Intellectual Output 3 GUIDE Creative Problem Solving for Entrepreneurship
CDTMOOC project INTELLECTUAL OUTPUT 3 GUIDE Creative Problem Solving for entrepreneurship
Authors: University of Turku | Turku, Finland Euro-net | Potenza, Italy Art Square Lab | Luxembourg Succubus Interactive Ltd |Nantes, France Miðstöð símenntunar á Suðurnesjum |Reykjanesbæ, Iceland
“CDTMOOC“ project: approved by the European Commission under the programme “Erasmus+ – KA2 – Strategic Partnership for Higher Education” Project no. 2019-1-FI01-KA203-060718
“This project is funded by the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission/National Agencies cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”
Contents Introduction
CHAPTER 1 – Creativity Thinking and Creative Problem Solving Methodology
Focus on the needs from the European Commission
What is the creativity of ideas?
How it works?
Creativity as a soft skill to be developed
Creative Problem Solving
What is CPS? Blocks to Creativity Critical thinking Different ways of thinking Divergent and convergent thinking Lateral Thinking and Six Thinking Hats technique The Six Thinking Hats Think Outside the Box
CHAPTER 2– Creativity Problem Solving Methodology for Entrepreneurship How could creativity help an entrepreneur?
CHAPTER 3 – Tool, methodology and approach to Creativity Problem Solving Methodology TOOL: Brainstorming Description How to Trigger Method Implementation – Tips
METHODOLOGY: Collaborative Problem Solving How to Implementation – Tips
APPROACH: Work in Group and Idea Generation Factors that can hinder teamwork Communication and conflicts within the working groups Improve communication and conflict management within work groups
CHAPTER 4 – Creativity and entrepreneurial learning in Europe Cases collected by the partners University of Turku - Finland EURO-NET - Italy Miðstöð símenntunar á Suðurnesjum - Iceland ArtSquare Lab - Luxembourg Succubus Interactive - France
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CHAPTER 5 – Links, Materials, videos
Bibliography - Books and Publications
Introduction About the GUIDE This guide is a FREE Open Education Resource integrated with videos, web links and tools about Creative Problem Solving for entrepreneurship. It describes the methodology and provides also a practical point of view with successful cases, tools and materials. The guide is designed to be used by: -
Actual Students: to enrich and update the knowledge with a topic not usually included in academic courses Future Students: to attract students to the Higher Education (HE) system by providing for free innovative methodologies with a gamified approach Former Students: to update the knowledge with fresh perspectives coming from an innovative methodology to create successful enterprises Start-uppers, business sector, accelerators and incubators and all SMEs: interested in new perspectives and approaches useful to survive and adapt the enterprises.
Creative problem-solving is the mental process of searching for an original and previously unknown solution to a problem. To qualify, the solution must be novel and reached independently1. The methodology is based on a multi-disciplinary approach dealing with the role of the creativity, innovation and alternative ways to solve the problems in daily life and in different situations. The methodology and the tools are significant and effective only if aimed at context, in this case, entrepreneurship and the creation of value for the entrepreneurs. Creative thinking is not the universal antidote to solve all problems, but it offers ways to examine problems that force us to find alternative solutions in a context where few solutions are often available. The idea creativity can be taught, learned and practised in large contexts such as the creation of value for the enterprises because it could represent the way to survive in the market.
About the INNOVATION - The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) by OECD involving 65 countries in the world has identified Creative Problem Solving (CPS) as a skill and competence missing and researched in the actual and future job requirements - As stated in the world Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs reports, the most valuable skills in the 21st century are critical thinking, problem-solving and creativity. However, they are not gained solely through academia, but through an experiential form of learning. Until recently, a professional had two options: continued education, managed by conventional educational institutions; or online education. Online education, which is accessible, affordable and relevant – the rate of completion for those who sign up for an online course is only five to ten per cent. - US National Academies of Sciences reported in 2017: “The education system will need to adapt to prepare individuals for the changing labour market. At the same time, recent IT advances offer new and potentially more widely accessible education”.
Michigan State University. "Creative problem solving for teachers - An assignment for teachers on the College of Education website
GUIDE CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP - Alternative educational platforms have emerged to bridge the gap between what professionals know they need and what they can access. - From a "creativity" point of view, the World Economic Forum declares in its "Global Human Capital Report 2017" that students with social and emotional learning (SEL) skills like critical thinking and problem-solving, creativity, communication, and collaboration are better equipped to succeed in the evolving digital economy. - The tools introduced by the guide are innovative and recognised as disruptive by the academic and research sector worldwide, a proof of this evidence is a large number of talks2, workshops3, seminars and conferences4 at the global level about CPS and its tools – e.g. Lateral Thinking, Six Thinking Hats, Think outside the box, collaborative problem solving.
About the EXPECTED IMPACT AND TRANSFERABILITY POTENTIAL The impact is large and the transferability potential should be important thanks to the open access of the guide (through an Open MOOC). Another element of innovation to consider is connected to the availability of the guide in 5 different national languages (English, Finnish, Italian, French and Icelandic). Such guides in languages different from English are rather lacking, which adds a related challenge during the translation process by inventing a novel terminology for some languages.
Example: edspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare 3 Example: 4 Example:
CHAPTER 1 – Creativity Thinking and Creative Problem Solving Methodology by dr. Peppino Franco (EURO-NET)
Focus on the needs from the European Commission European Commission and Creativity The European Commission since 2009 has proposed, in the strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (known as ‘ET 2020’5), four strategic objectives. The fourth objective listed is about the enhancement of creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training. The objective stated in the document ET2020 is: “As well as engendering personal fulfilment, creativity constitutes a prime source of innovation, which in turn is acknowledged as one of the key drivers of sustainable economic development. Creativity and innovation are crucial to enterprise development and to Europe's ability to compete internationally. A first challenge is to promote the acquisition by all citizens of transversal key competences such as digital competence, learning to learn, a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, and cultural awareness. A second challenge is to ensure a fully functioning knowledge triangle of education-research-innovation. Partnership between the world of enterprise and different levels and sectors of education, training and research can help to ensure a better focus on the skills and competences required in the labour market and on fostering innovation and entrepreneurship in all forms of learning. Broader learning communities, involving representatives of civil society and other stakeholders, should be promoted with a view to creating a climate conducive to creativity and better reconciling professional and social needs, as well as individual well-being.”
