ily with a background in science and medicine in Taiwan. mentation has been deeply imprinted in my life since I was master's degree in architecture with a double major in Cheng Kung University. I do research on Building Information l Twin in the Interact ve Architecture Lab (IALab), and the s on hardware in Digital IC Design Lab (DICLab). I like to logy and architecture. I have project experience about data uter vision and deep learning.
-2023, CityScope-- R
CityScope AR aims to show real-time 3D weather in Taiwan using augmented reality as an immediate goal. The project will also use AprilTag to locolize thecity pin on a physical model of Taiwan Island. ( R)
-2022, Crowd Counting & Prediction Dashboard--GRU
This project is a collaboration with the Tourism Bureau of Tainan City Government and Far EasTone(FET). Through data analysis and GRU training to effectively establish a pedestrian flow projection model. (
-2022, Smart Hygiene Monitoring and Management System--Digital Twin
Using Autodesk Forge API to place the BIM model on the web platform, set up a website with JavaScript, and visualize the digital twin models with Forge component-based cloud services combined with AI + IoT. (
-2022, Graffiti Wall
New Taipei Municipal HaiShan High School
National University of Kaohsiung
High School Bachlor Master 2014 20172018201920202021
National Cheng Kung University
Department of Architecture nteract ve Arch tecture Labrotory
Department of Computer Science Digita C Design Labrotory
Research Assistant (DIC Lab)
Study the implementation of AI applications on hardware in Digital IC Design Lab (DICLab) . am currently pursuing hardware courses such as VLSI Testing, and expect to apply for a minor in Electrical Engineering.
The totem of the iron window is used as the main modeling unit, and through the calculation of Discrete Design, the units are arranged to createa special visual effect. The main skeleton is then bent by roboticarm. (
-2022, Movie Booking System
Write a simple cinema ticketing system using C++ object-oriented features that can 1. Customer booking 2. Customers can check the ticketing records3. Administrator can check all the booking information. (
-2021, Non Euclidian Geometry--VR
The project is designed in Unity3D development software by C# with VR, using non-Euclidean geometric concepts to design a world in the futureMetaverse. The VR device for this project is HTC VIVE. (
-2021, Magic School--AR
Design an AR app game based on Unity3D + Vuforia SDK for android system, write and design the game by C# language and image recognition, the game also connects the map GPS to correspond to the real scene. (
-2021, Computer Vision and Deep Learning--VGG16
ng Information Modeling (BIM) and Digital Twin n the nteractive Arch tecture Lab ement the collaborat ve design of digital tw n on AR glasses.
SUN-YUAN Architects & Associates
Participate in the design stage of conceptualization and planning, architectural landscape and interior construction drawings, and photo drafting.
University Social Responsibility Projects
Resident in Kaohsiung Longmu community renovation, analysis of the surrounding architecture and settlement reconstruction of tour maps and models.
Institute of Taiwan - Best Paper Award
Digital Governance Talent Training Program Competition - Silver ition - Gold
Bureau of Tainan City Government - yuej n lantern festival - Final Exhibition
sign Competition - Shortlisted
Institute of Kaohsiung: Architectura Newcomer Award - Honorable Mention
n World Cup (VDWC) - Shor tlisted
t Construct on Competition - Silver
Implemented Camera Calibration / Augmented Reality / Stereo Disparity Map / SIFT through OpenCV application, and trained VGG16 model architectureusing Cifar-10dataset. (
-2021, Metal Training--CNN
The convolutional neural network was trained on google colab to identify metal surface defects, and the database source was NEU Surface Defect from kaggle database. (
-2021, Hand Gesture Training--yolov4
The project scenario is set up as a robot arm in construction industry. Yolov4 is used to train the gestures to control the robot arm in intelligent construction. (
Integration Architecture software Machine Learning Adventurous Diligent Observant Agile Productive Aesthetic Practical creative Spatial Design hardware ABILITIES PERSONALITIES Data Science Building Information Modelling
ial Responsibility Projects Competition
- Gold
CITY SCIENCE • COMPUTER SCIENCE • ARCHITECTURE • WHAT’S MORE? 01 02 0304 05 06 07080910 03 - 08 09 - 14 15 - 22 23 - 30 31 - 36 CityScope Smart Hygiene+ UrbanSight Crowd Prediction Hand Gesture Non Euclidean Geometry Magic School Blossom Linear Spark Feathers Biology Graffiti Wall
City Science Lab@Taipei Tech
CityScope AR will use augmented reality to achieve a real-time 3D weather demonstration of Taiwan as a short-term development goal. The project will continue to integrate and utilize sensors in the process to enable interaction between Taiwan and the general public.
In this project, my contribution involved combining AprilTag with plane detection, greatly enhancing our accuracy in placing virtual visualizations.
Cooperative works
Member: Pei-Chi Tsai | Yu-hsuan Lo | Ching-Yao Su
Project host : Michael Lin | Justin Zhang
• COMPUTER SCIENCE • ARCHITECTURE • WHAT’S MORE? An AR A pp f or Visu a li z ing Op en W eather Data 202 3
01. CityScope
The app visualizes open weather data from the Central Weather Bureau (CWB), such as UV index, rainfall, temperature, and PM2.5 levels from Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The virtual objects in the app are divided into two parts:
1.Upper Sphere (Main Visual Element):
Designed to resemble a weather globe, it shows particle changes inside to represent different weather conditions.
2.Lower Object (Informational Aid):
Displays data metrics and the names of cities or counties.
The system is divided into two main frameworks. The first framework, indicated by the blue area, receives real-time information from backend APIs in JSON format.
The second framework, represented by the red area, uses web requests to wirelessly transmit this data to an iPad running Unity. Once received, the data undergoes JSON deserialization and is then visually represented in a corresponding manner.
The ultraviolet (UV) effects are designed based on the UV index, with particle colors also planned according to the color scheme of the UV index. The index ranges from 0 to 11+, with colors transitioning from green to purple to indicate the level of UV exposure, from low to high. The temperature effects aims to represent the intensity of convection currents. The color scheme ranges from blue to indicate cold temperatures to red for hot temperatures. The stronger the convection, the colder the temperature is represented, and conversely, weaker convection corresponds to hotter temperatures.
