Schools and families on the Central Coast are being encouraged to take part in National Ride2School Day this Friday, March 21.
See page 3
Train chaos strikes again
Less than a month after Central Coast commuters heaved a sigh of relief with the suspension of union action on the rail network until July 1, trains were thrown into chaos again on Friday, March 14.
This time it was nothing to do with industrial action, but due to a signal failure.
As the system struggled to recover from signal issues at Ashfield station on Friday morning, major delays plagued the entire Sydney Trains network, with some Central Coast passengers reporting journey times of more than four hours.
Sydney Trains warned delays could be expected throughout the night, with both incoming and outgoing Central Coast services affected.
And so it proved, with one CCN reader reporting her nephew and his wife left Gosford on the 9.30pm train and didn’t arrive home at Waverton until 1.30am the following morning.
One correspondent was stuck on a train at Sydney’s domestic airport for an hour without any information or affordable alternative transport mode to the Central Coast Uber and taxis quoted over $200 for the trip.
Central Coast commuters fed up with transport woes
Another chaotic day on the Sydney rail network occurred on Friday, March 14, leaving tens of thousands of commuters delayed or stranded, exposing the fragility of the system and the disproportionate impact on Central Coast residents.
CCN encourages “community journalism”, including story leads, citizen reports, media releases, photos & letters to the Editor.
contributing to the ongoing technical failures plaguing the network?
bus services to and from the airport, effectively compelling travellers to use the train services subject to additional levies.
Four government MPs represent this region—yet commuters still suffer daily disruption, often with little explanation or accountability.
These levies, initially intended to expire after a decade, persist over two and a half decades later.
At the same time, there are calls for workers to “get back in the office”.
Federal Opposition Leader
We reserve the right to use, or not use, any material sent to us for publication and to validate, amend, update, expand or reduce the information provided at our sole discretion and in accordance with our editorial guidelines.
A seemingly simple signal failure at Ashfield and an untimely hazard reduction burn have once again highlighted how vulnerable the network is, particularly for long-distance travellers who have no viable alternative.
Material that is considered offensive, defamatory, or overtly political will not be published. Please send contributions to the above email address along with a high-res image (if applicable).
Managing Editor: David Abrahams
Print Editor & Senior Journalist: Terry Collins
Journalists: Sue Murray, Denice Barnes, Merilyn Vale
Graphic Designer: Brad Yee
Distribution: Anthony Wagstaff
Contributors: Cheralyn Darcey
For months, Central Coast commuters have endured an endless cycle of delays and cancellations due to the protracted industrial dispute between rail unions and management.
Despite a Fair Work order halting further industrial action until at least June, there appears to be no resolution in sight.
The question must be asked: is this unresolved dispute
Transparency around the issue remains a key concern. The rail data agency must bring forward real-time data and improve its transparency, providing the media and the public with factual reporting on train cancellations and lateness.
Commuters deserve clear answers on the true state of the network.
Equally, NSW’s new Transport Minister, John Graham, must take responsibility and offer a public assessment of the network’s health and plans for improvement.
The lack of alternative public transport options at Sydney Airport exacerbates the situation when train services are disrupted.
Historically, the airport and state government devised a plan that limited reasonable
Consequently, when train services fail, Central Coast travellers face exorbitant Uber or taxi fares to return home.
Meanwhile, the stark contrast between the struggling Sydney Trains network and the new Sydney Metro system is hard to ignore.
Since its launch, the driverless metro service has operated with remarkable efficiency— showing what a fit-for-purpose rail system should look like.
The comparison is not lost on commuters, nor should it be lost on the state government, which bears full responsibility for Sydney’s outdated and unreliable rail network.
Locally based state MPs on the Central Coast must step up pressure for real change.
Peter Dutton’s push to force federal public servants back into offices five days a week fails to acknowledge the transport nightmare many workers face
Hybrid and work-from-home arrangements have been a boon for Central Coast workers and their families, improving work-life balance and productivity while reducing unnecessary travel.
Until Sydney’s train system is operating reliably and efficiently, any demand for a five-day return to the office should be put on hold.
Commuters and workers deserve better.
David Abrahams, Managing Editor
Flying start to the year
Doyalson Girls Squadron of the Australian Air League had a flying start to 2025.
Cadets Olivia Murray and Diana Paterson have progressed in their flying careers at the NSW Flying
Camp, held at the Air League Flying School at Camden airport.
The NSW State Athletics Carnival held at Narellan recently saw the girls come home with 12 first placings, 10
second placings and six third placings over all events.
They took out second place for the whole carnival ahead of 10 other teams.
The cadets also got down and dirty to help clean up the lake shore at San Remo for Clean Up Australia Day.
members are welcome. Check out the latest activities on the Australian Air League Doyalson Squadron Facebook page or call 0409 152 817.
Cadets cleaning up San Remo lakeshore
Cadets at the State Athletics Carnival
Two briefings will give Central Coast councillors an overview of all its income generating assets including Lake Haven Cinema, Peninsula Leisure Centre, Gosford Swimming Pool and Central Coast Stadium.
Information will include: financial performance over a 10year period; cost analysis and viability assessment; community and strategic benefits; relationships with external stakeholders to help run the asset (such as Venues Live); any recent undertakings to improve asset performance and draw in additional revenue; and details of any confidential agreements.
Council CEO David Farmer said two briefings should be held to guide the discussion.
The first briefing would take place in April to provide a highlevel overview of the financial performance of the assets over a period, the main drivers of the performance,and the investment
Overview of Council assets
in these assets over the same period.
“In this session the various management models, partnerships and any relevant governance aspects will also be covered,” his comments added to the agenda item noted.
“At this session the Council may wish to identify specific details it wants to obtain, including the high-level aspects of viability, including any scenarios that Council may wish to explore.
“The second session in June 2025 would be focused on delving deeper into the drivers of performance, community and strategic benefits, and the outcome of the scenarios identified during the April session.”
The motion was adopted unanimously after being put forward by Councillor Jared Wright and seconded by Councillor Doug Eaton.
Councillor Corinne Lamont said all assets need to be looked
at, including Gosford Bowling Club and the Warnervale Airport.
Councillor Kyle MacGregor asked why only the profit assets were being looked at and mentioned the decision made at the February council meeting to adopt theWarnervale masterplan and the huge costs involved in its implementation.
He said he was worried that decisions that are made from reports such as these result in cost cutting, job losses and rates going up.
But Wright says it’s all about transparency and accountability.
“Central Coast Council has emerged from administration, significantly improving its financial platform,”the councillor note published in the agenda said.
“However, it remains in the Council’s interest to further enhance its financial position to support infrastructure growth, key projects, and ongoing operations.
“Council owns and operates (or has a stake in) a number of income generating assets, including Metro Cinema Lake Haven, Gosford Swimming Pool, Peninsula Leisure Centre, and Central Coast Stadium.”
The assets presented various opportunities and challenges from a cost-benefit perspective, the note said.
“As the Council transitions out of administration, it is crucial to continue evaluating these
assets’ operational efficiency to secure a robust financial future.”
A key example was Metro Cinema Lake Haven.
“The cinema industry faces ongoing challenges, such as competition from digital entertainment platforms and evolvingconsumerpreferences,” the note said.
“Following a recent investment in upgrading the cinema, it is imperative to assess its value to ratepayers across multiple metrics, including financial performance and community benefit.
“Ratepayers deserve transparency regarding the use of their funds and assurance that the Council operates effectively with a solid financial foundation.
“A comprehensive review of income generating assets will highlight opportunities for revenue growth and evaluate the feasibility and practicality of retaining these assets and enable well informed decision making going forward.”
New group opposes Kincumber development plan
A new community campaign to save wetlands at Kincumber has seen more than 500 people register to join via Facebook in just a few days.
The Save Kincumber Wetlands campaign and Facebook page was established to protest the proposed lease of bushland beside Carrack Rd to Woolworths.
Owner of the land, the Darkinjung Local Aboriginal Land Council (DLALC),
announced on its Facebook page last month that it intended to proceed with the project, which was listed as a one-tofive year priority in its Development Delivery Plan of 2022.
Although no development application has yet been lodged with Central Coast Council, opponents say the proposal threatens significant environmental bushland and wetlands.
“Save Kincumber Wetlands has been founded to highlight the importance of protecting
this environmentally diverse native bushland,” founding member Cassie Roese said.
“Not only will the construction of a new Woolworths decimate a large area of bushland that wildlife depends on, but it will also interfere with the ecosystem of the wetlands that help clean the water entering the adjoining Brisbane Water.
“In just a few days, we have managed to attract well over 500 people to join our group, which shows that our local community is passionate about
saving the Kincumber Wetlands.
“Our Facebook page will serve as a communication tool for updates, resources, discussions and events related to the conservation of the wetlands.”
The group says it is not opposed to new development, but that it shouldn’t be at the cost of sensitive wetlands and habitat.
Interested residents can join the Save Kincumber Wetlands page on Facebook.
Get on your bikes and ride to school
Schools and families on the Central Coast are being encouraged to take part in National Ride2School Day this Friday, March 21. The day aims to help students, teachers, parents and carers discover the joys of riding and kickstart healthy habits for the future.
Organised by charity the Bicycle Network, the day is Australia’s biggest celebration of active travel, with more than 350,000 children across Australia expected to participate this year by either riding, walking, scootering or skating to school.
Avoca Public School runs a bike licence scheme to promote the benefits of safe riding and will be encouraging its students to take part.
“National Ride2School Day is a great way to promote active transport for children and neatly aligns ith our own school initiatives such as our bike licence scheme,” principal Ben Thomas said.
The initiative sees students given a checklist of road safety rules and responsibilities that they discuss with their parents. Once they have checked them off and then demonstrated their understanding of these at school, they are issued with a bike licence, much like a driver’s licence.
“We find it’s a really fun way to go beyond teaching road safety lessons and complements the curriculum activities,” Thomas said.
“We discuss the benefits of riding a bike to school, how to
navigate their neighbourhood, and how they can play their part in reducing traffic on our roads and our environmental footprint.
“It really helps us create a fun, community atmosphere.”
Central Coast Local Health District health promotion officer Nigel Tebb said the day provides many health benefits.
“Riding a bike to school is a fun and simple way for children to get some of the recommended minimum 60 minutes of physical activity they need each day to be healthy,” he said.
“What’s more, going active to school improves a young person’s concentration.
“We also encourage parents and carers to get involved.
“Not only is it a great way to spend quality time with children and model healthy habits, but primary school students are safest when they are supervised by an adult when cycling.
“Most people probably know that you can ride a bike on the footpath if you’re under 16 years of age unless there are signs that specifically prohibit bicycles, but many might be surprised to know that you can also ride on the footpath if you’re 16 or older and riding with (supervising) someone under 16.”
For more information visit ride2schoolday
Hunter Transmission Project
The Energy Corporation of NSW (EnergyCo) is planning the Hunter Transmission Project (HTP) to help provide a clean, affordable and reliable power supply for the people of NSW.
Learn more at a community information session:
• 24 March: 3pm to 6pm Cooranbong Community Hall
• 25 March: 3pm to 6pm
Performance Arts Culture Cessnock
• 26 March: 3pm to 6pm Club Singleton
Visit or scan the QR code for details.
Gosford Swimming Pool
The proposed development site adjoins Kincumber Broadwater
medicare medicare medicare medicare medicare
The Local Environmental Plan used by Central Coast Council to zone and manage land is “flawed, not fit-forpurpose and incapable of protecting the region’s biodiversity, cultural heritage or unique visual character” according to a scoping report prepared by the Community Environment Network (CEN).
The scoping report, which calls for amendments to the Central Coast Local Environmental Plan 2022 (CCLEP2022), is an expansion of CEN’s 2024 The Coast Needs a Better Plan initiative.
Last year CEN called on Planning Minister Paul Scully to reject the Deferred Matters Planning Proposal that the organisation said could have destroyed 3770ha of bushland by introducing intensive and commercial land uses into high conservation zoned land.
The Deferred Matters Planning Proposal has not yet been signed off by Scully and CEN is calling on the Minister to reject the proposal.
CEN calls for LEP amendments
CEN Chair Gary Chestnut said the new scoping report identified over 8,350ha of land that contained mapped Endangered Ecological Communities (EECs) and steep land, that was not protected by the C2 Zone under the CCLEP2022.
“This oversight represents a fundamental failure in environmental stewardship and is inconsistent with principles of strategic and evidence-based planning,” he said.
“Urgent corrective action is necessary to address these deficiencies and ensure the adequate protection of these ecologically, scientific, cultural and aesthetic significant areas.
