July 31, 2013
Your independent local newspaper
Ph: 4325 7369
Action to acquire Bambara Rd lots to continue
Issue 63
Council will not support coal mine approval submission has been made on behalf of Gosford and Wyong councils in response to the exhibition of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Wallarah 2 Coal Project.
Grandmother Tree in land around Bambara Rd, Kariong (Inset) The lots at Bambara Rd surrounded by National Park
osford Council has agreed to write to the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) in relation to continuing negotiations for the purchase of land at Bambara Rd, Kariong.
Following the recent inclusion of one of the seven land parcels to the Brisbane Water National Park, council will request that the OEH again approach land owners to reopen discussions in an effort to ensure all lots can be secured for inclusion into the national park. Cr Gabby Bowles, who starred the Notice of Motion at council’s meeting of Tuesday, July 16, said the issue had been ongoing for a very long time. “We’ve actually started to hit some home runs and we’ve got some runs on the board now,” said Cr Bowles. Cr Hillary Morris said she wanted to make it known that council was committed to the purchase of the lots.
“The purchase of the lots on Bambara Rd has been a very long drawn out process but I think that it is important to keep negotiations going,” said Cr Morris. From the early 1980s, the properties located at Bambara Rd have been recognised for their potential to be included as part of Brisbane Water National Park, which surrounds the blocks on all sides. The properties contain a number of threatened species, threatened species habitat and significant recognised areas of Aboriginal Heritage. Council has supported the aim of acquiring the blocks for inclusion in Brisbane Water National
Park since 1998. In 2007 and 2008 the COSS Matrix was used to identify public and private land for possible inclusion in the Western extension of COSS. On July 1, 2008, Council decided to include the seven parcels of land along Bambara Rd as part of Western COSS and, in accordance with Council’s resolution, the properties identified for voluntary acquisition were encoded with a 149-certificate message. Since that time council, in partnership with the OEH, have worked to negotiate the voluntary acquisition of the seven lots at Bambara Rd.
Last June, lot 2501 with an area of 18.5 hectares was successfully purchased and has in recent weeks been transferred to become part of Brisbane Water National Park. “While the negotiations for the remaining lots at Bambara Rad have to date been unsuccessful, and though council acknowledges the primary role of the OEH in the negotiating process, I feel it is important for Council to show its continued support for voluntary acquisition of the remaining six lots at Bambara Rd, Kariong,” said Cr Bowles. Kaitlin Watts, 16 Jul 2013 Gosford Council Agenda NM.6, 16 Jul 2013
The councils’ submission does not support approval for the proposal, based on the impacts to groundwater, surface water, flooding, subsidence and potential environmental and planning issues related to the project. The Development Application and EIS for the Wallarah 2 Coal Project was exhibited from Friday, April 26, until Friday, June 21. Member for Dobell Mr Craig Thomson has welcomed Gosford Council’s stand against the approval of the mine. “It is good to see that Gosford Council will not support approval of this coal mine, which threatens the Central Coast’s water supply and public health,” Mr Thomson said. “It is important that our councils stand up against a proposal which seriously threatens the Central Coast’s way of life,” Mr Thomson said. Mr Thomson has a private members bill in Federal Parliament aimed at prohibiting exports of coal from the water catchment area of the Central Coast, effectively stopping the
Wallarah Two or any other coal mine in the area. Formerly a Labor MP, Mr Thomson is now running as an Independent candidate for Dobell in this year’s federal election. Mr Thomson said he has been fighting the coal mine for several years. The mine was an issue at the 2007 and 2010 elections. “Now the mining company, Kores, is out in the community telling people its mine is virtually a rubber stamp away from proceeding. “I have called on both the prime minister and opposition leader to support my private member’s bill which will prevent coal export from our water catchment, effectively stopping the mine.” Mr Thomson said the people of the Central Coast will be able to express their opposition to the mine at the election. Gosford Council Agenda WAT.22, 16 Jul 2013 Media release, 17 Jul 2013 David Gardiner, Office of Craig Thomson MP
Page 2 - July 31, 2013 - Coast Community News
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Gosford LGA emergency services directory
Ambulance, Police, Fire 000 Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Organisations
G-line - Gambling Helpline 1800 633 635 Credit Helpline 1800 808 488 Child Support Agency 13 12 72 Australian Injury Helpline 1800 223 363 Veteran Affairs Network 1300 551 918 Mens Domestic Violence 1800 000 599 Sexual Assault Resource 1800 199 888 Gay and Lesbian Counselling 1800 184 527 Gay and Lesbian Support 1800 249 377 Youth Sexuality Network 4320 2856 Vietnam Veterans 1800 043 503 Victims Support Services 1800 633 063 Translation and Interpreting Service 13 14 50
Aboriginal Legal Service 8842 8000 Community Options 4351 3388 Bungree Aboriginal Association 4351 3388 Mingaletta 4342 7515 Aboriginal Home Care 4352 1153 Drug & Alcohol rehab 4388 6360 Respite Care Options 4351 3388 Eleanor Duncan Aboriginal Health 4351 1040 Darkinjung Local Land Council 4351 2930
Accommodation Dept. of Housing Gosford 4323 5211 Cassie4Youth 4322 3197 Coast Shelter 4324 7239 Pacific Link Com Housing 4324 7617 Rumbalara Youth Refuge 4325 7555 Samaritans Youth Services 4351 1922 Youth Angle • Woy Woy 4341 8830 Youth Accom Hotline 1800 424 830 Temporary Accommodation 1800 152 152
Family and Relationships
Animal Rescue
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Parents Helpline 132 055 Centacare Gosford 4324 6403 Gosford Family Support Service 4340 1099 Horizons (For men with children) 4333 5111 Interrelate - Family Relationships 1300 736 966 Uniting Care Burnside Gosford 1800 067 967
Wildlife Arc 4325 0666 Wires 1300 094 737
Prize winners may be required to pick up their prize from our Gosford office. Entries may be passed on to prize providers for marketing purposes.
Your independent local newspaper, published fortnightly on a Tuesday and focusing on issues specifically affecting post code areas; 2250 - Bucketty, Calga, Central Mangrove, East Gosford, Erina, Erina Fair, Glenworth Valley, Gosford, Greengrove, Holgate, Kariong, Kulnura, Lisarow, Lower Mangrove, Mangrove Creek, Mangrove Mountain, Matcham, Mooney Mooney Creek, Mount White, Narara, Niagara Park, North Gosford, Peats Ridge, Point Clare, Point Frederick, Somersby, Springfield, Tascott, Ten Mile Hollow, Upper Mangrove, Wendoree Park, West Gosford, Wyoming and 2251 - Avoca Beach, Bensville, Bouddi, Copacabana, Davistown, Green Point, Kincumber, MacMasters Beach, Picketts Valley, Saratoga, Yattalunga 2260 - Foresters Beach, North Avoca, Terrigal, Wamberal
Gosford Hospital 4320 2111 Cancer Hotline 131 120 Mental Health info Service 1300 794 991 Sexual Health @ Gosford Hospital 4320 2114 Beyond Blue (Depression) 1300 22 4636
Counselling Mensline - talk with a bloke 1300 789 978 Lifecare Family Services 1300 130 225 Centacare: 4324 6403 Relationship Australia: 1300 364 277 Interrelate: 1800 449 118
Problems, Habits & Addiction G-Line Telephone Counsel 1800 633 635 Gamblers Anonymous 9726 6625 Alcoholics Anonymous 4323 3890 Narcotics Anonymous 4325 0524 Quitline 131 848
Emergency Police Assistance Line 131 444 Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 Woy Woy Police Station 4323 5599 Energy Australia 13 13 88 Gas Emergency 131 909 Gosford City Council 4325 8222 Marine Rescue - Central Coast 4325 7929 SES - Storm and Flood Emergency 132 500
Publisher/Editor: Sub Editor: Cec Bucello Lachlan Snell Journalist: Graphic design: Kaitlin Watts Justin Stanley Assistant Journalist: Laura Bradley
Welfare Services
Crisis Services and Helplines Lifeline - 24 hr. 13 11 14 Suicide Helpline 1800 191 919 Kids Helpline 1800 551 800 Parents Helpline 13 20 55 Indigenous Call Centre 136 380 Family Relationship Advice Line 1800 050 321 Family Drug Support 1300 368 186
Donnison St. Restaurant 4325 3540 Gosford Family Support 4340 1585 Horizons Family Services 4334 3377 Meals on Wheels Gosford 4363 7111 Woy Woy 4341 6699 Department of Community Services Gosford - 4336 2400 The Salvation Army 4325 5733 Samaritans Emergency Relief 4393 2450 St Vincent De Paul Society HELPLINE 4323 6081
Community Access Edition 322
News Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940
Ph: 4325 7369
Grandmother Tree in land around Bambara Rd, Kariong (Inset) The lots at Bambara Rd surrounded by National Park
Woy Woy Oval redevelopment masterplan
Council proceeds with oval masterplan and an area that can be used for events such as markets. Council has allocated $750,000 through the Capital Works Program and $1 million through the Infrastructure Reserve for the demolition and redevelopment of the grandstand. A further $130,000 was allocated through the Capital Works program for the demolition
and redevelopment of the Woy Woy Rugby Clubhouse. To assist the redevelopment, Council has agreed to lodge the relevant development applications and waive all associated council fees to a total of $10,978. Gosford Council Agenda ECO.11, 16 Jul 2013
Council applies sliding scale to festival funding Festivals and community events such as the Brisbane Water Oyster Festival and New Year’s Eve celebrations will be subject to a sliding funding scale from Gosford Council “to encourage a focus on financial sustainability”. Gosford Council adopted the sliding scale funding model at its
last meeting after it heard that there was a “rising volume of events and increased amounts being requested for sponsorship”. “Council also needs to consider that large amounts of funding provided to one event will mean that other events may not be considered, due to limited funding being available,” general manager Mr Paul Anderson stated in a report to the council.
“Local events have a large and generally positive impact upon the local community. “The engagement of local suppliers, provision of temporary employment across a range of industries and an increase in tourism to the area all have a positive flow-on effect. ‘Many also provide cultural, sporting and social benefits to attendees and participants.
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Vol.12 No.6 Issue 63
Council will not support coal mine approval
the ability to host regional sporting events. This involved the relocation of the car park from Oval Ave into the existing car park creating additional parking spaces and timed parking for CBD users. The Oval Ave car park will be transformed into a boulevard space allowing seating for the proposed cafe, a meeting space
Your independent local newspaper
submission has been made on behalf of Gosford and Wyong councils in response to the exhibition of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Wallarah 2 Coal Project.
club house, referees room, sportsground amenities and a commercial area for potential leases. Landscaping features will include moving the playing field across, spectator mounding, shade areas, and retractable fencing. The Masterplan aimed to integrate the facility with the CBD, creating a Woy Woy CBD hub with
ISSN 1839-9045 - Print Post Approved - PP100001843 - Printed by New Age Printing
22 July 2013
Action to acquire Bambara Rd lots to continue
The masterplan focuses on the integration of Woy Woy Oval with the CBD by using a staged development that will incorporate an 800 seat grandstand,
Kate Sinclair
Contributions welcomed Letters to the editor and other contributions are welcomed and should be addressed to: COAST Community News PO Box 1056, Gosford NSW 2250. Contributions should be in Word format sent via email to: mail@gosfordnews.org, on disks or by handwritten letter if these facilities are not available to you. Contributions must Include the date, your name, a ddress and phone numbers. Name and Suburb will be published. Anonymous contributions will not be included. Submissions may be published in edited form.
July 31, 2013
A new masterplan for the Woy Woy Oval Redevelopment has been developed and endorsed by Gosford Council.
Sales Manager: Val Bridge Sales: Peter Smith,
Ph: 4325 7369 Email: editorial@duckscrossing.org Next Edition: Coast Community News 064 Deadline: August 9 Publication date: August 13
also, see the Not for Profit organisations directory inside Peninsula
oast Community News and KitnCaboodle are giving two readers the chance to win a Tubtrug prize pack valued at $76 each.
“Applications that are assessed should take into consideration their positive and proven impact on the local community as sponsorship will be reflective of the Gosford City Council brand.” The revised funding model will form part of council’s sponsorship policy and be appropriately applied to each event. The report stated that this would provide clarity to both
the community groups seeking sponsorship and to council, as part of the assessment process. “It allows Council to create a sustainable source of funding to attract and support new community events within the region.” Gosford Council Agenda GEN.6, 16 Jul 2013
THIS ISSUE contains 69 articles - Read more news items for this issue at www.peninsulanews.info
osford Council has agreed to write to the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) in relation to continuing negotiations for the purchase of land at Bambara Rd, Kariong.
Following the recent inclusion of one of the seven land parcels to the Brisbane Water National Park, council will request that the OEH again approach land owners to reopen discussions in an effort to ensure all lots can be secured for inclusion into the national park. Cr Gabby Bowles, who starred the Notice of Motion at council’s meeting of Tuesday, July 16, said the issue had been ongoing for a very long time. “We’ve actually started to hit some home runs and we’ve got some runs on the board now,” said Cr Bowles. Cr Hillary Morris said she wanted to make it known that council was committed to the purchase of the lots.
“The purchase of the lots on Bambara Rd has been a very long drawn out process but I think that it is important to keep negotiations going,” said Cr Morris. From the early 1980s, the properties located at Bambara Rd have been recognised for their potential to be included as part of Brisbane Water National Park, which surrounds the blocks on all sides. The properties contain a number of threatened species, threatened species habitat and significant recognised areas of Aboriginal Heritage. Council has supported the aim of acquiring the blocks for inclusion in Brisbane Water National
Park since 1998. In 2007 and 2008 the COSS Matrix was used to identify public and private land for possible inclusion in the Western extension of COSS. On July 1, 2008, Council decided to include the seven parcels of land along Bambara Rd as part of Western COSS and, in accordance with Council’s resolution, the properties identified for voluntary acquisition were encoded with a 149-certificate message. Since that time council, in partnership with the OEH, have worked to negotiate the voluntary acquisition of the seven lots at Bambara Rd.
Last June, lot 2501 with an area of 18.5 hectares was successfully purchased and has in recent weeks been transferred to become part of Brisbane Water National Park. “While the negotiations for the remaining lots at Bambara Rad have to date been unsuccessful, and though council acknowledges the primary role of the OEH in the negotiating process, I feel it is important for Council to show its continued support for voluntary acquisition of the remaining six lots at Bambara Rd, Kariong,” said Cr Bowles. Kaitlin Watts, 16 Jul 2013 Gosford Council Agenda NM.6, 16 Jul 2013
The councils’ submission does not support approval for the proposal, based on the impacts to groundwater, surface water, flooding, subsidence and potential environmental and planning issues related to the project. The Development Application and EIS for the Wallarah 2 Coal Project was exhibited from Friday, April 26, until Friday, June 21. Member for Dobell Mr Craig Thomson has welcomed Gosford Council’s stand against the approval of the mine. “It is good to see that Gosford Council will not support approval of this coal mine, which threatens the Central Coast’s water supply and public health,” Mr Thomson said. “It is important that our councils stand up against a proposal which seriously threatens the Central Coast’s way of life,” Mr Thomson said. Mr Thomson has a private members bill in Federal Parliament aimed at prohibiting exports of coal from the water catchment area of the Central Coast, effectively stopping the
Wallarah Two or any other coal mine in the area. Formerly a Labor MP, Mr Thomson is now running as an Independent candidate for Dobell in this year’s federal election. Mr Thomson said he has been fighting the coal mine for several years. The mine was an issue at the 2007 and 2010 elections. “Now the mining company, Kores, is out in the community telling people its mine is virtually a rubber stamp away from proceeding. “I have called on both the prime minister and opposition leader to support my private member’s bill which will prevent coal export from our water catchment, effectively stopping the mine.” Mr Thomson said the people of the Central Coast will be able to express their opposition to the mine at the election. Gosford Council Agenda WAT.22, 16 Jul 2013 Media release, 17 Jul 2013 David Gardiner, Office of Craig Thomson MP
Your independent community newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369
July 18, 2013
Issue 25
Education Precinct Preliminary Project Plan endorsed yong Council is planning to create a vibrant education, industry and business precinct at Warnervale, capable of providing university-level courses to 7,000 students and 1,500 education sector jobs.
The initiative has taken its first step towards becoming reality, with council endorsing a Preliminary Project Plan which will develop a masterplan for the Council-owned land at Warnervale. “This is a unique opportunity for council and the community,” Wyong mayor Cr Doug Eaton said. Cr Eaton also said the initiative would benefit the young people of the Central Coast and create a huge boost for local employment and business. According to Cr Greg Best, the initiative would particularly benefit those who have to leave the Central Coast because their chosen disciplines of tertiary study are not available in the region. “We are not going to be an exporter of commuters,” Cr Best said. “One day, we are going to be an importer of employers.” Council has drawn on
successful international education-focused development, such as Education City in SouthEast Queensland and the Education City in Qatar, and envisions creating a regionally significant integrated development. Key components of
the development would include a university campus for 7,000 students with an emphasis on science, engineering and technology based studies, a residential college for 1,500 students and retail, sport and recreation and language facilities for
students. It would also see the co-alignment of education with training providers and businessindustry groups, as well as the establishment of a business/industrial park which would integrate with the university campus and explore linkages for employment generation and research and development.
