WEC 2011 Sponsoring Package

Page 1

Sponsorship & Exhibition Manual


Tables of contents

Welcome to Geneva


Main Topics




Gold Sponsor


Silver Sponsor


Bronze Sponsor


Friendship Sponsor


Printed Items


Services to the participants


Sponsorship Booking Application Form


Information for exhibitors


Exhibition Area   26 Exhibition Booking Application Form


Information for Sponsors/Advertisers and Exhibitors



Welcome to Geneva

The International Convention Following on from Hanover (2000), Shanghai (2004) and Brasilia (2008), Geneva will host the fourth World Engineers’ Convention. From 4 – 9 September 2011 more than 2000 delegates from 100 countries are expected in the International Conference Center Geneva (CICG). The title of the convention, Engineers Power the World – Facing the Global Energy Challenge, reflects its focus on energy as one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. In recent days, the global energy challenges facing us have taken on a new dimension and WEC 2011 is a chance for a targeted debate in Geneva. Switzerland was mandated to host WEC 2011 by the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO), the association of national engineering organizations from more than 90 countries, representing some 18 million engineers worldwide. 3

Main Topics

Global Challenges Since the industrial revolution engineering has been at the root of a fantastic evolution of mankind. However, the growth of our population with everyone’s legitimate quest for the new technology stresses on our global environment and resources. Time is more

than ripe to review these challenges and share views on how science and engineering, together with politics, will contribute to overcome these difficulties and promote a fair development for everyone. Energy is a major driving force.

Education in Engineering Mobility and Transport The International Convention Education at all levels plays a Since(2004) the ancient time the physical Following on from Hanover (2000), Shanghai central role in the development and themobility of men and goods has been and Brasilia (2008), Geneva will host fourth World wealth of our societies. With the a determining Engineers’ Convention. From 4 – 9 September 2011 factor of progress explosion knowledge and of new and sense more thanof 2000 delegates from 100 countries are of freedom. Transportation communication means, education is becoming the largest energy expected in the International Conference in engineering has to adapt constantly consumption sector in a growing to the endless number of countries with the Center Genevafrontiers (CICG). of science and taking into account associated The technology, title of the convention, Engineers Power the burden on environment the need for social, cultural and and infrastructure World – Facing the Global Energy Challenge, reflects its needs. The fast ethical harmony. This is particularly growth of the energy-demanding focus on energy as one of the greatest challenges true for energy and environment. road, air and rail transport in of the 21st century. Attracting the new generation to particular requires major innovations engineering, caring for the gender towards increased ecoefficiency. Switzerland was mandated to host WEC In their sophisticated niche, the issues, a quality control 2011 byensuring the World Federation of Engineering progress in technologies in both research and applications Organizations (WFEO), the association exciting of national shall90not be forgotten. and encouraging people’s sustainable engineering organizations from more than mobility are among the key topics countries, representing some 15 million to be tackled. engineers worldwide.

Building and Megacities From the earliest time habitat and comfort have been a constant quest for humankind. As the world population tends to grow with a strong trend towards urbanisation cities are becoming major energy and resource consumers, but they nevertheless present opportunities for synergies and a more rational use of resources. The main domains towards more sustainable engineering are land planning, building technology and management, advanced energy distribution networks and systemic analyses accounting for full life cycle approaches.


Main Topics

Renewable Energies and Storage Development of our societies has been driven by the exploitation of fossil or nuclear resources formed over millions of years. Energy from naturally replenished (renewable) rather than depletable fossil resources is a must for a sustainable future. Renewable energy currently covers less than 13% of the world’s primary energy demand and, despite strong growth in the use of some renewables, the overall percentage is actually forecast to drop within the next ten years. Major coordinated policy initiatives are required to reverse the trend, improve the regulatory framework and evolve towards more commercially viable technologies in countries at all stages of development. Account must be taken of important components such as electricity storage technologies, and energy from the environment for heating and cooling.

