(un)conscious belgrade 00 reader x

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BELGRADE.SCAPES.LAB / BiG PROJECTS 04.04. - 08.04.2014. (Un)conscious Belgrade - A City-archive of Big Ideas Moderation: Vesna Jovanovic / ETH Studio Basel Iva Cukic / Ministarstvo prostora, Mikro Art This workshop‘s goal is to consider Belgrade as a productive „city-archive:“ as a city that could in its complex form be read as the outcome of many initiated - if not entirely implemented - Big (Metropolitan) ideas. The city is a repository of fragments that have succeeded in becoming „monuments.“ A monument cannot be built, it arises over time, i.e. it is society that imbues it with meaning and it is from this vantage point that we speak about collective memory. How, then, can architects deal with the collective memory of the city? The locations that we will investigate might not appear to stand in a clear physical dialectic to one another, they nevertheless can and will be viewed as one system of „faites urbaines,“ where by this we mean those forms that carry a productive relationship towards heritage. An important presupposition is that Belgrade as an „urban bricolage“ holds within itself already the seeds for its further development - and we will attempt to discover those seeds. On select locations we will conduct an analysis and discussion around the ideas that were behind the built projects and what quality they still retain today. In the next step we will consider these seemingly „finished“ fragments of the city as incomplete, and ask the question what new forms and content could emerge in and around them (what is the location „missing,“ what is Belgrade missing?). If the city has a collective memory, then it is the objective of this workshop to build upon this memory: we will test whether it is necessary to sharpen preexisting ideas or to attach, adjoin, annex and expand with new ones. Belgrade, simply as it is, will serve as the only reference for what it could become. We will not attempt to translate the ideas of other cities, but will rather in an almost narcissistic step look for answers within chosen sites: Museum of Contemporary Art, the old fairgrounds, new fairgrounds, and Terazije Terrace). Bogdan Bogdanovic once proclaimed that Belgrade is „unconscious of itself,“ that it possesses a sort of „inner style waiting to be stylized fully“ [1]. We interpret „style“ here as the legibility and clarity of identity as it is reflected in the built form, and besides the question of identity (a question to our mind rather neglected), this workshops will try in a very practical sense to tackle the issues of revitalization and meaning of „forgotten“ city parts. The methodology will make use of only two tools: the plan and the collage. The selected sites will be represented as a horizontal field of possibilities in which one will be able to clearly read the relationship between new and old, while the collage will serve as a complimentary tool to illustrate all the „meaning“ the plan cannot impart: of the contemporary and our memory. The interventions can be varied, radical even, because this is an experiment in which we test and present how the old could drive the new, and as an approach it will allow the testing of all the possibilities of the participants, together in careful moderation and feedback. The inputs and interests of every participant will become valuable in the overall process of the workshop. Together we will discover the latent potentials of (Un)conscious Belgrade.



The Architecture of the City, Introduction: Urban Artifacts and a Theory of the City, The Complexity of Urban Artifacts, Monuments and the Theory of Permanences, Monuments; Summary of the Critique of the Concept of Context, The City as History, The Collective Memory, Aldo Rossi 29

AA Files 63, The Locus Inside, Victoria Watson On Margate Sands / I can connect / Nothing with nothing, Timothy Brittain-Catlin Building Big, with no Regret, Tao Zhu 43

AA Files 65, Massimo Scolari in conversation with LĂŠa-Catherine Szacka & Thomas Weaver 59

AA Files 57, The Extremes of Spatial Experiene, Mitchell Schwarzer 67

Mali Urbanizam, Predgovor, Majstorije Malog Urbanizma, Sa Stilom i bez Stila, Velike Majstorije Malog Urbanizma, Gordon Kalen, O Jednoj Fontani, Bogdan Bogdanovic 75

Belgrade Formal / Informal, ETH Studio Basel, In Between, Christian MĂźller Inderbitzin, New Belgrade: The Instability of the Collective Form, Roger Diener


The Architecture of the City, Introduction: Urban Artifacts and a Theory of the City, The Complexity of Urban Artifacts, Monuments and the Theory of Permanences, Monuments; Summary of the Critique of the Concept of Context, The City as History, The Collective Memory, Aldo Rossi 34

