2018 Annual Report

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2018 annual report City of Celina

2018 annual report City of Celina

Letter from the mayor 2018 marked a pivotal point in Celina’s growth and development. We saw the beginnings of truly significant growth coming our way. Our permits and other development indicators skyrocketed, and it became even more evident that now is the time to make sure we set things in place to secure Celina’s future. At the beginning of the year, to prepare for extensive planning efforts, we launched a community survey. We had approximately 759 responses, which is a great rate of return for surveys. We received thoughtful and valuable feedback that we used all year as we made decisions, established policies, and started new plans and programs.

Mayor Sean Terry

The first plan we did after the Survey was a Strategic Plan. Key City Staff met with City Council at a retreat and reviewed and discussed the Community Survey feedback first. We then did exercises to establish our Core Values and other components of the Vision Framework. After that, we created 10 major goals that we wanted to accomplish over the next two years, through 2020. Although the Strategic Plan was not adopted until July of 2018, we started implementation of the actions we discussed on the day of the retreat! We heard loud and clear that Downtown should be a top priority so after the Strategic Plan, we poured energy into a new Downtown Master Plan next. We have organized this Annual Report by our 10 two-year goals, and we are excited to share a glimpse of what we accomplished in 2018, in addition to our daily operational functions and customer service, which are the bulk of what we do. We look forward to even more work towards these goals in the coming months and years, especially since some of these efforts, such as enhancing Celina’s quality of life, should never end. Sincerely,


City of Celina Leadership Bill Webber City Council Place 1

Wayne Nabors City Council Place 2

Sean Terry

Andy Hopkins

Jason Laumer

Carmen Roberts

Chad Anderson

Mindy Koehne

City Council Mayor

City Council Place 3

City Manager

City Council Place 4

City Council Mayor Pro Tem Place 6

City Council Place 5


2018-2020 Strategic Plan highlights

2018-2020 Strategic plan twoyear goals 1. Share our story

OUR VISION // CELINA’S FUTURE We have a deep understanding that to be truly great, we must make a series of good and strategic decisions, which are consistent with our Vision Framework, over an extended period of time. Our efforts and resources will reside in the areas where our three spheres intersect.

2. Plan the city 3. Enhance the quality of life in Celina 4. Beautify & brand Celina 5. Support & grow emergency services 6. Preserve, enhance, revitalize, & grow Downtown


7. Attract & cultivate the right development in the right places 8. Develop a highly advanced technology & mobility infrastructure 9. Pursue innovative learning partnerships 10. Create & encourage agritourism opportunities

25-YEAR GOAL // OUR MISSION To preserve our agricultural heritage and flourish as a close-knit and ever-growing Celina Family during explosive and planned growth of our city, while providing a unique and extraordinary quality of life, complemented by a significant array of high tech and desirable businesses, agritourism assets, special places, and connections. 3

2018 by the numbers 62 hired in 2018

145 total staff at the end of 2018 Growing population

(Including Police, Fire, ems)

2018 general fund expenditures

Single family permits by year

Population Increase:

Permits Increase:

2000 2010: +309%

2013 2014: +28%

2016: +43.5%

2015: +77.2%

2017: +19.2%

2016: +78.2%

2018: +27%

2017: +63.5% 2018: +72.3% 4

Goal 1

Share our story


The City has made tremendous progress with sharing the story of Celina. Engagement Day on the Square, an all-day community forum for the Downtown Master Plan, gave the community and Planning Team one-on-one time to discuss the needs and vision for Downtown. Being accessible at such events, in addition to departmental, organizational, and business meetings allows for City staff to share accomplishments in the community and identify areas of opportunity to implement other goals of the City.

Held Downtown Master Plan’s Engagement Day on the Square community event Held Town Hall community event City awarded Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Program (Second Year in a Row) City attendance at HOA and Chamber meetings Launched City of Celina GIS Portal Initiated monthly City Council updates Continued to connect with the community on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Citibot, and through web communication

On the horizon Special topic town hall meetings Initiate Comprehensive Plan Update (February 2019) Initiate Engage Celina online engagement platform (March 2019)


Goal 2

Plan the city

Accomplishments Completed 2018 Community Survey

Several plans and initiatives were kicked-off in 2018. In addition to the adoption of annexation policies and engineering standards, planning is essential in managing growth for the community and ensuring Celina has a strong vision. Enhanced relationships with developers and Marilee have also contributed to the success and planning for future improvements and initiatives.