Power Plants and Networks Converting energy to easily distributed forms is a prerequisite for the development of technologically advanced societies. Electri­ city plays a growing part in this context while gas networks spread in many areas. Whereas in developed societies the conversion of primary energies (hydro, coal, oil and gas) is primarily done in power plants and distributed to consumers via networks of decreasing voltages, new patterns are emerging with decentralized electricity generation, cogeneration or trigeneration at the city quarter or building level. The same trend exists for new renewables. Medium to long term technology options for both the centralized (3rd and 4th generation of nuclear power, fusion, cleaner coal with or without CO2 sequestration, gas combined cycle, ...) and decentralized approaches (engines, fuel cells, …) together with their social acceptance are to be reviewed in a serene debate proper to the engineering spirit.

Rational End Use In spite of the progress in many areas, there is still a significant potential for a more rational use of resources at the user’s level. Large consumers like the cement, material processing or chemical and food industries have a significant role to play in the reduction of energy use and CO2 emissions. The energy share of the important sector of information technology (computers, servers,…) exhibits a significant growth and demand will increase. Another major challenge is water for people, cattle, industry and agriculture. Water pumping, desalination and waste water treatment are bound to become major energy consuming tasks in many countries. The aging of population will also ask for increased comfort, medical care and energy activated prostheses, which will affect the energy use.



The three day convention will cover seven main topics and will provide a major opportunity to review, discuss and share the engineers’ views in a prospective way, considering not only the scientific and technological perspective, but also the broad view of the system and ways to influence the socioeconomic and political framework. Program September 4th – 9th 2011 Sunday 4th TOPICS

Monday 5th

Tuesday 6th

Global Challenges

Education in Engeneering

09:00 10:00

12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00

Mobility and Transport

Building and Megacities

Power Plants and Networks

Renewable Energies and Storage

Thursday 8th

Round Table Energy Ministers and Environment Registration

16:00 17:00

Plenary Sessions

Plenary Sessions



Round Table

Round Table



Parallel Sessions

Parallel Sessions



Special Presentations

Closing Ceremony and Resolution

18:00 19:00

Welcome Cocktail

Friday 9th

Rational End Use

Opening Ceremony Meeting of the committees WFEO


Wednesday 7th

EPFL Night Concert

Convention Dinner

Sunday, September 4th 2011 Specials for the Day 14:00 - 19:00

Registration Convention

18:00 - 21:00

Welcome Cocktail

19:00 - 19:15

Welcome Representative Republic Geneva (Renaud Gautier, Member of the City Council of Geneva) Social Program

14:00 - 16:00

Tour Geneva City

Monday, September 5th 2011 Opening Ceremony 09:30 - 11:30

Welcome Ruedi Noser, President WEC 2011 Doris Leuthard, Federal Councillor of Switzerland Renaud Gautier, President of the cantonal parliament of the Canton of Geneva Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO (request running) Maria P. Laffargue, President of the WFEO Nobuo Tanaka, Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA), Paris Gold-Sponsor Best Energy Practice Award Media Conference

11:45 - 12:30

Media Conference Round Table Energy Ministers

13:30 - 15:30

Doris Leuthard, Federal Councillor of Switzerland Günther Oettinger, European Commissioner for Energy Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, Minister for Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing of France (request running) Steven Chu, United States Secretary of Energy (request running) Tienan Liu, Viceminister, Head of the National Energy Administration, China (request running) Elizabeth Dipuo Peters, Minister of Energy of the Republic of South Africa (request running) Edison Lobão, Minister of Energy of Brazil (request running)

16:00 - 17:30

Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium Mathias Bichsel, Member of the Executive Committee of Royal Dutch Shell plc André Borschberg, fighter pilot and co-founder of the project Solar Impulse Social Program

09:00 - 17:00

Young Engineers Lounge

10:00 - 17:00

Visit of Gruyères / Chocolats Cailliers

19:30 - 21:00

Chorus CERN / Concert

20:00 - 24:00




Tuesday, September 6th 2011

09:00 - 11:00


Mobility and Transport

Building and Urban Development

Introduction Mauro Pellegrini President of Swiss Engineering

Introduction Lino Guzzella Professor for Thermotronics ETH-Zurich

Introduction Daniel Kündig President of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects SIA

Willi Fuchs, Executive Director of the Association of German Engineers (VDI)

Christopher F. Edwards Stanford University

Adrian Altenburger, Amstein + Walthert AG President of the Energy Commission SIA

Hiroshi Komiyama Former President of the University of Tokyo

Markus Montigel CEO of Systransis Ltd.

