Local race horse trainers, jockeys, owners and fashionistas are looking forward to this weekend’s Wyong Ladies Raceday on Sunday when locals meet other regional race teams from across the state.See page 31
Continued page
Central Coast Council is preparing to defend an appeal by Verde Terra on a March ruling by the Land Tand Environment Court (LEC) regarding the Mangrove Mountain landfill site.
See 6
As the Coastal Twist LGBTIQA+ Arts & Culture Festival draws closer, organisers are calling on residents to get involved.
Crash landing at Warnervale
Puzzles page 18
page 15
Lucky escape for a pilot at Warnervale
Central Coast business E-Bisglobal celebrated NAIDOC Week on 17 August at its Tuggerah head office, unveiling a new mural. See page 22
ISSUE 35626 AUGUST 2022 - 4325 7369 -
The Public Service Association of NSW is calling on the NSW Government to halt its proposed merger of the Rural Fire Service (RFS) and the State Emergency Service (SES) until proper community and stakeholder consultation has taken place. Association General Secretary, Stewart Little, said the Premier needed to pause and realise that if he didn’t move cautiously and collaboratively, he was literally risking the lives of people across the state. “Neither the RFS or the SES have significant support staff resources as it is and it’s hard to see how merging their functions will improve matters,” he“Thesaid.Rural Fire Service and the State Emergency Service were designed to operate separately for a reason – they serve completely different functions.“Onceagain, the government has stomped in with an expedient plan without bothering to consult with public sector workers or the communities affected. We’ve seen this movie before and it doesn’t end well,” Little said. 4
State announces plan to merge RFS and SES support units
A pilot in his early 70s was lucky to sustain only a minor hand injury when his Cessna 172 aircraft crashed into trees at Central Coast Airport at Warnervale on Monday, August 22. See page 4

LIKE TO ADVERTISE? Call - 0490 341 705 Email - or see the website for If you’re reading this, so are other200,000people COMMUNITY CCN CCN FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE, LIKE ... Facebook: @coastcommunitynews COMMUNITY CCN CCN Twitter: @CoastComNews YouTube: Central Coast Community News Instagram: NEWS
WWW.COASTCOMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AUFOLLOW US PAGE 2 FRIDAY, 26 AUGUST 2022 SEND US A STORY CCN encourages “community journalism”, including story leads, citizen reports, media releases and letters to the Editor. All contributions should be emailed to: use,CCNeditorial@centralcoastnews.netreservestherighttouse,ornotanymaterialsenttousfor publication and to validate, amend, update, expand or reduce the information provided at our sole discretion and in accordance with our editorial guidelines. Material that is offensive, defamatory, or overtly political will not be published. Central Coast Newspapers Pty Ltd (CCN) is a locally owned and operated, independent news media business, providing local print and digital news to communities across the Central Coast. CCN publishes the Coast Community News weekly with over 40,000 copies available via more than 250 distribution points all across the Central Coast. Most stories can also be viewed,thatis,to provide real, public-interest journalism without fear or prejudice, to keep communities informed about local issues and events and to ensure powerful interest groups, public and private, are held to account. Our news content is originated through our own team of experienced, local journalists as well as external sources, including media releases and public notices. All our content is subject to strict editorial standards (available on the website).
“Meanwhile we are eager to share COSS with the public.
“The recently released State of the Environment Report was a shocking reminder of how at risk the habitat of many species is due to fire, drought, flood and over-development.
Barry, Publisher ABOUT USCCN Editor: Ross Barry, David Abrahams (Digital Editor) Journalists: Terry Collins, Sue Murray Graphic Designer: Brad Yee Distribution: Anthony Wagstaff Phone: (02) 4325 7369 Email to: ISSN 1839-9045 – Print Post Approved – PP100001843 – Printed by Spotpress Marrickville
“Our community cannot underestimate the importance of trees so CEN decided our 25th birthday was a great opportunity to celebrate both – our love for trees and for COSS.”
Love Trees,
Celebrate community, nature and everything that is unique to the Central Coast at the Community Environment Network’s Love Trees, Love COSS two-day event in September.
For more information and bookings go to
“The Coastal Open Space System or COSS has been a unique feature of the southern half of the Central Coast since the 1970s,” Willis said. “It is a unique and beautiful collection of bush reserves that is home to many endangered and threatened species of flora and fauna. “CEN has been working since 2016 for the Coastal Open Space System to be expanded to the whole Central Coast and we will continue that work.
