Kuoni's Global Holidayreport 2011

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“Are Britons different 2011 people on holiday?� UK

Kuoni Holiday Report

Over 1000 Britons were asked about their holiday behaviour.

kuoni ferienreport 2011 seiten 04 05

kuoni holiday report 2011

kuoni holiday report 2011 pages 04 05

In a “” nutshell Eating less healthily, drinking more, expecting

more sex and in more adventurous places, soaking up beautiful sites and splashing the cash; these are just some of the typical holiday behaviours highlighted in the 2011 Kuoni Holiday Report, which underlines how Brits’ inhibitions really let loose when on holiday.

This new research, conducted by Kuoni, explores the ways in which holidays help us to escape from our everyday routines and prompt us to think about or do some unusual things. The report looks at different modes of behaviour before, during and after a holiday, from eating and spending habits, to manners, etiquette and holiday romance.

As one of the leading travel companies in the world, Kuoni tries to get under the skin of the typical holidaymaker. From exotic beach hideaways to family holidays, safaris, tours, spa holidays and romantic breaks to world class luxury, Kuoni can tailor-make the perfect holiday escape. Simple geography is clearly only one aspect of the holiday. Holidays can offer opportunities to make life-changing decisions, as was highlighted in Kuoni’s 2010 Holiday Report. For the 2011 report, Kuoni is looking to further understand their customers and asked 1015 British holidaymakers aged 25-65 about their behaviour while on holiday. Kuoni commissioned Opinion Matters to carry out independent research in November 2010 with a nationally representative panel that goes on a holiday abroad at least once every year.


This Report discovers how holidaymakers behave before, when they get to their holiday destination and when they return to home soil: what they eat and drink, what they wear, how they prepare, what they enjoy and who they make friends with. The Report also reveals how holidays can change people’s state of mind and their resulting behaviour. It also highlights stark regional variations; why Liverpudlians are most prudish about seeing anyone topless, for example, and how youngsters view holidays of the future.

04 In a Nutshell

As a result, we can unpick the ways in which British people turn their dream holiday into a reality and see how a break from everyday life can broaden our horizons and change our behaviour.

14–16 holiday behaviour



06–09 holiday preparations

08 The best laid plans 09 Best foot forward

10–13 the inner journey

11 The chill out factor of a holiday 12 Soaking up the sites 13 Expanding horizons & waistlines

15 Unspoken code of conduct 16 Letting inhibitions run wild 17 Splashing the cash

18–21 up close & personal on holiday

Kuoni’s Holiday Report 2011 is available online at www.kuoni.co.uk/holidayreport

19 Romance is alive on holiday! 20 More sex please, we’re British! 21 Friendships flourish

22–25 holiday cuisine

23 Familiarity breeds contentment 24 Healthy eating goes out the window 25 Importing new eating habits

26–27 holidays of the future

27 Holidays take on a green hue



29 coming soon

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Ferien, Manieren & Holiday Lifestyle preparations

Ferien, Manieren & Lifestyle

Niemand dassopportunity seine Ferientodurch schlechtes A holiday möchte, gives us the look and feel different to the Benehmen Feriengäste vermiest werden. Kuoni fragte way we do atanderer home, so we asked British holidaymakers what they do dieensure Schweizer, was sichready in den gehört was nicht. to that they’re forFerien their trip. Theund difference between Verreisen sollte nicht bedeuten, die gute Kinderstube Zuhause the sexes was particularly marked. zu lassen. Und die Schweizer werden ihrem Image gerecht. Wir mögen's sauber, anständig und diskret. Ja, ja, so sind wir – die Schweizer.

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kuoni holiday report 2011 pages 08 09

The best “” laid plans

Best foot “” forward

The beach becomes a catwalk

Women want to look their best when they strut their stuff on holiday

Although reading up on your chosen

destination is most important to British holidaymakers (54%), women make far more elaborate preparations than men – many of them relating to their appearance.

When preparing for their holiday, women do the following: uy new clothes (62%) B Diet (36%) Exercise (30%) anicure/pedicure (22%) M Fake tan (15%) Change hairstyle (10%) pa treatment (7%) S h



Although men do indulge in these preparations too – buying clothes (36%) and exercising (20%) are the most popular   – they are far more likely than women to not do anything to prepare for their holiday. More than a quarter of men (26%) compared to just 7% of women take this low-key approach to holiday planning and preparation. Age also plays an important part. Older holidaymakers are more likely to take a practical approach, making more effort to read up on their destination before they leave: 65% of those aged 55-65 do this.