“The failure to uphold rigorous, evidence-based decisionmaking has resulted in a compromised planning framework, threatening the integrity of conservation efforts and undermined the region’s environmental sustainability.”
Chestnut said the conservation zoning “mess” in the CCLEP2022 was due to the conflicting interpretation and application of environmental/conservation
zones by the former Gosford City and Wyong Shire Councils.
Chestnut said there may even be Old Growth Forest in areas of the former Wyong Shire west of the M1 that should be zoned C2, the highest level of protection available outside a national park, but have been zoned C3, which allows land clearing with offsets.
“And we know the NSW offsetting system is also
currently failing to protect conservation land,” he said.
“Central Coast Council has repeated past environmental planning failures thus placing the entire region’s conservation efforts at significant risk.
“The failure to protect highvalue environmental land is not merely an oversight, it is a systemic issue that reflects a troubling pattern of flawed decision-making.
“Such an approach is devoid of transparency, accountability and adherence to best-practice land-use planning.
“It undermines public trust and sacrifices the long-term environmental, social and economic well-being of the Central Coast.”
Chestnut said copies of CEN’s scoping report and recommendations had been
Shark nets to come down a month early
sent to relevant NSW Ministers, all 15 elected Central Coast Council councillors, and the Council’s Director of Environment and Planning.
“We are seeking the rezoning of those 8,350ha from C3 to the higher and more protective C2 to ensure the protection of all highvalue ecological, scientific, cultural and aesthetic attributes located on land within the former Wyong Shire local government area,” he said.
“As we said in 2024, the Central Coast deserves a better plan.
“We were promised a brandnew comprehensive Local Environmental Plan as part of the amalgamation of our two former councils and that happened nine years ago.
“Our proposal would align the region’s conservation zones with contemporary biodiversity conservation and sustainability goals in accordance with the objectives of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Department of Planning guidelines.”
Shark nets at 11 patrolled beaches on the Central Coast will be removed on March 31, one month earlier than in previous years.
The change, directed by the NSW Government, is part of the updated 2024-25 NSW Shark Management Program.
The beaches affected are Lakes Beach, Soldiers Beach, The Entrance, Shelly Beach, Terrigal Beach, North Avoca Beach, Avoca Beach, Copacabana Beach, MacMasters Beach, Killcare Beach and Umina Beach.
Central Coast Council Director Community and Recreation Services Melanie Smith said Council supports the NSW
Government’s decision to remove the shark nets a month earlier to avoid the peak turtle migration period.
“The NSW Government is implementing these changes to prioritise the safety of beachgoers while increasing protections for marine life,” Smith said.
“As the removal is taking place during the Council’s lifeguard patrol season, which concludes on April 27, Council lifeguards will continue to patrol these beaches until the end of the season.”
Central Coast Mayor Lawrie McKinna said the safety of locals and visitors to Central Coast beaches remains paramount.
“As a regular swimmer at Terrigal Beach, I understand the importance of swimming between the flags and urge locals and visitors to continue doing this at our patrolled beaches,” he said.
“Although the shark nets are being removed, Council lifeguards and surf lifesavers continue to implement other shark mitigation measures to help keep beachgoers safe, so please follow their advice.”
In addition to removing the shark nets one month earlier, the NSW Government is using drones to check nets throughout March, and the net boats will be out more frequently during this time doing extra net checks.
The NSW Government is also trialling LED lights on shark nets at Central Coast beaches, aiming to reduce catches of endangered turtles and other threatened species during periods of relatively high abundance.
The NSW Government has not yet confirmed whether the shark nets will be reinstated for the next season.
Download the free SharkSmart app to receive real-time alerts for SMART drumline target shark capture/ releases, tagged shark detections, SLS NSW and Surfing NSW drone shark sightings and other sharkrelated information.
Scammers asking for Shirley Shuttle donations
If a young couple knocks on your door asking for money for Shirley Shuttle Incorporated, don’t be fooled.
The charity, which is its 17th year of transporting cancer patients to their treatments on the Central Coast, has issued a scam warning.
“We have been made aware of a young couple circulating the area in yellow Cancer Council branded shirts who are
soliciting donations for Shirley Shuttle, mostly from elderly people, by door knocking,” a spokesperson said on a recent Facebook post.
“They are specifically asking for regular payments via bank or credit card transfers, and are asking if the person lives alone.
“Shirley Shuttle Inc does not solicit donations door to door, and we are concerned that this couple are targeting and robbing vulnerable people.
“The couple are quite knowledgeable about Shirley Shuttle, and could possibly have been employed by the Cancer Council to fundraise for their organisation in the past (hence the Cancer Council uniform), so they are quite convincing.”
“We were first alerted about them last month in the Morisset area, but they have been seen operating in Point Frederick this week,” the spokesperson said.
CEN says the Tumbi Umbi hills are not adequately protected under the current CCLEP2022 zoning
Shirley Shuttle Inc does NOT solicit donations door to door
Seeing Eye Dogs roadshow comes to Gosford
Vision Australia Seeing Eye Dogs will bring its expert staff and dogs in training to Gosford on March 24 to help people who are blind or have low vision learn more about the service.
The Seeing Eye Dogs roadshow will visit seven locations from March 10-25, with free information sessions, trial walks and more on offer to all who attend.
Seeing Eye Dogs Service Planning Manager Letisha Watson said the roadshow is open to anyone who thinks a Seeing Eye Dog could help improve their ability to be active and independent in the community.
“For first time handlers we can explain in detail the application process and training program they’ll go through, while for handlers who may already working with
a dog guide we can begin to work through what can be quite an emotional process of their dog retiring and being matched with a successor dog,” she said.
“For both groups we can also work through what funding, such as the NDIS, may be available to help them access Seeing Eye Dog Services and provide some assistance on how they should navigate that as well.”
Currently the wait time for a Seeing Eye Dog is just four months and the organisation is keen to increase the number of handlers in NSW and the ACT.
“We’ve worked hard to reduce the waiting time and with Seeing Eye Dog instructors now based permanently in NSW, we are really keen for more people across the region to make the most of our Seeing Eye Dogs,” Watson said.
“Every person who is matched with a Seeing Eye Dog benefits from the two years and almost $50,000 it takes to train one of our dogs, so they can be confident they are working with a Seeing Eye Dog that will provide the support they need to be active and independent.
“Our instructors continue to work with handlers after they’re matched with their Seeing Eye Dog to ensure the partnership is working.”
Seeing Eye Dogs Roadshow sessions are free and open to anyone who is blind or has low vision.
The Gosford session will take place at Vision Australia, Ground Floor, Suite G02/40 Mann St, from 10.30am1.30pm on March 24.
For more information go to or email SEDClients@
Heartdancers founder recognised by Premier
Colombian-born artist
Sandra Morales, who runs Heartdancers on the Central Coast, has won the 2025 Arts and Culture Medal at this year’s Premier’s Harmony Dinner, held on Wednesday, March 12.
Premier Chris Minns said the annual event was one of the “immense privileges” that come with the job.
“The work that has made NSW one of the most culturally diverse and socially cohesive places in the world happens every day,” he said.
“It is driven by the dedication and commitment of individuals across our communities.”
Morales said Heartdancers is the only organisation in the Central Coast, Hunter and Newcastle areas that solely focuses on collaborating with
artists from First Nations and culturally diverse backgrounds.
Since it was founded in 2014, Heartdancers has generated over $800,000 in income and development opportunities for more than 300 artists.
“Being a dancer since I was young instilled in me the
transformative power of the arts, so this felt like a natural calling,” Morales said.
“I grew up in Colombia around a mix of cultures; Indigenous, African and Spanish.
“I’ve seen first-hand how culture and creativity can build bridges and heal wounds.”
Heartdancers has three flagship programs.
Artistry on Wheels is a mobile pop-up stage that brings artists directly to audiences.
Through the Cultural Agency, Morales and the team design, deliver and curate festivals and
events to showcase the talented creatives.
The outreach program, Rhythm is Life, brings creative activities like dance to older people in First Nations and culturally diverse communities.
“The work is deeply personal to me and in many ways it’s about justice,” Morales said.
“We’re not just showcasing the work of these talented artists.
“We’re creating platforms where cultural heritage gets the respect it deserves.”
Last year, Heartdancers partnered with the NRL to curate the 2024 NRL & NRLW Grand Final show for the opening of the 2024 Pacific Championships.
“We brought together 81 artists, dancers and musicians from seven Pacific nations, and
Shout out to Safe Haven in parliament
Member for Gosford Liesl Tesch MP has spoken about the importance of the Gosford Safe Haven service in State Parliament, with the service supporting more than 1,600 visitors in 2024.
Community members are supported by peer workers with lived experience of suicide and recovery, who offer immediate personalised support to people experiencing suicidal thoughts or distress.
Individuals can receive assistance to create safety plans, access services and develop recovery goals. Tesch is encouraging Coasties
who are struggling with their mental health to consider Gosford Safe Haven as an option for support, emphasising the importance of community awareness of the important service.
“Safe Haven provides a judgement-free safe space to find support and empathy with amazing peer support workers who have faced similar challenges,” she said.
“This incredible facility plays a crucial role in the delivery of support services to the Central Coast, and I am thrilled that it has helped so many Coasties since opening just over a year ago.
“I know that many people in our community are doing it tough right now, and I strongly encourage anyone on the Central Coast that is struggling with their mental health to find refuge in Safe Haven’s welcoming and reassuring environment.”
The service is funded through the NSW Government’s Towards Zero Suicides program, a $143.4M investment over four years.
In 2025 a second, Aboriginalled Safe Haven is set to open at Wyong Hospital, further expanding the essential service to the community.
The culturally sensitive and
they performed in front of 85,000 people,” Morales said.
The performance integrated contemporary elements alongside traditional practices, showcasing the richness of Pacific cultures.
In 2023, Heartdancers curated a series of festivals and events that celebrated the contributions of LGBTIQ+ artists from First Nations and culturally diverse backgrounds.
Morales and her team are currently in talks to produce a culturally diverse arts event on the Central Coast.
“This work is my life’s purpose – and I’ll keep doing all I can in creating an environment where all arts and culture are valued,” she said.
The Arts and Culture Medal, in honour of Carla Zampatti, is sponsored by Powerhouse.
non-clinical environment provides an alternative to presenting to the emergency department, allowing people to drop in for support with no appointments or medical referrals necessary.
Many who have used the Gosford Safe Haven report that it has been an integral part of staying safe, with one guest saying ‘Safe Haven has saved my life’.
Gosford Safe Haven is located on the corner of Ambulance Rd and Holden St, Gosford. It is open Monday to Friday, from 9am-4.30pm.
Trainers will be on hand to lend advice
Member for Gosford Liesl Tesch (left), Member for The Entrance David Mehan (right) and Safe Haven peer workers
Sandra Morales; Heartdancers collaborates with artists from First Nations and culturally diverse backgrounds
Coast Connect
Central Coast Council news and community information
Lawrie McKinna
Business survey insights indicate growth
We received over 220 submissions in our first-ever business retention and expansion survey, reflecting our commitment to understanding local business sentiment.
Responses came from 17 industry sectors, with the highest representation from Property and Business Services.
This valuable survey will serve as our annual data collection and industry insights tool, allowing for meaningful comparisons over time.
Early themes reveal that business owners face challenges in finding skilled labour but benefit from strong community support.
Many businesses on the Central Coast are small to medium enterprises, employing between one to twenty people.
Most respondents aim to retain or grow their workforce in the coming years - providing a boost for residents seeking local employment. We are currently analyzing the submissions to prepare a report that highlights business patterns and trends.
One effective way for small businesses to grow is by developing a robust business plan with clear goals.
Council offers various resources and support for small businesses on our website, including referrals for business plan development and links to local networking groups.
For guidance to grow your business, search ‘Business advice and resources’ at
Mayor Lawrie McKinna
The next Council meeting will be held at Wyong, 6.30pm 25 March 2025.
Search ‘council meetings’ at
What’s on
Harmony Week vibes
As part of the Entrance Markets, join us for Harmony Week celebrating cultural diversity through local performances, workshops and art installations.
Date: Saturday 22 March
Time: 9am – 1pm
Location: Memorial Park, The Entrance
For program details, search ‘Harmony Week’ at
Connect with your community on Neighbour Day
Neighbour Day on Sunday 30 March aims to improve resilience and address loneliness in our community.
Aligned with this year’s theme, ‘Create, Share, Grow Belonging,’ we’ve launched a Neighbourhoods Connected webpage. Discover how to build positive relationships with your neighbours and download our Neighbourhoods Connected Guide for tips on planning your own Neighbour Day celebration. To view the Guide, search ‘Neighbourhoods Connected’ at
Building a resilient future: Uniting our emergency services
We recently joined forces with Sydney Water, Hunter Water and key emergency agencies at our Charmhaven Emergency Operation Centre in a proactive effort to enhance emergency preparedness. Through a collaborative response to nationwide emergencies, we’re building a safer, more resilient community.