Weather Section (StormGlass) Detail Info Taiwan Island HUV Temperature CONCEPT DATA VISUALIZATION The Flow of Data Visualization CWB EPA Rain HUV Weather Temperature Serialize Realtime Database iPad Application Unity deserialize visualization JSON file webrequest PM2.5
0 Low Low 0 Low UV Visualization Low Temperature Visualization High Low 0°C 40°C 11 2.5L 5 11 2.5L Up to 0. LightModerateHeavyIntenseTorrential 2.5~7.5mm <2.5mm UV Index Intensity of convection Intensity of pm2.5 Precipitation
Plane Detection
In order to accurately position the model on the physical Taiwan Island replica, the system is organized into two primary modules. The first module, highlighted in blue, employs AprilTag Detection using the TagStandard41h12 type to scan and identify the tag ID as well as its position. The second module, marked in red, utilizes AR Foundation for plane detection. This module offers ARKit SDK for iOS devices and ARCore SDK for Android devices. Specifically, we use the ARKit SDK for iOS to place the model based on the detected tag position and plane, which is then displayed on the device.
1. Variable 1: Footfall
Analysis time scale: hourly/daily/monthly
Based on the data scale and experience of this case, daily foot traffic is used as the main time scale for correlation analysis.
2. Variable 2: Search volume of keywords
Analysis time scale: Total number of searches on the nth day
Considering that tourists may search for local names a few days before travel, the correlation between the number of
Detection LOCOLIZATION OPEN HOUSE DEMO Demo of AprilTag Detection Demo of Plane Detection The Flow of Locolization Demo Video
08 Scan Tag Detect Tag ID & Tag Position AR App Type: TagStandard41h12 AprilTag Detection AR Foundation Detect Plane Place Model (based on Position & Plane) ARKit SDK ARCore SDK iOS Device Android Device Plane Detection Display on Device
Smart Hygiene Monitoring & Management System
Cooperative works
The "Smart Health Management System" uses digital twin technology to integrate with Building Information Modeling (BIM) to build a 3D visualized real-time space, allowing managers to easily monitor the real-time status of a site to respond to disposal, such as turning on air conditioning. The finished product is not limited to a single site application, but focuses on the system architecture - the system is applicable to any space with a large flow of people.
In this project, my contribution involved introducing digital twin technology and designing the real-world setup to visualize sensor data on an intelligent building management system.
Pei-Chi Tsai | Chien-Kai Kuo | Yen-Ching Chang | Sheng-Heng Liao
Digit al twin-base d web m ana gement p la tfo rm 202 2 10 CITY SCIENCE • COMPUTER SCIENCE • ARCHITECTURE • WHAT’S MORE?
COVID-19 2020 caused the shutdown of many commercial and entertainment events around the world, and the International Olympic Games of that year also suffered a serious impact. The event will be accompanied by huge crowds, and the hygiene quality of the space is highly required for the collective activities under the epidemic. Through this proposal "Smart Hygiene Management System", we hope to improve the overall hygiene quality of the venue by enabling the manager to easily check the hygiene status of each space through the smart dual-life model.
Prototype Trial: Research Office, Department of Engineering Science, National Cheng Kung University
Space size: 36.7 square meters (5.1m x 7.2m)
Base flow: 0 to 10 people
Usage: The staffs come and go from 8:00 to 19:00 on weekdays at irregular hours. The peak hours are usually 13 to 17.
In the research office, we deployed Eagle Eye, a module provided by the company, and placed the Smart Air Detector (SD) in the most suitable position based on the results of the fluid dynamics simulation ventilation with the aid of the BIM, so that we could obtain the air health indicators and indoor pedestrian flow indicators of the site.
Process Framework
We want to automate the control of interior quality through the digital twin technology developed by BIM. The data from the sensors are visualized in 3D in real time, and the space and its historical environmental parameters, such as air parameters, pedestrian flow status, etc., are displayed on a web page to assist managers or users in decision making. In addition, we use the collected data to predict user behavior and air changes by machine learning for automatic control and behavior suggestion. We want to achieve high quality indoor space comfort through the whole system.
Once these two environmental indicators are obtained, we send the information to the IoT base station and create a database for it, and finally control the automated instrument through the Digital Twin Meter web page. After the control behavior occurs, when the sensor detects an improvement in quality, the control behavior can be corrected.
Life Pain Points Concept of Solution Cloud BIM Construction Sensor Deployment Database Construction Visualization Platform Scenario Setting Situation Prediction Automated Devices Future Vision Prototype Trial
Real Environment Building Information Modeling Digital Twin Environment status: Not good Reaching the suggested maximum number of people Historical Data > Environmental Assessment > Machine Learning > Behavior prediction > Automated control > Behavior suggestion Suggestions for access Suggestions for access Automatic air-conditioning Monitoring platform Sensor Deployment Reaching the suggested maximum number of people Environment status: Not good Database Construction Air Health Indicators Indoor People Flow Indicators Air Health Indicators Indoor People Flow Indicators
We use JavaScript to build a supervisory web page through Autodesk Forge Api, so that any field model can personalize the interface, i.e. our system is universal. In this webpage, users can read sensor locations, historical data, visualize values, and even design control of air conditioning equipment through the platform.
Using the historical data collected by the sensors, we use SVM machine learning to predict air changes and make advance recommendations or automatically turn on the air conditioning. In Scenario 3 - Decentralized Decision Making, we can use artificial intelligence to identify the location of frequent people and perform local control when the number of people is low, not only to maintain quality but also to save unnecessary energy costs.
In order to define the criteria of space comfort, we refer to pathology experimental reports and environmental control related literature to assess the suitability of continued occupancy based on the sensing results of sensors. The sum of these index scores indicates the degree to which the space quality needs to be improved, and the corresponding scores can generate different responses.
