17/18 I N S P I R A T I O N M O O D B O A R D S
Shaping inspirations, providing trends. CHI, COSA, DOVE Un team di creativi, insieme per aiutarti ad immaginare la tua prossima collezione. Catturiamo ispirazioni in giro per il mondo, le coltiviamo e le elaboriamo fino a renderle fruibili in forma grafica. La base è a Bergamo, ma la nostra missione ci porta dove voi avete bisogno di trovarci. WHO, WHAT, WHERE A team of creative designers and cool hunters, together to help you designing you next collection. We gather inspirations from around the world, grow adn work them out till they reach a definite graphic shape. Our base is in Bergamo, but our mission takes us wherever you need us to be.
p. 28
p. 40
Darkness Re-design Forest
È di notte che è bello credere alla luce. > Edmond Rostand
At night is good to believe in light.
Il design è un pensiero reso visibile. > Saul Bass
Design is a thought made visible.
La foresta è ancora un po’ di paradiso perduto. Dio non ha voluto che il primo giardino fosse eliminato dal primo peccato. > Marcel Aymé
The forest is still a bit of lost paradise. God didn’t want the first garden to be erased by the first sin.
Tutto scorre, niente sta fermo. > Eraclito
Everything flows, nothing keeps still.
> Come un Clair de lune, una parentesi tra il sogno e la realtà, quando il bagliore di una luna piena apre il sipario nero della notte, dei sonni profondi ed entra delicatamente nelle stanze per rischiarare la nostra parte scura, la nostra psiche, i pensieri più intimi e provoca un sottile turbamento. La veglia diventa malinconica, creativa, vitale, l’atmosfera si colora di viola misterioso sfuma nel sensuale indaco fino a un carnoso fucsia. Fotografie notturne, intime che paiono quasi bisbigliare, perchè la notte è viva. Un fascio di luce gialla brillante fende il buio, squarcia i blu inchiostro e illumina di ametista il paesaggio mentre le ombre si allungano e i contorni si sfuocano. Il giorno diventa notte e la notte giorno, le aurore boreali schizzano i cieli di fasci di luce verde, rosa fluorescenti in continuo movimento. O come quel groviglio di nastri di luce rossastra, giallastra dei fari delle macchine nel traffico notturno delle città. Il design sconfina, fa transitare concept, atmosfere, stili, ambienti notturni in oggetti per l’uso diurno, esaltando l’esperienza sensoriale dei materiali e degli effetti di lucido e opaco, creando profondità strutturale e visiva, con il colore di superficie e volumi scolpiti. Per l’abbigliamento si delinea una poetica romantica dove il sogno crea inquietudine, mistero, drama. Lo stile formale si rilassa, diventa raffinato, a tratti onirico, assume linee fluide esaltate da tessuti tridimensionali, velluti sensuali, sete seducenti, texture incapsulate e stampe fantasma. Spalmature viniliche, catarifrangenti, elementi plastici ed effetti gommosi rendono active la notte. La decorazione diventa elegantemente dark con pietre semi preziose, onice, perle grigie, cristalli, fiori di mezzanotte inebrianti, fornendo una miscela di glamour e atmosfere crepuscolari per vere Divine.
> Like a Clair de lune, a parenthesis between dream and reality, when the light of a full moon opens the curtains of the night, of the deep sleep and softly comes into the rooms lighting up our dark-side, our psyche, our most hidden thoughts and generate a light agitation. The waking becomes cheerless, creative, vital, the atmosphere becomes like mystery violet and shades into a sensual indigo up to a fleshy fuchsia. Night photographs, intimate, that almost seem to be whispering, ‘cause the night is alive. A bundle of bright yellow light splits the darkness, slashes the ink-blue and lights with amethyst the scenery, while the shadows get longer and the outlines get defocused. The day turns to night and the night turn to day, the aurora borealis splash the sky with bundles of green and fluorescent pink lights, continuosly in motion. Either like that tangle of red light beams, made by the car lights in the city night traffic. Design digresses, moves concepts and atmospheres, styles, night environments to items for the day use, exalting the the sensorial experience of the materials and of the effects of bright and dull, creating a structural and visual depth with the surface color and sculptured volumes. For the clothing comes a romantic poetry where the dream makes inquietude, mystery and drama. The formal style is relaxed, becomes accomplished, sometime oneiric, takes fluid lines exalted by tridimensional fabrics, sensual velvets, charming silks, incapsulated textures and ghost prints. Vinylic spreads, reflecting, plastic elements and gummy effects make the night active. The decoration becomes elegantly dark with semi-precious gems, onyx, grey pearls, crystals, heady midnight flowers, giving a mixture of glamour and twilight atmospheres for true Divines.
