I think bg belgrade scapes lab

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Iako se to često zaboravlja, grad jeste značajan objekat kolektivnog mišljenja. Grad je građena izgrađena sredina koja se gradi, neprestano i smesta; misao ima jednaku dinamiku. Kroz ovogodišnji “Belgrade.SCAPES:LAB / I Think BG” i prateći, petodnevni lanac događaja predstavićemo i uključiti komparativnu analizu različitih modela, gostujuća predavanja te preispitati poziciju dileme “mišljenja grada” kroz seriju radionica. Na temelju namere i “uradimozajedno” usmerenja ka rezultatu, a u saradnji sa nadnacionalnim istraživačkim timom i članovima iz Novog Sada, Beograda, Ciriha, Pariza, Čikaga, Amsterdama, Skoplja, Podgorice, Niša, Sarajeva, Banja Luke i Roterdama, mi vas pozivamo da se aktivno uključite kako bismo pokušali da kolektivno "mišljenje Beograda - Thinking BG" artikulišemo u formatima koji su pravilno argumentovani. Obraćamo se svima.

Time and again, we tend to forget that a city is an important object of collective thinking. City is a built object which we build and which is instantly and constantly building itself onto us. To our best knowledge, only the thought shares the same dynamics. Through the this year “Belgrade.SCAPES:LAB / I Think BG” chain of events, we will introduce and involve innovative and thematically determined comparative analysis, guest lecturing and will trigger the position of “Thinking BG” through the proposed set of workshops. We invite you to join our supranational team of younger professionals, students, researchers, academics, activists and other actors from Novi Sad, Belgrade, Zurich, Paris, Chicago, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Skopje, Niš, Podgorica, Sarajevo and Banja Luka that will try to build relevant argumentation on what it takes to “Think BG” here and now. We will generate relevant argumentation and our results are aimed at everyone.


Background ..................................................................................... Thinking Cities ................................................................................. How do you think city? ..................................................................... Workshops ...................................................................................... People............................................................................................. Join us ............................................................................................


Za SCAPES – platformu usmerenu ka proizvodnji znanja kroz aktivno čitanje gradskih prostora, fenomena i autorskih doprinosa – 2014. godina je značila jedan novi početak. Potencijal koji je građen više godina kroz produkciju različitih programa urbane pedagogije u nekoliko regiona Evrope i EU, dobio je svoju jedinstvenu manifestaciju kroz tematski formirane urbane laboratorije - SCAPES:LAB pomoću kojih se gradi novi, horizontalni i otvoreni sistem koji olakšava i podstiče dinamično i aktuelno promišljanje razvoja grada.

For SCAPES – educational platform aimed at knowledge-production through active reading of urban space, phenomena and different authorial contributions – year 2014 marked a new beginning. Potential built from 2011, in the production of a number of specific programs in different territories in Europe and EU, got its unique manifestation through topically framed urban labs - SCAPES:LAB, which is aimed at building of innovative & horizontal system for facilitating the production of relevant argumentation on city development.

Belgrade.SCAPES:LAB uspostavljen je u aprilu 2014. godine kada smo, podstaknuti – skoro primorani – odsustvom bilo kakve relevantne diskusije o promovisanom projektu urbane obnove "Beograd na vodi", okupili nadnacionalni istraživački tim u višednevni lanac događaja "BELGRADE.SCAPES:LAB / BiG PROJECTS". U rad smo uključili brojne arhitekte, urbaniste, aktiviste, mlađe profesionalce i studente sa pozadinom u arhitekturi, urbanom planiranju, urbanim studijama i srodnim disciplinama.

Belgrade.SCAPES:LAB, established in April 2014, was initiated by complete absence of critique and/or debate within professional, academic and other official milieus, regarding politically promulgated plan for “Belgrade Waterfront” project. Supranational research group of architects, urbanists, activists, young professionals, students, academics with background in architecture & urban planning, urban studies and related disciplines were teamed up for a chain of events “Belgrade.SCAPES:LAB / BiG Projects” (read more here).

Cilj je bio da se osvetli uticaj i pozadina velikih projekata za grad Beograd - šta oni (treba da) sadrže i u kojim razmerama, šta veliki projekti jesu, kome / čemu služe i kako se sprovode, koje su savremene tendencije u rekonstrukciji gradskih područja i, na kraju, kako da se razvija svest o velikim i stvarnostvarnim potrebama u (posttranzicionom) društvu iščekivanja.

Time smo – ne mireći se sa dominantnim diskursima i neefikasnim pedagoškim doktrinama – otvorili novi kanal za komunikaciju i kritičko mišljanje. Kroz višednevni lanac događaja bavili smo se promišljanjem ideje Velikih projekata za grad (Beograd), pojmom grada kao fenomena, kao (nečije) namere, želje ili kao (ne)artikulisane šume usitnjenih interesa. Kroz niz diksusija, raslojavali

The goal was to establish a new, independent platform for analysis, understanding and creation of critical outputs on what a BiG project for Belgrade really is - who it is aimed at and how it is being implemented. Finally, our intention was to – instead of dealing with (someone´s) big plans – understand and discover possible ways to raise awareness on the (big) needs within the transitional society (society of expectancy).

By defying dominant discourses and inefficient pedagogical doctrines, we have established a new channel for knowledge-transfer and critical thinking. Within the 5-days agenda, we have built a way-finding contextualization of a series of (im)posed questions; re-claimed a city as a phenomenon, conceived it as (someone's) object of desire or as an (in)articulate forest of specific

smo i otkrivali niz napramopostavljenih političkih, ekonomskih, društvenih i drugih interesa - manje ili više transparentnih.

interests. Furthermore, through thematic workshops, we have built an argumentation about a series of juxtaposed political, economic, societal and other more or less transparent interests.

Mnogi od zaključaka pokazali su da u Beogradu postoji ogroman broj izazova jednako kao i ogroman broj šansi. I mi smo tu upravo zbog toga, I nastavljamo.

Many outputs revealed that although Belgrade faces loads of challenges, it has an equal share of great possibilities. This is why we really are here, enjoying the process.


Na sta se uopšte odnosi izraz "misliti grad"? Na vezu između grada i filozofske misli? Dijalektiku ili semantiku, tok ili pojam? Na reprezentaciju gradova u knjigama i filmovima, na sećanja i uspomene? Na korišćenje gradskog prostora?

What does the phrase “thinking a city” even refer to? The connection of the city and philosophical thought? Dialectics or semantics, flows or concepts? The representation of cities in books and movies? Remembrance and memory? The use of urban space?

Kako (mi) “mislimo grad”? Racionalno i planski? Ideološki? Da li ga mislimo kroz kvalitet života građana ili kroz sveprisutnu borbu globalnih i lokalnih lidera i lokalnog stanovništva?

How to conceive of a city? By rationalizing and planning it? Through ideology? Do we think it from the perspective of the quality of life of citizens or the ubiquitous struggle between global and local leaders and the local population?

Da li ga mislimo sa isključivim i ličnim interesom koji baš u njemu ostvarujemo ili je grad mesto gde (napokon) shvatamo značaj kolektivnog iznad ličnog? Možda ga mislimo samo kroz ljubav prema pluralitetu mogućnosti koje nam pruža?

Do we think a city through personal interests it helps us accomplish or is the city a place which (after all) enables us to understand the importance of the collective over personal interest? Or maybe our thoughts are only occupied by love towards the myriad of possibilities that cities are offering?

Da li ga mislimo kroz želju da poboljšamo kvalitet života i dostignemo ideale prostornodruštvene pravde? Koji su naši ideali? Da li maštamo o utopijama ili, vođeni distopijama, grad mislimo kroz prizmu nasih strahova od klimatskih promena, rapidne urbanizacije, zagađenja, globalizacije, nesigurnosti, kriminala?

Do we think it through desire to improve the quality of our lives and reach the ideal of socio-spatial justice? What are our ideals anyway? Do we fantasize about utopias or, guided by dystopias, we think the city through the prism of our fears of climate change, rapid urbanization, pollution, globalization, insecurity, crime?

Kakvu sliku imamo o gradu u kome 탑ivimo u kako se ona razlikuje od grada u kome 탑elimo da 탑ivimo?

How do we perceive the city we live in and how does this image differs from the city we want to live in?

Kakvo je naše iskustvo grada? Zar nisu nadrealno, izvanredno, iznenađujuće čak i magično, takođe delovi stvarnosti? Zašto ne bi i koncept svakodnevnosti otkrivao neobično u običnome? Kako naša mašta stvara stvarnost?

What is our experience of the city? Are not the surreal, the extraordinary, the surprising,even the magical, also part of the real? Why wouldn't the concept of everydayness reveal the extraordinary in the ordinary? 1 How does our imagination produce the reality?

Koje vremensko-prostorne dinamike su oblikovale pejzaž današnjih gradova? Koje (ne)formalne, organizacione i funkcionalne strukture su uključene u prostornu produkciju i kako?

Which space-time dynamics are/were essential for the cityscape of today's metropolis? Which (in)formal, organizational and functional structures are involved in the spatial production and how?

Koje pozicije (može da) zauzima profesija? Ko je profesija? Šta je to esnaf danas? Ko je odgovoran? Šta je profesija? Šta je to - arhitektura i ko je predstavlja? Ko gradi, a ko planira?

Which standpoint does the urban and architectural profession take in current circumstances? Who is (representing) that profession? Who builds and who is planning what is being build?

Čiji je grad i kome pripada? Zašto kažem da je “ovo moj grad”? Zašto?


Who owns our cities and to whom are they belonging to? Why do i say “This is my city”? Why?

Lefebvre, Henri, The Everyday and Everydayness. Architecture of the everyday. New York : Princeton Architectural Press, 1997.

(Nijedan) Grad se ne može kodifikovati. Grad je beskonačan - beskonačnih mogućnosti da se između hronotopa koji ga definišu ostvare komunikacije. Mi ćemo ga misliti panoramski i gledati stereoskopski. U uočenim fenomenima prepoznaćemo različite doprinose i značenja.

(No) City can be codified. It is infinite, with infinite possibilities of connecting its chronotopes into new networks of communication. We will think it panoramically and observe it stereoscopically. Within the chosen phenomena we will identify - find & trace possible contributions and meanings.

Mišljenje gradskog prostora – njegovih različitih fenomena, praksi, izazova u funkcionisanju, autorskih i drugih doprinosa – pruža autentično znanje koje možemo koristiti da bismo bolje razumeli i sam način funkcionisanja zajednice kojoj pripada.

