Selections from The Pierre and Maria-Gaetana Matisse Collection.

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The Pierre and Maria-GaetanaMatisse Foundation'sgift


After World War II PierreMatisse began to represent

representsone of the largestadditions to the Metropolitan's collectionof modernart.It greatlystrengthensthe Museum's

younger artists: the English sculptors Reg Butler and

of Henri Matisse,and it enhancesour holdings representation

Manuel Rivera,and Antonio Saura;the Americanpainter

of Surrealistworks with paintings by Leonora Carrington,

JoanMitchell,and her Canadianhusband,Jean-PaulRiopelle;

Wifredo Lam, and Rene Magritte, three artists not previ-

and in Paris and New York, Pierre continued to support the AmericanpainterLoren Maclver.

ously representedin the MetropolitanMuseum. PierreMatisse'spersonalcollection was handsomelydis-

Raymond Mason; the Spanishartists Manolo Millares,

Pierreand Maria-GaetanaMatisse startedto makegifts to

played in changinginstallationsin his townhouseon East

the Museum in I984. These includeda drawingby Matisse,a

64th Street.His favoritemodern artists wereBalthus,Derain,

paintingby Mir6, and nine by Maclver.Only the paintingby

Dubuffet, Giacometti,Mir6, and Tanguy,and with each he

Miro and one by Maclverarereproducedhere (pp. 15,42).

developeddifferentand lasting friendships.In addition, by

The selections illustratedin this Bulletinare arrangedin

inheritance,he receivedworks by his father.Nearly sixty of

three sections: works done between 1911 and

these havebeen given to the Metropolitan.They date from

Henri Matisse; and paintings and sculpture after 1943.

I904, when Henri Matisse was thirty-five,to 1952,when he

For much information about Pierre and Tana and their

was eighty-three, and include five bronzes, four paintings,

Foundation'sgifts and for her valuableand graciousassis-

fourteen drawings,a painted plate, a largepaper cutout, and

tance,I would like to thank AlessandraCarnielli,executive


directorof the Foundation.


works by



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