Annual Report for 2018

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FY 2018

LETTER FROM THE CEO David C. Guth Jr. Chief Executive Officer, Centerstone Dear f riends, Every year, we produce an annual report t hat allows us to look back at all of t he great accomplishment s we?ve made as well as to look ahead at all t he excit ing t hings t hat await us in t he f ut ure. This year was no except ion. 2018 was pivotal for Centerstone as we cont inued our t ransformat ion towards more pat ient -centered care, somet hing t hat will be crucial and f undamental for t he f ut ure of t he ent ire healt hcare indust ry. We saw a record year in grant s received, allowing us to leverage technology in all of our care set t ings, including a number t hat were new for us. And our Research Inst it ute cont inued t heir intensive and state-of -t he-art work to develop Centers of Excellence, allowing us to bridge t he ?science to service? gap and help more people. Overall, 2018 was a year of change for Centerstone, as we sharpen our focus on t he f ut ure and st rive to always achieve our noble purpose ? Delivering Care t hat Changes People?s Lives. Thank you,





40,943 children served

160,155 INDIVIDUALS served nat ionwide by Centerstone More t han

Clinicians providing services in

350+ sch ools


individuals served by Military Services

200 FACILITIES providing mental healt h care, addict ion t reat ment and communit y educat ion

6,514 PROFESSIONALS across f ive states: Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kent ucky and Tennessee. IL




total services provided t hroughout Centerstone FL


More t han


Services provided to military populat ion


FINANCIALS FY18 Revenue by Payer Type



FY18 Service Lines



FY2018 DONORS 1st Mid America Credit Union Michael and Colleen Abate Michelle Abercrombie Brianna Abrego Mike Absher Angel Adam Ashlie Adams Adsource, Inc. Aet na Bet ter Healt h of Kent ucky Aet na Foundat ion Af ia, Inc. Marilyn Agee Mr. and Mrs. Frank Agresta Ashley Aguayo Christ ine Aikman Ms. Kimberly Akin Julie B. Albert Albert Ales Will Alexander Rebecca Alford Ms. Julie Alf rey Alkermes All Stars N St iches Jamal Allan Tari Allan Blyt he Allen Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy C. Allen Tracy Allen Allen Print ing Vera Alstat Ms. Lauren Alston Jerry and Kat hryn Alsup Alton Foundat ion

Alton Woman's Home Associat ion AmazonSmile Foundat ion Ameren CIPS Ameren Illinois American Internat ional Group, Inc. American Legion Auxillary Ellenton Unit 325 American Legion Post 24 Yuri Amill Demi Anastasakis Keegan Anderson Laura Anderson Ms. Marcia Anderson Ms. Regine Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Hal Andrews James and Pat ricia Andrews Olivia Andrews Mr. Joe Angers Dr. John Angiolillo Anna Maria Oyster Bar Anonymous (32) David Ansbro Melissa Ansbro Ant hem Foundat ion Terence and Sharon Ant honey Architechniques, Ltd. Camille Arendt Teresa Armst rong Ms. Shirley Arney Ms. Cynt hia Arnholt Sage Arnish Samant ha Arnold Sonita Arnold Lucy Arreola Bet zaida Arroyo Vanessa Arroyo Art hur J. Gallagher & Company Assurex Healt h At las Machine & Supply Julianna Aust in Phillip Aust in Aust in Peay State Universit y Maggie Averso Gail Ayala Mr. and Mrs. James Wesley Ayers Laura Aylward

Loma Aylward The Ayers Foundat ion Dr. David L. and Nancy K. Ayres AYS, Inc. Sophie Bacht le Robb Backmeyer Ms. Laura Bagget t D. Scot t Bailey Ms. Nina Bain Baine Roof ing Company Baird Foundat ion, Inc. Dudley Baker Kelli Baker Ricardo Baker Tim Baker Jean Balaguras Brenda Balch Colleen Balderson Jim and Jane Bales Bank of America Bank of America Employee Giving Campaign The Bank of Edwardsville Bank of Herrin Banterra Bank J. P. and Jane Barker Sharon Barker Jennifer Barnet t Dr. Ralph I. Barr Kim Barrick Mary (Ginny) Bart h Tim Bart let t Ms. Carolyn Bart z Ms. Christ ine Basile Ms. Doris Basler Mrs. Melaton Y. Bass-Shelton Elizabet h Bates Cat herine Bat scha Dr. Alicia Bat son and Dr. Bert Hart man Heat her Bat son Ms. Renee L. Bauer BB&T Bank 6 Jane Beach Sophie Beach Beall's Depart ment Store, Inc. Beam's Alarm, LLC

Carol Bean Mischelle Bean Kelley Bebout Ms. Rae Becker Mr. Don Beckley Jim and Emma Jean Bedsole Ben Begley Lucinda Belcher-Owens Belinda Holmes Healt hcare Management Consult ing Kelly Anne Bell Mandy Bell Ms. Amanda Benard Dr. Jennifer Bencie Kelly Benedict Emily Benedicto The Benevit y Communit y Impact Fund Ms. Mary L. Benham Sheri Benhamrae Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Bennet t Wanda Bennet t Melissa Benningf ield Mr. Lowell L. Benson, Jr. Allison Bent ley John Beran Court ney Berardi Michael and Phyllis Bergant Berman Fink Van Horn P.C. Gloria Berry Lorraine Berry Mary Berry Samuel Berry Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Berschback II Berstein-Ryan, LLC Ms. JoAnn Beshaw Hailey Best Dipali Bhat t Margi Bhat t Gary Bierit z Diana R. Biggs Mr. Bradley K. Bills Ms. Shay Binkley Dr. Russell J. Bird Kat herine Bishop Molly Biss Melinda Bissell 6

Mr. Kennet h Black Helen Blackburn Ms. Heidi Blair Dr. Craig H. Blakely and Mrs. Karan G. Chavis Jessica Blakeman Travis Blanton Ms. Amanda Belvins Karen Blondell Marcie Bloodwort h Julie Bloom and Richard Balaban Bloomington Healt h Foundat ion Alli Bloski Blue Eyes, LLC Blue Rooster Dennis Boden Danielle Bolle Karissa Bolle Ms. Pamela Bollinger Clare Bond Tonya Bordy Heat her Borghesi John Bortan Julia Bortan Ms. Angela Bostelman Lynne Boucher Cheryl A. Bovee Vicki Bowen Jerry Bowman Dr. Robert Boxley Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bracket t Elizabet h Brait hwaite Darla Brannan Shayla Brat t li Nicholas Brat ton-Cox Amy Bray Laura Brendel Brent wood Hills Christ ian Camp Lucia Brescia-Labrador Diane Brewer Nancy Brewington Adina Bridges Cheryl Broadie Jessica R. Brocchini Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Brock Melanie Brockington

Joanna Broderick The Brook Hospital Ms. Charlene Brooks Mrs. Linda Daniel Brooks Breanna Brown Ms. Emily Brown John Brown Ken Brown Margo and William Brown Mart in Shallenberger Brown Nancy Brown Robyn Brown Brown & Brown of Florida, Inc. Brown Count y Drug Free Coalit ion Brown-Forman Jayne Browning Suzanne Bruin Joshua Brunner Nancy W. Bryan Marsha and Ben Bryant The B'Towne Cof fee Company Emma Buchanan Mr. Alexander M. Buchwald The Buky Family Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Bumstead Karen Bunch Kennet h Bundy Ms. Nancy Bunt ing Julia Buono Holleen Burcenski Bet h Burden Ann Burke Avery Burke Dawn Burke Ms. Lori Burnet t Rhonda Burnet t Angela Burnet te Mr. and Mrs. Ben A. Burns Jennifer Burns Busch Gardens Judit h Bush Karen But ler Kyle But ler Deana Byram Karen Caldwell