Werner Sobek, Illinois Institute of Technology, University of Stuttgart

Torsten Fransson Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Yohan Allouch, Airbus (Future of Air Traffic)

Lord Norman Foster (request running)

Kathy Caldwell (request running)

Keynote (Future of Car Traffic)

Building Technologies, Siemens (request running)

Julien Roitman, National Council of Engineers and Scientists of France

Keynote (Megacities)

11:30 - 12:30

Round Table

Round Table

Round Table

14:00 - 15:45

Parallel Sessions Part 1

Parallel Sessions Part 1

Parallel Sessions Part 1

Parallel Session Global Challenges

16:15 - 18:00

Parallel Sessions Part 2

Parallel Sessions Part 2

Parallel Sessions Part 2

Parallel Session Global Challenges

Special Sessions 14:00 - 18:00

Addressing Infrastructure and the Changing Climate trough Engineering Knowledge Development and Capacity Building: Keynote: David Keith

14:00 - 18:00

Presentations Project Young Engineers

14:00 - 18:00

America‘s view on energy challenges / China‘s view on energy challenges

18:00 - 18:45

Workshop «The New Monte Rosa Hut»

14:00 - 17.00

Engineering for Global Development Social Program

09:00 - 17:00

Young Engineers Lounge

10:00 - 17:00

Chamonix / Aiguille du Midi

18:00 - 22:00


Wednesday, September 7th 2011 Renewable Energies and Storage

Rational End Use

Introduction Gian-Luca Bona CEO of Empa, Switzerland

Introduction Alexander Wokaun Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland

Introduction Daniel Favrat, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

Anke Rita Kaysser Pyzalla Helmholtz-Zentrum, Berlin

Michael Grätzel, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

Hervé Suty, Head of research centres of Veolia Environment

Anne Lauvergeon CEO of AREVA

Christoph W. Frei, Secretary General, World Energy Council London

Jaques Bourgon Holcim Group Support Ltd

Keynote from Africa (request running)

José Sergio Gabrielli, Petrobras (request running)

Koichi Yamada, University of Tokyo

Peter Walther, Senior Vice President Intermediates Research

Jefferson W. Tester, David Croll Chair, Sustainable Energy Systems Associate Director, Cornell Center for a Sustainable Future, Cornell University

11:30 - 12:30

Round table

Round table

Round table

14:00 - 15:45

Parallel Sessions

Parallel Sessions

Parallel Sessions

Power Plants and Networks 09:00 - 11:00

Parallel Session Global Challenges

Closing Ceremony 17:00 - 18:30

Maria P. Laffargue, President of the WFEO Resolution Ruedi Noser, President WEC 2011 Adel al-Kharafi, President elect WFEO Announcement WEC 2013 Croatia Announcement WEC 2015 Japan Presentation Best Projects Young Engineers Good Bye Special Sessions

14:00 - 15:30

Energy Future from Japanese Perspective

09:00 - 17:00

ENAEE-IFEES-IEA Educating Engineers for Sustainable Development: the Relavance of Accreditation

09:00 - 17:00

Engineers without Border Social Program

09:00 - 17:00

Young Engineers Lounge

09:00 - 17:00

Castel of Chillon-Montreux-Lausanne

19:00 - 24:00

Convention Dinner on the lake of Geneva



Thursday, September 8th 2011 Specials for the Day 08:00 - 18:00

Registration WFEO

10:00 - 18:00

General Assembly FEANI

19:00 - 21:00

Welcome-Apéro EYE


EYE Plenary Social Program


Services Industriels Geneva


EYE-Party Excursions


Alptransit / Grand Dixence (first day)