It is envisaged the development would employ 1,500 staff plus support services and retail providers. On a recent delegation to China, Cr Eaton visited the largest university city in the world in Wuhan, home to multiple university campuses and a total student population of over one million. “It was incredible to
see how this satellite city is thriving with the energy of all those students and how this flows on to stimulate the local economy,” Cr Eaton said. “The spin offs extend to the tourism sector, with increased visits from the families of students and prospective students and university-based events.” The initial driver for investment in the proposed Warnervale precinct will focus on securing a university to anchor the development and attract complementary service providers and businesses. “On this front, we are already looking good with council having already received an expression of interest from a reputable international investor, which I think demonstrates that this is a viable project,” Cr Eaton said. “I’m very optimistic that we have the right conditions to transform higher education on the Central Coast.” An economic feasibility study will be completed by September 2013. Media release, 11 Jul 2013, Wyong Shire Council
University city in Wuhan China, a model for the proposed Warnervale university
The Central Coast
July 11, 2013
Your independent local sports newspaper - 4325 7369
Issue 058
Official reception for Socceroos
on the Coast Edition 11
antas Socceroos head coach Holger Osieck held a training camp in Gosford and Tuggerah from Monday, July 1, to Friday, July 5, which included Central Coast Mariners’ Joshua Rose, Mitchell Duke and Trent Sainsbury.
The training camp was part of the Qantas Socceroos preparation for the upcoming EAFF East Asian Cup 2013 in Seoul. It was the first of three camps in Australia to be held in the lead up to the East Asian Cup. The Cup will take place in the Korean Republic from July 20 to 28. At a reception held by Gosford Council, Minister for Sport Senator Don Farrell and Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill congratulated the players on their World Cup qualification.
“The next eighteen months represents a very exciting time for football in Australia,” said Mr Farrell. “With Australia qualifying for its third successive World Cup, an outstanding achievement in itself, and
Australia hosting the Asian Football Confederation Asian Cup in 2015, there is a lot for football fans to be excited about. “Focusing on the current challenge of the East Asian Cup, I’m sure the head
Athletics NSW Gosford Council media
eorgia Wassall of Wamberal has received a $1,000 sponsorship from the Developing and Recognising Talent (DART) program to attend the IAAF World Youth Athletic
Championships which will be held in the Ukraine from July 10 to 14. Georgia, 17, broke the NSW U18 and U20 800 metre records in February this year to qualify for the World Youth Championships. The qualifying win also
saw her become the second fastest U18 Australian runner ever, and number 10 in the U20s list. The record was previously set 44 years ago by Cheryl Peasley, who went on to win a Commonwealth Games medal and become an Olympian.
coach, Holger Osieck has the team primed to impress as they did at the recent World Cup qualification matches. “I wish the team the best of luck when they head to South Korea for the East
Asian Cup later this month.” Ms O’Neill said she was delighted that the facilities on the Central Coast had been chosen for the training camp. “Having members of the Socceroos squad training
here is exciting for the local community, and I can see the positive influence on our local young sporting stars – inspired to work hard so that they may have similar opportunities in the future,” Ms O’Neill said.
The annual awards program, initiated by PRIME7 and the Commonwealth Bank, provides an opportunity for communities to showcase their events and festivals and be recognized state-wide. Chrome Fest is a three day event held in October at The Entrance which pays tribute to American classic cars, hot rods, low-rider bicycles, rock and roll and rockabilly of the 1950s and 60s. Since its establishment in 2009, Chrome Fest has grown in popularity. Last year was its most popular year with over
600 cars on display and over 50,000 people in attendance. It is estimated that Chrome Fest injected over $8.5 million last year into the local community, with strong support from local community groups and organizations. This year, the Chrome Fest Committee hopes to increase attendance at the festival, as well as the number of cars to 800 and to spread the event over five days. With new attractions, including a drive-in cinema and more dance, makeup and hair competitions, the committee hope to bring the 60s back to the Coast once more. The winner of this year’s Events and Tourism Award will win TV advertising exposure courtesy of PRIME7. Winners will be announced at a Gala Presentation held at the Newcastle Leagues Club on Saturday, October 26.
Duke and Sainsbury selected for Socceroos’ training camp Football Federation Australia
wo Central Coast Mariners players were selected to participate in a Socceroos training camp in Sydney which began on Monday, July 8, and will continue until
Friday, July 12. The camp is part of the Socceroos’ preparations for the upcoming EAFF East Asian Cup 2013 which will be played in the Korea Republic from July 20 to 28. Mitchell Duke and Trent Sainsbury were two
of 20 players selected to participate in the training camp, which was the last chance for players to impress head coach Holger Osieck before the final Socceroos squad for the EAFF East Asian Cup 2013 is named on Friday, July 12.
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July 11, 2013
Erika Hanratty, NSW-ACT Regional Achievement and Community Awards
entral Coast event, Chrome Fest, has been nominated in the Specialty Press Events and Tourism Award Category for the 2013 NSW-ACT Regional Achievement and Community Awards to be announced on Saturday, October 26.
Georgia Wassall off to World Athletic Championships
Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940
Chrome Fest nominated for tourism award
Football Federation Australia Richard Mehrtens, Office of Deborah O’Neill MP
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Office: 120c Erina Street, Gosford - Phone: 4325 7369 Fax: 4321 0940 - Mail: PO Box 1056, Gosford 2250 - E-mail: editorial@duckscrossing.org - Website: www.duckscrossing.org
Coast Community News - July 31, 2013 - Page 3
$18 million interest subsidy for sewerage system osford’s sewerage system will receive an $18 million revamp courtesy of an interest subsidy from the NSW Government in round two of the Local Infrastructure Renewal Scheme.
The plan was announced by Member for Gosford Mr Chris Holstein on Monday, July 29. The $100 million Local Infrastructure Renewal Scheme (LIRS) provides interest subsidies to assist councils to help meet the cost of financing their infrastructure backlogs. Under round two of the scheme, subsidies will be provided to 57 vitally important infrastructure projects across 49 NSW councils, unlocking nearly $300 million worth of infrastructure at a cost to the NSW budget of under $30 million. “I am delighted that Gosford was among the successful applicants in round two, and the sewerage system project can now go ahead,” Mr Holstein said. “The project will reduce the risk of sewerage overflows and treatment
failures, thereby reducing the associated risks to public health and the environment.” The total cost of the project is $18,069,790, all of which Gosford Council will borrow under round two of the LRIS at the current 3% subsidised interest rate. The Minister for Local Government Mr Don Page said: “The NSW Liberals and Nationals Government is committed to addressing infrastructure backlogs across NSW and to building the infrastructure that makes a difference to both our economy and to people’s lives. “This is a promise kept that will create jobs not just in Gosford but across the State while creating or repairing long neglected infrastructure.” Gosford Mayor Cr Lawrie McKinna said:
“I am delighted that the State Government has granted the $18 million LIRS funding, which will allow this major infrastructure project to proceed.” Round two of LIRS received 60 applications, which were assessed in accordance with the LIRS funding criteria by an independent assessment panel, comprising an Independent chair and representatives from the Division of Local Government, NSW Treasury and the Department of Planning and Infrastructure. Applications for round three of the LIRS assistance subsidies will open later this year. Media Release, 29 Jul 2013 Richard Keogh, Office of Chris Holstein MP
Gosford Council mayor Cr Lawrie McKinna, Member for Gosford Mr Chris Holstein and Gosford Council general manager Mr Paul Anderson
Authorized under NSW Permit No LTPS-13-04200
171 Mann Street, Gosford Ph 4324 4299 w w w. i m p e r i a l s h o p p i n g c e n t r e . c o m . a u
Page 4 - July 31, 2013 - Coast Community News
Pat Marsh appointed as International Fleet Review chief liaison officer
Leave your own personal mark on the future osford Council has established three trusts to assist local citizens, businesses and organisations to leave their own personal mark on the future of the community.
Businesses and local citizens are now able to donate or transfer items such as real estate or funds to three different trusts, managed by a board of community representatives and the general manager and mayor of Gosford. The Gosford Foundation Trust encourages and facilitates benevolent acts by those wishing to donate real estate, art or funds for public use. The Trust is designed to totally finance or subsidise recreational, cultural, environmental and other community facilities, programs and projects which benefit the Gosford neighbourhood. The Gosford Protection of the Environment Trust was established to
promote the protection and enhancement of the natural environment, particularly the conservation of flora and fauna indigenous to the Gosford LGA. Contributions and gifts to the trust can be used for the acquisition, maintenance, preservation, enhancement or embellishment of land. The Gosford Housing Trust provides an opportunity to collect funds and housing stock. The need for affordable housing has been identified in both council’s Affordable Housing Strategy and the Residential Strategy which provides a framework for how council can address the needs of its residents through the provision of a mix of housing that is affordable, appropriate and
sustainable. Gosford Council’s director of corporate services Mr Nic Pasternatsky said that through their generous donations, individuals and organisations will be eligible for tax deductions. “These three options provide a great avenue for local citizens and organisations to give something back to their community while also being eligible for tax deductions,” Mr Pasternatsky said. “This fantastic contribution to Gosford City can be tailored to any interest through each of these individual trusts.” Media Release, 17 July 2013 Gosford Council Media
Firearms stolen from property iagara Park resident Patrick Marsh OAM has been appointed as the chief liaison officer for all visiting Tall Ships arriving in Sydney on October 3 for the International Fleet Review.
Mr Marsh, who is also the president and commodore of the NSW Sail Training Association, will be assisted by vice commodore Jim McDonald and volunteer ship liaison officers who will be attached to each visiting ship. Mr Marsh has had a long involvement in sail training
and has sailed ships, yachts and tall ships in various parts of the world over a 45 year career at sea. He served 24 years in the Royal Australian Navy and during that time commanded various RAN support craft. Patrick was awarded the Medal of the Order
4 for $20
of Australia and the Centennial Medal for event management for the Navy and the Australian Navy Cadets.
2 $80
Media Release, 24 July 2013 Patrick Marsh, NSW Sail Training Association
olice are investigating the theft of four firearms from a Gosford property on Tuesday, July 23.
Between 5pm and 8:30pm, entry was forced into a unit on John Whiteway Dr. Four rifles and several boxes of ammunition were stolen from the locked safe in the storage room of the property, as a result of the incident.
Police attached to Brisbane Water Local Area Command were contacted and have since launched an investigation. Officers are continuing to pursue a number of lines of enquiry and specialist forensic officers also examined the property on
2 $28
3499 ea
Media Release, 25 Jul 2013 NSW Police Media
2 $26
Thursday, July 25. Police are appealing for anyone with information about the incident to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
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Coast Community News - July 31, 2013 - Page 5
Temporary sewer main New projects selected for across Terrigal Lagoon funding application osford Council commenced work on the installation of a temporary sewer main across Terrigal Lagoon on Tuesday, July 30, as part of its plan to upgrade ageing infrastructure.
The new 355mm diameter polyethylene pipe will temporarily replace one of two sewer mains currently installed in the area. Council’s senior project delivery engineer Mr Mark Losurdo said the temporary pipe was being installed to minimise any environmental impacts to the lagoon area, until a permanent replacement could be installed. “Due to the age of the
current infrastructure, one of the existing mains is no longer functioning to its optimum capacity,” Mr Losurdo said. “As such, we are installing a temporary replacement to help protect the lagoon and mitigate the risk of further deterioration of the main. “The process for the installation of a new permanent pipe may take some time and this is an ideal interim solution to
minimise the risk of any environmental impacts in the meantime.” Other upgrade works to council’s water and sewerage services in the area include the refurbishment of the Bundara Rd pump station and the Coastal Carrier System Upgrade between Terrigal and Kincumber. Media Release, 29 Jul 2013 Gosford Council Media
ollowing Gosford Council’s recent disappointment in missing out on round four Regional Development Australia (RDA) funding, it has endorsed a range of new projects for application to the fifth round of this funding program.
Projects include; modifications to selected Gosford public wharves, the Legge Place shared pathway in Erina, Umina Oval sportsground upgrade and the upgrade of Cambourne Dr playground in Lisarow. The total cost of the projects would be $999,600
Tender accepted for sewage upgrade
osford Council has accepted a tender from Codmah Pty Ltd for the replacement of the sewer rising main on Empire Bay Dr in South Kincumber.
The rising main which services three significant sewage pumping stations has failed on three occasions recently. These failures have resulted in sewage discharges within the Broadwater vicinity of South Kincumber.
According to the report to Gosford Council by director of water and sewer Mr Rod Williams, the mains removed during the repair process were severely corroded and the thickness of the ductile iron pipe remaining is less than 2mm in most sections, particularly at
the crown of the main. Investigations into the replacement of this section of the main indicated the best option was the installation of 220m of 500mm OD high density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe by directional drilling method.
The report by Mr Williams stated that this proposed option would minimise disruption to traffic and would have the least impact on the environment. The construction period is up to seven weeks and the work is scheduled to commence in August this year. Gosford Council Agenda WAT.20, 16 Jul 2013
with $668,464 requested in RDA funding. The Regional Development Australia Fund (RDAF) is a national infrastructure grants program supporting Australia’s regions and enhancing their wellbeing and economic development. Funding is provided for capital infrastructure projects, including the construction of new infrastructure and the refurbishment or renovation of existing infrastructure. Round five will allocate $150 million between all eligible local governments, according to an allocative model, for capital infrastructure projects. Eligible governments are those that received the General Purpose Funding component of the local government Financial Assistance Grants (FAGS) in
2012-13. Funding will be allocated among States and Territories on a per capita basis. A base grant of $30,000 will apply for all eligible local governments with the remaining funding being determined by each State and Territory Local Government Grants Commission. Eligible local governments are expected to make contributions to projects in the form of cash or in-kind contributions. Gosford Council has been deemed eligible for the Regional Development Australia Round Five funding program and apportioned an amount of $668,464. Gosford Council Agenda COR.65, 16 Jul 2013
Kevin Rudd & Deb O’Neill.
Bad for jobs. $1.8 Billion Bi B tax hit on n car c industry
Record debt and deficit
Carbon and mining taxes
Kevin Rudd Rud dd and Labor launched a $1.8 Billion tax assault on n tthe car sector – with zero cons sult consultation. This resulted in immed iat job losses and immediate will make e it harder for everyday Australian ns to buy cars. Australians
Kevin Rudd’s Labor Government has racked up the highest debt in our nation’s history. Interest payments alone are more than $8 Billion a year – resulting in job losses and less money for hospitals and education.
Kevin Rudd and Deb O’Neill voted for the world’s biggest carbon tax. The carbon tax continues to drive up everyday prices and cost jobs across dozens of industries. They also supported a new mining tax – even after warnings over job losses.
Imagine 3 more years of Labor failure. Authorised by Mark Neeham, Unit 8, 482 Pacific Highway, Wyoming NSW 2250.
Page 6 - July 31, 2013 - Coast Community News
Thirty applicants receive Council development grants osford Council has allocated Community and Cultural Development Grants to 30 local community organisations.
The aim of the grants is to provide financial assistance to local community projects that enhance the quality of people living and working in Gosford, allow the community to identify and utilize the talents, skills and assets that exist in the community and encourage
partnerships between community groups and local government. Fifty-eight applications were received between March 4 and April 19 requesting $409,637.85 in funding. The applications were assessed on May 28 against
eligibility criteria in line with Gosford City Council’s Community and Cultural Development Grants Policy. Thirty applicants were successful with a grants total of $183,293. Gosford Council Agenda ECO.12 16 Jul 2013
Organisation Name
Project Name
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New model for community event sponsorship adopted
osford Council has adopted a sliding scale funding model for all successful sponsorship applicants to assist community events in becoming sustainable.
Gosford Council has provided numerous events with various levels of sponsorship in the past, consisting of both financial and in-kind support such as the New Year’s Eve Festival, Australian Springtime Flora Festival, Brisbane Water Oyster Festival and Central Coast Kid’s Day Out. According to the report to council by general manager Mr Paul Anderson, in order to ensure that the events council supports continue to be successful, council needs to work with event organisers to encourage a focus on financial sustainability. “Council also needs to consider that large amounts of funding provided to
one event will mean that other events may not be considered, due to limited funding being available,” states the report. “Local events have a large and generally positive impact upon the local community. “The engagement of local suppliers, provision of temporary employment across a range of industries and an increase in tourism to the area all have a positive flow on effect. ‘Many also provide cultural, sporting and social benefits to attendees and participants. “Applications that are assessed should take into consideration their positive and proven impact
on the local community as sponsorship will be reflective of the Gosford City Council brand.” The revised funding model would form part of council’s sponsorship policy and be appropriately allocated to each event. “This would provide clarity to both the community groups seeking sponsorship and to council, as part of the assessment process,” states the report. “It allows Council to create a sustainable source of funding to attract and support new community events within the region.” Gosford Council Agenda GEN.6, 16 Jul 2013
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WINTER SALE INSTEP FOOTWEAR Hush Puppie Tessa - Charcoal Was $169.95
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Coast Community News - July 31, 2013 - Page 7
Deborah O’Neill MP Member for Robertson
Delivering for the Coast
Delivering the NBN for the Coast
OUR INTERNET NEEDS ARE INCREASING, SO ALL COASTIES DESERVE ACCESS TO THE NBN. Labor is connecting houses to the NBN for free because we believe everyone should have access to superfast broadband and the benefits it will bring. By the time today’s year 7 students finish high school their household’s internet needs will have increased six-fold — we need the NBN to meet our needs, now and into the future. The Coalition’s out-dated copper wire network won’t meet our needs by the time it is completed, let alone in the years to come. Households and businesses need access to NBN fibre and only Labor’s NBN will deliver this.