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
Darkness TPX 16-3931
TPX 19-3935
TPX 19-3617
TPX 19-2312
TPX 19-1940
TPX 19-1629
TPX 19-1540
TPX 19-3900
TPX 19-5411
TPX 15-0548
6 blood-brother.co.uk
florian wizorek www.xflou.eu
TPX 15-0548
TPX TPX 15-0953 19-3900
TPX 19-5411
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
andy gilmore crowquills.com
bio light designboom.com
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 19-1540
TPX 19-3935
Polvere di stelle Mavi
TPX 16-3931
TPX 19-3935
TPX 19-3617 TPX 19-3900 Victoria Siemer - www.behance.net/witchoria
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
Stephanie Jung - portfolio122826.format.com
vega dejavuteam.com
Michael Reynolds
glaskilian.de coppibarbieri.com
andy gilmore crowquills.com
TPX 19-1940
andy gilmore crowquills.com
z wey
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 19-3900
TPX 19-1629
TPX 16-3931
Darkness TPX 19-3900
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 19-3935 clareturner.co.uk
Sixlee & Lee Marshall - www.lanciatrendvisions.com
Julia Bergshoeff
Cristiano Burani
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
Noelle Oswald - ossomagazine.com
TPX 19-3935
TPX 19-5411
TPX 19-2312
TPX 15-0548
TPX 19-1629
12 lesbohemiens.com
TPX 19-1940 davidcabra.com
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
Ruben Pol
Dar k
Mattia Bonetti
Studio Cheha - www.bulbing-light.com
Mert Alas and Marcus Piggot
Boris de Beijer - ism- David Benz
Isabella Dami
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
r kness TPX 19-1540
TPX 19-3900
TPX 19-5411
TPX 19-3935
TPX 19-3617
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
Noelle Oswald - ossomagazine.com
TPX 19-5411 aytm.com
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
Molly Bair
TPX 15-0548
TPX 19-5411 TPX 19-1629
Dar 15
> “… e vissero felici e puliti”, forse questo potrebbe essere il finale di una fantastica favola ecologica corale, scritta a più mani da una moltitudine di piccoli, responsabili gesti quotidiani. La protagonista indiscussa è la materia, o meglio, la mole inquantificabile di rifiuti, scarti, tecnologie dismesse che soffoca il nostro pianeta e opprime popolazioni. Il suo lato oscuro, tossico, viene sconfitto attraverso un’alchemica alleanza tra menti scientifiche, capaci di riformulare processi produttivi industriali e una moltitudine di anonimi esseri, desiderosi di salvare il proprio pianeta e chi lo abita. Il risveglio delle coscienze. Naturalmente non vuole essere un lieto fine per una favola morale, ma la dimostrazione che la realtà può e deve superare la fantasia, quando si tratta di salvare il nostro ecosistema, di migliorare la qualità di vita con più benessere e diritti. E’ la valorizzazione dello scarto, del rifiuto, che redivivo, sopravvive alla cultura dello spreco, del consumo sfrenato, all’usa e getta. I designer di tutto il mondo sono, dunque, chiamati a trasformare i rifiuti in bellezza. Carta, plastica, vetro, pelle, legno, imbottiture, calcinacci, tessuti scartati e riciclati vengono rimanipolati in modo sorprendente, per ricreare capi d’abbigliamento, accessori, bijoux, pezzi d’arredo inediti. E’ l’esaltazione della creatività umana nel ridefinire il design di manufatti obsoleti, nel riutilizzare come materia “prima” quell’ibrido che nasce dai processi di compostaggio, riciclo, tipici della raccolta differenziata. Mettere in mostra gli strati diversi di materiali è come comunicare il valore in termini di riutilizzo nobilitato. Assemblare, comporre elementi differenti, esaltandone il punto di sutura, di congiunzione, è mostrare quella cerniera che unisce mondi, origini diversi. Volumi esagerati, linee irregolari, superfici composite sono le cifre stilistiche di un nuovo concetto di glam. L’esclusività diventa una produzione di pezzi unici, imperfetti, uno diverso dall’altro, abbandonando il concetto di standard e omologazione. Il colore non è più pieno, ma è un’amalgama, un’impasto di pigmenti, di particelle, di screziature diverse. Le scoloriture, le screpolature, gli effetti ossidati, arrugginiti smacchiano il colore originale. Se una sottile patina di grigio sporca le gamme cromatiche, i nostri cieli, però, saranno più azzurri!