To learn more, search ‘Council’s role in an emergency’ at
Meet the NSW Premier and Cabinet Ministers
You’re invited to attend a Central Coast Community Cabinet Forum to engage with the NSW Premier Chris Minns and Cabinet Ministers about key local priorities and issues that concern you the most.
Date: Tuesday 1 April
Time: 11:45am – 12:45pm
Location: Breakers Country Club, 64 Dover Road, Wamberal Register by 22 March as places are limited.
For more information, search ‘Central Coast Community Cabinet’ at
Progress on water and sewer services revealed
Accountability remains a priority when delivering our services. The October-December performance report identified unplanned water interruptions dropped by 68%.
We will use your valuable insights to shape our IPART pricing proposal for 2026-2031.
To read the reports, search ‘water and sewer delivery plan update’ at
Did you know?
Removal of shark nets
Shark nets at eleven patrolled beaches on the Central Coast will be removed on 31 March - one month earlier than in previous years - to avoid the peak turtle migration period.
This change, directed by the NSW Government, is part of the updated 2024/25 NSW Shark Management Program.
For affected beaches, search ‘shark nets’ at
Another Council breach of the GIPA Act
A second resident has come forward to show their request for information from Central Coast Council resulted in the Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC) ruling that Council has breached legislation.
The IPC investigation pursued a complaint from local historian Merril Jackson, well known for her work at Gosford’s Poppy Park and Remembrance Day celebrations.
Her complaint is similar to the problems faced by Kevin Brooks as outlined in CCN 477.
In both cases, the IPC ruled the complaints were “justified in full”.
Jackson lodged a complaint with the IPC in January after lodging a Government Information Public Access (GIPA) application with Council in May 2024.
The GIPA application was to
Central Coast Councillor
Jared Wright has reassured concerned residents that trees being removed from Scaysbrook Dr, Kincumber, will be replaced.
The trees are being removed as Council replaces some segments of the existing footpath as part of its 2024/25 capital works program.
Wright said the works were necessary as tree roots were lifting parts of the concrete path and in some cases the adjacent kerb and gutter in a number of places.
“This has resulted in a
A waste operator who operated an unlicensed facility at Wyong has been fined $90,000 over asbestos waste disposal.
Adam O’Brien was the sole director of Rubbish King Pty Ltd which operated the unlicensed waste treatment facility.
He has been found guilty by the NSW Land and Environment Court on three charges of
obtain information concerning the heritage of the Gosford Library and other relevant Council reports and documentation.
The library building in Kibble Park is under threat, earmarked by council while under administration for demolition.
Jackson recently addressed the councillors’ library review panel, highlighting the pedigree of the building.
She said she had Initial concerns from the outset with her GIPA application when the Council referenced her lodgement date incorrectly and several Council emails were forwarded to the wrong email address, contrary to the email address provided on the application form.
Council then requested an extension of time to deal with the application.
In July Council returned the
$30 application fee as it had not met the 20 working days timeframe outlined in the legislation of the GIPA Act but said it was still waiting for information from the “relevant business area” and hoped to provide a decision by the end of July.
But over the next months, repeated emails enquiring about
the progress of the GIPA application and the anticipated date of release were ignored by Council.
After Jackson complained to the IPC, Council requested changes to the original scope of the GIPA request and is still to determine whether it will or won’t release any or all what has been requested.
Jackson believes the Central Coast community deserves and expects far better, as do all the honest, diligent and hardworking Council staff employed.
“From my experience, the Central Coast Council’s One Strategy ‘Responsible’: Good governance and great partnerships which states, ‘We’re a responsible Council and
New trees on the way for Scaysbrook Dr
significant number of trip hazards and an uneven and unsafe surface for pedestrians,” he said.
Wright said 24 trees would be removed to facilitate the works, 15 of which are dead.
They will be replaced with 40-50 native trees.
“Having grown up on the street next to Scaysbrook Dr, I know how well utilised the area is for dog walking and activities, particularly around Patrick Croke Oval,” he said.
“While it is unfortunate to see these trees coming down, more are being planted.
“It should also be noted that the original proposal was to remove 80 trees and this was not supported within Council.”
Wright said every effort had been made to minimise the amount of tree removal required.
A Central Coast spokesperson said the progressive renewal of the footpath in Scaysbrook Dr would improve accessibility and safety for users, including many elderly residents of nearby villages.
“Initially it was identified that 80 trees would require removal; however upon further review alternative design options were identified to support retaining many of the trees,” the spokesperson said.
“Specialist contractors were engaged to assess the trees, which resulted in the final number of 24 trees to be
Fined over asbestos disposal
supplying false or misleading information about the disposal of asbestos waste following prosecution by the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA).
In late 2016 he was contracted to dispose of 1,220 tonnes of asbestos contaminated waste from a construction site in Glebe.
NSW EPA Acting Director
Operations Claire Miles said the Court found that in order for O’Brien to be paid by the construction company he created fake documents such as an invoice and an email purporting to show that the asbestos waste had been lawfully disposed of.
“It’s unacceptable to see someone place their financial gain ahead of the wellbeing of the community and the
Train chaos strikes again
From page 1
Eventually, he took two buses, a long walk, a metro trip and then a further delayed train trip. His total travel time back to the Central Coast was four hours and 30 minutes.
Stranded train passengers flooded social media with complaints throughout the
afternoon and evening, with many blaming poor system maintenance.
Sydney Trains put on buses between Hornsby and Berowra, saying there had been “a cascading and compounding impact on the network which has resulted in a displacement of trains against the timetable”.
No sooner had passengers relaxed with the resumption of full services than an emergency incident involving a passenger at Berowra station on Wednesday afternoon, March 19, halted trains in both directions for an hour, sending timetables once again into mayhem.
environment,” Miles said.
“Asbestos can be incredibly harmful if it isn’t handled properly, which is why there are strict conditions around the transport and disposal of asbestos.
“The judge found that Mr O’Brien hadn’t demonstrated any remorse or contrition and noted that it is still unknown where the
waste was actually disposed.
“The construction company did the right thing by demanding to see proof that the waste had been disposed of lawfully.
“This is a warning to anyone out there who thinks they can get away with doing the wrong thing – we will hold you to account.”
At the time of the offences, the maximum penalty for an
community, committed to building strong relationships and delivering a great customer experience in all our interactions’, is not what is practised in all areas of the Council,” she said.
“Regaining the trust and confidence of the people a Council represents and serves is paramount, and anything less has no place in the Central Coast Council.
“The council must engage in better practices and procedures in all areas of governance. It is not the people’s role or responsibility to keep the council honest, transparent and just, as this needs to be an automatic and mandatory discipline within Council.”
Read last week’s story on this same issue at coast and searching ‘breaching GIPA Act’.
removed, 15 of which were dead or dying.
“The majority of tree works have been undertaken.
“Council supports the replacement of trees at a ratio of 2:1 when undertaking infrastructure projects of this nature, with approximately 4050 native trees to be replanted in the area, including adjacent the new footpath where they will not adversely impact future use of the footpath.
“Planting of the new trees is expected to be completed by the end of the financial year.”
offence was $120,000 for an individual, which was increased to $250,000 in March 2022, and to $500,000 in April 2024.
After proceedings were delayed on the application of the Defendant, the Court fined O’Brien $30,000 for each of the three offences for a total fine of $90,000.
O’Brien was also ordered to pay the EPA’s legal costs.
Removed trees will be replaced with placings adjacent the footpath
Stations were crowded with disgruntled commuters
Merilyn Vale
Historian Merril Jackson, known for her work at Poppy Park and for Remembrance Day celebrations
Federal election 2025: I’ll see you, and raise you
The latest polls suggest it was a good week for Labor. Or was it?
The latest AFR/Freshwater poll this week indicated the ALP would win 71 seats if the election was held today, compared with 66 for the Liberal-National Party (LNP).
The poll indicated a 1 per cent swing back to the ALP on a two-party preferred basis compared with last month.
But Prime Minister Anthony Albanese may have been hoping for a much bigger rebound than this after his solid performance during cyclone Alfred, a better-than-expected showing by Labor in the WA state elections and a week of good, old-fashioned mudslinging over Peter Dutton’s share purchases and ill-timed party fundraiser.
A bigger bounce may have given him more momentum ahead of a difficult week of tariff negotiations, electricity bill hikes and, of course, the Federal Budget.
While the 25 per cent tariff on Australian aluminium and steel imports is a big deal, these metals only represent around $500M in export receipts.
Beef exports to the US make up over $4B in export receipts, while pharmaceutical products make up $1.35B, so upcoming negotiations are a big deal times 10.
Media reports suggest the next round of tariffs might be limited to 10 per cent or less; there seems little prospect of any exemptions if recent machinations are anything to go by.
On electricity bills, the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) this week issued its default market offer (DMO) which showed electricity prices
In addition to a major pledge for an upgrade of Terrigal Dr, the Federal Government has promised an extra $6.5M for the Central Coast Roads Package, bringing its total commitment to $93M.
The $107.3M package, with a $14.3M contribution from Central Coast Council, is delivering upgrades to 29 road projects across the region, including construction of kerbs and gutters, footpaths, street drainage and new road pavement..
are set to rise yet again by some 8-9 per cent, or $200250, for NSW households from July 1.
According to the AER, the increase this time mainly reflects energy retailers’ own cost inflation and, to a lesser extent, higher upstream costs of generation and distribution. Not a good look for a government trying to convince everyone it is bringing the cost of living down.
And as we head into budget week, the Prime Minister and his cabinet will be keen to sell their economic management credentials.
On Monday however, Treasurer Jim Chalmers conceded that after two consecutive surpluses, the budget will swing into deficit in the current financial year with economists’ estimates varying from $16B to $25B (or around 1 per cent of GDP).
Deloitte Access Economics
Source: AFR/Freshwater
are projecting this to double to $49B in 2025-26, or 1.7 per cent of GDP, as the impact of lower commodity prices hits revenues on one side of the ledger and the funding of over $40B in election commitments hits the other.
Well known economist, Chris Richardson, claimed the Albanese government has benefited from an unexpected windfall in revenues of more than $400B since it came to office, driven by bracket creep and record high commodity prices, but that this had been squandered by rampant growth in expenditure with federal budget outlays climbing to over 27 per cent of GDP.
Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor has been very quiet to date by his pugilistic standards – one can only presume that is all set to change next week.
The challenge for Taylor of course is that if the LNP continues to match all of
Labor’s election commitments, how will they avoid the same blowout in the budget?
And if cyclone Alfred was the ALP’s golden goose in recent weeks, the CFMEU looks set to be the albatross around its neck in coming weeks.
Damning allegations of corruption and horrifying videos of violence towards women by the union’s officials were aired on Channel Nine’s 60 Minutes program on Sunday, March 16.
The investigation by Channel Nine also accused the Victorian Labor government of failing to act on prior allegations of violence and intimidation by union members on state government worksites.
The CFMEU’s construction division was put into administration in August last year after an earlier media investigation alleged that outlaw motorcycle gangs had infiltrated its branches.
Workplace relations Minister Murray Watt has now referred the allegations to the federal police.
Opposition leader Peter Dutton has also called for the construction workers’ union to be deregistered, for the Australian Building and Construction Commission to be re-established and for US-style racketeering laws to be imposed that would allow criminal charges to be laid against the kingpins of corrupt organisations.
“This is the biggest corruption scandal in our country’s history, because we are talking about billions of dollars, billions of dollars that have been paid by, ultimately, Australian taxpayers,” Dutton said on Monday, as reported by AAP.
Dutton claimed Labor was compromised by having previously accepted donations from the CFMEU and accused
Government promises more road funding
The additional funding will allow Council to complete the five final unfinished projects, with 24 projects already complete. The five projects include the Ocean Beach Rd and Rawson Rd intersection
and Steyne Rd at Saratoga –are all underway and are expected to be completed over the
the government of turning a blind eye.
And so, the big question for the ALP will be why it took so long, a private media investigation and images of violence against women on prime-time TV before it finally decided to act.
Here on the Coast, the game of political poker continued.
On Friday March 14, Peter Dutton joined local candidate for Robertson Lucy Wicks at Erina to announce the Coalition’s election commitment to invest $112.5M to upgrade Terrigal Drive, essentially to duplicate the single lane road and upgrade the intersections to relieve traffic congestion.