Pre-holiday shopping and grooming are most likely to be undertaken by those aged 25-34: this is the age group most likely to buy new clothes (58%), diet (36%), exercise (41%), have a manicure/pedicure (18%), fake tan (13%), change hairstyle (16%) and have a spa treatment (10%).

REGIONAL VARIATIONS h When given the opportunity to supply their own answers, many participants said that they save money in preparation for their holiday. h People from Sheffield are most likely to buy new clothes for their holiday (78%). h People from the North West are the most likely to not do anything in preparation for their holiday with 21% of people from Manchester and 22% of people from Liverpool stating as such.


this summer, Victoria Beckham announced on Twitter that the airport is her catwalk – and anyone who watches holidaymakers struggling with heavy suitcases to the airline check-in would agree.

According to Brits, the top five fashionable nationalities are: Italian (38%) French (22%) Spanish (9%) British (7%) Swedish (5%) h





Although British men (35%) and women (40%) both rate Italian fashion, it seems that women favour classic French chic more than men (27% vs 17%). A holiday provides us with a chance to dress up that is often missing from everyday life, where we are often restricted to smart work wear, uniforms or dressdown, casual clothes. It seems that, on holiday, clothes are allowed to be trendier, shorter, more colourful and, more importantly, different. We asked British holidaymakers if they dress differently when they’re on holiday – and whether their holiday influences their personal style when they get back home. Over a third (34%) of British holidaymakers say that they dress more casually on holiday – which must be a relief to those who are expected to wear formal clothes during the working week.

In contrast, a holiday also gives women an opportunity to dress up, which is often lacking in their everyday life. A quarter of women say that they dress more elegantly to go out at night when they are on holiday, 13% say they dress more formally and 12% dress more provocatively. But the fashion opportunities don’t stop when we get back on home ground – particularly for women. One in five women wear white and wear less to show off their tan when they get back home, and a further 13% wear the clothes that they bought on holiday. What’s more, 7% of Britons change their style altogether after a holiday, particularly those aged 25-34 (14%).

It’s clear that women feel it is particularly important to look their best when they go on holiday, and are prepared to invest time and money to get the best results. AGE & REGIONAL VARIATIONS h Older age groups are more likely to say that holidays don’t influence their clothing choices when they return home: 78% of those aged 55-65 say this. h People from Glasgow are most likely to wear clothes that remind them of their holiday when they return home (20%).

The inner journey

The chill “” out factor of a holiday

What women need more than anything else on holiday, is to wind down

It’s amazing how a week or two away from home and work gives us time to reflect on our lives, reassess our priorities and devote time to doing the things that make us happy.

We asked British holidaymakers to tell us about the benefits of a relaxing break and how their leisure time can enrich their lives.

The top five things which Britons hope for in a holiday are: Rest and relaxation (71%) Escape everyday problems (47%) Peace (39%) Rejuvenation/health (35%) Relieve pressure (34%) h


Britons take time for life changing thoughts on holiday. A holiday provides some vital time out for people to collect their thoughts and ponder their life and current situation. A third of participants say that they long for time to think and reflect when they are on holiday, with 31% saying that this gives them an opportunity to expand their horizons. The opportunity to reconnect with people is important to 19% of Britons. This is felt very keenly by Londoners (22%) and people from Sheffield (30%), suggesting that life in these cities makes it difficult to dedicate enough quality time to relationships.




Women, in particular, crave rest and relaxation (75%) and peace (41%) – a desire which is shared by parents who are no doubt tired out by the demands of their children. 74% of couples with children long for rest and 41% of couples with children long for peace.

AGE & REGIONAL VARIATIONS h Younger people – who are presumably less drained by the pressures of life than older generations – are much more likely to crave adventure and excitement than any other age group (31%). This is also true of people who are single and childless (31%). h People who live in London share their enthusiasm (30%), perhaps because they are attracted to the frenetic pace of urban life and like to keep busy.

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Soaking up “” the sites

Seeing beautiful places is the top of the wish list

Expanding “” horizons & waistlines

Working up a sweat would be a killer, particularly on holiday

Keeping some exercise regimes up

while on holiday is desired but the reality is that few manage to achieve it.

