We work with the environment and nature because we want to save our planet for future generations.
— Environmental Organizations (ENGOs) in Central Asia on their work and challenges Interview by Mariia Koltsova During the last two years working on projects connected to environmental issues became one of the priorities to CAG. Climate change has already had a negative impact on the region of Central Asia.
Institute for Sustainable Development Strategy, Anara Alymkulova, Kyrgyzstan Tell us more about the organization? When it was founded and what are the main goals? ‘Institute for Sustainable Development Strategy’ Public Fund was founded in 2011 with a main goal to contribute to sustainable development through the application of innovative and traditional approaches to the solution of environmental, social and economic problems on the local, regional and global levels.
Our focus is on local communities based on participatory approaches and the key principles “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
In the following interviews three representatives of our partner organizations from Central Asia telling us about their experience and thoughts related to the current situation with climate issues in the region.
Our organization has implemented a number of projects aimed at supporting over 200 local initiatives, mostly in mountainous rural areas.