Thinking urban-space and trying to involve its diverse phenomena, praxis, challenges, functions, and different authorial contributions to the process, acts as a catalyst for the new comprehension of the ways how a society functions.

U sledećim redovima izložićemo pitanja učesnika i saradnika na ovogodišnjem Belgrade.SCAPES:LABu kroz posebne nedoumice i interesovanja, misli, dostignuća, a koja sva (jednako) prave kvalitetan presek kroz problematiku grada danas. Iako duboko lična, ova zapažanja odražavaju civilizacijske napore velikih mislilaca - Zimela, Marksa, Benjamina, Fukoa, Lefevra, Sasen, (...) da doprinesu kompleksnoj jednačini sa bezbroj nepoznatih gradu, i istovremeno otvaraju nova moguća polja istraživanja i delovanja.

Following the idea that today “There are only personal ideas, personal beliefs, personal power and personal responsibility” 2 we have asked this years Belgrade.SCAPES:LAB collaborators to contribute with their own specific insights, thoughts, achievements on city nowadays. Although deeply personal, these inputs actually reflect the everlasting efforts by Simmel, Marx, Benjamin, Foucault, Lefebvre, Sassen, (...) to contribute to a complex equation with infinite number of variables - the city and, at the same time, open new possibilities for research and practice.



"...There are no more great ideas, and no big words behind which we can hide, there are no institutions whose authority is without question, there are no ideological, political, social and even professional values that should not be questioned. There are only personal ideas, personal beliefs, personal power and personal responsibility. In architecture, where the equilibrium point of the forces is always located between the existential and creative needs, where all the energy should be focused on building a world that will make human life more valuable, that responsibility is dramatically high. We are obliged to be aware of it. At the same time, we are entitled to our view of the world, to our idealism, and even to our utopia. We have a right to believe that people are willing and able “to find their voices, to remember their names, to regain confidence, to reclaim their space and to recognise their own continuity ... to work on their stories and to fight for them.� " Radivoje Dinulović, The Ideological Function of Architecture in Society of Spectacle / http://goo.gl/K9CHB3

Dr Radivoje Dinulović (Belgrade, SFR Yugoslavia, 1957) is professor of Scene and Architectural Design, as well as Chair in Art Applied to Architecture, Technique & Design at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. He is professor at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Arts in Belgrade, and visiting professor at the St Cyril & Methodius University in Skopje (Macedonia). He was founder and director (until 2007) of Interdisciplinary DA Studies in Scene Design at the University of Arts in Belgrade. Since 2011 he runs studies in Scene Design, Architecture & Technology (at the BSc, MA & PhD level) at the University of Novi Sad. He was curator of the national exhibition of Serbia at the PQ 2007 and National Commissioner at the PQ 2011. He is a member of the International Jury for the PQ 2015. He is author of over one hundred architectural and urban designs, mainly of performing spaces, in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Albania and Russia and the scene designs for theatre, concerts and TV shows in Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Croatia. He published books “Theatre – Politics – City” (with Aleksandar Brkić) and “20th studies and articles in different books and magazines. His students received international awards and exhibited their work at the Venice Biennial of Architecture in 2004 and 2014, and Prague Quadrennial in 2007 and 2011. Century Theatre Architecture”, and more than 50 essays, studies and articles in different books and magazines. His students received international awards and exhibited their work at the Venice Biennial of Architecture in 2004 and 2014, and Prague Quadrennial in 2007 and 2011.

»The Need for (re)Definition / What is a city? The contemporary notion of a city is typically defined through its population size. In China, a city can only be considered so if it has an ‘official’ population greater than or equal to 6 million; a mega-city must have at least 10 million inhabitants. However, anyone who has spent substantial time in these new mega-cities knows that the single-statistic metric (the number of human beings who technically take up space there) does not take into account the ephemeral attributes of urbanization. The truth is that an actual city is more complex. Population, density, and the height of buildings do not make a city. Intellectual production and cultural activities created our cities, and it is these crucial characteristics that truly make cities. Cities have now attracted over 50% of the global population. And why? The answer is obvious: they are were centres of culture, diversity, education, civic institutions, and freedom of thought. However, with rapid urbanization, we have witnessed the erosion of cities from centres of cultural production to generic onedimensional, consumption-based theme parks. Before we discuss cities and our roles in relation to them, we must re-examine our cities in an effort to transcend these simplistic and ‘rational’ empirical qualifiers that do not in anyway capture why we all desire to be in cities - the city in this moment is desperately in need for a definition.»

Mitesh Dixit founded DOMAIN in 2012. After completing undergraduate and graduate work in Politics & Philosophy, Dixit completed the Master of Architecture from the Washington University in St. Louis. Dixit began his career at the San Francisco office of Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill. Prior to DOMAIN, Dixit worked with Rem Koolhaas’ Office for Metropolitan Architecture as a Project Leader. While at OMA, Dixit led multiple projects throughout the world, such as a MahaNaKhon Tower in Bangkok, Commonwealth Institute in London, Kuala Lumpur Financial District in Malaysia and a large-scale mixed- use project in Helsinki. Dixit joined the faculty of TU Delft in the Netherlands as a Visiting Professor of Architecture and Urbanism in 2011, and was appointed as Editor of the Chair for Complex Projects at TU Delft in 2013; Dixit wrote and developed the curriculum, content, and graphic language for the Chair. He currently leads the Architecture of Violence research studio and teaches a seminar entitled SELF ◊ SELF.

“It’s impossible but not undoable”.

Eva de Klerk is an activist, urban pioneer and one of Europe’s leading experts in bottom-up city development. She is driven by a relentless passion for places and people. Eva relishes the raw no-go areas, the forgotten places of a city often with an industrial past. By mobilizing people, bringing them together and joining forces Eva breaks taboos to let new initiatives flourish without limitations. “First the people, then the design”. Eva works according to the ‘City as a Scaffolding’ philosophy which describes an alternative model for city development based on the collective design, construction, financing and management of a building, street or district. Thus within a strong and sustainable framework (or city-grid), optimal freedom and flexibility in its completion creates an unplanned and surprising final image

ÂťThe city is the center where the wider cultural, political, and economic forces in society converge. The city is a field for the chance circumstance, the accident and the unforeseen possibility. The city is a force that enables, edits and controls social function. The city is an agent of hope and misery, by way of discretion or negligence.Âť

Andrew Balster is a Chicago-based leader operating in the fields of architecture, urbanism, public policy, sociology, and academia. Working closely with influential leaders in the public and private sector, ranging from architects and planners to government officials and social activists, he creates research platforms with universities to explore many forms of cultural production. In practice, Andrew has worked on projects that are broad in typology and scale - ranging from small civic centres to super-tall towers to entire urban districts. Andrew was a Senior Designer at Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) in Chicago on several award-winning projects located all over the globe. He received an MScAAD and an MArch w/distinction from the University of Edinburgh in the UK. Andrew is faculty at TU Delft, Faculteit Bouwkunde, for the Chair of Complex Projects. Andrew is currently serving as the Executive Director of Archeworks, a multidisciplinary post-graduate design school with a social agenda. He recently established ChicagoComplex, an academic consortium for advanced urban studies and research that operates as a satellite campus for national and international universities, utilizing the Chicago metropolitan area as a laboratory for contemporary studies in architecture and urbanism.

» 8 Billion City / How can we feel at home in a place that is completely fabricated my mankind? We increasingly live inside the fruits of our own imagination, but this doesn’t necessarily make us feel at ease or provide us a sense of belonging. The 8 Billion City represents the idea of a planetary urban condition the global fabric of technology that we already in many ways already inhabit - and how we can make it our home. »

Edwin Gardner graduated with a BSc & MSc in Architecture from the Faculty of Architecture, Delft Technical University in 2009 and studied Architecture at the Istanbul Technical University in 2007. His MSc thesis dealt with diagrammatic reasoning and how the creative processes of design can be explained as a form of logic. From 2005 till 2010, he worked for Archis/Volume as web-editor, developed web environments as well as doing editorial work, research and producing content for web, print and exhibitions. He still is a regular contributor and editorial consultant to Volume. In 2009/2010 he worked as a researcher for Partizan Publik. After that he was a research-fellow at the Jan van Eyck Academie, a post-academic institute for research and production in fine art, theory and design. He lived and worked in Istanbul, Maastricht and Amsterdam.

Nicolas Ziesel Lives and works in Paris, France. Co-founded KOZ architectes in 1999 with Christophe Ouhayoun, and have since been building pop and committed building like the Saint Cloud Sports and Leisure center, and the « Tête en l’air » wooden frame housing project in Paris - One of the 2014 « Building of the year » ARCHDAILY awards. Currently involved in a project in Mexico city which has been dubbed « post-modern » by their partners there. Being famous, they are now trying to get rich. In 2001he was co-founder of the collective office PLAN01 and the environmental engineering office PLAN02, who have been doing a variety of projects from organizing competitions to building specific programs such as the Thiepval Memorial visitor center or the Rennes Crematorium. In 2007 he co-founded the collective FRENCHTOUCH dedicated to promote internationally the specificity of today’s french architecture. FRENCHTOUCH edits the « optimistic architectural yearbook » and was co-curator of the french pavilion at the 2008 Venice architectural Biennal. Since 2012 he is teacher at the architecture schools of Paris-Belleville and Lille, and has also been doing workshops with everything from elementary school children near Paris or architecture students in Mumbai.

»I think a city like an animal moving astray through his territory, all senses awakened. I think a city like a thief, moving through secret passages, parallel worlds, and whispering to discreet accomplices. I think a city like rain, running everywhere, evaporating on hot surfaces to transform dust and weary materials into powerful perfumes. I think a city like a cook, i like spicy things, and not really respecting the recipes. I think a city sometimes like a drama, sometimes like a comedy, there’s romance too, and thrill. I think a city as a humming noise, i don’t understand all nor do i want to. I think a city as a negotiation no one wants to end. I think a city as a plant, looking for cracks and vacancies to dig deep my roots and catch the sun. I think a city like a sailor crossing infinite horizons between treasure islands. I think a city because i love it.»

Milena Ivković is a designer and researcher with expertise in collaborative urban planning and urban renewal. After working for several years in renowned Dutch architecture offices, she started her own Rotterdam-based design practice Blok74 in 2011. Blok74 develops new instruments for participatory design, such as urban games and interactive cartography. Together with several partners from the Netherlands and the Balkans Milena works on bridging the gap between planning professionals, politics and citizens. Her view on urbanity has been shaped by her own multicultural background and work experience in diverse international environments, from Europe, to Africa, China and Japan. Born in Belgrade, Serbia, Milena received her MSc degree at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, for a project showcasing the reconstruction of the post-communism cities.