Source: Media release, Aug 22 Community Environment Network
The Love Trees, Love COSS two-day event will be held in September
With support from the University of Newcastle, the event will start with a community day at the University’s Central Coast Ourimbah Campus on Saturday, September 17. The free outdoor, COVID-safe event in the ‘Quad’ will include busking, sustainable market stalls and food vans complemented by stalls from community and environmental groups including Central Coast Council, the Australian Conservation Foundation Central Coast, staff and research students from the University of Newcastle’s (UoN) Environmental Science and Management team including both Conservation Science and Coastal and Marine research groups, Jono Mac and Clean4Shore, Central Coast Marine Discovery Centre and the Dyarubbin Peat Island Association.“Bookings for stalls are coming in thick and fast so if you’re a community group or an environmental group that is interested in participating, contact CEN before September 1,” CEN Chief Executive Officer, Samantha Willis, said.“As part of our 25th birthday celebration, CEN will be showcasing our projects, programs and campaigns throughout the day including our Wildplant Nursery, Habitat for Wildlife, Land for Wildlife, Friends of COSS, Waterwatch, Wetlands/platypus, Bush Regeneration and Green Teams, Climate Future and the Better Planning Group.“Atvarious times throughout the day we will have ‘workshop’ style speakers about current environmental issues andThecampaigns.”Saturdayevent will be open to the public from 10am-3pm. Love Trees, Love COSS will continue on Sunday, September 18, with a guided COSS Crawl via bus to Coastal Open Space System reserves including Rumbalara, Katandra and Kincumba Mountain.Thisevent is ticketed at $30 per person which includes morning tea, lunch, cost of bus hire and guided walk and talk.

Many at is emotionally and Avoca Drive, Green Point 8am
“This action is shining a public light on the issue,” he said.“The travelling public would be horrified to know just how little the NSW Government cares about rail safety.”
a place to remain symbolically,
and spiritually connected to our loved ones. Join us this Father’s Day for a complimentary morning tea in the tranquil surroundings of our beautiful gardens to reflect and remember. Palmdale Lawn Cemetery and Memorial Park Palmdale Road, in the main carpark – 8am till noon Greenway Chapel
find comfort in visiting a Memorial Site, especially
special times of the year like Father’s Day. It
Claassens said strike action on Tuesday and more planned for Thursday in the City Circle, had been designed to cause a headache for management, but still allow commuter services to run. “Our fight is never with commuters – it’s with management and the government” he said. “We’re doing this because we can’t allow commuters to get on unsafe trains, and that’s something we simply can’t back down on.”
Despite the fact that Minister for Finance and Minister for Employee Relations, Damien Tudehope, says the Government continues to negotiate in good faith and has called on the unions to abandon industrial action, rail workers went on strike on the North Shore and Western Lines, which includes the Central Coast, between 10am and 4pm on August 23, in addition to an ongoing ban on trains that don’t “meet minimum safety standards”.
Rail, Tram and Bus Union (RTBU) NSW Secretary, Alex Claassens, said the Government can end the dispute by simply committing to “fulfil the basic requirement of government” and deliver safe trains for commuters and fair wages and conditions for workers.
till noon For enquiries please call 4362 1203
Memorial Gardens 460
Tudehope said the Government has already agreed to more than 70 claims put forward by the rail unions, which includes a generous increase in remuneration for employees and modifications to the New Intercity Fleet (NIF) as sought by the RTBU. “It is disappointing that the RTBU continues to undertake disruptive strikes at a point when Government has met them on their key demands and is finalising drafting for a new enterprise agreement,” he said.
Commuters experienced delays at Gosford Station on August 23
“Refusing to operate trains that don’t meet minimum safety standards is the most basic industrial action you can possibly get, but what it is doing is laying bare just how poorly our current trains are maintained,” Claassens said. He said trains that don’t meet ‘minimum safety standards’ –an official safety level within the railway – could include those with passenger safety intercom systems that don’t work, toilets that aren’t functioning, or even mechanical issues.
Central Coast commuters were once more left in the lurch on Tuesday, August 23, as talks between the NSW Government and rail unions over safety issues and conditions continue to stall.