Claims by Dutton that the Labor Government has ignored the Central Coast were quickly countered by Robertson’s Labor MP Gordon Reid, who not only committed to the same upgrades but promised to secure funding for them in the upcoming Federal Budget.
Reid also weighed into the ongoing drama of the Wamberal seawall which was, well … ongoing.
According to the Sydney Morning Herald, Reid opposes the seawall alongside various community groups and local councillor, Corinne Lamont.
The issue is a divisive one however, with the Wamberal Protection Association (WPA) and others supporting private development applications for construction of the seawall which we understand is currently before the State Government.
Stayed tuned and we’ll see you and raise you again next week.
Ross Barry
Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King said the upgrades will reduce congestion and travel times, improve road safety and make the local infrastructure more resilient.
Member for Dobell Emma McBride said the region has more than 2,000km of local roads, with many in urgent need of upgrades.
“Our Government is funding much-need local roads upgrades across the Coast, like Cresthaven Ave, Bateau Bay, and Craigie Ave, Kanwal,” she said.
“This boost in funding will
mean local road upgrades continue, making sure locals are getting home sooner and safer.”
Member for Robertson Dr Gordon Reid said addressing local road infrastructure is a top concern for residents.
“I am pleased that the Federal Labor Government is taking action and investing in our region’s local roads,” he said.
“I welcome the news that additional funding has now been allocated to ensure important upgrades can take place at the Ocean Beach Rd and Rawson Rd intersection roundabout in Woy Woy, and in Empire Bay at Shelly Beach Rd.”
upgrade at Woy Woy and the Shelly Beach Rd
Peninsula Chamber of Commerce President Matthew Wales with Dr Gordon Reid at the Ocean Beach Rd and Rawson Rd roundabout
NEWS IN BRIEF Freeze on beer excise
Member for Robertson Dr Gordon Reid says a two-year Federal Government freeze on draught beer excise will be a boon for Central Coast businesses and the hospitality industry in general.
Indexation is applied twice a year under arrangements in place for decades.
While the February indexation accounted for a small percentage of the cost of a pint, this change will help pubs and their patrons, Reid said.
Indexation on draught beer will be frozen for two years from the next indexation date of August 2025 under a Labor Government.
The move is aimed at taking pressure off the price of a beer poured in pubs, clubs and other venues, supporting businesses, regional tourism and customers across Australia.
The announcement comes on top of new tax relief announced recently for Australia’s distillers, brewers and wine producers.
See full story online:
Both major parties pledge Terrigal Dr upgrade
The pledging war between the major parties continued this week, with the Liberal Party promising $112.5M for a major upgrade of Terrigal Dr if elected and Labor announcing there will be $115M in next week’s Federal budget for the project.
An upgrade of the major roadway would see improved safety, reduced congestion and enhanced transport efficiency.
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton and Shadow Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development
Bridget McKenzie were on the Central Coast on Friday, March 14, to make the announcement alongside Liberal candidate for Robertson Lucy Wicks.
Dutton said the upgrade would be a game-changer for residents, commuters and businesses who have faced years of frustration due to delays and inaction under the Labor Government.
“The Coalition will get on with the job of fixing Terrigal Dr to duplicate sections of the single-lane road and deliver critical intersection upgrades to ensure it is safer for all road
users, while also supporting local businesses and economic growth,” he said.
“We want to make sure the Central Coast has the quality roads and infrastructure that it needs to get ahead.”
McKenzie said the Government had cancelled, cut and delayed more than $30B worth of infrastructure projects over the past three years, including putting a two-year freeze in their first budget on
delivering local road projects funded by the former Coalition Government.
Wicks said the investment was a direct response to concerns raised by the Robertson community.
“I’ve spoken with countless local residents who are fed up with congestion and dangerous road conditions,” she said.
The Coalition also pledged to deliver the stalled Central Coast Road Package, including
the Ocean Beach Rd and Rawson Rd intersection upgrade at Woy Woy and work on Shelly Beach Rd at Empire Bay.
But Labor Member for Robertson Dr Gordon Reid said in her nine years as the region’s MP, Wicks had secured no funding for major road upgrades.
“It’s taken a Federal Labor Government for the Central Coast to finally get the
funding it deserves,” he said.
Reid said the $130M upgrade to Avoca Drive through Kincumber was nearing the start of construction.
“There are now a number of local roads that have been upgraded thanks to our $40M Central Coast Local Roads Package,” he said.
“And the Ocean Beach Rd and Rawson Rd intersection upgrade in Woy Woy is progressing.”
The Palmdale Group will host ANZAC Day Ceremonies at both Palmdale and Greenway on 25th April, paying respect to the memory of our service men and women.
Services and Wreath laying ceremonies will be held at both Palmdale and Greenway.
Palmdale Lawn Cemetery & Memorial Park Greenway Chapel & Memorial Gardens
57 Palmdale Road, Palmdale Commencing at 9am, the service will be held adjacent to the Defence Force Memorial.
Palmdale Phone: 4362 1203
460 Avoca Drive, Green Point Commencing at 11am, the service will be held adjacent to the Defence Force Memorial.
Greenway Phone: 4369 2013
From left: Shadow Minister Bridget McKenzie, candidate for Robertson Lucy Wicks and Opposition Leader Peter Dutton announced the funding last week
Member for Robertson Dr Gordon Reid with Transport Minister Catherine King at Terrigal Dr
All renewable grid a fantasy
I note that Future Sooner is lodging its final report soon (CCN 478).
Closing our existing coal-fired power stations would have some benefit, but what are we going to replace them with?
Surely not with weatherdependent solar panels and wind turbines?
To keep the lights on 24/7 we need dispatchable generators to service our needs when the intermittents are not activated by sunbeams and breezes.
Large-scale battery storage, at this time, is economically nonviable and perhaps never will be viable, given energy density considerations.
Hydro storage is limited by water availability and NZ experience shows it is weather dependent.
Germany, with the highest percentage of ‘renewables’ and the highest costs in the EU, buys electricity from nuclear France
(NB – France does not have the highest costs) when Germany has no sun nor blow.
An all-renewable grid is a fantasy or at least an unreliable and expensive (solution).
The dispatchable choices to replace coal are nuclear (carbonfree) and gas (less CO2 than coal for the same electricity production).
Take your pick. There is no clean, green energy revolution; it is an illusion, and there is no known immaculate solution to our energy needs at this time.
Global atmospheric CO2 and coal consumption are still increasing at an ever-increasing rate despite the trillions spent by the rich world over the last decade and more on ‘renewables’, so clearly seen as a failure.
Unless ever-increasing
atmospheric CO2 is arrested, it cannot be claimed that the clean, green energy revolution is happening, no matter how many solar panels, wind turbines and batteries are installed nor how much money is wasted, including all subsidies.
Besides, these ‘renewables’ are not so clean and green when you consider the mining and processing necessary to manufacture the facilities and the conditions under which it is done as well as the overall environmental impact.
Email, Mar 15
Charles Hemmings, Woy Woy
Book your own accommodation
Our PM has requested of Aussies that we “ditch American products and buy local goods”.
One easy way we can do this is with booking accommodation, because all travel apps are American.
These include Airbnb, Stayz,, Expedia, Wotif, Trivago, Trip Advisor and Trip. com amongst others.
All a prospective traveller has to do is Google the area required and book direct with listed accommodation for a stay.
This means Uncle Sam doesn’t get a slice of the booking fee.
Most places offer a tourist Information web site, and can advise as to specific requests.
Happy holidays while helping Australia.
Email, Mar 13
Jeremy Linton-Mann, Kincumber
Ongoing trackwork a major gripe
With regard to train delays and union strike action, it would appear that any minor problem (such as
Police seek help over Erina fire
Police are appealing for public assistance following a building fire at Erina on Friday, March 7, which is being treated as suspicious.
Just after 4am, emergency services were called to a business on The Entrance Rd following reports of a fire. The fire was extinguished by Fire and Rescue NSW officers and there were no injuries reported.
signalling) can be enhanced to a much larger problem without supervision.
I agree wholeheartedly that transparency is primary when dealing with issues like this.
Apart from the union action, my biggest gripe is ongoing trackwork.
A couple of years ago the Labor government told us that the tracks were in disrepair due to the Liberal government.
Apart from night trackwork no doubt attracting overtime rates, I cannot believe that on days such as Boxing Day and public holidays there are disruptions to the Central Coast lines.
Robert Savin, Umina Beach
Did you write this letter?
I am trying to locate the person who wrote this note left in a tree in the spot at the corner of Reeves St and Manns Rd, Gosford, where my sister passed away in 2009.
The note was left on the first anniversary of her passing. I only recently became aware her son had had the letter for many years.
We cried over this letter, because this beautiful person not only sat with our sister when she passed away but came back a year later. We would like to thank this person for caring.
I’m hoping if we can find them my nephew will find some form of healing.
If you wrote the letter or know who did please email ccn@
A crime scene was established, and officers attached to Brisbane Water Police District have established Strike Force Lottah to commence an investigation into the incident, which is being treated as suspicious.
Initial inquiries have led police to believe a silver Hummer SUV was seen travelling near the business at about 3.45am and left a short time after the business caught alight.
Police are appealing for the driver to come forward, as they may be able to assist with inquiries.
As inquiries continue, investigators are also appealing for anyone with information, dashcam footage or CCTV footage to come forward and contact Crime Stoppers.
Do you know this man?
Police are seeking community assistance to help identify a man who may be able to assist with the investigation of fraud related offences within the Gosford CBD.
Pictures of the man have been posted on the Brisbane Water Police District Facebook page.
Anyone with information is requested to contact crime stoppers and quote reference number E83504671.
Investigation into Kulnura crash
Police are appealing for information as they investigate a serious crash at Kulnura last month.
About 10.30am on Sunday, February 2, emergency services were called to the intersection of Greta and Forest Rds, following reports of a crash.
Officers attached to Tuggerah Lakes Police District attended and found a motorcycle had left the roadway and crashed into a tree.
The rider, a 64-year-old man, was treated at the scene by NSW Ambulance paramedics before being flown to hospital in a critical condition.
Investigations commenced into the circumstances of the crash.
As inquiries continue, police would like to speak to anyone who was driving a blue car and a grey car travelling up Bumble Hill around the time of the crash, as they may be able to assist with inquiries.
Any witnesses to the incident or anyone who heard or saw the cars is also urged to come forward.
Anyone with information about this incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers. Information is treated in strict confidence.
Alleged arson attack
Four people have been charged by detectives following a joint investigation into an alleged arson incident at a business at The Entrance last month.
A hair salon on The Entrance Rd was allegedly set alight on February 26.
Two men, aged 19 and 35, were arrested at Marsden Park on Monday, March 10, and charged with various offences.
Both men were refused bail to appear before Blacktown Local
Court on Tuesday, March 11, where they were formally refused bail to appear before Gosford Local Court on Friday, May 9.
Following further inquiries, officers executed two search warrants at homes in San Remo and Charmhaven on Tuesday, March 11.
Two boys – both aged 15 –were arrested and each charged with various offences. Both boys were refused bail to appear before a children’s court on Wednesday, March 12.
Carjacking charges
Three teenage boys faced court on Friday, March 14, charged over an alleged carjacking on the Central Coast the previous day.
At about 1pm on Thursday, March 13, police were called to Heador St, Toukley, following reports of a carjacking.
Officers attached to Tuggerah Lakes Police District were told three teenage boys allegedly stole a Porsche SUV, after the driver – a 42-year-old woman – stopped her car on the side of the road.
The woman was allegedly threatened with a knife, with three teenage boys demanding she exit the vehicle, before driving away in it.
At about 2pm, police arrested three teenage boys – aged 13,14 and 15 – at a home in Toukley,
They were taken to Wyong Police Station and charged with various offences and refused bail to appear before a Children’s Court on March 14.
The burnt out business
Special performance to help sick kids
Singer-songwriter Andrew Starr, frontman of Starr Witness, is set to take the stage for a heartfelt cause.
On Friday, March 28, 2025, he will perform his original songs under the label The Art of Love at the Avoca Beach Theatre Summer Sessions from 6pm7.30pm, raising funds for
Gosford Hospital’s Paediatrics Unit.
The event is part of Starr’s ongoing mission to support life-saving medical equipment for infants and newborns in rural NSW hospitals.
With a personal connection to the cause, he has been a dedicated volunteer for the
Humpty Dumpty Foundation for nearly 15 years.
His late wife Julie was not only a passionate volunteer also, but later became the foundation’s General Manager (2015-2019).
He is carrying on her legacy through his music.
Don’t miss this epic adventure film
The multi-international award-winning film, The Great White Whale, will screen at Avoca Beach Theatre at 7pm on Thursday, March 20, followed by a Q&A session.