Project ITER Cadarache (first day)

08:00 - 20:00

Visit ETH Zürich

10:00 - 18:00

Visit CERN

10:00 - 18:00

Ecological Buildings 1-4

Friday, September 9th 2011 WFEO 09:00 - 12:00

General Assembly

19:00 - 23:00

Convention Dinner with FEANI FEANI

09:30 - 13:00

General Assembly

19:00 - 23:00

Convention Dinner with WFEO Excursions

08:00 - 18:00

Project ITER Cadarache (second day)

08:00 - 18:00

Alptransit / Grand Dixence (second day)

10:00 - 18:00

Visit CERN

10:00 - 18:00

Ecological Buildings 1-4




List of Sponsorship Items

Acknowledgement of Sponsorship Keynote in the Opening Ceremony Logo with hyperlink on www.wec2011.org

Free 60 second TV commercial before each session. This commercial will also be shown on all flat screens at the CICG.

* Free inclusion of 1 page full color advertisement in the abstract book (advertisement provided by the sponsor) only if there is a printed final program and abstract book; if not this can be easily replaced by an acknowledgement in the digital format (CD, USB flash drive, Spotme etc.)

Large acknowledgement on separate sponsor board on the conference site Acknowledgement on list of sponsors in the final program and abstract book Free inclusion of sponsor’s publicity material in the conference bags

Acknowledgement on sign at entrance to all special events: welcome reception and convention dinner Acknowledgement on inside front cover of the abstract book and final program*

Free inclusion of 1 page full color advertisement in the abstract book (advertisement provided by the sponsor)*

Locistical matters such as conference room booking and technical resources needed such as LCD projectors, screen and sound system are included in the sponsorship Flags in front of CICG entrance (flags provided by the sponsor) VIP lounge in front of CICG and 100 m2 exhibition space

The contribution paid by the Gold Sponsor will also entitle the sponsor to: An exhibition space with a minimum of 18 square meters including:

18 m2 shell scheme with walls made of R8 system components, including white aluminum structure and white infill panels, 220 cm high 7 cm high fascia bar(s) on open stand side(s) Name board: white with company name in black Lighting with 3 x 100 W spotlights, 1 x 10 A power outlet per stand set up and dismantling Cleaning of public areas and gangways 6 staff admission badges for the exhibition only Coffee breaks for 6 staff 6 full WEC 2011 conference registrations free of charge (in addition to the 6 staff admission badges) 6 invitations to the convention dinner

Costs on request




List of Sponsorship Items

Acknowledgement of Sponsorship Logo with hyperlink on www.wec2011.org Free 30 second TV commercial before each session. Large acknowledgement on separate sponsor board on the conference site

* Free inclusion of 1 page full color advertisement in the abstract book (advertisement provided by the sponsor) only if there is a printed final program and abstract book; if not this can be easily replaced by an acknowledgement in the digital format (CD, USB flash drive, Spotme etc.)

Acknowledgement on list of sponsors in the final program and abstract book Acknowledgement on sign at entrance to all special events: welcome reception and convention dinner Acknowledgement on inside front cover of the abstract book and final program*

Free inclusion of 1 page full colour advertisement in the abstract book (advertisement provided by the sponsor)*

Locistical matters such as conference room booking and technical resources needed such as LCD projectors, screen and sound system are included in the sponsorship

The contribution paid by the Silver Sponsor will also entitle the sponsor to: An exhibition space with a minimum of 12 square meters including:

12 m2 shell scheme with walls made of R8 system components, including white aluminum structure and white infill panels, 220 cm high 7 cm high fascia bar(s) on open stand side(s) Name board: white with company name in black Lighting with 3 x 100 W spotlights, 1 x 10 A power outlet per stand set up and dismantling Cleaning of public areas and gangways 4 badges for staff entry to the exhibition only Coffee breaks for 4 staff 4 full WEC 2011 conference registrations free of charge (in addition to the 4 staff entries) 4 invitations to the convention dinner

Costs on request




List of Sponsorship Items

Acknowledgement of Sponsorship Logo with hyperlink on www.wec2011.org Large acknowledgement on separate sponsor board on the conference site Acknowledgement on list of sponsors in the final program and abstract book

* Free inclusion of 1 page full color advertisement in the abstract book (advertisement provided by the sponsor) only if there is a printed final program and abstract book; if not this can be easily replaced by an acknowledgement in the digital format (CD, USB flash drive, Spotme etc.)

