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The Graduation Ceremony takes place each year during the CEMS Annual Events, which are hosted by one of the CEMS member schools.
To graduate, the CEMS student must have successfully completed all obligatory components for the CEMS MIM including the home degree by mid October of the graduation year at the latest.
Exempted from this deadline are: an internship started no later than the second Monday of September and finished no later than the first Sunday of November, the home degree to be passed by the second Friday of November at the latest (both with written confirmation by mid October), and a pending language test result (result to be presented by the first Sunday of November).
Students have a maximum of 1.5 years to complete the CEMS MIM degree after graduating from their home school programme.
However, in cases when the home degree completion has been delayed, the period may be extended to maximum 5 years, counted from the end of the CEMS MIM year.
As an example, a student of CEMS MIM Year 2023/24 graduating from the home school programme in June 2024 must fulfil all CEMS graduation requirements by November 2025.
Failure to meet this deadline will result in loss of entitlement to graduate from the CEMS MIM. In case of serious reasons a student may request a postponement to be assessed caseby case by the CEMS Graduation Committee.