Visualization Platform
Scenario Setting
Eagle Eye SD Reaching the suggested maximum number of people Environment status: Not good Air Health Indicators Indoor People Flow Indicators Smart Air Detector (SD) Eagle Eye
Situation Prediction
03. UrbanSight
Our study enhances Building Information Modeling (BIM) by focusing on real-time collaboration. We integrate Digital Twin and Mixed Reality (MR) technologies to create a 3D collaborative environment for more effective building and city management. Using Unity Engine and Autodesk API, we display BIM models on Microsoft HoloLens 2, enriched with real-time IoT sensor data. This collaborative approach ensures real-time updates and visual feedback, significantly improving the efficiency and intuitiveness of management tasks.
Applic a tion of Digit al Twin f or Coll a bor a ti ve Design in Mi xed Re al ity En v ironment 2022 - 202 3
16 Thesis Supervisor: Jeng, Tay-Sheng Thesis Supervisor: Jeng, Tay-Sheng
Collaborative design traditionally relies on physical models and 2D drawings, leading to communication barriers, conflicts, and inefficiencies.
Building Information Modeling (BIM) improves collaboration but struggles with real-time updates for complex models, resulting in information mismatches.
Digital Twin, a virtual replica of a physical entity, integrates real-time data to enhance BIM capabilities, facilitating immersive and efficient collaboration.
Driven by the shortcomings of traditional collaborative design and the promise of Digital Twin technology, our research explores its application in a Mixed Reality environment to enhance the efficiency of collaborative design processes. By merging the immersive features of Mixed Reality with the real-time, data-driven aspects of Digital Twin, we aim to offer a more integrated and collaborative design experience.
Data Integration
Collaboration & Communication
Digital Twin Mixed Reality
Virtual replica of a physical object / system for monitoring and optimization.
Blending of virtual and real-world elements for interactive experiences.
Integrates real-time data to update virtual model.
Can integrate real-time data for enhanced virtual content.
The interconnection among the pertinent literature in this study is illustrated in below, segmented into three sections, including Collaborative Design, Digital Twins, and Mixed Reality. The diagram right is organized by this research, and a three-dimensional diagram has been drawn to analyze the methods of collaborative design. They are defined as: synchronous-asynchronous, in-situ-remote, co-design with the same model, and distributed design with different models. This research mainly focuses on synchronous and co-located collaborative design.
Supports collaboration through data exchange.
Solves real-time updating of model information and status in BIM.
Complements remote sensor connection in Mixed Reality, aiding users' understanding of the environment.
Interaction and Visualization Virtual Representation Enhanced Understanding
Integrating Digital Twin with Mixed Reality tackles two main challenges in Collaborative Design: 1) communication and visualization, and 2) spatial understanding. We propose three scenarios: Scenario A, focusing on Several designers communicating their initial design concepts in parallel, Scenario B, focusing on Facility Management and Environmental Control, and Scenario C, exploring the potential of Smart City Management and Simulation. We have considered the different situations of collaboration in both first-person and third-person perspectives.
Facilitates collaboration in shared spatial context for interactive experiences.
Enhances real-world perception and provides information-assisted visualization. Offers an intuitive and interactive approach to Digital Twin, helping users effectively utilize information.
THE SCENARIO Development
and Tools
T ra dition al Coll ab o ra tive De s ign Building Info rma tion M odelin g Digit a T win Em er ge s Enhance the Communication and Understanding of Collaborative Design Implement Real-time Modifications and Feedback Create a Collaborative platform with more intuitive user interfaces 1 2 3 Same TimeDifferent Time (Synchronize) (Asynchronize) Same Place Different Place (In-Situ) (Remote)
Synchronous Remote Co-design Asynchronous Remote Co-design Synchronous In-Situ Co-design Asynchronous In-Situ Co-design Asynchronous Remote Distributed design Synchronous Remote Distributed design Synchronous In-Situ Distributed design
SameModel DifferentModel
Digital Twin Collabrative Design Mixed Reality Building Management Smart City Environmental Management Land Use Management Data Management Transportation Management First Person Third Person First Person Third Person Space Management Maintenance Management Facility Management Energy Management
Scenario B -- Facility Management & Environmental Control Scenario A -- Collaborative Design Scenario C -- Smart City Management & Simulation Concept Discussion
Digital Twin Mixed Reality Collaboration
This study validates digital twin applications through a system with three main components: Digital Twin (blue blocks), Mixed Reality (red blocks), and Collaboration (yellow blocks). The blue blocks focus on real-time data collection and updating the digital model. The red blocks use Unity to overlay virtual data onto the real world, enhancing urban planning. The yellow blocks enable real-time, multi-user collaboration, improving communication and decision-making.
Digital Twin
This part of research introduced in previous project.The Digital Twin Web Dashboard setup of the system was divided into two parts: 1.Digital Twin Modeling & 2. IoT Sensor Connection.
1.Digital Twin Import
Mixed Reality Collaboration
The Autodesk Model Derivative API lets users convert various file types, like Revit files, into web-optimized SVF formats. We further convert SVF to glTF, making the 3D models compatible with web and augmented reality apps. It combines JSON for metadata and binary data for efficient storage and transfer. glTF files can be saved in a binary format called glTF binary (glb). The glb format was chosen because of its smaller file size and faster loading time.
2.Mixed Reality Deployment
The system is integrated into the Microsoft HoloLens 2 headset, which project build using Universal Windows Platform (UWP). This research developed mixed reality applications with the Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK).
1.Collaborative Environment Setup
The Collaborative Environment Setup aims for a multi-user shared experience, focusing on network connectivity, data sync, and object location sharing. It has two main parts: Synchronize Users and Share Objects Location. The first allows users to sync actions and exchange data, while the second helps accurately place model objects in the mixed reality space. The system uses Photon Cloud and Azure Spatial Anchor to facilitate this collaboration. This system not only maintains a unified perception of the shared space but also provides a scalable and secure infrastructure for mixed reality applications.
