The Music Issue

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The M u s i c e u s Is

Editors ♼

Jade Cooper - Collins Amy Power

contributors Holly Booth Lou Bush Siobhan Frew Kitty Gallannaugh Hannah Irish Daisy Laverock-Willis Yasmin Mason Amy Peck Lizzie Romer Emily Stockham Natasha T Stephanie Withers

Ed’s letter Brr, it’s cold... We’re well aware that we’re still living in a chilly, wintry Britain, despite high hopes that Spring will arrive very soon. It’s a good job you can curl up with our Music Issue then, isn’t it? We’ve decided to celebrate our country’s fantastic musical offerings, including our favourite artists and the best hangouts near you as well our usual fab features. Enjoy! Amy and Jade x

con tents o

6. Cellardoor Favourites

24. Cellardoor’s Music Map

8. Things To Do Before Spring

30. When I Grow Up...

10. The New Class

34. Wuthering Heights

12. Kate Nash 16. Kyla La Grange 18. Marcus Foster 20. Bastille 22. The Staves

42. The Beautiful Wilderness 50. Home Sweet Home 58. Winter menu 62. A Winter’s Night

Cellardoor’s favourites

Hummingbird Face Watch, £ 62.00, Olivia Burton

Girl Talk, Kate Nash,

Groov-e Retro Classic Style Headphones in Pastel Pink, £ 14.36,

Polka Dot Panther Sweatshirt, £ 38.00, Topshop

Ceramic Teacup Cake Stand, £ 3 4 . 9 5 , Mollie and Fred

Song Lyric Print by Fizzy Lemonade at, £ 18

Flamingo print satchel, £ 120, Zatchels [Exclusive to Oliver Bonas]

Things to do before Spring... Call us optimistic if you will, but Spring is just around the corner. But rather than sitting there just waiting for the weather to take a turn for the better, here’s how to spend the rest of your wintry days... Words Daisy Laverock-Willis Illustration Yasmin Mason


If you’re going to learn to cook one thing this winter, make sure it’s this fruity winter warmer. A good crumble can get you places. My French Kitchen food blog (www. has a fantastic recipe for a red berry crumble, but if you feel like going old school, dig out a few old recipe books and source your own recipe.

GO FOR A DAWN HIKE Waking up predawn for a long walk sounds, on paper, like a painful experience. But finding a secluded countryside spot to watch the sun rise is priceless. A hot flask full of tea will serve as a nice reward for your efforts.


has ruined the UK outdoor party so it’s time to embrace the outdoor winter party instead. For the ultimate outdoor soirée rent a hot tub for your garden, add friends, lots of mulled wine and disposable cameras for a totally unique Swedish-style soiree. Oh ja!


been more fashionable. If you’re London based, the East End women’s institute (www. holds a weekly ‘Knit and Natter’ session in Bow, but if you want to learn at home there are plenty of YouTube videos to help you begin your knitting journey. Or failing that, you could ask your Nana for some guidance.

JUMP INTO A BIG PILE OF LEAVES Jump, dance, run, roll in them,

confuse passers by. You’re definitely not too old. Promise.

EAT ROAST CHESTNUTS The ultimate British winter-time street food. To make your own freshly roasted chestnuts at home the easy way, all you need is a bag of fresh chestnuts, a baking tray, a knife and an oven. Pre-heat the oven to Gas Mark 7 (425°F) and score the chestnuts with an ‘X’and place them in the oven on the baking tray for around 25 minutes until the skins begin to peel back and the chestnut is golden brown and enjoy!

VISIT A BEACH Beaches get seriously

deprived in the winter months. Okay, so it’s freezing, but there’s something truly romantic about being alone on a beach. And plenty of opportunities for arty Instagram photos.


your winter beau and skate off, hand in hand, into a wonderful winter’s night straight out of an

American tween movie. Or failing that, re-create the frozen lake scene from Bambi.

REDISCOVER YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY Curling up on your sofa with a

great read has to be one of the cheapest and most relaxing winter past times. So why not dig out your old library card and indulge yourself in the beauty of free literature?

ENJOY A DRINK IN FRONT OF A LOG FIRE There’s nothing cosier than

spending an evening in front of a blazing log fire, drink in hand, in a secluded country pub nestled deep in the English countryside. You can search for your nearest winter retreat thanks to

BE CULTURED Make the most of indoor

pursuits and visit a museum! The majority of art galleries and museums are free in the UK so take advantage of your free cultural pass. Find exhibitions and your nearest museums and galleries at museums.

CATCH A COLD A time-old winter

tradition. Take comfort in the knowledge that at least half of the population will go through a week of headaches, runny nose, chesty cough and mass consumption of Lemsip too.


are the perfect place to pick up your winter faux fur or a sequinned trophy jacket for evening drinks. See where your nearest fair is by logging onto

DEVELOP A WINTER SKIN REGIME The wind, rain, hail and

temperature all play havoc with your skin at this time of year. Invest in a deep, hydrating moisturiser to revive your skin, a good quality lip gloss to hold the chapped lips at bay and hydrating face washes and masks for an extra skin treat.