Three in ten Brits manage to do the same amount of exercise on holiday as they do when they are at home. Men are slightly better at this than women: 35% manage to keep up with their fitness routine compared to 26% of women – and 23% of women admit to doing less. However 23% of men and 24% of women say they do more exercise on holiday. Older people also have a tendency to do more exercise when they are on holiday: over a third (37%) of those aged 55-65 say that they are more active than when they are at home. Nevertheless, 21% of British holidaymakers don’t do any exercise at all, rising to 23% of women.

So what kind of experiences are Britons looking for

on holiday? It seems that Brits do have a wanderlust nature and appreciate what rich experiences that both cultures and sights in foreign countries can bring – and increasingly so as they progress in life.

The top five hoped-for holiday experiences are: Seeing beautiful places (60%) Experiencing another country (53%) New experiences (52%) Fun (52%) Escape (45%) h





AGE VARIATIONS h Rather more passive experiences, like seeing beautiful places and experiencing another country, tend to become more popular with age: 56% of those aged 25-34 want to see beautiful places, rising to 68% of those aged 55-65. h Younger age groups are more likely to be proactive in their desire to seek out fun (62%) and adventure (35%), while cultural and culinary experiences rate highly for people aged 55-65: over half (51%) of people in this age group hope to have cultural experiences and 50% hope for culinary pleasures.

Generally for Brits, the ideal holiday involves doing very little exercise.

Unspoken “” code of conduct


British men don’t like to show off

Holiday behaviour No one wants their holiday experience to be compromised by the behaviour of others, so we asked British holidaymakers for their thoughts on holiday etiquette.

Getting away from it all doesn’t

mean leaving good manners at home – and British holidaymakers abide by an unspoken code of conduct whether they’re exploring historical sites, lounging by the pool or dressing up for dinner.

The top five holiday hates for British holidaymakers in others are: Littering (75%) Poor body hygiene (63%) Talking loudly (50%) h




Taking pictures of others without asking (40%)


Not tipping (34%)

As a general rule, women are more preoccupied with holiday etiquette than men – and there are particular areas where they exhibit stronger disapproval. Poor body hygiene is particularly offensive to women (68% vs 57%) and they are much more likely to disapprove of topless sunbathing. Almost three in ten women take issue with topless sunbathing or limited beachwear compared to 13% of men. Women in a relationship without children are most likely to feel uncomfortable with this (25%). Given that a much smaller proportion of men have a problem with this, it’s safe to assume that they are simply content to admire the view!

Talking loudly, not tipping and openly admiring the opposite sex are equally unpopular with both men and women, but women are more likely to think it’s bad manners to take a photograph of someone without asking for their permission (42% vs 36%). Men, on the other hand, are more likely to disapprove of any kind of behaviour that could be interpreted as “showing off”. Men are almost twice as likely as women to frown upon indulgent spending (17% vs 10%) and are critical of people who over-tip in order to appear generous (18% vs 12%). Men are almost three times as likely as women to disapprove of people who dress to impress (14% vs 6%), or attempt to speak the native language (7% vs 5%). Clearly, male etiquette demands that the well-mannered holidaymaker should be composed and quietly confident, without seeming to seek out the approval or admiration of others. The survey also offered participants the opportunity to present their own answers, regarding what constitutes unacceptable behaviour while on holiday. There were some predictable patterns within the range of answers received.

These include: h

Drunken behaviour


Shopping or dining in beach wear


Sex on the beach


Smoking on the beach right next to others



AGE, GENDER & REGIONAL VARIATIONS Holidaymakers aged 45-65 consistently show higher levels of disapproval and more exacting standards of etiquette than younger age groups. h Londoners are particularly disapproving of poor body hygiene (67%), perhaps because they are forced to endure cramped conditions and various odours during their daily commute to the office! h People from Liverpool are the most likely to disapprove of topless sunbathing (24%). h Childless couples are most likely to disapprove of people who openly admire the opposite sex (28%) and they felt the strongest about littering (80%). h

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Letting “” inhibitions run wild

A chance to become someone different

In addition, women also show a greater willingness to talk to people they don’t know when they are on holiday (28% vs 23% of men). Men also shed their inhibitions when they are on holiday – particularly when it comes to love and sex. Men are more likely than women to admit to flirting with strangers (10% vs 6%) or flirting with their partner (9% vs 7%) or having sex with strangers (3% vs 2%). Though low numbers (only 3%), there is no difference between the age groups when it comes to having sex with strangers, though the younger generation are more happy to flirt with strangers (11%).