Acknowledgement on sign at entrance to all special events: welcome reception and convention dinner Acknowledgement on inside front cover of the abstract book and final program*

Free inclusion of 1 page full colour advertisement in the abstract book (advertisement provided by the sponsor)* Locistical matters such as conference room booking and technical resources needed such as LCD projectors, screen and sound system are included in the sponsorship

The contribution paid by the Bronze Sponsors will also entitle the sponsor to: An exhibition space with a minimum of 12 square meters including:

9 m2 shell scheme with walls made of R8 system components, including white aluminum structure and white infill panels, 220 cm high 7 cm high fascia bar(s) on open stand side(s) Name board: white with company name in black Lighting with 3 x 100 W spotlights, 1 x 10 A power outlet per stand set up and dismantling Cleaning of public areas and gangways 2 badges for staff entry to the exhibition only Coffee breaks for 2 staff 2 full WEC 2011 conference registrations free of charge (in addition to the 2 staff entries) 2 invitations to the convention dinner

Costs on request




List of Sponsorship Items

The contribution will give a delegation from an emerging markets country the opportunity to participate in the WEC Conference Acknowledgement of Sponsorship Logo with hyperlink on www.wec2011.org Large acknowledgement on separate sponsor board on the conference site Acknowledgement on list of sponsors in the final program and abstract book (or other digital resource)

Acknowledgement on sign at entrance to all special events: welcome reception and convention dinner 2 full WEC 2011 conference registrations free of charge 2 invitations to the convention dinner

Locistical matters such as conference room booking and technical resources needed such as LCD projectors, screen and sound system are included in the sponsorship

Costs on request


Printed Items

Final Program/Abstract Book* (one sponsor only) An exclusive advertisement of your company will appear on the back cover of the final conference program. This book will be distributed to all registered participants at the conference venue in Geneva. The logo should appear directly on the first page when using the CD or flash drive. Acknowledgement of Sponsorship Logo with hyperlink on WEC 2011 website Acknowledgement on separate sponsor board on the conference site

Acknowledgement on list of sponsors in the final program and abstract book (or other electronic supports) One full WEC 2011 conference registration free of charge

CHF 30,000.00 + VAT 8.0 %

Flag Sponsoring (one sponsor only) Logo on all flags sited in and around the CICG (except Platinum Sponsor flags) Acknowledgement of Sponsorship Logo with hyperlink on WEC 2011 website Acknowledgement on separate sponsor board on the conference site Acknowledgement on list of sponsors in the final program and abstract book (or other electronic supports) One full WEC 2011 conference registration free of charge

CHF 20,000.00 + VAT 8.0 %

* or CD, flash drive


Printed Items

Conference bags (one sponsor only) Sponsoring of the participants’ bags. The bag will display the Sponsor’s logo and WEC 2011 logo. Acknowledgement of Sponsorship Logo with hyperlink on WEC 2011 website Acknowledgement on separate sponsor board on the conference site

Acknowledgement on list of sponsors in the final program and abstract book (or other electronic supports) Free inclusion in the conference bags of sponsor’s publicity material One full WEC 2011 conference registration free of charge (in addition to the 2 staff entries) The bags will be produced by WEC 2011

CHF 25,000.00 + VAT 8.0 %

Insertion of Publicity Leaflet in the Conference Bag Leaflet provided by the sponsor

CHF 2,500.00 + VAT 8.0 %


Services for participants

Participants’ Badge Lanyards (Neck Cords)


Sponsor’s company logo will appear on the badge cords (one sponsor only) Acknowledgement of Sponsorship