SYSTEM DESIGN Development Environment and Tools System and Users
Digital Twin Web Dashboard
List Model Unity Photon Unity Networking ( PUN ) Host Create Account & PUN application Create Account Obtain Access Token Save Anchor Create Room Create User ID Join Room Instantiate User Prefab into Room Start Azure Session Create Azure Anchor Share Azure Anchor Get Azure Anchor Render Material 3D Mesh Translate Model Format svf to glTF node-red IoT Base Station Sensor Database Web API BIM model Autodesk Platform Services (APS) APS API Microsoft HoloLens 2 Build and deploy Call URL Get URL Raspberry Pi Unity Platform Web Platform Photon Cloud Azure Spatial Anchors User 1 User 2User 3User 4... Call URL Digital Twin Web Dashboard Microsoft HoloLens 2 User (Manager) Display Maintain Upload New Model Model Select Edit Return Model Data
Scene Node Mesh Camera Skin Animation Accessor BufferView Buffer Material Texture Image Sampler
Photon Azure Cloud Room Webhooks Transmit RoomName Host (Node JS Server) Model Object Instance Creates Room Join Room Join Room 1 2 3 33 Feedback Signaling (4) 5 6 Join Room 7 Signaling Connection 4 Photon Unity Networking (PUN) Azure Spatial Anchors Azure Spatial Anchors Azure Active Directory Azure App Service Azure Cosmos Database Authentication & Obtain token 88 8 Create Anchor 9 Get Back Anchor 10 Get Anchor ID 13 Anchor ID Sharing 11 Anchor ID Storge 12 Anchor ID Storge 12 Synchronize Users Share Objects Location Client 2 Client 1 UNITY NETWORKING Digital Twin Web Dashboard Administration Interface Mixed Reality Client 1 Mixed Reality Client 2 User1 User2 Presentation Layer Application Layer Data Layer
The Flow of User Interaction with Collaboration Interface
The Application Menu with three Function Panel
The Azure Anchor Panel leverages the capabilities of Azure Spatial Anchors, further enhancing the experience of interacting with the mixed reality environment. It provides users with the means to create, identify, and manage spatial anchors in the virtual landscape.
2.Perspective Panel
2.Collaborative Interface Design
The following step is to establish a user-friendly and intuitive collaboration interface design. The interface is important to the overall user experience. We aim to seamlessly integrate multi-channel interaction input methods and provide easy access to application functionality. In Collaborative Interface Design, we delve into the innovative inclusion of voice commands, gesture recognition, and eye tracking as interaction modalities, which all enhance user interaction and engagement within the mixed reality environment.
As the system is main designed to facilitate collaborative experiences in the mixed reality environment, user experience on collaboration is important. This includes users' experiences in sharing and manipulating objects in the shared space. This study analyzes our perspectives on the collaboration capabilities
Azure Anchor Panel Perspective Panel Hand Draw Panel
3.Hand Draw Panel
The Perspective Panel is strategically designed to control the viewpoint by gesture recognition and eye tracking. It offers an interactive and immersive way for users to navigate through the mixed reality environment and manage their perspective. This interactive experience enhances user involvement and comprehension of the shared space. Key functionalities of the Perspective Panel to move position with the slider bars.
The Hand Draw Panel accentuates the user's immersive experience by leveraging the power of gesture recognition, enabling them to draw some ideas and modify them directly within the 3D environment. This interactive panel not only facilitates real-time collaborative design, but also fosters creativity, innovation, and a shared understanding within the team.
EXPERIENCE Synchronize Users
Digital Twin Client 1 Multi-channel interaction User 1 User 2 Application Menu Collaboration Environment Collaboration Interface Client 2 Multi-channel interaction Application Menu Voice Gesture Eye tracking Perspective Panel Hand Draw panel Azure Anchor panel Share Objects Location Synchronize Users Virtual World Physical World
1.Azure Anchor Panel
a) Model Object display (R. PC device in unity. / L. Hololens2 device.)
b) Newly Created Objects (Drawn Lines) (R. User1 perspective / L. User2 perspective)
Counting & Prediction
Anping Old Street
In this project, I created a visualization system that enabled users to examine historical data, explore specific attractions, and make informed predictions.
Yuguang Island
Cooperative works
We analyze the pedestrian flow pattern through various data and use the telecommunication data as the research evidence, and then use machine learning to predict the pedestrian flow and display it on the web interface. We define a valid and feasible estimation method as a reference for the study in case of sufficient data.
Coastal viewpoints
viewpoints 0 N 50 100 200 300 Open Space Tourist Spots 04.
Pei-Chi Tsai | Shih-Yu Lai | Tomohide Hashida | Po-Hsun Chang
Pedestrian flow Prediction Dashboard 2022
Bureau of X Tainan City Government
Chikan Tower
Guohua Haian Shopping Area
Confucius Temple
Processing Data 2
Anping Old Street
Yuguang Island
Guohua Haian Shopping Area
Confucius Temple
Crowding Factor
Chikan Tower
Influence factor
Response Factor
Definition of terms.
Scheduled Special Event Climate Weather Weather Conditions
•Weekday Weekends (Monday-Friday/Saturday-Sunday)
•Weekend events (fairs, night markets)
•National holidays (consecutive holidays, adjusted vacations)
•Public events (election campaign / music festival / market / temple fair...)
• Season
•Comfort (cold / comfortable / hot)
•Traffic Flow: number of parking
•Internet flow: number of keyword searches
Sold Tickets
DATA PROCESSING hr/day Timeline
Number of tickets sold Day According to the scenic spot
Number of tickets sold DayAccording to the scenic spot
to the operation office of scenic spots Executive Yuan
Event Schedule By natureNo specific or by nature
Crowding factor: Information that can symbolize or represent the number of people.
Influence factor: Events that affect people's willingness to travel.
Response Factor: Variable variables that are influenced by crowds.
Since the modeling time resolution is hour-by-hour, the time resolution of the ticketing data should be translated to the same.
1.Google Trend was used to obtain the recent popular time rate of the scenic spot.
2.Assume that the peak and trough of the single day of the attraction is the same as July and August.
3.The time of ticket sales is deduced.
Data sourceTime
Geographic resolution Telecom Data Far EasTone Hours 5 target spots
Announcement Calendar
Temperature Rainfall According
Central Weather Bureau
Central Weather Bureau
Hours / day Hours Hours Depending on the
By station Parking usage Hours By station
Independent Events
to the event organizer
Tainan Municipal
the event
Building and Climate Research Laboratory
search volume Google Trends Day
Goo g le Tr en d H ot Pe ri od Rat io
Ticket Quantity Hourly Popularity Number of tickets for the day x
Collecting Data
Food and Beverage Spaces Business Spaces
Keyword Searches
Public Spaces
Transportation Stations
1. Using Openroute to calculate the 10-minute walk time circle and define the proximity between the scenic spots and the event venues. Then, we analyzed the places that might be affected by the crowd spreading from the target attraction to the surrounding areas by walking.