Deborah O’Neill Authorised by Deborah O’Neill 91 Mann Street, Gosford
If I can assist you with any Federal Government matter, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
91 Mann Street, Gosford NSW 2250 Phone: 4322 1922 Fax: 4322 2066
PO Box 577 Gosford NSW 2250 Email: Deborah.O’Neill.MP@aph.gov.au
Page 8 - July 31, 2013 - Coast Community News
Marine Rescue in meeting Council supports to seek assistance constitutional amendment osford Council officers will meet with members of the Central Coast Marine Rescue Unit to discuss environmental and funding issues that impact the service’s operations, following a decision at a council meeting held on Tuesday, July 16.
Council will also consider various ways it can support this service by investigating how it can assist with issues around the service base in Goodaywang Reserve, Point Clare, and look at how the two organisations can work together moving forward. Cr Vicki Scott, who starred the Notice of Motion at the meeting, said the Central Coast Marine Rescue Unit offer a “terrific service” and is “doing a great job”. Members of the unit, all volunteers, carry out rescue work or other
community services relating to the safety of the boating community. They are also required to raise funds for the unit, given that the Central Coast Unit receives no regular funding from a government body. It does this by regular fundraising activities such as raffles, and also by conducting education courses for boat users. The unit has two marine radio bases which are maintained and operated seven days per week by the volunteers. It also has two search
and rescue vessels and other vessels appropriate for crew training. Central Coast Marine Rescue Unit public relations officer Mr Ron Cole spoke at the meeting and said 133 rescues were performed last year and 79 had been performed to date this year. He also said that the unit was required to fund 80% of running costs and boat costs when they needed to be replaced. Kaitlin Watts, 16 Jul 2013 Gosford Council Agenda NM.7, 16 Jul 2013
Activities for Local Government Week osford Council is in support of a Local Government NSW campaign to encourage residents to vote YES in the Constitutional Referendum being held later this year, according to Gosford Council general manager Mr Paul Anderson.
“We are encouraging residents to vote yes so that we can continue to receive direct Federal funding for important projects and infrastructure work across our Local Government Area,” said Mr Anderson. “When our Constitution was written more than a century ago, there was no mention of local government, but because of two recent High Court rulings, there is now a threat to the way many local government projects are currently funded. “This referendum is an important milestone
in updating Australia’s Constitution to reflect the role of local councils today – rather than 1901- and the vital services we deliver. “Over the last few years, Gosford City Council has secured Federal funding for a number of important local projects, including $3.1 million under the Federal Government’s Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program for the Peninsula Recreation Precinct at Umina Beach and $2.5 million from the Regional Development Australia Fund for the Narara Valley Sporting Precinct.
“Projects such as these would be at risk if the referendum does not get passed. “It’s important that all residents get the facts and cast their vote to support their local community at the ballet box. “Gosford Council is happy to support efforts to enable direct funding for vital community projects to continue,” said Mr Anderson. Media statement, 21 Jul 2013 Paul Anderson, Gosford Council
osford Council is celebrating NSW Local Government Week 2013 by holding a range of programs and activities and is encouraging local residents to get involved.
Held from Monday, July 29, to Sunday, August 4, Local Government Week is an opportunity to recognise the important work councils do in their local communities by involving residents in fun, educational and interactive events, showcasing the breadth and diversity of their many services. Gosford mayor Cr Lawrie McKinna said this year Local Government Week was especially important. “This year Local Government Week is all the more important given the referendum to financially recognise
Local Government in the Australian Constitution being held on 14 September. “We are asking all Gosford residents to vote ‘Yes’ in this referendum to ensure the Australian Government can continue to provide direct funding to councils, which are used to improve local roads and other vital infrastructure projects. “In Gosford City, projects including the Peninsula Recreation Precinct and the Mardi-Mangrove Link were made possible due to funding provided by the Federal Government.
“Without this funding, valuable community assets such as these ones wouldn’t exist,” said mayor Cr McKinna. Gosford City Local Government Week events include song writing, drama, dance, DJ and sports programs, a waste education storytime campaign, a Green Living bus tour and performances at Laycock St Community Theatre and Woy Woy Little Theatre. Media release, 24 Jul 2013 Gosford Council media
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Coast Community News - July 31, 2013 - Page 9
Free marine and environmental science forum in Terrigal he University of Newcastle and Central Coast Marine Discovery Centre (CCMDC) will host a Marine and Environmental Science Forum for students and teachers on Tuesday, September 10, at the Central Coast Marine Discovery Centre in Terrigal.
Lecturers and research students from the University of Newcastle, Central Coast campus, will hold talks at the event about what it means to be a marine or environmental scientist, some of the research that students and academics are conducting on the Central Coast and how to pursue a
career in the field. The forum is ideally suited to science teachers and students from Years 9 to 12 who are studying biology, chemistry, marine and general science. Two sessions will be held between 1:30pm and 3pm and 4pm and 5:30pm. The forum is free but
numbers are limited. Bookings are essential and can be obtained by emailing admin@ccmdc. org.au. Newsletter, 28 Jul 2013 Central Coast Community Environment Network
Almost $50,000 raised for Ronald McDonald House cDonald’s Restaurants from across the Central Coast rallied together on Friday, July 26, at the Reef Restaurant in Terrigal to host their annual fundraising dinner for the Ronald McDonald House Charities.
Locals and business owners generously donated almost $50,000 on the night for Ronald McDonald House, which runs the new Family Room at Gosford Hospital. “Having a sick child or family member is such a difficult time for families,” McDonald’s Central Coast licensee Mr Ron Mussalli said. “This event aims to support those families who have been dealt the unfortunate card and raise much needed funds for the Gosford Hospital Family Room. “Much of the success of the night has to go to
our exceptional auctioneer, Tim Andrews, PrincipalLicensee of LJ Hooker Terrigal. “Thanks to the generosity of everyone associated with this event, The Ronald McDonald Family Room at Gosford Hospital will be able to continue offering its support in making the journey to recovery as easy as possible for families,” Mr Mussalli said. Along with a live auction and raffle, guests also had the opportunity to purchase a brick for $1,000 to be displayed on the wall inside the family room with the plaque identifying the contributor or family.
“We are indebted to those who have given so generously to the Ronald McDonald House Charities and recognise that without this outpouring of support, services such as the Gosford Hospital Family Room would not be able to continue their fantastic work,” Mr Mussalli said. For those wishing to further contribute to the Family Room at Gosford Hospital, bricks can still be purchased by contacting Nerissa Magee on 4324 6962 or nmagee@ brilliantlogic.com.au. Media Release, 29 Jul 2013 Nerissa Magee, Brilliant Logic
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22 July 2013
An artist’s impression of the proposed Woy Woy Oval grandstand and amenities
Council may expand oval redevelopment Gosford Council staff are investigating the possibility of expanding the proposed Woy Woy Oval Redevelopment Masterplan. The issue was deferred at Council’s ordinary meeting of Tuesday, July 2, for two weeks to give council staff time for their investigation. Cr Gabby Bowles said there was a canteen and amenities block on the eastern side of the ground that
is currently being used by Woy Woy Football Club and Woy Woy Cricket Club. Cr Bowles asked council officers to look into opportunities to incorporate an upgrade of this facility with the plans to replace the dilapidated referees’ facilities. Cr Bowles said this would see a “better multi-use facility that could accommodate more codes”. Through the Woy Woy Oval Redevelopment Masterplan, the staged development aims to provide
an 800-seat grandstand, change rooms, referees’ room, first aid room, media box and kiosks. If adopted, it would also have a barbecue area, club house, storage areas, sportsground amenities, scoreboard and a commercial area for potential leases. Landscaping features would include spectator mounding, shade areas and retractable fencing. A major focus of the Masterplan is the integration of the facility with the CBD and creating a Woy Woy CBD
hub with the ability to host regional sporting events. This would involve the relocation of the car park from Oval Ave into the existing car park which would create additional parking spaces and timed parking for CBD users. The Oval Ave car park would be transformed into a boulevard space allowing seating for the proposed cafe, a meeting space and an area that can be used for events such as markets. Council has allocated $750,000
through the Capital Works Program and $1 million through the Infrastructure Reserve for the demolition and redevelopment of the grandstand. A further $130,000 was allocated through the Capital Works program for the demolition and redevelopment of the Woy Woy Rugby Clubhouse. Gosford Council Agenda ECO.11, 2 Jul 2013
Woy Woy Oval redevelopment masterplan
Council proceeds with oval masterplan A new masterplan for the Woy Woy Oval Redevelopment has been developed and endorsed by Gosford Council. The masterplan focuses on the integration of Woy Woy Oval with the CBD by using a staged development that will incorporate an 800 seat grandstand,
club house, referees room, sportsground amenities and a commercial area for potential leases. Landscaping features will include moving the playing field across, spectator mounding, shade areas, and retractable fencing. The Masterplan aimed to integrate the facility with the CBD, creating a Woy Woy CBD hub with
the ability to host regional sporting events. This involved the relocation of the car park from Oval Ave into the existing car park creating additional parking spaces and timed parking for CBD users. The Oval Ave car park will be transformed into a boulevard space allowing seating for the proposed cafe, a meeting space
and an area that can be used for events such as markets. Council has allocated $750,000 through the Capital Works Program and $1 million through the Infrastructure Reserve for the demolition and redevelopment of the grandstand. A further $130,000 was allocated through the Capital Works program for the demolition
and redevelopment of the Woy Woy Rugby Clubhouse. To assist the redevelopment, Council has agreed to lodge the relevant development applications and waive all associated council fees to a total of $10,978. Gosford Council Agenda ECO.11, 16 Jul 2013
Council applies sliding scale to festival funding Festivals and community events such as the Brisbane Water Oyster Festival and New Year’s Eve celebrations will be subject to a sliding funding scale from Gosford Council “to encourage a focus on financial sustainability”. Woy Woy Oval grandstand as it stands todsy
Photo: Naomi Bridges Photography
THIS ISSUE contains 58 articles - Read more news items for this issue at www.peninsulanews.info
Gosford Council adopted the sliding scale funding model at its
last meeting after it heard that there was a “rising volume of events and increased amounts being requested for sponsorship”. “Council also needs to consider that large amounts of funding provided to one event will mean that other events may not be considered, due to limited funding being available,” general manager Mr Paul Anderson stated in a report to the council.
“Local events have a large and generally positive impact upon the local community. “The engagement of local suppliers, provision of temporary employment across a range of industries and an increase in tourism to the area all have a positive flow-on effect. ‘Many also provide cultural, sporting and social benefits to attendees and participants.
“Applications that are assessed should take into consideration their positive and proven impact on the local community as sponsorship will be reflective of the Gosford City Council brand.” The revised funding model will form part of council’s sponsorship policy and be appropriately applied to each event. The report stated that this would provide clarity to both
the community groups seeking sponsorship and to council, as part of the assessment process. “It allows Council to create a sustainable source of funding to attract and support new community events within the region.” Gosford Council Agenda GEN.6, 16 Jul 2013
CATHOLICS RETURNING HOME PROGRAMME @ ST PATRICK’S PARISH, 76 YORK STREET EAST GOSFORD Are you a Catholic who now feels apart from your Church? Would you like to know more about today’s Church? Would you like to feel at home in the Church again? No matter how long you have been away or for whatever reason, you are most welcome and we invite you to renew your relationship with the Catholic Church.
Please join us for an information evening on Monday August 12, at 7.30pm at the Jordan Room, adjacent to the church building. For further information contact Neil Murphy on 4325 0416.
THIS ISSUE contains 69 articles - Read more news items for this issue at www.peninsulanews.info
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Little Blues Festival to move to a new venue
he Mangrove Mountain Memorial and Golf Club held its final Little Blues Festival on Sunday, July 28.
The festival is a community event which has been run by volunteers since 2008, and provided a platform for over 100 local blues artists, presented 98 concerts and attracted over 6,000 fans to Central Coast venues during that time. Local singer songwriter Kerrie Garside, a regular performer at the Little Blues Festival at Toukley and Mangrove Mountain headlined on the day. Kerrie has released her own original CD, ‘Starting Over’, and has struck up a following on YouTube. “The Little Blues Festivals have helped me gain new audiences and fans, plus provided the opportunity to play original music. “This is a bonus,” she said. Guitarist Brent Murphy supported Ms Garside, along with local jazz player Rodric White on keyboard. Local blues-funk house band Wailin’ House provided support to Kerrie Garside. A new venue for the Little Blues Festival will be announced shortly. “We like to hold the event at a venue and location which best benefits the community,” said organiser Ms Julia Starr.
Kerrie Tanglewood
“It has gained a reputation as a great show to attend.”
Media Release, 12 July 2013 Julia Starr, Little Blues Festival
Bedding collection for refuge entral Coast A d v e n t i s t School is conducting a bedding and bath towels collection on behalf of Kara’s women and children refuge until Friday, August 2.
Single sized sheets, blankets, doona covers, pillow cases, mattress protectors and bath towels are sought for donation. Newsletter, 25 July 2013 Dean Bennetts, Central Coast Adventist School
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Page 10 - July 31, 2013 - Coast Community News
Kibbleplex to be resubmitted for Federal funding
Rhythm Hut opens its new home
he Rhythm Hut began a new term on Monday, July 29, at its brand new location in Faunce St, Gosford.
“The new Rhythm Hut is bigger, better, and more functional as a community space,” said The Rhythm Hut marketing manager Ms Erina Brooks. The Hut continues to provide drumming classes, family friendly concerts, open mics, and student performances. “It’s a very exciting venture for everyone involved,” said Ms Brooks.
Term three will bring the return of weekly djembe and taiko classes as well as a teens class and taiko fitness. Djembe is a hand drum, originating from West Africa. “This sort of drumming is great for helping your coordination and getting your brain working in a different sort of way,” said Ms Brooks. “It gets your synapses
firing on all cylinders. “Taiko are Japanese festival drums, which are played with sticks called baci. “This very physical style drumming is similar in looks to some martial arts, which makes for quite a show and a great workout,” she said. Media release, 18 Jul 2013 Erin Brooks, The Rhythm Hut
Gosford has become A Tad Trendy Federal Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill joined Gosford Council general manager Mr Paul Anderson and senior academic Dr Anton Kriz
n application for funding for the Kibbleplex project will be submitted under Round 5b of the development Australia Fund (RDAF) after it was unsuccessful in round four.
Federal Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill joined Gosford Council general manager Mr Paul Anderson and senior academic Dr Anton Kriz at the future home of Kibbleplex on Thursday, July 18, to discuss the funding opportunities for the project. Round 5b is open only to projects that have been submitted to RDAF in previous rounds. “With RDAF Round 5b, there is still life in the local bid for Federal Government funding for Kibbleplex,” Ms O’Neill said. “The NBN has breathed a new life into Gosford with more than 50 jobs already coming into the CBD. “Kibbleplex has the chance of cementing that growth and to provide a new and vibrant platform from which businesses and educational institutions
will launch and grow,” Ms O’Neill said. While on a tour of the facility, Mr Paul Anderson said he was pleased that Federal investment in Kibbleplex remained a live possibility in the new RDAF round. “We have a new Council and now we have a great opportunity to show that Gosford is open for business. “With the NBN already rolling out, securing funding for Kibbleplex will show that Gosford truly is a Gigabit City,” Mr Anderson said. Senior lecturer at the University of Newcastle Central Coast Campus Dr Anton Kriz highlighted the benefits that having an educational presence in Gosford would bring. “A university and further education hub right in the CBD will encourage a new wave of innovation and
growth for Gosford. “Having a dedicated higher learning space alongside the Regional Library, and innovative business space, means that we will see new opportunities for Gosford. “We are on track for an explosion of the high paying e-economy jobs that the Coast needs,” Dr Kriz said. “I am committed to ensuring that the Coast gets our fair share. “I will always be a passionate advocate for projects that are good for the Coast. “I am happy that we have the continued support of Gosford City Council, and our local educational community,” Ms O’Neill said. Media release, 19 Jul 2013 Richard Mehrtens, Office of Deborah O’Neill MP
Let your community know about: • Weddings • Engagements • Special Birthdays • Special Anniversaries • New Born Babies
Jane Rendall Photo: ValsPix
ashion retailer Jane Rendall has expanded her fashion boutique experience into the Imperial Shopping Centre, Gosford.
With two outlets located at Kincumber and Woy Woy and over 20 years’ experience in the industry, Ms Rendall said she sees the expansion of A Tad Trendy into Gosford as a positive move. “Gosford needs revitalising and we are
bringing a great new fashion trend to the shoppers,” said Ms Rendall. “We operate a reward card system that offers customers a cash back and serious discounts.” Ms Rendall said she and her staff view themselves as fashion consultants with
a wide knowledge of the industry. No stranger to Gosford, Ms Rendall previously worked in various fashion boutiques before she ventured out on her own. Val Bridge, 30 Jul 2013
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Youth Off The Streets is a registered charity helping the nation’s most disadvantaged youth to turn their lives around.
Business New owner for Lifestyle Building
Coast Community News - July 31, 2013 - Page 11
New Telstra store in Gosford
multi-tenanted commercial freehold investment property at Erina has recently been purchased by Sydney investors for $3.8 million with a net income of approximately $420,000.