Logo with hyperlink on WEC 2011 website

Acknowledgement on separate sponsor board on the conference site

Acknowledgement on list of sponsors in the final program and abstract book (or other electronic supports) One full WEC 2011 conference registration free of charge

CHF 15,000.00 + VAT 8.0 %

Participants’ Notepads and Pens


Sponsor’s company logo will appear on the conference notepads and pens Acknowledgement of Sponsorship

Logo with hyperlink on WEC 2011 website

Acknowledgement on separate sponsor board on the conference site

Acknowledgement on list of sponsors in the final program and abstract book (or other electronic supports) One full WEC 2011 conference registration free of charge

CHF 17,000.00 + VAT 8.0 %


Services for participants

Welcome Reception Sponsor’s logo on a sign at the welcome reception location Sponsor’s logo on the welcome reception invitations Free admission to the welcome reception for 6 persons Acknowledgement of Sponsorship Logo with hyperlink on WEC 2011 website Acknowledgement on separate sponsor board on the conference site Acknowledgement on list of sponsors in the final program and abstract book (or other electronic supports) Acknowledgement on list of sponsors in the proceedings 2 full WEC 2011 conference registration free of charge

CHF 35,000.00 + VAT 8.0 %

Convention Dinner This is an opportunity for the sponsor to be associated with the WEC 2011 Official Convention Dinner Sponsor’s logo on invitations and menus Short introductory speech at convention dinner Free admission to the convention dinner for 10 persons Sponsor’s logo on sign at entrance to convention dinner Acknowledgement of Sponsorship Logo with hyperlink on WEC 2011 website Acknowledgement on separate sponsor board on the conference site Acknowledgement on list of sponsors in the final program and abstract book (or other electronic supports) 3 full WEC 2011 conference registration free of charge

CHF 65,000.00 + VAT 8.0 %


Services for participants

One Day Coffee Breaks Sponsor’s logo on all standing tables during both coffee breaks on one day Logo with hyperlink on WEC 2011 website Acknowledgement on separate sponsor board on the conference site Acknowledgement on list of sponsors in the final program and abstract book (or other electronic supports)

CHF 8,000.00 + VAT 8.0 %

Internet Café (one sponsor only) Internet space with workstations in the conference centre Sponsor’s logo visible within the area on a banner Logo with hyperlink on WEC 2010 website Acknowledgement on Sponsors’ Board on the conference site Acknowledgement on list of sponsors in the final program and abstract book (or other electronic supports) Information about the internet café along with the sponsor’s name will be available in the final program (or other digital resources)

CHF 25,000.00 + VAT 8.0 %

Speaker Ready Room (one sponsor only) Speaker room within the conference center providing the workstations Sponsor’s logo visible within the area on a banner Logo with hyperlink on WEC 2011 website Acknowledgement on Sponsors’ Board on the conference site

Acknowledgement on list of sponsors in the final program and abstract book (or other electronic supports)

Information about the speaker room along with the sponsors name will be provided in the final program

CHF 18,000.00 + VAT 8.0 % 21

Services for participants

Young Engineers Social Event Date: Monday 5th of September 2011 from 20:00 to 24:00 Location: OMM (Organisation Mondiale de la Météorologie), Quartier The event is organized by the very exclusive “Young Engineers Futures Leader Task Group” of the WFEO. 200 young engineers and 30 invited delegates from the WFEO committees are expected. Acknowledgement of Sponsorship  15 minutes presentation during the opening of the dinner Desk located near the dinner with information about the company Roll-up banners at the entrance of OMM and inside the dinner room Logo on the related brochures and flyers about YE social event Logo and link on the WEC 2011 website 2 full WEC 2011 conference registration free of charge