The day+1 days ago total search volume
The day+1 days ago+2 days ago total search volume
The day~3 days ago total search volume
The day~n days ago total search volume
1 days ago+2 days ago total search volume
Future Goal
Analysis time scale: Total number of searches on the nth day
Considering that tourists may search for local names a few days before before travel, the correlation between the number of keyword searches and the number of people is analyzed through Google Trend open data.
Parking Space Usage
Input original data into GIS system based on latitude and longitude
1.Define the relationship between scenic spots and corresponding stations using Voronoi Diagram to correlate the analysis.
2.Then investigate the reasonableness of the split (MAUP).
*Subsequent studies can also investigate the correlation between UV intensity, air pollution index, and other relevant factors and human influx.
Acquisition of 200m radius of each scenic spot
Exclude parking spaces outside the area
Counting hourly parking space usage
(Temp. & Rain Amount) 28
3 days ago n days ago .... 2 days ago1 days agoThe dayNext day (predict)
Hyp Department Stores Sup lect
Meteo rolo gi ca l stati on s an d mon i to ri ng cove rage Voron oi di agram o f to ta l met eo r olo g ic a l stat io ns i n Ta i na n Par king Lot s Res ea r ch Att r ct i on s
Exploratory Data Analysis
Since the ticketing information we obtained overlaps with the Far EasTone information only for the Chikan Park, we took the two columns of information and conducted a correlation analysis, which showed a correlation of +0.8.
The correlation analysis shows a clear trend:
1.The temperature and the number of pedestrians showed a significant positive correlation, while cultural activities showed a better correlation with the number of pedestrians.
2. As for the usage of parking spaces, there is a high correlation between the Confucius Temple and the Harborfront Axis, which means that tourists are more likely to choose on-street parking spaces in these two areas.
3.Keyword search volume for Guohua Haian Shopping Area and Anping Old Street strongly correlates with foot traffic. This suggests that online searches can indicate pedestrian trends in free(no admission fee), commercial tourist areas.
Coastal Attractions
Isochrones of 5, 10, 15 minutes
Downtown Attractions
Isochrones of 5, 10, 15 minutes
Input data: data before 48 hours
Predicted data: data after 5 hours
Model Parameters: loss func: MAPE / optimizer: adam
The model predicts the occurrence of future crowds for a single event and gives advance warning. All variables are included to predict the number of people at the five target attractions.
The left-hand drop-down menu lets user choose the data type and display format, such as area maps or dashboards. Administrators can further select specific data like historical intervals or predicted hours. The app's UI is written in R using Shiny App and other packages to display Open Street Map data. Python files are called for training and prediction.
Prediction Modelling
Downtown Attraction s Coastal Attraction s Legend Chikan Tower ticket sold parking space usage Keyword searches temperature rainfall T ou ris m E vent s Cultu ral E vent s W eeken d T ou ris m E vent s W eeken d Cultu ra E vent s Yuguang
City Attraction s Coast al Attr a ction s Confucius Temple Guohua Haian Shopping Area Chikan Tower Yuguang Island Anping Old Street LSTM GRU GRU-Attention 8,649,141 6,502,677 7,348,230 Parameters Model Model Prediction Model Design Factors vs. Crowd in Chikan Temple Ticket
Island Confucius Temple
Old Street Guohua Haian Shopping Area
Anping Old Street Yuguang Island
Guohua Haian Shopping Area Confucius Temple
Chikan Tower
Hand Gesture Training
R ecogni z e the gestures ' f eatures using the YOLO v4 202 1
Cooperative works
Train the gesture with Yolov4, which is used to control the robot arm in smart construction to solve the problem of insufficient manpower in construction industry.
In this project, I suggested creative scenarios for the use of robotic arms to tackle labor shortages in construction and worked on gathering training data.
Ruo-qiao Gu | Pin-Hsiu Chen
According to the Construction and Planning Agency Ministry of the Interior of Taiwan Executive Yuan, the total number of labor shortage in the construction industry has reached 48,809, among which the shortage is the largest for steel workers, formworkers, cement workers, welders and other elementary workers.
Market demand is soaring, and due to the epidemic factor migrant workers can not come in, labor costs are rising are hidden worries. There is a manpower gap at construction sites in Taiwan. Some of the heavy work such as moving bricks, tying reinforcement bars and nailing formwork can't find new people to put in. Those hard and dangerous jobs in Taiwan are now generally only 60, 70-year-old masters in doing.
Scenario 1: Building materials warehouse environment
Robotic arm handling system --- voice recognition
Since the hands need to do other operations during the process of factory transportation, hand movement is not convenient, so this situation can use voice to instruct the robotic arm to move the building materials and do back and forth between two points.
Main Issues:
1.To solve the severe labor shortage in Taiwan's construction industry
2.To solve the problem that many workers are unwilling to do the rough work (e.g., nailing formwork, cutting formwork, tying reinforcement, etc.)
Solution :
1.Use robotic arm to replace manpower, through the control of the robotic arm and design of its operating script to replace a large number of human work.
2.Use the advantage of robot arm to lift heavy objects to solve the situation of no manpower for rough work.
Design of the robot arm.
What is needed in the factory is to move the material from A to B. Therefore, the design uses voice input motion control. Therefore, we designed a mechanical motion control function with a focus on "point-to-point" motion control using voice input commands.
Situation simulation: Suppose there is an operation situation where the material needs to be moved from A (x=10, y=10, z=0) to B (x=20, y=20, z=0).
Operation procedure:
Voice command:
The robot arm moves to the starting position for moving materials
The robotic arm moves to where the material is stacked
Activate the robot arm (servo on)
Close the robot arm (servo off)
Move the robotic arm down to the material position
Close the gripper of the robotic arm
Open the gripper of the robotic arm
Confirm execution of voice commands
Pause the current command action
Cancel the current voice command and re-identify
1. Manually input the material point and destination point in the user interface, and click servo on and other initialization commands.