Terry Collins

“It was in that period where the wind was starting to build so he might have had a freak gust of wind, it’s really hard to say until I talk to the pilot,” SmithCentralsaid.Coast Council, who owns the airport, closed the runway for a couple of hours while Police, Ambulance and other emergency services made an assessment.
“We’ve always been proud of our safety record, we’ve never had a fatality or any serious accidents in about 48 years of operating so this is very much an outlier,” he said. “I think it was just one of those freak things and an unfortunate incident.
Leaders of the SES and RFS on the Central Coast say there will be no obvious changes to how their units operate at a localDeputylevel.
“Work will start on implementing a number of the immediately,recommendationswhile other recommendations will require further work and be implemented in stages, with ongoing community consultation and engagement,” heOfsaid.the 28 recommendations, the NSW Government has supported six recommendations and given in-principle support to 22 recommendations.“Ofthosesupported in principle, further work will be undertaken on implementation including consultation with key stakeholders,” the Premier said.One of those in-principle recommendations is to merge SES and RFS head office and corporate service functions, while maintaining their separate identities, and the united corporate support structure would be under the command of the RFS.
“To the best of my knowledge, there will be no obvious change locally, the RFS and the SES will operate independently and, as always, help each other out,” she“There’llsaid. be an opportunity for us to share capabilities from head office to make sure that each agency has the best available resources between the“Fromtwo. a local perspective I don’t think you’ll see anything different – it will be the head office functions that’ll be getting streamlined and merged,” Campbell said. Further detail on the implementation of all 28 recommendations will be released later this year. The report can be found initiatives/floodinquirygovernment/projects-and-
Sue Murray Work to restore beach access after storms Central
“The aircraft has been moved into a hangar waiting for an insurance assessment and we are expecting the plane to be a total loss,” Smith said.The incident has been reported to the Australian Transport Safety Bureau.
Coast FREECALL - 1800 891 691 4324 7699 131-133 Donnison Street FREE SEMINAR
The NSW Government recently released and responded to the 28 recommendations of the independent Flood Inquiry, commissioned in response to the major floods earlier this year.Premier Dominic Perrottet said the recommendations provided a blueprint for change and practical actions to ensure communities and government could prepare for floods in the future and recover faster.
Manager of Central Coast Aero Club, Andrew Smith, said the man had a recreational pilot licence and had hired the plane from the Aero Club while he was doing further training to build up to a full private licence.“He’s been flying for about 10 years so was fairly experienced,” he said. “The pilot was in the process of landing, and he decided to go around because he wasn’t happy with the approach, which is quite common on windy“Thendays.something happened – we’re not sure yet” “He landed on the ground and then went through the fence and ended up clipping some small trees and flipped over as it hit the trees.
The seminar will be presented in a friendly relaxed atmosphere and there will be plenty of time for your questions. You’ll be helped a lot in understanding the system and will then be able to confidently consider what Estate Planning steps you need to take to properly plan for your own Will, Power of Attorney or Appointment of Guardian.
NEWS Wills & Estates Seminar Experienced down-to-earth help and advice throughout the
Crash landing at Warnervale
Work to restore beach access after storms
A pilot in his early 70s was lucky to sustain only a minor hand injury when his Cessna 172 aircraft crashed into trees at Central Coast Airport at Warnervale on Monday, August 22. Two off-duty paramedics were nearby at the time of the crash to assist the man before an Ambulance crew arrived to treat the man on-site before taking him to John Hunter Hospital for further treatment.
WHEN: 30 August 2022 TIME: 6.45pm to 8.00pm WHERE: Mingara Recreation Club HOW: Call 4324 7699 to reserve spot now!
As part of the 2022 Brazel Moore Seminar Series, this free public seminar is being given by Brazel Moore Lawyers to help people understand what to expect so they know where they stand in –• Making a Will • Challenging a Will or defending a Will from challenge • Making a Power of Attorney and • Making an Appointment of Guardian
Smith said the Aero Club would review its processes following the incident.
Options are being explored to restore beach access to Jenny Dixon and Soldiers Beach at Norah Head which were extensively damaged by coastal erosion during the March storms. The Soldiers Beach northern stairs and vehicle ramp will remain closed until temporary works can be done for safe beach access which are planned for completion before summer.