Delores Callihan Ricardo Calzadilla Michelle Camacho General and Mrs. John Campbell Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer Campbell III Karen Campbell Karen S. Campbell Randy and Susan Campbell Robert F. Campbell Kara Canary Jonat han Cannatello Mr. John Caporale Rachel Cappadona Lori Carbary Pam Carlen Rene Carman The Caroline Christ ian Foundat ion, Inc. Aidon Carrington Aliya Carrington Florence Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Kennet h Ray Carroll Dorot hy Carsey Indira Cartaya Et ta Carter Lynne Carter Mark Carter Laisha Casco Ms. Laret B. Casella Ms. Christa Casey Alyssa Caso Angelo Caso Gianna Caso Ms. Karen Casteel Ms. Cat herine Caster Doris Cast illo Sophia Cast illo Nat han Cast leman Jadaliz Cast ro Brian Caudill Kennet h Caulton and Lyudmila Bronstein Joseph and Mary Cavarra CEASe of Scot t Count y 7 Center for Behavioral Healt h Kent ucky, Inc. Center for Nonprof it Excellence Juanita Centerio

Centerstone Staf f Cent ral Middle School Thelma Chandler John and Sue Chaney Ms. Mart ha Chapman Alizijah Chat man Amyia Chat man Kamala Chat man Ms. Amanda Cheat ham Kimberly Check John T. Cherry Loreal Cherry Rut h H. Chesmore David M. Chick II Chipot le Mexican Grill Sebast ian Chou Cindy Christ Carole Christ ian Morgan Christ iansen Dennis Christof f and Kat hleen O?Brian Christof f Christopher Nat han Emery Fund Liza Chuanico Bolle Cit y of Bloomington Clarence E. & Inez R. Custer Foundat ion Gregory Clark Mr. Jacob Clark Ms. Shelly Ann Clark Gregory W. Clarke Class C Solut ions Kara Claussen Mr. and Mrs. John D. Claybrook Gemma Clayson Kamryn Clayton Truella Clayton Clearwave Communicat ions Club Horizons Kat herine Coates Ms. Tia Coat ley Ms. Linda Cobb Eric Cochran Alesia Cof fey Mr. and Mrs. Brian Thomas Colby Marilee Colcet Christ y L. Cole Ms. Amy Coliano Angela Collier 7

Jan Collins Sue Collins Susan R. Collins Angelstar Colon Colony Cove Hobby Club Columbus Jewish Foundat ion Jessica Combs Communit y Foundat ion of Bloomington and Monroe Count y Communit y Foundat ion of Louisville The Communit y Foundat ion of Middle Tennessee Communit y Foundat ion of Morgan Count y Communit y Foundat ion of Sarasota Count y Communit y Healt h Charit ies Charles Conaught y Olivia Conelias Michael Confort i Connie Oliva Henken, LLC Lauren McGrat h Conaboy Karen Conrad Mart y and Jim Conrad Jessica Cont reras Sam Cook Mr. and Mrs. Thomas West Cook Mr. Alford Cooley Elizabet h Cooper Karen Cooper Kat herine Cooper Randy Cooper Alexandra Cope Ciro Coppa Stephen Coppa Stacey Coppens Tasha Corbet t Amanda Corder Toni Corona Ms. Frances Corzine Cosgrove Enterprises, Inc. Raquel Cossman Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cot ham Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Court ney Mr. Rocco Cout s The Covenant Group Thomas R. Cowan Eric Cowley

Ms. Carol Cox Ms. Jessica Cox Dr. Allan Craig Jennifer Craig Steven Craig Ms. Lilly Crane Linda and Larry Crawford Audri Cristello Catalina Crobons Ms. Anne Crocket t Mr. and Mrs. Richard Crook Dr. and Mrs. Jerrall P. Crook Veronique Crossay Deana Crossley Kent and Deanna Crossley Jane Crossman Vera Crowl Ms. Debra Cruser Andrea Cruz Monica Cruz Ms. Rowena Cuf fe Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cummins Ms. Charlene Cunnif fe Phyllis Cunningham Tabit ha Cunin Mr. and Mrs. Brownlee O. Currey, Jr. Ciara Curry Iris Curry Tracey Curt is Richard Cut ler D Nickell Company, LLC D.N. Bat ten Foundat ion Mr. and Mrs. John R. Dabrowiak Ms. Donna Dalton Sydney D'Amours Ashley Daniel Ms. Charlot te Daniel Kat hleen Dann Data Blue, LLC Daughters of Isabella # 959 Kimberly Daunt Sara and John Davenport Mark and Terrye Davidson Heat her Davies Ms. Barbara Davis

Denise D. Davis Dr. Joan Davis Rebecca Davis Terri Davis Eileen DeBoer Elise DeCast ro Cassandra Decker Cherie Deen Don Degner Tim and April DeHaan Jennifer Deicke Frant z Kimberly Demirjian Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. DeMoss, Jr. Pamela Denison Mr. and Mrs. Marc Dennis Peggy Densmore Derby, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. DeSalvatore Fat her and Mrs. G. F. Det t willer II Dr. Brian E. Devine Bet sy Dexter Bryan Dexter Maria I. Diaz Sharon Diaz Kara Dib Michele and Chris Dillingham Dillingham Communit y Church Brit tany Dillon Mr. Jeremy Dilt s Charis Dirks Elizabet h Dit t mann Cynt hia and Paul Dlut kowski Kat harine Dobbins Mrs. Kat hy and Mr. Larry Dobbs David and Dixie Dobill Paula Dodge Mrs. Diane Doerr Laura Ter Doest Ms. Virginia Donney Mr. Jef fery and Mrs. Mary Donohue Dorel Juvenile Group USA The Dorot hy Cate and Thomas F. Frist 8 Foundat ion The Dot ted Line Alison Douglas Richard and Michele Dousman

Sydney Dowling Tyler Dowling Maureen Downs Downtown Minist ries Dr. Si McAninch, DDS, PA Abbreial Drane McKalah Dransf ield Drif t wood Builders, Inc. DRT Const ruct ion, Inc. JoAnne Duke Ann and Don Dulla Jane and David Dunat chik Ms. Ally Dunbar Angela Dunbar Tara Dunbar Taye Dunbar Jeanine Dunclif fe Debbie Dunn Randy and Ronda Dunn Michael Durbin Jeremy Durmaz Jordan Durmaz Dr. Vincent W. Durnan, Jr. Ms. Lucy Duvall DVL Seigent haler James Dyer Ms. Susan Dyke Dynacraf t Alison Eadie Ms. Jonet te Eagles Andrew and Janet Earnest EBS Foundat ion Ephram Edelkind Jason Edelkind Christ ina Edenf ield Robin Edmudnson Mr. Edn Pascale Edouard The Edward and Lillian Bishop Foundat ion Edward Jones Barb Edwards Ms. Laura Edwards Michael Edwards Morgan Edwards Rebecca Edwards 8