> “… and lived happy and clean”; perhaps this could be the end of a fantastic tale ecological and coral, written by a multitude of tiny responsible daily gestures. The main character is unquestionably the matter, or better, the uncountable bulk of rejects, wates, unused technologies that are suffocating our planet and overloading populations. Its tossic dark side, is defeated by an alchemic alliance among scientific brains, able to redesign industrial production process and a multitude of anonymous beings willing to save their own planets and those who are living on it. The awakening of consciousness. Of course, it does not want to be a happy ending for a moral tale, but the proof that reality can and must out weight fantasy, when it is about to save our eco-system, improve the quality of life with more welfare and rights. It is the evaluation of the reject that survives to the culture of the waste, of the uncontrolled consumption, of the use and throw. Designers from all over the world are called to turn the rejects into beauty. Paper, plastic, glass, leather, wood, linings, rubble, rejected and recycled fabrics are amazingly re-manipulated to create new and unpublished clothings, accessories, bijoux and furnitures. It is the exaltation of human creativity when re-defining the design of obsolete handmades, using as raw material the hybrid arising from composting and recycling processes, typical for the differentiated refuse collection. To show the different lays of materials, is just like to communicate the value in terms of ennobled re-utilization. To assemble and compose different elements exalting the stitches and the linking, is like showing the hinge that merges worlds, different origins. Exaggerated volumes, irregular lines, composed surfaces are the stylistic patterns of a new concept of glam. The exclusivity becomes a production of unique pieces, impaired, each other different, leaving the concept of standard and homologation. The color is not full any longer, but is a melting-pot, a mixing of pigments and particles, of different variegations. The discoloration, the chaps, the oxidized and rusted effects clean the original color. Is a thin veil of grey mess up the range of colors, our sky will be more blue!
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
Re-design TPX 18-3715
TPX 14-1311
TPX 18-1154
TPX 16-0632
TPX 14-0647
TPX 18-0601
TPX 17-0207
TPX 17-5107
TPX 19-4121
TPX 16-5123
Re-design TPX 14-1311
TPX 17-5107
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 16-5123 alexbenlo.com
Robert Wechsler
Irina Dzhus
Ignazio Corda
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 17-5107 TPX 18-1154
TPX 17-0207 19
Re-design PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
Alice Vincent
Victoria Ledis
TPX 14-1311
TPX 19-4121
TPX 18-1154
Andrea Anastasio
TPX 16-0632
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 18-1154
TPX 14-0647
TPX 17-5107
TPX 16-5123
Re-design akikoshinzato.com
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 14-0647 Robert Wun
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
Duna buru-buru.com
TPX 16-0632
TPX 19-4121
TPX 17-0207
24 florianmilker.com
TPX 19-4121
TPX 14-1311
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
Boris De Beijer and Florian Milker
Boris De Beijer and Florian Milker
TPX 17-0207
Angela Mathis
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 18-3715
TPX 19-4121
TPX 17-5107 25
TPX 15-0953
TPX 15-0953
TPX 15-0953
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
Christin Aioannidou
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 18-3715 TPX 14-0647 TPX 16-5123
Jessica Mentis
Paolo Cappello
Robert Wun
>Il richiamo della foresta come espressione della natura primigenia, la grande forza da cui è scaturito il tutto, come rappresentazione dell’universo Vegetale, originario, perfetto, risorsa ineguagliabile di materiali naturali. L’albero come simbolo della vita, come elemento di congiunzione tra il cielo e la terra, tra il mondo materiale e quello spirituale. Quando è solitario è monumentale, statuario; quando è una moltitudine è energia, respiro, cambiamento. Il mondo dei creativi ne trae ispirazione per riformulare, un nuovo concept di design ecologico, tecnologico, elegante, essenziale, raffinato a tratti maschile e quindi anche una nuova dimensione materica. Collezioni di abiti dalle linee importanti, dai volumi abbondanti, con sovrapposizioni a pannelli. Tessuti corposi che offrono