2. When the machine is ready, use the microphone to input according to the following sequence:
"Move to material point" "Drop" "Pause" "Release" "Clamp" "Move to destination" "Drop" "Pause" "Release"
Move to material point Move to destination Start operation End operation Moving down Carry Drop Confirm Pause
Scenario 2: Construction site environment
Robotic arm construction system --- Gesture recognition
In a relatively noisy site environment where there is no good radio, gesture recognition can be used to execute written scripts, such as the path of stacking bricks.
Training the gesture with Yolov4 in Google Colab and Kaggle
Design of the robot arm.
In the construction site, due to the noisy environment, in order to avoid the poor effect of radio, the design of this project is to use gestures to input motion control commands, and focus on "point-to-point" mechanical motion control functions.
Situation simulation: Suppose there is an operation situation where the material needs to be moved from A (x=10,y=10,z=0) to B (x=20, y=20, z=0).
Gesture command:
The robot arm moves to the starting position for moving materials
The robotic arm moves to where the material is stacked
Activate the robot arm (servo on)
Close the robot arm (servo off)
Move the robotic arm down to the material position
Close the gripper of the robotic arm
Open the gripper of the robotic arm
Operation procedure:
1. Manually input the material point and destination point in the user interface, and click servo on and other initialization commands.
Confirm execution of voice commands
Pause the current command action
Cancel the current voice command and re-identify
-When performing the first half of training (freeze training), one epoch takes about 12 minutes, and the training ends early at 19 epochs
-When performing the second half of the training, one epoch takes about 15 to 20 `minutes.
-Move to Kaggle for training starting at 32 epochs
Google Colab Kaggle
-Prepare the corresponding environment
- The default GPU driver version of Kaggle is Cuda 11.0.0, and Cuda 10.0.0 needs to be installed for tensorflow-gpu 1.13.2
- In the second half of the training part, one epoch takes about 7 minutes to execute, and 20 epochs take about 3 hours to execute (including environment installation)
3. Demo
Colab slows down your laptop; switching to Kaggle for training solves this. Graphs won't display in logs because the process is not continuous. Use Kaggle and save graphs as images to see accuracy and loss. Version mismatches in Colab and Kaggle cause errors in YOLO training. Install the correct versions of TensorFlow and Keras to fix this.
Command Purpose
to material
to destination Start operation End operation Moving down Carry Drop Confirm Pause Cancel
point Move
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 1. 2.
2.When the machine is ready, input the following sequence in front of the camera: More on Github!
06. Non Euclidian Geometry
Explore the metaverse through VR 2021
This personal project is to explore the spatial perception of the future Metaverse and I used Unity and C# script to create a VR experience game. The concept of the game is to try to subvert your imagination and change your mind about what the real world should be like in the Metaverse.
Euclidean geometry is named after the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid, who more than 2000 years ago wrote a book called The Elements, which outlined, derived and summarized the geometric properties of objects existing in a flat two-dimensional plane. This is why Euclid's geometry is also known as "plane geometry".
In plane geometry, the interior angles of a triangle add up to 180, two parallel lines never intersect, and the shortest distance between two points is always a right line.
A space that looks like a 6-angle shape can have more than 6 faces in the Metaverse. There are not only 6 faces, but even more than 6 spaces.
1.It is used a portal mechanic to fool the player.
2. It is a scaling mechaninc that shrinks or enlarges the player.
Since the modeling time resolution is hour-by-hour, the time resolution of the ticketing data should be translated to the
Not everything lives in a two-dimensional world, for example: you, me, and all human beings live on the surface of the Earth, which is not flat, but is an approximately spherical object. Therefore, not everything is bound by the Euclidean geometry of the plane. Non-Euclidean geometry is a rethinking and redescription of the properties of points, lines and other shapes in a non-planar world.
1.Given two points, there is a straight line that joins them.
2.A straight line segment can be prolonged indefinitely.
3.All right angles are equal.
4.A circle can be constructed when a point for its centre and a distance for its radius are given.
5. If a straight line falling on two straight lines makes the interior angles on the same side less than two right angles, the two straight lines, if produced indefinitely, will meet on that side on which the angles are less than the two right angles.
1. Any point and any other point can be the same point in some space.
2. The shortest path from point A to point B may not be a straight line
3. Any point drawn with a fixed distance can be not a circle.
4. A square that looks like 4 corners can have more than 4 corners.
5. Two straight lines in the same plane can intersect in different planes
3.It is used off-screen render targets to achieve a portal effect in Unity.
1. Google Trend was used to obtain the recent popular time rate of the scenic spot.
2. Assume that the peak and trough of the single day of the attraction is the same as July and August.
1.VR version (htc vive with controller)2.2D Screen version (Desktop)
3. The time of ticket sales is deduced.
Through this project, more possibilities of NON-Euclidean Geometry in Metaverse are shown, which we cannot feel in the reality of Euclidean Geometry. We hope that in the future, architects can create a different atmosphere in the Metaverse.
A B C D E F ?
A C D E F ?
Magic School
An AR game app design with Unity 202
Cooperative works
Bao-jian Zhang | Ruei-Hong Lin | Han-Xuan Chen | Yu-xiang Song
Incorporating the phone's gyroscope to construct a map and implementing a mosaic design with visual game effects, this project aimed to enhance the learning experience for both students and visitors by providing insights into the university campus's history.
In this project, my contribution involved utilizing the phone's gyroscope to connect to a real-world map and designing an AR puzzle effect.
Through the game setting of Magic School, players can learn the history and story of the monuments in the school during the game, instead of just passing by in a hurry when attending classes.
The game allows players to walk around the campus, learn more about the other spaces and buildings on campus, and provides an interactive and experiential game format for alumni and external participants to participate in the school's celebration.
1. At the main levels, players can scan the triggers through AR to get a tour of the level.
2. There are AR treasure chests hidden around the level, which can be unlocked on the map to find the location.
3. After completing the specified task, you will get the treasure and unlock the next level location.
4. When players complete all the challenges and get all the treasures to pass the level.
M agic Sc hoo l M agic Sc hoo l
1.The main levels and tour points are triggered by AR scan to get the tour introduction.