» At the moment when technological and Internet of Things revolution seems to be melting all that we see as “solid” in the city – it became absurd for architects to keep on working within the framework of old urban planning methodologies and top-down grand design schemes. It’s time to embrace the fact that modern cities are not about finite physical structure anymore. They are about the capacity to adapt and facilitate. People connect nowadays in a complete different way, and their lives and responsibilities are not following any “traditional” physical or social model anymore. Why should designers then stick to the old methods, and not explore the possibilities of using other domains (such as gaming, open urban data, interactive visualisation) to reach out to the city and focus on the real needs and real solutions? »

Katusha Sol (BA urban sociology, MA political science ) is founding partner of Placemakers. (http://placemakers.nl/) - an interdisciplinary design studio working with co- creation in urban development projects. For Placemakers, Katusha works as a social spatial researcher and project manager - in which she is cooperating with both corporate and government parties. Next to that she works at the department Interdisciplinary Social Sciences at the University of Amsterdam in which she promotes the practice of placemaking and interdisciplinary knowledge exchange Katusha is trying to connect academic education with more applied cases and networks outside of the university, within the city by designing and teaching several courses and workshops for education and professional institutions, like the elective ‘New Europe In Transition’ (for the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (IIS) and Pakhuis de Zwijger), the course‘ Perspectives on Amsterdam’ and presentations for UN-Habitat (Kenya). Current works for Placemakers include amongst others the development and programming of the neighborhood campisite (de Buurtcamping) programming a neighborhood stage (Waterlandpleinbuurt in Amsterdam Noord), exposing neighbourhood programming on windows in the Metrostations for WOO! Windows of opportunity and the design of a social context mapping tool. Katusha published several articles in national newspapers and architecture magazines. As a researcher she developed and edited evaluation studies on neighbourhood projects.

Âť Cities intrigue me mostly because they are like "a mass of connected humanity". It's the people that make the city: Social movements affect the city and the city is a society in itself. Cities allow people to meet each other in an inspiring urban environment in which creativity, self-organization and collaboration are central. In order to facilitate these aspects there has to be transdisciplinary cooperation - with both corporate and government parties and knowledge institutions. The city offers a great canvas that we can fill up together. We should invite diverse groups of people to make the city and starting combine the expertise of residents and designers or architects to make it an interesting and dynamic palet. Âť

STEALTH.unlimited - architects Ana Džokić and Marc Neelen - is a practice that spans urban research, spatial interventions, curation and cultural activism and since 2000 operates between Rotterdam and Belgrade. Their work involves numerous citizens, professionals and organisations to mobilise thinking on shared future(s) of the city and its culture. For fifteen years they have been investigating the urban developments of post-Yugoslavia, starting from the "Wild City" research on the massive unplanned transformation of the city of Belgrade. Since 2008, STEALTH has co-curated the Dutch Pavilion at the Architecture Biennial in Venice, the Tirana International Contemporary Art Biennial, IMPAKT festival in Utrecht, the fictionbased project ‘Once Upon a Future’ for the biannual Evento in Bordeaux, and the exhibition ‘A Life in Common’ with Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto. STEALTH and Röda Sten triggered a spatial intervention with a local community in Gothenburg; in collaboration with El Puente_Lab they built a cultural development node made of recycled materials in a slum neighbourhood of Medellín, Colombia. In 2010 they co-initiated the platform ‘Who Builds the City’ in Belgrade, and within it the 'Smarter Building' initiative, and in 2013 'City in the Making' association in Rotterdam. (http://www.stealth.ultd.net/)

Âť For many of us willing to look beyond the highly speculative nature of the economy, which still drives majority of contemporary urban production, finding different economic models is not any longer a matter of questioning possible alternatives, but rather of hands on re-making. In cities, around us, we see the sparks of a wide range of approaches and attempts in which the making of a different urban environment in all its existential aspects (from housing to work to food) gets tested, validated and where possible implemented. What remains, however, is to imagine what urban society gets shape from these many inspiring but dispersed initiatives. Can a collective urban horizon emerge from here?Âť

Milica Leković is co-founder of Center of Architecture (CA), together with Milica Stojšić and Marko Macura. Actively involved in the editing, production and building of .SCAPES:LAB educational platform (EScapes, FRearCH, FLAT.SCAPES:LAB, BELGRADE.SCAPES:LAB). Architect (University of Novi Sad, 2009). From 2008-2010 she worked on the project of Social Inclusion and Housing Improvement in Roma Settlements in Vojvodina, Serbia as a member of the Roma Resource Centre, EHO team. In 2010 she was granted a scholarship for specialist studies at Institute of Cooperation for Basic Habitability (ICHaB) at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). Since 2011, her activities focus on urban and territorial research. While studying for a master degree in Urban Studies at the School of Architecture of Madrid ( ETSAM, UPM), she was affiliated to Social Housing, Basic Habitability and Urban Heritage investigation group as a researcher on the Atlas of Social Housing in Madrid, 1939-2010 project and the revision of 1997's Master Plan of the City of Madrid. Currently, she is a PhD candidate and researcher at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning (DUyOT, ETSAM, UPM).

»What does the phrase “thinking a city” even refer to? The connection of the city and philosophical thought? Dialectics or semantics, flows or concepts? The representation of cities in books and movies? History? Remembrance and memory? The use of urban space? How to conceive of a city? By rationalizing and planning it? Through ideology? Do we think it from the perspective of the quality of life of citizens or the ubiquitous struggle between global and local leaders and the local population? Through desire to improve the quality of our lives and reach the ideal of socio-spatial justice? What are our ideals anyway? Do we fantasize about utopias or, guided by dystopias, we think the city through the prism of our fears of climate change, rapid urbanization, pollution, globalization, insecurity, crime? Or maybe our thoughts are occupied by an endless love towards the myriad of possibilities that cities are offering? How do we perceive the city we live in and how does this image differs from the city we want to live in? What is our experience of the city? And how does our imagination produce the reality? We must never stop asking. Thinking, understood as philosophy and theory, production of narratives and fiction as well as everyday activities and direct action, is a vital condiment of urban life which charges our cities with meaning and adds up to their complexity.»

ÂťKids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try. (Homer Simpson 1994.)Âť

Radomir Lazović. Trough the works of collective Ministry of Space and association Independent Cultural Scene of Serbia he is working in urban and cultural policies. In the past 7 years he established or was actively involved in creation of several cultural and common goods initiatives such are Mikro Art, Street Gallery, Expedition Inex film and Mikro Festival of Amateur Films. Radomir Lazović is a graphic designer. He was an art director in several architectural magazines, chief editor of the "Info" magazine and photo editor of the magazine "Travel". In addition, he has worked as a scenery designer for Italian Film Company De Angelis groups.

Dragan Marinčić A practicing architect, founder and leading architect at “M+”, studio for architecture, since 2004. He obtained his master degree from the University of Belgrade, and subsequently has worked as Teaching assistant both at the University of Belgrade and the University of Novi Sad. Devoted to the research approach, with his team, he participated in more than 30 competitions (many of which were awarded). Always curious to understand the phenomena of the city, he elaborated the theme of the river bank even in his degree thesis project, for which he was honored by “Sister Bulaic foundation” in 2003.Other honors: 1997_ Association of Novi Sad Architects Salon of Architecture Award for student project; 2000_ Belgrade Salon of Architecture Award for competition project (architectural competition for Square Gallery in Belgrade)2008_ “RankoRadovic” Award for the best realized building of the year in Serbia, for “LEVY 9” office building.

»R. 1:1»

Sara Dević. Completed B. Arch. in Architecture, University of Belgrade, 2013. Currently enrolled at MS Integral Urbanism, faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade. Participated in several workshops in Belgrade, Helsinki, Vienna, Moscow that deal with architecture, public space and cities in general. Co – founded University UNESCO Club, Belgrade, 2013. Exhibited student’s work on Resilient Cities conference, 2013. and Union of Engineers conference, 2014. Exhibited handmade lamps during Belgrade Design Week, 2014.

» A view from the inside: I wonder does some place start being our home in the very moment it stop being Otherness. That is to say, in the moment when we lose visitor’s (touristic?) curiosity, when it becomes field for our routinized everyday actions. These actions, moves, that we endlessly repeat deepen precise paths, tracks, while surrounding petrifies as solid, as scenography. I suggest you to push the finger, make a hole in a coulisse, and go for an exploration of the city you’ve never lived in – the city that touches your paths and surrounds your points. Go, maybe you’ll meet somebody that would otherwise never cross your path. A view from the outside: City is a giant organism that spreads his tentacles around. It is an anthill. In this vivid, ever-moving anthill, the only constant thing is Change.

»Cities are the primary habitat of human beings nowadays. Urban species we are, so let's consider us as such. We are surrounded by an urban environment filled with stimuli; things to discover, make sense of and navigate through. All we do is respond to these stimuli, psycho-biologically and socially. In our responding to our environment, we "are" what we surround ourselves with. In the planning, designing and programming of our urban 'habitat' we need to cater for these psychobiological and social needs. To create spaces that provide relief and comfort, variety and surprise, direction and dérive, health benefits, and so on. Equally, our spaces need room for interpretation, for responsiveness, room to take ownership. It works both ways: how we build is how we organize our society, and how society is organized and evolves should dictate how we build. This só simply means that we must work interdisciplinarily to get it right. Architect and sociologist, planner and anthropologist, designer and psychologist. To work across areas of expertise, ascribing as much, if not more, importance to local knowledge as to the studies and CV's of professionals.»

Anna Dekker is the most recent addition to the interdisciplinary design studio Placemakers (www.placemakers.nl). She obtained a BA degree in Sociology and MA in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Amsterdam and a MA City Design and Social Science from the London School of Economics. She has worked as a consultant at LSECities and has worked on various projects in The Netherlands, including Out of Office, a socio-spatial experiment scrutinizing the trend of 'nomadic' work , a large research project on feeling at 'home' in the city, developing an international strategy for the 'City @ Eye Level' project of STIPO, and organizing the neighborhood involvement for a summerlong public rooftop, Roofgarden Arnhem. Most recently, Anna has instigated the Placemakers project WOO! Windows of Opportunity, whereby the windows of vacant commercial properties are given a temporary neighbhorhood function. Overall, Anna's work focuses on the dialectics between the social and physical organisation of cities. Her projects address large societal and urban issues on a local sale.