FREE VOUCHER voucherSeminarEveryonewhoattendsthewillreceiveafreeabletoberedeemedtocoverthecostofaWill*.*Conditionsapply
Central Coast Council plans to temporarily restore the damaged northern stairs at Soldiers Beach or establish an alternative access in time for summer.Plansare progressing for a permanent replacement of the northern stairs at Soldiers Beach during the winter months.Thevehicle ramp at Soldiers Beach will be reinforced with sand while designs are being finalised for a permanent replacement.Thestairs at Jenny Dixon Beach will remain closed until permanent repair works are complete.Councilis working on a safe and permanent solution to restore the damaged stairs but not until after summer. Designs are being considered for a safe extension of the stairs in front of the Surf Life Saving Club to enhance accessibility.
State announces plan to merge RFS and SES support units
The theme is to educate people about the options and choices available to them… alerting you to the pitfalls and procedures in dealing with Estate Planning, Wills, Powers of Attorney & Appointments of Guardian and how you should best deal with them. Geoff Brazel, Solicitor, will present the seminar on Wills, Powers of Attorney & Appointments of Guardian to help you through the maze of legal regulation.
Sue Murray Lucky escape for a pilot at Warnervale
From page 1
Sue Murray
Commander of Gosford SES Unit, Werner Klumpp, said that (based on) what very little was known at this stage, he wasn’t expecting any merger to happen at the local“’s meant to achieve, how it’s going to work – the Inquiry report apparently doesn’t have a lot of detail either of how it’s to be implemented and what the benefits are supposed to be,” heRFSsaid.Central Coast District Manager, Superintendant Viki Campbell, said she understood it be a “back of house” merger to streamline the strategic and support services at head office on a statewide level.

The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) says that results from water sampling show that a “natural event” was the most likely cause of hundreds of fish dying in Wyee Bay on Lake Macquarie.
Locals at Mannering Park started noticing large numbers of dead fish of various sizes and species washed up on the shoreline on Wednesday, AugustOfficers3. from the EPA, Central Coast Council and NSW Fisheries started collecting water and fish samples over the weekend from Friday, August 5 when the incident was reported.
EPA says mass fish kill likely a “natural event”
Sue Murray
An EPA spokesperson said that a toxic discharge was unlikely to have killed the fish, as evidenced by the latest water sample results. Laboratory analysis of the fish samples is expected to be finalised by next week.
“A decrease in oxygen content in water can be a natural event that can cause rapid fish deaths,” an EPA spokesperson said. Central Coast Council has removed the dead fish and disposed of them at a landfill that can lawfully receive the waste.The investigation remains ongoing. If the community has any further information that may assist with the EPA’s investigation phone 131 555. Detailed results from the water sampling are available on the EPA website at macquarie-fish-killnews/
“The results of a direct toxicity test show that the water samples are not acutely toxic,” the EPA says.
“These water results indicate that the most likely cause of the deaths was from a natural event,however the investigation isThecontinuing.”EPAsaid that the dead fish of various species and sizes had greying around the gills which suggested possible oxygen depletion.
First bill passed to deliver aged care reforms. We’re committed to putting backdignity,security,quality,andhumanityintoagedcare.Getintouch 3/69 Central Coast Highway West Gosford 2250 (02) 4322
Authorised by G. Reid, ALP, 3/69 Central Coast Highway, West Gosford NSW 2250.
“The Department of Planning and Environment labs tested for a full suite of metals and found levels below the Australia and New Zealand Environment Conservation Council marine water quality guidelines (where guideline limits are specified). “Water results for pesticides were also measured at below the laboratory limit. “Levels of pH and electrical conductivity are within normal ranges for a saline lake.
“The sampling results for Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus are above the guideline values, which may indicate that disruption of sediment has occurred.
Water sampling points at Wyee Bay, Lake Macquarie

Appeal over LEC Mangrove Mountain landfill ruling
LEC Justice Rachel Pepper ruled that while VT could carry out works ordered by the Court on August 29, 2014, additional consent would need to be sought for any other uses.
“How can locals trust the EPA will intervene to protect our waterways in a timely manner if we are still waiting on the result?“This community needs to be informed and heard.”
Terry Collins
Not many 17-year-olds get to speak at Parliament House, but for Matthew Blakemore of Point Clare that became a reality when he was invited to Canberra to speak at the NDIS Jobs and Skills Forum hosted by Minister Bill Shorten on August 17. Matthew addressed the summit on his successful transition from school to fulltime paid employment.