The film follows the epic scaling of Australia’s highest peak, Big Ben on Heard Island.
Deep in the wild Southern Ocean, halfway between Australia and Africa, the snowy volcano, almost three thousand meters high, rears up from the sea like a Great White Whale –hence the name of the film.
Five times the mountain tried to kill the first team that attempted to scale it, but back they sailed, through the worst seas in the world to try again.
This film is a must see if you love music, outdoor adventure, sailing or all three, but it’s much loved by everyone of all backgrounds and ages.
It is an incredible tale, full of amazing characters.
You need a sense of humour for such a crazy venture and the film is full of humour.
John Crick was just 22 at the time of the expedition, and when he and the others sat
down to tell their amazing tale, he got up and sang these hauntingly beautiful songs he’d composed about the life changing journey.
His songs have been wonderfully interwoven into the film, with additional music by the brilliant Australian musician and composer Paul Jarman.
An intro and the Q&A will be conducted by the film’s director Michael Dillon.
For more than 50 years he has been filming expeditions including Australian Everest
Expeditions and many journeys with Sir Edmund Hillary.
He recently received the Australian Geographic Lifetime of Adventure Award as well as the Grand Prize for Lifetime Achievement from the International Alliance of Mountain Film Festivals.
The Great White Whale film has won eight international awards including three Grand Prizes and the Audience Choice award at the recent International Festival of Mountain Films in Cervina Italy. Book at avocabeachtheatre.
“I moved to the Central Coast a year ago, so it was natural for me to start this campaign here,” Starr said.
“This is about giving back and ensuring our local hospitals have the resources they need to save young lives.”
A seasoned performer with influences ranging from The
Beatles to Elton John, Fleetwood Mac, early Bee Gees, and Crowded House, Starr’s original music blends classic melodies with heartfelt storytelling.
Fans can listen to his music on Spotify (search Starr Witness) or at starrwitness. com.
The event will take place on the scenic lawn at Avoca Beach Theatre.
Donations to the cause can be made via a QR code displayed at the venue, contributing directly to Starr’s legacy fundraising page.
Performer Andrew Starr with staff at the paediatric unit
It was a gruelling journey
Photo: Michael Dillon
Lions Clubs across Australia are marking Lions on Safari Month this March, with the Central Coast and Hunter clubs hosting a Free Family Fun Day on Sunday, March 23, from 10am-2pm at Memorial Park, The Entrance.
The initiative highlights the contributions of volunteers in communities nationwide, with the Central Coast event showcasing the work Lions do in the community and encouraging local engagement.
The Family Fun Day will
Family fun day at The Entrance
feature: a free sausage sizzle and drinks; face painting and craft activities for children; plant giveaways; and interactive displays where visitors can learn about the work the Lions do.
Spokesperson Michele Terry said the event would be an opportunity for the community to learn more about the role of Lions and their ongoing projects.
“We are excited to be hosting a Free Family Fun Day in celebration of Lions on Safari Month,” she said.
“Lions have been operating around the Central Coast for over 65 years now and have made a big difference to many lives over this time.”
Since the first Lions Club was established in Australia over 75 years ago, the organisation has grown to 1,300 clubs and 25,000 members, working across a wide range of community initiatives.
For more information on Lions and how to get involved, visit
Phoenix Collective performs American folk music
Fresh from their Sydney Opera House debut, the Phoenix Collective Quartet will present a program of music inspired by American folk music on March 23 at the Central Coast Conservatorium, Robert Knox Hall, at 2pm.
Dvorák’s well-loved American Quartet, written in Iowa on the basis of his experiences in the New World, is complemented by some updated takes on American traditional music.
Phoenix Collective is one of Australia’s most versatile and dynamic ensembles.
Formed in 2018, Phoenix rapidly became a fixture of the musical landscape with their own series of concerts, touring Sydney, Canberra and the Central Coast.
Their activities have continued to grow to include a Sydney Opera House debut at the Utzon Room this year and national touring for Musica Viva in Schools.
Phoenix’s innovative approach has seen them collaborate with artists in a variety of genres including the late opera superstar Jacqui Dark, Katie Noonan and Tibetan traditional musician Tenzin Choegyal, with whom they performed at the National Folk Festival, National Multicultural Festival and Melbourne Recital Centre.
In 2023 they performed for the Australia Awards with legendary didgeridoo player William Barton and First Nations opera singer Shauntai Sherree Abdul Rahman and gave a presentation for TedX at
Canberra Theatre, A Language Without Words – How Music Conveys Contrasting Emotions.
Phoenix Collective also champion new music, and
have performed world premieres by Australian composers Sally Whitwell, Mace Francis, Ella Macens and rising star Emma Greenhill. They have broadcast through
Australian Digital Concert Hall, and produced their own digital content with the help of grants provided by the
Fantastic double bill at Everglades
It is not often there is a two-for-one offer at a major concert, but that is exactly what Woy Woy’s Troubadour Folk Club will offer on May 23 at the Everglades.
The Central Coast’s very own Verve Harmony a cappella choir will open the show with a wide range of world music in many different languages from Africa, North and South
American, Eastern and Western Europe.
They will also include music from religious traditions, including gospel and spiritual.
Verve Harmony is led by the Elizabeth W Scott.
Before her move to the Central Coast from New York City, she worked with artists such as folk greats Peter, Paul and Mary, and Italian pop baritone Andrea Bocelli.
Their sixth and seventh CDs will be released later this year.
With an ever-increasing recording and external workload, Phoenix Collective is one of Australia’s busiest string quartets.
Their schedule includes Candlelight concerts for international company Fever, for whom they have performed many diverse programs from Beethoven and Mozart string quartets to Daft Punk, Taylor Swift and sold-out Studio Ghibli tributes.
This year will see them debut at Melbourne’s Tempo Rubato and continue their series of concerts for the vulnerable at Wayside Chapel under the auspices of Judith Neilson. Bookings and information:
Scott’s work as a guest conductor and music director has included choruses, opera companies, festivals and orchestras from around the world.
The second half of the concert will feature the virtuosic fourpiece Celtic band Kejafi, a fusion of intertwining dual fiddles, octave mandolin and double bass.
Kejafi effortlessly blends beautiful songs and exhilarating
traditional and original tunes that celebrate the deep Australian and Scottish connection.
They have cultivated their own sound within the Celtic music world, bringing their unique take on modern and traditional folk songs and tunes from Scotland, Ireland and Australia, as well as adding to the repertoire with fresh, original tunes.
Kejafi comprises Fiona
McVicar on violin/vocals, James Gastineau-Hills on violin/viola and Ken O’Neill on octave mandolin/guitar, joined by Ann Palumbo on double bass.
In 2024, the band recorded its second album, The Road, with a host of guest artists from the traditional, jazz and classical worlds, creating a fresh and contemporary sound to folk and traditional music in Australia.
The Road was a finalist for the 2024 Australian Folk Album of the Year competition held by Folk Alliance Australia.
Tickets are $25 (or $20 for members).
Book via CYKFS.
The concert will be at 2pm on Sunday, March 23, at Everglades Country Club, Woy Woy.
Celtic band Kejafi
Verve Harmony
Last year’s event
Australia Council for the Arts and the Australian Culture Fund.
The Phoenix Collective
Songs that define Oz music come to Laycock St
Acclaimed live concert Down Under: The Songs that Shaped Australia is headed for Laycock Street Community Theatre on April 4.
It celebrates the iconic hits of Australia, featuring timeless tracks from legendary artists such as Midnight Oil, Cold Chisel, Paul Kelly, The Divinyls, ACDC, Tina Arena and many others.
Down Under showcases the music that has played a
pivotal role in defining Australia’s rich musical landscape.
It captures the beauty and brutality of the land with storytelling at the forefront.
Led by the powerhouse vocals of the renowned Michelle Pearson and her talented five-piece band, the show takes audiences on a nostalgic journey through beloved anthems like Blue Sky Mine, Solid Rock, How to Make Gravy, Down Under, It’s
Writers’ festival set to burn bright
The Words on the Waves writers’ festival has released the names of its first wave of authors, with early bird tickets now available for the May event.
Author of The Secret River Kate Grenville will be featured, along with political journalist Peter Greste, who will share his story of 400 days wrongly imprisoned in Cairo. Acclaimed broadcasters and
reporters Virginia Trioli, Jess Hill and David Marr will be joined by Indigenous novelist Nardi Simpson, feted poet and children’s author Maxine Beneba Clarke and cricket writer and memoirist Gideon Haigh.
Organisers say this is just the beginning of the festival’s biggest lineup yet, with more guests to be announced in coming weeks.
The Early Bird ticketing offer is available again in 2025,
ENVIRONMENTAL ART TRAIL: Pearl Beach Arboretum * to 27 Apr
THE ULTIMATE LUKE COMBS Tribute Show: Drifters Wharf, Gosford 8pm
MUSICAL BINGO: Hardy’s Bay Club 7.30pm
INNOVATIONS CENTRE: Woy Woy Library 10.30am * every Friday to 18 Apr
DAY: Schools and families on the Central Coast
BONSAI EXHIBITION AND BONSAI OPEN 2025: Mingara Recreation Club, Tumbi Umbi 10am * to 23 Mar
MOTORCYCLING SAFETY WORKSHOP: Tuggerah Lakes Community Centre 10am
NORMA STRANGE: FunHaus Factory, Gosford 6pm
EMMA PASK & HER WORLD CLASS TRIO: Avoca Beach Theatre 8pm (Great Southern Nights)
CREEDENCE AND FRIENDS: Wyong Leagues Club 9pm
YOU GOT IT! A SALUTE TO ROY ORBISON: The Art House Theatre, Wyong 7pm
LATIN BALLROOM SOCIAL: Everglades, Woy Woy 6.30pm
MICHELLE MURRELL: Link & Pin, Woy Woy 2pm
CENTRAL COAST ITALIAN FESTIVAL: Galleria Ettalong Beach 9am * to 23 Mar
THE RIONS: The Sunken Monkey Hotel, Erina 4.30pm (Great Southern Nights)
ROCK AT THE RACES: The Entertainment Grounds, West Gosford 2.30pm
FAMILY BUSH DANCE: Tunkuwallin Community Hall, Gwandalan 6pm
with a $38 saving on the Weekend Pass for May 31 and June 1.
“This was very popular in 2024 so we’ve offered it again,” a spokesperson said.
“All the authors mentioned above are included in the Weekend Pass.”
Early bird tickets will be on sale until March 26 at buy-tickets-2025
The region’s first and only
STEVE EDMONDS BAND: Budgewoi Hotel 9pm (Great Southern Nights)
BLUES @ THE HAUS: Feat. Genevieve Chadwick Band + Woodie Mcclean: Funhaus Factory, Gosford 2pm
THE SPOOKY MEN’S CHORALE LIVE!: Avoca Beach Theatre 7pm
selection of events happening across the region this week. While we strive for accuracy, please check with organisers for
writers’ festival will celebrate its fifth year from May 28June 1.
Celebrated authors and journalists will descend on the Central Coast for author talks, headliner conversations, literary readings, storytelling soirees, writing workshops and more, all illuminated by the theme, burning bright.
For updates, check the festival website:
PHOENIX COLLECTIVE | AMERICAN DREAMS: Central Coast Conservatorium of Music, Gosford 2pm
SAND CASTLES FOR CLIMATE ACTION: On the sand near the SLSC, Umina Beach 10am
SHORT N CURLY: Hardy’s Bay Club 2pm
MARCIA HINES: The Art House, Wyong 2pm
LIONS CLUB FREE FAMILY FUN DAY: Memorial Park, The Entrance 10am
TROUBADOUR FOLK - KEJAFI AND VERVE HARMONY: Everglades Country Club, Woy Woy 2pm
a Long Way to the Top, Pleasure and Pain and countless more.
Pearson is an award-winning music sensation, celebrated cabaret artist and singer, known for her dynamic, soulful voice, heartfelt interpretations and captivating storytelling. The show will play Laycock St at 7.30pm on Friday, April 4.
Book on the theatre website at
How to Apply for Festivals: KoWorks Gosford 6pm
26 MAR
O.B.3. FEAT GERARD MASTERS: Old Pub, Woy Woy Hotel 6.30pm
KEVIN BLOODY WILSON: Everglades, Woy Woy 6pm
LIVE MUSIC BY THE SEA: Killcare Beach Kiosk 10.30am every Wednesday
DENNIS WALSH - BIG BAND!: Breakers Country Club, Wamberal 7pm
AUTHOR TALK: Nicole Alexander – The Limestone Road: Umina Library 10.30am
THE WELCOME CHOIR: A Drop In Bar Choir: FunHaus Factory, Gosford 6pm
Michelle Pearson will bring the songs to life
Kate Grenville
Peter Greste
YIPA auditions
It’s the time of year when the most talented young people on the Central Coast are invited to shine.