European city breaks were made for the winter months. Berlin? Paris? London? Copenhagen? Take your pick. Preferably one with actual snow. has a large selection of great city deals for wherever you fancy jetting off to.


As wonderful as winter can be, some days you can’t help but find yourself daydreaming of tropical beaches, cocktails and swimsuit season. So get your girlfriends over, pick up a few holiday brochures start to plan where to jet off to this summer. Having fun stuff to look forward to beats the winter blues - fact!


NEW class Compiled by Jade Cooper -Collins, Siobhan Frew and Amy Peck

In case you haven’t already noticed, this is the Music Issue. Here you can read up on some of our favourite musicians - some you will have heard of and some you may not. We’ve asked them our burning questions, you know, because we’re nosy. Read on to find out what Kate Nash, Bastille, Kyla LaGrange, The Staves and Marcus Foster are up to...

Photograph Derek Bremner


kate di d next... Photography Christopher Dadey

It’s been a little while since Kate Nash has been on the music scene, but, boy is she back. The songstress has a new look, a new sound and has even added another string to her bow...

Your new album has a completely different sound to your others, how would you describe it now? It’s a balance between being a girl and being tough. It’s a pop record, but feels different to my previous work. It’s full of colour, pop harmonies and melodies. My voice has matured and I can definitely do more with it. I can shout and scream too, which I love! I needed a way to be loud and powerful and music was my escape. Your style has also evolved, we’re loving the new hair! Was this a natural progression to go with the new sound? I wanted to be like Third Degree Burns from Fabulous Stains and also like a chick from a Tarantino movie. I think having darker hair made me feel tough and I needed that. And yeah, you know, my style just progresses each year just like a normal human and I think being a bit older now, I have more confidence in myself and a clearer idea of who I want to present. You’ve said before the Death Proof EP was inspired by Tarantino. What were your inspirations for the new release? It was all kind of like a purge - inspired by events in my life. I went through a difficult time and music is therapy for me so it’s kind of my only option. Also I wrote everything on the bass so it feels louder and tougher straight away anyway. Have you got a favourite track off the album? Probably Sister. It was the first track off the record that I thought, “oh this is what my album will be like”, and it made me really excited about making it! The video is really cool too. I shot it with my best friend in LA. What’s been your favourite gig so far, and why? Bestival last year was awesome. My girl band and I are super close now and I think that makes such a difference to a performance. Also I was so happy to be playing new stuff.

Where do you get inspiration for your songwriting? Real life, friends, pain, the small everyday mundanities. You’ve been keeping a low profile for a while, and we’ve heard you’ve tried your hand at some acting. Can you tell us a bit more about the parts? I did a movie called ‘Powder Room’ that I’m really excited about. It stars Sheridan Smith, Jaime Winstone and Oona Chaplin, who are all amazing girls! It was a predominantly female cast and a really unique experience. Everyone was hugely talented and so sweet, so it was a nice thing to do leading up to Christmas. It was cool to do a British movie too ‘cause all the other stuff I’ve worked on has been based in New York. Hope that doesn’t mean we can expect a career change any time soon? It keeps me interested in what I’m doing and it’s also nice to get a break from being the creative controller of something. I’m obsessed over every aspect of my music and records, so being part of someone else’s project is a real relief. I just get to contribute something to a bigger picture. I hope to balance the two. But music will always be the backbone of my whole life. Can you tell us a bit more about the Rock ‘n’ Roll For Girls After School Club, how did that all start? I found out that only 14% of PRS goes to female songwriters and some other depressing statistics in relation to women and the music industry, which made me really pissed and depressed for a while. But then I found out about rock ‘n’ roll camps in NY and Portland and it really inspired me. I wanted to contribute in some way to this country and the future of the music industry so I approached six different schools in the UK about starting these

after school clubs and they were really excited to be part of it. So I visited the schools for about 18 months and worked with the girls on self-esteem issues and lyric sessions. We had guitar, bass and drum lessons and encouraged the girls to write their own material. I have footage of some of their journeys and it is pretty incredible to see the growth of confidence. The girls were encouraged to be themselves and I provided them with a safe environment and it really made a difference. I’m hoping to expand the project and reach more girls. What advice would you give for aspiring young singer/songwriters? Be yourself, don’t be afraid, just start doing gigs and don’t wait for anyone. And don’t sign anything that takes away creative control. Remember, you are the artist and you should have the power. If you could collaborate with someone dead or alive, who would it be and why? Taylor Swift, Joan Jett, Karen O or Marianne Faithful. And as this is our music issue, what’s your tip for new music in 2013? Syron @syronofficial on Twitter. I just recently discovered her but I love her tunes ‘Here’ and ‘Breaking’. She seems super sincere and sweet. I love what I’ve heard so far. Also FIDLAR. Their debut album just came out and they are an awesome dirt punk surfy garage vibe. Their lives shows are incredible too.

My voice has Matured and I can definitely do more with it


I can

shout and scream too


which I love!

