ÂŁ395 + Vat
per person
10am - 1pm on both days
(Limited to 10 places)
Thursday 18 & Friday 19 June
The 10 CX Keys to succeed through and after the Coronavirus crisis This e-learning programme will take you through the 10 key steps on how to flex your customer experience strategy to
2 Days 3 hours per day #EngageCustomer
successfully help your organisation through the Coronavirus crisis and set it up for success afterwards. The 10 integrated and in-depth modules will provide you with systematic steps and clear considerations on how to review and adapt your customer strategy, customer journeys and CX measurement programme to strengthen your customer relationships at this difficult time and create long-lasting business value.
Organised by
Masterclass W O R K S H O P #EngageCustomer
The 10 CX Keys to succeed through and after the Coronavirus crisis
What to Expect
This online training is delivered as a live and interactive session using Zoom meetings. Delegates
• Understand how to best focus your business response to the different reality and customer needs generated by the Coronavirus crisis
are encouraged to participate and ask questions ensuring the content and discussion fully meets their expectations. The content includes a balance of strategic frameworks, practical tools, best practice and case studies to arm delegates with the skills and strategic insights required to turn the learning into action within their organisations.
Who will attend? Those who are currently accountable for setting the strategy for or delivering products and services to their customers, including but not exclusively: • • • • • •
Customer Experience Heads, Directors and senior managers Operations Directors and senior leaders Chief Customer Officers Chief Marketing Officers or senior marketing managers Senior managers or Heads of Strategy, Customer Propositions or Digital Solutions Senior managers or Heads of Customer Communications or Direct Marketing
Gain specific tools, frameworks and best practice case studies and perspectives to:
• Ensure your business decisions are also based on customer-led strategic considerations, and not only on nearterm operational contingency and financial survival management • Explore the implications for the changes required across all the touchpoints and components of the end-to-end customer journey • Identify specific actions and opportunities to successfully navigate your organisation through the crisis and set it up for success afterwards • Turn the crisis into an opportunity to positively differentiate yourself and strengthen your customers' loyalty and advocacy, to generate long-lasting business value
The importance of adopting a customer-led perspective in your answer to COVID-19
Flexing your customer strategy to the different reality created by COVID-19 •
KEY 1: Understanding how customer needs and behaviours have changed KEY 2: Identifying the new customer groups and segments it created, which may require new customer propositions or service models KEY 3: Realigning your customer strategy to continue to deliver your brand promises.
Flexing your customer journeys to meet the different needs •
KEY 4: Changing your communication strategy for optimal impact
KEY 5: Providing the right functional and emotional support to your customers
KEY 6: Adapting your service and operating model to the channel shift currently taking place
KEY 7: Supporting and caring for your employees to enable them to look after your customers.
Closing the review loop with broader strategic implications • KEY 10: Going above and beyond for your customers and local communities.
Flexing your CX measurement programme to remain effective without negatively impacting your customers •
KEY 8: Ensuring your Voice of the Customer surveys are still relevant and appropriate
KEY 9: Leveraging other business indicators.
Masterclass W O R K S H O P
About Manuela Pifani Winner of 18 prestigious Customer Experience awards, including UK CX Professional of the Year 2015, and with over 15 years corporate executive level experience, Manuela is currently one of the most renowned CX consultants and thought leaders in #EngageCustomer
“Manuela’s personality and deeply engaging style make her training sessions a great learning experience. Her common sense and practical examples from years of experience in the field are a key differentiator and her training sessions are something I would recommend to anyone who wants to invest in customer experience.” — Giulia Ajello, Head of Customer Office, Prudential UK
the UK. Passionate, results oriented and engaging at all levels, she has a reputation for influencing Executive Boards and transforming the customer experience of large and complex organisations. Manuela launched her own consultancy, CXellence Consulting, to apply her passion for building customer led businesses to helping a broader number of organisations in their CX transformation journey, in order to achieve success through customer experience excellence.
“Manuela and CXellence took our senior leadership team through an insightful journey. She was able to shine a light on a number of areas we hadn’t fully thought about before, giving us some great ideas to take forward to help us further enhance our customers’ experience with us.” — Martin Pierce, Director of Business Services, Hastings Direct (UK)
Booking Form
Masterclass Workshop (1 Ticket)
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Engage Business Media, Nicholson House, 41 Thames Street, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8JG
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2 day Masterclass Workshop
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– 18th and 19th June 2020
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