Youth in Performing Arts
(YIPA) celebrates its 34th annual program this year and auditions are to be held in coming weeks.
The YIPA auditions are open to performers of high school age up to 21.
Dance auditions will be held on Sunday, March 23, at Influence PA Studios in Lisarow.
General auditions will be held on April 5 and 6 at Valley View Public School.
Performers who are successful at the auditions will be invited to perform in the annual YIPA variety concerts to be held at Laycock Street Community Theatre from May 21-24.
Bookings are essential for all auditions.
Audition forms and further information can be obtained at
See full story online:
Thorno set to bring the (Art) House down
Comedian Dave Thornton is set to return to The Art House with his smash-hit festival show Nothing’s Unpossible.
Honest, engaging, and damn funny, Thorno has built a reputation as one of the country’s best stand-up comedians.
With 20 years in the business, he’s a mainstay on the Australian and international comedy scenes and his standup clips have garnered a couple of million global views.
His latest offering sold-out around the 2024 Australian comedy festival circuit and now’s your chance to see what all the fuss was about.
Chock full of observations, banter and anecdotes that explore fatherhood, family life and the trials and tribulations of being a Melbournian, Nothing’s Unpossible is unmissable entertainment.
This will be Thorno’s third appearance at The Art House and follows a huge Summer of comedy at the home of
performing arts on the Central Coast, including shows by Matt Hale, Lehmo and Tommy Little.
Dave Thornton – Nothing’s Unpossible will play The Art House for one night only at 8pm on Friday, March 28.
The one-hour show contains some coarse language and mature themes and is rated MA15+.
Book online at www.
Rocketman vs Pianoman at Avoca Beach
Lance Strauss and Jimmy Mann will recreate the magic of Elton John and Billy Joel’s iconic performances at Avoca Beach Theatre on March 23.
In Rocketman vs Pianoman, the two will come together to sing and share the stage, blending their voices in
harmony as they perform the hits of the legendary artists.
The intimacy of the setting will allow for a personal connection with the audience, as every note played and every lyric sung becomes a shared moment between performers and guests.
From heartfelt ballads to energetic anthems, Strauss
and Mann capture the essence of the music.
Together, they create a truly iconic concert experience, where the music takes centre stage, and every note resonates with passion and authenticity. The show plays at Avoca Beach Theatre at 2.30pm on Sunday, March 23.Book at
Dave ‘Thorno’ Thornton
Lance Strauss and Jimmy Mann as the two musical icons
Skilful 71. Surprise victory 72. Old MacDonald had one
Mediterranean volcano 76. Strokes (dog) 78. Tertiary college
Tennis barrier
Drink, dry ginger ...
See page 31 for last edition’s solutions or visit
Book Review by Julie Chessman
Voice for the Voiceless
By the Dalai Lama
Globetrotting Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, who is turning 90 in July, will release his new book, Voice for the Voiceless: Over seven decades of struggle with China for my land and my people, this month.
Now living in exile in Dharamshala, India, the Dalai Lama offers insights into his decades-long dealings with China.
The spiritual leader has written dozens of books, but has rarely delved extensively into raw politics.
Here he offers his first detailed account of the fraught negotiations with a succession of China’s leaders.
This unique book offers personal, spiritual and
historical reflections, some never shared before.
He tells the full story of his struggle with China to save Tibet and its people for 75 years.
The Dalai Lama has had to contend with China his entire life – he was just 16 when
Communist China invaded Tibet, 19 when he first met Chairman Mao; and at 25 he had to escape to India and exile.
He shares both his pain and his enduring hope in his people’s ongoing quest to restore dignity and freedom.
“The responsibility for the nation and people of Tibet was placed upon me the moment I was recognised as the Dalai Lama at the age of two,” he says.
A surprising discovery is that the Dalai Lama has long been willing to leave Tibet within the People’s Republic of China, but with control over its own
and a
Julie Chessman
VIEW club celebrates women
Bateau Bay VIEW Club
celebrated International Women’s Day on Tuesday, March 4, with 66 members and guests at a luncheon at The Entrance Leagues Club.
The two guest speakers were Kathy Paterson from Easy FM and Melissa Wilkinson from Personalised Favourites, outlining successes they have had in their respective fields.
Paterson spoke about life as a radio presenter and Radio Easy’s history, and Wilkinson described how she started her business working out of her bedroom 10 years ago, expanding to having her own production facility on the Central Coast.
The company now ships more than 100,000 personalised gifts to customers in Australia, New Zealand and the US.
Rob Carlton brings awardwinning show to Fun Haus
This Friday night, March 21, Gosford’s Fun Haus Factory will present the five-star Adelaide Fringe smash hit, Willing Participant, for one night only.
Starring and created by Logie-winning actor and Central Coast local Rob Carlton, the show comes fresh off award-winning runs at Perth’s Fringeworld and Adelaide Fringe.
Carlton, co-producer of the much-loved event Bravewords Live, delivers an unforgettable
one-hour performance, weaving together four true stories spanning decades of his life.
Covering themes of sexual taboos, big lies, deep heartaches and blind hope, Willing Participant is storytelling at its finest—raw, hilarious, and deeply moving.
It was winner of the 2025 Fringeworld Overall Award for Theatre & Performance and the 2025 Adelaide Fringe Weekly Award for Best in Theatre.
Best known for his Best Actor Logie-winning performance as
Kerry Packer in Paper Giants, Carlton is a multi-awardwinning talent.
His accolades include an AWGIE Award for Best Comedy for Chandon Pictures and a Tropfest win for his short film Carmichael and Shane.
Arrive early for dinner at Beau’s Burgers and happy hour specials from 6pm and then strap in for a 7.30pm performance.
Book at
Teddy Tahu Rhodes at Opera in the Arboretum
World-famous baritone
Teddy Tahu Rhodes will join a slew of Australia’s top operatic and musical performers at the Rotary Club of Woy Woy’s 18th Annual Opera in the Arboretum on Saturday, March 29, from 3-5.30pm. Making his only Central Coast appearance for 2025, Rhodes will sing Some Enchanted
Bizet’s Carmen, Figaro’s hilarious Largo al factotum from Rossini’s The Barber of Seville and many more.
He will be joined by leading opera and music stars SallyAnne Russell, Andrew Goodwin and Clarissa Sparta, and guest violinist Madeleine Easton.
Pack a snack, grab a blanket or a beach chair, bring a few beverages, and enjoy the beautiful bush setting that is the Pearl Beach Arboretum.
For more information go to
Opera in the Arboretum is an annual charity event hosted by the Rotary Club of Woy Woy.
Net proceeds will support community programs at Coast Shelter, the Umina Surf Lifesaving Club, the Central Coast Conservatorium of Music and other community and charitable organisations. Sally-Anne Russell
Rob Carlton
Lake Haven Medicare Urgent Care Clinic
Shop 127, Lake Haven Shopping Centre, Lake Haven Drive, Lake Haven, NSW 2263
Open 7 days a week
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We’re strengthening Medicare to make healthcare better and more affordable.
After experiencing a deep cut on my hand, I sought treatment at the Medicare Urgent Care Clinic at Lake Haven.
From reception through to treatment, the care I received was brilliant.
I am grateful to have had access to professional and prompt care so close to home.”
Like Marion, thousands of locals have now received fully bulk billed care at the Lake Haven Medicare Urgent Care Clinic.
Business & Property
A Central Coast program aimed at encouraging more women into the advanced manufacturing sector is one of 10 initiatives nationwide to share $9.5M in the second tranche of the Federal Government’s Building Women’s Careers Program.
The ManufactHER program will transform the NSW Central Coast’s advanced manufacturing sector by addressing barriers to women’s participation.
Led by Central Coast Group Training (CCGT) in collaboration with Central Coast Industry Connect (CCIC), Coast and Country Primary Care (CCPC), Protective Fencing, and five pre-committed manufacturers, it will pilot flexible roles, inclusive recruitment and leadership pathways.
Six more manufacturers will join after initial success.
“Manufacturing is a critical industry for the Central Coast, contributing $4.1B annually to our regional economy, yet women make up only 29% of the workforce,” CCGT General Manager Alison Cook said.
“This funding will enable us to work closely with industry partners to implement real, lasting change, creating pathways for women to thrive in the sector.”
Through collaboration with
Attracting more women to manufacturing
TAFE NSW, ManufactHER will also provide pre-employment pathways, leadership training, and a dedicated Resource Hub offering support for emotional, physical, and mental wellbeing.
Businesses will receive guidance on embedding gender inclusive policies to drive workplace improvements and increase retention.
“The data is clear: companies with diverse leadership and inclusive policies achieve higher retention, innovation, and productivity,” Executive Director of CCIC Frank Sammut said.
“ManufactHER will set a benchmark for gender equity in advanced manufacturing, complementing initiatives like the Women in Manufacturing Network and the Food Manufacturing Innovation Hub, and strengthening the region’s position as a manufacturing leader.”
The program will launch in April 2025.
The Building Women’s Careers Program was announced in the last Federal budget as part of the Government’s $22.7B Future Made in Australia package.
Stream two builds on 10 industry-led projects announced in tranche one.
All 20 projects are being delivered in partnership to
address the barriers for women entering, remaining and advancing in the traditionally male-dominated industries of construction, clean energy, advanced manufacturing and digital and technology.
Minister for Skills and Training Andrew Giles said boosting women’s participation in the workforce is fundamental to addressing skills shortages.
“We are taking the important first steps to create new pathways for women to enter traditionally male-dominated industries and make industry workplaces safer and more equitable,” he said.
Minister for Women Katy Gallagher said projects such as these would also help to narrow the gender pay gap and boost critical workforces.
“The Albanese Government will always focus on improving women’s economic opportunity,” she said.
Women make up less than 8% of all female apprentices in male-dominated trades and fewer than one third of apprentices in all trades are women.
Free TAFE has seen a 118% increase in female employees in male-dominated industries with more than six in 10 places being taken up by women.
Fitter / Motor Mechanic
Employment Type: Permanent Full-Time, 38 hours per week
Position Classification: Fitter / Motor Mechanic Level 4
Remuneration: $70,838 pa plus superannuation and benefits
Location: Point Clare Workshop
Closing Date: 30 March 2025
NSW Ambulance is an integral part of the NSW Health system that must work together seamlessly to deliver services to the community of NSW. We take a values-based leadership approach putting our people at the centre of everything we do, striving to deliver our mission of Excellence in Care through our CORE Values of Collaboration, Openness, Respect and Empowerment.
Responsible for the maintenance and service of NSW Ambulance vehicles and, other support vehicles and equipment.
We are looking for candidates with the below capabilities: A valid motor mechanic license
• An auto electrician trade qualification.
Please submit your CV, and answers to the below questions in a word document to
1. Possession of a current Motor Mechanic Trade Certificate (light vehicle mechanical). Yes or No
2. Current valid driving license to operate NSW Ambulance vehicles. Yes or No
3. Demonstrated experience with light commercial vehicles such as, Mercedes Benz Sprinter type vehicles and special purpose-built equipment. Please provide a brief example of your experience. (2-3 lines)
4. Ability to attend to breakdowns/emergency repairs and undertake vehicle diagnostic testing. Please provide a brief example of your experience. (2-3 lines)
5. Knowledge of vehicle electrical component systems, fault diagnosis and rectification. Please provide a brief example of your experience. (2-3 lines).
Enquiries can be made to Elias Ajaka on 0448 262 691 or
Please note: To be eligible for permanent appointment to a position in NSW Health, you must have an Australian citizenship or permanent Australian residency.
The program will attract more women into the advanced manufacturing sector
Delta and Samsung partners in renewable energy
Delta Electricity and Samsung have entered a partnership to develop a large-scale energy storage system on the Vales Point Power Station site at Mannering Park.
The battery storage project is a significant step in the region’s transition to renewable energy and reinforces the Central Coast’s role in the growing Hunter Central Coast Renewable Energy Zone.
The Vales Point site, historically a key contributor to NSW’s electricity supply, is uniquely positioned with existing transmission infrastructure, making it an ideal location for large-scale energy storage solutions.
Chief Executive of Delta Electricity Richard Wrightson said the partnership brought
together two major players in the energy space to explore the key role that Vales Point could continue to play in ensuring energy security into the future.
“The Vales Point Power Station continues to be a key asset in the transitioning energy market by providing essential firming capacity to support the growing integration of renewable energy and ensuring a reliable and secure source of electricity,” Wrightson said.