esperienze tattili, ricche e diverse, rugose come cortecce, vellutate come muschi. Bijoux e monili minimali dai tagli geometrici per esaltare le sfumature e le diverse coloriture lignee. Ciondoli ad ampolle simili a lacrime di rugiada che racchiudono piccoli ecosistemi. Cristalli d’ambra come teche di germogli e petali. Dalla staticità e possenza di tronchi pietrificati alla leggerezza delle foglie per imprimere le superfici con le linee della vita, con i cerchi del tempo, con le arterie linfatiche, con le venature e le rugosità come segno di veridicità. I materiali sono colti direttamente dal mondo vetegale del sottobosco e rimanipolati in chiave minimale: merletti di licheni, corolle vegetali tridimensionali, estrusioni lignee, muschi vellutati, truciolato compresso, composit di terriccio, fogli di pergamene, polpa di carta, tessuti lanosi. Stampe fotografiche di foliage, di chiome scomposte dal vento, alterate cromaticamente come viste in camera oscura traggono ispirazione dalle opere dell’artista americana John Chiara. Guardare la natura e ai suoi colori con occhi tecnologici attraverso lenti ad alta definizione e quindi con una maggiore messa a fuoco. Allora, tutti i classici colori autunnali acquistano intensità fino al limite della fluorescenza come i sempreverde erbosi, i rossi, lo zafferano del sole, l’oro e l’ocra terroso.
> The call of the wild as an expression of the first-born nature, the great force at the origin of the whole; a representation of the vegetal univers, original, perfect, unmatchable resource of natural materials. The tree as a symbol of the life, as a linking element between the sky and the earth, between spiritual and material world. Monumental and statuary when it is alone; while energy, breath, change when in a multitude. The environment of the creatives gets inspiration aiming to make a new ecological design concept, technical, elegant, essential, accomplished, occasionally masculin and therefore a new materic dimension. Collection of suits with notable lines, ample volumes with panel overlay. Significant fabrics giving tactile experiences, rich and different, wrinkled like barks, velvety like musks. Bijoux and minimal pendants with geometric cuts aiming to exalt the shades and the different woody colorations. Trinkets like cruet similar to dew tears, containing tiny ecosystems. Amber crystals like boxes of sprouts and petals. From the condition and the power of petrified logs to the lightness of the leaves, to mark the surfaces with the lines of life, with the circles of time, with the lymphatic arteries, with the grains and the roughness as a sign of truthfulness. The materials are directly picked from the vegetal world of the underbrush and minimally re-manipulated: lichen laces, tridimensional vegetal corollas, woody extrusions, velvety musks, pressed chipboard, composit of loam, sheepskin sheets, paper pulp, wolly fabrics. Photo-prints of foliage, of crowns shaked by the wind, chromatically altered as seen in a darkroom, are inspired from the masterpieces of the american artist John Chiara. Look at the nature and its colors with technologic eyes through highdefinition lenses with a better focusing. Then, all the typical autumn colors get intensity up to the limit of fluorescence, like the grassy evergreen, the red, the saffron of the sun, the gold and the earthy ochre.
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
Forest TPX 14-1045
TPX 17-1048
TPX 18-0840
TPX 18-1442
TPX 18-1561
TPX 19-2428
TPX 18-3963
TPX 19-4030
TPX 18-0328
TPX 19-0910
TPX 19-4030
TPX 18-3963
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
30 debou.it
TPX 18-1442
Samuel Seven
TPX 19-2428
TPX 18-1561
Massai Ohashi
Ilaria Bianchi
Dill Restaurant
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
Mary Gagne
TPX 18-0328 31
TPX 19-0910
32 shameesaden.com
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 18-0328 jamesshyde.com
Forest TPX 15-0548 kimfisherdesigns.com
Keiko Nishiyama
TPX 18-0840
TPX 18-1442 You and me the royal we
Theron Humphrey
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 14-1045
TPX 17-1048
34 PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 18-0840
TPX 14-1045
TPX 18-0328
Standout Accessories
Bourbon Barrel
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 18-1442
TPX 19-4030
TPX 19-0910 35
TPX 18-0328
TPX 19-0910
36 PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 19-4030
Gerhard Richter.com
Forest ???????????