Luke Rowlinson, Customer Service and Scott Page, Store Leader Photo: ValsPix
ollowing the recent arrival of the National Broadband Network, Telstra has opened a new store in Gosford.
The brand new Gosford store located in the Imperial Centre features an NBN educational zone and a connected home interactive zone which shows how customers can connect, access and share the information and entertainment they want across multiple internetenabled devices. Telstra Area Hunter Central Coast general manager Mr Chris Cusack said interest from residents looking to move to NBN services had prompted the store investment. “Bringing a store to Gosford means locals can come in, ask questions and talk face-to-face with people
in their local community. “The store will give people important advice on what they can do on the NBN and our staff will explain how NBN is connected in the home and how to move broadband and voice services across to the new network. “We’re really excited about the arrival of NBN in Gosford. “Internet use in the home has increased dramatically over the past couple of years and the NBN can turbo-charge the family home with amazing levels of connectivity, communication and entertainment. Mr Cusack said Telstra
services on the NBN are now available in parts of Gosford, West Gosford, East Gosford, Point Frederick and Springfield, across an area that will eventually see up to 7,000 homes and businesses eligible to connect. “By the end of the calendar year NBN fibre is expected to pass more than 19,000 homes and businesses in the Gosford area. “Customers are invited to come in and find out where NBN is available today and in the near future,” said Mr Cusack. Media release, 26 Jul 2013 Ingrid Just, Telstra
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The property was purchased by Sydney investors looking for long term security of income, and a strong tenant mix. The building has only one 88 square metre vacancy left of the 2,860 square metres of net lettable area.
Once the final vacancy has been filled the building will house 17 tenants. “The Lifestyle Building is a fully refurbished freehold property, with a complementary tenant mix all revolving around servicing lifestyle choice
options, as the building name suggests,” said Richard Ellis of Raine and Horne Commercial. Media Release, 16 July 2013 Allison Gane, Raine and Horne Commercial
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Page 12 - July 31, 2013 - Coast Community News
Jake Cassar to run as an GetUp needs support for live candidate forum independent nvironmentalist and social justice campaigner Mr Jake Cassar will run as an independent candidate for the seat of Robertson in this year’s Federal election.
“This election, your voice and the voices of your neighbours will play a critical role,” said GetUp representative Mr Carl Katter. “Candidates now know that whatever side of politics they’re on, they will have to work hard for every vote, they will answer to you. “That’s why there’s never been a better time
ST PATRICK’S PARISH EAST GOSFORD WILL COMMENCE A COURSE [RCIA] FOR THOSE WISHING TO BECOME CATHOLIC with an information evening on Monday August 12 @ 7.30pm at the Parish Administration Centre, 76 York Street, East Gosford. Enquirers would be most welcome. For further information call Ian McGuinness on 4363 1039.
to invite politicians from all parties together for a face-to-face discussion about the big issues at a Candidates’ Forum in your neighbourhood.” The potential forum would provide an opportunity for the community to have a meaningful conversation and meet the representatives who are vying for their vote. GetUp will provide
prospective participants with necessary resources and put them in touch with other interested members in their area. To register your interest, visit http://www.getup.org. au/robertson-candidateforum. Email, 18 July 2013 Carl Katter, GetUp
Steven Whitaker to stand for Palmer United Party the Central Coast never becomes an overpopulated and overdeveloped rat race. “The Central Coast should be internationally famous for its incredible natural beauty, not just seen as an area for the developers to make a quick buck. “I believe many of the major issues we have in our area, particularly with the youth, are largely due to boredom and the lack of employment opportunities. “We really need something big to happen on the Central Coast to put us on the map, to boost our community spirit and create more local employment. “If I am elected as our member for Robertson, I will continue to tirelessly battle to ensure that every viable option is explored to see that Old Sydney Town is reopened.
“I would also push for nationwide and compulsory ‘military style’ Boot Camps for troubled youth and select juvenile offenders, aimed at building resilience, self-discipline, self-esteem, preventing recidivism and anti-social behaviour. “If I’m not elected, I will continue to do my best to promote a healthy and positive culture in our great region anyway,” he said. Mr Cassar will hold a campaign launch at the new Rhythm Hut venue at 135 Faunce St, Gosford, from 2:30pm to 3pm on Sunday, August 4. There will be free live entertainment, guest speakers and a kid’s bush tucker talk. Media release, 28 Jul 2013 Jake Cassar, West Gosford
incumber resident Mr Steven Whitaker has been endorsed as the Palmer United Party federal candidate for the seat of Robertson.
Mr Whitaker, a former broadcast engineer and now full-time carer, said he has a keen interest in welfare, aged care services, mental health support and the environment. Mr Whitaker also owns and runs a Central Coast chapter of the FreeCycle network, an organisation dedicated to helping those less fortunate while at the same time caring for the environment by reducing landfill. “I love living on the Central Coast and I am proud to be standing for the Palmer United Party in the seat of Robertson,” Mr Whitaker said. “There are many issues that must be addressed in
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Mr Cassar, 37, said the fact that he and his partner are expecting their first child has motivated him even more to step up to make the Central Coast a better and safer place for future generations to enjoy. “Statistically, the Central Coast has one of the highest rates for giving to charities in the State,” said Mr Cassar. “That’s something locals should all be extremely proud of and I believe that this strength is a key to moving forward as a region. “It’s this type of positive local culture that can help us to bind together to curb some of the less desirable statistics we have to tackle, such as our totally unacceptable high levels of suicide, youth unemployment, homelessness and preventable juvenile incarceration. “World class sustainable development and a focus on the arts, culture and entertainment, will aid in building tourism and business in general on the Central Coast. “A thriving and ecologically sustainable tourism industry for the Central Coast is a several fold win. “It guarantees jobs, it helps to protect our environment by curbing mass development by defining our area as having a pristine environment and promotes a healthy outdoor local culture. “A focus on such strengths would ensure that
ommunity advocacy organisation GetUp is calling on members of the Robertson electorate to join their initiative and organise a live candidate forum amid the upcoming federal election.
At last – a FREE newspaper that’s all about entertainment on the Coast! EE
on the Coast Edition 9
June 13, 2013
Anthony Roberts, Minister for Fair Trading
Edition 10
on the Coast
Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940
June 27, 2013
Big donations for Give Me Five for Kids
Tracey Doyle, The Fresh Ideas Group
rina’s ACS general manager Mr Warren Hughes raised $2,000 in eight minutes on Thursday, June 20, for 2GO’s Give Me Five for Kids campaign.
Mr Hughes joined 2GO’s Give Me Five for Kids bed pan challenge and donned a bright green monster onesie in support of sick kids on the Coast. Mr Hughes elicited a $1,000 donation from ACS, $300 from The Beach
Early Learning Centre, $100 from Central Coast Cleaning Supply Shop, $100 from Living Green Designer Homes and $50 each from Totally Workwear Tuggerah, Goodyear Autocare Gosford, City Plan Services, Outback Plumbing Australia, Greenroom Espresso Cafe, The Sanctuary Cafe (Ken Duncan Gallery), Precision Fire Protection Services, Figtree and Moran Accountants, Power2Grid and KR Jones and Healey. Mr Hughes then ventured
to Westmead Children’s Hospital on Friday, June 21, to accept a thank you gift from Head of the Rehabilitation Unit Ms Mary Claire Doherty for a donation of $9,000 made by Warren and his wife Donna on behalf of ACS. “If ever you think you are doing it tough, come to the kid’s hospital for a day and see the challenge many of these little ones face on a daily basis,” said Mr Hughes. “It brings you back to earth very quickly.”
Joy Allan, Ettalong Beach Club
Minister for Fair Trading Mr Anthony Roberts (centre) with local politicians and Central Coast Aboriginal Artists Art Competition prize winners
Minister for Fair Trading Mr Anthony Roberts presented the awards and praised the extraordinary level of talent on display in
the competition. “What began in 1999 as an awareness-raising exercise among NSW Fair Trading staff and customers has grown into a major Aboriginal art and cultural event today,” said Mr Roberts. Member for Gosford Mr Chris Holstein said the high standard of competition would benefit
the entire Central Coast community by promoting a better understanding of Aboriginal culture and heritage. “This exhibition provides an opportunity for Aboriginal artists to gain recognition of their talents and an exposure that can only enhance their opportunity to pursue their dreams,” he said.
“These artists are the people who will carry the traditions and culture of the local Aboriginal community into the future.” A major cultural event of Reconciliation Week, the Central Coast Aboriginal Artists Art Exhibition and Competition is now in its 14th year and features artists ranging from school children to professionals.
In addition to the art competition, the event offers a range of cultural activities including an indigenous arts and craft market with music, dancing, a barbeque and market stalls. Mr Roberts said the success of the event was reflected in the number of organisations that now use it to open communication
links to the Aboriginal community. “We now have a prize pool of $15,000, thanks to the enormous support the competition enjoys from the community. “I congratulate all the winners on their extraordinary achievements and look forward to following their future careers.”
A Give Me Five for Kids PJ Day was held on Monday, June 3, at Ettalong Beach Club which saw over $600 raised from donations. Give Me Five for Kids is a fundraising initiative supported by over 40 radio and TV stations across regional Australia. For almost 20 years, the month of June has been dedicated to raising much needed funds for local community hospitals. All donations received stay local and go directly to the children’s ward in each market to help provide the best possible care for local sick children and their families when they need it most. At Ettalong Beach
Club, not only were staff encouraged to wear their pyjamas to work, but also club members and guests. The club’s staff were given a challenge to raise over $200 which would see the club’s newly appointed CEO Mr Bill Jackson wear his pyjamas for the day, and the staff succeeded in the challenge. Despite having a number of appointments scheduled for the day, Mr Jackson attended the meetings in his pink polka dot pyjama pants and slippers. To further encourage members and guests to wear their pyjamas, Ettalong Beach Club provided free entertainment with an arts and crafts table set up for
the kids. The kids also participated in a disco and face painting as well as a movie showing on the large projector screen. For a gold coin donation, a coffee station was available for the mums and dads while the kids were being entertained. “The fundraising of these funds back into the children’s ward at the local hospitals is one of the most humbling and rewarding days for the club,” said Mr Jackson. “I’m proud to announce at the recent Board of Directors meeting held June 13, the Board resolved to donate a further $5,000 to 2GO’s Give Me Five for Kids 2013.”
Edition 11
Warren Hughes in his green monster onesie
Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940
July 11, 2013
Chrome Fest nominated for tourism award
Erika Hanratty, NSW-ACT Regional Achievement and Community Awards
entral Coast event, Chrome Fest, has been nominated in the Specialty Press Events and Tourism Award Category for the 2013 NSW-ACT Regional Achievement and Community Awards to be announced on Saturday, October 26.
The annual awards program, initiated by PRIME7 and the Commonwealth Bank, provides an opportunity for communities to showcase their events and festivals and be recognized state-wide. Chrome Fest is a three day event held in October at The Entrance which pays tribute to American classic cars, hot rods, low-rider bicycles, rock and roll and rockabilly of the 1950s and 60s. Since its establishment in 2009, Chrome Fest has grown in popularity. Last year was its most popular year with over
Give Me Five for Kids pyjama day a success
on the Coast
Phone 4325 7369 Fax 4321 0940
Aboriginal Competition: a work of art
ore than 20 awards across 10 categories were presented to artists at the Gosford Regional Gallery on Sunday, May 26, as part of the Central Coast Aboriginal Artists Art Competition.
600 cars on display and over 50,000 people in attendance. It is estimated that Chrome Fest injected over $8.5 million last year into the local community, with strong support from local community groups and organizations. This year, the Chrome Fest Committee hopes to increase attendance at the festival, as well as the number of cars to 800 and to spread the event over five days. With new attractions, including a drive-in cinema and more dance, makeup and hair competitions, the committee hope to bring the 60s back to the Coast once more. The winner of this year’s Events and Tourism Award will win TV advertising exposure courtesy of PRIME7. Winners will be announced at a Gala Presentation held at the Newcastle Leagues Club on Saturday, October 26.
this region, such as roads, housing and employment. “If elected I will be tackling these issues head on and doing everything in my power to secure investment in this beautiful part of Australia.” Media release, 18 Jul 2013 Steven Whitaker, Palmer United Party
Coast Community News - July 31, 2013 - Page 13
Domestic violence and Homelessness Forum osford Council’s Status of Women’s Committee will hold a Domestic Violence and Homelessness Forum on Wednesday, August 7.
The forum will provide guests with information presented by White Ribbon Ambassador and television personality Andrew O’Keefe as well as Coast Shelter’s operations manager Shayne Silvers. Gosford City Cr Vicki Scott said the forum aimed to put the issues of homelessness and domestic violence on the public agenda. “Homelessness and domestic violence are two very real issues facing communities right across Australia. “In Gosford City, we are
seeking to raise awareness while prompting a change in people’s attitudes and behaviours towards these issues. “We are proud to have Andrew O’Keefe coming as an ambassador of the White Ribbon Foundation, which is the world’s largest male led movement to end violence against women. “In addition to this, Shayne Silvers from Coast Shelter, a wonderful Central Coast charity which provides accommodation and support programs for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness,
will be there to provide some personal stories from homeless women in our community. “The forum is just one of the measures council is taking to address these important issues and aligns with council’s Social Inclusion Policy which seeks to improve the lives of all Gosford City residents” Cr Scott said. Entry is a gold coin donation to support the White Ribbon Foundation and Coast Shelter.
More than 130 people from the Central Coast community attended the event which culminated the organisation’s participation in the SI National Campaign of Osteoporosis Education. Guest speakers in attendance included Dr Margaret Layton, a local endocrinologist with a special interest in osteo, dietician and Hornsby Soroptimist member Veronica Taffs, and local physiotherapist Russell Tuckerman. Audience members were
provided with a booklet from the Osteoporosis Association and feedback from the evening was positive. The focus for Soroptimist International Brisbane Water is now on Healthy Bones week which will take place between August 4 and 10. This week aims to stress
the importance of education in making the community aware of osteoporosis and associated bone disorders, and the prevention of living with this problem. Media Release, 25 July 2013 Joy Croake, Soroptimist International Brisbane Water
Wellness Expo
Wellness Expo will be held at Kariong Neighbourhood Centre on Thursday, August 15, between 10am and 12pm.
The community event is designed to help participants find ways to better their life. Stalls with information, displays, entertainment and
food will be provided. Email, 12 July 2013 Fiona Simpson, Kariong Neighbourhood Centre
hold a regular class every Wednesday from 7 to 10pm at the Church of Christ Hall, Henry Parry Drive, Wyoming
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Relay for Life raises over $75,000 entral Coast Grammar School hosted the Cancer Council’s Gosford City Relay for Life on May 18 and 19.
The overnight community event involved teams participating in a relay-style walk or run to raise funds for the Cancer Council, and brought CCGS students, staff, parents and past students together with the wider community for a night of celebration. The initial fundraising goal was $40,000, but the participation of 40 teams raised over $75,000 for cancer research, support, education and prevention. The official opening for the day included speeches
from Gosford mayor Cr Lawrie McKinna, Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill and cancer battler Ana Kitson Ferguson. This was followed by local survivors and carers walking the first lap of the track while the rest of the teams cheered on. Later in the evening the Candlelit Ceremony of Hope was held to remember those lost to cancer, where candles were placed in paper bags and placed around the track. The night’s activities also
involved riding a Segway, dancing, drumming, yoga and live performances by local bands. Cancer Council HunterCentral Coast area manager Shayne Connell said that in all the 60 Relay for Life events across NSW he had never seen a whole school community embrace Relay for Life like CCGS did in their support for the event. Bundara newsletter, 1 July 2013 Central Coast Grammar School Community
Media release, 24 Jul 2013 Gosford Council media
Osteo awareness evening oroptimist International Brisbane Water held an Osteoporosis Awareness Evening on 16 May, 2013 at The Breakers Country Club in Wamberal.
Feminine Essence workshops at Wyoming OWgirls will provide a series of Feminine Essence workshops on four consecutive Fridays from August 2 to 23 at the Invitation to Health Centre in Wyoming.
The workshops are designed to help participants develop an attractive energetic presence and endless creative energy based on their own feminine essence. Exercises and mediations will help participants increase their personal presence, connect more deeply with their source and experience more passion and sensuality in their lives. The workshops will be led by Sally Yasukawa, an accomplished Chinese Medicine Practitioner with
30 years of experience. Sally is a metaphysical healer and teacher, women’s specialist and qi gong healer, who also teaches qi gong exercise and mediation. “My personal interest in Chinese medicine was its remarkable ability to regulate my menstrual cycle,” Sally said. “The transformation was so dramatic that I needed to learn more, hence studying and becoming a practitioner. “Over the years I have learned many practices
that help women to take control of their bodies, their hormones and their cycles as well as coming into their power. “My absolute passion is teaching this information and processes to women and watching as they come into their own feminine essence, their power as well as suffering less from their hormonal fluctuations,” Sally said. Flyer, 23 July 2013 Yvonne Lamont, WOWgirls Wave of Wisdom
Help us celebrate the Horses Birthday at our
Trivia Night 7pm. Saturday 3rd August 2013 West Gosford RSL (Trivia questions not horse related)
Great Prizes. Make up a table 8-10 or join a table for only $10 per head. Join us for a fun filled night. Prizes also for best ‘horse themed’ decorated table and ‘outfits’. Think cowboys, jockeys, Ascot, My Fair Lady Book early to ensure a table - RDA 4340 0388.