He said a number of options were being considered for both the capacity and duration for the battery project, and it was expected that a Financial Investment Decision would be made in early 2026.
former Munmorah Power Station is set to become the largest battery storage facility in the Southern Hemisphere.
Goold said that together, the Waratah Super Battery and the Vales Point battery project would create a cutting-edge power storage precinct, reinforcing the Central Coast’s status as a major hub for renewable energy storage and distribution.
“This project is a gamechanger for the Central Coast,” he said.
Energy Zone, and this initiative only adds to the region’s growing reputation as a leader in the renewable sector.
“Business NSW has long advocated for investment in energy reliability, cost reduction, and job creation and this partnership delivers on all three fronts, ensuring a stable energy supply, reducing volatility in electricity prices, and creating new opportunities for businesses and workers on the Central Coast.”
A block of land at Wallarah is one of three governmentowned sites to be sold to developers in an effort to deliver new homes.
The site, at 117 Sparks Rd and 680A Bruce Cres, is zoned for low and medium-rise housing.
Along with sites at Wakeley and Rouse Hill, the land will be sold as part of the NSW Government’s plan to address the housing shortage, so young people, families and key local workers have somewhere to live and in the
Business NSW Regional Director Scott Goold highlighted the importance of the project in strengthening energy security and driving economic benefits for the region.
“The partnership between Delta Electricity and Samsung represents a major investment in our region’s energy future,” he said.
“Projects like this not only ensure grid reliability but also create local employment opportunities and long-term economic growth.”
Adding to the momentum in the region, the nearby Waratah Super Battery project at the
“It aligns with our region’s strengths in energy infrastructure and workforce capability, further cementing our role in the state’s clean energy transition.
“We are already seeing strong momentum in the Hunter Central Coast Renewable
Wallarah site earmarked for housing
communities they choose.
Property and Development NSW (PDNSW) has launched an Expressions of Interest (EOI) campaign, seeking formal proposals to develop the sites. They have been identified as part of the Government’s statewide property audit, which has so far identified sites capable of delivering 7,100 homes.
Minister for Lands and Property Steve Kamper said between them, the three sites are expected to deliver more than 350 homes .
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Auction 29 Mar 2025 - Onsite at 3pm
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“We welcome submissions from experienced developers to deliver housing across these three sites,” he said.
Property and Development
NSW Chief Executive Officer Leon Walker said the EOI campaign would continue until April 23, when developer submissions will be assessed on the best options to deliver housing.
“The Government can’t solve the housing crisis on its own, so we are calling on the capability of the residential development sector to deploy
its capacity in partnership with the Government in respect to the three sites,” he said.
“Alongside this campaign, Property and Development NSW is continuing the important work of identifying and assessing additional surplus government-owned sites that can be repurposed to help deliver more housing supply across the state.”
For more information on the EOI properties go to www.nsw.
See our story on our website for full link.
The project is expected to generate employment opportunities both during the construction phase and in long-term operations, providing new skills and training pathways for workers in the region.
REACH out to fellow businesspeople
The REACH business community had a successful event at Margarita Daze at Umina Beach on Tuesday, March 11, with three more gatherings slated for coming weeks.
REACH fosters authentic community connections between like-minded businesspeople, providing a relaxed yet strategic space to grow businesses and mindsets. Members can foster real, inperson relationships with fellow Central Coast business owners and have a supportive mentor and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Coach help guide them to success.
“I’m still absolutely buzzing from the event at Margarita Daze,” founder Mandy Millan said.
“The energy, the connections, and the deep, meaningful
conversations were just incredible.
“Even with the rain threatening to crash the party, we had 30 amazing business owners show up, ready to connect, share, and grow together.
“There’s just something special about bringing together open-minded, heart-led
entrepreneurs who truly want to collaborate and rise together.
“The wisdom shared around marketing, mindset, and real business growth was next level, and I’m so grateful for every single person who came along.”
Coming events will be held at: Toukley from 11am-12.30pm on Thursday, March 20; Umina
Beach from 9.30am-11am on Tuesday, April 22; and Avoca from 9.30am-11am on Monday, 28.
“Let’s keep this momentum going,” Millan said.
“I am excited for what’s ahead.”
For full details on joining REACH go to www.
Mandy Millan addresses the Margarita Daze gathering
The location of the Wallarah site
Vales Point Power Station
Lucy Wicks has a deep connection to the Central Coast and a strong record of delivering for Robertson.
As the Member for Robertson, Lucy worked with the community to deliver upgrades to local roads, major infrastructure projects like NorthConnex, and record investment in our schools and hospitals.
As part of the Liberal team, Lucy will work to ease cost-of-living pressures by tackling inflation, reducing rents and mortgage costs.
Our community deserves a strong local voice who’ll fight for a better future and deliver.
Our economic plan will deliver low inflation by cutting wasteful spending and reducing red tape, and provide lower, simpler and fairer taxes to boost economic growth.
Our plan will boost supply by unlocking up to 500,000 new homes by helping fund critical infrastructure, provide more support to first home buyers, rebalance our migration system and ban foreign investors buying existing homes.
Our energy plan will deliver a balanced energy mix, with renewables, gas and in seven locations – we’ll replace retired coal plants with zero-emissions nuclear energy.
Our plan will invest more in stronger defence and border security, tighten bail laws and deport non-citizens who commit violent crimes, and enhance online safety for our children.
Go-ahead for Pacific Link housing at Woy Woy
The Central Coast is now Ecotourism certified under Ecotourism Australia’s globally recognised ECO Destination Certification, and is one of only 11 regions in Australia to hold this recognition in sustainable tourism.
Central Coast Council Director Community and Recreation Services, Melanie Smith, said the milestone strengthens the region’s reputation as a leading eco-conscious destination which helps to attract even more visitors each year.
“The globally recognised
Location of the housing project backing onto Umina Coastal Sandplain Woodland
Central Coast Council has approved an affordable housing project at 18 MacLeay Ave, Woy Woy.
The 21-unit complex is a Pacific Link Housing project, estimated to cost almost $8M.
There will be 18 units in the double storey buildings, three single level villa-style
dwellings, various communal spaces and a vegetable garden.
A central driveway leads to parking at the rear, a car wash bay and screened waste bine storage.
The residential development will comprise 2,903sqm of the vacant land and the remaining 2,370sqm will be dedicated to Council to be included in the existing area of Umina Coastal Sandplain Woodland at the rear of the site.
Pacific Link Housing is a
Coast now ecotourism certified
program assesses destinations on environmental management, cultural heritage, visitor experience and community benefits,” she said.
“Visitors have been able to immerse themselves in authentic, high-quality experiences inspired by nature that are offered by locally-run businesses dedicated to sustainable tourism and showcasing the natural beauty of the Central Coast.
“We’ve held an ECO destination status for the past two years, and have advanced to the next level of Ecotourism, following an independent audit that was
conducted against 105 criteria and interviews with a range of stakeholders.
“This milestone recognises our ongoing commitment to sustainable tourism, responsible visitor experiences, and the protection of natural and cultural assets in partnership with our community and tourism operators.”
Central Coast Mayor Lawrie McKinna said the achievement reflects a collaborative effort between Council, tourism operators and the community, whose collective aim is to position the region as a top
choice for responsible tourism.
“Being an eco-destination encourages sustainable practices that preserve the beautiful natural assets, national parks and wildlife of the Central Coast,” he said.
“I strongly believe that being recognised by Ecotourism Australia will help support our local businesses, improve employment opportunities on the coast, and grow our visitor economy.”
Visit ecotourism to follow the region’s ECO journey and how you can be part of our journey to a greener, more sustainable future. The
Central Coast based tier 1 Community Housing Provider supplying medium density affordable rental housing to assist Central Coast Council in achieving the objectives of its Affordable and Alternative Housing Strategy.
The company manages more than 1,200 properties, housing more than 2,200 residents in the community who are in the greatest need across the Central Coast and Hunter regions.
Affordable housing project at Woy Woy
Creating a lush green wall to hide an unsightly fence, covering a tricky patch of ground, or turning a pergola into a summer shade house and a winter sun trap—these are just a few ways climbing plants can transform your garden.
Climbers are versatile plants that add beauty, texture, and functionality to outdoor spaces.
Some are natural ground cover plants, known as creepers, while others, called scramblers, are shrubs that can be trained to climb.
Whatever their category, climbing plants are a valuable addition to any garden.
Why Do Plants Climb?
Like all plants, climbers need
nutrients, water, and sunlight to thrive. To reach the light, some plants develop strong stems, while others adapt by growing specialized structures that allow them to climb.
Instead of expending energy on thick trunks or heavy branches, these plants invest in flexible vines that latch onto other plants or structures, helping them ascend towards the sun.
Deciduous or Evergreen?
When selecting a climber, consider your garden’s needs. Deciduous climbers lose their leaves in winter, making them ideal for pergolas where seasonal sunlight variation is desired. Examples include Wisteria (Wisteria spp.), Crimson Glory Vine (Vitis
coignetiae), and Ornamental Grape (Vitis vinifera)
Evergreen climbers, such as Jasmine (Jasmine spp.), Mandevilla (Mandevilla spp.), and Creeping Fig (Ficus pumila), provide year-round coverage, making them perfect for fences and walls.
Considerations for
Climbing Plants
While climbers can be stunning additions, they also require careful management. Many have strong, extensive root systems that seek water, including underground pipes. Some grow aggressively and can overwhelm garden structures or even damage buildings.
Certain climbers, such as Japanese Honeysuckle
(Lonicera japonica) and English Ivy (Hedera helix), are highly invasive. They spread rapidly, choking native plants and causing environmental damage. If you choose such plants, be prepared for diligent maintenance.
Supporting Climbers
Climbing plants lack strong trunks, relying on external supports to grow. When introducing climbers to your garden, provide an appropriate structure based on their growth habits.
Light climbers, like Jasmine, need simple trellises or wires. Heavier climbers, like Wisteria, require sturdy frameworks to support their woody vines.
plant’s weight over time.
Climbing plants attach to surfaces in different ways.
Some, like Hops (Humulus lupulus), use tiny hooks.
Others, like Passionfruit Vine (Passiflora edulis), develop tendrils that coil around supports, absorbing shocks from strong winds. English Ivy produces aerial roots that grip walls and fences tightly.
Climbing Flowers
For a cottage-garden aesthetic, climbing roses offer romantic charm. Training rose canes horizontally encourages more blooms. Other stunning flowering climbers include Morning Glory (Ipomoea purpurea), Trumpet Vine
colour and beauty to the garden.
Australian Native Climbers
For Australian gardens, native climbers provide an excellent alternative to exotic varieties. Experts at Narara Valley Nursery recommend:
Purple Coral Pea (Hardenbergia violacea) – A lightweight vine with stunning purple flowers that thrives in partial to full sun.
Bower of Beauty (Pandorea jasminoides) – A favourite for its pink trumpet flowers, though it is sensitive to frost.
Wonga Wonga Vine (Pandorea pandorana) –Tolerates light frost and
Anthony Albanese and your local Labor MP Gordon Reid have failed the Coast: Electricity, childcare, food and insurance prices are up
Broken promises including $275 off power bills
Housing crisis, with 12 interest rate rises and 16% increase in rents
$450m referendum that divided Australians
Weak leadership
Health & Education Spruce up for Northlakes High
The BETTA Boys (Boys Education Transition Toward Adults) of Northlakes High School gave the school a thorough clean up recently to coincide with Clean Up Australia Day.
They donned gloves, grabbed bags and braved the hot, humid conditions to give the school the once over and leave it spotless.
A spokesperson said the activity helped the students
maintain a sense of belonging within the school community.
“The Northlakes High School BETTA Boys program has been running for approximately 10 years with hundreds of boys successfully completing it,” they said.
“The program was created to combat disengagement and build a sense of pride, aspiration and confidence in what the future holds.
“It is through this program that we hope to make a difference in the lives of the
boys who are selected to be part of the program.
“BETTA is about working hard, physically and mentally, and acting as positive role models for our school and community.”
The Northlakes High School BETTA program is available to students in year 9 to 12 via a self or staff nomination and is sponsored by the
Pay increases welcomed in aged care sector
With International Women’s Day celebrated on March 8, the ACTU says women are now seeing real growth in their wages.
Women in full-time work on the average wage have earned $7,800 more since Labor was elected than they would have under the policies of the Coalition according to new ACTU analysis released to coincide with International Women’s Day.
The data showed the boost in women’s wages under the Labor Government equated to an extra $2,800 on average per year for a full-time working woman.