Holidays give us ample opportunity

to cast off our inhibitions and behave in a way that we would feel less comfortable doing at home.

Typically this amounts to spending more money (37%), drinking more alcohol (26%), talking to strangers (26%), wearing different types of clothes (23%), or trying new things (23%). However, one in 20 people say that going on holiday gives them a chance to become “someone different” and adopt an entirely new persona. It seems that women are quicker to shed their inhibitions than men: three in ten men say that they don’t do anything out of character when they are on holiday, compared to more than one in five (21%) of women, suggesting that 79% of women do things out of character when on holiday. Women also appear to feel a great sense of freedom in terms of what they wear: 29% wear different types of clothes (compared to 16% of men) and 17% wear more revealing clothes (compared to 6% of men).

Splashing “” the cash

The essential holiday retail therapy

We’ve already seen that British

holidaymakers enjoy spending their hard earned cash when they get away on holiday. But what do they spend it on?

The top five responses are: Day trips (45%) Local foods (41%) Local handicrafts (31%) h





Health and beauty treatments (19%) Clothes (17%)

Both men and women say that they do things that are out of character because they want to be more relaxed (56%), have more fun (47%), have new experiences (39%) and feel less self-conscious because they don’t know anyone (34%).

In each of these cases, women are more likely than men to treat themselves – they are more than twice as likely to enjoy health or beauty treatments (25% vs 11%) and also have a particular fondness for picking up local handicrafts (39% vs 23%).

However, it seems that women are   motivated by these desires rather more than men, and feel especially liberated by the fact that no one knows who they are (38% vs 28%).

Although almost a quarter of men (23%) claim that they don’t treat themselves to anything different than they would at home, they are more likely than women to enjoy extreme sports (17% vs 13%).

AGE, GENDER & REGIONAL VARIATIONS h Men are more likely than women to say that they want to be naughty and throw caution to the wind when they are on holiday (14% vs 9%). h Young people in particular feel liberated by the fact that they don’t know anyone: 42% of people aged 25-34 say that this enables them to do things that are out of character when they are on holiday. h People from Glasgow are most likely to say that they feel less self-conscious on holiday (42%). h Londoners are most likely to say that their behaviour is out of character while on holiday because they wish to upgrade their lifestyle (14%). This suggests that they are willing to spend more money and enjoy a taste of luxury that is not a part of their everyday life.

Good manners are not left behind on holiday but any form of restraint over spending money is very much relaxed while on holiday.

AGE, GENDER & REGIONAL VARIATIONS h Younger holidaymakers aged 25-34 are more likely than any other age group to spend their money on clothes (24%) and expensive jewellery (13%), which perhaps reflects not only a greater preoccupation with appearance but also the fact that they have a higher disposable income. h This age group are also most likely to take part in extreme sports activities (20%). h People from Birmingham are least likely to treat themselves to anything different to what they would usually buy at home (25%).


Romance “” is alive on holiday!

The holiday romance is a powerful fantasy which appeals to both men and women

We asked British holidaymakers about

their experiences of love and sex on holiday and also whether the friendships they build can survive when they get back home. We received some sizzling results!

Interestingly, women consider Italians to be more flirtatious than men (28% vs 21%), probably because it is more culturally accepted – if not actively encouraged – for Italian men to take an active role while women passively enjoy, or tolerate, their attentions. The same is true of the Spanish (13% of women say they are flirty compared to 10% of men).

Up close & personal on holiday It’s often easier to meet new people on holiday than it is in our everyday lives – and this presents us with exciting opportunities to build new friendships, enjoy a brief romance or even find lasting love.

Kuoni’s research reveals that Britons think the top five flirts are: Italians (24%) British (15%) Spanish (12%) French (10%) Swedish (4%) h





Almost a quarter (24%) of Britons aged 25-34 think that the British are particularly flirty. This is likely to be because they spend more time socialising with their own nationality in bars and clubs and are more likely to strike up conversation with someone who speaks the same language. The holiday romance is a powerful fantasy which appeals to both men and women. Couples in established relationships hope that a holiday will provide them with an opportunity to reinvigorate    their relationship, while those who are unattached aspire to find love, romance – or sometimes just sex – during their trip.