Zach Edwards Lauren Egelhof f Ms. Tracy Ehrhardt James Ehrmann Elizabet h Craig Weaver Proctor Charitable Foundat ion Elizabet h R. and Walter C. Nugent Foundat ion Kimberly Elliot t Bet t ina Elwood David Ely Dave and Jennifer Embree Hannah Emerick David and Carolyn Emmert Employees Communit y Fund of Boeing Saint Louis Ms. Carol Enos Mr. and Mrs. Mike Enos Enterprise Holdings Foundat ion Enviro-Tech Termite & Pest Cont rol, Inc. C Michael Epperley Ergon ESA Laura Escobar-Rat lif f Alejandra Espinel Ms. Stephanie Estell Mr. and Mrs. Morris R. Estes, Jr. Kayla Est ling Vince and Carmen Eurice Lynn Evans Coleman Pamela Evans Mr. Duncan Eve III Event brite, Inc. Inga Everet t Court ney Ewing Maria Ewing Ext ra Help Employment Services Lisa Fadorsen Logan Fairchild Family Scholar House Anne Farmer Jennifer Farmer Kaitee Farmer Sarah Farmer Farmers State Bank Farrah Farriell Julie Farris Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Faulkner

Ms. Maresa Fawns Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Feaster Federated Campaign Stewards Mr. James T. Fehrman Antonio Feldmann Isabella Feldmann Lisa Felsman Dr. Gary and Mrs. Cindy Felsten Brandi Fenton John Ferguson Sarah Ferguson Debora Fernandez Eileen Fickes Fidelit y Charitable Gif t Fund Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fields Jennifer Fillmore Thomas J. Finan IV and Kat hi Thimsen Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Finucane Gina Fioto First Bank Richmond First Bapt ist Church Fairdale First Mid-Illinois First Sout hern Bank First United Met hodist Church First Bank Pat ricia Fischer Terry and Sarah Fischer Phyllis Fit ch Ms. Court ney D. Fit zgerald Mart ha and Francis Fit zgerald Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Fit zgerald Elizabet h T. Fit zpat rick Riley and Nicole Fit zpat rick Joe Flara Kimberly Fleck John J. Flet cher Florida Depart ment of Healt h - Manatee Florida Pat io Furnit ure, Inc. Arlene Flower Flut terby Gardens John Fogart y Vickie Ford Tammy Forester Bill Forget te Shari Forget te Elisa Fort ner Melissa Fort ner

Ms. Margo Fort ney Sam Foskey and Linda Benz Ms. Carol E. Fossick Nick Franco Ms. Lisa Frazier Mary Lynne Fret t Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frisbie Erika Frishman Ms. Jillian Frist Thomas F. Frist The Honorable William Frist and Mrs. Tracy Frist Kellie Frost Art hur Gaines Averie Gaines Kara Gaines Kisha Gaines Joseph and Mary Gajewski Galen College Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Gambill Kelley Gannon Gap, Inc. Court ney Gape Elizabet h Gape Kendall Gardner Daniel Garman Mr. Peter Garrison Jaclyn Gaut hier GCS Credit Union GE Appliances, a Haier Company Karen Geier Chris Genewick Genoa Foundat ion Genoa Healt hcare Ant hony George Colleen E. George Shirley George Eric Gerhardt Margaret Gerst le Joan Geyer Ghert ner Family Gioia Gibbons 9 Glen Gibellina Andrea Gibson Bradley Gibson Brenda Gilbert Ms. Monica Gilbert

Shatonia Gilbert Gilbert , Huf f man, Prosser, Hewson & Barke, Ltd. Gilbert McLaughlin Casella Architect s, PLC Emily Gimmel-Mit chell Rich Gimmel Sean and Cara Gingras June Ginn Girls Speak Out Cagney R. Gladin Ms. Cheryl Glat tes Edward Godf rey Alexis Godwin Ms. Emma Goglas Christ ine Goin Alicia Golden Reverend James and Mildred Golden Golden Eagle Dist ribut ing, LLC Kevin Goldsmit h Oscar Gomez Johnny Gonzalez Court ney Good Good Samaritan Foundat ion Kelley Goodson Adam Gordon Rebecca Gore Merna Gorgy Andrew Grady Bryan Graves Teddi Graves Annie Gray Debra Gray Mr. and Mrs. E. Thomas Gray Debra Green Senator Mark Green Mr. Randall Greene Mr. Edwin Greenebaum Colet te Gregorich Pat t y Gregory Tracy Gregory Jerry Grens Mr. and Mrs. R. Parker Grif f it h III Rhonda Grif f it h Ms. Virginia Grif f it h Suzanne Grolemund Lorrie Groover Mr. Daniel Grossman 9

Mat t hew Haight Ms. Bet h Hail Bet h Hailer Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Hale Chris Haley Ms. Ashleigh K. Hall Denise Hall Mr. Jeremy Hall Marguerite Hall Mr. Scot t Hamilton Ms. Lindsey Hammond Charles Hang Sarah Hannah Julie Hansen Carolynn Hanzal Harbor of Light s Boat Parade Mr. and Mrs. Mat t hew M. Hardy Jennifer Hargaden Craig S. Harju, Jr. Ms. Sharon Harlin Kurt Harris Jennifer R. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Larry Harrison Ms. Joan Hart Carrie Harter Brit tany Hasiak Charles Hasiak P Jane Hasiak Lesley Hat f ield Mr. and Mrs. William H. Hawkins Lisa Hay Ms. Karee Hays Mr. and Mrs. John Haywort h HC Development , LLC HCA Foundat ion HCA Management Services Mr. and Mrs. Philip Frazier Head Hailey Heagert y Ms. Amelia Heard Heart land Regional Medical Center Dr. Scot t Hedges Natasha Heenie Aimee Hegemier Ms. Mamie Heldman Bianca Helmer

Hendrick Honda Bradenton Ms. Teri A. Hendricks Ms. Crist ina C. Henry Halle Henry The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundat ion Pat rick Henry Henry Print ing, Inc. Ms. Kindy Hensler Braxton Hensley Jake Hepler Heritage Fund ? The Communit y Foundat ion of Bart holomew Count y Amanda Hernandez Monica Hernandez Silvia Hernandez Herrin Bowl Jane Herron Elaine Hice Ms. Amy Hicks Ms. Kelly Higgins High Hopes Home Extension Club Kala Hight Grace Hill Ken Hill Deb Hilling Kerrigan Himmel Claire Hinson Brit tany Hinton Mat t Hisey Siena Ho Shue Mr. Daniel Hobbs Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hobbs, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. M. Leo Hobbs Kaylee Hodge Dr. Bart Hodgens Kameron Hodgens Monique Hodison Deedee Hokanson Ms. Amber Holland Ms. Tamara Holley Ms. Pauline Hollick Ms. Melissa Hollis Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Holman Aaron Holmes Alice Holmes Ms. Susan Holmes

David Holton II Home of t he Innocent s Alice Hooker Ms. Collins M. Hooper Hoosier-to-Hoosier Sale Tammy Hoover Hope to Ot hers Church, Inc. Haven Hopewell Lindsay Hopewell Lois Hopewell Coreen Hopkins Kat herine Hopkins Ms. Robin Hopp Kimberly Horn Deborah and Michael Horrigan Hailey Hot t Stephen J. Houghland Cindy Houston Ms. Angel Howell Tom and Sally Hoy Frederick Hoyt Noah Huanay Valerie Hubbard Kate Hubert Sara and Fred Huggins Jennie Hulet te Humana CareSource Susan Hunt Mr. and Mrs. V. Davis Hunt , Jr. Jane Hut cheson Dr. and Mrs. Leslie B. Hut chinson Kaylee Huynh Kennet h Huynh Ms. Carrie Hyat t Idemia Ms. Merrit t Idlewine iHeart Media Illinois State Council for Intellect ual Disabilit ies Indiana Adult Services Staf f at Centerstone Indiana Universit y St udent Organizat ion Ms. Elizabet h A. Ingram 10 Mr. and Mrs. Orrin H. Ingram Ms. Connie Insley Heidy Irizarry Darryl Isaacs

