1 minute read
Practices Recommendations
Practices Definition:
Practices are espoused activities of institutions, coalitions, networks, and other entities targeted to improving social and environmental progress Also, within the entity, the procedures, guidelines, or informal shared habits that comprise their work.
Practice-Related Think Tank Recommendations:
Total comments 54 (with some duplicated ideas)
Schools systemically educate, empower, and train school staff, understand student and teacher trauma, and the effects of unbuffered toxic stress
Train police on being trauma-informed and the Childhood Baker Act
OB/GYNs need to follow maternal and post-partum depression screenings, provide ACEs education, and ensure service referrals during pregnancy
Inform insurance agencies about pregnancy early
Educate about ACEs and public health in middle school
ACEs screening protocol implementation
Increase in quality services for court to assist with executive functioning for clients to make the most of services
ACEs-driven referral plan
School District educates families at the beginning of the school year on importance of ACEs
Change agency procedure to inform the school on continuing care at discharge
School District child find consents to collaborate and share information
Preschools collaborating with elementary schools to create transition plans, "child to school, family to school, and community to school"
Address community and public health education efforts in those communities where there is the greatest risk, trying to reduce ACEs in the community, as well as building capacity in those areas of greatest need
Embedding services needed to build trust
Global screening at the ER, protective factors built into programs (example: Bridges)
Funders follow through to ensure outcomes are met and fidelity to the program model is being used
Disconnect between highest-risk families and services provided
Pair cultural similarities together
Teachers taking ACEs screening themselves
Survey pediatricians across the county to see what they know Do they have resources to give to parents?
Have a social worker/therapist at the pediatrician's office
ACEs screening for all pregnant women
Screening as a routine part of pediatric visits
Administer ACEs screening to all in school
Organizations commit to train their employees
Collect local data on the economic impact
Higher- ed courses training to include mental health and ACEs training