A spokesperson for the EPA said staff from the EPA and Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) have conducted routine and regular sampling of Ourimbah Creek and its tributaries for seven years and have not found any impact to water quality from landfill operations.
“These farms and industries need our waterways to remain pristine,” she said. “They produce an abundance of produce such as eggs, fruits, vegetables and even bottled water, as well as providing an important source of tourist activity.”Tesch and Zouroudis are putting pressure on government agencies and Council to provide clear information on the extent of pollution already present in some“Thewaterways.EPAcontinues to let the people of the Central Coast down, with the results of urgent water quality tests conducted during the flood events earlier this year still not complete,” Zourpoudis said.
Terry Collins
Tesch said any expansion would pose serious risks to the local wildlife and industries which rely on a clean source of water, including local farms, which she said were the “backbone of the area”.
A summary of results from the most recent sampling, which found that overall water quality in the catchment was good, was expected to go on the EPA website on August 25. The EPA also conducts announced and unannounced inspections of the landfill to assess the management of water and leachate, including after periods of high or intensive rainfall.Thespokesperson said the EPA cannot comment on the case while it is before the court.
Central Coast Council is preparing to defend an appeal by Verde Terra on a March ruling by the Land Tand Environment Court (LEC) regarding the Mangrove Mountain landfill site.
Set for consideration on September 1, the appeal is over the LEC’s decision that Verde Terra (VT) would require consent for any new land uses or a materially different development on the site.
The Australian Federation of Disability Organisation (AFDO) provided full sponsorship for Matthew to attend, along with a person to accompany him. AFDO CEO, Ross Joyce, said Matthew’s attendance was important.“Weensured he could attend to keep autism front and centre as autism is the largest participant group within the NDIS,” Joyce said. The forum kicked off with a welcome dinner at Parliament House on August 16, attended by Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese.Thefollowing day, Matthew spoke of his positive employment experiences with Next Level Inclusion and McDonald’s Kincumber and of his new position at a Central Coast stone masonry. A keen sportsperson who qualified at State representation level for shot put and discus, he spoke of how sport has assisted him with work skills. “Playing sport, you have to work with a team, be on time and be competitive to be successful and that is what I take to my work,” he told the forum.
The 2014 orders between the former Gosford City Council and VT included agreement to accept 1.14 million cubic metres of waste at the site.
Point Clare youngster speaks at Parliament House
“Historic failures in site management and protection of our waterways leave the Coast at risk, and Council now holds the responsibility of past failures in its hands,” Tesch said.Resident Carol Zouroudis has urged Council to liaise with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ensure that significant environmental risks are“Thereeliminated.isobviously a risk to the aquifer, and this is simply unacceptable as the groundwater from here plays a key role in sustaining water flows that go into our water catchments,” she said. “Already, the local creek is a site of run-off from the waste facility whenever there is a storm, so expanding it will just increase this occurring.”
Matthew Blakemore (centre) with Australian Autism Alliance Chair, Jenny Karavolas, and Convenor of Autism Asperger Advocacy Australia, Bob Buckley, outside Parliament House
Verde Terra has lodged an appeal against an LEC ruling on the Mangrove Mountain landfill site
“Growing NDIS jobs and skills is a crucial piece in addressing Australia’s shared economic challenges,” Shorten said. “This forum will support immediate actions and opportunities to help the Albanese Government shape the future of Australia’s labour market.“Inorder for the NDIS to thrive, innovation needs to follow the voices of people with disability.“Whether that be innovation on how worker conditions can change, to make sure the best and brightest are looking after people with disability or perhaps it is innovation for employers on how can make their workplaces better by hiring people with disability. Newly appointed Chair of the NDIS Joint Standing Committee, Libby Coker, said she was looking forward to working with Shorten to improve outcomes for people with disability.“Theforum is a great opportunity to re-engage with NDIS participants, their families, carers and disability workers to understand their perspective and work towards solutions,” Coker said.
At the time, Justice Pepper criticised Council for not acting earlier on its concerns VT had breached its development consent and pursued activities beyond the 2014 LEC orders.
The forum was held in the lead up to the Prime Minister’s National Jobs and Skills Summit, to take place on September 1 and 2. At the forum, NDIS participants, their families, providers, disability organisations, the wider disability sector, and unions came together to talk about employment and disability.