More than one in ten (12%) of Britons hope for some holiday romance – and those aged 25-35 are almost twice as likely (22%) to feel this way. Unsurprisingly, it’s people who are single without children (19%) who are particularly inclined to hope for a romantic holiday.

Women are more likely than men to hope for love and romance during their holiday. A holiday romance appeals to 13% of women compared to 11% of men. Women are also more likely to hope for a loving experience on holiday (11% vs 9%) – and more than one in ten (11%) are looking for a relationship, compared to 8% of men.

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More sex “” please, we’re British!

Men have twice as much sex with new conquests than female travellers do

After all that flirting, it’s no wonder that almost

a third (32%) of people admit to having slightly more sex than usual on holiday. This rises to 40% of couples with children, indicating that they have more time for intimacy when they are not required to juggle the daily demands of running a home, working and taking care of a family.

Almost three in ten (29%) people say that they have about the same amount of sex as they do at home, but more than one in ten (12%) say that they have much more. Men are more likely to say this than women (13% vs 11%), as are those aged 25-34 (15%) and holidaymakers from Liverpool (16%). So how does holiday sex differ from the type of sex that people have at home? Well, it seems that we’re more likely to take an adventurous approach when we are away from home, with holidaymakers admitting to getting amorous in a range of unusual locations.

The top five are: h





On the beach (17%) In the sea (12%)

In the pool (8%) On a boat (4%)

On the plane (3%)

When given the opportunity to provide their own responses, the balcony also proved to be a particularly popular location for Britons. Men tend to be more adventurous in their choice of location than women: 58% of women have had sex in unusual places when on holiday, compared to 66% of men.

It’s clear that a holiday can spice up love lives and refresh the parts that other down-time activities cannot reach! REGIONAL, LIFESTYLE & age VARIATIONS h Although we might expect that it’s young, single holidaymakers who are most likely to have sex in unusual places, this isn’t actually the case. It’s couples in the 35-54 age group who are the most adventurous. They are most likely to have sex in unusual locations, as are couples with children, with the beach being the most popular place (22%). h Those aged 25-34 are most likely to join the mile high club on their trip (6% admit to having sex on a plane). h People from London are most likely to hope for sex on holiday (12%). They are also most likely to hope for a relationship (12%), love (14%) and romance (16%). This suggests that people who live in the capital find it harder to meet potential partners when they are at home, perhaps because they have limited opportunities to do so. h People from Nottingham are most likely to think that Britons are flirty (25%). h 5% of Brits don’t have sex on holiday, suggesting that 95% do make love on holiday. 40% of couples with children have slightly more sex on holiday going down to 33% for couples without children. h Holidays don’t always give people the opportunity to have more sex, especially if they are travelling with children who may be sharing the room. This could be why 5% of parents say they have much less sex on holiday. h People from Liverpool are most likely to say they have much more sex on holiday (16%) and people from Sheffield say they have slightly more sex on holiday (55%).

Friendships “” flourish

It’s not just romantic relationships that flourish on holiday – new friendships develop too One in five participants say that they are most likely to become acquainted with local people from the area that they holidayed in. This rises to more than a quarter (27%) of those aged 55-65, possibly because they have made repeat visits to the same holiday destination.

The top five nationalities that British people are most likely to make acquaintance with during their holiday are: British (19%) Spanish (16%) French (15%) Italian (11%) Dutch (10%) h





Almost a fifth (19%) have made most acquaintance with other Britons. This is especially true of people aged 35-44 – the age when people are most likely to have young children – as more than a quarter (27%) of holidaymakers of this age have made friends with other Brits. However, 16% of British holidaymakers have not made any friends on holiday, rising to 19% of those aged 25-34. This may not be because they are especially anti-social but could be because this age group are more likely to go on holiday with friends. As a result they are less likely to seek out new friendships when they are away.

Families are the biggest group to form holiday friendships, unsurprisingly. But what happens to these friendships when the holiday is over? Unfortunately, they’re not likely to last. Almost four in ten (38%) people said that they are not likely to sustain a friendship with anyone they met during the trip. Couples without children are most likely to forget about their holiday friends (44%). It’s undoubtedly easier to maintain a friendship with people who are from the same country – and more than four in ten people aged 25-34 said they are most likely to sustain a friendship with other Brits. Just 4% of Britons said they would be likely to sustain a friendship with other nationalities, although people aged 55-65 were more likely to make the effort (7%).

