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Place Matters

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PACEs Resources

PACEs Resources

Research shows that the places where young children live can threaten healthy development and shapes the trajectory of growth in profound ways

ACEs originated in a medical context and did not originally take into account, or include, neighborhood effects. Family violence and dysfunction are accounted for; however, even if a family is able to provide sanctuary in their home, children can still experience adversity outside their home which can still affect overall healthy development and mental health.

ACEs related to community and societal actions affect children at all social levels

This includes neighborhood or school violence, bullying, and denigration in many forms, which can be the result of prejudice and differential responses from others to those perceived as different or a minority Discrimination can have these same effects including institutional, and structural racism, sexism, or other "isms"

Environments and neighborhoods are characterized by physical as well as economic conditions that give rise to adversity. Often these places are where families are under the greatest stress with the highest number of ACEs in the home

Additional environmental hazards like exposure to lead and mold are also grave concerns The ACEs tree below summarizes Adverse Childhood Experiences and Adverse Community Environments that must be considered.

TheNeedforSecure, SupportiveEnvironments

Itisimperativetofindordevelop secureandsupportive environmentsoutsidethehome wherechildrencandevelopand feelsafe

Movingbeyondindividualand familyindicatorsofadversityhas thefurtherbenefitofadvancing beyondtheemphasison individually-focusedservice responses,targetedtospecific ACEsandremediatingwhathas happened(trauma-informedcare) towardfocusingonneighborhood andcommunitybuildingand revitalizationstrategies(population health)designedtocreate additionalassets

PalmBeachCountyhasseveral examplesoftheseefforts,including Children'sServicesCouncil'sof PalmBeachCounty'sBridgessites

TheWorldHealthOrganizationdefinesSocialDeterminantsofHealthas“theconditionsinwhichpeopleareborn, grow,live,workandage.Thesecircumstancesareshapedbythedistributionofmoney,powerandresourcesat global,nationalandlocallevels"

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