Regina Mia Celine Portfolio 2022

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a portfolio.

Work Experience 20212020-2021Present2019 SALAD Architect Project Architect SALAD Architect Architect Intern PT SMCC Utama Indonesia Staff Intern Cad Operator

Tangerang, Education 2016 - 2020 2013 - 2016 Institut Teknologi Sumatera Bachelor of Architecture SMA Negeri 1 Tangerang Hello! My name is Regina Mia Celine

I am an architecture graduate with a strong interest in design and art. Experienced in translating clients’ needs into designs and working drawings and also adept at working on multiple projects simultaneously. I am eager and always enthused to learn and keep updat ed about new things and trend in design and art and and this keeps me informed and gets me excited about what I’m working on as a designer.

Organization Skills 20172017201820192019 ProcreateAdobeAdobeAdobeEnscapeLumionSketchUpAutoCADPhotoshopIllustratorInDesignStaff of Graphic Design Division Himpunan Arsitektur Swarnapada Head of Design Division Sound Engineering 19 Head of Design Division UKMBS Musik ITERA Head of Design Division UKMBS Musik ITERA Staff of KOMINFO Division Himpunan Arsitektur Swarnapada Competition 20212021 Perumnas Idea Competition InteriorParticipantDesign Competition: Colorful Living Working Space with Jotun x ParticipantArchify Seminar & Workshop 201820192021 Design Fundamental in Illustration Wosk Creativeshop Nest Indonesia Succulent Pottery Painting workshop Shibori Tie Dye workshop WorkshopCAMPERSITYSketsa dan Model Konstruksi ProdiBambuArsitektur ITERA Interests Manual Drawing Graphic TuftingCraftingIllustrationDesignDesign

CONTENTS Architectrual Works Hotel in Padang Hotel Millennials’ Perumnas CompetitionIdea ITERA Library LibraryAcedemic TWS HouseDistort House Interior Djo Kitchen & Baking Store Store Interior MID Cen Jotun x CompetitionArchify 06 16 50264236

Other Works DesignIllustration Tufting ArtGraphic Design 56 60 64

6 In collaboration with WIKA, in this project, we get the opportunity to design a hotel for Universitas Negeri Padang. We try to evoke the context and culture of Minangese by portraying traditional symbols as a visual language. We use the shape of Tikulak Tanduak for the main concept of the building mass, which is one of the women`s head coverings in Minangkabau culture that resembles a horn and is often interpreted as a form of buffalo horn which is a very iconic part of Mi nangkabau society and is also often analogous to the shape of the Gonjong roof for Rumah Gadang which is a typical Minangkabau traditional house. The concept for the podium is taken from the form of the Piring Dance movement, which is a traditional Minangkabau dance.

Padang, Indonesia in Collaboration with WIKA With: Tri Miranda, Mentari Hanifa, Apri Hotel in Padang


The shape of Tikulak Tanduak as the main concept of the building mass , the move ment form of the Piring Dance as the podium shape concept, and the dramatic curved Rumah Gadang’s roof structure with multi-tiered upswept gables form from as the facade concept.

Hotel8 in Padang

substraction&structurecoring design element


Hotel in Padang tower podium

10 LobbyRetailService Basement Ground Floor

Hotel in Padang

GymRestaurantSpaHallService&Pool in Padang

1st Floor 2nd Floor Hotel


12 RoomsService Typical BTypical A Hotel in Padang

13 ServiceRoomsRetailGymSpaLobbyCoreServiceRoomsRetailGymRestaurantLobbyCore&Pool&PoolSection A Section B Hotel in Padang


Bird-eyeExteriorView Hotel in Padang


Lobby Area Lobby Area Hotel

Entrance Entrance in Padang

The Library of ITERA is the primary facility for supporting educational activities by providing access to information and interaction spaces. This project consists of a mas sive building with four floors and a total floor area of 7.750 m2 built on 25.000 m2 site. This library’s main facilities include collection areas, reading areas, discussion areas, a doctoral students’ area, an auditorium, a language laboratory, consultation rooms, stationary, and a cafeteria. The sloping site, security and durability of the collections, as well as various activities of the users and librarians, are issues that I considered in the library building design.ITERA, South Lampung, Indonesia Undergraduate Degree Final Project Mentor: Ir. Eko Purwono, MS. Arch. S, Hendra Frisky S.T., M. ARCH. ITERA Library