What is the creativity of ideas? The creativity of ideas is an important issue in a world where the complexity is more and more common. The creativity of ideas is about generating different and alternative solutions to complex problems.
How it works? It is based on the power of the reflective and critical thinking that should be trained and explored to become effective and create an added value.
Creativity as a soft skill to be developed The creativity in this case is about ideas that can be trained and developed thanks to several approaches, methodologies and techniques usually embedded in the famous “Creative Problem Solving Methodology” (acronym CPS).
Creative Problem Solving What is CPS? It is composed by 3 words
Council conclusions of 12 May 2009 on a strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (‘ET 2020’) - details available at
In 1979 Noller6 gave a definition to Creative Problem Solving by starting from the three words it is composed by: ●
CREATIVE is about having an element of newness that is relevant to anyone that wants to create a solution. It implies to bring into a situation something that was not there before, that has elements of newness. About CREATIVITY: it refers to the introduction of something in a context that has value. It is important not to confuse creativity and ART, even though ART is usually new and has value. In this specific project, creativity is about new ideas and not about the creativity of art that involves aesthetic, excellence and skills/attitudes that cannot be learned. ●
Noller defined a PROBLEM as any situation that presents a challenge, offers an opportunity, or is a concern to the solver. In effect, the Cambridge Dictionary defines PROBLEM as a situation that causes difficulties. About PROBLEM: Peter Honey, a psychologist, defines a problem as the difference between what you have got and what you want. ●
SOLVING is immediately connected with PROBLEM. It is devising ways to answer, to meet, or to satisfy a situation by changing self or situation. About SOLVING: in stressful situations, it is natural to just go with the first good solution emerging from analogical reasoning. It is in fact natural to look for an answer/action to stop or remove the problem.
Noller, R.B., Scratching the surface of creative problem solving: A bird’s eye view of CPS, Buffalo, NY: DOK, 1979
In effect, the Creative Problem Solving is a lot more than three words put together and, in reality, it could be defined as follows:
Blocks to Creativity Again, it is essential to understand that the creativity we are talking about in this guide is the “creativity of ideas”. The creativity of ideas is continuously under attack because there are some kinds of blocks. There are two kinds of blocks to creativity: (1) Individual (2) Environmental/Organisational About the individual blocks7, it is important to analyse the following ones: (1) (2) (3) (4)
Mind-sets Perceptual blocks Cultural blocks Emotional blocks
1. Mind-sets A mind-set is a condition where an individual is over-sensitized to some part of the information available at the expense of other parts. It is about being locked into a familiar way of looking at the world that could drive in the failing to see other options. The effect is making assumptions and approaching a problem from a limiting premise. It is very useful in most of the situations, to avoid dangers and act properly after a process of learning from experience but it could limit the possibilities to find alternatives. Sometimes we have to step into the unknown in order to discover further and maybe more valuable opportunities. 2. Perceptual blocks The perceptual blocks are about the way our brain is perceiving the outside world. It is possible to stimulate the focus and defocus activity in order to perceive the reality as it is in a whole vision. 3. Cultural blocks The culture and the society where anyone lives is influencing and blocking the creativity e.g. values in a society restricting the ways to behave. It is possible to start by changing a little of the ordinary habits (e.g. the pathway to come back home, the place where to sit at dinner) to be ready for creativity whenever it is needed. 4. Emotional blocks It is about an intimate block that could become evident with a feeling to get trapped by own thinking. Creativity usually is intense and sometimes it is not a comfortable pursuit. Faced with the unknown, it is normal to be scared of what it is possible to discover or reveal.
Tony Proctor, Creative Problem Solving for Managers: Developing Skills for Decision Making and Innovation, Routledge; 3rd edition, 2010
GUIDE CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP Sometimes it is necessary to face the worst and come through the other side. There are a lot of things and activities that could help — such as routine, commitment, and meditation.
Critical thinking Following Butterworth and Thwaites8 critical thinking means giving a fair and unbiased opinion on something and it has three main strands: analysis (interpretation), evaluation and further arguments. Critical thinking and problem solving are very broad skills and a competent thinker is one who is able to deal with the unexpected as well as the expected.
Different ways of thinking Let’s analyse different approaches to thinking in more effective ways: ● ● ●
Divergent and convergent thinking Lateral thinking Think outside the box
Divergent and convergent thinking Joy Paul Guilford, an American psychologist, in 1967 developed an interesting approach to describing creative thinking. He invented the terms convergent thinking and divergent thinking. Divergent thinking is a thought process or method used to generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions9. It is often used in conjunction with its cognitive colleague, Convergent thinking, which follows a particular set of logical steps to arrive at one solution, which in some cases is a ‘correct’ solution. By contrast, divergent thinking typically occurs in a spontaneous, free flowing, 'non-linear' manner, so that many ideas are generated in an emergent cognitive fashion. Many possible solutions are explored in a short amount of time, and unexpected connections are drawn. After the process of divergent thinking has been completed, ideas and information are organized and structured using convergent thinking. One of the principal elements of Divergent Thinking is the ability to generate novel ideas in a short period of time. Divergent thinking also means being able to think outside the box, making associations that seem less possible to others. Divergent thinking also implies originality and the ability to come up with additional details regarding a potential solution. It is important to understand that, in effect, both divergent and convergent thinking contribute to gain some creative insight.