Adopted City of Celina Strategic Plan, 20182020 Initiated Downtown Master Plan Adopted Downtown Master Plan (January 2019) Initiated Trails Master Plan Enhanced relationships with City partners enhanced (ex. Denton County, Marilee, Collin County, Prosper, Mustang, etc.) Adopted annexation policy Revised engineering standards

On the horizon Adopt Trails Master Plan (March 2019) Adopt PID and TIRZ Policies Identify and plan for the long-term transition of service from Marilee to City Initiate Comprehensive Plan Update (February 2019) Initiate Parks and Recreation Master Plan (Spring 2019) Complete Community Survey (2020)


Goal 3

Enhance the quality of life IN CELINA

Accomplishments Adopted senior tax freeze Increased bond rating (Moody’s: from A1 to Aa3 and S&P from AA- to AA)

Quality of Life is a broad term, but in the 2018-2020 Strategic Plan, it is defined as the level of satisfaction to live, work, play, visit, and learn in Celina.

Land advances for and improvements to City facilities for increases in staff, efficiencies, and customer service, including new City Hall hours

The City is making extensive strides so that the Quality of Life in Celina can be unique and extraordinary, and many of the City’s accomplishments in 2018 can fall under this goal, although they are not all listed here.

Initiated Old Celina Park Expansion Public Improvement District (PID) enhancements Initiated Trails Master Plan Initiated Downtown Master Plan Adopted Downtown Master Plan (January 2019) Created and hired key staff and management positions Instituted new access and payment for utility billing account 24/7

On the horizon Adopt Trails Master Plan (March 2019)

Revised subdivision standards

Initiate Comprehensive Plan Update (February 2019)

Improved cell service for visitors and residents

Initiate Parks and Recreation Master Plan (Spring 2019)

Started new grants for façade improvements, HOA amenities, and neighborhood integrity

Update Employee Personnel Policy Manual

Hired Grant writer to pursue funding for projects

Revise zoning standards (including Downtown)


Goal 4

Beautify & brand celina

Accomplishments Initiated Branding Strategy Initiated Downtown Beautification Program

Beautification and branding of Celina is paramount to the community and to the City. Making great places that Share the Celina Story and communicate the Celina brand is underway within our major corridors, gateways at major points on the city’s perimeter, and branding stations. Identifying our brand is the first step, and the Branding Strategy to do just that was initiated in 2018.

Held two Downtown Clean-up Days Initiated the creation of community design standards Installed new landscaping in medians on Preston Road Revised subdivision standards Created new grants for façade improvements, HOA amenities, and neighborhood integrity

On the horizon Initiate Comprehensive Plan Update (February 2019) Initiate Parks and Recreation Master Plan (Spring 2019) Revise zoning standards (including Downtown)


Goal 5

Support & grow emergency services

Accomplishments Initiated and implemented Public Safety Compensation Study

Safety and security is very important to the community, and to accommodate growth properly in Celina, proactive support and growth of emergency services (Police, Fire, and EMS) is essential. Public Safety and emergency services are strengths in Celina, and significant work is being put in to maintain those strengths and accommodate growth.

Began planning and designing two new Fire Stations (#2 and #3) Initiated process for new central Police Station Started construction on Fire Station #2 Held First annual Public Safety Day Identified new personnel needed Applied and received grant for 18 new fire fighters Purchased additional emergency vehicles Created new hiring and promotion processes

On the horizon Fire Station construction (#2 and #3) Additional Fire and Police personnel Buy future Police Station site


Goal 6

Preserve, enhance, revitalize, & grow downtown Downtown is a focal point in Celina, and it is one of Celina’s biggest strengths and opportunities as identified in the 2018 Community Survey. It represents the heart of the community, and significant efforts have been taken, and will continue to be underway, to aggressively push on the improvement and evolution of Downtown.

Accomplishments Initiated Downtown Master Plan Adopted Downtown Master Plan (January 2019) Main Street Program Nationally Accredited by Main Street Center Initiated Downtown Beautification Program Held two Downtown Clean-up Days Created Downtown Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) Held Downtown Master Plan’s Engagement Day on the Square community event Supported the Friday Night Market Main Street launched Celina360 Initiated Branding Strategy

On the horizon Initiate Comprehensive Plan Update (February 2019) Initiate Parks and Recreation Master Plan (Spring 2019) Revise zoning standards (including Downtown) Add County to Downtown TIRZ Add sales tax from Economic Development Corporation (EDC) and Community Development Corporation (CDC) (.50 cents total) to Downtown TIRZ New businesses opening Downtown Continue implementation of the recommendations and Vision in the Downtown Master Plan 10

Initiated Downtown drainage improvements Created new grants for façade improvements, HOA amenities, and neighborhood integrity Hired grant writer to pursue funding for projects Attracted and cultivated new businesses to, and in, Downtown

Goal 7

Attract & cultivate the right development in the right places The City of Celina is working hard to make it easy for great development to happen in the best and most appropriate locations: right development, right place. The City is aligning its policies and actions to ensure that the businesses and housing choices we want in Celina go through a smooth development process, with clear expectations, and result in special places with high quality construction. The City is working to provide and coordinate the physical infrastructure and tools required to exceptionally manage growth and attract desired development.