AA Files 63, The Locus Inside, Victoria Watson On Margate Sands / I can connect / Nothing with nothing, Timothy Brittain-Catlin Building Big, with no Regret, Tao Zhu 39

AA Files 65, Massimo Scolari in conversation with LĂŠa-Catherine Szacka & Thomas Weaver 45

AA Files 57, The Extremes of Spatial Experiene, Mitchell Schwarzer 47

Mali Urbanizam, Predgovor, Majstorije Malog Urbanizma, Sa Stilom i bez Stila, Velike Majstorije Malog Urbanizma, Gordon Kalen, O Jednoj Fontani, Bogdan Bogdanovic 55

Belgrade Formal / Informal, In Between, Christian MĂźller Inderbitzin (ETH Studio Basel)


The Architecture of the City


Aldo Rossi


The Architecture of the City


Aldo Rossi


The Architecture of the City


Aldo Rossi


The Architecture of the City


Aldo Rossi


The Architecture of the City


Aldo Rossi


The Architecture of the City


Aldo Rossi


The Architecture of the City


Aldo Rossi


The Architecture of the City


Aldo Rossi


The Architecture of the City


Aldo Rossi


The Architecture of the City


Aldo Rossi


The Architecture of the City



The Architecture of the City, Introduction: Urban Artifacts and a Theory of the City, The Complexity of Urban Artifacts, Monuments and the Theory of Permanences, Monuments; Summary of the Critique of the Concept of Context, The City as History, The Collective Memory, Aldo Rossi 29

AA Files 63, The Locus Inside, Victoria Watson On Margate Sands / I can connect / Nothing with nothing, Timothy Brittain-Catlin Building Big, with no Regret, Tao Zhu 39

AA Files 65, Massimo Scolari in conversation with LĂŠa-Catherine Szacka & Thomas Weaver 45

AA Files 57, The Extremes of Spatial Experiene, Mitchell Schwarzer 47

Mali Urbanizam, Predgovor, Majstorije Malog Urbanizma, Sa Stilom i bez Stila, Velike Majstorije Malog Urbanizma, Gordon Kalen, O Jednoj Fontani, Bogdan Bogdanovic 55

Belgrade Formal / Informal, In Between, Christian MĂźller Inderbitzin (ETH Studio Basel)

Victoria Watson


AA Files


Victoria Watson


AA Files


Timothy Brittain-Catlin


AA Files


Tao Zhu


AA Files


Tao Zhu


AA Files


Tao Zhu


AA Files


Tao Zhu

Roger Diener



The Architecture of the City, Introduction: Urban Artifacts and a Theory of the City, The Complexity of Urban Artifacts, Monuments and the Theory of Permanences, Monuments; Summary of the Critique of the Concept of Context, The City as History, The Collective Memory, Aldo Rossi 34

AA Files 63, The Locus Inside, Victoria Watson On Margate Sands / I can connect / Nothing with nothing, Timothy Brittain-Catlin Building Big, with no Regret, Tao Zhu 43

AA Files 65, Massimo Scolari in conversation with LĂŠa-Catherine Szacka & Thomas Weaver 45

AA Files 57, The Extremes of Spatial Experiene, Mitchell Schwarzer 47

Mali Urbanizam, Predgovor, Majstorije Malog Urbanizma, Sa Stilom i bez Stila, Velike Majstorije Malog Urbanizma, Gordon Kalen, O Jednoj Fontani, Bogdan Bogdanovic 55

Belgrade Formal / Informal, In Between, Christian MĂźller Inderbitzin (ETH Studio Basel)