Aged care nursing assistant Marta Frasca works in a 16bed care facility at Killarney Vale. She’s been in the sector for
23 years and has seen good pay improvements.
“I am very, very happy with the increased wages,” she said.
“With the cost-of-living increases, we needed the money.
“The increase in wages means I can pay my bills outright rather than instalments and I have money to spend on the grandchildren.
“The wage rises have been a big help for me, but I’m older, it’s much harder for the younger ones.
“The increases also mean our work is being acknowledged, that we in aged care are doing a bloody good job.
“We are the heart of aged care, it makes us feel empowered, it’s a good outcome.”
Her wage rises were a result of government-backed pay rises for the aged care sector.
“They were the biggest pay increases in my lifetime,” Frasca said.
“It’s a hard job and we deserve the pay rise.”
The increase in wages growth follows a range of Federal Government reforms to get wages moving.
These include Government backing for higher award and minimum wages to help manage cost-of-living pressures.
Nearly six in 10 workers on awards are women.
The Secure Jobs Better Pay reforms of 2022 expanded bargaining coverage, which has lifted wages for women covered by collective agreements and action to tackle the undervaluing of socalled ‘women’s work’.
This has led to record pay increases for workers in aged care and early childhood education and care, with pay
boosts for health professionals and pharmacists, among other occupations, expected shortly.
Policies to help women stay connected to work – from stronger rights to requesting flexible working, such as workfrom-home – and improved paid parental leave are also helping to lift women’s wages.
The Right to Disconnect laws have reduced unpaid overtime and new laws introduced in January to stop widespread wage theft will rein in wage under-payments.
“The change of government in May 2022 signalled an end to the wages’ stagnation of nine years under the Coalition,”
ACTU President Michele O’Neil said.
She said nearly three years later, it was clear interventions by the Federal Government to
deliver real wage growth are working.
“Without these changes made by the Government and action taken by unions, working women would be $7,800 worse off on average,” she said.
“Now wages are growing, and the gender pay gap shrinking it is critical these new wage settings and rights remain in place and are built upon.
“Women can’t afford to see real wages going backwards.
“Women can’t afford more insecure work, for public sector wage caps to come back and to lose lifts to aged care and early childhood education and care workers’ wages.
“They can’t afford to see their work being undervalued and underpaid.”
The BETTA Boys with their rubbish haul
Kanwal / Gorokan Lions
Marta Frasca
New memorial garden for East Gosford school
Gosford East Public School is to gain a new memorial and garden to honour Australia’s military history, thanks to a $10,000 grant from the Federal Government’s Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants (STS) Program.
The project will include QR codes linked to information in the school library and will be an interactive outdoor learning experience for students.
School Principal Nicole Burgess said a learning space
with links to Australia’s military history would be constructed.
“The current space looks like a bit of a dog’s breakfast, and we will be so proud once this project is completed,” she said.
“This new memorial garden will enhance learning and give students a hands-on learning experience.”
Member for Robertson Dr Gordon Reid said the new learning space will educate students about Australia’s military history and its personnel in a hands-on interactive approach.
“It is important younger generations understand the sacrifice of our former and serving defence personnel and their families,” he said.
The STS Program aims to commemorate the service and sacrifice of Australia’s service personnel who served in wars, conflicts and peace operations, and their families.
For more information and to apply to the Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants, visit:
Free virtual health care from comfort of home
A new free virtual healthcare service has been expanded on the Central Coast.
Health Minister Ryan Park announced that residents in the Central Coast Local Health District would now be able to access free and safe virtual care for non-life-threatening conditions, right from the comfort of their own home.
This virtual care service covers non-life-threatening illnesses or injuries including coughs, colds, fevers and flu; respiratory symptoms; vomiting and diarrhoea; or minor infections and rashes.
The service will be available between 8am and 10pm seven days a week for people aged 16 years and older.
When people phone HealthDirect on 1800 022 222 they will first speak to a registered nurse who will assess the patient’s condition, and if appropriate, refer them to the virtual care service.
The service uses video conferencing technology to connect patients with a multidisciplinary team of clinicians, including doctors and nurses, where clinically appropriate.
Virtual care forms part of a broader range of measures to relieve pressure on the state’s busy emergency departments, including $100M investment for a further two years to continue urgent care services, providing a pathway to care outside of our hospitals for an
estimated 114,000 patients and $70M over four years to expand emergency department short stay units to improve patient flow to reduce emergency department wait times by nearly 80,000 hours. More than $15M has been
earmarked for an Ambulance Matrix that provides real-time hospital data to enable paramedics to transport patients to emergency departments with greater capacity and reducing wait times.
About $31M over four years will go to increasing Hospital in the Home across the state allowing more than 3,500 additional patients each year to be cared for in their home rather than a hospital bed and $53.9M to improve patient flow and support discharge planning by identifying patients early that are suitable to be discharged home with the appropriate supports in place.
Minister for Central Coast and Member for Wyong David Harris said the measures would help alleviate pressure on the busy emergency departments in Central Coast hospitals.
“It is becoming increasingly difficult to access and afford a GP which has led to increased pressure on our already busy
emergency departments in Central Coast’s hospitals having to deal with nonemergencies,” he said.
“It is crucial that we alleviate pressure from our emergency departments, and we know that alternative services like this virtual healthcare service is a step in the right direction.
“Free services like this ensure the growing Central Coast community has access to essential healthcare from the comfort of their home.”
Member for Gosford Liesl Tesch said the announcement of the new free virtual care service for urgent but non-lifethreatening illnesses or injuries complemented the expansion of the virtualKIDS Urgent Care Service announced in 2023.
Principal Nicole Burgess and Member for Robertson Dr Gordon Reid with students Zac and Sariah at Gosford East Public School
HEALTH BRIEF Hospital auxiliary needs new members
The Woy Woy Auxiliary Branch of United Hospital Auxiliaries is looking to welcome new members.
The Auxiliary is a friendly group.
Members work together to support Woy Woy Hospital by raising funds through the onsite kiosk and the sale of food, handmade goods, crafts and baked items.
They also sell raffle tickets and hold regular stalls at local shopping centres with all proceeds going to Woy Woy Hospital.
The Auxiliary has been active since 1997 and has donated more than $305,000 to Woy Woy Hospital over the past 28 years.
If you have some spare time and would like to get involved, contact Lynda on 0431 650 306.
See full story online:
Spreading the word about lymphoedema
March is Lymphoedema Awareness Month and the founder of Cancer Rehabilitation & Lymphatic Solutions (CRLS) at Erina, Kate Perkins, is spreading the word about the value of early detection.
Leading lymphoedema expert Perkins, who has more than 10 years’ experience in the field, also founded Coastal Rehab Hub and the Bounce Back From Breast Cancer Program.
She co-founded OncoLaser™, an innovative system which integrates Photobiomodulation Therapy (PBMT) using MLS® Laser Therapy to address cancer treatment side effects such as pain, inflammation and lymphoedema.
Lymphoedema is a chronic condition which causes swelling due to a compromised lymphatic system, often following cancer treatment.
Research suggests that over 50% of head and neck cancer (HNC) patients will develop lymphoedema following treatment, affecting their ability to swallow, speak, and breathe.
Approximately one in five breast cancer survivors will experience Breast CancerRelated Lymphoedema (BCRL),
leading to arm and chest swelling, discomfort, and functional limitations.
If not monitored for early intervention, BCRL can become chronic and significantly impact quality of life.
medical technology, ensuring patients receive the best possible outcomes.
One of the most promising developments is OncoLaser™, which helps reduce swelling, improve circulation, and support long-term lymphatic health, both minimising the onset of lymphoedema and relieving existing symptoms.
“OncoLaser™ is changing the way we approach lymphoedema care,” Perkins said.
“It’s not just about managing symptoms – it’s about actively improving outcomes, reducing discomfort, and getting people back to living their lives.”
CRLS also integrates SOZO bioimpedance spectroscopy, an advanced technology which detects fluid buildup before physical symptoms appear, allowing for earlier intervention and better long-term management.
“Too many patients don’t realise they’re at risk until the swelling starts, and by then, it’s much harder to manage,” Perkins said.
“By integrating early intervention strategies and targeted therapies, we can significantly reduce the impact of lymphoedema on a person’s quality of life.”
Perkins and her team combine traditional lymphoedema treatments with advanced
To learn more about lymphoedema and early detection strategies, visit Cancer Rehabilitation & Lymphatic Solutions at www., or contact Kate Perkins on 4312 7033 for expert treatment.
Kate Perkins treats a patient
Football registration cracks all time record
Central Coast Football (CCF) has broken its alltime player registration record cracking 16,000 registered players for the 2025 season.
CCF CEO Alex Burgin said with another two months before registrations close for the year, he expected 1000 more players to sign up.
“This is a huge achievement, reinforcing football’s position as the Coast’s most popular sport and highlighting the continued growth of grassroots participation,” Burgin said.
“With more players than ever, the demand for improved facilities and investment in local infrastructure has never been greater.”
Player registration is expected to reach 20,000 by 2030.
Burgin said CFF’s focus was on giving players good value competitions by investing in referees, coaches, grounds and playing amenities.
“We have done buckets of work around the three core things players expect – referees for every game, a coach who knows what they’re doing and grounds that are open,” he said.
Burgin said incentivising referees with bonuses to cover
extra games had paid great dividends.
“We had 100% referee coverage last season, up from 75 to 80% previously,” he said.
“This year our referee numbers will be 400, up from 264 three years ago.”
Over 300 people have taken up the offer of free coaching sessions and CCF will be investing $200,000 a year over five years on upgrading drainage at local grounds as
well as improving amenities and lighting.
With 24 clubs and 1432 teams ranging from under 5s to over 45s across the region, Burgin said CFF was determined to provide a good experience for all players.
“Our sport is bigger than rugby league, rugby union, AFL and netball all combined,” he said.
Female registrations are also at an all time high, up 26% on
the previous season and expected to increase next year when the Asian Cup is played in Australia at the start of the football season.
“We are expecting that number to go higher next year with the Matildas’ success and the Asian Cup being played here at the start of our season rather than the end,” Burgin said.
“That will be the perfect storm.
“Our Women’s over 35 competition is booming – 14 teams this year up from six last year.
“They play on Friday nights as a deliberate move from CCF to create opportunities for participation away from the hustle and bustle of weekend sport.”
The 2025 season kicks off in three weeks with the first round being played on April 5-6.
Two draws for Mariners FOOTBALL
Both the Central Coast Mariners’ men’s and women’s teams fought out thrilling draws over the weekend.
The men’s team faced ladder leaders Auckland FC at Go Media Stadium on Sunday, March 16, coming away with a 2-2 draw after a late equaliser from the men in yellow.
Auckland striker Guillermo May slotted home a goal in the 10th minute before Callan Elliot doubled the advantage in the 78th.
The Mariners responded with Vitor Feijão’s strike in the 71st minute and Nicholas Duarte’s 90th-minute goal.
The result keeps the Mariners just in finals contention as the season progresses.
The women’s team played out a 3-3 draw against Melbourne Victory on Friday at the Industree Group Stadium. The result sees them sitting in sixth place on the Ninja A-League Women’s ladder. See full story online:
Central Coast football has broken its record for player registration
Gosford interclub swim meet a huge success
Gosford Stingrays Swimming Club hosted a highly successful interclub swimming event at Gosford Olympic Pool recently.
Three local swim clubs, the Gosford Seagulls, Woy Woy Pirates and Ettalong Pelicans, participated in the event.
The objective was to host a semi competitive event, but with greater focus on the swimming community of all ages coming together and getting to know the people that make up other local swimming clubs.
“We had a great turnout with about 90 children and adults participating in the races,” Gosford Stingrays Swimming Club president Steve Goodworth said.
He said participants of all ages, from six years up to 70, competed in the event.
“The swimmers competed in 50m races at the beautiful Gosford Olympic Pool on the edge of the Brisbane Water in Gosford,” Goodworth said.
“The swimmers raced freestyle, breaststroke and backstroke.
“However, the main event was our 200m freestyle relay races.
“Some of our relays were made up of three generations of a family, and others made up
of family and friends.”
He said with such a successful evening of swimming, the Gosford Stingrays Swimming club was excited to organise another interclub swimming meet.
“In the future we are hoping to invite more swimming clubs within the Central Coast region to join us and participate in a fun evening of swimming and getting to know each other.”
The Gosford Stingrays Swimming Club invites new swimmers to come and try out and/or join.
Swimming club is held at the Gosford Olympic Pool on the second and fourth Friday of the month at 6.30pm.
The Seagulls Masters Swimming Club also welcomes new members to join its club at Gosford pool on Mondays and Thursdays at 6.45pm in the indoor heated pool.