Holiday cuisine Eating is a crucial part of any holiday – and a week or two away from home gives us plenty of opportunity to dine in a range of restaurants and sample varied cuisines.

Familiarity “” breeds contentment


Brits enjoy eating foreign and familiar foods

We asked British holidaymakers what

they like to eat and drink on holiday, and how this differs from, and influences, the way they eat at home.

Most popular eating & drinking choices are: h

I eat local food and food that I usually eat at home (72%)


I eat out at different places (54%)


I drink more alcohol on holiday (43%)


I like to try the local speciality drinks (42%)


I incorporate foods that I had on holiday at home (36%)

Kuoni’s research found that over half of British holidaymakers (54%) take advantage of this, choosing to eat at different places for most of their meals, and almost a third (30%) eat out for one meal a day, which is good news for local restaurateurs. Expensive restaurants are popular with older couples: 12% of those aged 55-65 like to treat themselves to fine dining experience, along with 11% of couples who don’t have children. So what do we eat when we’re away from home? More than seven in ten British holidaymakers (72%) eat a mixture of local foods and the food that they eat at home.

But a further 18% eat only local food, relishing the opportunity to sample new flavours. Just 9% play it safe and stick with the food they can buy at home.

Foreign foods also whet the British apetite. However, cost-conscious families are more likely to make the most of all-inclusive deals which take the stress out of feeding children, 18% of parents opt to eat whatever food is on offer as part of the deal and a further 10% of parents choose to eat at their hotel. Perhaps not surprisingly, local food is less appealing to younger holidaymakers and children. Almost a quarter (24%) of child-free couples eat only local food, while a similar amount (23%) of those with children rely on familiar foods, probably because they need to cater for fussy eaters and comfort zones.

REGIONAL & age VARIATIONS h Life stage clearly plays a part in people’s food choices. Older holidaymakers are more likely to sample local foods: 46% of those aged 45-65 eat only local food when they are away from home. h People from Manchester are most adventurous with foreign foods: 25% eat only local food.

kuoni holiday report 2011 pages 24 25

Healthy eating “” goes out the window

Women have a greater tendency to make unhealthy food choices

It’s hard to resist mouth-wateringly rich meals,

delicious desserts and cooling cocktails when we’re on holiday – which is why people don’t even bother to try.

Four in ten Brits treat themselves to different foods while they’re away from home – and women are the most indulgent (42% of women vs 37% of men). Women also have a greater tendency to make unhealthy food choices (17% of women vs 11% of men) and eat more than usual: 19% of women (compared to 17% of men) admit to doing this. However, for most people the indulgence stops when they make it back to home soil. Over a quarter (28%) of people go back to a healthier diet when they get home, rising to just over a third (35%) of women.

Britons like to drink and be merry away from home. When we don’t have to worry about getting up early for work, we’re far more likely to get into the holiday spirit with a few celebratory drinks. More than four in ten people (43%) drink more alcohol on holiday than they do at home, and women in particular tend to treat themselves to more exotic drinks or more expensive drinks compared to men (43% & 15% vs 28% & 12% respectively). However, holiday drinking is most popular among those without children – after all, there’s no chance of a lie-in or a quiet day by the pool if you have young children. Those without children clearly don’t share their restraint: couples without children are most likely to drink more on holiday (47%), sample local specialities (45%) and sip exotic drinks (41%).

Parents, on the other hand, are less likely to change their drinking habits just because they’re away from home. Around one in seven (15%) couples with children don’t adjust what they drink when they’re away from home and a further 12% don’t drink at all.

More, rich foods and heavier drinking habits are the norm while on holiday, and more by women than men. REGIONAL & AGE VARIATIONS h People from Liverpool and Sheffield are most likely to treat themselves with different foods when they are on holiday (50%). h Younger holidaymakers are more inclined to ditch the diet when they’re away: 20% of those aged 25-34 admit to eating a greater quantity of food when they’re on holiday. h Single, childless people are most likely to eat unhealthy foods when they’re away (17%). h Holidaymakers from Sheffield are most likely to drink more when they are away from home (60%). h People from Birmingham are most likely to be tee-total (14%).

