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Sector-Specific Recommendations

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PACEs Resources

PACEs Resources

Through community input and national best practice recommendations from creating ACEs aware and traumainformed systems, sector specific recommendations have emerged

Center for Child Counseling and the Fighting ACEs Initiative has organized the sectors and the recommendations in the following ways: Levers of Change, Levers of Innovation, Actors, and Prevention based actions.

This section is not meant to be an exhaustive list of the levers of change or the opportunities; however, this is a population based, prevention based approach to begin thinking of sector specific adjustments

Levers of Change are large population influencing agencies or approaches to effecting sweeping changes in how we support communities and families to become stronger and better able to provide children with safe and happy childhoods

Levers of Innovation are new approaches that could engage community sectors that haven't traditionally been at the trauma-informed or Fighting ACEs table or worked across sectors

Levers of change and innovation for Fighting ACEs in Palm Beach County can be thought of in two ways:

1) Sector influencers or “ACTORS” that are capable of impacting large segments of the Palm Beach County population either through funding resources, decision-making, or influence This is not simply a list of the over 5,000 potential service delivery programs listed by the United Way.

2) Key strategies or “ACTIONS” that can be viewed categorized (using a prevention approach) as "UNIVERSAL", "SELECTED" or "INDICATED" populations

“I implore you to ask: What would you do for your own child? Think of these children as your own Because they are ours, and our responsibility together If we act now, ACEs can end with this generation.

- Julie Fisher Cummings Lovelight Foundation Founder and ACEs Activist

Formalized and Informal Communities in Palm Beach County

Levers of Change: Actors



Birth to 22


Civic groups

Community stakeholder groups

Faith-based alliances

Healthier Together Initiative

Media United Way mentors

Levers of Innovation: Actions

Quick Wins (QW) or Major Project (MP)

Call To Action:


Resiliencyisthecapabilitytoendureandthrivedespiteadversitybyreinforcingsocialsupportsforvulnerable children,families,andcommunities.Therearefourcomponentstobuildingcommunityresilience:

Theabilitytosustaineconomicdevelopmentwithinthecommunity:thedegreetowhichresidentspossess socialcapital(socialnetworksandsupportsthatincludefamilyandothercommunitymembers)

Theeffectivetopdownandbottomuptransferofinformationandcommunicationbetweenresidentsandthe socialservicesagenciesthatservethem

Thecommunitycompetencetosupportcivicengagement(eg,votingandadvocacy),self-management (healthandsocialneeds)


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