18 ITERA Library ISSUES durability of the anduserthesecurityslopingcollectionssiteofcollectionscomfortprivacy 1 2 4 5 6 7 3 N 1ITERA main gate 2 A Campus Building 3 B Campus Building 4 Embung 5 E Campus Building 6 F Campus Building 7 ITERA Library SITUATION MAP

BuildingSite Form



20 ITERA Library 1 32 910 14121316 16 1519 18191717 20 11 7 6 4 5 PublicAuditoriumBackstageLobbyLift Management Office International Office Room Consultation Room Language Laboratory ShaftShopMusholaLactationPublicStaffLoadingWarehouseStaffStaffAHUCafetariaRoomLiftLobbyDockToiletToiletRoomforMEP Orientation Area 1st - 2nd FL Public Lift Locker InformationArea Area Multimedia Area Reading PeriodicalsAreaand Refrences Collection Area Open Stack Collection Area Public Toilet Staff Toilet Staff Mushola Staff Work Area Pantry and Lounge Server Room Book HeadArchivesWarehouseRoomofLibrarian Room Meeting Room Book Reparation Room Book Labelling Room AHU Room Shaft fot MEP Staff 2nd-4thLift FL Public Lift 1 32556 7 8 1 6 6 219 12 13 1716 24191820 151110 1110 14 4 222321 2nd Floor 1st Floor

21 ITERA Library Public InformationLift Area Open Stack Collection Area Reading AHUShaftStaffPantryStaffToiletDiscussionAreaRoomWorkAreaLiftforMEPRoom555555555555 5 1 4 44 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 2 1 101197866 Public InformationLift Area Open Stack Collection Area Reading DoctoralAreaStudent Area Closed Stack Collection Area eBook ValuableAreaBook Collection Area LibrarianToilet Work Area ShaftStaffPantryLiftfor MEP AHU Room 6 4 4 7 4 3 3 4109 111314129 5 5 1 2 884 4 4 4th Floor 3rd Floor

22 ITERA Library Front Elevation Back Elevation Right Elevation Left Elevation

±0 +450 +900 1350 1800 ±0 +450 +900 1350 1800 800 800 800 800 800 800        Section A Section B

24 ITERA Library Collection Area Lobby & Plaza Area Lobby & Plaza Area Exterior

25 ITERA Library Collection Area


The dream house criteria must then be balanced with market interest and Perumna’s business as a developer so that dream homes are affordable to millennials. Residential houses must be able to meet all of the basic needs of millennials while re maining affordable. With a very limited land and floor area, layouts and spaces should be as efficient as possible. The design must be adaptable to the current pandemic conditions. Good air and light circulation is an important design consideration, as well as an additional requirement during the pandemic.

As a generation that has grown up with technology, the millennial gen eration has a wide range of knowledge and an open mind in many areas. This understanding and thought will influence millennials in meeting their housing needs, which will then form the standards for a dream home.

Parung, Bogor, Indonesia competition entry for Perumnas Idea Competition 2021 MILLENNIALS’



The bathroom located in the entrance area can accommo date the needs. When entering the house, wash your hands.

Unfinished Material

The houses must be able to meet all of the basic needs while remaining affordable to and residential maintenance costs will be reduced by using unfinished materials. The design must be adaptable to the current pandemic conditions. Good air and light circulation are important design considerations as well as additional requirements during the pandemic.

The houses must be able to meet all of the basic needs while remaining affordable to Openmillennials.layouts with no partitions can optimize space requirements and cost efficiency.



28 Millennials’ CONCEPTISSUES Users’ Needs Open


For type 36, the front area can be trimmed again to become a green area

For type 45, more functional spaces are required so that green space can be placed in the center of the area, allowing air and light circulation to all spaces.

29 Millennials’ Area : 75 m² The massing is divided into two sections, which are then designed back and forth to ensure circu lation in all spaces.