Importing “” new eating habits

Holidays awaken our taste buds to the pleasures of global cuisine

The delicious foods we eat on holiday

make such an impression that many British holidaymakers try to recreate their favourite dishes when they return home.

More than a third (36%) incorporate foods they have eaten on holiday into the things they cook at home. One in five holidaymakers actually learn to cook dishes that they enjoyed on holiday so that they can serve them at home, while almost a fifth (18%) make an effort to visit restaurants serving the food they ate when they were away. Couples without children are most likely to do this (23%). As a result, almost one in ten (8%) people begin to eat out at places that they wouldn’t have considered before their trip.

This indicates that a week or two away from home gives us the opportunity to explore new culinary experiences.

Holidays of the future


It’s clear that holidays are an important way for us to relax, and evaluate our behaviour but how are our holidays likely to change in the future?

Holidays “” take on a green hue

Holidaymakers want to make a contribution to the regions in which they travel We asked British holidaymakers what

they think will be important when travelling in ten years time, in order to assess how this might impact upon their holiday behaviour.

Kuoni’s research indicates that    sustainability and eco-tourism will become increasingly important within the next ten years, and travellers will feel a greater sense of responsibility to contribute or make a difference to the areas that they are visiting.

The top five future travel trends are: Sustainability (33%) Exploring unseen places (32%) Increased eco-tourism (24%) Pure luxury (23%) Social responsibility (20%) h





All but one of these trends relates to protecting the planet or rejecting mass tourism – but the fact that almost a quarter of Britons still view luxury as a priority should not be overlooked. Although younger travellers aged 25-34 are most likely to predict an increased focus on sustainability (40%) and volunteering (8%) they are also most likely to say that luxury will be important (28%) and are least likely to predict that they will stop flying (6%). Given that the thoughts, opinions and desires of this younger group will be the driving force behind the holidays of the future, it’s clear that there is a need to identify a eco-friendly way to see the world, explore different countries and have a couple of weeks to recharge on a beautiful beach.

Given that this group are most likely to say that going to the moon will be important in ten years time (11%), it’s evident that when it comes to planning their dream holiday, the sky is, quite literally, not the limit. Almost a quarter (22%) of people say that a holiday gives them an opportunity to connect with nature. This indicates that they spend significantly more time outdoors than they would do when they are at home.

Travel will increasingly have fewer boundaries but must adhere to criteria for sustainability.

kuoni holiday report 2011 pages 28 29

Trends Top 10 Destinations

Top 5 Destinations

Coming soon… “”

Maldives Thailand h Sri Lanka h Egypt h USA h Mauritius h Malaysia h Unite Arab Emirates h Kenya h Barbados h h


12 markets * 21 questions 100’s of answers from over

12 000 people…

Sri Lanka USA h Mauritius h St Lucia h Antigua h h

Honeymoon Maldives Sri Lanka h Thailand h Mauritius h Malaysia h h


Maldives USA h Thailand h United Arab Emirates h Sri Lanka h

… all broken down into 1 Global Report



Thailand Maldives h Egypt h Sri Lanka h Switzerland

Kuoni asked travellers worldwide: Do you act like a different person on holiday?

“When I’ m on holida y, 2011 I act li ke a differen t person.” Global

Kuoni Holiday Report

h h

Top 3 Travel Trends

There is more demand for cultural tailor-made experiences h Affordable luxury holidays are the most requested holidays booked h Weddings and honeymoons abroad are becoming increasingly popular in destinations ranging from Africa to Asia h

Kuoni’s first Global Holiday Report compares and reveals: h Who are the biggest holiday flirts? h Who dresses to impress if the beach was a “catwalk”? h Will we travel to the moon in 10 years? This and much more…

Kuoni asked

over 1200

0 people


e about their

holiday beha viour.

Coming soon – for more information stay tuned to www.kuoni.com/holidayreport * Kuoni asked over 12 000 people from Benelux, Denmark, Finland, France, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK about their holiday behaviour.

kuoni ferienreport 2011 seiten 04 05

✂ UK address & contact:

Kuoni Travel Ltd Kuoni House Dorking Surrey RH5 4AZ UK Anne-Marie Hansen Public Relations anne-marie.hansen@kuoni.co.uk T +44 1306 744 173 www.kuoni.co.uk/holidayreport

Global contact:

Lucia Tallo Lifestyle & Brand PR lucia.tallo@kuoni.com T +41 44 277 49 14

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