What Action to Take When Your Roof Starts Leaking?
A leaking roof is one of the biggest nightmares of homeowners. So, when you discover that your roof is leaking, you should have it repaired right away. But this doesn’t mean that you should wait for the storm or rainy season in order to repair your roof. Always inspect your roof and have it fixed before bad weather hits in. If you already have a leaking roof, there are several steps that you can take in order to have the situation in control and have it repaired. Here are the steps that you should follow in order to avoid leakage from making things worse.
Stop The Water From Damaging Things The moment you realize that there is an active leak in your roof, the first thing that you should do is to reduce the water damage. In order to perform this, you should put a plastic cover over anything that can be spoiled by water. Things like furniture, electrical appliances, and other items should be properly covered.
Contain The Water Identify where all the leaks are in the house and put a bucket or container below the