Dee Isabelle Celia Isunza J & S Professional Pharmacy J.E. Charlot te Const ruct ion Corp. J.E. Rat terman Funeral Home Ms. Danielle Jackson Mr. Franklin Jackson John and Nancy Jackson Johnny M. Jackson Laurie Jackson Minnet te Jackson Jennifer Jaggers Dominic Jaime Jose Jaimes-Benitez Haylie James Jenelle James Ms. Valarie P. James The Jane & Richard Eskind & Family Foundat ion Ms. Janet Jarzyna Sarah and Andrew Jef ferson Bailey Jenkins Latanya Jenkins Ms. Janet Jernigan Penina Jeter Kyle Jewell Jewish Heritage Fund for Excellence Wahid Jibril JMO Mobile Modular, LLC Kelly Joachim John T. Cherry Foundat ion, Inc. Arlene Johnson Ashton Johnson Cat hie Johnson Mr. Clark Johnson Ms. Denese Johnson Frank Johnson Gale Johnson Janet Johnson Ms. Jennifer Johnson Jennifer A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John T. Johnson Lat icia Johnson Lauren Johnson Lora D. Johnson Ms. Margaret Johnson 10

Maureen Johnson Olivia Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson Roger Johnson Tambra Johnson Tom Johnson Mr. and Mrs. William W. Johnson III John Jones Mr. Roy Jones Marie Joseph Joy of Giving Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Joyce Joshua and Sara Judd Junior League of Sarasota Junior Service Club of Edwardsville-Glen Carbon Barb Jurina Just Rite Holdings, LLC Pat ricia Just ice Dr. Surinder K. Kad Barbara Kain Kaleo Pharma Shpresa Kalet sch Dr. and Mrs. Mostafa Kamel Kaplan Johnson Abate & Bird, LLP Jef f M. Kaplan Mary Ellen Karakis Karee Hays Est het ics Karis Foundat ion, Inc. Kate's Kit chen Ms. Kim Kaytor Margaret Keeling Mr. and Mrs. Danny Keene Keeton's Of f ice Supply Company Ms. Marsha Keit h Keit h Urban Foundat ion George A. Keller Pat rick Kelley Kelley?s Termite & Pest Cont rol Leah Kelly Tina Kempwert h The Kendrick Foundat ion Briana Kendzior William Kenealy Kent ucky Yout h Advocates, Inc. Ms. Meg Kenyon

Alison Kerr-White Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ket chel III Dr. Lia Ket tenis Emily Kiefer Kimberlin Creek Bapt ist Church Kim Kimbrough Dana Kincaid David and Carol King David King Mr. and Mrs. Stephen King Erin Kinsey Karisha Kirk Sheila Kirkikis Abigail Klaben Garry and Cheryl Kleer Marvin and Marion Kleinau Melissa Klemkosky Ms. Rebecca Klindt Heat her Kline Mr. Timot hy Knowles Elizabet h L. Knox Suzanne Koesel Samant ha Kolb Pat t y Konicki Kosair Charit ies Devon Kramer Leah Krause Mr. Phillip D. Krebs Kroger The Kroger Company Kroger Rewards Rona Krueger Keit h Krusch Gary D. Krut singer Deanna Kuhn Marcus Kwasa Amy Kyriakidis Sonia Labrador Taylor LaFave Michelle Lam Colleen Lambert Leah Lambert Melynda Lands Laura Landst reet Preston Lang

Michael and Carolyn Langan Debbie Langford Lesley Langford Reina Langley Jorge Larin Melissa Larkin-Skinner and Rodney Skinner Ken Lass, PhD Mr. Andy Lawrence Lawrence Count y Communit y Foundat ion Dewayne Lawson LDB Foundat ion Thao Le Mr. Steven Lee Yvonne Lee Scot t F. Lef t wich Leising Excavat ing & Mulch, Inc. Mary Therese Lemanek Adan Lemus Lendlease (US) Communit y Fund Mr. Doug Leonard Ms. Cassandra Lepage Mr. Alexander Leslie Elizabet h Leslie Scot t Lewellen Greg Lewis Mr. Richard Lewis Lewis & Clark Communit y College Lexington Christ ian Church Lexington Presbyterian Church Alecia Lidge Sydney Lieberman Coy Light foot Lincoln Trail Behavioral Healt h Services Mr. and Mrs. John Lindler Pat ricia Liposky The Livingston Family Gregory L. Lloyd Sherika Locke Lewis Zachary Lodder Ms. Carolyn Loef fel Donna Lof t house Toni London 11 Ms. Mary Bet h Long Feli Longoria Mari Longoria

Nando Longoria Sherif f , Col. (Ret ) Jon Lopey Lorch Family Foundat ion Mike Lorch Scot t and Myra Loudermilk Kiarra Louis Amandine Louis-Charles The Louise Bullard Wallace Foundat ion Steve and Nancy Low Sarah Lowery Dr. Pat ricia Lucas Lucky's Market Jason Luellen Ana Lugo-Huerta Erik Lundquist Gail Lynch John and Dorinda Maben Calen MacDonald Steve and Debbie Madden Brian Maddox Jennifer Maddux Mary and Jack Madore Daniela Madrid Hipolito Magana Dr. Mary Mahern Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Mahler, Jr. Michelle Mai Jennifer and Andrew Main Main St reet United Met hodist Church Ms. Nancy Malachowski Laura Mallet te Management Training and Consult ing Corp. Michele Manas Manatee Communit y Foundat ion Sarah Mankowit z Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mann Mr. Rhet t Mannel Tracy Mansf ield Manson Roof ing John and Tracey Markley Barbara Marlow Amy Marsalis Gary Marsh Lisa Marsh Burwell K. Marshall III 11

Ms. Nina Marshall Sheila Marshall Ms. Ambria Mart in Ms. Cat hy Mart in Felicia Mart in The Mart in Family John and Judy Mart inko Lauren Mart ino The Mary E. Parker Foundat ion Concepcion Masias Jared Mason Masonic Homes of Kent ucky Ms. Lena Jane Massey Stefanie Masterson Antonia Mat t hew Andy Mat t hews Ms. April May Dr. Gregory May Leah Helen May Brit ton Mays Mr. and Mrs. Sidney S. McAlister Mike and Cindy McCalip Arika McCormack Darryl McCormack Derek McCormack Et han McCormack Xynet hia McCormack Ms. Ursula S. and Maj. R. Doug McCormick Brit tanny McCourt Zach McCrite Hillary McDonald Whit ney McDonald Ms. Kat herine McElroy Ms. Amy McElwaine Sherrill McElwaine Warren McEwen Leslie McFalls Marilyn McFalls Karen McGarvey Cynt hia McGee Ms. Amanda McGeshick Ms. Mary McGhee Melissa McGuire Ms. Anne E. McIntosh Shannon McIntosh Eileen McKee

Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. McLaughlin Michelle McLernon Sophia McManigle William McManus Jenni McNally Brit tany McNaughton Bet t y McNeal Dan McNeely Jim McPhail Ms. Leigh Anne McWhorter Robert and Karla Mees Terry Meiners Cynt hia Melas David and Elaine Melby Ms. Cassie Mellady Starnes Susan Melton Anna Menard Emely Mendez Emerson Mendez Terrence Meneely Jenna Mennes Darcey Meridit h Valerie Merriam Jennifer Merrit t Ms. Valleen C. Mertens Cooper Messal Jennifer Messal Reese Messal Terry Messick-Cass Marielle Metallo Met ro United Way Brian Meyer Ms. Stephani Meyer Danielle Michaelis Gina Michet t i Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin K. Middleton Ms. Kim Jackson Middleton Fat her William Midget t Geraldine Miedreich Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Mikus Ms. Emma Mileham Milek Media, LLC Cynt hia M. Mill Eusebia Miller Mr. and Mrs. Jonat han Miller

Karen and David Miller Mary Miller Sheila Miller Millican Realt y Whit ney Milton Leslie Miramon Mr. Jonat han Mit chell Ms. Josephine V. Mit chell Ms. Pam Mit chell Ms. Pam Mit chell Sarah Mit chell Tif fany Mit chell MJC Acquisit ion, LLC MobileCause, Inc. Cat hy and Eugene Moehring Sally Mondino Melissa Monet t i Elizabet h Monohan Monroe Count y CARES, Inc. Monroe Count y Communit y School Corporat ion Monroe Count y Master Gardener Associat ion Stephanie Montega Deborah Mont gomery Richard Mont gomery Mr. Don Mont y and Ms. Anne Gaylord Amber Moore Mr. Joseph L. Moore Margaret Moore Michelle Moore Theresa A. Moore Odalyz Morf in Ms. Karen Morgan Lyn Morgan Taylor Morgan Morgan Morit z Mr. and Mrs. Jonat han Morphet t Ms. Mia Morrison Kilt ie Morton Ana Moss Evan Mosshart Josephine Mot ter 12 Eugene Moutoux Chris and Marie Mowbray Karen Mrozinski

MSB Cockayne Fund, Inc. Marie Mueller Rowan Mueller Anna Lauren Mullins Ryan Mullins Casey and Brady Mullis Donna Mullis Lauren Munn Jane Muranyi Murdale True Value Hardware Becky Murphy Mat t hew Murphy BG Eden J. Murrie Myranda's Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Nacarato Eleanor and Jef f rey Nahley Alicia Nale Rhonda Nash Nashville Predators Foundat ion Ellie Nauman Marci Nauman Navajo Club Johanna Navarrete Jorge Navarrete Ms. Sandy Navarro Ms. Anna Neal Sharon Neal Tyler Needham Ms. Tomasa Neeley Maria Nehrt Nat han L. Nehrt Hollie Nelsen Carter Nelson Jakaia Nelson Steven L. and Edana W. Nelson Valerie Nelson Net work for Good Ms. Dorot hy Neufeld Winif red L. Nevins New Bet hel Church Mr. David Newgent Melissa Newland Amanda Newton Ashley Newton Asia Nguyen 12

Kait hlyne Nguyen Khoa Nguyen Kieu Nguyen Nam Nguyen Kat hurah Nichols Timot hy Nichols Pat ricia Nickell Ms. Sheila C. Nickell Amy Niedzwick John M. Nienstedt Mary Nigma Ms. Cheryl Nirtaut Ms. Cyndie Niver Kate Nixon Zainab Nizam Jane Niziolek Doris Noble Amanda Noellert Mary Kate Nolan Nolensville Hockey Club David and Mart ha Nord Sarah Noronha Susan Norswort hy Nort hview Assembly of God Norton Healt hcare, Inc. Helen Nowak Carmen Nunez Ms. Rut h E. Nunley Dr. and Mrs. M. Brad Nunn Dr. Jill C. Obremskey Colleen O'Connor Ms. Leslie O?Donnell Molly O'Donnell Old Nat ional Bank Old Newsboys Fund for Children Kat hleen O'Leary Laverne Oller Dana and Bond Oman Oman-Gibson Associates, LLC Haley O'Neal Mr. Kerry O'Neil Olivia Orlando OSF Healt hcare Steven O'Sheal Osmon Chiropract ic Center

Bryan Overbey Robert and Marie Overgaard Keit h Overpeck Stacey Overt urf Eric and Laurel Oyen Sergio Pachas Ms. Carol Pacheco Brenda Page Chris and Dexter Palmer Ms. Melissa Paneto Laura Panico Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Mit chell Papel Brianna Pelt ier Amanda Pardue Khanjan Parikh Forrest Parker Ms. Pat sy S. Parker Solomon Parker Parker Grif f it h Family Foundat ion Dr. and Mrs. Jef f rey Parks Bet h and Jim Parr Samuel Pascoe Myron and Barbara Pass Mr. and Mrs. Wes Pass Passport Healt h Plan Avi Patel Chandni Patel Isha Patel Krish Patel Ohm Patel Priyanka Patel Pat ricia and Rodes Hart Foundat ion Pat rick Communicat ions Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Pat terson Paul K. Overly Trust Liza Pavelich Mat t hew C. Paxton Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Payne Pamela Pedrero Cindy and Chuck Pegg Brianna Pelt ier Judy Peluso Andrew Penn Ms. Jennifer Pennington Krist ie Pepper

Pepsi MidAmerica Pepsico Foundat ion Craig Perry Denise and Harry Perry Gail Perry Perry Township Trustee Claire Peters Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peters Hayley Peterson Bet h Pet t y Ms. Jennifer L. Pet t y Taylor Pet z Rev. Jef fery Pf lug John Pfolsgro, Jr. Nhu Pham Kasey Phares Nelva Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Randy G. Phillips Zachary Phillips Susan R. Pickens and David L. Borcherding Mr. Elliot Pinsly Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Pinsly Ms. Susan W. Pirnia Play Cousins Co-op Dust in and Marlene Plummer Nellie Poe Drs. John and Mary Pohlmann Susan Point s Bill and Vicki Polansky Kat Polaski Chris Policast ro Lawrence and Nedda Pollack Mr. and Mrs. F. Gordon Pollock Stephanie and Robert Ponzo Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Porges Kirk Porter and Julie Kennon Poshard Foundat ion for Abused Children Eric Post Lindsay Pot t s Ms. Abbi Powell Ms. Andrea Powell Roxanne Powell 13 Alan and Beverly Prat her Kerry Premo Sarah and Bradley Price

Merri L. Priest Priorit y Staf f ing Group, Ltd. Dr. Stephen Prit chard and Dr. Penny Gait her Corinne E. Prout Dr. Ronald Pryor, PSC Publix Super Market s, Inc. Emilia Pucheta Laura and Lawrence H. Pullen LaGena Pyles Cat hy Quakenbush Qualit y Services, Inc. Andrea Quigley Thomas Quigley Rachel Ragghiant i Ana M. Ramirez Ms. Sherry Hurt -Randles Dr. and Mrs. Mannil Ravindranat han David and Kat harina Ray Joy Madden Raynor Julie and China Rayon Deborah Reagan Ms. Jennifer Redman Jennifer Reece Margaret Reece Ryan Reed Barbara Reeves Ref lex Graphics, Inc. The Rehfeldt Group, PA, CPAs Mirielle Reid Reid Healt h Dawn Reif Ms. Pat ricia Reinhardt Makenzi Rench Republic Bank Republic Bank Foundat ion, Inc. Debra Resendiz Jackie Reyes Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Reynolds Steven and Sharon Reynolds Xabier Rezola Dr. Karen H. Rhea Dr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Rhodes Marjorie Rice Kat ie Richards Johnny Richardson 13