Kyla la Grange Photography Debbie Scanlan

Kyla La Grange is not your average singer-songwriter. Part South African and Zimbabwean, with a degree in philosophy from Cambridge University - via Watford, she is set to be a big british name in 2013. We sit down to talk to Kyla about her music, tours and Ryan Gosling. You’ve got a really distinctive tone to your voice, and you’ve been compared to Kate Bush. How do you feel about the comparisons? It’s really flattering. I guess it’s just a tool people use to be able to describe your music to other people, so I never really mind it as it’s just a way of talking about music. Who would you say have been influences on your music style? When I was younger I listened to a lot of classical music, so there’s some of that influence there, and also folk, my parents listened to a lot of folk music when I was growing up. You studied philosophy at Uni. What made you go into music? Well, I always loved music, I just never really thought I was any good at it. I used to write songs on my own because I liked it, and I never really took it seriously as something I could make a career out of. I studied philosophy because I found it really interesting, and I wanted to learn how to think better! But while I was there I played my own songs at open mic nights, and I loved it so ended up doing it more and more. Then, in my final year I realised I spent a lot of time writing and playing music and so I thought well maybe I should give this a go in London, and see what happens. What inspires you when you’re writing music? Just feeling sad and moody! I often don’t write for three or four months at a time, because I’ll be feeling alright and then I’ll just have a low point and I’ll just write loads, so often the songs come in waves. It really just depends on whether I’m sad or not. Or angry! Angry is a good one too.

How would you describe your personal style? I guess a bit scruffy. I usually like quite dark colours, and I always want to be comfortable. If you could work with anyone dead or alive, who would it be? Cat Power, except I’d probably be so scared and in awe of her that I wouldn’t be able to sing a note, so I probably wouldn’t be able to do anything. You’ve recently released your debut LP, do you have a favourite track on there? I think my favourite track is To Be Torn. It starts out very very quiet and it’s got a very high, sad vocal. It’s just the song I suppose that kind of means the most to me on the LP. One of our favourites is Walk Through Walls, so if you could walk through anyone’s wall, who would it be and why? Ooh, good question. If it could be anyone, probably because I’m a massive perv, Ryan Gosling! What’s been your favourite gig that you’ve played so far? Our last London show at village underground, which was just a big step up for me and the band. We’d never played to that many people before, and it was just a really magical night. What’s in the pipeline? What can we look forward to? I’m just starting to work on a few songs for the next album, then I think we’re going on a little tour to Germany and Switzerland. And lastly, as this is our music issue, whats on your ipod at the minute? Being on tour playing and listening to bands every night, I find you don’t want to listen to music during the day, it’s really sad. I last listened to the new Dog Is Dead track which was really nice, oh and a duo called MS MR who’s stuff I really really like.


I always loved music I just never really thought I was any good at it.


foster Marcus Foster is part of a wave of young British singer/ songwriters who are set to set the world alight in 2013. We caught up with him to ponder the idea of sitting down at gigs and who he thinks is going to be his main contenders this year! For people who haven’t heard you, how would you describe your sound? I have a lot of different influences, from soul to a bit of blues, I like to mix a lot of different sounds. It’s just a mixture of old school rock and roll with a bit of folky stuff and a bit of old stuff, but hopefully it sounds new. Is that what inspires you? The older stuff, musically? Yeah, bits and pieces. I love people like Tom Waits and Huey Smith, but I love lots of different stuff from Prince and James Brown to Van Morrison. You’ve been working in America recently, how’s that? We were out on tour with Michael Kiwanuka and Ben Howard, which was really fun. We were playing in great rooms and to amazing crowds. And we’re going back nex year, so can’t wait for that.

sits down at a gig, you can sit down at home! I would like to play some theatre stuff, where people sit at the top, and then there’s people standing at the bottom having fun, that’s the best of both worlds I guess. You co –wrote Let Me Sign, which appeared in the first Twilight film. How did that come about? That was kind of a joke, really. Me and a friend wrote a whole bunch of songs, and yeah, the whole thing was pretty random, really. And did you think the film was going to be so big when they asked you? No, we had no idea. It was just some vampire movie or whatever, and now it’s kind of strange. If you had a choice for any soundtrack, what would you be on? The next Star Wars movie! No, no, that’s too much pressure! I don’t know. The next Scorsese movie would be pretty cool. Or maybe Paul Thomas Anderson something like that. Or even a horror soundtrack, now that would be fun.

How did the US audiences differ from those in the UK? They’re a bit crazier out there, espically in the South. They get excited a lot quicker which is great, but also a bit terrifying.

Have you got a favourite track on the EP? I quite like Worn Down By Time. As a song, it’s quiet, but the horns are really fun at the end and that for me hints at how I want the shows to be in the future. Just like the last waltz or something like that. A bit like early [Rolling] Stones stuff.

You’re a London boy and grew up here. What’s your favourite bit of the city? There is a real buzz about the city, it’s culturally exciting with great exhibitions, music and stuff. I think the thing is that sometimes people can be so over saturated by such good stuff that people don’t always appreciate it because they’re just like, “oh I could go any night”. It’s a great city.

What have you got planned for the year? There’s a lot of stuff that I can’t announce yet, but I am definitely going to be back in the States for a bit and then hopefully some more recording and playing to more people, and looking to record my second record it at some point.

