City of Celina Annual Report 2019

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he start of a new decade often fills us with the anticipation of new opportunities. As we enter 2020, I am happy to report that Celina is positioned to take full advantage of those opportunities. The work we completed in 2019 has been outstanding, and we have made significant headway on our 10 two-year goals, especially in planning and branding the City, cultivating a great quality of life and a unique Downtown, and enhancing public safety. Significant public input has been central in both developing and refining our Trails and Parks Master Plans and our new brand and tagline, “Life Connected.� In fact, we continue to develop and deepen critical partnerships among not only residents, but also our businesses, our staff, and our visitors in a continuing effort to promote Celina.

Sean Terry Mayor

Quality of life continues to rise as well. Downtown, the heart of Celina, garners increasing interest, with new and established businesses enjoying consistent growth. Not only that, but our Downtown Master Plan was recently highlighted with a prestigious award. Finally, our library continues to set visitation and readership records, demonstrating the increasing interest and value of the Celina library to our families. In addition, the Police Department has worked hard to continue increasing our safety and security with technological advancements and innovative crime abatement programs, while the Fire Department has acquired capital equipment and critical staffing needed to launch operations out of the newly built Fire Station No. 2. All this progress took place while still ensuring that many of our streets were repaired or reconstructed, special events continued to grow, and that the other responsibilities that municipalities provide on a daily basis were completed. The new decade will prove significant for Celina, and residents can be proud of the work being accomplished today that will make a difference tomorrow. Sincerely, Sean Terry, Mayor 4


Sean Terry Mayor

Justin Steiner Place 1

Wayne Nabors Place 2

Andy Hopkins Place 3

Carmen Roberts Place 4

Mindy Koehne Place 5

Mayor Pro Tem/Place 6

Chad Anderson

Jason Laumer City Manager


2018-2020 STRATEGIC PLAN TWO-YEAR GOALS 1. Share Our Story


e have a deep understanding that to be truly great, we must make a series of good and strategic decisions,

which are consistent with our

Vision Framework,

over an

extended period of time. Our efforts and resources will reside in the areas where our three spheres intersect.

our vision framework - planning Celina’s Future

2. Plan the City 3. Enhance the Quality of Life in Celina 4. Beautify and Brand Celina 5. Support and Grow Emergency Services 6. Preserve, Enhance, Revitalize, and Grow Downtown 7. Attract and Cultivate the Right Development in the Right Places 8. Develop a Highly Advanced Technology and Mobility Infrastructure 9. Pursue Innovative Learning Partnerships 10. Create and Encourage Agritourism Opportunities


To preserve our agricultural heritage and flourish as a close-knit and ever-growing Celina Family during explosive and planned growth of our city, while providing a unique and extraordinary Quality of Life, complemented by a significant array of high tech and desirable businesses, agritourism assets, special places, and connections.



POPULATION Between 2010-2019 Celina’s population grew by 211%


CELINA BY THE NUMBERS A total of 4589 homes have been permitted between 2015-2019

Celina was named the #1 Fastest Growing City in North Texas in December 2019.





• Fire Station No. 2 - construction: $7,500,000

• Old Celina Park expansion: $13,000,000

• Street improvement projects: $6,419,060

• Public facilities improvements: $2,378,000

• Glendenning Parkway/CR 55: $750,000

• Public facilities improvements: $5,855,000

• Police Station - site acquisition: $1,500,000

• Downtown development project: $1,500,000

• Celina road pump station to downtown pump station transmission line: $11,500,000

• Downtown wastewater treatment plant upgrade: $12,900,000

• Ground storage tank: $1,000,000 • Water & wastewater improvements: $5,975,000

• 2 million-gallons-per-day capacity water tower construction: $5,400,000 • Water & wastewater improvements: $14,495,000 9


Share Our Story

An award-winning downtown restaurant, extraordinary community engagement with public safety and a popular peanut butter drive exemplify the growth in both internal and external awareness of Celina’s charm. The Texas Downtown Association awarded the Best Downtown Business Award to Tender Smokehouse, the nationally renowned BBQ joint. In addition, National Night Out and other public safety events continue to enjoy high popularity with citizens. Finally, Celina won 2nd place in the charitable Collin County Peanut Butter Drive; the City lost only to Plano, the founder of the event. The word is out that Celina is the place to enjoy good living with a real community spirit!

ACCOMPLISHMENTS • State TX-APA award (Downtown Master Plan) • Certificate of Achievement for Planning Excellence (TXAPA) – 6 years in a row •

Texas Downtown Association Award Winner – Tender Smokehouse Best Downtown Business

Activated Community Groups and businesses in a service project – Downtown Bench Improvements

National Night Out 2019 recorded a record number of registered block parties and attendance

ON THE HORIZON • Begin live streaming City Council meetings • Tell Celina’s story visually with videography •

Forge strong relationship with the Dallas Builders Association (DBA)

Implementation of water metering, work order, and solid waste apps to end-users

American Public Works Association Accreditation

Creation of a GIS Instagram account and a 30 for 30 program - 30 maps for 30 days, every 3 months - allowing residents to access the full capabilities of the GIS Department 10

Plan The City

Several plans and initiatives launched in 2019 The City began the Comprehensive Plan, a crucial component to vision-oriented development. In a necessary step for a City with a flourishing downtown, the Downtown Master Plan was also completed and adopted early in the year. The Trails Master Plan was adopted, the Parks Master Plan was started, and the Police Department developed a comprehensive 20-year plan to effectively manage the City’s growing law enforcement and public safety needs.