Iva Čukić is an architect, activist and a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade. The areas of her research include public space, self-organization, DIY approaches and urban-cultural discourse. She often participates in a variety of independent cultural initiatives. Every year she maintains the large number of lectures and presentations. She has been working as teaching associate and participating in several conferencies and workshops in Serbia and abroad. She co- launched one of the first initiatives aimed at fostering citizens’ participation in urban development, initiating dialogue between citizens, social activists, urban developers, architects and city officials about development of the city, titled Ministry of Space. Ministry of Space (Ministarstvo prostora) is collective from Belgrade that connects social activists, socially engaged artists, architects and citizens. It’s purpose is to promote the idea of The right to the city through different platforms aimed at researching and conducting socially engaged campaigns and projects focused on issues of urban development and urban resources management. It also contributes in finding solutions related to important social and urban issues and mobilize citizens to get involved in building a just society.

» Explore. Enjoy. Look through. Search. Find. Be comfortable. Adapt. Do not adapt. Adopt. Find shelter. Create shelter. Rain. Run. Snow. Have fun. Wander. Flaneur. Be a flaneur. Think. Work. Write. Give your soul. Take a fruit. Walk. Smile. Say hi. City is never exclusive? Envy. Angry. Change. Feel. Breathe. Deal with it. Calm. Peace. City is just a framework? Make it better. Imagine. Leave it. Go for it. Trace it. Follow. Imagine, imagine, imagine. City is a beautiful thing to believe in. Dovragasti optimizam. Live. Experience. Believe. Naïve. Fear. Take it. Get it. Understand it. Let it go. Let yourself go. Go back. Grow older. Accept. Love. Kao i ljubav - strast i sloboda. »

Aleksandra Raković was born in 1991 in Sremska Mitrovica. She graduated from University of Novi Sad in 2014 with Bachelor thesis Connecting: Branding and Interior. Ever since her first scapes.lab experience in 2012 she has been an active believer.

Vesna Jovanović. A practicing architect involved in territorial urban research and teaching at ETH Studio Basel since 2011. She obtained her Master's degree from the University of Belgrade, and a Postgraduate degree from the Berlage Institute in Rotterdam. She has worked as an architect in Rotterdam on several projects including a MATRA capacity-building government collaboration between Holland and Turkey in Diyarbakir, on the topic of restructuring the development of the city, governmental housing, and the preservation of the historical city core. Subsequently, she has worked in Brussels for the office of 51N4E, on large scale urban studies for Istanbul (a collaboration between the municipality of Istanbul and the Rotterdam Biennale 'IABR 2012: Making City'), an expansion project on the right bank of the Garonne in Bordeaux (competition), and on a restructuring project for the Brussels Metropolitan Region. She has guest lectured at the UdK, Berlin, MARCH, Moscow, and the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Rotterdam, in 2011.

Âť Lewis Mumford once stated that we would never have converged in cities had there not been a promise of some higher ideal of existence, that we would have never imploded into a collective space whose purpose went beyond the pleasing rituals of village productivity and fertility were it not to seek a divine power...redistributed from God to King and subsequently diffused to its citizens (Mumford, Lewis, The City in History, New York, 1961). In a reclaimed humanist sense, the city is itself a collective being, and lives through a constant reconfiguration of social and political space, affected by various actors wielding different parts of this diffused power. At its best it is a conscious being. At its worst it is a material prison of statistics lacking meanings, robbing its inhabitants of anything but a biological existence based either on poverty or on pleasure. Âť

Katarina MILENKOVIĆ (BA Journalism & MA Communications), Founder and President of civil association “Ama – Center for the Care of People and Nature” (amacentar.org). After some years spent in PR and communications, she discovered an amazing world of Nature. It thought her to listen carefully and to develop compassion for people’s needs. And that was the beginning of her new path and Ama Center. Within it, currently there are two active programs for urban population to get in touch with nature: WWOOF – volunteering on organic farms and Baštalište – community garden advocacy. Katarina is in love with eco-communities and everything they bring, as well as with nurturing concept as the opposite of management. A rebellion against global greed and materialism working on self-cognition, developing an active attitude towards worlds of spiritual creativity and natural cycle of creation and constant changes. Guest speaker at the Belgrade University (Faculty of Political Sciences – “Social and political ecology”), and author of the documentary film on eco communities in Serbia “Pod oskorušom”.

» I don’t believe in the exclusive separation between cities and villages. Just because the main occupation in not in agriculture for the most of us, is not a good enough reason. We are all essentially the same, sharing the same needs: physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, self-actualization, selfTranscendence (Maslow ’43.). What I do believe is a community aiming to create a sustainable and respectful way of living for its inhabitants, a place where Humans live as part of Nature, and not separate from It. So, why not create a community based on nurturing People and Nature as one? People know their needs, people want to contribute. All they lack is a chance to be involved in governing. I can imagine people discussing landscape, creating community gardens, planning parks, playgrounds, and other public spaces on their own. A community should be able to awake virtues like selfless service within the people in order to assure a good quality of life.»

Âť For me, the city is an infinite playground , garden of ideas and a place of encounters. The way cities are created, the way they develop and change substantially influences the people who live in them and the overall society. Cities, thus can bring out the best, or, unfortunately, the worst in people. On the other hand, if the change is the only constant in this world, let's change the cities, and therefore, change ourselves. In this process, we mustn't forget that "If I can not dance , it 's not my revolution"Âť

Dobrica Veselinović - 1981, studied at Faculty of Political Sciences. He has participated in many summer schools, seminars and debates in Serbia and abroad, and held a number of lectures, trainings and presentations. For several years he has been active in civic sector - recently focused on the question of public space. Areas of interest involves political theory, ecology and questions of urban development. He is fascinated with counter-culture movements. Rarely finishing with converting of ideas into reality. For two years he was counting (plastic) bags.

Aleksandra Obradović

Âť What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow Out of this stony rubbish? Son of man, You cannot say, or guess, for you know only A heap of broken images, where the sun beats, And the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no relief, And the dry stone no sound of water. Only There is shadow under this red rock, (Come in under the shadow of this red rock), And I will show you something different from either Your shadow at morning striding behind you Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you; I will show you fear in a handful of dust. Âť

Luka Pavelka. 3rd year architecture student at the University of Belgrade. His most recent professional engagement was working at Hotel Pro Forma, a Danish contemporary art and experimental performance Atelier in Copenhagen which included working on ongoing stage productions and monthly exhibitions. He has been involved with BELGRADE.SCAPES:LAB workshops as an active participant and within organizing of the program. He has taken part in numerous workshops and exhibitions during the previous years as extra-curricular activities. He was a teacher of English in China in 2013. He started creating epressive works from early age and took off as a visual artist marked with his first solo exibition “MONOLITHS� in 2012. He graduated from a School for design high school in 2012 at the departmant of packaging design.

»A dog and a city. The story is short and simple: one neighbour’s dog, Mr D.’s dog to be precise, went blind. Of sickness and of old age. The dog had always lived there, and walked around here and there, between sounds and scents of that air. Mr Kalvino offered himself. In the evening he would take the blind dog and walk him around, on a leash, on stroll through the city.» Gonsalo M. Tavareš

Marko Macura From 2007 up to date is active as a practicing architect. In 2008. together with Milica Leković and Milica Stojšić he co-founded Center of Architecture (CA) as an independent territory for a broader investigation of resources and methodology in education and research process, generating many competition entries, urban studies and discussions. From 2009 - 2013. as a program editor, he coordinated strategy implementation of several research platforms - SCAPES aimed at architecture students from Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. (FLATscapes 01 03 / NL, EScapes / Spain, FRearCH Scapes / France and Switzerland). From 2013, together with Miloš Drašković, he co-initiated .SCAPES:LAB platform where he figures as an editor & coordinator. He has been moderator, guest lecturer, workshop initiator and producer at many panels, site explorations, conferences, exhibitions and workshops - ETSAM, ETSAB, COAVN, COAC, IaaC, Pavilion de L'Arsenale, Campo de Cebada, ETH Zurich, ETH Studio Basel, TU Graz, TU Delft, Berlage, NDSM, Post--Office, (...). He is also an independent researcher interested in social sculpture and critical theory.

ÂťCity is infinite; with infinite possibilities for networking its chronotopes into new communications. It is a built object which we build and which is instantly and constantly building itself onto us. To the best of my knowledge, only the thought shares the same dynamics.Âť

Vladimir Radinović is a phonographer, designer and word bender. Addicted to sound and determined to keep flaneuring in search of the perfect soundscape. He archived cultural heritage and pioneered community radio in the Balkans. When he is not contemplating on philosophical subjects he is farming creative chaos.

Âť Every time I start to think about city I drift away and get lost in its sounds. These sounds have always fascinated me more than any words mostly because their ability to honestly lie to you. For example the lovely sound of birds can also be a warning of a danger approaching and the sound of construction which one may perceive as urban development can actually be the sound of destruction of an 100 year old building. Âť

Tihomir DiÄ?ić, born in Belgrade 22. 2. 1993. Studying architecture at the Belgrade University. Exhibited works at the Salon of Architecture exhibition and received two special awards at Arhiton and Veka architecture competitions.

At the moment, Belgrade is faintly being thought of. Not even through a symbolic comparison with a Phoenix bird rising from its ashes. Ruins on top of which the city is periodically being built contemporaries see as a part of a natural context instead of an important architectural artifact which originated as a reflection of culture of the earlier times. For example this is how the Obilićev venac regulation was unconsciously placed. Buildings were built on top of old Austrian fort walls, and a right-angled street emerged. In this similar manner, upgrades are being made on top of older buildings of specific styles, using modernistic cuboids in order to accommodate accumulated population. In the struggle of attempting to gain European recognition and affiliation, Belgrade became a collage of continual urban-architectural discontinuity.

» To think of a city one has never visited means thinking of an imagined space in the hypothetical time; an imaginary city. To think of an existing, living city one first needs to experience it. To experience it is to interact. To interact is to connect - or not connect. To connect is to feel. Each city is unique in every millimeter of its space, in the constant change of time; in each and every of the thousands and millions of those who are mediators of its life and in the one perceiving it. To think of a city is to try to isolate universal out of a personal perception of the fragments of space that constantly change in time and are mediated through the scarce numbers of those we meet. To think of a city is to be subjective and to feel, it is a constant search of invariably in the ever-changing space – time – people relationship, perceived by the one in search. »

Ljubica Slavkovic is a graduated architect of a Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade. Besides architectural practice, she is active as an independent critic and theoretician of architecture and urbanism. As an active journalist, she is contributing to publications at home and abroad, in the fields of culture, architecture and urban planning, city development and public space, life in the cities and the life of cities. She is an architect and an editor at the Center for cultural decontamination, and is a co-editor of the architectural journal and research platform Kamenzind, headquartered in Z端rich. She holds an award in the category of architectural criticism at the 36th Salon of Architecture.