Gregory Asner
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 18-0840
TPX 17-1048
TPX 14-1045 37
Ashley Pittman
38 rossa-infor100.com
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 19-4030
TPX 19-2428
TPX 18-3963 wristwatch.com
Forest prada.com
Bourbon Barrel
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
Max Lamb
TPX 17-1048
TPX 19-0910
TPX 14-1045
matteofogale.com - laetitiadeallegri.com
> Immaginate un filo di tessitura che stende la sua trama per continuare sotto forma di un fascio di luce colorato, proiezione di un’immagine digitale, capace di costruire nuove architetture visionarie, nuovi spazi in movimento. L’antica tradizione nipponica della tessitura, dell’arte della piega ad origami e di quella della costruzione di lenti ottiche fotografiche si combinano con le più avanzate conoscenze tecnologiche, creando nuove dimensioni in cui il reale e il virtuale si fondono l’uno con l’altro, senza linea di interruzione. Ecco allora che dialogano insieme il passato e il futuro, lo stile sport-active e il formale, l’haute couture e il minimale, combinandosi (relazionandosi) in modo del tutto inedito. È come entrare ognuno nel mondo dell’altro. Immaginate di adattare al tessuto funzioni di zoom fotografico e di tridimensionalità per creare nuove soluzioni per tesserlo, svilupparlo. Ecco allora È in quel momento che il tessuto prende corpo e volume, viene gonfiato come il pop-corn, modellato attraverso pieghe a ventaglio, a fisarmonica per effetti monumentali pop-up. L’abito allora si sagoma con leggerezza, le superfici ondeggiano, si increspano. L’elasticità del tessuto è sostenuta da un’anima interna di fil di rame che permette di modellare e dare forma, senza alcun taglio. Texture preziose, lucide e cangianti hanno un’alternanza continua tra un ritmo piano e un rilievo modulare a scomparsa, sfaccettato. I circuiti dei microcip dei computer diventano motivo d’ispirazione per pattern lussuosi. Digital age è espressione di una tendenza di abbinamenti inaspettati di gamme techno-neon. La cartella colori si compone in un eclettico mix di colori vibranti, ottimistici, senza ombre, come visti da schermi retro-illuminati, come fibre ottiche color arancio, azzurro, grigio, verde, viola.
> Guess a weaving thread becoming a coloured shaft of light, a projection of a digital image, able to build new visionary architectures, new moving spaces. The old Japanese tradition of weaving, of the art of origami folding and of the construction of optical lenses, combine with the most updated technical knowledges, resulting in a new dimension, where real and virtual are melted with no interruption line. Then, past and future, sport active and formal, the haute-couture and minimal, relate together in such an unpublished way. It is just like entering in each other world. Guess you can adapt photo-zooming and tridimensionality to the fabric, to obtain new weaving possibilities. That is when the fabric gains shape and volume, gets inflated as popcorn, modeled through fanlike or accordion foldings with monumental pop-up effects. The dress softly keeps its shape, the surfaces are rocking and getting choppy. The stretch of the fabric is supported by a copper wire inner core that allows modeling and shaping without any cut. Bright, precious and iridiscent textures have a continuous alternation between a flat pace and a collapsible modular faceted relief. Computer mico-chip circuits become inspiration for luxury patterns. Digital age is the expression of unexpected matchings of techno-neon spectrums. The pad is composed by an eclectic mix of vibrant and optimistic colors, with no shadow, as seen on backlit panels, like orange, blue, grey, violet optical fibres.
