e x pa N D i N g
CEF: B2-C1
Douglas | morgan
World class 1
Just right for
NaNcy Douglas | James R. moRgaN
World Class 1!
World Class is a new, two-level series from National Geographic Learning for
World class
high-intermediate and advanced English language learners. This integrated-skills program uses National Geographic content, images, and video to help learners expand their overall fluency while developing the tools and strategies necessary for effective, real-world communication.
• KNOWLEDGE – Learners enhance their understanding of the wider world through stunning images, engaging readings, and fascinating video from
• CONNECTIONS – Learners are motivated to connect the thematic content to their lives, bringing relevance to every unit and inspiring critical thinking.
World class 1
National Geographic.
• OUTCOMES – Teachers and learners have tangible, relevant goals in every unit that are reinforced in the Workbook and Teacher’s Edition.
Snowboarder, South Island, New Zealand, photographed by Jeff Curtes
NaNcy Douglas James R. moRgaN
National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning, publishes materials for EFL/ESL, reading and writing, science, social studies, and assessment, spanning early childhood through adult. Visit ngl.cengage.com
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