»The city is a web of signs and allusions stemming from two sources – one coming from the top down, reflected in the system of decrees, regulations and disparate laws and faults in the system – while the others come directly from the streets – from life itself. The latter forms a forest of various initiatives, interpositions, vandalism and revolt... The clash of these two currents creates the ecological system of the city through which we go about our daily business – horizontally processed by the system and vertically by the street as well as through our own activities on a personal level. Some of these symbols interest enough to encourage us to think about them, and sometimes they encourage action – though not always in order to correct them. Depending on one’s perspective, a particular symbol can be seen as an error by some and by others as a chance for the creation of something new and good.»

Virdžinija Đeković was born in Pančevo in 1985, where she also attended the Uroš Predić high school. She studied Serbian Literature and General Literature at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade and also graduated from the Faculty of Dramatic Arts with a degree in Management and Production of Theatre, Radio and Culture. She is currently completing her Masterslevel studies in Management in Culture and Media (at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts). Previously she has worked as a radio presenter, journalist, PR, project manager and organiser and permanent associates in the organization “Liceulice”. Significant festivals and projects on which she has worked include: The Festival of International Student Theatre (FIST); The Festival of Student Film (FSF); The BITEF Festival – BITEF Polyphony; The Palić Festival of European Cinema; and Ex Teatra Fest. Along with friends and colleagues Virginija was one of the founders of Tačka komunikacije in 2011.

Andrija Stojanović. I was born in Belgrade in 1984. I completed my education first at Drinka Pavlović Elementary, then at Belgrade Highschool, after which I enrolled in IT Management at Singidunum University. After the 11th three years, senior undergraduate status and my initial professional experience, I decided to change university. I enrolled at the Department of Management and Production of Theatres, Radio and Culture at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts of Belgrade University. Since then my interest in creative processes, entrepreneurial ideas and independent engagement received proper institutional support and I began to learn more about various forms of production by working on projects covering a broad range of artistic fields. This experience gave me the determination necessary to, immediately upon the completion of my studies, collaborate with friends and colleagues in order to establish the “Communication Point” organisation and find space for creative and critical expressio through projects focusing on the understanding of cities and their development. Living social processes exposed to different influences can be an endless source of questions and issues relating to history, identity and the image of communities. The options opened up by new media represent, to me, a challenging search for new forms of expression, communication and exchange. For better o for worse, I’m more connected to the process rather than the end product.

»Environmental, social, economical changes urge us to transform and rethink our approach to planning and building of cities. Nature needs to take its rightful place in urban experience and become foundation of cities infrastructure, a powerful tool for restoration and remediation. If the city has a green nervous system connecting neighborhoods, open spaces, urban markets… communities are enabled to create productive landscapes on many levels and build the character as well. Positive personal and common development can be gained in city that provides integrated living, working, and playing into the activities of its landscape. In the end we are what we eat no matter where we live, agricultural heritage and urban food systems can have an enormous potential to impact while improving different sides of the city, empowering inhabitants’ through sharing resources and knowledge, passing it on to the next generation.»

Sabina Kerić is associated with NGO Belgrade Flower Festival , platform that encourages development of standards of urban ecology on the principles of sustainability and the active public through various activities. She works with professionals in ecology and environmental protection, landscape architecture and horticulture, urban planning and urbanism, culture and art, design, architecture, education, media and socially responsible companies. From 2011. Is involved in developing of international project “Child and the City- Public space that fosters culture and play”. Together with Katarina Milenković, conceived first Belgrade’s community garden Baštalište in 2013. and lunched in 2014. ongoing campaign for establishing public system of urban community gardens.

ÂťThe cities today are once again battlefields of different interests, political, socio-economic, environmental and many more. These powers can grow but also shrink cities. Today we can observe both phenomena, which make the job of the citymaker highly complicated and challenging. In our globalized world, overwhelmed of conflict and economic and environmental crises, it is a challenge to find the right tools and strategies. This can be sensibilized only if the citymaker understands the problems complex context and realizes that other stakeholders - such as industries and policies are also participating and must be considered. It is a dynamic era that requires new modes and approaches that demand multiple and innovative skills and a highly ethical, sensitive and inclusive approach.Âť

Haris Piplas graduated from the University in Sarajevo in 2008 in Landscape Architecture. He was granted the German DAADscholarship for postgraduate studies, receiving a MSc. in Urban Design Master studies at the Technical University of Berlin following a n academic stay at the Politecnico di Milano. Haris collected professional experience in different offices in Bosnia, Denmark and Germany. He has worked as an Editor for the Journal of the “European Federation for Landscape Architecture”, and on the Steering Committee at the UN SCBD Network “MediverCities”. He has published several articles in magazines and contributed to various publications incl. “Forest and the city”, TOPOS Magazine, and JoLA Magazines. He has been guest speaker and jury critic at several institutions including Harvard, Prince of Wales Foundation for Built Environment, MIT, TU Wien, UN ECE, Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau as well as professional events including AESOP (Association of European Schools for Planning), ECLAS (European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools) annual congresses. Since 2011 he is affiliated with ETH Zurich D-ARCH Urban-ThinkTank Brillembourg&Klumpner Chair for Architecture and Urban Design where he figures as a Doctoral Candidate and coordinator of the “Urban Design I/II: Urban Stories” Lecture Series. He also works on developing the new interdeparmental organiztion ISTP (Institute of Science, Policy and Technology

Anđela Brašanac. Born in Belgrade, in 1990. Obtained her Bachelor’s Diploma in 2009 at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade and her Master’s Diploma in 2014 at DIA, Dessau International School of Architecture in Dessau, Germany. In period of 20062007 participated in a student exchange program in USA, as an ASMYLE scholarship holder sponsored by American Government. From 20132014 she is a holder of DAAD Scholarship for Artists and Architects. Since 2014 she lives in Berlin, where she worked as an intern with Bundschuh Architekten with whom she also carried out Exhibition Design Project of 55th October Salon in Belgrade. She also participated in 17th Bauhaus Fest in Dessau with her written piece (UN)KNOWN. At the very moment she is preparing for her next internship, this time in Basel, Switzerland and in the meantime enjoying sunny days of lively Berlin.

» I want a city that feels like home, and I want people who smile to all. I want a city that welcomes anyone and all. Acceptances and openness is a must. I don’t want a city center. Distribution of events allows a possibility of multiple centers. I want a city where rivers and their banks belong to all the people. There is nothing private to be built along them. I don’t want benches in parks. To enjoy, is to feel – a bit of dirt on your back, moist grass on your bottom. I want many things to change, but it is impossible to change the city without our reaction. ‘The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking’ (Albert Einstein).»


Danas je Beograd u opasnosti od urbanalizacije 3. Ona se ogleda ne samo u prostornoj homogenizaciji već i - u do umobolnosti - nekritičkom uvozu globalnih trendova. Model grada koji nam se nudi redukovan je na nekoliko hiper-realističnih slika a njegova suština staje u jedan pasus. Mi taj pasus naravno nećemo pisati. Ono što, međutim, hoćemo da uvidimo jeste da trenutni procesi razvoja Beograda ukazuju na veliku diskrepancu između želja, nada i potreba građana naspram predloga, kvaliteta i političkih stavova. Neretko se proklamovane ideje promovišu kroz posebne interese koji se kao takvi utvrđuju čak i zakonom. Ceo proces karakteriše brutalno ignorisanje. Drugim rečima, ako su URBS, CIVITAS i POLIS vitalne komponente jednog grada, onda je Beograd kakav nam se nudi danas nekakav URBS iz koga je POLIS, redukovan na političke elite, hirurški precizno odstranio CIVITAS. Francesc Muñoz coined the term urbanalizaton to describe the production of homogenized, standardized and banal urban landscapes by incorporation of generic, ready-made projects into very different places, without taking into account their historical singularities and socio-cultural specificities. For more details, see Muñoz, Francesc. UrBANALization: Landscapes of Post-industrial Change. Gili, 2001.



“Cities have different dimensions; they are urbs, civitas and polis all at once. Urbanism must consider all these dimensions, and not just the physical aspect.” Capel, Horacio. "A modo de introducción: Los problemas de las ciudades. Urbs, civitas y polis. " Ciudades, arquitectura y espacio urbano (2003): 9-24.

Today, Belgrade is in danger of urbanalization. This process can be witnessed not only in radical spatial homogenisation but also within the uncritical importation of mindnumbingly simplistic global trends. New models are being promoted through a few hyper-realistic images and their essence could be resumed in only a paragraph. Of course, we will not transcribe it here. Big discrepancy is evident - between desires, hopes and needs of its citizens on one side and proposals of questionable quality and political standpoints on the other. Promulgated ideas are fundamentally changing even official legislation and the whole process oozes ignorance . If URBS, CIVITAS and POLIS 4 are vital components of a city, then currently promoted Belgrade could be presented as an excuse for URBS from which POLIS - reduced to political elites - has cut off CIVITAS with surgical precision.

U takvom Beogradu (Walter) Benjaminov flaneur bio bi pobeđen i obeshrabren - flanerie kao način saznanja bi postao izlišan jer ne bi postojalo ništa vredno otkrivanja.

In this, visionary Belgrade, Walter Benjamin’s flaneur would be defeated and discouraged - flanerie as the way of learning would become obsolete since there wouldn't be anything to discover.

Sve procese uprošćavanja, redukovanja kompleksnosti urbane sredine i misli o gradu treba zaustaviti. Iz tog razloga, pozivamo sve mlađe profesionalce i studente, učesnike u ovogodišnjem Belgrade.SCAPES:LAB / I THINK BG da (pro)misle Beograd i da kao budući aktivni učesnici u prostornoj produkciji (a u koje su svi pogledi upereni) ne dozvole da postanu alatka za materijalizovanje neznalačkih iluzija ekonomsko-politizovanih elita. Pozivamo vas da mislimo, sada i ovde.

All the processes of simplification, banalization and reduction of urban landscape should be abolished, now. We invite all young professionals and students, participants in the this year’s Belgrade.SCAPES:LAB / I THINK BG to dive deep through Belgrade’s cityscape and - as future protagonists in spatial production - to reject becoming merely a tool for materialization of unlawfully imposed illusions of economic and political elites. We invite you to think, here and now.

Naša namera je da mislimo kroz niz izazova i uspostavimo moguće komunikacije u sadašnjim uslovima.