Lateral Thinking and Six Thinking Hats technique Lateral thinking was coined in 1967 by Edward de Bono, a Maltese physician, psychologist, author, inventor and consultant psychologist. Lateral Thinking is not just a technique but a number of different ways of opening oneself to creative thinking and problem solving because many problems require a different perspective to be taken in order to solve them successfully10. It is concerned with solving problems through an indirect and creative approach, using reasoning that is not immediately obvious and involving ideas that may not be obtainable by using only traditional step-by- step logic. 8
John Butterworth and Geoff Thwaites, Thinking Skills – Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Cambridge University Press, 2nd edition, 2013 9 J.P. Guilford, The nature of human intelligence, McGraw-Hill 1967 10 Tony Proctor, Creative Problem Solving for managers, Routledge 2010
GUIDE CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP “Think outside the Box” is similar but in this case it is a deliberate provocation in order to move from one known idea to creating new ideas. Lateral thinking11 is more concerned with the "movement value" of statements and ideas. Edward de Bono defines four types of thinking tools: ● ● ● ●
idea-generating tools intended to break current thinking patterns—routine patterns, the status quo focus tools intended to broaden where to search for new ideas harvest tools intended to ensure more value is received from idea generating output treatment tools that promote consideration of real-world constraints, resources, and support
Edward de Bono invented a technique useful to train and develop lateral thinking: “The Six Thinking Hats”. It is a tool for group discussion and individual thinking involving six coloured hats. The approach is based on the assumption that when people think about complex issues, they are overcrowded with emotions, logic, data, hopefulness, and creativity. The Six Thinking Hats is a well-known method used in pedagogy to understand the student’s behaviour. It is an engaging and funny way to introduce creative thinking. The multidisciplinary details used in those techniques are coming from the psychology and the educational sciences. Links The Six Thinking Hats The premise of the method is that the human brain thinks in a number of distinct ways which can be deliberately challenged, and hence planned for use in a structured way allowing one to develop tactics for thinking about particular issues. De Bono identifies six distinct directions in which the brain can be challenged. In each of these directions the brain will identify and bring into conscious thought certain aspects of issues being considered (e.g. gut instinct, pessimistic judgement, neutral facts). None of these directions is a completely natural way of thinking, but rather how some of us already represent the results of our thinking.12 Since the hats do not represent natural modes of thinking, each hat must be used for a limited time only. Also, some will feel that using the hats is unnatural, uncomfortable or even counterproductive and against their better judgement. A compelling example presented is sensitivity to "mismatch" stimuli. This is presented as a valuable survival instinct, because, in the natural world: the thing that is out of the ordinary may well be dangerous. This mode is identified as the root of negative judgement and critical thinking. Six distinct directions are identified and assigned a colour. The six directions are: ● ● ● ●
11 12
Managing BLUE – What is the subject? What are we thinking about? What is the goal? Can you look at the big picture? Information WHITE – Considering purely what information is available, what are the facts? Emotions RED – Intuitive or instinctive gut reactions or statements of emotional feeling (but not any justification) Discernment BLACK – Logic applied to identifying reasons to be cautious and conservative. Practical, realistic.
Edward de Bono, Lateral Thinking: A Textbook of Creativity, Penguin 2009
Optimistic response YELLOW – Logic applied to identifying benefits, seeking harmony. See the brighter, sunny side of situations. Creativity GREEN – Statements of provocation and investigation, seeing where a thought goes. Think creatively, outside the box.
Let’s try to think about yourself, which two hats do you feel most comfortable using? During your daily life, let’s try to use only one hat at once and think about how your behaviour is changing. It is engaging to understand how to watch the reality trying to walk in different shoes as usual and discover different perspectives of a situation or of a problem.
Think Outside the Box Thinking outside the box is about a thinking process, which comprehends the implementation of an unusual approach to the logical and ordinary thinking structure. It is a procedure which aims to escape from relational reasoning and thinking13. It is useful because the formal educational system is pushing the students to think in a more rational way (e.g. 1 problem = 1 solution) but the reality in the world is completely different and a lot more difficult. Think outside the Box means to think beyond usual ways of thinking. The term “box” represents the constraints of our traditional or standard way of thinking. So, in reality, to think outside the box is about thinking in novel ways, to be provocative in developing a concept or to see a problem and design a solution in a different way than we usually do it. The main reason we think inside the box is because the brain forms patterns and every time we are faced with an issue the brain taps into those patterns to come up with a solution14. This is a capability that has to be worked at – we are all used to our respective boxes. However, by continually searching for ideas, different ways of addressing the problem we are faced with, we can get outside the box. Through thinking outside the box “failure” does not exist, what exists are learning experiences. Indeed, some leading US companies promote slogans such as fail and fail cheaply. The multidisciplinary details used are coming from Psychology, Creative thinking, Sociology and Behavioural Sciences. 1. Links
"Relational thinking and relational reasoning: harnessing the power of patterning". Nature. Patricia A Alexander.
2016. Retrieved 27 January 2017. 14
IV4J, Creative Problem Solving Methodology Guide, IV4J project partnership 2017
CHAPTER 2– Creativity Problem Solving Methodology for Entrepreneurship How could creativity help an entrepreneur? STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT FOR AN ENTREPRENEUR15 An aspiring entrepreneur will go through SEVERAL STAGES during the journey to the creation of a start-up. DREAMING PHASE
DREAMER PHASE The first stage of development for an entrepreneur is the dreamer stage. An aspiring entrepreneur initially starts to dream of having his or her own company and producing something he or she is passionate about. The dream, at first, is a fuzzy idea of what he or she would like to become. Dreaming is an important aspect of creative thinking and can last for a few weeks, up to a few years or even a lifetime. The world is full of dreamers, but the challenge is how to turn a dream into a reality. Once the dream is captivated it is crucial to turn that dream into a vision. VISIONARY PHASE A vision is an idea or a mental image of what something will be in the future. In writing a vision statement, an entrepreneur will state what he/she would like the business to become. In other words, it is a projection in the future on where we want to be and what we want to achieve. The more focused and articulated the vision is the better the aspiring entrepreneur will be activated and motivated to see it to fruition. The vision should be simple and usually should not be more than three to four lines. “By 2022, I would like to own a company which provides ICT services and development of mobile apps for the tourism and hospitality industry”. This is an example of what a vision could look like. It should be clear for anyone who sees it and for the entrepreneur to communicate it.