CHF 50,000.00 + VAT 8.0 %

Project Young Engineers In the framework of WEC 2011 Swiss professors have designed projects to be worked on by international teams of young engineers. The projects will be presented at the convention WEC 2011. The young engineers were invited to apply for participation and the coaches selected the most suitable candidates for their project. 11 projects have been staffed with totally 87 young engineers. The coaches and the members of the teams have been informed end of February 2011 and have taken up the work on their specific projects. The aim of the project is to enable young engineers to feel that they, too, are experts capable of finding solutions to important social problems. This is an opportunity for the sponsor to support one of the teams Acknowledgement of Sponsorship Logo on the related brochures and flyers about YE social event Logo and link on the WEC 2011 website One full WEC 2011 conference registration free of charge

CHF 10,000.00 + VAT 8.0 % 22

Services for participants

Best Energy Practice Award In order to accelerate the implementation of good and affordable Sustainable Energy Practices around the world, to recognize their excellence and to provide high visibility to these solutions, the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) has launched the competition Best Energy Practice Award in conjunction with WEC 20011. A competition of this nature will be unique and is expected to be a highlight of the conference in Geneva from 4-9 September 2011. The winners will be awarded and present their solutions at WEC 2011. Acknowledgement of Sponsorship Logo on the related brochures and flyers about YE social event Logo and link on the WEC 2011 website One full WEC 2011 conference registration free of charge

CHF 20,000.00 + VAT 8.0 %

The resolution – a worldwide discussion WEC 2011 will give answers to today’s burning questions. The issues will be considered through a process of international discussion, involving national engineering associations, universities and other organizations. In April the discussion will be started. WEC 2011 presents a proposal on the website and asks professionals all over the world for feedback. As part of the closing ceremony in Geneva, the final resolution will be passed. Acknowledgement of Sponsorship Logo on the related brochures and flyers about YE social event Logo and link on the WEC 2011 website One full WEC 2011 conference registration free of charge

CHF 10,000.00 + VAT 8.0 %

Special Requests We are aware that sponsorship of any of the above items may not suit your current marketing aims. We are therefore willing to tailor a package to suit your objectives. Please feel free to contact the Conference Secretariat to discuss your needs.

Acknowledgements Please note that all sponsors and exhibitors will be acknowledged in the final program, on the acknowledgement board at the Conference and on the Conference website. Please forward your company logo to wec2011@ch.kuoni.com, in EPS and JPG format


Sponsorship Booking Application Form Please complete and send to: Kuoni Destination Management Geneva Business Center Av. des Morgines 12 CH -1213 Petit-Lancy, Switzerland

Tel: +41 22 908 18 55 Fax: +41 22 908 18 35 E-Mail: wec2011@ ch.kuoni.com

Contact Name Name of Company Address Post / Zip Code / Country Telephone Fax E-mail I would like to book the following Sponsorship/Advertisement Items: Sponsorship/Advertisement Item Gold (1 sponsor) Silver (max. 3 sponsors) Bronze Friendship Final Program/Abstract Book (1 sponsor) Flag Sponsoring (1 sponsor) Conference Bag (1 sponsor) Leaflet Insertion (per item) Badge Lanyards Notepads and Pens Welcome Reception Convention Dinner One Day Coffee Breaks Internet Café (1 sponsor) Speaker Ready Room (1 sponsor) Young Engineers Social Event Project Young Engineers Best Energy Practice Award The resolution – a worldwide discussion Special Request

Price CHF (excluding VAT) Costs on request Costs on request Costs on request Costs on request 30,000 20,000 25,000 2,500 15,000 17,000 35,000 65,000 8,000 25,000 18,000 50,000 10,000 20,000 10,000 Ask for details



Please call me to discuss our sponsorship package Please send me a sponsorship contract and bill me for the 50% deposit. Signature



Information for exhibitors

A professional exhibition will be held concurrently with the WEC 2011 at the CICG in Geneva. Proposed Dates

Site Inspections Exhibitors are free to visit the CICG venue Set up dates: Saturday, September 3, 2011 at their convenience. Exhibition open dates: Sunday, September 4, 2011 Dismantling dates: Thursday, September 8, 2011 Terms and Conditions The terms and conditions of exhibiting will be sent Allocation of Exhibition Space with the contract. Please note that signature Space will be allocated on a first come, first served of the exhibition contract indicates acceptance basis, with priority to the sponsors. of the terms and conditions.