Our intention is to think through the broad array of challenges and establish possible communications in the current circumstances.


So c i a lc o nt e x tma ppi ng Ka t us haSo l&AnnaDe k k e r/pl a c e ma k e r s . nl

W2 Thr ought hi swor ks hop, Be l gr adewi l lj oi nNMMpr oj e c t .T h ea i m i st oma pp a r a me t e r si nBe l g r a d eb yu s i n gas t r u c t u r eo fs e v e r a l l a y e r sa n dt oi n t r o d u c ean e wma p p i n gs o f t wa r eo nt h eb a s eo fa n o p e ns o u r c ema p p i n gp l a t f o r m–Ha r v a r dWo r l dMa p . T h ep a r to ft h ewo r k s h o pi st oc o n t r i b u t et ot h eNMM b o o kp r o j e c t . T h eb o o kp r o j e c ti ss t i l l " wo r ki np r o g r e s s " .I ti so r g a n i z e di nt h r e e s e c t i o n s : Se c t i o nI : I n t r o d u c t i o n/T h e o r e t i c a l a n dMe t h o d o l o g i c a l Ap p r o a c h e s Se c t i o nI I : Ma p sa n dCi t yP o r t r a i t s-h t t p : / / wo r l d ma p . h a r v a r d . e d u / ma p s / 2405 Se c t i o nI I I : Co mp a r a t i v eAn a l y s i s

Ma n yc o n t e mp o r a r yc i t i e sa r ec o n f r o n t e dwi t hg e n t r i f i c a t i o na n d u r b a nr e g e n e r a t i o n ,a n dh a v eb e e ne q u i p p e d wi t hs k y s c r a p e r s , f l a g s h i pp r o j e c t s ,a n d“ s t a r ”a r c h i t e c t u r e .T h eNe wMe t r o p o l i t a n Ma i n s t r e a mh a smu l t i p l ef a c e sa n de x i s t si nma n yd i f f e r e n tv e r s i o n s . I ti st h ea i mo fo u rp r o j e c tt od e s c r i b ea n da n a l y z et h i sd i v e r s i t y . T h e t h e me sa r e:we a l t h ya n dp o o ra r e a s/ d o wn g r a d e da n dd e p r i v e d a r e a s ,a r e a so f( r e ) i n v e s t me n t ,i n f o r ma l u r b a n i z a t i o n ,s p e c t a c u l a r u r b a n i s m,f l a g s h i pp r o j e c t sa n df a i l e df l a g s h i pp r o j e c t s , s p a c e so f r e p r e s s i o na n dc o n t r o l ,r e s i s t a n c ea l t e r n a t i v e sa n dp o s s i b l eu r b a n wo r l d s . T h ea u t h o r so ft h eNMMp r o j e c ta r eme mb e r so ft h eI n t e r n a t i o n a l Ne t wo r kf o rUr b a nRe s e a r c ha n dAc t i o n( I NURA) , an e t wo r ko fp e o p l e i n t e r e s t e da n di n v o l v e di nt h ed e v e l o p me n to fc i t i e s .T h en e t wo r k wa sf o u n d e di n1991i nSwi t z e r l a n d . Me mb e r sc o mef o r md i f f e r e n t b a c k g r o u n d sa n ds h a r eac r i t i c a lp e r s p e c t i v eo nt o d a y ’ se c o n o mi c , e c o l o g i ca n ds o c i a ld e v e l o p me n to ft h ec i t i e s . – www. i n u r a . o r g


Co nf us i ngc i t y Andr i j aSt oj anov i c&Vi r dž i ni j aÐe kov i c/T ac kaKomuni kac i j e

Aswi t hs omu c he l s ei nBe l g r a d e , i np o l i c y ma k i n gt h e r ei sn o c o n s i s t e n c y .Wei n t e n dt of o c u so np r o b l e msu n d e r p i nt h ec ons t ant c hangi ng ofs t r e e t name s .I nl i n ewi t hp o l i t i c a la n d/o ro t h e r s o c i a lu p h e a v a lwea r ewi t n e s s e st oc h a n g et h a ti sf r e q u e n ta n d ma n i f o l d . T h es p a c ef o rc h a n g ei sb o t hc o n s t a n ta n do p e n ,r e s u l t i n gi na mi s ma t c h b e t we e no r a la n dh u ma nme mo r ya n dt h eo f f i c i a l , i n s t i t u t i o n a lme mo r y .T h ep r o c e s s o fc h a n g ei sp e r p l e x i n g , i n c o n s i s t e n ta n di n s u f f i c i e n t l yt r a n s p a r e n t .Ol ds t r e e ts i g n sr e ma i n l o n ga f t e rt h es t r e e t sn a meh a sb e e nc h a n g e d ,o f t e ns i d eb ys i d e wi t ht h en e ws i g nf r o mwh i c ht h e ya r ea e s t h e t i c a l l ya n d ,p e r h a p s mo r ei mp o r t a n t l y ,i d e o l o g i c a l l yd i f f e r e n t .V i s u a lc o mmu n i c a t i o n f u n d a me n t a lt omo v e me n tt h r o u g ht h eu r b a ne n v i r o n me n ti sn o t t r e a t e di nama n n e rt h a te n s u r e se f f e c t i v eo r i e n t a t i o n . T h ed e s i g no f t h ec i t y ’ sv i s u a lc o mmu n i c a t i o nr e f l e c t si t si n s t i t u t i o n a la n d a e s t h e t i cd i s o r d e ra n dt h u sd e f i n e sl o c a l a t t i t u d e st ot h ec o n c e p to f c u l t u r a l me mo r y .T h en u mb e ro fd o u b l es t r e e ts i g n s( b e a r i n gt h e s a meo rd i f f e r e n tn a me s )g r o wsd a i l ya sn e wn a me sa r ed e c i d e d u p o ni na dh o cf a s h i o nwi t hl i t t l ec o n n e c t i o nt ot h eh i s t o r yo ft h e s i t et h e ya r es u p p o s e dt oc e l e b r a t e . T h i sl e v e l o fc o n f u s i o ni n d i c a t e s a ni n a b i l i t yo ft h ep o l i t i c a l s p h e r et oc o met or e c o n c i l ewi t ht h ep a s t , h o we v e rd i s t a n ti th a p p e n st ob e . L o c a l i n i t i a t i v e st oc h a n g et h e n a meo fs t r e e t sa r er a r et h o u g ht h e yc a nb es u c c e s s f u l . Ne v e r t h e l e s s ,a tt h eo f f i c i a l p o l i c yl e v e l t h i sa c t i v i t yg o e su n n o t i c e d b u ti sa tt h es a met i met h emo s tp r o mi n e n tp o i n to fi d e o l o g i c a l c o n f l i c ta n dat r a i n i n gg r o u n df o rt h er e v i s i o na n de x p l o i t a t i o no f h i s t o r y .

W3 Ourwor ks hops e e kst ot ac kl et hi spr obl e m ont wof r ont s :

1. Byr e c o g n i s i n gwh oi nBe l g r a d ep l a y st h er o l eo f me mo r y e n t r e p r e n e u r s( wh oma n a g e st h ec i t y ’ sa r c h i t e c t u r e ): T h r o u g h a n a l y s i so ft h es y s t e mo fd e c i s i o n -ma k i n ga si tr e l a t e st os t r e e t n a me s ;d i s c u s s i o no fp r o c e d u r e sa n dt h e i rr e s u l t sa swe l l a st h e a c t o r swh oe n g a g ei nt h e s ep r o c e s s e s ;a n db ys h e d d i n gl i g h to nt h e p r o c e d u r a l p r o c e s s e sa n dt h ei mp a c to fa c t i v i s mo nh o wd e c i s i o n s a r ep r o p o s e da n du l t i ma t e l yma d e .Wea i m,t h e r e f o r e ,t oe x a mi n e t h ei mp o r t a n c eo r g a n i s a t i o n a la s p e c t s– wh yi st h en a mi n go f Be l g r a d e ’ ss t r e e t ss u c hame s s ? 2. Byc o n s i d e r i n gt h ea l t e r n a t i v emo d e lo fc o u n t e r mo n u me n t s , mo n u me n t st h a th a v ea ne n g a g i n gi n s t e a do fad i d a c t i cr o l e , a sa r e s u l to fa c t i v i s ma n da c t i o nt h a tt h r o wso f fl a b e l si mp o s e df r o m p o s i t i o n so fa u t h o r i t ya n dp o we r . Wewi l l u s et h ee x i s t e n c eo fd o u b l e s t r e e ts i g n si no u rc i t ya si n s p i r a t i o nf o ra c t i v i t i e sa n ds t r a t e g i e s t h a twi l l i mp a c to np u b l i ca wa r e n e s so ft h i sa s p e c to fo u rc o l l e c t i v e s p a c e .T h i smo d e lo f f e r st wop a t h s :g u e r r i l l aa d mi n i s t r a t i o na n d a r t i s t i ca c t i v i s m. Bye n g a g i n gwi t ht h i smo d e la n dt h r o u g hd i r e c ta c t i o nwewi l l e x a mi n ep o s s i b l es c e n a r i o sf o rc o n c r e t ei mp r o v e me n ta n dt h e i r s i g n i f i c a n c e . Be c aus et hi saf f e c t susal l .