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rick James and Mary Alice Rickert R. Michael and Cary Ricket t s Mrs. Melanie Riddick Rides Mass Transit Dist rict Leisje and Alan Riet ze Colleen Riggs Mr. and Mrs. David Rigney Judit h A. Rimmey Michael and Madonna Ringswald Ant hony Rios William W. Ripley Richard and Susan E. Rit tenhouse Cody Rivard Shannon Rivard Trevor Rivard Colby Robbins Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Robbins Robert W. Baird and Company, Inc. Ms. Julie Robert s Sarah Robert s Wesley A. Robert s Sandra Robert son Shawndra Robey Geneva Robinson Kyle Robinson Lauren Robinson Angela Robison Niky Roblero Charlot te and Gary Robson Rocky's Auto Sales, Inc. Michelle and Lance Roe Mr. and Mrs. Bobby G. Rogers Cindy Rogers Ms. Wanda G. Rogers Pat ricia A. Rohrer William V. Roll Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rolman Alexandra Rosa Diana Rosa Eddie Rosa Gabriel Rosa Judit h and A John Rose Ms. Mary Rose Jane Roseboro

Connor Rosenberg Shirley and Daniel Schaf fer Melissa Rosenburg Scheller's Fit ness & Cycling Janice Ross Scheller?s Kent ucky, LLC Ross Stores, Inc. Brooklyn Schepers Christopher Roszman Jack and Lana Scherer Rotary Club of Lakewood Ranch Christopher B. Schickling Rotary Club of Longboat Key Douglas Schiller Rotary Club of Sout hwest Louisville Bet hany Schmit t Foundat ion Paul G. Schoen Peggy J. Rouillier Suzanne K. Schoen-Harju Chloe Rousseau Edward and Debra Schoenfelt Jennifer Rousseau and Todd Wagner David Schrader Elizabet h Rowe R. Michael and Janet Schraer Krist i and Ron Rowell Niah Schrock Rowlet t Family Endowment Fund Luke Schult heis Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rowling Schwab Charitable Fund Kat hleen Ruesink Stacy Schweppe Tremaine Rumph Joe Scirica Lia Ruppal Kait lyn Scirica Rush Count y Communit y Foundat ion Savanna Scofero Rochelle Russell Ms. Calvin Scot t Mr. Ronnie J. Russell, Sr. Scot t Count y Communit y Foundat ion Mr. and Mrs. Rivers Rut herford Scot t sburg Middle School Ms. Jenny Ryan Scot t sburg Sevent h-Day Advent ist Church Mandi Ryan Marie Sears John and Margaret Sabo Melanie Sears Sales Management & Market ing Associat ion SeaWorld Parks & Resort s Orlando Tif fany Salsman Ms. Tina Selinsky Kelley Salvo Dr. and Mrs. John Sergent Sam's Club Dairely Serrano Georgia Sanacore Service Club of Manatee Count y Danica-Anne Sanchez Dave Severin Sebast ian Sanchez-Delgado Just in Sewak Mr. John Sanders Dr. Christopher Sforzo and Mrs. Terri Vitale Jennifer Sanford Liz Sgro Dr. and Mrs. Parviz Sanjabi Shack in t he Back BBQ Pedro Sant ibanez-Maldonado Cindy and Robert Shafer Sarasota Dove Release Rosalie and Gary Shaf fer Bill Sasso and Kat hleen O'Laughlin Pam Shampine Kate and Eric Sat z Ismely Shannon Cecilia Saucedo Stephen Sharp Alexee Saunders Mr. and Mrs. John Sharpnack 14 Ms. Pat t y Sauter Shawnee Express, Inc. Brenda Sax Ms. Lori Shelly Jay and Terry Scarlata Dr. and Mrs. Richard Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Lee Schaefer

Glenn Shorey Donald C. Short Anna Shrader Bipasha Shrest ha Diwas Shrest ha Bert ie and Don Shriver Ms. Wendy Shuran Gina Shurt z Dr. Greg and Mrs. Carol Sidell Mr. and Mrs. Bob Siegmann Signat ure Countertops, Inc. Alejandra Silva Angela Silva Don and Anna Sime Kat hryn Sime Sperry Bell and Heber Simmons David Simon Sheila Simon and Perry Knop Ben Simons Neely Sims Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sims Jim and Sue Sinclair Victoria Sinclair Ishvina Singh Ms. Eileen L. Singleton SIU Credit Union Ms. Joan C. Sivley Dr. Ben Sklar Sleep Out f it ters Bo Slemons Mr. and Mrs. Benson B. Sloan III Ms. Jeney Slusser Emani Smalls Bet t ye Smit h Mr. Brad Smit h Ms. Domonique Smit h Dr. Felicia Smit h Jodi Smit h Kevin Smit h Linda L. Smit h Col. Michael A. Smit h and Dr. Kat hryn Whit t ington Paula Smit h Ms. Rebecca Smit h Robert L. Smit h Tara Smit h 14

Tina Smit h TJ Smit h Candice Smit h-Singh Smit hville Charitable Foundat ion, Inc. Marion Smyser Snackworks, Inc. Lynn Snow Jordan Snyder Luret ta Snyder Sheila Snyder Michelle Sobolewski Mr. and Mrs. Mit chell Solarek Marit za Solis Christ ian Solorzano Brian Sommers Ms. Andrea Sonnabend Ms. Janet Sorenson Andrea Soto Sout h Cent ral Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, LLC Sout h Florida Museum Sout hern Comfort s Salon and Spa II, LLC Sout hern Illinois Healt hcare Sout hern Recycling Center Sout hside Social Sout hwest Airlines Dylan Spadaccino Stephanie Spagnolo Josephine Spaid Mr. George E. Spain Hugh M. Spalding, Jr. and Zelda S. Powell-Spalding Clay Sparks Janet Sparks Jo Spat h Mrs. Julie Spears Mrs. Joelle Speed Bonita Sprague Maggie Spray Milford Sprecher Aaron and Kari Spurgeon Just in Squires Pamela Stacy Elizabet h B. Stadler Mr. George B. Stadler Kat ie Stager

Ms. Pat t y Stahly Ms. Geraldine Swormstedt Kat ie Stakes Zain Syed Minerva "Minnie" Stalker Synovus Bank Stanley H. Byram Trust Mat t hew Szabo State College of Florida Manatee-Sarasota Darcie Taggart Ms. Brenda Steakley Jodee and John Tanjic Krist i Steel Target Corporat ion Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate and Mr. Malcolm and Ellen Stern William H. Tate Ms. Tonya Stevens George Tavolara Mr. John Stevenson Barbara Taylor M. B. Stevenson Eric Taylor Allison Stewart Ms. Jennifer Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Benton K. Stewart Terrell Taylor, Jr. Bob Stewart Team Const ruct ion, LLC Cat herine Stewart Donna Tegeler Madeline Stewart Teresa Tegeler Mark Stewart Sanjana Thahriu Dr. and Mrs. Sherrill B. Stewart Rajvi Thakkar L. B. St illey Shivam Thakkar Art hur St illinger and Emma E. St illinger Charitable Trust Chara Thaler Nichole St inson Colleen J. Thayer Janet St it ch Marlyn Thayer Stobbs, Sinclair & Carrut hers, Ltd. Bruce Theobald Jocelyn Stodghill Amanda Thomas Luke Stoker Donald E. Thomas Ms. Giselle Stolper Nat han Thomas Denni Stolze Ms. Sandra D. Thomas Dr. Rob and Ms. Karen Green Stone Harriet Thompson Stonecom Cookeville, LLC Joseph Thompson Mr. William E. St rasshofer Mart ha L. Thompson Kim St roud Mr. Michael Thompson Jazlynn St uart Mr. Brian S. Tidd Louis St uart Timberline Fisheries Corporat ion Paul St uart Ms. Jayne Tingley Julie St ull Deborah and Terry Tom Tinker Kayla St ump Dana Tipton Ashok Sudarshan Sylvia Tomlinson Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Don Sullenger Mr. Denis Toner Michelle Sullivan Jonat han Tong Ms. Kerri Sumner Tony Galines Foundat ion Superior Van & Mobilit y Top Shelf Lobby 15 Linda Transue Swags Sport Shoes II Frank Swanson Nichole Trapp Kari Swaw Brighid Traugut t Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sweeten Ms. Aimee Travelstead