VET4Start-Up, Creative Problem Solving Methodology for Start-uppers, VET4Start-Up project partnership 2016
GUIDE CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP MISSIONARY PHASE Once the entrepreneur connects and commits his passion in the vision, he or she has to focus on creating a mission. A mission is to set a task which has a beginning and a responsibility to provide a service or product. During the missionary phase, the entrepreneur develops a plan with milestones and activities to be carried out to activate the mission. MANAGEMENT PHASE As the mission is turned into a plan, the entrepreneur has to identify and source the various resources required for the mission to be achieved. This is a very crucial period in the development of every start-up because it is the activation of the plan that will ensure whether the entrepreneur will be successful in his mission of building a company and operating it to grow and prosper. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PHASE Once the company starts to mature and stabilize, the entrepreneur cannot sit still on his/her achievements but needs to develop the company according to changes in the market and competition pressure. Therefore, an entrepreneur needs to be creative in adapting the company according to the ever-changing needs of the market. It is important that the entrepreneur understands the different phases of the journey and navigates from one phase to another without major shocks or disruptions. TAKING AN IDEA TO MARKET PHASE The challenge for any entrepreneur is to generate an idea which could be a product, a service, or a system for which there are people, organisations and companies who need that product, service or system and are willing to pay for it. The following road map is not cast in stone and should be a flexible map that assists entrepreneurs in taking an idea to market and set-up an enterprise.
CHAPTER 3 – Tool, methodology and approach to Creativity Problem Solving Methodology TOOL: Brainstorming Brainstorming is a generating tool, an approach invented by Alex Osborn as a set of guidelines to generate a creative collaboration in a group to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by the group. People can think freely and generate spontaneous insights in a context where the ideas are not criticised or evaluated. It is important to not confuse it with group discussion where usually it is declared that all ideas are welcome. It is useful because usually we are not used to expressing our opinions even if this attitude is largely requested by the job market. The multidisciplinary details are coming from social sciences, cognitive research, psychology, marketing. Links:
Description Osborn 16 set up four basic rules for a brainstorming session: 1. Criticism is not permitted- judgement of ideas is not out loud 2. Free-wheeling is welcome – weird, strange and wild ideas are asked to emerge – participants should not be afraid to express their thoughts 3. Quantity is required – more and more ideas should be generated 4. Combinations and improvements are good – ideas of others could be improved, changed and revised in order to generate a new idea
A possible brainstorming process: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Define and agree on a clear objective. Set up a time limit Categorise and combine the ideas Assess and analyse the effects and results Create a priority and rank list if appropriate Agree to a proposed action and timescale Control and monitor the follow-up
Osborn, A. F., Applied Imagination. Scribner 1979
How to To be more effective during a brainstorming session, it is possible to use the post-it notes and the trigger method. During brainstorming sessions, many options can come to mind very quickly, and this can become an obstacle. During a group session, if only one person is writing down ideas, it could be possible to lose some interesting ideas or to slow down the free process. A way to deal with this is to let all participants use Post-it notes to collect ideas. A moderator might help to capture the ideas or to sort them in some way. Participants write down their ideas – one idea per Post-it note, then they say out loud their idea and then place it on the flip-chart paper. By saying ideas out loud, it is possible to foster the creativity of others in revising, changing and adapting an idea coming from another participant.
Trigger Method17 The method works perfectly together with classic brainstorming. The procedure is: -
Read out a statement of the problem to a group of participants Ask each participant to record idea in silence (five minutes are enough) All participants, one by one, are asked to read their ideas to the rest of the group The ideas are discussed for about 10 minutes with the objective to develop variations and adaptation of the ideas The procedure continues until all ideas have been discussed
Implementation – Tips -
Brainstorming should address only a specific question because the sessions addressing multiple questions are inefficient. Use Post-it notes to manage the process Use trigger method to manage the group One moderator is necessary to set up the timing For larger groups, it is better to have more than one moderator
Tony Proctor, Creative Problem Solving for managers, Routledge 2010
METHODOLOGY: Collaborative Problem Solving Collaborative Problem Solving is the capacity of an individual to effectively engage in a process whereby two or more agents attempt to solve a problem by sharing the understanding and effort required to come to a solution and pooling their knowledge, skills and efforts to reach that solution 18(OECD, 2015). It is useful because: ● Collaborative problem-solving is listed by OECD as one of the critical and necessary skill across educational settings and in the workforce ● Collaborative problem solving is rarely taught in schools even if it could reinforce knowledge and improve attainment. The multidisciplinary details are coming from Psychology, Pedagogy and Sociology. Links mework%20.pdf Description Collaborative problem-solving is an area of growing interest for those looking at the changing nature of both the workplace and national labour markets, as demonstrated by the OECD’s inclusion of it in their 2015 international education PISA survey (results released in 2016 and later in 2017). Collaborative problem solving (CPS) is composed of two main elements: the collaborative, sharing, or social aspects coupled with the knowledge or cognitive aspects. Thus, the primary distinction between individual problem solving and collaborative problem solving is the social component19. In collaborative problem solving, there is a group goal that needs to be achieved. The solution requires problem solving, team members contribute to the solution, and there is some foundation for evaluating whether the group goal has been achieved. Moreover, the activities of the team members are interdependent, with various roles, so that a single person cannot solve the group goal alone. The collaborative activities therefore require communication, coordination, and cooperation. The skills required for collaborative problem solving by OECD are included in the following Matrix: 1) Establishing and maintaining shared understanding
(2) Taking appropriate (3) Establishing and action to solve the problem maintaining team organisation
(A) Exploring and understanding
A1) Discovering perspectives and abilities of team members
(A2) Discovering the type of (A3) Understanding roles to collaborative interaction to solve solve the problem the problem, along with goals
B) Representing and formulating
(B1) Building a shared representation and negotiating
(B2) Identifying and describing (B3) Describe roles and team tasks to be completed organisation (communication protocol/rules of engagement)
18 19
OECD (2015) ‘Draft Collaborative Problem Solving Framework.’ Paris: OECD. NCES, Collaborative Problem Solving: Considerations for the National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2017
(C) Planning and executing
(D) Monitoring and reflecting
the meaning of the problem (common ground) (C1) Communicating with team (C2) Enacting plans members about the actions to be/being performed (D1) Monitoring and repairing the shared understanding
(C3) Following rules of engagement, (e.g. prompting other team members to perform their tasks)
(D2) Monitoring results of (D3) Monitoring, providing actions and evaluating success in feedback and adapting the team solving the problem organisation and roles
How to During the design of a collaborative problem-solving workshop/activity, let’s think about making changes20 in terms of three different areas: -
The tasks design: o Carefully consider what knowledge is being introduced or applied. o Balance interdependence with individual accountability. o Structure task to promote right behaviours (e.g., reflection time, roles). The teaching style: o Hint and ask pertinent questions, without giving the answer. o Monitor the group and change if there is a will or handpick members. o Balance support and freedom. o Be patient: it may take time to embed Leadership support o Give staff time to design, embed and improve. o Familiarise with research, be an advocate externally (e.g., Ofsted, parents). o Monitor, evaluate progress and intervene as necessary.