Do you prefer to play shows London? Anywhere, really. If people are up for it then I’m up for it. I very much feed off the audience I think, and if everyone’s having a really good time then I’m having a really good time. Although I’ve noticed recently that if people are really quiet and listening, really intensely listening then it terrifies me a little bit. I think my music is kind of about having fun. I did a show recently where people were sitting cross legged on the floor and I was like, it’s not on, that’s not fun. We can’t imagine sitting down at a gig... Yeah exactly! Who

You’ve worked with communion records who work with up-and-coming artists. Is there anyone that you champion, who you think are really good? I love this guy called Nathanial Rateliff, I think he’s really amazing. He’s a great songwriter, an amazing performer and his lyrics are really strong. I also like Matt Hergarty - Matthew and the Atlas - he’s got a really good voice. What about the girls?! There is this band called Daughter who I think are going to do really well. And have you heard of Haim? They are good, they’re going to be massive!

I think my music is kind of about having fun


I did a

show recently where people were sitting cross legged on the floor and I was like,


that s not fun.


we can interpret them and meld them with music from films that I love. It’s also nice to be able to give a little album away for free, especially as our own album didn’t come out ‘til March.


e have a lot of love for Bastille - as you’ll have read in our last issue. Since then the band have done amazingly well for themselves, with their debut album going straight to number one in the charts. Just before all that excitement hit, we caught up with frontman Dan Smith... Dan, you originally started Bastille. How long have you been interested in music? For ages I guess. I really like going to gigs and festivals and I buy a lot of music as well. Where did the name Bastille come from? My birthday is the 14th of July which is Bastille Day in France. I was trying to think of a band name and one of my mates suggested it. I liked that it was a bit anonymous but sounded quite bold at the same time, and it just seems to have stuck. How would you describe your music to someone who has never heard it? I’d probally call it cinematic indie with no guitars. How has the transition from a solo artist to a band been? I’ve always written and recorded predominantly by myself and that’s something that hasn’t changed. But I also really wanted Bastille to be a band, especially live, and it’s been a lot of fun being able to play and tour with friends and get on with it all as a band. You do a lot of covers with movie snippets – are they songs orfilms that particularly inspire you? We did that album [Other People’s Heartache] because it was fun to make and was a nice way to reference a lot of films I love and cover songs that people know really well but maybe don’t know where they know them from. You also released a follw-up. Do you enjoy covers of prefer creating your own music? We gave away the follow up to Other People’s Heartache as a Christmas present. Our own songs are much more important to me, but I like the process of recording other people’s songs and seeing how

What has been the highlight of your music career so far? Being able to record the strings for our album at Abbey Road was mental. The label that we signed with owns the studio, otherwise we definitely would never have been able to record there. But it was mad being there for a day and recording these amazing strings parts for some of the songs. Because we made the whole album in my friend’s tiny studio over the course of the year, the Abbey Road thing was a great way to finish it all off. What are your plans for the next year? We’re doing a massive tour round the UK. We’re also touring with Two Door Cinema Club which we’re pretty excited about, and we’re heading to the US for the first time to play at SXSW. What songs are on your iPod at the moment? I’m listening to an EP called “Word of Mouth” by To Kill a King quite a lot. Also Frank Ocean’s second album “Channel Orange”, and I still love the TNGHT EP as well. Has there been one gig that was particularly memorable for you? Our set at Reading last year. We had no idea if anyone was going to show up, and I’d convinced myself that we’d be having pints of piss hurled at us. But the tent was packed and everyone knew all the words to our songs and were jumping around, it was a bit unbelievable for us. What advice would you give aspiring musicians? I’m not sure if I’m really in a position to give anyone advice to be honest, but I’d say it is important to keep writing and be quite hard on yourself when it comes to your songs and if they’re any good or not.