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
Digital age TPX 16-4109
TPX 18-4231
TPX 18-0135
TPX 19-0512
TPX 19-1320
TPX 17-1446
TPX 14-1307
TPX 16-1539
TPX 14-1307
TPX 17-1045
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
Digital age
42 matteofogale.com - laetitiadeallegri.com
TPX 18-4231
TPX 16-4109 bompasandparr.com
TPX 14-1307
TPX 18-0135
Lynn Everett Read
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
Digital age
TPX 16-1539 43
TPX 19-1320
Digital age gilesmiller.com
- erinhanson.com
matteofogale.com - laetitiadeallegri.com
TPX 14-1307 PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 17-1446 chloe.com
Yoshiyuki Miyamae
Yoshiyuki Miyamae
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 18-0135
TPX 19-0512
TPX 18-4231
TPX 18-1442
tal age
46 PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 16-1539
i-raku Gioielli
TPX 18-0135 TPX 17-1446
Geek Culture
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 16-4109
TPX 19-0512
TPX 14-1307
Digital age
TPX 16-4109
TPX 14-1307
TPX 19-0512 brian-vu.com
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
Digital age
TPX 18-4231
TPX 14-1307
l age
Carina Fernandes
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 16-4109
Cm Lisboa
50 PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 18-0135
TPX 19-1320
TPX 14-1307
lindengledhill.com fendi.com
Yoshiyuki Miyamae
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 16-1539
TPX 14-1307
TPX 17-1045
Digital age 51
Designer and photos references DARKNESS PAG.4 breitling.com PAG.6 davidcabra.com bio light designboom.com blood-brother.co.uk florian wizorek www.xflou.eu andy gilmore crowquills.com PAG.7 Polvere di stelle Mavi Artifire robertosironi.it soderbergmills.com ventrella.it wooden texture pinterest.com PAG.8 Michael Reynolds vega dejavuteam.com stephanie jung -portfolio122826.format.com victoria siemer -www.behance.net/witchoria horm.it PAG.9 davidcabra.com andy gilmore crowquills.com glaskilian.de z wey coppibarbieri.com PAG.10 kalpakian.fr a-gerace.com katejackling.com paulinpaulinpaulin.com tessakoot.nl sixlee&lee marshall www.lanciatrendvisions.com clareturner.co.uk
RE-DESIGN PAG.11 neoconcept.com noelle oswald ossomagazine.com Julia Bergshoeff brigitteniedermair.com marcinkusak.com PAG.12 davidcabra.com hannahperry.com lesbohemiens.com ruben pol materia.nl PAG.13 y-3.com olafureliasson.net m.alasan&m.piggott artpatner.com studio cheha www.bulbing-light.com Mattia Bonetti
PAG.16 burberry.com PAG.18 alexbenlo.com ilariabianchi.com PAG.19 fendi.com ignazio corda fullxfull.com gravuraluxury.ro PAG.20 maisonmargiela.com Alice Vincent Victoria Ledis gumdesign.it akikoshinzato.com candamill.com
PAG.14 noelle oswald ossomagazine.com annatorfs.com cotemaison.fr aytm.com
PAG.21 andrea anastasio bottegaveneta.com marni.com nike.com patriciaurquiola.com
PAG.15 lindengledhill.com pasqualerobustini.com johnchiara.com Molly Bair
PAG.22 rosenbergdror.wix.com akikoshinzato.com hettlerthullmann.com nendo.jp PAG.23 florianmilker.com duna buru-buru-com hellofrankiestore.com stephanaiegundelach.com
PAG.24 Andrea Anastasio florianmilker.com cocorrina.com PAG.25 adererror.com hellofrankiestore.com debou.it ioia.nl lanciatrendvision.com baxter.it PAG.26 rayban.com hellofrankiestore.com PAG.27 avantblanc.com Jessica Mentis simon-frambach.com ioia.nl
FOREST PAG.30 debou.it dolpi.it douglasprince.com jeanvincentsimonet.com jenspraet.com andreassyodin.se PAG.31 lizciokajlo.co.uk Massai Ohashi Samuel Seven necklacesecomodish.com PAG.32 blondandbieber.com indianflint.com jamesshyde.com kimfisherdesigns.com solidio shameesaden.com PAG.33 caspersejersen.com globeprime.com skateboard- greenme.it sharonvaughan.com.au PAG.34 Build with wood cooperhewitt.org neo-concepts.com matildanorberg.se douglasfirdesign.com.au boundearth.com saraaires.com stylehive.com
DIGITAL AGE PAG.35 Standout Accessories Bourbon Barrel emporioarmani.com apple.com makeitwoodglasses.com technologischeontwikkeling.nl tobyouvry.com PAG.36 emilygoodhaker.co.uk gerhard-richter.com iheartrocks.com PAG.37 Gregory Asner swiss-chriss.com w-eye.it bgy-italy.it 128johnst.com PAG.38 levonbaird.com wristwatch.com valentino.com infor100.com linmya.blogspot.com PAG.39 bourbon barrel voulkos.com prada.com hansericolson.com