Fundamental movement skills at St Pat’s
tudents from St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School in East Gosford participated in a Sport in Schools program recently which focused on the practice and use of the fundamental movement skills. The skills are used in all different kinds of sports both team and individual. The students are encouraged to do their best in an attempt to achieve more. “Some of the activities appear quite easy, however, even as adults we would get a great workout, provided we put the extra effort in,” said teacher Ms Catherine Kyle. Newsletter, 19 July 2013 Nicole Cumming, St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School
Free community breakfast
he Central Coast Marine Discovery Centre (CCMDC), with support from the Hunter Central Rivers CMA, will hold a free community breakfast on the Davistown waterfront on Saturday, August 3.
The breakfast will launch the CCMDC’s information booklet entitled ‘The Bush Stone-curlew on the Central Coast of NSW, Conversations and Conservation”, about the endangered local population of the Bush Stone-curlew. “Over the last 10 years, there has been a dramatic decline in the local population of Bush Stone-curlews living around Brisbane Water,” said CCMDA’s Bush Stonecurlew project officer Ms Narelle Leite. “Without community support and involvement in their protection, there is a real risk that this small
population will disappear altogether. “The booklet has been developed to provide an overview of what we know about the Bush Stone curlew, what it looks like, where it lives and what its habits are. “It will also raise the profile of the Bush Stonecurlew and inspire residents living around the shores of Brisbane Water to act to ensure these birds continue to be part of our surrounding landscape.” Community members are invited to the launch at Davistown, which will be held between 8am and 10am.
Activities will begin with a bird watching walk and possible spotting of local curlews, followed by breakfast, talks, and an opportunity to meet community members that are passionate about the species. A representative from the Australian Reptile Park will also be there with one of the Park’s captive curlews. Bookings are essential for catering purposes and can be obtained by contacting Narelle on 4349 4752. Media Release, 13 July 2013 Alan Norris, Birding NSW
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Percussion concert
he Central Coast Adventist School hosted a Musica Viva concert on Friday, July 26, for primary school students, parents and community members.
Four multi-skilled musicians presented a new program for the performance, B’tutta, which involved a blend of instruments including marimbas, congas,
djembes, vibraphones, gongs, tom toms, bells and bongos. The concert was part of the students’ music curriculum, as well as other curriculum areas around
literacy and numeracy and aimed to help develop their improvised compositions. Newsletter, 18 July 2013 Dean Bennetts, Central Coast Adventist School
Cultural studies at St Patrick’s t Patrick’s C a t h o l i c Primary School is undertaking cultural studies this term which will culminate in a cultural day on Thursday,
September 19. The various grades are each studying a different country comprising Australia, Mexico, Italy, France, Egypt, India and China. On the cultural day, students will be invited
to come dressed in their country’s traditional dress and bring in traditional food to share with their class. Newsletter, 19 July 2013 Nicole Cumming, St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School
Concert to celebrate Education Week arara Public School will hold a Winter Concert Showcase on Friday, August 2, to celebrate Education Week.
The concert will be open to families and members of the school community and will showcase the school’s performing arts groups. The school band, string
group, senior and junior choirs, senior dance group, opera house recorder group and Year 2 students’ recorder group will each feature in the concert.
Performances will commence at 6:30 pm and entry is $5 per family. Newsletter, 22 July 2013 Greg Frohlich, Narara Public School
Blues Eyes Cry at Kincumber
elbourne Blues and Soul band Blue Eyes Cry will return to the Central Coast on Friday, August 16, to perform at Kantara House.
The group has played at a host of festivals this year including Apollo Bay, Blues on Broadbeach and the Australian Blues Music Festival. The band released their debut album ‘Sleepin Alone’ in May this year and it has since reached number one on the Australian Blues Music Airplay Chart. “We are very excited to
be returning to the Central Coast as part of our August Tour,” singer Iseula Hingano said. “The response from our last performance there was fantastic, so we hope to once again see some familiar faces as well as bring in a new crowd.” Media Release, 23 July 2013 Ryan Howard
Photo: Michael Amendolia
Page 14 - July 31, 2013 - Coast Community News
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Coast Community News - July 31, 2013 - Page 15
Local student wins award for anti-bullying message
Planet Ark’s Schools’ Tree Day activities
entral Coast Grammar School student Alex Gill has been crowned the national winner of a Girlfriend Magazine writing competition which was announced on June 26.
The Year 8 student was selected from over 1,000 entrants for her piece which focused on combating the bullying problem in society, which she said “doesn’t only happen in schools”. Alex suggested that community members, such as sport coaches, after school care workers and
local businesses all use their strengths and skills to reinforce the message to children that bullying is unacceptable. Alex’s prize included spending the day with model, television presenter and anti-bullying campaigner Ruby Rose Langenheim, where she
attended a modelling shoot, helping choose Ruby’s outfits for the shoot and discussing anti-bullying tactics. Bundara Magazine, 1 July 2013 Central Coast Grammar School Community
School website wins award
Tree Day Planting activities at Wyoming Public School
he Central Coast Grammar School’s website has been awarded the Centre for Marketing Schools Gold Award at a ceremony in Melbourne.
Manager of development and community relations Ms Christine Hodgkinson was presented the award for two innovative campaigns, including the ‘Stories of Inspiration’ marketing campaign.
The judging panel, which comprised parents of children, students and marketing, design and photography professionals, described the campaign as fresh and contemporary, which worked effectively
Martial arts program success for students oint Clare Public School raised more than $1,200 through its After School Karate and Life Skills Program, provided by Liz Mahler’s Black Belt Martial Arts (BBMA).
Over 60 children took part in the program, the last installment of which was held on Thursday, June 20. During the program, children learnt about setting goals and overcoming obstacles, as well as discussing the primary principles of self-defense. They were also taught strategies to overcome anger and improve their focus at home and at school. “Martial arts is not just about kicking and punching,
our dojo places strong emphasis on courtesy and respect,” Martin Pemberton, BBMA Wyoming program director Liz Mahler said. “We hear that Point Clare parents have been very happy with the homework children were set, such as saying ‘yes mum’ and ‘yes dad’ and that there are a lot of clean rooms.” Newsletter, 23 July 2013 Martin Pemberton, Liz Mahler’s BBMA Wyoming
to direct people from print advertisements to the CCGS website. “The digital era has created new behaviours, and the judges were looking for authentic engagement that propels a school beyond the competition online,” the judges said. “Central Coast Grammar School’s website has set the benchmark for other school websites around the world.” Bundara newsletter, 1 July 2013 Central Coast Grammar School Community Central Coast Grammar School website
wo tree planting activities were held this month at Wyoming Public school and Henry Kendall High School in support of this year’s Planet Ark’s Schools Tree Day.
The first event took place on Friday, July 19, at Wyoming Public School, with a special guest appearance from National Tree Day ambassador Sam McClymont from the McClymonts. The second event was held at Henry Kendall High School on Friday, July 26, with special guest appearance from National Tree Day ambassador Brooke McClymont, also from the McClymonts. As Australia’s biggest community tree planting event, National Tree Day and Schools Tree Day have been responsible for the planting of more than 16 million native trees and shrubs by
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over 2.5 million volunteers over the years. Brian Hilton Toyota dealer principal Mr Joshua Hilton said Brian Hilton Toyota had sponsored National Tree Day for the past 12 years, with the dealerships in Gosford and Wyong always making sure that young tree planters are rewarded for their effort. “Toyota has been supporting National Tree
Day for the past 14 years, and we’re committed to the cause and leading community involvement,” said Mr Hilton. “Every tree we plant has a positive impact on the environment, and on the future of our planet.” Media Release, 18 July 2013 Eleni Toskas, Haystac
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Page 16 - July 31, 2013 - Coast Community News
YIPA presentation night
Award recipients
he Youth in Performing Arts (YIPA) 2013 presentation night was held on Friday, June 28, at Laycock St Theatre, signaling the final segment of the 2013 YIPA year.
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The presentation night provided an opportunity for some of the best young talent on the Central Coast to be recognised for their participation in YIPA, with 12 performers receiving awards. Claire Sheather, Alicia Brock, Daisy-SherwoodMiller, Tyson Almond and Olivia Corkery received scholarships while Dylan Pollard, Luke Mahler, Jessica Hughes, Hayley Nobbs, Matthew Fadhul, Lily Kidd and Claire Billson received encouragement awards. After receiving their
individual YIPA awards, each of the young performers were asked to perform an item for the audience. Gosford mayor Cr Lawrie McKinna and general manager Mr Paul Anderson were on hand to assist with the presentation of a number of awards. Australian country singer Gina Jeffreys and her husband Rod McCormack were also in attendance as scholarship providers. “YIPA is very appreciative of the support we get from a variety of local businesses and individuals who make these awards possible,”
said YIPA spokesperson Mr Gary Jackson. “These awards are aimed at providing assistance to the young talents of the Central Coast to develop their performance skills. “Now that YIPA 2013 is complete, the YIPA committee will take a short break before starting to prepare for the next YIPA concert series which will commence in late May of 2014,” Mr Jackson said. Media Release, 16 July 2013 Gary Jackson, Youth in Performing Arts
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Following is a list of all good outlets where you can get your free copy of Coast Community News
Avoca Avoca Cinema Avoca Hotel Avoca Shops Avoca Surf Club Avoca Primary School Bottle Shop Service Station Sul Rondo Café
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Forresters Beach Retirement village
Central Mangrove Memorial Golf Club Copacabana Copacabana Shops Kiosk East Gosford East Gosford Cafes East Gosford Hotel East Gosford Olympic Pool East Gosford Shopping Centre Gosford Regional Gallery Gosford Sailing Club St Edward College High School St Josephs Girls College High School Erina Bob Jane Central Coast Adventist School Central Coast Grammar School Dulux Erina Fair Library Erina Leagues Club Erina Mall Fitness 2000 Fountain Plaza Jacks Bar and Grill McDonalds
Green Point Aldi Broadlands Green Point Christian College Green Point Community Centre Green Point Village Mr Catering-Greenway cafe Gosford Bite Me Take Away Caltex Service Centre Central Coast Leagues Club Ducks Crossing Publications Duttons Tavern Gosford Bowls Club Gosford High School Gosford Hospital Gosford Hotel Gosford Library Gosford Police Headquarters Gosford Senior Citizen Centre Gosford Showground Gosford Tafe Gosford Uniting Church Imperial Centre Little Bottler Monti’s My Cafe Imperial Centre
Public School RSL Retirement Village and Community Centre Tourism Information Centre West Gosford RSL Kariong Central Coast Regional Development Corporation Chemist Kariong Cafe Kariong Liquor Store Kariong Neighbourhood Centre Kariong Supermarkets Kariong Tavern Langford Drive Service Station Mt Penang Tourist information Centre Shell Service Station
Lisarow B.J Howes Metal land Lisarow High School Lisarow Plaza Shopping Centre Narara Narara Community Centre Narara Service Station Parsons Rd Narara Valley Nursery Narara Valley shops Narara Take Away Narara Home Central Service Station - Manns Rd/Merinee Rd
Niagara Park Multi Sports Centre Niagara Park Community Centre Kincumber Niagara Park Library Brentwood Village Niagara Park Primary Holy Cross Catholic Primary School School Niagara Park Supermarket Kincumber High School Sara Lee Kincumber Hotel Niagara Park Tavern Kincumber Library Jenny Gee School Wear Kincumber Nautical Village Kincumber Primary School North Gosford Hinterland Real Estate Kincumber Shopping Network Video Centre North Gosford Private Fresko Fruits Hospital Multi Purpose Community North Gosford Shops Centre Shell Service Station Mangrove South Kincumber Shops General Store Take away Food Outlets Peats Ridge Kincumber South Corrugate Café Kincumber Kebabs Point Clare Kulnura Aldi General Store Acorn Garden Centre Aubrey Downer Laguna Chemist General Store
Fairhaven Services Meat Discounter Liquor Shop Point Clare Community Hall Point Clare Real Estate Point Clare Shopping Centre Point Clare Thai Takeaway
Bakery - Manns Rd Bazzas Pet Shack Beacon Lighting Blockbuster Bunning Warehouse Caltex Service Station Chemist Clearview Glass Coles Saratoga/Yattalunga/ Crazystu Electronics Davistown Davo’s Seafood Alloura Waters Village Domain Davistown Bottle Shop Drummond Golf Davistown RSL Formulae 1 Motel Saratoga Shopping Centre/ Golf Club Cafe/Newsagent Gosford Carpet Warehouse Saratoga Community Hall Gosford Motor Inn Saratoga Shell Service Gosford Palms Motor Inn Station Gosford Tools Yattalunga Shopping Centre Gosford South Thai Takeaway Somersby Hungry Jacks General Store Husqvarna Spencer Indoor Sports Centre General Store JB Tyre & Auto KFC Springfield Lin Brothers Ozone Express Master Builders Springfield Shopping McDonalds Centre Metro Service Station Michel’s Patisserie Tascott Mobil Service Station Convenience Store Newsagent Terrigal Red Rooster Surf Club Settlers Tavern Hotel Subway Library Supercheap auto Bowling Club Officeworks Crowne Plaza Spotlight High School West Gosford Motel Gunyah Dental Henry Kendall Tavern Rugby Club Wamberal Zanziba Cafe Country Club Wollombi West Gosford General Store Anaconda
Woy Woy Peninsula Leisure Centre Peninsula Community Centre Cempbells Home Hardware Wyoming Adelene Village Aldi BP Service Station Brisbane Water Legacy Nursing Chapmans Fruit Shop Community Centre Fitness Centre Wyoming Grange Hotel Henry Kendall Village Image Motorcycles J&B Noodle Bar KFC Laycock St Theatre McDonalds Our Lady of the Rosary Primary School Recreational Car Accessories Ten Pin Bowling Westpac Bank-City gate Willows Hotel Woolworths Service Station Wyoming Caravan Park Wyoming Medical Centre Wyoming Public School Wyoming Shopping Village Wyoming Shops corner of Maidens Brush Rd and Warrawilla Wyoming Youth Centre
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Out & About
Coast Community News - July 31, 2013 - Page 17
Sleeping on the job for a good cause
Rhythm Hut housewarming concert
rina retailer Mr Stretan Stojiljkovic has confessed to sleeping on the job – but it is for a good cause.
The Good Guys Erina general manager is currently supporting Coast Shelter’s Zoo and Snooze Executive Sleepout and is encouraging shoppers to also support the cause. ”On any given night in Australia, one in 200 people are homeless and that is a truly startling figure,” said Mr Stojiljkovic. “Winter is a tough time of the year to be without shelter so I think I can definitely brave a sleep out at the Australian Reptile Park to help others who
aren’t as fortunate.” Stretan and other local business representatives will have a night without their usual creature comforts at the Australian Reptile Park on Friday, August 9, in the hope of raising over $1,000 each for Coast Shelter and to raise awareness of the plight of homeless Australians. Stretan will also be running a raffle in store to encourage shoppers to support the cause. For $5 per ticket, shoppers will have the
chance to win four major prizes including a Fishing Charter for 10 people, corporate box at a Mariners’ Home Game or a The Good Guys Homemakers pack. Funds raised by Stretan and his team at The Good Guys Erina will allow Coast Shelter to continue providing essential support and accommodation services to people who are homeless or at risk of being homeless on the Central Coast. Media release, 29 Jul 2013 Vicki de Carle, Coast Shelter
Spring time market at Wyoming
he Wyoming Community Market will return in September with a Special Spring Time Event to be held on Sunday, September 8, at the Wyoming Community Centre.
The community family day will run between 9am and 2 30 pm, and feature a wide variety of stalls and events. John’s Reptile Awareness’ display will feature on the day, providing up-to-date information on snakes found around the Central Coast. Gosford Dog Paws will hold a meet and greet session, with some of their four-legged-friends who are looking for homes. Animal rescue service Nine Lives Four Paws Rescue will also hold a talk
about the various jobs they do. MS sufferer Alison Bird will also attend the market to raise awareness for her fundraising skydive which will take place on Sunday, November 10, at Warnervale airport. All funds collected from the dive will be donated to the MS Central Coast Branch. Stalls on the day will include Meegan’s Candles, Brian’s Orchids and Pots, Janelle’s Beautiful Bags, Chuck’s Kitchen of sauces and chutneys, Lyn and Des’
hand crafted jewellery, Dell’s handmade cakes, Bella Rowz hair accessories and Lyn’s All Natural Honey. The market will also host a sausage sizzle on behalf of Dance USA, to fund a young girl’s trip to the USA next year for her dancing. For further information, contact Sue or Mary at the Wyoming Community Centre on 4323 7483. Media Release, 29 July 2013 Kathy Sokk, Wyoming Community Centre
ustralian folk artist Sarah Humphreys will headline the Rhythm Hut’s housewarming concert on Sunday, August 4.
The first event hosted in the new Gosford location, will also feature the 5 Lands Band. Following last year’s release of her record ‘Hello’, Sarah has been touring the Australian folk festival scene along with intimate live music venues, pubs, clubs and lounge rooms. Sarah’s songs have
regularly featured in Australian film and television and have been covered by a number of artists including Kasey Chambers and Shane Nicholson. After a short winter hibernation, Sarah will return to the stage to share her stories and songs, old and new. A drumming concert will
precede the concert at 5pm, before the concert due to be held between 6:30pm and 9pm. Entry to the concert is $10 and free for children under 12. Media Release, 23 July 2013 Erin Brooks, The Rhythm Hut
Council considers beach express buses
osford Council has deferred a proposal for a Beach Express Bus to its next Strategy Policy Workshop to be held on Tuesday, August 13.