the tent was packed and everyone knew a l l t h e w o r d s ... I t

Was unbelievable

The S

S taves

Remember The Staves? Of course you do. We featured them a couple of years ago and, boy, have they had a great time of it recently. We decided that our music issue gave us the perfect excuse to catch up with them again... It’s been a mad couple of years for you since we last talked, what have been the best bits? Touring with Bon Iver has been a definite highlight. The show we played with them and Feist at Red Rocks was unforgettable - they’re both such inspring bands. You’ve now played gigs all over the place, any particular highlights? We’ve been very lucky to have done three US tours last year. Playing in New York is always exciting, but you can never beat a home town gig. You guys have also been travelling all over the world, what’s the best place you’ve visited? Madrid was pretty awesome. Great wine, loads of cool bars, markets and side streets. Oh, and Big Sur, California might just be the most beautiful place we’ve ever been. We shot a video with some friends there recently and saw elephant seals, whales, dolphins, giant redwoods and the most enormous waves. Your album came out a little while ago and has been doing pretty well. Is there a favourite song on it? Each of us have our favourites. Emily loves Snow; the layered guitars and vocals. Camilla’s pick is Eagle Song; we wrote it when we came back from an amazing tour in the states with Ben Howard, Bears Den and Nathaniel Rateliffe and it conjures up very fond memories for us. Jess’ favourite song is Pay Us No Mind; the take on the album was actually a rehearsal, so it has that wonderful looseness to it. How has it been working together so intensely as sisters? A bloody nightmare! Nah, it’s cool. We have always got on really well, so we generally have a good laugh together (until someone borrows a shirt without asking, or makes a cup of tea without offering the others, or changes the music in the car...)! You’ve been giving Watford a lot of publicity, is that something you’re pleased about? I think lots of people who live in towns around London pretend to be from London because they think it sounds cooler. We prefer to be honest, and Watford is a fine place to come from. We always big it up on tour and even made t-shirts with a sketch of the Harlequin Shopping Centre on it! WATFORD TIL WE DIE! Are there any plans for some well earned time off? We managed to get some time off over Christmas and New Year, but now it’s well and truly back to work! Luckily, work is fun. Really fun. And another album....? It’ll be a while yet but there will definitely be another album. We’re always writing songs and love recording new material. You’ve achieved a huge amount in the last couple of years, arethere any ambitions you’ve yet to fulfil? The ambition has always been to make the best and most honest music we can and, ideally, to make a living from doing so. The dream is to carry on doing that for a long time. Do you think fame has changed you?! Ha! We’re not famous. Nothing has changed now except we get to hear our friends on the radio and see them win awards on telly, which is great! Has there been a moment when you’ve felt “we’ve made it”? There are definitely times when we look at eachother and think “I can’t believe we’re here, doing this”. Jools Holland was one of those moments. Are you still enjoying it? Absolutely. It’s really hard work being on the road all the time, but it’s also the most fun and we wouldn’t want to be doing anything else. What’s next for you? We’re doing a lot more touring this year, both at home and stateside, but we have pockets of writing time throughout the year, which is very exciting for us. And lastly, as this is our music issue - what’s on your iPods at the moment? Alt J! They are awesome. And all the Fionn Regan albums: he is a genius. Oh and the Bears Den EPs - can’t wait for a full album

Cellardoor’s Music Map Illustration Natasha T

The UK has a lot going for it, including a fantastic music scene. We picked the brains of three bloggers from around the country to find out where we can find thebest venues, the hottest bars and who to watch out for...


o MY

By Emily S tockham

My fave venues...

Brixton Academy Undoubtedly one of my

favourite venues in London - and not just because it has so many good memories for me. I’ve seen the likes of Babyshambles, Ben Howard and Lily Allen. Down a pretty murky backstreet in the heart of Brixton you can find the ultimate gig pit stop. Sloped floors means everyone can see, multiple bars and epic acoustics mean that no matter which genre you’re watching you get the best experience. Despite Brixton’s size it is still intimate. In fear of sounding like the Goldilocks of gig venues, Brixton is not too big nor to small, it’s just right.

Koko Located in Camden Town, inside you’ll

find red velvet walls and tiered floors with ample standing space and the feeling of the retro theatre it once was is still there. Grab a ticket to a gig or NME club night - where you’ll have a support act, gig and then club to follow, and you can roam anywhere within the walls of the venue. They have some killer names play here considering the size - so beware it often sells out pretty quickly.




ULU Small student union that occasionally hosts gigs. Cheap beer and cheap tickets. Win. Troxy Sloped floors, good sound and hidden away. Shepherd’s Bush Empire Intimate and infamous.





Head down to Kingston-Upon-Thames and you’ll find a tiny shop with a blue front that houses so much music, its almost bursting at the seams. Banquet Records pride themselves on being ‘more than just your local record shop’ and they live up to that expectation by hosting in-store gigs, club nights and album signings as well as running their own record label. Every week the gang from Banquet Records host club night New Slang at the Hippodrome, complete with a live band and a disco. Now in its sixth year, the club night brings in the crowds thanks to their amazing line-ups - where else can you see a gig and pull shapes until 2am to the hippest new tunes for just five British pounds? New Slang has played host to some of the biggest Indie bands on the scene including: Vampire Weekend; The Cribs; Mystery Jets, The Maccabees and the infamous Mr. Pete Doherty. The guys at Banquet Records are clearly music lovers who wanted to create the perfect indie evening. A lovely bunch worthy of your support - it’s been my favourite record store and favourite indie disco for years now and gem that should no longer be hidden. Top



If you head to the heart of London’s East End you’ll find somewhere to satisfy your appetite with both great food and great musical history. It’s where the talented and the cool come to lay down their latest tunes and grab a bite to eat. A world famous musical complex used by hundreds of musical legends, The Premises has been the capital’s most popular music studio complex for more than 26 years. However, it’s not just a recording studio, there is also a café which specialises in Turkish cuisine and you can even pop in for a drink too. The Observer Food magazine rated it as one of the 50 coolest places to eat in London, and with clients including Lana del Rey, Billy Bragg and Hot Chip, musician spotting is guaranteed.



Po r t s m o u t h

By Lou Bush



Wedgewood Rooms You may not know this but

My fave venues...