ON THE HORIZON • Complete the Celina Police Department’s 2021-2026 Strategic Plan • Complete the Celina Police Department’s 20-Year Comprehensive Plan

• Comprehensive Plan (launched) • Downtown Master Plan (adopted January 2019) • Trails Master Plan (adopted March 2019) • Parks Master Plan (launched) • Developed the framework for the police department’s 20-Year Comprehensive Plan • 2018 Model Codes (adopted March 2019) • Zoning Ordinance update begun


Master Plan Updates: •

Complete 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update

Complete 2020 Parks Master Plan

Complete Water and Wastewater Master Plan and Impact Fee Update

Complete Thoroughfare Master Plan and Impact Fee Update

Apply for ISWM Stormwater Certification

Finish the Neighborhood Design Guidelines

3 Enhance The Quality of Life in Celina

Increased quality of life is a recipe with many ingredients: a feeling of safety, good living, healthy family and friendships as well as learning opportunities. Here in Celina, the standards are rising on all these categories: our Blue Santa Program continues to adopt more families and children for a joyful Christmas, the Celina Library rises every year in popularity with teen reading and weekly story time and crafts, and the City hired staff to help keep Celina beautiful with flower and plant life irrigation needs. All these pieces are central to an increased quality of life, which is the most important product the City delivers.


• 2019 Blue Santa Program assisted over 71 kids • Summer Reading Club participation in 2019, up 405% from 2018 •

Library added 834 new members, bringing the total number of library members to 5,034, a 20% increase from FY18

Developed and implemented a monthly Teen library program with increasing participation and attendance

Implemented year-round weekly preschool Story Time with craft activity

Sports leagues youth team count up 7% to 167; total player count up 12% to 762


• Expansion of Old Celina Park • Add field lighting to existing Old Celina Park multi-use space •

Tree City USA membership

Add an adult component to Summer Reading Program

Expand Library Book Club to include a book club during evening hours

Collaborate with the Senior Center to offer quarterly programs 12


Beautify & Brand Celina

The summer of 2019 brought Celina’s new tagline and branding strategy to guide the future beautification efforts. “Life Connected” emphasizes the importance of connectedness among the citizens and families of the City. Additionally, the Downtown aesthetic increased dramatically with the opening of three new restaurants and beautiful updates to their respective historic building facades. Finally, the City began the search for a muralist to beautify the Economic Development Corporation building. In 2020, the completion of this mural will create a stunning vista, visible from most of the Downtown square.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Launched new branding guidelines • Launched new tagline •

Launched new city highlight video

Launched EDC building muralist search

Continued beautification of Downtown through live landscaping

Zoning ordinance update initiated


Continuous implementation of new tagline

Maintain the growth for economic opportunity

Hire muralist and complete EDC building mural

Improve wayfinding to Downtown through entrance monuments


5 Support & Grow Emergency Services

The safety of our families and security of our homes remain the cornerstone to a positive quality of life. In 2019, the Fire Department hired new firefighters through a federal grant, built a new station, and took possession of a powerful new fire truck to protect our homes. Meanwhile, the Police Department expanded operations, added new officers, created an interactive crime map and received a prestigious award for excellence in drastically reducing property crime. The next year will bring the design of a new Police Central Headquarters to accommodate Celina’s continued rapid growth.



• Hired 20 employees in Fire Department • Took possession of a 107’ aerial fire truck •

• Begin concept and master plan design of Fire Station #3 • Complete design of new Police Station & training center

Expanded the operational capacity of the police department with the addition of six new police officer positions

Add a new Detective to the Criminal Investigation Division specializing in violence against women and child offense investigations

Interactive crime map added to the Police Department’s website

Achieved a 63% reduction in construction related thefts through the implementation of a problem-solving initiative

Increase Fire Prevention division

Add a new Sergeant position to the Criminal Investigation Division

Created a regional Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) team to provide peer support and facilitate professional help for first responders

Fully establish the police department’s Officer Wellness and Resiliency program

Designed and constructed Fire Station #2

Move fire administration out of Fire Station #1 to a new location

Purchased site for future Police Station

Take delivery of the new Engine 2 Fire Engine

Texas Municipal League Award for Excellence in Public Safety (cities under 25,000 population)

Received Texas Best Practices “Re-recognition status” from the Texas Police Chief’s Association