Accomplishments Attended the International Conference of Shopping Centers (ICSC) to better understand current market demands and work to recruit potential new development Initiated Branding Strategy Administered and revised multiple economic development incentives and development agreements Initiated Top Sales Tax Generators Program to build stronger relationships and provide support Created “one stop shop� for the development process, made key updates to procedures, and created Development Handbook for developers and builders Completed pump station upgrades, elevated water tower, and Wastewater Treatment Plant and service areas Adopted Downtown Master Plan (January 2019)

On the horizon Initiate Comprehensive Plan Update (February 2019)

Created Downtown Tax Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ)

Initiate Parks and Recreation Master Plan (Spring 2019)

Attracted and cultivated new businesses to Downtown

Revise zoning standards (including Downtown)

Met with Dallas Builders Association to open dialogue and improve relationships between the City and builders

New businesses opening Downtown Continue implementation of the recommendations and Vision in the Downtown Master Plan New development agreements More revisions to existing development agreements for effectiveness and fiscal sustainability



Goal 8


Accomplishments Improved cell service for visitors and residents Initiated Trails Master Plan Began Citibot, America’s first interactive text messaging and customer service software system for civic engagement with government

Moving information/data and people from “point A to point B” are crucial components to Quality of Life in Celina. Designing and redesigning roadways to facilitate safe and pleasant travel for pedestrians, bikers, drivers, and other travelers is very important to providing the mobility and connectivity that the community demanded in the 2018 Community Survey. Efforts are underway, in both mobility and technology infrastructure, to improve and innovate for improved connectivity.

Adopted Downtown Master Plan, including new Downtown Mobility Framework and Smart City policies (January 2019) Installed additional street lights at major intersections to improve safety and turning movements Adopted cell phone ban for driving Supported the initiation of the Dallas North Tollway construction of six lanes to FM428 Created Annual Street Maintenance Program Dallas North Tollway southbound service lanes

On the horizon Initiate Comprehensive Plan Update (February 2019) Adopt Trails Master Plan (March 2019) Continue implementation of the recommendations and Vision in the Downtown Master Plan New development agreements to secure needed technology and mobility infrastructure More revisions to existing development agreements for effectiveness and fiscal sustainability Initiate Engage Celina online engagement platform (March 2019)


Goal 9

PURSUE INNOVATIVE LEARNING PARTNERSHIPS Pursuing new and improved partnerships to foster innovative learning in Celina is very important to the City. The addition of a new Celina Campus of Collin College is a very exciting development in this regard. The new campus will be on approximately 75 acres, be 120,000 square feet, and will have the ability to accommodate 2,500 students. Celina’s Collin College will have programs in General Education, Agriculture, Business Management, Education and Child Development, and Information Technology. The City is looking forward to the new possibilities of partnership with Collin College as the campus moves forward with construction.

On the horizon Hire new Youth Services Librarian (March 2019) First annual City-School Workshop to coordinate joint collaboration on new programs, initiatives, facilities, needs, and goals that affect learning, innovation, and Quality of Life Collin College Celina Campus (Fall of 2021) Future partnerships with Celina ISD


Accomplishments Supported initiation of the Collin College Celina Campus development Participated in State of the City Luncheon with City, School, State, and Chamber of Commerce (January 2019) Held monthly city manager-superintendent meetings for communication and collaboration

Goal 10


Accomplishments Planned for agritourism by incorporating agritourism strategies in the Downtown Master Plan Started agritourism research and development

Celina’s rural and country feel was the number one identified strength of Celina in the 2018 Community Survey. The combination of agriculture and tourism, “agritourism” is the perfect way for Celina to enhance its assets and provide experiences to bolster economic development and Quality of Life. The City is setting the foundation for a strong Agritourism Program by starting dialogues and cataloging Celina’s existing agritourism assets.

On the horizon Initiate Comprehensive Plan Update (February 2019) Initiate Parks and Recreation Master Plan (Spring 2019) Collin College Celina Campus with Agriculture Program (Fall of 2021)


Started agritourism asset catalog for future website Initiated Branding Strategy

Get in touch City of Celina 142 North Ohio Street Celina, Texas 75009

Prepared by:

972-382-2682 www.celina-tx.gov

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