Implementation – Tips ● ● ● ● ●
It is suggested to give attention, during the composition of the class or groups, to ensure heterogeneous participants (e.g. in terms of number, gender distribution, ethnicity) Do not underestimate the group-working skills that should take time to be developed While selecting the tasks to be done in group, it is important to select a challenging task to justify a collaborative work in group Take care to the role of the teacher to facilitate and monitor the process by leaving the right place to the independent group-building dynamic While designing the workshop, take into account to balance carefully individual and collaborative activities
Rose Luckin, Ed Baines, Mutlu Cukurova and Wayne Holmes with Michael Mann, Solved! Making the case for collaborative problem-solving, NESTA 2017
APPROACH: Work in Group and Idea Generation by dr. Peppino Franco (EURO-NET) An entrepreneur cannot ignore the need to work in a team to achieve and improve productivity. In order to work effectively in a group it is necessary to know how to get out from individual points of view and to create the room for the proposition coming from others and to develop an approach that is as farsighted, collaborative and directed to the achievement of common objectives. A flexible and creative approach is not favoured by rigid and excessively formal environments: many contexts are anachronistic and still too focused on individual performance. This obviously favours a climate of competitiveness between the professionals in the same working environment, despite having common objectives. In order to work and live functionally, each group must keep in mind several elements that appear essential to build a productive and efficient work group: • an open and constructive relational climate • the ability to listen actively through processes of involvement and participation • outline objectives in a clear and shared way • recognition of the skills of collaborators • the creation of conditions for collective cooperation • the solicitation of a creative and flexible approach. It is possible to define a work group as "a group of people who perceive themselves as a collective entity, who interact and cooperate on an ongoing basis, aware of the mutual need for the achievement of certain stated and shared objectives, which they define internally, roles, structures, norms and rules that guide the behaviour of each member "21. The use of teamwork performs various functions within organizations: • promotes commitment and motivates members • facilitates understanding and adherence to organizational purposes • helps to simplify and streamline the structure • makes cooperative learning and the construction of shared knowledge possible. • although each working group has unique and peculiar characteristics, each of them is defined by some recurring structures: - communication structure, which concerns the communicative exchanges that take place within the group; - power structure, which defines the type of power that is exercised within the group; - status and role structure, which defines the value that the group and the organization attributes to certain internal positions and the type of expectations relating to the behaviours that a person holding a certain role should hold; - emotional structure, which has to do with relationships within the group and more precisely with the preferences between the various members. A working group is increasingly asked to tackle and resolve very complex issues, for which a variety of skills and knowledge are required22.
Lucarelli G., Il gruppo al lavoro. Strategie e consigli per migliorare le performance e la creatività del vostro gruppo, FrancoAngeli 2010 22 Malaguti D., Fare squadra. Psicologia dei gruppi di lavoro, Il Mulino 2018.
GUIDE CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP The performance of a group can be conditioned by a multiplicity of complex and interrelated factors, starting from the composition of the group itself (its homogeneity rather than heterogeneity and its size), the communication and relational methods or the type of participation and by the type of decision-making strategies implemented, by the interdependence in the tasks, roles and objectives assigned, and finally, by the cultural context, that is, by the organizational culture.
Factors that can hinder teamwork In fact, working groups can also fail to achieve the goal for which they were formed: what often leads to the abandonment of the group by its members, the frustration generated when initial expectations turn out to be unrealistic. Often mismanagement of the group can lead to wanting to do too many things at the same time and too quickly, leading the group to an exhausting race towards achieving results in the shortest possible time. This is why it is important that expectations are realistic and achievable and that each member is discouraged from leaving the group in case of difficulty or unexpected obstacles. Three basic ingredients are required for effective teamwork: 1. cooperation, 2. trust, 3. cohesion. Cooperation occurs when individuals combine their efforts in a systematic way in order to achieve a common goal23. Trust is another fundamental factor in any social relationship and especially in the working group. It pushes individuals to take risks in the belief that risky choices are followed by favourable responses. In fact, trust in a relationship is created when we expect, without being sure, that the other will make the right decision for us. In this relationship of esteem, reciprocity is essential: trust generates trust and distrust generates more distrust. Emotional cohesion is the sense of union that develops from emotional satisfaction and derives from participation in group activity and from the bonds that are naturally created by sharing in the team particularly intense experiences on an emotional level24.
Communication and conflicts within the working groups Communication represents a daily and essential component of human life: each of us communicates in a multiplicity of different ways with the people around him, starting from family members to friends to acquaintances up to work colleagues. It is good to make a distinction between contrast and conflict: - contrast concerns the contents and occurs when two or more people present different points of view to describe and face a certain situation. This type of situation is present in all work groups and indeed, it is an indication of heterogeneity and richness and allows the group to grow and to innovate - conflict, on the contrary, has to do with the other aspect of communication, the one that has to do with the relationship. The conflict, in these cases, emerges when the focus of the discussion is no longer centred on the contents but on who is right and who is wrong, on who wins and who is defeated, on who has the power to decide and who must only obey. Conflict situations within the work group can originate from a multiplicity for different reasons, such as a divergence of objectives, rather than scarce resources or limited, or even a struggle for power, the interdependence of the tasks that the members of the group have to face rather than the presence of highly dysfunctional communication models. 23
Malaguti D., Fare squadra. Psicologia dei gruppi di lavoro, Il Mulino 2018. Lucarelli G., Il gruppo al lavoro. Strategie e consigli per migliorare le performance e la creatività del vostro gruppo, FrancoAngeli 2010 24
GUIDE CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP Competitive climates are, in fact, fuelled by scarcity of resources and rewards, by lack of trust among colleagues and by organizational cultures based on punishment, control and conception of man as an individual moved only by his own personal interest and therefore little motivated to assume the goals of the group you work for25. We are led erroneously to think that conflict is always negative and that it deteriorates group work by producing dysfunctionality and inefficiency; conflicts can be both negative and positive.
