1 minute read

viSiting route-SeQuenCe of SpaCe


start/end from plant to plant, recycling of energy, humans still have a long way to go ... mini-City fuCtion after tHe DeSign proCeSS of making mini-City

The use of machinery, the liberation of productive forces, and technological innovation have made human science, technology, and civilization a qualitative leap in a short period of time. At the same time that human civilization has become unstoppable, the rapid development of population and the side effects of human development have also brought huge burdens on the earthoverexploitation, air pollution, soil desertification, flooding of plastic products, global warming.

In the time that humans can exist, the fossil oil used to make plastic are non-renewable energy sources, and the plastic waste produced is also non-degradable. human beings have to rethink their relationship with energy. WTE-converting waste into energy is also one of the more widely used methods in many solutions. Obviously, humans have begun to restore the original ecological rain forests, study the methods of rapid tree planting, and carry out ecological restoration because humans know very wellplants are a sign of the health of the earth.

CONFIrMED eXHiBition faCaDe: painting faCaDe front elevation painting pattern & eXtent painting pattern of eXHiBiion Center



The greenhouse is the last stop to visit the power plant and the end of the cycle of the story of “the life of trash”. The greenhouse is composed of two main parts:


It is a 5-storey building,structrually separated from greenhouse. including exhibition space, lecture hall, coffee shop, environmental research institute and office. The 14.5m floor is connected with the main plant through the corridor. On the side of the wall, decorated with cheese hole-shaped windows


It is the fully open to air space, as a part of the tour route, the landscape bridge leads people from 14.5m to the first floor. There are 3 small greenhouses connected by landscape bridge.

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