Portsmouth is actually an island, surrounded on one side by beautiful marshland and the other by a port and naval base. At the foot of the island you will find a pebble beach, grassy common land, skateboarders and Victorian architecture. This area is known as Southsea and is home to a community of artists, musicians, designers and creatives. It’s here you’ll find a range of intimate venues ideal for watching raw talent and getting up close to established bands and artists. The most well known is The Wedgewood Rooms. Artists to have performed in the last few months include Jake Bugg, Little Comets and Beth Orton. Compared to larger venues like the city’s Guildhall, the Wedgewood Rooms provides you with a more personal experience of watching live music.

The Registry If you enjoy your music a bit more cutting

edge then this is the place for you. The Registry is a fantastic barcum-live music venue and every Friday they host ‘Date With The Night’ which presents new bands with an indie disco after party. The building itself is stunning and the interior is quirky - think vintage lamps, leather sofas, retro design classics and custom pieces by artists. On Sunday afternoons you can also bring your vinyl along, and if your record gets played you get a free drink sounds like a great way to unwind on a lazy Sunday, right?

Favourite local record store... Down Castle Road, you’ll find one of my favourite places in Portsmouth, Pie and Vinyl. It is exactly that, delicious pies by Pieminister and local Southsea butchers Buckwells, served with minted peas, mash and gravy. Once you’ve enjoyed your meal it's time to browse the record room where you will find rare and limited edition vinyls by the likes of Sonic Youth, Beach House and Bon Iver. Whilst you flick through vintage suitcases of LPs, taxidermy foxes and birds spy on you. There are also a range of limited edition screen printed gig posters by artists like The Black Keys and pre-loved record players are also for sale.

Local bands to check out... Villiers Full of witty cynicism, vocal layers and jangly acoustic

guitar. The band have a passion for gigging and will play impromptu performances - even in your living room if you ask nicely. Download ‘You cut off my hands when I wanted to twist’ for free now.

Old Colours Acoustic guitar, strings and a haunting folk sound this offering is sheer perfection. have put out a stunning video of them playing Under the Blue Moon live at the beautiful and historic Portsmouth hot walls.

Portsmouth is also the home of record label Strong Island Recordings. The label curated its own stage at Southsea Fest, Drunken Sailor, filled with hot, fast, loud and hard music. Adding a layer of dirt, swagger and cool to the creative melee of the city the record label is just one of the examples of the changes Portsmouth is experiencing as a cultural destination.


o MY

By Lizzi e Rom er

My fave venues...

Whilst Leeds’ O2 Academy is a great mid-size venue and a stop off on many acts’ tours, I thought I’d introduce you to a few of the smaller venues that provide a more intimate experience…

The Cockpit As well as being popular for its





weekly club nights, The Cockpit has a reputation for hosting upcoming bands before they make it to the big time (The White Stripes and The Killers to name a couple). Its intimate, underground feel and underthe-railway location (check out the curved ceilings) make for a great atmosphere every time.

Jumbo Records is a breath of independent music shop air among the chain stores you find

Brudenell Social Club The social club in

Friday 3rd May – Monday 6th May Live at Leeds A great chance to see some upcoming

the heart of the Hyde Park area (jam-packed with students!) plays host to new bands you don’t know, and some you do. Last time I was in there for a drink, Mystery Jets walked past…

Nation of Shopkeepers This charming

little indie bar, with walls adorned with music paraphernalia, serves the best burgers in town and hosts some quality live music from smaller indie-rock bands (as well as pub quizzes and DJs).

in every city. It’s great for die-hard vinyl fans, checking out what live music’s on in the area, or just a casual browse. You’ll also find magazines, books, music accessories and very helpful staff.

Dates for the diary... artists as well as a few more established ones. Acts perform at venues all over the city and, at £15 for a wristband, you really get your money’s worth!

Friday 23rd Aug– Sunday 25th Aug Leeds Festival I couldn’t really get away without mentioning Leeds Festival, could I? The ever-popular counterpart to Reading Festival never fails to impress with its line-up! Up


The Who’s Live at Leeds album was recorded in the University of Leeds Refectory (still a live music venue) which boasts a Civic Trust Blue Plaque to commemorate it. coming


China Rats It’s not often (or ever, in fact) that

I take music advice from strangers on planes, but when I met Jed, the bass player for China Rats, on a plane to Benicassim Festival, I thought I’d check them out. And boy was I impressed! The four-piece from Leeds specialises in super-catchy whirlwind rock’n’roll – the kind that sends you straight to the dance floor - earning them a place on the Radio 1 BBC Introducing Playlist. They’re Yorkshire’s answer to The Vaccines, minus the slow songs. Think highenergy, fifties-inspired pop-punk with more catchy riffs and toe-tapping beats than you can shake a drumstick at.

When I grow up... Want to fulfil your creative dreams? We catch up with French illustrator Chloe Fluery to find out how she scored her day job...