Shell Scheme Rental

Space only

The price for shell scheme stand is CHF 1,200 + VAT 8.0 % per square metre. This includes:

The price for space only is CHF 800 + VAT 8.0 % per square metre. This includes:

2 exhibitor badges One complimentary exhibitor badge which gives access to all conference sessions Refreshments for 2 registered exhibitors 1 table, 2 chairs Cleaning of public areas and gangways Listing in the program book Listing on the website White Shell Scheme frame Walls made of R8 system components, including white aluminum structure and white infill panels, 250 cm high Fascia bar(s) on open stand side(s), 7 cm high Name board: white with company name in black standard lettering Lighting with 1 x 100 W spot per 3 m mounted on electrical rail 1 power outlet per stand Setup, dismantling and transportations

2 Exhibitors’ badges One complimentary exhibitor badge which gives access to all conference sessions Refreshments for registered exhibitors 1 table, 2 chairs Cleaning of public areas and gangways Listing in the conference program Listing on the website Electrical sockets

Please note that shell scheme does not include the following: • stand cleaning • additional lighting • additional furniture


Exhibition Area

Conference Room

Main Entrance

6 m2

6 m2

6 m2

6 m2 18 m2

9 m2

9 m2

9 m2

9 m2 9 m2

6 m2

9 m2

9 m2

9 m2

9 m2

9 m2

6 m2

9 m2

9 m2

9 m2

9 m2

9 m2

6 m2



Exhibition Booking Application Form Please complete and send to: Kuoni Destination Management Geneva Business Center Av. des Morgines 12 CH -1213 Petit-Lancy, Switzerland

Tel: +41 22 908 18 55 Fax: +41 22 908 18 35 E-Mail: wec2011@ ch.kuoni.com

Contact Name Name of Company Address Post / Zip Code / Country Telephone Fax E-mail

I would like to book the following Exhibition Shell scheme rental ... m2 × CHF 1,200 + VAT 8.0 % Shell scheme rental 6 m2 Shell scheme rental 9 m2 Space only rental ... m2 × CHF 800 + VAT 8.0 % Space only rental 6 m2 Space only rental 9 m2

Price CHF (excluding VAT)


7,200 10,800 4,800 7,200

Please send me an exhibition contract and invoice, and the terms and conditions Signature



Information for Sponsors/ Advertisers and Exhibitors Applications can be made in writing by sending the enclosed BOOKING APPLICATION FORM to: Kuoni Destination Management Mr Franck Grosset Geneva Business Center Avenue des Morgines 12 CH-1213 Petit Lancy Switzerland Tel: +41 22 908 1803 Fax: +41 22 908 1835 E-Mail: wec2011@ch.kuoni.com

On receipt of your application we will send you a contract. Please sign and return this contract along with your 50% deposit to the sponsorship/exhibition office address above. Alternatively you can ask us to bill you for the deposit on the booking application form. When we receive your booking form we will mail you a confirmation of sponsorship along with an invoice.

Terms of Payment

Cancellation Policy

50% with signed contract 50% 4 months prior to the Conference All payments must be received before the start date of the Conference

Cancellation must be made in writing to the sponsorship/ exhibition office address above.The organizers will retain: 50% of the agreed package amount if the cancellation is made before 01/01/2011, or 100% of the agreed package amount if the cancellation is made after 01/01/ 2011 (except for the conference bags)

Payment Method Payment by bank transfer: Please make drafts payable to WEC 2011 Kuoni Travel Ltd. Bank name Credit Suisse, 8070 Zurich, Switzerland IBAN CH32 0483 5038 0510 7100 0

Acknowledgements Please note that all sponsors and exhibitors will be acknowledged in the final program, on the acknowledgement board at the Conference and on the Conference website. Please forward your company logo (in JPEG and EPS format) to wec2011@ch.kuoni.com

SWIFT CRESCHZZ80A Account no. 380510-71 Reference WEC2011


See you in 2011.


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