PAG.42 isseymiyake.com nicolefialdini.com specular.cc/fitzania bompasandparr.com hayonstudio.com marcjacobs.com matteofogale.com laetitiadeallegri.com PAG.43 lindengledhill.com isseymiyake.com lynn everett read sainakoohnarvard.com burberry.com PAG.44 chloe.com erinhanson.com laetitiadeallegri.com matteofogale.com gilesmiller.com aytm.dk PAG.45 j-w-anderson.com isseymiyake.com csmbajewellery.wordpress.com luisakahlfeldt.com yoshiyuki miyamae PAG.46 jennyvansommers.com paulkasmingallery.com/artists/mattia-bonetti sainakoohnavard.com rodolpheparente.com
PAG.47 audemarspiguet.com spiegel.de philippschmitt.com exuvius.com geek culture samsung.com versace.com explorepatternity.org PAG.48 isseymiyake.com louisemertens.com brian-vu.com fullxfull.com abbiewilliamsdesignermaker.com chanel.com sakurakoshimizu.blogspot.com studio-xo.com PAG.49 Carina Fernandes Cm Lisboa johned.co muashara.com dw.com specular.cc/fitzania PAG.50 googlequantumchip www.expressen.se/leva-och-bo lindengledhill.com sainakoohnavard.com chanel.com kolor.jp paulinedeltour.com PAG.51 fendi.com lindengledhill.com samhofman.co.uk charlottegarnett.portfoliobox.io Yoshiyuki Miyamae
> Nota: Questa pubblicazione deve essere intesa come rappresentazione visiva delle tendenze future ed è distribuita e venduta unicamente per consultazione privata. I contenuti, come ad esempio, illustrazioni, campioni, testi, ecc., sono tutelati dalle normative in materia di copyright e non possono essere utilizzati, se non a seguito di espressa autorizzazione da parte dell’editore o del titolare dei diritti. CENTOPERCENTO TREND rifiuta qualsiasi responsabilità derivante da improprio utilizzo della summenzionata pubblicazione. Alcune riproduzioni presentate provengono da fonti le cui origini e identità non si è potuta verificare. Riproduzione vietata.
1 /1 I N S P I R A T I O N M O O D B O A R D S
Non si risponde di inesattezze, incongruenze o refusi dei testi o dei nomi riportati, che in ogni caso possono essere dovuti a possibili errori di trasposizione, battitura o di stampa.
> Note: This book is meant to be a visual description of the future trends and it is distributed and sold for private consultations only. The contents, such as for example, illustrations, samples, text, etc., are in copyright and cannot be used for any purpose if not expressly authorized by the publisher or by the copyright holder. CENTOPERCENTO TREND refuses whatever liability for the improper employment of the aforesaid artwork. Some origin and identity of the sources behind the reproductions p esented could not be verified. Not part m y be reproduced. We are not responsible for mistakes, misprints and discrepancies in the texts and in the mentioned names, which might be caused by transposition, typing or printing errors.
> Created by Antonella Moro .
> > Thanks to Antonia Gasparini - Fashion Editor • antonia111@virgilio.it • Shots.it > Print: www.tecnograph.it
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 16-3931
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PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 19-1629
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PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 18-3715
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PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
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PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
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PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
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TPX 19-0910
TPX 19-0910
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 16-4109
TPX 16-4109
TPX 16-4109
TPX 16-4109
TPX 16-4109
TPX 16-4109
TPX 16-4109
TPX 16-4109
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TPX 19-1320
TPX 19-1320
TPX 19-1320
TPX 19-1320
TPX 19-1320
TPX 19-1320
TPX 19-1320
TPX 19-1320
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.
TPX 17-1446
TPX 17-1446
TPX 17-1446
TPX 17-1446
TPX 17-1446
TPX 17-1446
TPX 17-1446
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TPX 17-1045
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TPX 17-1045
TPX 17-1045
TPX 17-1045
TPX 17-1045
TPX 17-1045
TPX 17-1045
PANTONE ® and PANTONE Textile Color-System ® are trademarks of PANTONE, Inc., 1984, 2008. The PANTONE Reference Numbers shown herin represent the PANTONE Colors most closely related to the colours displayed. Colour reproduction may not match PANTONE ® - identified textile solid colour standards, refer to current PANTONE Textile Color System Publications for accurate colour standards.