L ej a r di ndeBe l gr a de Ni c ol asZi e s e l/koz . f r , Sabi naKe r i c&Kat ar i naMi l e nkov i c/ Baš t al i š t e

Ay e a ra g oL EF E ST I NDEBE L GRADEc o l l e c t e dF a c t sa n dSt o r i e s a b o u tp l a c e s ,p e o p l e ,p r o c e s s e si n v o l v e di nf o o di nt h ec i t y ,a n d i mp l e me n t e daf e w Ac t i o ni np u b l i cs p a c er a i s i n gt h i si s s u e . I nt h e p r o c e s sweme tt h ep e o p l ef r o m BAST AL I ST Ewh oa d v o c a t ef o r c i t i z e ne mp o we r me n tt h r o u g hs ma l ls c a l e u r b a na g r i c u l t u r ei nt h e Be l g r a d eme t r o p o l i t a na r e aa n dh a v es e tu pac o l l e c t i v eg a r d e ni n Sl a n c i , 10k mf r o mt h ec e n t e r . Whati shappe ni ngt he r e ? Wh og o e st h e r e ,wh a ta r et h er e l a t i o n s h i p sb e t we e nu r b i z e n sa n d v i l l a g e z e n s ?Ar ewes t i l l i nBe l g r a d e ?Wh a th a p p e n swi t hp e o p l ea n d t h e i rr e l a t i o nt of o o da l o n gt h er o a dg e t t i n gt h e r e ?I st h i sap l a c ef o r o r g a n i ce r mi t so ran e wt y p eo fo f f g r i dp o l i t i c a l p o we r h o u s e ? T h eg a r d e nwi l l b eo u rL ABt op u s hawh o l en e ws e to fo u t c o me s : +DI T( Doi tT o g e t h e r ): Sma l ls c a l ec o n s t r u c t i o n sf o rt h eSl a n c i g a r d e n . Af i r s tl e v e l wi l l b et op r o p o s e , d e s i g n , a n db u i l du s e f u l s t u f f f o rt h ep l a c el i k e : t o i l e t/c o mp o s tb i n s/p l a y g r o u n di nt h ewo o d s , t o k e e pk i d so c c u p i e dwh i l ep a r e n t swo r ki ng a r d e n/r a i nh a r v e s t i n g s y s t e m, weh a v er e s e r v o i r sb u tweh a v et of i l l t h e mu pf r o mc i s t e r n /s o c i a l i z i n ga r e awi t haf i r e p l a c ef o rp o tc o o k i n g/e n t r a n c e/g a t e / a r c ht h a tc a nb eu s e da sp e r g o l a/b i r dh o u s e sa n di n s e c th o t e l s /f r e ef o o dk i o s k s/a n da n y t h i n gwec a nc o mei nt e r mswi t h . +DOCUMENT :E v e r y t h i n g .F r o mt h ep r e s e n ts t a t eo ft h ep l a c e , i t ’ s r e l a t i o nt on e i g h b o r s ,t h i n g sh a p p e n i n gf r o m Be l g r a d ec e n t e rt o t h e r e . An do u ro wnp r o c e s s . +MEDI ATE:Wh a ts i mp l et o o l sc a nb et h o u g h to fa n di mp l e me n t e d t oma k et h ee x i s t e n c eo ft h eg a r d e na n dwh a ti ts t a n d sf o rwi d e l y k n o wna n dd e s i r a b l e ?


T h ewo r k s h o pwi l l r e l yh e a v i l yo ne a c hp a r t i c i p a n t ’ ss k i l l s , b u twi l l a l s oa l l o we v e r y o n et og e ti n v o l v e di ne a c ha r e aa th e r ’ s h i so wn p a c e .E v e r y t h i n gwed os h o u l db ev e r ys i mp l et oi mp l e me n t , e n h a n c e ,b u i l ds oa st op r o v i d et o o l so fe mp o we r me n tt ot h e g a r d e n e r s ,a n db eap l a t f o r mf o rs h a r i n gp a s s i o n s , q u e s t i o n s ,a n d k n o wl e d g eb e t we e no u rwh o l et e mp o r a r yc o mmu n i t y . Ond a yonewewi l l i n v e s t i g a t eo nt h ep r e s e n ts t a t eo fSl a n c i , g a t h e r ma t e r i a l s ,s p e c u l a t eo nt h i n g st ob u i l da n df a s tt e s ts o me . Ond a y t woand t hr e e ,wewi l lp r e s e n to u rf i n d i n g st ot h eg a r d e n e r ’ s . Co n s e n s u a l l ys e to u rc o mmo np a t ha n dme a n sa n ds t a r two r k i n g t o g e t h e ro nt h ec o n s t r u c t i o n sa n dme d i a t i o np r o t o c o l s .Da yf our s h o u l db eo u rl a s td a yi nt h eg a r d e n , b u twh oc a nt e l l ?T h el a s td a y wi l l b ed e d i c a t e dt of i n i s h i n go u rp r e s e n t a t i o na n dd e l i v e r i n gi twi t h t h ey o u -k n o w-t h a t -s p e c i a l -y u mmy -s u r p r i s e t h a t c a n b e s h a r e d wi t ha l l BGSc a p e sp a r t i c i p a n t sa n dh a p p yg a r d e n e r s !

W7 E x p l o i t a t i o nh a sl e a dt oc o mmo d i f i c a t i o no ft h ep u b l i cr e a l mt ot h e e x t e n tt h a tt h ep e r s o n aoft h ec i t yh a sd i s a p p e a r e d . We ’ r eg o i n gt o l o o kf o rt h er e ma i n so ft h i sp e r s o n a ,b yl o o k i n gi nt h eg r o o v e s . I no r d e rt od ot h i swes h o u l df i r s ta s s e s st h e m. T h ema i nme t h o df o r t h i swi l l b et oc o l l e c th a n d -d r a wnma p so fp e o p l eo nt h es t r e e tb y a p p r o a c h i n gt h e mo nt h es p o t .Al a r g ea mo u n to ft h e s ema p s , wi l l n o t o n l y h e l p u s q u a n t i f y t h e l a n d m a r k s a n d t h e d e p t h o f t h e L a s ty e a r ,weh a v eb e e nf o s t e r i n gs o l u t i o n sf o rp o s s i b l et r e a t me n t g r o o v e s , b u t w i l l a l s o g i v e u s i n t e r p r e t a t i o n s o f t h e w a y p e o p l e o f( b i g )Ne wBe l g r a d ewh i c h , f r o mi t sb e g i n n i n g s , d e p i c t sv a r i e t yo f s p a t i a lc o n t r i b u t i o n s .Af t e rc o l l e c t i n gag r e a tn u mb e ro fBi gi d e a s a n dt h o u g h t sb yt h ewo r k s h o pp a r t i c i p a n t s , t h i sy e a r , wewi l l d i v e i n t ot h es c a l eo ft h eu s e r-c i t i z e n. I fc i t yi sr e f l e c t i n gp e o p l e ’ sd e s i r e s , d e c i s i o n ma k i n gs k i l l s , me n t a l i t y , h a b i t s , wh i l es i mu l t a n e o u s l ya f f e c t i n gi t si n h a b i t a n t sb yi mp o s i n g i t s e l fo n t ot h e m we wi l l ,f i r s t ,u n d e r s t a n dt h ec o n c e p to f E x p r o p r i a t i o na n dwh a ti t( r e a l l y )i sa i me da t . Af t e rt h ea p p r o p r i a t i o n o ft h et e r m-t h r o u g hv a r i o u si n s i g h t s-wewi l l s u r fs u r ft h r o u g h p o s s i b l ewa y so ft r e a t me n to ft h ec i t y-p l a c e sa n dp o s s i b i l i t i e s . Sp e c i f i ca r e a s wi l li n v o l v eSl a v i j as q u a r e ,b u ta l s od i f f e r e n t t e r r i t o r i e s(b o t hp h y s i c a la n dme n t a l )i nt h ee v e r y d a yc i t yo f Be l g r a d e . T h ep r o g r a mo ft h i sy e a r swo r k s h o pi st or e c o g n i z e1: 1c h a l l e n g e s a n dp r o v i d es o l u t i o n si ns i t u .Wewi l lg e n e r a t ea n dd e a lwi t ht h e o v e r l a po fd i f f e r e n tc o n c e p t s ,o nd i f f e r e n tl e v e l s , o fd i f f e r e n ts c a l e s , wh i c hc a na l l f a c i l i t a t et h ee v i d e n tt e n s i o n sa n d , b yd o i n gi t ,wi l l t r y t oo f f e rn e wc o n t e x t s .


Pr o j e c tWa t e r f r o nt Mi l e naI v kov i c/bl ok74. or g Noo fp a r t i c i p a n t s : ma x . 16( 4t a b l e sx4p a r t i c i p a n t s ) Re q u i r e me n t sf o rt h ep a r t i c i p a n t s : l a p t o p swi t hI l l u s t r a t o r , Ph o t o s h o pa n dWo r ds o f t wa r e

T h ePr o j e c tWa t e r f r o n two r k s h o pu s e sur ban gami ng a n dwe bb a s e dc o mmu n i c a t i o ns t r a t e g i e sa sas t a r t i n gp o i n tt oe x p l o r et h e r o l eo fa r c h i t e c t sa su r b a na c t i v i s t s .T h ewo r k s h o pf o c u s e so nt h e Sa v a Ri v e r s i d ep u b l i cs p a c eb e t we e nt h en e i g h b o u r h o o do f Sa v a ma l aa n dGa z e l aBr i d g e ,av i t a l p a r to ft h ec o n t r o v e r s i a l a n d l a r g e l yd i s p u t e dBe l g r a d eo nWa t e rp l a n .Theai mo ft h ewo r k s h o p i st ot r a i nt h es t u d e n t st ot h i n k“ o u to ft h eb o x ”a n de x p a n dt h e i r f o r ma ld e s i g ne d u c a t i o nt ou r b a na c t i v i s ma n ds o c i a le n g a g e me n t . T h ei n t e n t i o no ft h ewo r k s h o pi st og i v ei n s i g h ti n t on e ws k i l l sf o r y o u n ga r c h i t e c t s ,wh i c ha r ee s s e n t i a lf o ri n i t i a t i n ga n ds u p p o r t i n g b o t t o mu pp r o j e c t si nt h eh i g h l yp o l i t i c i z e da n dh a r s hc o n t e x t . T h e wo r k s h o pc o n s i s t so ft h r e ep a r t s .Du r i n gt h ef i r s td a y , p a r t i c i p a n t sp l a yo u tt h ep o s s i b l es c e n a r i o ’ so nh o wt on e u t r a l i z e t h eh a r mf u li n f l u e n c e so ft h eBe l g r a d eo nWa t e ri n v a s i o no nt h e p u b l i cs p a c ea l o n gSa v aRi v e r , u s i n gama po ft h ea r e aa sag a me b o a r d .Ont h es e c o n dd a y ,t h e ywi l la n a l y s et h eo u t c o me so ft h e s c e n a r i o s ,a n df o r mu l a t e4 ma i na r e a so fp o s s i b l ea c t i o n . Ont h e t h i r da n df o u r t hd a yt h e ywi l lt r a n s l a t et h ea c t i o na r e a si n t oa we b s i t ec o n t e n t/c o mmu n i c a t i o ns t r a t e g y ,a i me dt oe n g a g el a r g e r p u b l i ct ot a k ep a r ti nt h ep r e s e r v a t i o n ,d e v e l o p me n ta n dd e s i g no f s o c i a l l yc o n s c i o u sp u b l i cs p a c ef e a t u r e sa l o n gSa v aRi v e r . T h ewo r k s h o pe n d swi t hap r e s e n t a t i o no fas i mp l ei n t e r a c t i v e “ Pr o j e c tWa t e r f r o n t ”b l o gp r o t o t y p et ot h eo t h e rp a r t i c i p a n t s . The e x pe c t e di mpac to ft h e Pr o j e c tWa t e r f r o n two r k s h o pi s t oi mp r o v et h ei n d e p e n d e n tt h i n k i n g ,c r i t i c a la r g u me n t a t i o na n d n e g o t i a t i o ns k i l l so ft h es t u d e n t s , a swe l la st oe n c o u r a g et h e m t ob o r r o wf r o mo t h e rme d i a( g a mi n g ,we b ,mo b i l ea p p ’ s )i nt h e c o mp l e xp r o c e s so fu r b a na c t i v i s m.