Mark A. Traylor Tre Bicchieri TreeUmph! Advent ure Course Alex Trevino Tri Star Engineering, Inc. James Trimpe, Sr. Khushi Trivedi Roxanna and Gary Trivit t Trivit t Consultant s Truist Randall Tucker Shannon Tulloch Nikki Tumey Mr. and Mrs. Davis W. Turner Ivy Turner Melora Turner Zachary Turner Victoria Tymons Anne Tyree Mr. and Mrs. Scot t R. Tyrone Sally Tyson UBS Vivian Ugent Mr. Jacob Ullmann D. Joann and John J. Ulrich United Way of Greater St . Louis United Way of Met ropolitan Nashville United Way of Monroe Count y United Way of Williamson Count y United Way Suncoast United Way Worldwide Upender Family Dr. Raghu Upender Anjali Uralil Arun Uralil Eric and Keri Urrut ia Mr. Alf red Usack, Jr. Uspirit us, Inc. Brian Valiente April Van Epps Mr. Tim Van Hamme Aria Van Waardhuizen Ms. Bet hany Van Waardhuizen Crystal Vandall Carmen VanLeeuwen 15

Tim Varble Shirley and Larry Varvaro Krist ina Vasiljevic Philip Vasquez Jim Vaughn Alexa Vazquez Annabre Veal Kara Skye Veal Guille Vega Lamariah Vela Cecilia Velasquez Anne Veldman Verizon Wireless Foundat ion Emilee Vermilion Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. Vero VFW Auxiliary 9226 Ellenton Vigran Family Foundat ion Sarah Viliocco Andrea Villegas Edward G. Vilt z Ms. Phyllis Vilt z Frank Virgin Debbie Vogler Elena Voigt Melissa Volner Joseph Vorbeck John Waardhuizen Mr. and Mrs. Randall J. Wacht ler Sangeeta Wadhawan Michael Wadman Norman and Margaret Wadman Mrs. Jennifer S. Waggoner Ms. Jessica Walker Leslie Walker Meadow Walker Walker's Bluf f , LLC Mr. and Mrs. Johnson B. Wallace, Jr. Ms. Tonya R. Waller Walmart # 8180 Bet sy and Michael Walsh Uwe Walter Carol Walton Ms. Louise Ward Ms. Valorie Ward Cole Kelly Warne

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Was Cort ni Wash David Waterf ill Elizabet h Waterf ill Watermark Auto Group Foundat ion Ms. Cheryl Waters Daniel Wat son Robert Wat son Mr. and Mrs. Kenning G. Wat t s Vinita Wat t s, MD Wayne Wise Wellness Fund The Wealt hcare Group Mr. Cory and Mrs. Bari Weasley Ms. Lacey Weat herford Mr. and Mrs. William C. Weaver, IV Mr. and Mrs. Jason Weigand Ann Weigel Ms. Barbara Weiner Ms. Dixie Welch and Mr. Peter Schwandt Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert E. Wellhausen Ms. Deborah A. Cagle Wells Trina Wells Wells Fargo Private Bank WellSpring Christ ian Church Vicki Went zell Peter Werner Lynet te Werning Ms. Joni P. Wert han Ms. Danalyn Wilson West Michelle West West Tennessee Healt hcare Foundat ion Billie West brook WGA Fundraising WHAS Crusade for Children Todd Wheat ley Bonnie and Steve Wheeler Carolyne Wheeler Kat hleen D. and Robert Wheeler, Jr. Samant ha Whipple Arneka White Gail White Linda White Megan White Ronda White Shannon White

Shelby White George Whitesell Lena Whitesell Charles Whit f ield Anita and Robert Whit t ington Whonset ler & Johnson Johanna Wichmann Dana Joy Wickens Reverend and Mrs. Perry D. Wiggins Nancy and Steve Wilcenski Mr. Bradley A. Wiles Mike and Adella Willet t William E. Bart h Foundat ion William G. and Marie Selby Foundat ion Dr. Bob and Dr. Kay Williams Mr. and Mrs. Jay Williams Jennifer Williams and David Ballard Jerry Williams Melissa Williams Rachel Williams Riley Williams Theresa Willis Willis Towers Wat son Mr. and Mrs. W. Ridley Wills II Mr. and Mrs. W. Ridley Wills III Mr. and Mrs. Billy W. Wilson Brees Wilson Darragh Wilson Ms. Jacqueline Wilson Kat hleen Wilson Linda Goldst ick Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Wilson Rhonda Wilson Sherry Wilson Maggie Winters Mary Winters Winters, Brewster, Crosby & Schafer Darlene Wipert Pat t i Wison Sharon Woerner AJ Wolf f 16 Jessica Woo Bailey Woods Melony Woods

Diane Wooldridge Janet Wort hman Ms. Lynet te Wright Madelyn Wright Nat han Wright Cindy Wychor Lynn Wyciskalla Victoria Wyke Leanore and Walter Yanta Kait lin Yawn Mr. and Mrs. Nat han and Joy Yet ton Neil and Elizabet h Yoder Bonnie Young Ms. Cynt hia R. Young Robert Young Celeste Young-Whit mer Rebecca Younk YourCause YourCause, LLC, Trustee for The HCA Foundat ion Dr. Jose Zaglul Mr. Rick Zander Ms. Julie Zaragoza Brian Zavala Diana Zavala Juan Zavala Liliana Zavala Heat her Zayed Susan Zeigler Ms. Cheryl D. Zell Tim and Karen Zerndt Dick Ziegler Charlot te Ziet low Ms. Deborah K. Zills Trish Zimmerer Meredit h Zinn Ant hony Zipple Lucy Zipple Zoeller Company Bob and Kat hy Zoeller Joanna Zuercher Carol and Malcolm Zwick


GIFTS- IN- KIND Alkermes All Stars N St it ches Allen Print ing Anna Maria Oyster Bar Anonymous (1) Ricardo Baker Heat her Bat son BB&T Bank Beall's Depart ment Store Allison Bent ley Blue Rooster Vicki Bowen The B'Towne Cof fee Co. Busch Gardens Kyle But ler Lori Carbary David M. Chick II Jan Collins Sue Collins Colony Cove Hobby Club Heat her Davies Pamela Denison Dorel Juvenile Group USA The Dot ted Line Downtown Minist ries Jonet te Eagles Hannah Emerick First United Met hodist Church (Bradenton) Flut terby Gardens Andrea Gibson Cagney R. Gladin Rhonda Grif f it h Harbor of Light s Boat Parade Natasha Heenie Herrin Bowl High Hopes Home Extension Club Mat t Hisey Hoosier-to-Hoosier Sale Valerie Hubbard Joy of Giving Kaleo Pharma Kate's Kit chen Keeton's Of f ice Supply Company

Marsha Keit h Tina Kempwert h Kimberlin Creek Bapt ist Church Karisha Kirk Kosair Charit ies Leising Excavat ing & Mulch, Inc. Lexington Christ ian Church Lexington Presbyterian Church Donna Lof t house Warren McEwen Tif fany Mit chell Amber Moore Michelle Moore Donna Mulls Murdale True Value Hardware Becky Murphy New Bet hel Church Nort hview Assembly of God Pepsi Midamerica Bet h Pet t y Chris Policast ro Publix Super Market s, Inc. Rachel Ragghiant i Ana Ramirez Ross Stores, Inc. Rotary Club of Longboat Key Sarasota Dove Release Scheller's Kent ucky, LLC Bet hany Schmit t SeaWorld Parks & Resort s Orlando Tina Selinsky Signat ure Countertops, Inc. Snackworks, Inc. Sout h Florida Museum Sout hside Social Sout hwest Airlines Dylan Spadaccino Jo Spat h Jocelyn Stodghill Stonecom Cookeville, LLC Paul St uart Tre Bicchieri TreeUmph! Advent ure Course United Way of Greater St . Louis Uspirit us, Inc.