The proposal was put forward by Cr Deanna Bocking in the form of a Notice of Motion at Council’s meeting of Tuesday, July 16, and suggested that a dedicated express bus service operating directly
from the train station to the beach with limited stops, be implemented. The proposed initial routes for the service were Woy Woy station to Umina Beach and Gosford station to Terrigal Beach.
The service would run from December to February, concentrating on the school holiday period. Gosford Council Agenda NM.8, 16 Jul 2013
Second Saturday of each month - 8am to 1pm in Kibble Park, Gosford - Rain, hail or shine! For all stall enquiries phone: 43227726 or email: info@gosfordcity.com.au Proudly sponsored by
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FREE parking at Gosford Town Centre
Page 18 - July 31, 2013 - Coast Community News
Art Central Coast Art Society Lectures, demonstrations and discussion. Weekly paint-outs Tuesdays 4349 5860 for locations Workshops - 4363 1820 9.30am - 12.30pm 1st and 3rd Wed Social Meetings 1.30pm 4th Wed Gosford City Arts Centre. 4325 1420 publicity@artcentralcoast.asn.au
Not for Profit Organisations Directory Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre • Personal development • Community Garden • Counselling • Meditation • Support and friendship Groups • Music and Movement for under 5 • Rooms for hire 4363 1044
Community Groups ABC - “The Friends” Support group for Public Broadcaster. Aims. safeguard ABC’s independence, funding, & standards. Meetings through the year + social afternoons Well-known guest speakers 4341 5170 www.fabcnsw.org.au
Central Coast Lapidary Club Inc. Learn silverwork, Cabochons, Faceting, Enamelling, Stone Tumbling and Polishing Fieldtrips and fossicking Weekly Workshops Tue, Thur & Sat 9 - 2.30pm Thur 7 - 10pm 4362 2246 Community Care Services - Central Coast Memory lane - Doing things together Café For people with memory loss & their carers to enjoy a relaxing coffee morning with others experiencing similar circumstances 10am to 11.30am Caroline Bay Brasserie - East Gosford 2nd Wednesday 4324 4244 Gosford Politics in the Pub Come and solve the problems of the world over a friendly drink and a bite to eat. Guest speakers. First Thurs 6pm Dutton’s Tavern 161 Mann St, Gosford 0438 363 108 I AM LOST Deep Conversations & systematic exercises for understanding my self & my place in life. Gurdjieff Society - Ancient and modern knowledge. 0425 296 783 www.gurdjieff.org.au
Rotary Club of Kariong/Somersby International service club improves lives of communities in Australia and overseas. Fun-filled activities, fellowship and friendship breakfasts. Phillip House, 21 Old Mount Penang Rd (opp Shell) - Fri 7:15am 4340 4529 kersuebay@philliphouse.com.au
U3A Central Coast Mature age people are invited to participate in a wide range of courses to broaden the mind and make new friends 0408 704 701 www.centralcoast.u3anet.org.au
Wyoming Community Centre Programs and activities incl. Tai Chi, Yoga, Zumba, Blokes Breakfast’s, Community Markets, Out of School Hours Care, Play Group 4323 7483 manager@wyomingcc.org.au
Koolewong, Point Clare & Tascott Progress Association Aims to provide resources for communication. Special guests, community involvement, heritage, diversity, education, safety and small business opportunities. Point Clare Community Hall 2nd Thurs Bi Monthly. 0411 266 325 Sydney Welsh Choir Cultural not for profit organisation performing at concerts and various venues to promotoe the Welsh culture with our singing, also performing for charity fund raising. 4369 3378
related outing following week Visitors Welcome Terrigal Rotary Hall 4384 5193 4385 2205
Health Groups Alcoholics Anonymous If you want to drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, that’s our business. Meet every Sat - Progress Hall Ronald Ave, Wyoming 8pm 4323 3890 Dying with Dignity NSW, Central Coast Working to give those suffering unrelievedly from terminal or incurable illness the legal right to request & receive medical help to die Quarterly Meetings 4369 8053
Central Coast Leagues Club 0400 801 554 or 0412 820 484
Political Party Central Coast Greens Branch of Greens NSW, active regarding ecological sustainability, social and economic justice, peace and non-violence, grassroots democracy and getting elected 3rd Thur centralcoast.nsw.greens.org.au centralcoastgreens@gmail.com
Probus Clubs All Probus clubs have interesting guest speakers, friendly atmosphere, make new friends, fellowship. intellectual stimulus, and social activities. Probus Club of Avoca 10am 3rd Mon Avoca Beach Bowling Club 4368 6157 4384 3741
4362 7227 Brisbane Waters Breakfast Toastmasters Club 8:30am-10:30am 2nd and Last Sat each month - The Hive and Library Erina Shopping Centre 0459 240 183 Diggers@The Entrance Toastmasters Convenient daytime meetings 2nd and 4th Mondays 10.30am to 12.30pm 4365 2751 Gosford City Toastmasters 2nd & 4th Thurs, Gosford Bowling Club 4340 1929 emcloon@bigpond.net.au
Special Interest CCLC Bridge Club Duplicate Bridge-partner not required for most sessions. www.cclcbridgeclub.asn.au Central Coast Leagues Club 12.30pm Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri Sat 1.30pm Wed 7.15pm Mon 4323 3456
Meals on Wheels Delivered meals and flexible Probus Club of Brisbane Water (Gosford) food options for people with a 1st Wed 10am - Legacy functional disability 4382 9401 House, Opp Gosford Swimming Centre cclcbridgeclub@westnet.com.au Central Coast Prostate 4365 0044 Cancer Support Group Central Coast Probus Club Erina (Gosford) Computer Groups Handweavers, Spinners Meet last Friday Month 10:30am 2nd Tues Tarragal AACC Computer and Textile Arts Guild Terrigal Uniting Church Glen Country Club, 110 Club Inc. Spinning and weaving, 380 Terrigal Drive, Terrigal Karalta Rd, Erina www.aacc.asn.au patchwork and quilting, 4360 1441 9.30am to 12 noon Help with Computing felting and other fibre and 4367 9600 problems - Program demos fabric crafts, community www.pcfa.org.au Probus Club Nth + Q&A sessions. Monthly quiting bees - Day and Night Gosford meetings held from Feb to Central Coast Prostate Groups 4th Tues Central Coast Nov 2nd Wed Windows 7 Cancer Support Group 4325 4743 Leagues Club 10am to 10pm Narara Valley H S, (Wyong) www.centralcoasthsguild.org.au 4329 0766 Fountains Rd, Narara Meet last Monday Month 4th Thurs Social + Windows Wyong Golf Club Central Coast Campus Ourimbah combined 12.15 – 3.15pm East Gosford Pacific Highway Wyong Friends Inc Probus Club Progress Hall, Webb Rd 10.30am to 12 noon Post school learning, Mthly meetings 1st Wed 10am 4362 1918 or 4324 2740 4356 9300 advocacy, dinners, Niagara Park Community secretary@aacc.asn.au www.pcfa.org.au discussions, speakers, Centre awards, newsletters and 4332 1538 History Groups Seniors Computer Club www.probussouthpacific. special projects org/pcourimbah Central Coast Inc. Brisbane Water 4324 0023 sonhopk@bigpond.net.au Beginners class PC or Mac Historical Society www.cccampusfriends.org Terrigal Ladies Mon or Tues. Classes Mon to • Coach tours • School Probus Club Fri for most programs – see educational tours • Annual Indoor Bowls Rotary Hall, Duffy’s Rd Terrigal website. 10am – 12md or 1pm Street Stalls • Participation Mixed Social - 1st Mon 1.30pm 4385 3395 - 3pm Kincumber & District in History Heritage Week Central Coast Leagues Club Neighbourhood Centre. Mthly Celebration Margaret Pearce Come learn this friendy game Probus Club Meetings, Guest Speaker at 4325 2270 for all ages! West Gosford Kincumber Hotel 1st Mon 5 sessions weekly 2nd Thur Narara Community 4369 2530 Fellowship of First 4363 2360 43686811 Centre, 2 Pandala Rd Narara Fleeters Central Coast Garden Clubs 10am 4362 7227 For anyone interested in Erina Heights early history or early family Travel Public Speaking Garden Club histories. Don’t need to be a Friendship Force Develop confidence by Meet at 10am 3rd Fri First Fleeter. Central Coast improving your speaking skills. each Month Wyong RSL Club 2nd Sat A travel club with a Meetings are entertaining and Meetings and garden visits 10:30am 4323 1849 difference! educational. informal and friendly. See a country from the New members welcome Central Coast Family inside and change the way Coastal 4384 6750 History Society Inc. you see the world. Communicators All the resources, information Travel in small groups and Toastmasters Club Australasian Native and advice needed to study stay with friends in 370 clubs 1st and 3rd Sats Avoca Beach Orchid Society your family’s history available. around the world. Bowling Club 10.15am. Cultivation and conservation 8 Russell Drysdale St, East We in turn host small groups 4341 6842 of Aust Native Orchids. 2nd Gosford. 1st Sat 1pm Lions from other clubs. jancummings@y7mail.com Wed, Narara Community Community Hall E Gosford 4399 3625 4388 9435 Centre, 2 Pandala Rd Narara 4324 5164 www.friendshipforcecentralcoast.asn.au Blue Gum Flat - 8pm www.centralcoastfhs.org.au Toastmasters 4340 5157 Women’s Groups Music Mthly meetings 1st and 3rd Girl Guides Mon 7.30-9.30pm Matcham Garden Club Soundwaves Women 18 + needed for Ourimbah RSL Monthly Meetings and Garden Men’s acapella 4 part Visits with speakers and harmony chorus - for all ages, discussions relating to rare all welcome 7:00pm Mon and unusual plants. Central Coast Leagues Club New comers welcome 0405 030 945 Every 2nd Thur randtbale@bigpond.com 12noon to 2.30pm 4367 6292 Spirit of the Coast singers Wamberal Small A Cappella Vocal Garden Club Inc Ensemble. All welcome 10am 3rd Tue Every Wed 7.15 - 9.30pm.
leadership & admin roles. Make a contribution to the young women of tomorrow, share your skills and make new friends. No previous experience required, full training available. 4328 3247 Country Women’s Association (CWA) Quilting, patchwork, spinning, knitting, crochet and more 9-2pm Every Fri, Opposite Terrigal Bowling Club 4385 9503 4384 3696 Gosford RSL Ladies Indoor Bowls Social indoor bowls Frid 10am - 2pm RSL Club 4344 5812 0412 773 441 Gosford RSL Sub-branch Women’s Auxiliary Raise money for the welfare of veterans and their families. RSL Club West Gosford 4th Mon 2pm 4323 7336 Inner Wheel Club of Gosford North Women making a difference with friendship, personal service and international understanding. Social activities combined with fund raising for local, national and international projects. 2nd Wed 7pm Phillip House Kariong 4324 7176 gosfordnorthiw@live.com.au
Inner Wheel Club of Terrigal Share friendship, social activities as well as fundraising for local, national and international projects. 2nd Tues, 7pm Terrigal Rotary Hall, Duffy Road Terrigal 4384 1553 terigalinnerwheel@gmail.com
Soroptimist International SI is a dynamic organisation for professional and business women, through advocacy, awareness and action. 2nd Thur 6:45pm - Breakers Country Club, Dover Rd Wamberal 4367 6331 sibrisbanewater@siswp.org
Kincumber View Club For ladies looking for a place to make friends. Interesting speakers, lunch, bus trips, movie days and home functions. 4th Tues Davistown RSL Club 11am 4369 7363 Terrigal View Club Luncheon meeting followed by a guest speaker 1st Wed, Also outings and functions mthly. Breakers Club Dover Rd Wamberal 4358 5500
If you would like your Community Organisation listed here, see www.duckscrossing.org/publications.html for the forms or contact COAST Community News on 4325 7369
Out & About Artist chosen for Rick Price support
Coast Community News - July 31, 2013 - Page 19
Festival dedicated to the abolition of child trafficking eart for Justice, a team of teachers and students from St Philips Christian College, will hold a festival day in support of the Zoe Foundation Australia (ZFA) on Saturday, November 9.
ZFA is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the abolition of child trafficking, focusing on the rescue and rehabilitation of children who are sold or are at risk of being sold into prostitution, bonded labour or abuse. The aim of the day is to raise funds through
markets, auctions, family entertainment and a twilight concert to monetarily aid and increase awareness of the issue of human trafficking. Heart for Justice are calling on individuals and organisations to participate in the event by donating cash, services, prizes for
auction or advertising of the event. The event will be held at St Philips Christian College with the market held from 1pm to 5pm and twilight concert from 5:30pm to 9pm. Newsletter, 19 July 2013 Michelle Kelly, St Philips Christian College
olunteers in youthconnections.com.au’s yDrive program will receive mentor training on Tuesday, August 6, from Youthsafe, a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to preventing serious injury in young people.
Tawyer said the program was filling a desperate need on the Central Coast. “Living on the Central Coast without a licence leads to young people struggling to gain employment. “Being a mentor means these volunteers are guiding youth to make them better drivers, allowing them to gain a licence and access more opportunities,” she said. Mentors are needed to help the young mentees that are currently undertaking initial professional lessons
ilia Jackson from East Gosford has been selected by international artist Rick Price to be his support act when he performs at Lizottes at Dee Why on Friday, August 9.
Lilia, 15, entered a competition to be a support act for Price and was the youngest singer selected from a large number of entries around the country. “I am thrilled to have been selected to support Rick Price,” Lilia said. “I have grown up listening
Volunteers to receive training from Youthsafe
Learner driver mentors are given a range of support and training through the yDrive program, with Youthsafe training taking place at youthconnections. com.au’s Green Central site in Kariong. The yDrive program was launched by the Youth Reference Group in an effort to help Central Coast youth who don’t have access to a car or supervising driver complete their required hours to gain a licence. Youth Reference Group member Ms Gabrielle
Lilia Jackson and Rick Price
before getting on the road with a mentor. Central Coast residents with safe driving records and comprehensive car insurance are encouraged to apply before August 6 to be able to attend the Youthsafe driver training. “We are very fortunate to have Youthsafe coming to the Central Coast to help us with this worthwhile program,” said Ms Tawyer, Media release, 19 Jul 2013 Gabrielle Tawyer, Youthconnections.com.au
Your independent community newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369
June 6, 2013
Issue 22
Wyee rezoning to deliver 1,250 new dwellings he NSW Government has approved a rezoning in the Lake Macquarie local government area with the potential to deliver 1,250 new dwellings.
The rezoning at Wyee, which was approved on Friday, May 24, is a step towards establishing a framework to progress the long-standing “paper subdivision” in the town, which dates back to the early 20th century. The Department of Planning and Infrastructure’s Hunter and Central Coast regional director Mr Michael Leavey said the decision was in line with an aim of the 2006 Lower Hunter Regional Strategy to support housing supply in the Wyee area. This regional strategy is currently under review. The Department has approved the local environmental plan rezoning amendment proposed by the Lake Macquarie City Council for about 164 hectares of land adjoining the existing township and its railway station. The land in the rezoning area is owned by the Wyee Development Fund, Lake
Macquarie Council, NSW Government or individual owners of about 200 lots in a “paper subdivision”. The rezoning will create about 117 hectares of residential land, with higher densities encouraged closer to the railway station. It also sets aside
another 45 hectares for environmental or conversation purposes, 1.6 hectares for open space and 0.5 hectares for infrastructure purposes. The site incorporates a “paper subdivision” dating back to 1914. This area had been subdivided into urban
sized blocks but homes were not able to be approved because of the lack of infrastructure services and formed roads. Mr Leavey said development applications to begin home construction across the site, including the “paper subdivision” area, would
need to show that adequate arrangements had been made for the co-ordinated provision of essential infrastructure, including water supply, electricity, telecommunications and sewerage. The option exists for future development of the area to take advantage
of a NSW Government regulation to unlock paper subdivisions which was finalised earlier this year. “This rezoning is an important step towards providing additional housing and services for the township of Wyee and the Lake Macquarie local government area,” Mr Leavey said. Lake Macquarie City Council Strategy Director Tony Farrell said Council was pleased with the decision, which facilitates the expansion of Wyee in line with the Wyee Structure Plan. “The plan aims to integrate residential development with access to public transport and open space, while conserving our natural environment,” Mr Farrell said. “Infrastructure, including sewerage, is vital to the future development of Wyee, and the Council will continue to work with residents to overcome issues in the paper subdivision.” Media release, 31 May 2013 Mark Skelsey and Danielle Nelson, NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure and Lake Macquarie City Council
The Central Coast
Your independent community newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369
June 20, 2013
Issue 23
Your independent community newspaper - Ph: 4325 7369
July 4, 2013
Issue 24
Ausgrid works depot at Ourimbah recommended
intersections Wyong Council Major to be upgraded restructured M A
ember for the Entrance Mr Chris Spence and Member for Mr Wyong Darren Webber have announced that the NSW government will deliver a complete upgrade of Wyong Rd.
lake improvements and put a concerted effort into drainage issues that previously have been of a lower priority. The changes also mean there will be no unit dealing specifically with the environment. Instead, Wyong Council general manager Mr Michael Whittaker said the environment would become entrenched in the roles of 1,200 council staff members. “Having [the environment] in one area makes people think it’s only one person’s job,” Mr Whittaker said. “We need everyone to understand that they have responsibility for the environment.” The Sport, Leisure and Recreation Unit will become Community, Business and Tourism under the restructure and will focus on those community services that are a business. This will incorporate pools, recreation centres, childcare and in future, cemeteries. The unit will also
provide a central focus on tourism, identifying and assisting in grasping opportunities that will impact the Wyong Shire. Open Space will be renamed Open Space and Recreation to more accurately reflect its function. Council has also adopted a reduced target for total full time staff equivalent numbers of 1,000 by the end of 2016 2017, while resolving that no existing permanent award staff member would be impacted by the change. The restructure continues the trend to decrease middle management with the number of service unit managers reducing from 20 in 2011, to 26 in 2012, and 19 from the adoption of the latest structure. Staff and staff representation groups now have the opportunity to comment on the restructure.