When did you realise you wanted to be an illustrator? I always knew I wanted to work in the art field, but I wasn’t sure which career exactly. I first thought I wanted to be an interior designer but then I got attracted by graphic design and soon realised I was more suited to illustration than graphic design. Illustration is more me. I like the variety of projects I am offered to work on, from magazine illustrations to videos or shop display. It is really fun and every project is a new and different challenge! How did you get involved with paper as a medium? I’ve always loved paper, I used to make origamis and paper boxes when I was little. Then in art school I discovered stop-motion animation during a workshop and the part I liked the most was to create the decors with anything I could find, from cardboard to fabrics - I just loved creating little worlds! When I moved to San Francisco 4 years ago, the sun, the colourful houses and street art made me want to use bright coloured papers.

Where do you source your inspiration from? From the city I live in to fashion, music, travels… everywhere! How would you describe your style of work? I’d say it’s fresh, colourful, fun and happy. You’ve worked with some great names already, including Cosmo and Condé Nast. Do you have a dream project you’d love to work on? My dream is to work on set design for TV shows or music videos and stage design for bands. Or even create patterns for textiles and work on a paper product line - I have a lot of dream projects! What’s an average day like for you? I work from home so I start my day by looking through my emails and blogs that inspire me. I then start working in my little studio, either on a client project or a personal illustration. If it’s a day where I’m really

inspired I’ll focus on my piece of paper and keep cutting, folding, gluing until I’m done (while watching a TV show or listening music). If I am not feeling inspired, I’ll go out meet with a friend and go for a walk or go to my favourite shops to find inspiration! Do you have a particular favourite piece of work? It would be hard to just choose one, but I think what I like the best is to work on my paper ladies. I imagine the kind of day they’re having, dress them up - it’s just like playing with dolls. What do you enjoy doing when you’re not drawing? I like to go out to a music show, to a movie or bake! I like reading too, and I’ve just started Grace Coddington’s memoir. Tell us something interesting about yourself that not many people know. I am a chocolate addict... I’d eat one (or more) chocolate bars a day while working! What else can we expect to see from you in the future? All my dream projects coming true. Do you have any advice for our readers? Be passionate about what you do and believe in your dreams, work hard, experience things and have fun! And lastly, as this is our music issue, what’s on your iPod at the moment? On my iPod at the moment I have some Lykke Li, The XX, Feist, Of Monsters and Men, and Beach House...

I've always loved paper,

I used to

make origamis and paper boxes when I w a s l i t t l e ....

wheights Uthering Photographer Holly Booth

The Beautiful Wilderness Photography Kitty Gallannaugh Model Pepe Upton Styling Karen Bramall


sweet home It’s time for us to be nosy again, and it’s so much easier when we have the home owner’s permission. Join us in taking a sneak peek around the pad of Laura from

There’s a clear Native Am erican vibe in her “nest”, as she calls it. Laura makes her own Dream Catchers and obviously loves collecting beautiful fabrics and interesting trinkets that remind her o f her parents.

As a designer, Laura loves having separate areas for each of her passions - including a studio for jewellery making and a room to work with fabrics, as well as her own sacred space.

One of her lines is named Violet Bella, after her feline friend Bella and canine pal Violet, who both live with Laura and her husband.

winter menu Recipes and photography Hannah Irish

We’ve patiently been waiting for Spring to arrive for a while now. We’ve reached the point where we’re willing to just embrace the cold, so long as we have some delicious comfort food to keep us cosy and warm. Our fabulous food expert has created the perfect dishes to cheer you up while you wait for the sun to reappear...

Lancashire hotpot

Ingredients 100g dripping or butter 900g stewing lamb, cut into large chunks 2 medium onions , chopped 4 carrots , peeled and sliced 25g plain flour 2 tsp Worcestershire sauce 500ml lamb or chicken stock 2 bay leaves 900g potatoes, peeled and sliced

Method Pre-heat oven to 160C/fan 140C/gas 3. Heat some dripping or butter in a large shallow casserole dish, brown the lamb in batches. Fry the onions and carrots in the pan with a little butter until golden. Sprinkle over the flour, allow to cook for a couple of mins, shake over the Worcestershire sauce, pour in the stock, then bring to the boil. Stir in the meat and bay leaves, then

remove from the heat. Arrange the sliced potatoes on top of the meat, then drizzle with olive oil. Cover, then place in the oven for about 1½ hrs until the potatoes are cooked. Remove the lid, brush the potatoes with a little more butter, then turn the oven up to brown the potatoes, or finish under the grill for 5-8 mins until golden.

Cider Poached Pears Ingredients 2 pears, peeled 200g granulated sugar 1 cup apple or pear cider juice and zest of 1 orange 1 vanilla pod, split lengthways 1 cinnamon stick 2 star anise 1/2 cup Greek yogurt 1tbsp of honey 1-1/2 tbsp toasted walnuts and almonds (optional)

Method Use a saucepan just big enough for the pears and pour in the cider and orange juice. Add the sugar, vanilla pod, cinnamon stick, star anise and bring to a boil. Peel the pears, once the sugar has dissolved reduce the heat and add the pears to the syrup. Cook at a gentle simmer for 10-20 minutes until tender. Remove from heat and allow pears to cool. In a small bowl, combine the yogurt with the orange zest. Serve the pears with the yogurt, drizzle of honey and top with toasted almonds and walnuts.