2. There are AR NPCs at the main levels to interact with in order to get hints and enter the levels.
3. The main level is based on the main axis of misplaced puzzle, in the wrong position and angle is unable to get the treasure, only in the correct position and angle to successfully put together the image containing the treasure.
4.Use the wand to shoot the nodes, the physical treasure will appear and be taken.
Core technology application:
1.Projection, to confirm whether the player's camera angle reaches the required position.
2. TRIGGER and SETACTIVE, to determine the player's standing position and the existence of the switch object.
Game HomeLogin ScreenChoose campGame Start Level StoryGame LevelsGame Ending
Game Setting : Enter this game as a new student of the school and pass the level to get the certificate of admission.
Main Quest : After collecting the legendary treasures, players will be able to prove that they can become a unique wizard and receive a certificate from the Magic School.
Fun : The game levels are hidden in the tour points, players need to pass by each tour point and learn the history of the campus attractions at the same time.
NPC Elf Interaction
Wrong angle
Correct angle Treasure appears
Github Video APP
As cities grow, good transportation becomes more crucial. Public transport is key to this and should be more than just individual stations. The new circular elevated line has made travel easier but also takes up a lot of space. Public transport shouldn't just meet the city's immediate needs; it should also improve local life and reflect the community's unique features.
1. Convenience and Accessibility of Transportation
2. Creation of Large Linear Space Utilization
Design Strategy
1. Users transferring between the Circular Line and the Bannan Line
2. Local residents living nearby
3. Small families, students, and working professionals
Leveraging the metro station to enhance the surrounding living functions, the goal is to create a space that combines shopping, travel, and leisure.
1. Create a convenient living hub centered around the metro.
2. Establish a walkable environment for education, work, shopping, and leisure.
After analyzing different group needs, the goal is to spark new interactions. These could be between people or between people and transportation like metro, bus, and UBIKE. This can create new spaces in the city's linear areas.
Combine commercial, leisure, and public facilities.
Create a welcoming environment for pedestrians.
Link station bodies through connecting pathways.
Preliminary Design 48 往台北市 往台北市 往台北市 往三重市 往新莊市 往新莊市 往浮洲 往新莊市 往浮洲 往浮洲 往土城市 往中和市 149.83m 332.63m 3 3’ 2’ 2 1 1’ ELEVATIONS:1/200 SOUTH S:1/1000 Bannan Line Xinpu Metro Station Exit 5 Station 5 Bus Station Circular Line Xinpu Minsheng Station Circular Line Xinpu Minsheng Station My Observations on Urban Phenomena Transportation Network Site Boundary Surrounding Contextual Relationships Taiwan Railways, High-Speed Rail Routes Metro Routes Connecting Roads Main Roads Secondary Roads and Access Roads Legend Urban Phenomenon Site Analysis
4R Surrounding Building Heights 4R 6.78M 8.71M 16.46M 1 - 1’ SECTION 2 - 2’ SECTION 3 - 3’ SECTION Community Residential Area General Residential Area Commercial Buildings Buildings Mixed Residential Commercial Area Mixed Residential & Commercial Mixed Residential Commercial Area Commercial Area General Residential Area General Circular Line Circular Xinpu Minsheng Station Station Bannan Line Bannan ine ine Xinpu Metro Station Exit Metro S:1/1000 S:1/1000 S:1/1000 Bus Station Bus Bannan Line Xinpu Metro Station Exit 5 Xinpu Metro Station Exit 5 Viewing Elevated Platform Platform Community Activity Space Community Activity Space Projection Open Space Projection Open Space Flower Market Space Space Park Leisure Leisure Space Xinpu Minsheng Station Xinpu Minsheng Station Circular Line Line ELEVATION S:1/200 SOUTH
Target Users Building Type Lifestyle
Direction Design Concept Proposal
Enhanced Transfer
Commercial Buildings Community Residential Area People Flow Connection Circulation P Path Connection Circular Line Residences on Both Sides Office Workers Transfer Passengers Flower Market Linear Park Food Truck Market Human Activity Dissemination MetrMetro,Buso,Bus Metr ike,Metro,Buso,Bus Metro,Bus Ubike, Walkingalking UbWalking Resting Spaces Commercial Activities Functional Reorganization Existing Space Extension Urban Environment Connection Leisure and Entertainment People Flow Connection People Flow Connection
Structure Detail Plan EAST ELEVATION S:1/200 Lawn Area Lawn Area Open Flower Market Open Flower Market Basketball Court Space Basketball Court Space Park Space Park Space Event Stage Event Stage Food Truck Area Food Truck Area 1 1’ CONNECTION DISTRIBUTION DENSITY S:1/200 Marketplace Space Marketplace Space Marketplace Marketplace Space Space Flower Flower Market Market 2F PLAN S:1/200 1 - 1’ SECTION UP Café 1F Café 1F Kitchen Kitchen Bar Counter Bar Counter Skywalk Skywalk S:1/200 Food Truck Food Truck Dining Area Dining Area A Dining Area DN Café 2FCafé2FCafé 2FCafé 2FCafé2F Café 2F Private Booth Private Booth 4F PLAN 5F PLAN 1F PLAN 2F PLAN EAST ELEVATIONS:1/200
Biomimic ry Interacti ve Inst al lation 202 1
Cooperative works
Specially thanks to Chien-Kai Kuo, Pei-Chi Tsai, Chu-Hua Huang. This was a team collaborative work with them. I had been involved in all parts of this project.
In this project, my contribution was proposing the use of a physical axis to drive biomimetic artworks and writing Arduino code to generate their movements.
Biomimicry In te ra ctive In st all at io n De si gn
Con ce pt
Th is de sig n is de sig ne d to si mu la te the s el f-pr otect ion mech an is m o f a n anim al when fa ce d w i th an unknow n ob ject n o rder to si mulate the s el f -p r otect i ve b ehav i ou r o an i mal s , we have taken refer ence fr om the fea the rs o f bi r ds t u ses a lon g and i nt ri ca te str uctu r e to pr otect th e ski n fr om mo is tu re.