Crystal Vandall Jim Vaughn Kara Skye Veal Carol Walton Valorie Ward Cole Ann Weigel Michelle West Rhonda Wilson Sherry Wilson Maggie Winters Victoria Wyke



HONORARY GIFTS In honor of Janet and Jim Ayers Mr. and Mrs. David C. Guth, Jr. In honor of Kat hryn Berschback Mr. and Mrs. Lee Schaefer Mr. and Mrs. W. Ridley Wills III

In honor of Melissa Larkin-Skinner Mr. and Mrs. David C. Guth, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Holman

In honor of Michael But ler Mr. and Mrs. Kenning G. Watts

In honor of John Markley Mr. and Mrs. David C. Guth, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Holman

In honor of Kate, Holly, and MacKenzie Colvin Mr. Jeremy Dilts

In honor of John Mauricio, Jr. and Court ney Mauricio Mr. Jeremy Dilts

In honor of Col. Kent Crossley Mr. and Mrs. David C. Guth, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Hale

In honor of Elizabet h McAlister Mr. and Mrs. Lee Schaefer Mr. and Mrs. W. Ridley Wills III

In honor of Lana Dobill David and Dixie Dobill

In honor of Albert and Theresa Menefee Dr. and Mrs. Sherrill B. Stewart

In honor of Wayne Easterwood Mr. and Mrs. David C. Guth, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Hale Dr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Rhodes

In honor of Dr. Robert F. Miller Dr. John Angiolillo

In honor of Dan Smit h Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Holman In honor of Julie Spears Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Holman In honor of our Tennessee Board of Directors Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. Vero In honor of Dr. Robert Vero Mr. and Mrs. David C. Guth, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Holman Mr. and Mrs. Kenning G. Watts In honor of Gwen Wat t s Mr. and Mrs. David C. Guth, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Holman Dr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Rhodes Ms. Deborah A. Cagle Wells

In honor of Dana Oman Karen Conrad

In honor of Debbie Cagle Wells Mr. and Mrs. David C. Guth, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Holman Dr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. Kenning G. Watts

In honor of Stacey Overt urf Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Holman

In honor of Shannon White Anonymous

In honor of Karra Paquet te Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Hale

In honor of Kat hie Williams Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Holman

In honor of Wes Pass Kirk Porter and Julie Kennon

In honor of Charlie Wilson Linda Wilson

In honor of Barry Hale Mr. and Mrs. David C. Guth, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. Kenning G. Watts Ms. Deborah A. Cagle Wells

In honor of Steven Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Holman

In honor of Tony Zipple Diane Brewer Mr. and Mrs. David C. Guth, Jr.

In honor of Steve Holman Mr. and Mrs. David C. Guth, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Hale Dr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. Kenning G. Watts Ms. Deborah A. Cagle Wells

In honor of Ramona Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. David C. Guth, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Holman Mr. and Mrs. Kenning G. Watts Ms. Deborah A. Cagle Wells

In honor of Kim King Mr. and Mrs. Kenning G. Watts

In honor of Dr. Richard Shelton Mr. and Mrs. David C. Guth, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Holman Dr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Rhodes

In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fit zgerald Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson In honor of Sean Gingras Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Holman In honor of David Gut h Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Hale Steven O?Sheal Dr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. Kenning G. Watts Ms. Deborah A. Cagle Wells

In honor of Suzanne Koesel Mr. and Mrs. David C. Guth, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Holman

In honor of Joe Moore Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Holman

In honor of Dr. Karen Rhea Mr. and Mrs. Kenning G. Watts

In honor of Kat hryn Sime Don and Anna Sime 18



In memory of Et han Virgil Murrer Anonymous

In memory of Craig Wilson Terry Messick-Cass

In memory of Timot hy Begley Kim Kimbrough Julie and China Rayon

In memory of David Carl Musselman, Jr. William McManus

In memory of John Wrana Anonymous

In memory of Rodney Bragg Melora Turner

In memory of Aaron Norton Bob and Kathy Zoeller

In memory of Mat t hew Zipple Mary Therese Lemanek

In memory of Sal Casella Rachel Cappadona Gilbert McLaughlin Casella Architects, PLC

In memory of Amanda Page Teresa Armstrong

In memory of Captain A. E. Cole, WWII Airborne Christy L. Cole In memory of Mike Conrad Marty and Jim Conrad In memory of Ronald Estell Indiana Adult Services Staff In memory of Richard Gould Randy and Susan Campbell Denise D. Davis Scott and Myra Loudermilk Nancy and Steve Wilcenski In memory of Andrew Hamer Suzanne Bruin In memory of Jeremy Hilling Michael Durbin In memory of Lois Gordon Just ice Patricia Justice In memory of Robert (Bob) Laney Thomas R. Cowan Linda and Larry Crawford In memory of Joe Lindsey Brentwood Hills Christian Camp WellSpring Christian Church In memory of Lillian Mat t ingly Margaret Reece In memory of Tom McNamara Michael and Phyllis Bergant Cheryl A. Bovee Laura Brendel Judith Bush Thomas J. Finan, IV and Kathi Thimsen Mary Lynne Frett Craig S. Harju, Jr. Patrick Kelley Paul Schoen Suzanne K. Schoen-Harju Gail White Linda White In memory of Carter Medley Stephen Sharp

In memory of Glennis Perkinson Chris and Marie Mowbray In memory of Carol (Mont gomery) Piot raschke D. Joann and John J. Ulrich In memory of Roxy Pullum Carol and Malcolm Zwick In memory of Ronald Wayne Race Julie B. Albert Diana R. Biggs Margo and William Brown Marsha and Ben Bryant Mr. Alford Cooley Michelle and Chris Dillingham Cynthia and Paul Dlutkowski Ann and Don Dulla John and Margaret Sabo Edward and Debra Schoenfelt Dr. Christopher Sforzo and Mrs. Terri Vitale Jodee and John Tanjic Michael Wadman Norman and Margaret Wadman Leanore and Walter Yanta In memory of Bernice Ross Jerry Bowman In memory of Daniel Lee Rowling Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rowling In memory of Kyle Taylor South Central Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, LLC In memory of Myra Mahler Turner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Mahler, Jr. In memory of Penny Vernon Laura Anderson Jim and Emma Jean Bedsole Ms. Cathy Martin Patricia Nickell Mr. and Mrs. David Rigney Martha L. Thompson In memory of John Wagner 19 Ms. Linda Cobb Mr. Denis Toner In memory of Dennis West Ms. Danalyn Wilson West 19

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