Improve communication and conflict management within work groups First, it is important that each individual member, as well as the group, would develop some skills related to knowing how to listen, to know how to win attention and how to communicate - Active listening: it means getting in tune with the other before opening discussions, understanding what is exposed before proposing or judging. In fact, good listening is characterized by respect and acceptance of the other, by intellectual curiosity and the will to understand and confront each other26. - Knowing how to win attention: it is the ability to express one's point of view in the best way, so that our interlocutors understand what we want to communicate. To do this, the first step is to identify the topics and aspects that are considered most significant on the topic in question that we want to deal with; it is also necessary that the exposition be short and clear and present only the essential in a simple and understandable language for the listener. - Knowing how to communicate: a group capable of functional communication is a group that will soon become effective and efficient, able to correctly evaluate data and information, make informed choices and learn from their mistakes. - Suggestions to foster dialogue and communication within the group: o establish a collaborative climate that allows everyone to express themselves o present data and not opinions o keep the interventions consistent with the topic in question o criticize the behaviour and not the person o collect everyone's contribution
25 26
Schein E.H., The corporate culture survival guide, Jossey Bass 1999 Trevisan D., Ascolto attivo ed Empatia, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2019
CHAPTER 4 – Creativity and entrepreneurial learning in Europe Cases collected by the partners University of Turku - Finland Case nr 1 in entreprise Title
Generating ideas for regional business development
Turku, Finland
Bastu Turku
What The purpose of the Bastu® business development is to promote the circular economy and to build the 6th wave business in the Turku area. Bastu is a project that researches, trains and tries and does. Bastu team is composed of vigorous advocates who want to develop not only their own business but also the vitality of the region. Resource scarcity is a key driver of the 6th wave, forcing the actors to think about accustomed ways in a whole new dimension. Bastu serves as a project tool, platform and network. The project was launched in late summer 2015 on the initiative of entrepreneurs in the Turku region. Between 2015 and 2017, Bastu was funded by the Finnish Independence Celebration Fund Sitra and the City of Turku. Why Being able to grow business in sectors where the global market is growing is of paramount importance for the competitiveness of the Turku region. The smart use of materials and energy is the most important of these new business areas. The focus is on the expertise of the Southwest Finland region. The Entrepreneurship and Future Studies Research Center started by contacting the entrepreneurs in the Turku area with the goal of developing a new type of business. The aim of the project is to apply foresight information and the group's expertise by utilizing new ways to create sustainable resource-wise value. Combinations of intangible and digital value creation as well as tangible value creation make it possible to produce entirely new significant innovations. In concrete terms, Bastu® means the creative combination and utilization of the core competencies of the actors involved so that concrete solutions can be found to support the circular economy and the sixth wave of entrepreneurship, new business innovations, the reorientation of existing companies towards a circular economy and the development of existing structures and processes.
GUIDE CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP How About once a month, Bastu organizes effective collision workshops and networking, where smart 6th wave business concepts are sought. Solutions are sought by approaching things beyond traditional operating models and industry boundaries. The Bastu community seeks and refines ideas, links expertise, offers mentoring and sparring. Bastu also organizes Solution Forums where the themes unite both the sub-implementers of the project and its stakeholders. Carbon-neutral and resource-wise solutions for transport and logistics are important themes for every business area. Each solution forum consists of three workshops: 1) Carbon-neutral and resource-wise solutions for transport and logistics, 2) 5G and smart grids as a driver of carbon neutrality and resource wisdom and 3) Green corporate finance as an enabler of carbon-neutral and resource-wise solutions. The purpose of the workshops is to bring out ideas. Then some of the ideas will be raised for further processing. The selection will be made according to the needs and interests of the sub-implementers of the project and their stakeholders. The ideas to be developed will be piloted after the workshop in companies belonging to the project stakeholders. The piloting will take the form of an in-house workshop where the company will discuss with their own stakeholders how this further developed idea would be feasible in their operating environment and how it could work. In addition to organizing workshops, Bastu team builds a network of actors and launches activities in line with the goals of the project. Benefits (what has changed thanks to this project and for whom)
Link to www
● Stakeholders from the region are working together for the benefit of the area, instead of competing. ● Teams involved in the workshop generate ideas together for improving business opportunities in the region. ● Innovation through brainstorming. ● Best ideas are selected together, then discussed and implemented.
Case nr 2 education Title
Capstone in Creative Sustainability
Helsinki, Finland
Aalto Design Factory
What In the Capstone in Creative Sustainability course students work in multidisciplinary teams towards finding creative solutions to real-life social and environmental challenges brought by partner companies. The Capstone is part of the Creative Sustainability programme which starts with a focus on creativity and teamwork practice,
GUIDE CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP in order to build a foundation for creative practice and an appreciation of differences between people, cultures and academic disciplines. The programme also offers hand-on experimentation with sustainability solutions and novel materials, using workshops and an outdoor test site where students develop different initiatives. How The student teams consist of students who are in the final year of their master’s degree studies in the Creative Sustainability programme at Aalto University. Their backgrounds range from business to design and built environment, with an emphasis on sustainability and multidisciplinary. Students apply to the course projects by expressing their preferences in a motivation letter, which ensures a good fit and motivation of the student teams for the projects. The course summarizes the skills-related learning outcomes of the Creative Sustainability Master’s Programme, which is a multidisciplinary learning platform in the fields of business, design, architecture, and built environment. During the course students analyse the client’s sustainability challenge, develop solutions for it, and report the work according to the needs of the client. Each student team is supervised by one of the teachers of the course and a nominated contact person from the client organization. The clients can be large or small business enterprises, NGOs, or public organizations. In recent years, these projects have been carried out for large companies from various sectors, for startups, for consultants, for public organisations and for NGOs. The participating organization receive: ● a rigorous analysis of the situation ● new fresh ideas ● description of possible business solutions The projects have ranged from developing ideas for potential novel products, concepts for energy-efficient residential areas, and solutions for visualizing environmental data, to designing business models for start-ups in the field of sustainability, and concrete prototypes of products aiming at increasing sustainability. Benefits (what has changed thanks to this project and for whom)
Link to www
● ●
encourage critical thinking amongst many peers challenge teachers to continuously develop their teaching ● ideation ● multidisciplinary work ● combining different competencies and sectors for innovation ● learning by doing ● real-life challenge
GUIDE CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP ,Capstone%20in%20Creative%20Sustainability,challenges%20b rought%20by%20partner%20companies.