Coast. “The NSW Government has committed to funding the upgrades of the four pinch-point intersections on Wyong Rd in full, totalling over $100 million,” he said. Mr Webber also said that day after day, motorists sat bumper to bumper on Wyong Rd. “The intersections at Pacific Highway, Enterprise Dr, Mingara Dr and Tumbi Rd have long been identified as problematic, and we are excited that this budget has delivered the funding
If you’ve got something happening in Gosford LGA area over the next few weeks, let us know about it and we’ll list it here for you, for free. Contact details are on page 2.
Wednesday July 31 Gosford Bush Poets meeting, Gosford Hotel, 7pm
Thursday August 1 Gosford Politics in the Pub, Duttons Tavern, 6:30pm-8:30pm
Friday August 2 Love your Lunch winter workshop, Kariong Eco Garden, 11am-12:30pm The Reunion 2013 Announcement Party, Woodport Inn, 8pm SeaFM Discovered heat three, The Hub, Erina, 6:30-9:30pm Paul Grabowsky performance, Central Coast Conservatorium, 8pm Lee Hardisty live, The Circle of Life, Gosford, 6:30pm The Bush Stone-curlew on the Central Coast of NSW, Conversations and Conservation launch and community breakfast, Davistown Waterfront, 8am-10am
Sunday August 4
Wyong Road - Tumbi Road Intersection
to get them underway,” he said. “This year we have a total of $5.6 million allocated, including $800,000 in progress planning for the
Wyong Council Agenda 4.6, 12 Jun 2013 Wyong Road - Pacific Highway Intersection
intersection upgrades at Tumbi Rd and Mingara Dr, a further $800,000 in progress planning for the Enterprise Dr intersection, and $4 million for Pacific Highway.” Construction funding will be allocated in the 2014/2015 budget and will begin in the same year. “The Liberal members across the Central Coast have made sure that the needs of the region continue to be a priority and today we see evidence that the NSW government is listening,” Mr Spence said. Media release, 18 Jun 2013, Laurie Alexander, Office of Chris Spence MP
The Central Coast
Photomontage of the proposed development as viewed from the corner of Ourimbah Creek Rd and the Pacific Highway.
Source: SHA
yong Council has recommended the Joint Regional Planning Panel (JRPP) approve a $16.8 million application for a new Ausgrid works depot to be constructed at Ourimbah.
Council is unable to completely sign off on the development because the value is more than $5 million, which means the JRPP will ultimately determine the application. Wyong mayor Cr Doug Eaton said the development would serve as Ausgrid’s base for the entire Central Coast. “The development will
be home to 288 full time staff and be in operation seven days a week, and 24 hours a day during times of emergency such as a natural disaster,” Cr Eaton said. The site covers 3.9 hectares and is on the corner of Ourimbah Creek Rd and the Pacific Highway, on the F3 side. It has frontages on
both the Pacific Highway and Ourimbah Creek Rd. The application describes the proposed development as a regional works depot, comprising a total floor area of more than 8,300 square metres. There are four main buildings proposed including an administration facility with a conference
room, service facilities including showers and lockers for field staff, a vehicle servicing area with a wash bay, warehousing and storage and a recycling and waste collection facility. Car parking spaces have been provided for 188 general spots and 215 service vehicle spots. The administration building will be located on the most prominent area of the site, at the front of Ourimbah
Creek Rd and the Pacific Highway, while the site will be secured by a three metre fence. “The 288 jobs will be broken down into 74 office staff and the rest being field staff,” Cr Eaton said. “This again proves that council is working hard to attract this type of job creating investment to the Shire. “To have the regional base for Ausgrid located at Ourimbah is fantastic
news for the Shire, and for employees and job seekers. “Council has overwhelmingly supported this development and recommended it for approval by the JRPP. “We will continue to work hard to create jobs for our residents, and bring this type of million dollar investment into the Shire.” Media release, 27 Jun 2013, Wyong Shire Council
The Central Coast
Media Release, 18 July 2013 Gary Jackson, East Gosford
For events in post code areas 2250, 2260 and 2251
Mr Spence said this t its Ordinary Meeting of Wednesday, June 12, Wyong Council adopted a revised organisational structure which builds upon was a great win for the people of the Central major changes adopted in November last year.
The restructure aims to achieve an equitable distribution of responsibilities across the organisation. It also attempts to support council’s strategic priorities, in particular, a renewed focus on stimulating local economic development. Wyong mayor Cr Doug Eaton said the changes would allow council to maximise the community’s value for money. “It clearly shows our increased focus on commercial activities and functions, as opposed to a traditional public service provision role,” he said. In terms of Infrastructure and Operations, the new structure will allow resources to be dedicated to the areas of major concern raised through recent community consultation. These are roads, lakes - natural areas and drainage. The new waterways group will be in a position to dedicate resources to
and were able to discuss the upcoming performance at Dee Why. Rick Price will appear at Lizottes Dee Why, Newcastle and Kincumber.
The Gosford Diary
Saturday August 3
A free newspaper with in-depth Wyong Shire news!
to his music. “I will be performing a number of songs on the night, a variety of folk and contemporary numbers which will hopefully complement Rick’s music.” Lilia and Price recently had a chance meeting at The Concourse in Chatswood
Central Coast Blues Society jam session, Breakers Country Club, Wamberal, 6pm-9pm
Rhythm Hut house warming concert, 135 Faunce St, Gosford, 5pm
Monday August 5 Building Resilient Workers, Kariong Neighbourhood Centre
Tuesday August 6 Focus on Strengths Based Practice, Kariong Neighbourhood Centre Spirituality in the Pub, Grange Hotel function room, Wyoming, 7:30pm9pm
Wednesday August 7 Gosford Council’s Status of Women’s Committee’s Domestic Violence and Homelessness Forum, 6pm
Thursday August 8 Gosford RSL Max Potential Showcase, Gosford RSL Club, 3-5pm Guide Dogs NSW fundraising stall, Imperial Shopping Centre Gosford, 9am-2pm
Friday August 9 Guide Dogs NSW fundraising stall, Imperial Shopping Centre Gosford, 9am-2pm Zoo and Snooze Sleepout, Australian Reptile Park
Sunday August 10 Central Coast Dance Masquerade Ball, Wamberal Beach Surf Life Saving Club, 6:30pm
Wednesday August 14 Central Coast Potters Society committee meeting, 6:30pm, East Gosford
Thursday August 15 Guide Dogs NSW fundraising stall, Erina Fair Wellness Expo, Kariong Neighbourhood Centre, 10am-12pm, free
Friday August 16 Battle of the Bands U24 heat three, The Hub, Erina Brisbane Water Historical Society carpooling trip, Roses to Go, Warnervale Blue Eyes Cry, Kantara House, 7pm
Saturday August 17 The Oscas, Central Coast Potters Society, East Gosford Central Coast Roller Derby home game, Central Coast Youth Club, Niagara Park, 5:30pm Sunday Aug 18 The Oscas, Central Coast Potters Society, East Gosford
See the Peninsula News for events in post code areas 2256 & 2257 and the Wyong Regional Chronicle for events in post code areas 2258, 2259, 2261, 2262 & 2263
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Page 20 - July 31, 2013 - Coast Community News
4325 7369
Coast Community News - July 31, 2013 - Page 21
Indoor touch football tournament starts
Terrigal Avoca lose by a point
he Kincumber Youth Centre kicked off its free indoor touch football tournament on Friday, July 19, which is being refereed by local resident and professional NRL referee Adam Devcich.
Devcich has agreed to supervise the three a side tournament to help build up the sport from a grassroots level. He said he was also keen to work with the Youth Centre to help encourage young people, regardless of ability or gender, into healthy activity and away from the computer or television. “I am really keen to help
support the Youth Centre with this great initiative,” Mr Devcich said. “I have managed to acquire five free tickets to an NRL Final series game for the winning team.” The competition is open to anyone aged 11 to 17 and is completely free of charge. Although the registration day was held on Friday, July 19, young people can
register any time the youth centre is open. The competition is open to anyone male or female and does not require any previous experience in the sport. Newsletter, 18 July 2013 Jonathan Clarke, Kincumber Public School
First home game for roller girls he Central Coast’s original roller girl derby league, the Central Coast Roller Girls, will hold their first home game of the season on Saturday, August 17, at the Central Coast Youth Club in Niagara Park.
It is predicted that a sellout crowd will attend the game between local teams the Astro Naughties and Voodoo Dollies. “We are seeing more and more families and kids turn up with posters and
team shirts, yelling support for their favourite players”, captain Kiki Chaos said. The game will feature players sporting names such as Cyndi Slaughter, Allure’n’kill, Mini Mayhem and Shell Destroyer.
In addition to the grandstand there will be an 18 and over ‘Suicide Line’ for viewing. Media Release, 24 July 2013 Maddison Jones, Central Coast Roller Girls
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adder leaders Terrigal Avoca lost 13.8.86 to 13.7.85 to Cardiff in round 15 of the 2013 Black Diamond AFL Cup competition played on Saturday, July 20, at No 1 Sportsground.
Having competed in every finals series since the inception of the Black Diamond AFL in 2000 and having played in all bar one Grand Final, Cardiff’s run appeared to be over after round 11 when the club had won only three games. However, wins in successive weeks over Killarney Vale, Warners Bay and Terrigal Avoca has propelled the Hawks into fourth position on the ladder and got them thinking of another late charge to the Grand Final. The star of the day was Cardiff captain, Nic Kocon who led from the front and finished with six goals including the match winning goal with the last kick of the day. A substantial breeze favoured the netball courts end of No 1 Sportsground and Terrigal Avoca started with a slight breeze. The Hawks were winning the rucks but clean ball out of the middle was rare. Terrigal Avoca started to get their running players loose and dominated the latter half of the quarter and led by 20 points at the first break. In the second quarter, Cardiff midfield started to win the clearances and with Kocon providing a target up forward, the Hawks started to bridge the gap. In fact it was inaccurate kicking that cost them the halftime lead, which Terrigal Avoca held by four points. The third quarter was an arm wrestle with the lead changing several times. The Hawks were having trouble with the speed of the Terrigal Avoca midfield but on the flip side Terrigal Avoca were having difficulty with the marking of the Hawks’ key forwards. Tied at 10-6 apiece at the final break, the match was setup for an epic final quarter. Cardiff took the lead with a point, but the Panthers responded with the next two goals. Terrigal Avoca kicked a
goal and it was Terrigal by five. Time was running out and with less than a minute to go Kocon marked and calmly slotted home his sixth goal which gave Cardiff a one point win.
Best players for Terrigal Avoca were Kurt Fleming, James Webster, Sam O’Brien and Ian Tyley. Media release, 21 Jul 2013 Garry Burkinshaw, Black Diamond AFL
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Page 22 - July 31, 2013 - Coast Community News
CCRL round 14 sees a few shock results
Semi final spots up for grabs
errigal continued their good form with a 29-12 win over Warnervale at the Haven Oval on Saturday, July 27, in the round 12 catch up of the Central Coast Rugby Union competition.
After what was an evenly fought first half, the home side were able to play the better rugby in the second stanza. The first half was a physical encounter with both sides crossing for a try apiece. Both teams had their chances to post further points but it was not to be, mainly because of some determined defence by both teams. Terrigal went to the halftime break leading by eight points to five so the match was very much up for grabs in the second half. Warnervale were put on the back foot in the first half by having two players sin which affected their team structure and pattern on play late in the first half. However it was Terrigal who performed the better in the second half. They outscored Warnervale in the second period by 21 points to seven and played the more
effective rugby. Best players for Terrigal were young Colts’ flanker Sam Kenny, number eight Ryan Metcalfe, while both Phil Heard and Mitchell Hirst had one of their better games of the season. Warnervale just could not get into the match. Terrigal scored three tries in the second half, while Warnervale were only able to manage a try in the dying stages of this half. Warnervale’s best players were flanker Tevita Moala, lock Richie Houston who scored two individual tries and NSW Country forward Kevin McNamara. The result of this match gives Terrigal still an outside chance of making the semifinals, while Warnervale with this loss, hang on precariously to third spot on the competition ladder. Gosford cemented second spot on the competition ladder with a good win over Kariong at Kariong Oval, with the final
score being 38 to 12 in their favour. Gosford were always in charge of this match on the scoreboard. They scored a converted try early and continued to play effective rugby to continue on to victory. Gosford all but had the match wrapped up early in the second half when they led by 26 points to five. Kariong continued to give it their all in the second half but Gosford continued on to victory. Best for Gosford on the day were number eight Unuoi Vaenuku, who scored two tries, flanker Andrew Moseley and prop Grand Sullivan. Kariong were best served by prop Shannon Beavan, flanker Gus Long and halfback Scott Hanly. The win put Gosford into a safe second spot but the loss by Kariong left them in a most difficult situation in terms of the Finals Series. It seems likely that they may miss the semi-finals for the first time in many seasons. Email, 28 Jul 2013 Larry Thomson, Central Coast Rugby Union
LAT 33° 51’ S - LONG 151° 14’ E - TIME ZONE - 1000 Times and Heights(m) of high and low waters Time - Height(m) Time - Height(m) Time - Height(m)
TUE - 30 0144 - 1.25 0754 - 0.56 1430 - 1.4 7 2102 - 0.68
WED - 31 0247 - 1.17 0846 - 0.60 1529 - 1.47 2214 - 0.66
THU - 1 0357 - 1.14 0942 - 0.62 1626 - 1.50 2316 - 0.62
FRI - 2 0500 - 1.15 1037 - 0.61 1719 - 1.54
SAT - 3 0007 - 0.55 0554 - 1.19 1129 - 0.58 1805 - 1.60 TUE - 6 0200 - 0.37 0754 - 1.33 1333 - 0.46 2000 - 1.72 FRI - 9 0336 - 0.31 0941 - 1.43 1530 - 0.43 2146 - 1.67 MON - 12 0523 - 0.37 1145 - 1.49 1750 - 0.52 2352 - 1.43
SUN - 4 0048 - 0.48 0639 - 1.24 1214 - 0.54 1846 - 1.65
MON - 5 0125 - 0.42 0718 - 1.29 1255 - 0.50 1924 - 1.69 THU - 8 0303 - 0.32 0904 - 1.40 1450 - 0.43 2110 - 1.71 SUN - 11 0445 - 0.34 1100 - 1.48 1659 - 0.48 2306 - 1.52
WED - 7 0231 - 0.34 0830 - 1.37 1412 - 0.44 2035 - 1.73 SAT - 10 0409 - 0.32 1019 - 1.46 1613 - 0.45 2225 - 1.61 TUE - 13 0605 - 0.42 1235 - 1.50 1849 - 0.55
APPROX. TIME LAG AFTER FORT DENISON Ettalong 40 min, Rip Bridge 2hrs - Wisemans Ferry 2 hrs 30 min, Koolewong 2 hrs 10 min
In view of the variations caused by local conditions and meteorological effects, these times are approximate and must be considered as a guide only. They are not to be relied on for critical depth calculations for safe navigation. Actual times of High and Low Water may occur before or after the times indicated
Terrigal centre Aaiden Wright on the charge against Wyong Photo: Andrew Stark
he Terrigal Sharks have continued their lead in the 2013 Central Coast Rugby League competition following a 28-16 victory over Wyong in round 14 of the competition held on Sunday, July 21.
The Gavin Spain coached Sharks sit two points clear of Berkley Vale on the ladder following the Panthers’ shock 24-4 home ground loss to Ourimbah. The Magpies have hit fine form in recent weeks, and now sit just one point
outside the top five. Erina recorded their seventh win of the season, defeating Central Wyong 56-6 and have overtaken the Wyong Roos to claim fourth position. In the final game of the round, premiers Kincumber
errigal-Avoca defeated Lake Macquarie 37.27.249 to 0.1.1 in round 16 of the Black Diamond AFL Cup Premier Division played on Saturday, July 27.
July 11, 2013
Issue 058
Your independent local sports newspaper - 4325 7369
Official reception for Socceroos Football Federation Australia Richard Mehrtens, Office of Deborah O’Neill MP
antas Socceroos head coach Holger Osieck held a training camp in Gosford and Tuggerah from Monday, July 1, to Friday, July 5, which included Central Coast Mariners’ Joshua Rose, Mitchell Duke and Trent Sainsbury.
