

Showroom/Baosteel museum

Showroom/restaurant aDDing programS to form a real City site remained strUctUre steel transfer trail site remained strUctUre g6 steel transfer station(cafe)

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