EURO-NET - Italy Case nr 1 in enterprise Title
Emergency mask for hospital ventilators
Brescia – Italy
During the 1st Covid-19 pandemic wave, ISINNOVA has been contacted by a former head physician of the Gardone Valtrompia Hospital, Dr. Renato Favero, because of their experience about the health facility manufacturing of the emergency valves with 3D printing process. Doctor Favero shared with ISINNOVA an idea to fix the possible shortage of hospital C-PAP masks for sub-intensive therapy, which is emerging as a concrete problem linked to the spread of Covid-19: it’s the construction of an emergency ventilator mask, realized by adjusting a snorkelling mask already available on the market. After a first analysis of the proposal together with the inventor, there was a first contact with Decathlon (the world's biggest sports retailer and online sports store), as ideator, producer and supplier of the snorkelling Easy breath mask. The company was immediately willing to cooperate by providing the CAD drawing of the mask we had identified. The product was dismantled, studied, and the changes to be made were evaluated. A new component was then designed to guarantee the connection to the ventilator. The link was named Charlotte valve, and it was quickly printed by using 3D printing. The prototype as a whole has been tested on one of the colleagues directly inside the Chiari Hospital, connected to the ventilator body, and has proven to be correctly working. The hospital itself was enthusiastic about the idea and decided to test the device on a patient in need. The testing was successful. The idea was ready to be reiterated and designed for healthcare facilities and helpful in realization of an emergency mask in the case of a full-blown difficult situation, where it was not possible to find official healthcare supplies. Neither the mask nor the link are certified and their use is subject to a situation of mandatory need. Usage by the patient is subjected to the acceptance of use of an uncertified biomedical device, by providing a signed declaration.
GUIDE CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP Whereas the effectiveness of the project, it was decided to urgently patent the link valve (Charlotte Valve), to prevent any speculation on the price of the component. The patent will remain free to use, because it is in initial intention that all hospitals in need could use it if necessary. The inventors decided to freely share the file for the realization of the link in 3d printing. Unlike the respirator valve, the link is easy to make, so it is possible for all makers to try to print it correctly. Healthcare facilities in difficulty will be able to purchase the Decathlon mask and get in contact with 3d printers who could make the piece and provide it. The initiative is totally non-profit, any royalties on the idea of the link will be distributed or received, nor on the sales of Decathlon masks. Benefits (what has changed thanks to this project and for whom)
Creative problem solving to support the hospitals in need with a 3D printing ideation.
Link to www
The project is totally non-profit, and it demonstrates that creative problem solving could also save lives.
Tools, materials, videos
Case nr 2 education Title
Skills for the Future programme
Junior Achievement Italy and EIT
Junior Achievement, the largest non-profit organization working in the field of economic-entrepreneurial education in schools, together with the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) launched also in 2020 the Skills for the Future program, aimed at preparing future generations for the multiple challenges related to the sustainable use of the planet's resources. EIT is a body created by the European Union in 2008 that operates through the Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs), a dynamic and long-term pan-European partnership involving leading companies, research laboratories and
GUIDE CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP businesses, all dedicated to the research of solutions for a specific global challenge, in order to strengthen Europe's innovation capacity. Junior Achievement Italia, the Italian partner of the project, collaborates with EIT Food, the pan-European consortium that deals with entrepreneurship and innovation in the food sector, to encourage the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs in Europe to find ways to build a more European society sustainable in the food sector. To achieve this goal, a virtual Innovation & Creativity Camp was held on 14 and 15 December where 130 students between 16 and 19 years from 14 higher education schools in Sicily were divided into teams in a competition on three themes, developing an entrepreneurial idea. The program’s three challenges are related to the circular economy: -
Food losses and / or waste; reduction of food waste during production, along the supply chain and by the consumer. Agriculture 4.0: how can a feasible and realistic product or service be developed in agriculture 4.0? Eating Healthy and Preventing Chronic Disease: How could we develop a viable and realistic product or service to contribute to healthy nutrition and prevent NCDs? Throughout the school year, students will also continue to work on their idea through Enterprise in Action, the most popular entrepreneurial education program in Junior Achievement High School. By equipping themselves with a managerial structure and operational roles, documents, practices and rules, the teams will have the opportunity to concretely develop their idea to launch it on the market, giving life to a real microbusiness. Benefits (what has changed thanks to this project and for whom)
Real work on problem solving for students.
Link to www
Focus on the environmental challenges and looking for entrepreneurial opportunities in a local development environment.
Tools, materials, videos
Miðstöð símenntunar á Suðurnesjum - Iceland Case nr 1 in enterprise Title
Palestine teenager with big dreams and ambitions moved to Iceland
Reykjanesbær, Iceland
Fida came to Iceland from Palestine as a teenager with big dreams and ambitions. She went to college and had some problems because of language skills. Then she started in Keilir (bridge to University) before she studied Energy and environmental engineering in Keilir Academy. There she found silica from nature and started researching the material. In 2012, she founded GeoSilica together with her team. She started the company with almost no funding, but plenty of passion and managed to succeed. She is very creative and design thinking. She was inspired by the power and purity of Iceland and that is her benchmark when developing products with raw and powerful effects, bringing out raw beauty in the process. GeoSilica develops daily supplements that naturally renew the body from within. By using advanced technology and the minerals found in Iceland's volcanic earth, GeoSilica has developed 5 different products since 2012. Fida’s experience as an entrepreneur to finance the start up in the beginning was easy and much supported but the next step was difficult. The bank was not supportive in the beginning and the marketing and selling was hard work and almost no money. The support from the family is very important. GeoSilica is now a very successful company and is selling the products all over the world.