A free newspaper with in-depth sport news! EE FR
Your independent local sports newspaper - 4325 7369
Ryan’s transfer to Club Brugge complete
Rogic takes part in Socceroo win
Central Coast Mariners Media
he Jan Br eydelstadion is the new home of goalkeeper Mathew Ryan after the 21-year-old custodian completed his transfer from the Central Coast Mariners to Belgian Pro League heavyweights Club Brugge on Thursday, May 30.
After flying to Europe earlier in the week to undergo a medical, Ryan put an end to speculation surrounding his playing future by penning a three-season contract with the Blue and Blacks. Ryan becomes the third summer signing for Club Brugge, with the Club’s Sporting Director Arnar Grétarsson labelling the twotime NAB Young Football of the Year as a goalkeeper with “huge potential”. “He [Ryan] has been playing three years for the Australian top team Central Coast Mariners,” Grétarsson said. “Despite his young age he has gathered a lot of experience and he has been elected twice as best goalkeeper of Australia. “This year he has celebrated the title with his team in the A-League. ‘Another asset of Ryan is his attitude and mindset.” Despite Ryan being due to come off contract two days after his signing, the Mariners still managed to negotiate a sizeable transfer
Issue 056
June 27, 2013
Your independent local sports newspaper - 4325 7369
Australian Rugby
ormer Ourimbah Juniors’ player Adam AshleyCooper was part of the Qantas Wallabies Rugby Union team defeated by HSBC British and Irish Lions in the DHL Australia 2013 Lions Tour test series match at Suncorp Stadium in Brisbane on Saturday, June 22.
Photo: John Dewberry
fee for the 2013 Hyundai A-League Championship winner. The Club has confirmed the transfer also included a sell-on clause. Central Coast Mariners Group general manager Mr Peter Turnbull thanked Ryan for his exemplary service to the Mariners. “Today is a proud day for our Football Club,” Turnbull said. “Club Brugge are one of the most respected Clubs in Europe. “They have a long, proud history and a strong record, like us, of taking players to the next level in their
careers. “We commend Mathew for his effort, professionalism and performances while at the Mariners and wish him great success in the Belgian Pro League and with the Qantas Socceroos in the future.” Ryan joins a distinguished list of former Australian internationals to have played with the 13-time Belgian Champions. Current Sydney FC Head Coach, Frank Farina, and Qantas Young Socceroos mentor, Paul Okon, both spent fruitful spells in West Flanders.
Issue 057
Adam Ashley-Cooper stars in Wallaby performance
ormer Central Coast Mariner Tom Rogic was part of the Qantas Socceroo squad that defeated Jordan 4-0 on Tuesday, June 11 in Melbourne. Tom Rogic was given an opportunity when coach Holger Osiek sent him on as a substitute for Brett Holman in the final 10 minutes of the match. Rogic had an immediate impact when he headed the ball to team captain, Lucas Neil who in turn scored the fourth goal for Australia and Lucas Neil’s first for his country, Rogic also showed his ball dribbling skills when he was able to skirt around opposition players to create chances around the box. After the match, Rogic said: “The match probably had the perfect outcome”. “That’s my first game at home so, to get on the park in front of the Australian crowd is very pleasing and I’m happy to get any game time. “I think we dominated the game from start to finish and I think the result showed that. “We got through the game 4-0; a clean sheet with no yellow cards picked up, so I
Photo: Paul Barkley-LookPro
The Wallabies were defeated 23-21 in front of a new ground record crowd of 52,499. The Wallabies would have won the match had they not missed four kicks at goal, two of which were in
the last ten minutes. The match was lit up by two of the best solo tries in recent memory, to George North for the Lions and Israel Folau for the Wallabies (twice), who scored individual tries as the Lions held on for the nail-biting victory, after the Wallabies were severely disrupted by four injuries to key backline players. Ashley-Cooper was replaced with four minutes to go by reserve scrumhalf Nick Phipps. The teams now move on to Melbourne at Etihad Stadium on Saturday, June 29, for what is sure to be a thrilling second test of the three.
Rogic features in win over Iraq Football Federation Australia
Photo: John Dewberry
think on all accounts, it was a very good result for us. “But in saying that, it was only half the job for us and we have a very big game next week,” said Rogic. The Socceroos are now on ten points standing second in their group, but need to do well against Iraq in Sydney on Tuesday night to ensure direct qualification for the World Cup in Brazil in
2014. “It’s a massive game, but at the same time, it’s just another game of football. “I think we have a good combination of experience and youth to see us through these matches. “So I think everyone is preparing quite well and it’s only the start of what is a very big week,” he said.
ormer Central Coast Mariners’ player Tom Rogic was called on as a substitute in the 60th minute of the Socceroos’ match against Iraq on Tuesday, June 18. The match was the final qualification match for Australia’s group with the top two earning direct qualification to the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. Rogic troubled the Iraqi defence before Josh Kennedy scored the winning goal in the 1-0 victory. Needing a win to assure a spot at a third straight World Cup, the Socceroos looked like blowing their chance
Media Release, 22 Jul 2013 Andrew Stark, Central Coast Rugby League
Terrigal-Avoca wins by 248 points
June 13, 2013
bounced back from a series of recent losses to overturn the Toukley Hawks 46-6 at Darren Kennedy Oval.
as the stubborn visitors held firm for more than 82 minutes. But in his first Socceroos appearance in 19 months, Kennedy came off the bench to nod home Mark Bresciano’s cross seven minutes from time to send the crowd of 80,532 into delirium. Australia boss Holger Osieck received a few boos from the home fans when he opted to substitute favourite son Tim Cahill for Kennedy just a few minutes earlier. But the decision proved a masterstroke as Kennedy did what he does best, giving Iraq ‘keeper Noor Sabri no chance with a wellplaced header from just six
yards out. The nail-biting victory meant the Socceroos finished second in their group behind Japan and avoided going into the lottery of the play-offs later this year. Knowing a win over the inexperienced Iraqi’s would ensure Australia’s berth for a third straight World Cup, there was a sense of excited anticipation amongst the fans before kick-off. Searching for ways to unlock the stubborn Iraqi defence, Holger Osieck introduced young star Tom Rogic on the hour and the Celtic midfielder immediately lifted the tempo. The Socceroos thought
they had the crucial breakthrough 25 minutes from time when a poor headed clearance landed perfectly for Kruse to volley home from just outside the box. But celebrations soon turned to despair as Iranian referee Faghani Alireza had already blown for a foul by Ognenovski in the lead-up. The close call only added to the tension, which soon turned to shock among the home fans as Cahill made way for Kennedy. And the beanpole striker took just six minutes to make an impact, sending his header past Sabri to get celebrations underway. Photo: Paul Barkley-LookPro
The training camp was part of the Qantas Socceroos preparation for the upcoming EAFF East Asian Cup 2013 in Seoul. It was the first of three camps in Australia to be held in the lead up to the East Asian Cup. The Cup will take place in the Korean Republic from July 20 to 28. At a reception held by Gosford Council, Minister for Sport Senator Don Farrell and Member for Robertson Ms Deborah O’Neill congratulated the players on their World Cup qualification.
“The next eighteen months represents a very exciting time for football in Australia,” said Mr Farrell. “With Australia qualifying for its third successive World Cup, an outstanding achievement in itself, and
Australia hosting the Asian Football Confederation Asian Cup in 2015, there is a lot for football fans to be excited about. “Focusing on the current challenge of the East Asian Cup, I’m sure the head
Georgia Wassall off to World Athletic Championships Athletics NSW Gosford Council media
eorgia Wassall of Wamberal has received a $1,000 sponsorship from the Developing and Recognising Talent (DART) program to attend the IAAF World Youth Athletic
Championships which will be held in the Ukraine from July 10 to 14. Georgia, 17, broke the NSW U18 and U20 800 metre records in February this year to qualify for the World Youth Championships. The qualifying win also
saw her become the second fastest U18 Australian runner ever, and number 10 in the U20s list. The record was previously set 44 years ago by Cheryl Peasley, who went on to win a Commonwealth Games medal and become an Olympian.
coach, Holger Osieck has the team primed to impress as they did at the recent World Cup qualification matches. “I wish the team the best of luck when they head to South Korea for the East
Asian Cup later this month.” Ms O’Neill said she was delighted that the facilities on the Central Coast had been chosen for the training camp. “Having members of the Socceroos squad training
here is exciting for the local community, and I can see the positive influence on our local young sporting stars – inspired to work hard so that they may have similar opportunities in the future,” Ms O’Neill said.
Duke and Sainsbury selected for Socceroos’ training camp Football Federation Australia
wo Central Coast Mariners players were selected to participate in a Socceroos training camp in Sydney which began on Monday, July 8, and will continue until
Friday, July 12. The camp is part of the Socceroos’ preparations for the upcoming EAFF East Asian Cup 2013 which will be played in the Korea Republic from July 20 to 28. Mitchell Duke and Trent Sainsbury were two
of 20 players selected to participate in the training camp, which was the last chance for players to impress head coach Holger Osieck before the final Socceroos squad for the EAFF East Asian Cup 2013 is named on Friday, July 12.
The victory for the Panthers at Hylton Moore Oval saw them secure first place on the competition ladder with 13 points. James Webster continued his excellent season with many winning possessions around the ground, and finished with six goals. Kurt Fleming, Sam O’Brien and Jay Lewis also stood out for Terrigal-Avoca. In the first division, Terrigal Avoca was also victorious against Maitland 12.9.81 to 5.4.34 at Hylton Moore Oval. Terrigal-Avoca now sits at third place on the first division competition ladder, with 44 points. Media Release, 28 Jul 2013 Garry Burkinshaw, Black Diamond AFL Black Diamond AFL Website
Coast Community News - July 31, 2013 - Page 23
Gosford win netball knockout match
CountryNet Football League Round 15 results ound 15 of the CountryNet Football League competition was played on Sunday, July 21, which saw East Gosford defeat Kincumber 2-0 at Hylton Moore Park.
The goals were scored midway through each half with TT Kakadumane on target in the first half and Glenn Watkins in the second. The East Gosford Rams are now just two points behind Wyoming in fourth place while Kincumber’s seventh match without a win leaves them on the fringe of the regulation zone. Wyoming’s challenge for the league championship suffered a major setback when they were held to a 1-1 draw by Kanwal at Alan Davidson Park. It was Kanwal’s fourth such result in their last five matches, and moved them up to eighth place on the table. The draw follows the teams’ previous encounter, when Wyoming beat Kanwal
10-3. Kanwal took the lead early in the second half after Michael Mulder followed up his saved penalty shot to score, with Michael Payne scoring his 15th goal of the season to equalize 10 minutes later. Avoca were defeated 3-2 against Berkley Vale at Mingara Sports Field, despite an early 2-0 lead. Playing their second match in five days under new coach Michael Simmonds, Avoca shocked the league champions when Eric Riquelme scored twice in the first quarter of the match. Berkley Vale bounced back with goals to Troy Mumford and Corey Atkinson prior to the half time break with a 70 minute strike from John
Dineen-Griffin, clinching the Wombats’ eighth win of the season and cementing second place. Gosford City were defeated 2-1 by competition leaders Killarney District at EDSACC North. After a scoreless first half the home team took the lead in the 60th minute through Jared Reed before an own goal squared the match. Reed’s eighth goal of the season, with 10 minutes remaining, then settled the match in Killarney’s favour, allowing them to retain their four point buffer over Berkley Vale, although with an extra match played. Media Release, 24 July 2013 Alistair Kennedy, Central Coast Football
he Point Clare Public School girls’ netball knockout team was defeated by Gosford on Friday, July 19.
The Point Clare team were fresh off a three week break, but didn’t match up to Gosford whose early shooting precision secured an unattainable lead.
“Special mentions this game must go to Franny and Shireen who played great positional netball and were always free to pass to,” coach Kate Lawson
said. Newsletter, 23 July 2013 Kate Lawson, Point Clare Public School
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Coast Community News - July 31, 2013 - Page 24
Mariners receive $360,000 sponsorship from Council
Terrigal wins NSW Pool Rescue Championships
osford Council has entered into a three year partnership with the Central Coast Mariners Football Club and will provide $120,000 in sponsorship each year to the club as part of the agreement.
The partnership agreement aims to provide Gosford City exposure at a national and international level and focuses on a range of community benefits including youth, recreational and sporting development opportunities, increased tourism and visitor attraction to the region. Council sponsored the Central Coast Mariners between 2008 and 2011 in conjunction with Wyong Council, Business Central Coast and the Department of State and Regional Development for a total of approximately $440,000. Council concluded its sponsorship of the club following the 2010-2011 season. While the joint sponsorship of the Mariners
was successful, Council had resolved to investigate opportunities to sponsor other regional activities, projects and joint ventures in the marketing of Gosford City. The Central Coast Mariners have built a reputation as the most consistent team in the national competition’s history, as four time grand finalists, two time premiers and 2013 Hyundai A-League Champions. Following their success, the Central Coast Mariners reapproached Gosford Council with the opportunity to become a sleeve sponsor for the next three seasons commencing this year. The partnership will provide Gosford Council with exposure at a national
level through the Hyundai A-League competition and at an international level through the Asian Champions League (ACL). Four ACL games were held in Gosford against competing teams from March to May and drew crowds of up to 8,000 people, accompanied by large visiting delegations from overseas supporting their respective teams. The funding of $120,000 per year for three seasons, totalling $360,000, will be sourced from Council’s To u r i s m - B u s i n e s s Development Special Levy. Gosford Council Agenda SF.13, 16 Jul 2013 Media release, 17 Jul 2013
Two NRL matches at Bluetongue Stadium in a week ith the final rounds of the 2013 NRL draw released, Bluetongue Stadium has secured Round 22 and Round 23.
Round 22 will see the Manly Warringah Sea Eagles take on the Warriors on Sunday, August 11, at 2pm. The Sea Eagles will be celebrating the contribution of indigenous communities to rugby league one week ahead of the NRL’s official indigenous round. They have a ‘Family Fun’ afternoon planned that will include entertainment, cultural dances, and community activities for the
Sunday featured game. Activities including face painting, junior rugby and a variety of stalls will take place in the precinct area on Dane Dr between Central Coast Leagues Club and the Stadium prior to the main game. Friday Night Football will return to the Central Coast for Round 23 on August 16 from 7:30pm with the Rabbitohs to take on Manly to secure their spot in the finals.
Presented by Kari, the Rabbitohs will go up against traditional rivals the Manly Sea Eagles. After a round seven win against the Sea Eagles at Brookvale Oval earlier this year, the Rabbitohs will be hoping for another full house as two Sydney teams head to Gosford aiming to bring back the two competition points. Media release, 22 Jul 2013 Kath Casey, Bluetongue Stadium
Adventists have record breaking run at athletics carnival tudents from Central Coast Adventist School successfully competed in the Hunter Region Independent Schools Athletics Carnival in Newcastle on July 24.
One hundred and one students and four helpers attended the event in which the school placed fifth overall. Josh Pallot from Year 10 won the 15 years Boys Age Champion prize and Liam
Townsend from Year 11 won the 16 and 17 Boys Age Champions. Records were also broken by 13-year-old Bess Chippendale who broke the 800m record, and 17-yearold Hannah Danckert and
13-year-old Lydia Pulley who each broke the javelin record for their age group. Newsletter, 25 July 2013s Dean Bennetts, Central Coast Adventist School
errigal Surf Life Saving Club successfully took out the NSW Pool Rescue Championships which took place at the Peninsula Leisure Centre on July 27 and 28.
Competitors from 24 clubs competed in events such as obstacle swims, manikin carries, line throws, medley relays and simulated emergency response competition. With the largest team in the competition, Terrigal dominated the Championships, achieving an overall point score of 487.5. Strong performances were delivered by Keelan Bridge, Rachelle King, Tim Schofield, Tom Simpson, Alessandra and Elyssia Gasparotto, Corey Fletcher, Savannah Wheeler, Lucy
Hayes and Paul Lemmon. Local club Umina finished in fourth position with an overall point score of 126, and strong performances from Claire Gaffney, Rachel Wood, Jemma Smith, Jasmine Darwin and Bronte Smith. Surf Life Saving NSW head coach Jeff Mowbray said he was hugely impressed with the growth of the event. “It was so great to see the development of this event and so many younger kids competing,” Mr Mowbray said. “Pool Rescue gives
athletes who prefer swimming over other disciplines a greater opportunity to participate in Surf Life Saving Competition.” Competitors under 18 also have the chance to be selected to travel to New Zealand as part of a NSW Development Team for the National Championships in October. The squad will be announced later this week. Media Release, 29 Jul 2013 Alix Vanny, Surf Life Saving NSW
Lighting upgrade for Kariong Oval osford Council has agreed to the lodgement of development and construction certificate applications for the upgrade of the sports ground floodlighting at field three on Kariong Oval.
The report to council by director of economic and community development Ms Colleen WorthyJennings proposed to install floodlighting on the field with new poles, footings and luminaries. These installations would provide 50 lux lighting that complies with the current
Australian Standards for ball and physical training. Council has allocated $47,518 through the Capital Works Program. $69,590 has been secured through the NSW Office of Communities Sport and Recreation Participation and Facility Program. A further $5,000 was
allocated through the 201314 Recreation Assistance Program (RAP) to the Kariong United Football Club and the Kariong United Football Club will contribute $5,000 matching funding to the RAP allocation. Gosford Council Agenda, ECO.12 16 Jul 2013.