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11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Liveable Communities: WHAT Will You NEED to Live in Your Neighborhood?

Facilitator: Dr. Imani Woody, CEO, Mary’s House for Older Adults, The Villages at Mary’s House; Presenters: Ms. Cassandra Cantave, Senior Research Advisor (AARP), Mr. Louis Davis Jr (AARP, DC), Ms. Gail Kohn, DC Age Friendly City Coordinator Renaissance, Potomac Salon 2


11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Becoming You: The Body Positivity Workshop

Host: Tonka Garcon Renaissance, Potomac Salon 1

Do you feel good about yourself? Do you need an extra boost in life? Want to learn how to own any room you walk in? Becoming You: The Body Neutrality/Positivity workshop focuses on building self-confidence, love, and appreciation for one’s self without feeling left out.

11–1:30 p.m. The Evolution of Spirituality in the Black & Latinx LGBTQ+ Community

Renaissance, Anacostia Salon E

Our people continue to be as diverse spiritually and religiously as we are culturally and socially. Our spiritual lives continue to grow and evolve in rich and complex ways.

We hope to facilitate a conversation that will help us to explore and discover the magnificent way that spirit continues to manifest and express itself in all our LGBTQI+ communities.

12–1:30 p.m. The POC Pride Panel Series

Presenter: National Education Association Renaissance, Anacostia Salon D

The POC Pride Panel Series will intentionally present the space for the necessary discussion focusing on the various experiences, needs, injustices and the supportive needs of Black and Brown LGBTQ+ educators.

12–4 p.m. ONYX University

Presenter: ONYX Mid-Atlantic Renaissance, Anacostia Salon F

Learn about kink and BDSM. Featuring live demos, discussions and panels.

1–2:30 p.m. Black Rainbow Love

Facilitator: Angela Harvey Renaissance, Potomac Salon 2

Ms. Harvey is celebrating her 20th Speaking Anniversary which began at DC Black Pride 2002. To celebrate, she’ll be premiering her directorial debut Black Rainbow Love. This docuseries tells the stories of black LGBTQ+ in a way that has never been done before. The authentic and transparent stories of love, intimacy, friendship, spirituality, marriage, self-care, community advocacy, purpose, and mental health were extracted from 17 interviews of 28 Lovers. The stories reflect the real lives of real people from a community whose culturally relevant stories aren’t being told, seen, shared, or discussed. Q & A with Angie and several of the featured Lovers from the documentary will follow the screening.

4–5:30 p.m. May is: Trans Folx Mental Health Series - Surviving With Mental Diversity In Our Community Town Hall & Discussion

Presenter: May is All About Trans Renaissance, Potomac Salon 3

Mental Health is a conversation that we all need to have. During this time of COVID 19 we need support and pointers how not to become depressed and stay social to try and get back to our normal behavior. Presented by May is All About Trans.

Diversity Keeps Us Energized

At Pepco, we welcome and respect people with different perspectives, backgrounds, and traits because we know that diverse teams drive powerful outcomes. We take pride in our long history of inclusion and are committed to promoting change that leads to improved economic and social equity in our communities. We are honored to support the Center for Black Equity and DC Black Pride 2022.


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