Benefits (what has changed thanks to this project and for whom)
It is a good example of a young female immigrant from difficult situations who has passion and resilience to pass all the barriers she met.
GUIDE CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP She is creative thinker and is willing to learn through the educational system and accept support and guidance from the system of Innovation. Today she says everything is possible if you have the passion and support from the family. Link to www
GeoSilica: Keilir Academy:
Tools, materials, videos
Interview with Fida: pqL4FZGk&feature=emb_title Case nr 2 education Title
University of Reykjavik and the Icelandic Fisheries
Hnakkaþon is a conceptual competition for students to apply their skills and abilities to develop and implement solutions for fisheries companies. The competition is a collaboration between the University of Reykjavik and the Icelandic Fisheries Federation and has been held annually since 2015. The students work together in teams and come up with an idea after three days of work, where they receive guidance from industry experts. Participation does not require special skills, but only creative thinking and good cooperation. The competition is open to all students at the University of Reykjavik. The benefits to students participating in Hnakkaþon are varied. Students gain valuable experience by solving real-world projects for operating fisheries companies, receiving advanced training and access to industry experts. One challenge was to come up with a solution to how the seafood company Vísir could increase full processing and packaging of fresh fish in Iceland, with an increased focus on
GUIDE CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP consumer packages and account for how the teams would outweigh the costs and benefits of such changes. The winning team 2017 won for their project, "Wild Icelandic Cod", which included designing new consumer packs to help Vísi in Grindavík sell fresh fish on the US market. Benefits (what has changed thanks to this project and for whom)
Collaboration between different companies with Universities is important to the future entrepreneurs to learn both from the schools and the business community. It is also a challenge for the companies to answer questions to the future entrepreneurs. All this benefits the students well and helps then gain an advantage in the labour market. The managers of Vísir have been using students' ideas for further improvements.
Link to www
Vísir hf. University of Reykjavík: (Hnakkaþon is now Vitinn).
Links to interesting tools, videos, materials (also in national languages)
The winning team: Video, interviews to students and managers of the Vísir.
ArtSquare Lab - Luxembourg Case nr 1 in enterprise Title
From hotel to co-working space
Luxembourg Dommeldange
Hostellerie du Grunewald (hotel)
Hostellerie de Grunewald is a small boutique hotel in Luxembourg City. Like other actors in the hospitality industry, it was hit by the restrictions connected to Covid-19 crisis and closed during the lockdown for 8 weeks. The hotel management chose the practice strategy and adapted to the new reality and clients' needs for “new hospitality”. Creative solutions came from a deep understanding of the new reality of the customers, their need for isolated, calm work spaces, sterile and well equipped. Along with the first phase of the-confinement, the hotel opened their rooms as co-working spaces. It offered the clients day room rentals with breakfast and a fresh cafe in the room. Silence, isolation, social distance and yet inspiring working ambience- this creative solution saved the business of the hotel.
Benefits (what has changed thanks to this project and for whom)
A strategy of adapting to the changing reality disrupted the hospitality market: new customers were attracted by the offer, new market value was created, and the existing business model was slightly changed.
Link to www
Tools, materials, videos
Case nr 2 education Title
Teaching online (not only in Covid-19)
Private initiative of the teacher
Along with Covid-19 crisis many teachers needed to get creative with the classes they offer to their students. Lehrer Schmidt (teacher Schmidt) in Germany was the one who was not surprised by the crisis. Since 2018 he offers open classes of mathematics and science on his YouTube channel. Each video offers an explanation of one issue in an understandable way for German speaking students (in Germany and Luxembourg). By 2020 he posted already more than 1500 videos and continuously encourages the students to joining the learning community #teamschmidt for further discussions and comments.
Benefits (what has changed thanks to this project and for whom)
The YouTube channel of Teacher Schmidt is well known among young people between 12-15, familiar to YouTube. They pass each other the link on the smartphone whenever they are not able to explain to their peers how they managed to understand some part of mathematics or science.
Link to www NRQQ
Succubus Interactive - France Case nr 1 in enterprise Title
Competition to innovate
Because Architecture Matters (BAM)
Because Architecture Matters (BAM) architecture design agency has created an innovative approach to attract their clients by inviting and involving them in a collaborative multidisciplinary effort that includes a strong competitive component for what concerns the idea generation that is demanded to external suppliers (e.g., other architects and architecture design agencies). Indeed, BAM’s declared objective is “to democratize the private architecture competition in order to promote architectural innovation and bioclimatic construction.” However, the creativity effort is not limited to the mere design competition, but it is spread in the overall process and stems from close collaboration among different and multidisciplinary expertise. Moreover, a constant dialogue among the different stakeholders (partners, future users, professionals belonging to BAM, the client and the competing architects etc.) is set online, through collaborative processes and interactive tools, in order to bring them together around the project. Noticeably, environmental performance is a key driver of all projects since the declared objective is to “plan real innovating and sustainable buildings, for several decades” for all clients.
GUIDE CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP This environmental “constraint” added to the architectural challenge, the innovative requirement, the context and the budget constraints make the ingredient of a series of successful competitions among design teams. Benefits (what has changed thanks to this project and for whom)
Link to www
For BAM’s client: ● Innovate from the beginning of client’s project ● Involve different players in client’s approach ● Attract the best architects ● Stimulate architectural innovation ● Maximise client’s return on investment ● Communicate with own community For BAM: ● Attracting new clients ● Starting new partnerships with other architectural design agencies ● Publicity
CHAPTER 5 – Links, Materials, videos Web Links for insights, inspiration and practicalities About Problem Solving ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ work%20.pdf
About creativity and soft skills ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
About creative methodologies, approaches and tools ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Videos ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Suggested readings
● Edward de Bono, Lateral Thinking: A Textbook of Creativity, Penguin Life ●
Tony Proctor, Creative Problem Solving for Managers: Developing Skills for Decision Making and Innovation, Routledge
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