Preserve, Enhance, Revitalize, & Grow Downtown

Downtown, often called the “beating heart” of the City, was identified in the 2018 Community Survey as one of Celina’s biggest strengths and opportunities. Illustrating this point, businesses, construction and programming in Downtown have expanded in 2019; three businesses opened and are booming, the Economic Development Corporation, Parks and Main Street office building renovation is complete, and the new Council Chambers is nearly finished. Finally, Christmas on the Square is bigger than ever. Downtown remains busy, thriving and growing.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Hey Sugar opened July 2019 • Bongo Beaux’s Bourre Palace & Cajun Kitchen opened October 2019 • Toasted Walnut Table & Market opened August 2019 •

Adopted Downtown Master Plan to revitalize Celina’s downtown

ON THE HORIZON • RollerTown Brewery to open in 2020 • Finish the new downtown zoning • Continue downtown rehabilitation program



Attract & Cultivate the right development in the right places

Not only is the City of Celina working hard to make it easy for great development to happen in the most appropriate locations, but planning for the City’s orderly growth is well under way. The City is updating the zoning ordinance, acquiring land for future parks and city buildings, updating and improving existing development agreements, and negotiating new agreements while keeping the long-term heritage of the City’s treasured assets in mind.



• Zoning Ordinance update (in process) • Updated Development Agreements for Lakes at Mustang Ranch and Creeks of Legacy • Development Agreements adopted for Celina Hills, The Cottages, Glen Crossing West, and Central Park Villas •

Land Acquisition: •

NE Community Park – 53 acres

Traditions Park – 5% acquired

Future City Hall – 34% acquired

Annex Parking Lot – 75% acquired

Acquired Central Police Station Land - 23.7 Acres (under contract)


Finish the Zoning Ordinance update

Land Acquisition: •

Acquire NE Community Park – 53 acres

Traditions Park – 30% acquired

Future City Hall – 75% acquired

Annex Parking Lot – 100% acquired


Develop a highly advanced technology & Mobility Infrastructure

Moving information, data and people from “point A to point B” are crucial components to Quality of Life in today’s world, and Celina is no exception. Tollway construction continues between US 380 and 428, Gigabit fiber now extends its reach all over the City, new apps connecting citizens and customers to the City are in development, and the City is working closely with cellular providers to increase cell service across town.



• Gigabit Fiber Internet connected to nearly all residential developments in City Limits • Coordinated with cellular providers to increase cell service by adding cell sites to water towers

• Begin Old Celina Park expansion & lighting • Begin Central Police Station Design

Performed 67,296 square feet of pavement repairs

Completed over 78,072 square feet of pavement rehabilitation

Cooperated with CityFront and City Staff to integrate a citywide application to serve residents of Celina as a onestop shop

Updated interface on the GIS Portal and added a Maps & Apps Gallery where residents can find several maps that can be used to view the entire city

Work with utility providers to complete Gigabit internet coverage in last remaining residential neighborhoods

Increase operational efficiency by implementing a water meter, work order, and solid waste app for users to view usage and make service requests

Work with Marketing on making the Utility Billing website more user friendly

Implement water conservation information for residents to help maintain their water bills

Increase number of customers that pay online (on-going)

Continue to provide input and coordination efforts for TxDOT projects

New App created for Public Works crews to utilize in the field to improve asset management for Water, Sewer and Stormwater Infrastructure improvements


Continue to provide input and coordination efforts for Collin County projects including the Outer Loop

Continue to help coordinate tollway related NTTA projects



Pursue innovative learning partnerships

Building valued partnerships to foster innovative learning in Celina is very important to the City.

The 75 acre, 120,000 square foot Celina Campus of Collin College has broken ground, and will soon accommodate 2,500 students. We are working on close partnerships with North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG), school districts, and are building relationships with museums, volunteer programs and non-governmental agencies to increase active learning and rec programming.


New Imagery integration through NCTCOG Local Governments Program

Cultivated partnership with Celina ISD and adopted interlocal agreement regarding mutual facility usage


Invest in collaborative efforts with community organizations such as schools, museums, interdepartmental programs, volunteer programs and non-governmental agencies to increase active learning and recreational programming opportunities for adults and youth

Establish professional staff training regimen for continuous employee development

Collin College construction completion scheduled for 2021


10 Create & encourage agritourism opportunities

Celina’s rural and country feel was the number one identified strength of Celina in the 2018 Community Survey.

The combination of agriculture and tourism, or “agritourism,” is the perfect way for Celina to enhance its assets and provide experiences to bolster economic development and Quality of Life. The City is setting the foundation for a strong Agritourism Program by starting dialogues and cataloging Celina’s existing agritourism assets. Finally, 2019, the City incorporated the country and rural feel into the branding strategy and guidelines.



Continued agritourism research and development

Continued agritourism asset catalog for future website

Collin College Celina Campus with Agriculture Program (Fall of 2021)

Complete Parks Master Plan

Completed branding strategy and guidelines


GET IN TOUCH City of Celina 142 N. Ohio Street Celina, TX 75009 972-382-2682

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