Ma psL o s t( F o rGo o d) Al be r tT akas hiRi c ht e r s/Pos t Of f i c e , Rot t e r dam &Y as e mi nSe ngi l/Hoe kpand, Rot t e r dam

T h ec i t yi sac o l l e c t i o no fpl ac e sandl andmar ksi no u rmi n d s . Wh a tt h e s ep l a c e sa n dl a n d ma r k sme a ni sb a s e do nwh a twed o a n do u re n c o u n t e r st h e r e .J u s tl i k eo u rb r a i nn e r v e sg e ts t r o n g e r a n dt h i c k e rwh e nu s e dmo r ei n t e n s i v e l yo rj u s tl i k et h en e e d l eo na f a v o u r i t er e c o r dp l a y e dt i me a f t e r t i me , t h emo r eweu s et h et r a c k s i nt h ec i t yt h ed e e p e rt h e yg e ti no u rt h o u g h t s .E q u a l l y ,t h ed e e p e r t h e ya r e ,t h eh a r d e rt h e ya r et og e to u to f . E a c ho ft h e s et r a c k si s p e r s o n a l . Bu td o e sn o te x i s twi t h o u tt h en e t wo r ko fo t h e rt r a c k sa n d t h e r et r a c e s . Ho w, wh e na n dwh e r ed ot h e yc o l l i d e ? Pr o t o n se x i s ti nt h ev a s te mp t i n e s so fa na t o m,a n ds od oo u r i n d i v i d u a lt r a c k swi t h i nt h ec i t y . T h i sma k e smewo n d e r :Wh a ti s t h a t‘ e mp t i n e s s ’ ?Wh a ta c t u a l l ye x i s t si n b e t we e nt h o s et r a c k s ? Ho wa b o u ti n c r e a s i n go u rt o l e r a n c e s ,o u rt h r e s h o l d s , b ygoi ng of f t r ac k?L e t ’ ss e et h ec i t ya si fi twe r ear e c o r d . Pl a y e do v e ra n d -o v e rt h eg r o o v e sh a v ed e e p e n e dt h r o u g hr e p e t i t i o na n dr o u t i n e . Se e i n gs t r e e t sa st h eg r o o v e si na no l dr e c o r d , t h eh y p o t h e s i si s t h a tt h e y ’ v eg o t t e ne x p l o i t e dt i r e l e s s l yt h r o u g h o u tt i me .

W7 E x p l o i t a t i o nh a sl e a dt oc o mmo d i f i c a t i o no ft h ep u b l i cr e a l mt ot h e e x t e n tt h a tt h ep e r s o n aoft h ec i t yh a sd i s a p p e a r e d . We ’ r eg o i n gt o l o o kf o rt h er e ma i n so ft h i sp e r s o n a ,b yl o o k i n gi nt h eg r o o v e s . I no r d e rt od ot h i swes h o u l df i r s ta s s e s st h e m. T h ema i nme t h o df o r t h i swi l l b et oc o l l e c th a n d -d r a wnma p so fp e o p l eo nt h es t r e e tb y a p p r o a c h i n gt h e mo nt h es p o t .Al a r g ea mo u n to ft h e s ema p s , wi l l n o to n l yh e l pu sq u a n t i f yt h el a n d ma r k sa n dt h ed e p t ho ft h e g r o o v e s ,b u twi l la l s og i v eu si n t e r p r e t a t i o n so ft h ewa yp e o p l e n a v i g a t e , u s ea n dp e r c e i v et h e i re n v i r o n me n t . T h e s er e s u l t swi l l b e t e s t e da l o n g s i d eas e to fe x p e c t a n c i e sp r e d e f i n e db yt h eg r o u p . T h e s e c o n dp a r to ft h ewo r k s h o p , a sme n t i o n e dwi l l l e a dt ot h es e a r c ho f t h ec i t y ’ sp e r s o n a :Wh e r ec a nwes t i l lf i n di t ?Do e si te x i s ti nt h e v a s t n e s sb e t we e nt h eg r o o v e s ? Ca na n ds h o u l dweb r i n gi tb a c kt ol i f e ? Wh a ti st h eme mo r yo ft h ec i t y ? Wemu s tr e a c tt oo u rf i n d i n g sa n dwi l la t t e mp tt od os op h y s i c a l l y . T h i n k , s c r a pf u r n i t u r e , s c r a pwo o d , p a i n t , u r b a np r o t o n s , r e me mo r y , me mo r yb r e a k s . Ca nwes t r e t c ht h es o c i a l t e x t u r eo ft h ec i t y b e y o n di t sc o mmo n p l a c e ?

L o o k i n gf o r wa r d . . . L e t ’ ss e e .


Re a ni ma t eAr c hi t e c t ur e L j ubi c aSl a v k o v i c&L uk aT i l i nge r/Be l gr a de

T h ep r o g r a mo ft h ewo r k s h o pi st oa c t i v a t ea n o t h e rl e v e l o fc r i t i c a l t h i n k i n gb ywo r k i n go nt h ea n i ma t i o no ft h ep r o c e s s e so fab i g u r b a np r o j e c t .T h i n k i n ga r c h i t e c t u r ea n dc i t yd e v e l o p me n ti ns i mp l e p i c t u r e s(i ns e q u e n c e s)i sap r o c e s so fr e s e a r c h i n gt h et o p i c , i s o l a t i n ga n df o c u s i n go ns p e c i f i cp r o b l e ms , a n dc r e a t i v e l ys t r i p p i n g t h e md o wnt os i mp l eb u two r d yi l l u s t r a t i o n s . I no r d e rt ot hi nkbi g i s s ue si ns i mpl epi c t ur e s , o n en e e d st ob ea n a l y t i c a l , b ep r e c i s ei n t h i n k i n ga n db ea b l et oi s o l a t et h ec o r ee l e me n t s , a n df i n a l l yt ob e c r e a t i v ea n di ma g i n et h e mi nas i mp l ewa ys oa st ob eu n d e r s t o o d , a n dy e tp o we r f u le n o u g hs oa st oma k eas t a t e me n t . I ns e a r c ho fa n e wl a n g u a g e , r e a n i ma t i o no fa r c h i t e c t u r ewo r k s h o pwi l l r e s e a r c h , d i s s e c t , f o c u sa n dc r e a t e .


Ur ba nT o o l sf o rRe a c t i v a t i ngBG Ha r i sPi pl a s/Ur ba nT hi nkT a nk , ET HZ ur i c h

Ci t i e sa r et h er e s u l to fs o c i a l c o n s t r u c t i o n , u n d e rt h ei n f l u e n c eo f t e c h n o l o g i e s ,e c o l o g y ,c u l t u r e ,t h ei mp a c to fe x p e r t sa n dmo s t l y n o n e x p e r t s .Be l g r a d e ' sd y n a mi cp a s tg a v et h ec i t yi t si n t e n s i v e d i v e r s i t y .I tp r e s e n t sg r e a tc h a l l e n g ewi t hr e ma r k a b l ep o t e n t i a l sf o r d e v e l o p me n to fp l a c e st h a te n r i c ht h es o c i a l , e c o n o mi ca n dc u l t u r a l s p h e r e s . I fc i t i e sa r ec o n c e i v e da sr e s u l t s ,h o wd os o c i a lo r g a n i z a t i o n , p o l i t i c a l d e c i s i o n s ,e c o n o mi cr e a s o n i n g s ,c u l t u r a l i n p u t so p e r a t ei n s e t t l e me n t sa n dhowdo/di dt he ymat e r i al i z ei nur bans pac e ? I no r d e rt oi d e n t i f ya n da c t i v a t et h e s el a t e n ts p a t i a lp o t e n t i a l s , t h i swo r k s h o pwi l lc o mb i n er e s e ar c ha n dde s i gn s e g me n t si n o r d e rt oc r e a t eawh o l i s t i cu n d e r s t a n d i n go fu r b a np r o c e s s e s . Af t e rc o n d u c t i n gi n i t i a lr e s e a r c h t h e i mp l e me n t a t i o n p h a s e wi l l f o l l o wt h a ti n c l u d e sd e s i g nb u ta l s of o s t e r st h ef r a mi n go fa ne wmi nd-s e tt h a ti sc o n c e r n e dp r o g r a m, t y p o l o g y ,t e c h n o l o g y , s t a k e h o l d e ra n a l y s i s , l a n dt e n u r ea n dma n a g e me n t . T h et r a n s l a t i o n o ft h er e s e a r c hi n t or e a ls t r a t e g i e s , v i s i o n sa n dr e c o mme n d a t i o n s wi l lb eb a s e do np r o p o s i n go p e r a t i o n a lu r b a nt o o l s:s t r a t e g i e s , p r o g r a ms ,p o l i c i e s ,d e s i g n s .T h es c e n a r i o swi l lb ed e v e l o p e di n c o l l a b o r a t i o nwi t hNGOs ,l o c a la u t h o r i t i e sa n di n n o v a t i v es t a r t u p c o mp a n i e si no r d e rt oe n s u r eah i g h l yr e a l i s t i co u t c o met h a ti s a p p l i c a b l et ot h ec o n t e x to fBe l g r a d e . T h ema t e r i a l( g r a p h i c , t e x t u a l , a u d i oa n dv i d e o )i nd i g i t a l a n dp r i n t e dv e r s i o n swi l l d o c u me n tt h e r e s e a r c ha n da c t i v a t i o np r o c e s s .T h i swo r k s h o pi sp a r to fal a r g e r s e r i e so fc o l l a b o r a t i o n sb e t we e nSwi s s( a n do t h e ri n t e r n a t i o n a l )a n d Ce n t r a l -E a s t e r nE u r o p e a n Un i v e r s i t i e s ,NGOs ,GOsa n do t h e r p a r t n e r s . T h es t u d e n t swi l l r e c e i v et h ec h a n c et oc o n t i n u ewo r k i n g o nt h ep r o j e c tb e y o n dt h ewo r k s h o p .

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