LĂŠa-Catherine Szacka & Thomas Weaver


AA Files


LĂŠa-Catherine Szacka & Thomas Weaver


AA Files


LĂŠa-Catherine Szacka & Thomas Weaver


AA Files


LĂŠa-Catherine Szacka & Thomas Weaver


AA Files


LĂŠa-Catherine Szacka & Thomas Weaver


AA Files


LĂŠa-Catherine Szacka & Thomas Weaver


AA Files


LĂŠa-Catherine Szacka & Thomas Weaver


AA Files


LĂŠa-Catherine Szacka & Thomas Weaver



The Architecture of the City, Introduction: Urban Artifacts and a Theory of the City, The Complexity of Urban Artifacts, Monuments and the Theory of Permanences, Monuments; Summary of the Critique of the Concept of Context, The City as History, The Collective Memory, Aldo Rossi 34

AA Files 63, The Locus Inside, Victoria Watson On Margate Sands / I can connect / Nothing with nothing, Timothy Brittain-Catlin Building Big, with no Regret, Tao Zhu 39

AA Files 65, Massimo Scolari in conversation with LĂŠa-Catherine Szacka & Thomas Weaver 59

AA Files 57, The Extremes of Spatial Experiene, Mitchell Schwarzer 47

Mali Urbanizam, Predgovor, Majstorije Malog Urbanizma, Sa Stilom i bez Stila, Velike Majstorije Malog Urbanizma, Gordon Kalen, O Jednoj Fontani, Bogdan Bogdanovic 55

Belgrade Formal / Informal, In Between, Christian MĂźller Inderbitzin (ETH Studio Basel)

Mitchell Schwarzer


AA Files


Mitchell Schwarzer


AA Files


Mitchell Schwarzer


AA Files


Mitchell Schwarzer



The Architecture of the City, Introduction: Urban Artifacts and a Theory of the City, The Complexity of Urban Artifacts, Monuments and the Theory of Permanences, Monuments; Summary of the Critique of the Concept of Context, The City as History, The Collective Memory, Aldo Rossi 34

AA Files 63, The Locus Inside, Victoria Watson On Margate Sands / I can connect / Nothing with nothing, Timothy Brittain-Catlin Building Big, with no Regret, Tao Zhu 39

AA Files 65, Massimo Scolari in conversation with LĂŠa-Catherine Szacka & Thomas Weaver 45

AA Files 57, The Extremes of Spatial Experiene, Mitchell Schwarzer 67

Mali Urbanizam, Predgovor, Majstorije Malog Urbanizma, Sa Stilom i bez Stila, Velike Majstorije Malog Urbanizma, Gordon Kalen, O Jednoj Fontani, Bogdan Bogdanovic 55

Belgrade Formal / Informal, In Between, Christian MĂźller Inderbitzin (ETH Studio Basel)

Bogdan Bogdanovic


Mali Urbanizam


Bogdan Bogdanovic


Mali Urbanizam


Bogdan Bogdanovic


Mali Urbanizam



The Architecture of the City, Introduction: Urban Artifacts and a Theory of the City, The Complexity of Urban Artifacts, Monuments and the Theory of Permanences, Monuments; Summary of the Critique of the Concept of Context, The City as History, The Collective Memory, Aldo Rossi 34

AA Files 63, The Locus Inside, Victoria Watson On Margate Sands / I can connect / Nothing with nothing, Timothy Brittain-Catlin Building Big, with no Regret, Tao Zhu 39

AA Files 65, Massimo Scolari in conversation with LĂŠa-Catherine Szacka & Thomas Weaver 45

AA Files 57, The Extremes of Spatial Experiene, Mitchell Schwarzer 47

Mali Urbanizam, Predgovor, Majstorije Malog Urbanizma, Sa Stilom i bez Stila, Velike Majstorije Malog Urbanizma, Gordon Kalen, O Jednoj Fontani, Bogdan Bogdanovic 75

Belgrade Formal / Informal, ETH Studio Basel, In Between, Christian MĂźller Inderbitzin, New Belgrade: The Instability of the Collective Form, Roger Diener

Christian M端ller Inderbitzin


Belgrade Formal / Informal


Christian M端ller Inderbitzin


Belgrade Formal / Informal


Christian M端ller Inderbitzin


Belgrade Formal / Informal


Roger Diener


Belgrade Formal / Informal


Roger Diener


Belgrade Formal / Informal


Roger Diener


Belgrade Formal / Informal


Roger Diener


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