30 Millennials’ 342561 7 TerraceBedroomBathroomPantryDiningLivingEntranceAreaArea 36 TYPE 10 2 4

31 Millennials’ A FrontSectionElevation B RightSectionElevation

32 Millennials’ 3 4 2 5 1 10 2 4 6 7 98 TerracePantryMasterDiningBedroomLivingBathroomFoyerEntranceRoomAreaBedroom 45 TYPE

33 Millennials’ A FrontSectionElevation B RightSectionElevation

34 Millennials’ 35 Type Living & Dining Area Living & Dining Area LivingEntrance&Dining Area Bedroom

35 MillennWials’ 45 Type Living & Dining Area Living Area DiningEntranceArea Bedroom

36 This project is an interior design for a pastry shop that also provides a baking supply store. Besides the store on the 1st floor and the kitchen on 2nd and 3rd floors, we also design the office for DJo staff on the 4th Floor. Even though in this project there is not much space that we can design, we try to use color and materiality as the main protagonists in the overall composition of the proj ect. we combined tiles, wood, and concrete finish then added a little bit taste of pink color to spice up the mood of the space.

Kelapa Gading, Jakarta, Indonesia roled as Project Architect at SALAD Architect Principal: Steve Asoes Project Type: Interior Renovation DJo Kitchen and Baking Store


38 DJo Kitchen & Baking Store 1st 2ndFloorFloor

39 Djo Kitchen & Baking Store 3rd Floor 4th Floor

40 Bakery Bakery Baking Store Baking Store DJo Kitchen & Baking Store

41 Kitchen Kitchen Office Area Office Area Djo Kitchen & Baking Store

We got the opportunity to interior renovate TWS & Partners’s Distort House for its new owner. We focused on renovating living and dining area, kitchen, work area for the owner as a tailor and also her mini boutique showroom. To fit the building concept itself as its liability to nature implies some application of reused and recycled material such as recycled wooden window, steel bar, and clay roof that create patchwork look, the furnitures are domidated with wooden pieces as well. To create a fresh and unique look we use some furnishing with a bright color such as yellow and green as an accent in the room South Jakarta, Indonesia roled as Project Architect at SALAD Architect Principal: Steve Asoes Project Type: Interior Renovation TWS Distort House



44 TWS Distort House 10 2 3 4 5 10 Boutique Showroom Living ServiceWorkshopKitchenDiningAreaAreaRoomArea 1 2 3 4 6 6 5

45 TWS Distort House Boutique Showroom Dining & Living Area Workshop Room Sketch Concept

46 TWS Distort House Living Area Dining Area KitchenLiving Area

47 TWS Distort House Workshop Entrance Workshop Room Workshop Room Workshop Room

48 TWS Distort House Boutique Showroom Boutique Showroom Boutique Showroom

49 TWS Distort House

Because we live in a pandemic era, people tend to spend the majority of their day in their house or apartment to work, so it is critical to pay attention to the interior design and atmosphere of the space to maintain convenience. In this competition, we are required to explore the interior design of an apartment that are comfortable and fun to support various activities with optimal performance, particularly for an entrepreneur.

Mid-century modern is an architectural style that is timeless. A fun yet comfortable atmosphere can be created by combining warm and natural colors with trendy and vibrant colors. Simplicity is another feature of mid-century modern that refers to the function of space in order to support the needs of residents. The use of a textured blue color with a chalky look and a lime wash painting technique on the walls makes the color stand out and uniquecompetition entry for Jotun x Archify Competition 2021 with: Clarissa Christina and Rika Veralia MID Cen



52 MIDMoodCenBoard

53 MID Cen Floor


54 MID Centle Bed Area Work Area Bathroom

55 MID Cen

several graphic design collections I created for organizations and other projects 2019-2021 56 GRAPHIC DESIGN

57 GG Graphic Design while being an intern in SALAD Architec ture, I was also being in charge to make SAL AD’s Portfolio. 2021

58 Graphic Design Design Challenge for Medividi Jewelry 2021

59 Graphic Design @himars_swarnapada instagram account 2019 @musikitera instagram account 2019

60 2019-2022 some collections for commission and personal projects. ILLUSTRATION DESIGN

61 Illustration Design Logo illustration

62 Illustration Design

63 Illustration Design

64 2021-2022 some tufted works I created with tufting gun for personal projects TUFTING ART




66 Tufting Art

67 Tufting Art

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