Lemon Drizzle Tea Loaf Ingredients 1 cinnamon stick, broken into pieces 1 teaspoon green or black cardamom seeds inside the pods (5 ml) 3 whole cloves 1/4 teaspoon fennel seeds (2 ml) 4 allspice berries 1 cup water (250 ml) 2 cups milk (any) (500 ml) 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger (5 ml) 2 teaspoons sugar, or to taste 2 tablespoons Darjeeling tea leaves (30 ml) 1 inch piece vanilla bean (optional) Pinch nutmeg, for garnish (optional) Method If you like your chai spicier, crush cinnamon, cardamom, whole cloves, fennel seeds and allspice berries coarsely with mortar and pestle or in a spice grinder before you toast the spices. Toast whole or crushed spices in a saucepan over medium high heat until fragrant, about 2 minutes, shaking the pan occasionally. Pour the water in the saucepan with the spices. Reduce to a medium heat. Add the milk, sugar, ginger, vanilla and tea leaves and stir. Cover and heat until just to the simmer, about 6 to 8 minutes, stirring occasionally. Reduce heat to lowest setting just to keep warm. Leave stewing for 5 to 10 minutes or longer, depending how strong you like your tea. Strain before serving.

Photography by Bryan and Mae

Short Story A Winter’s night by Stephanie Withers

I spot Alex first. He’s hard to miss in his woolly red scarf and oval glasses. When our eyes meet he gives me a wave and my smile spreads as wide as his. We start to push our way through the crowd. Now December, Edinburgh’s German market is in full swing and it takes me a minute to manoeuvre myself back onto the path. When I reach him he pulls me into his arms and spins me around like we’re in a holiday advert. I clutch his neck and breathe in his cologne. “It’s so good to see you,” Alex says when he finally puts me down. We take a second to study each other. “You cut your hair,” I cry, running a hand over his head. “I thought it was time to enter the 21st century,” he says with a laugh. One of Alex’s charms is that he isn’t modern in any way. From the satchel he carries to the typewriter he writes with, he’s always belonged to another time. We start to walk back into the market where Alex buys two cups of mulled wine. I’ve never enjoyed the taste of this winter drink, but I like the rich berry colour and the little cinnamon stick they serve with it. I follow him over to a bench that overlooks the ice rink. “Do you remember when we went skating last year?” he asks. “I think it was the year before,” I say shaking my head at the memory of us gliding into the other skaters. “That was interesting.” “It’s never as much fun as you think it’s going to be.” I nod and take a sip from my cup. The sweet taste and overwhelming mix of spices tickle my throat. We start to talk about university, our friends, our love lives, or lack thereof - we don’t leave anything out. But there are moments when Alex drifts away, head resting in his palm, his eyes drawn to the glowing castle in the distance. “Alex?” “Yes, Jules?” “When do you leave for Iowa?” I finally say the words that have been hovering over us like a bad cold. “I fly from Heathrow on the 27th,” Alex takes my hand and squeezes it. It’s a great opportunity to say something positive, encouraging. But I can’t think of anything, so I shrug. “Why does it feel like I’m abandoning you?” He asks. I shake my head, though I had wondered this. “You’re not, you’re following your dreams like we all should.”

“You can come with me? We could rent an apartment and I’d let you kit it out with all that vintage floral stuff you like so much.” “You’re forgetting, I just got a job that actually pays. I think that girl Jane has finally started to warm up to me too.” “It’s not a bad thing to have ruffled a couple of feathers, means you must be good.” “Oh yes, my photocopying skills are out of this world.” “Don’t be silly Jules, you’re fantastic. I knew you’d be the first one to get a grad job. Still wish you could come with me though.” Half frozen drops have started to fall, and people begin to duck for cover under the trees and arches of buildings. I pick up my gloves and slip them onto my fingers, asking Alex if we should go find somewhere warmer. “Not yet, I want to do something first,” he says and I watch as he pulls out a pocketknife from his satchel. “This looks like a good spot,” he says to himself and he starts to etch something onto the bench. I glance over my shoulder to see if anybody has noticed that Alex is defacing public property. When I look back he’s carved ALEX ♡ JULES, in capital letters into the middle of the wooden panel. We start to laugh as Alex tucks the pocketknife back into his bag, which is now spotted with rain. “That’s so cheesy,” I say, embarrassed. “This way, even though you’re here and I’m there, everyday people will look at this and make up stories about us in their heads. So we’ll always be together no matter where we are.” “That’s kind of cute,” I say but I know I’ll never walk past this bench again; it only serves as a reminder of what is already lost. “And when it fades,” Alex says, as if he’s read my thoughts, “you call me and I’ll fly back over here and we’ll carve it in again, only bigger next time. I don’t think this is obvious enough.” He grabs my hand then and pulls me onto my feet, saying something about one last hurrah on the Ferris Wheel. As we wander under black trees, their branches coated in glittering lights, the spell of winter manages to find us again. So we hold on to it and let it fill us with passion and excitement and everything we’ll need to continue on our own.

until ne

Photography Holly Booth

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