Bi om im ic ry
M echa n ical Behavior
T he mech ani ca b ehav i ou r u sed i n th is de sig n is based on the c ra nk sh af i n a r ec ip r oc ating pis to n en gi ne, wh ch conve rts the k i net c ene r gy fr om the l nea r r ec ip r oc ating mot i on o f the pis ton i nt o r ot ati on al k i net i c ene rgy T he c ra nk sh af t is an importa nt com p onent o moto rbi ke s.
Para met ric Design
Order i n Ard uino
I n o rder to si mu l ate the s el f -p r otect ive b eh avi ou r o anim als , the de sig n u ses the A rdui no 's ult ras on i c s en si ng mo dule to d etect the app roa ch ing sta te o unknow n ob ject s.
Dis ta nce Sen si ng Out p ut eact ion
Sto p
T he de sig n wa s mo de ll ed par amet ri ca lly u si ng Rh i no G rass ho pp er , an d the actua l mo del wa s mo de ll ed i n par al lel by fi ne - tun ing the para mete rs o f the 3 D r no d el to si mul a te the res ult s o the d ec isi on s m ad e for e a ch com p onent
I n th is 3 D mo del . we si mu l ate the o scill at on o the b la des an d the p ath o f the connect ing ropes when the en gi ne is
r ot a te d to va ri ou s an g le s by u si ng the en gi ne r ot ati on ang le pul le r.
Slow S pi nn ing
Fa s S pi nn ing
Fa s t
往復式活塞引擎- 曲軸
>150 100~150 60~100 <60 Start Input Loop output output output output >150 100~150 60~100 <60 Input output number 超音波傳感模組 伺服馬達輸出 偵測距離(公尺)
54 曲軸引擎 骨架
in gi ng
葉片 連動繩 葉架
Graffiti Wall
Y ue j in Lante rn F estiva l Exhibition 202 1
Cooperative works
Iron flower windows were originally installed in Taiwanese homes in the 1950s as a security measure. Over time, they became more than just burglar deterrents, evolving into a form of everyday art and a symbol of "home." Inspired by these traditional designs, we incorporate their decorative elements into our installations. Using a modular approach, we arrange these elements to create eye-catching visuals. With digital techniques, our design breathes new life into the classic iron flower window concept.
In this project, my contribution involved brainstorming the concept for the skeletal structure and assisting in the entire assembly process.
Wei-Ting Hsiao | Fang-Cheh Cheng | Jia-Shu Hsu
Iron windows were once popular in early Taiwan for security but later became a symbol of "home" and everyday art. Using these traditional windows as inspiration, we arranged design elements in a unique way to create eye-catching visuals. Through digital techniques, we updated the classic design and named the work "Graffiti Wall"
In this project, we use a "Design-Build" workflow called "graffiti_wall," similar to how street artists create wall paintings. The designer first sketches the desired pattern on the computer. This 2D pattern is then turned into a 3D structure through computerized calculations. That's why we call the process "Graffiti."
The discrete operation of the whole work is based on the parametric software, and the conditions related to the aggregation of units need to be set in the early stage of the design, such as the bounding_box of the block, the center of the connection_plan_center, the vector of the connection_plan, and so on. In order to get the above parameters quickly, we have written a small tool in python to capture the boundary, vector ......, etc., which makes it easier to set the cell connection.
The "graffiti_wall" design initially guides the user to draw a totem shape in a 15mm X 7.5mm Boundary_area, followed by a series of "Transform" (Rotate 45 degrees, Scale 20 times, Offset, etc.) to create a 30cm X 30cm X 30cm die. The next step is to generate a 30 cm X 30cm X 30cm Pattern_unit for Aggregation.
Considering the weight of the work, a 5mm diameter aluminum rod was chosen as the main structure material to show the lightness of the work. The design of the previous process results in the creation of a bending metal
unit, and the manufacturing side of the process then uses a series of parametric interfaces to read out the data required for manufacturing the metal form to be bent, the length of each segment, and the bending angle.
IIn the case of aluminum rods, because of the nature of the metal material, there is "springback". In this case, a machine learning database of aluminum metal springback was created in advance, and the springback correction data predicted by the computer can be sent back to the production process.back to the KUKA KR300 2500R ULTRA in the Digital Intelligence Workshop to perform the production of the metal bending unit.
01.Deffine combine rule 02.Create boundry wall 03.Ajust model
The site of the exhibition is a water-based artwork in the middle of the river. It is expected that the viewers can see the whole work clearly through the overlooking angle from the bridge, and that the lighting effect and the water surface will combine to create a visual feast without boundaries. We juxtapose the metal bends and LED strips as the main structure, so that the line of light can deepen the contours of the main modeling unit. At the same time, the arrangement of the multi-layered structure allows the light lines to alternate with each other to enhance the depth of the work, allowing the viewer to experience the depth changes of the light shuttle in three dimensions from different viewing angles.
In order to ensure that the work can float in the river, it is especially important to design the bottom floating platform with lightweight materials and strong structure. The floating platform is designed in three layers, the first layer is made of wood plywood to prevent the problem of water expansion, and is equipped with milled holes for fixing the metal walls of the work, and the second layer is made of grating system, which has the characteristics of material-saving structure and light weight. The third layer is placed with plastic pallets with floating buckets as the main source of buoyancy.
L-shaped fixed iron parts
Grating system of floating platform (wood core)
Metal ring (nylon rope tandem)
Floating body (plastic floating body)
drilled floating platform (wood core board)
This solid installation is an important event for our freshman year at Christmas, and we will light up our work at the architecture department's Christmas party. The original design concept came from the wings of angels, and we hope to use these wings to present a warm embrace image to bring everyone together. We collected all the bottles and even went to the recycling plant to collect them to form the wings.
This is a sophomore year of college to participate in the construction competition, "meet En-counter" to turn human behavior into the possibility of encounter, in a rest space through our design to increase human interaction. Perhaps a casual sitting or a curious touch will inadvertently lead to the encounter in the gap, and become a mutual encounter at the time of meeting or leaving.
Portfolio Tzu - Hsin, Hsieh 2017 - 2023