Member for Gosford, Liesl Tesch, urged Council to “do all it can” to stop any further expansion of the site, with Mangrove Mountain residents having long expressed “grave concerns” for the impacts of any expansion on the local environment and waterways.

Gross Pollutant Traps (GPTs) are vital in protecting the coast’s waterways and environment by stopping litter and other debris flowing into our drainage systems. Over 518 tonnes of waste was filtered by the GPTs from July 2021 to end June 2022! We can all help to keep our waterways clean by not littering in public spaces!
ChromeFest is back in 2022!
This week we celebrated Book Week, along with many local families that have children going to kindy, school and our libraries dressed as one of their favourite book characters. This year’s theme is ‘Dreaming with eyes open’ and our libraries, with their huge collection literature for all ages and interests, can help you do that!
We are seeking Expressions of Interest submissions from local organisations to hire an established popup bar container throughout this financial year. Help create pop-up opportunities and experiences at town centres to encourage visitation, support local businesses and enhance liveability for our local community. Submit an EOI by 31 August.
We are currently diverting from landfill approximately 60,000 tonnes of garden organics and 30,000 tonnes of biosolids per annum! Council, together with its organics recycling contractor Australian Native Landscapes, is processing the community’s garden organics and sewage biosolids, for reuse/recycling into mulches and soil conditioners.
For more information, search ‘EOI’ at
Central Coast Council news and community information Coast Connect
What’s on? Go to Did you know? Did you miss the 23 August Council meeting? Re-watch the webcast on our YouTube page. Links can be found on our website at, along with meeting agendas, reports and minutes. Next meeting will be held at Wyong on Tuesday 27 September 2022
Pop-up your hospitality
Get ready to enjoy American classic cars, vintage glamour and the sound of rock ‘n’ roll as ChromeFest returns live to the Central Coast, 21 to 23 October at The Entrance!
Approximately one month ago, at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 26 July 2022, I asked the community members in attendance whether they would like the opportunity to join myself, Council’s CEO, and members of Council’s senior staff to have a discussion after the Council meeting concluded. By show of hands, the community members present indicated this was something they would like to happen.
For more information, search ‘EOI’ at
For more information search ‘gross pollutant traps’ online at
Council Office 2 Hely St Wyong | 8.30am - 5pm, Monday to Friday | P 1300 463 954 | W
From headland to hinterland, the Central Coast boasts a vibrant community of makers and creators. Creative Spaces will showcase works from the Coast’s upcoming and established makers and creators at pop-up retail and workshop spaces in Gosford, Woy Woy, and The Entrance throughout 2022-23. View program online at
Rik AdministratorHart Don’t miss out on Council news. Sign up for our weekly enews at
Opportunities remain for classic car owners to participate in the iconic car displays, so check out the entrant information online and register.
To view the program and for more information, go to
Creative spaces on the Central Coast
Bringing books to life
Discover all that our library services offer and join for free online at
@CCoastCouncilCentralCoastCouncil @centralcoastcouncil
Recycling organics
After Tuesday 23 August Council Meeting, I was pleased to join approximately 20 community members who stayed for a chat and some light refreshments outside the Council chambers at Wyong Administration Building after the meeting concluded. This provided a great opportunity for interesting and engaging discussions between the community and senior staff members at ICouncil.would like to thank everyone who joined us last night and encourage any interested community members to come along to the next Council meeting, and stay to have a chat about topics that matter to them. Council’s meeting schedule can be viewed on Council’s website, search ‘council meetings’ at

“Our growing area needs more staff and services, not cuts to full time positions,” he said.
Harris said Gosford Hospital had received recurrent funding for a unit which was in high demand.“Itisessential a similar unit is established at Wyong Hospital to provide end of life options for people living in the northern Central Coast with its increasing population,” he said.
Source: FRNSW MediaFire and Rescue crews instal a new fire alarm Sydney Sydney, Eastern Suburbs Sydney
surrounds. We have many Caregivers commuting to Sydney! WHAT’S NEXT? Please call Vera Hannan on (02) 9970-7333 to discuss whether a Live-in Carer role is right for you. Alternatively, email your resume to Daily Rate $367.68 Mon-Fri + 10.5% super $382.52 Sat + 10.5% super $402.52 Sun + 10.5% super $680.16 Pub Hol + 10.5% super WANTED Experienced Carers in Aged Care & Dementia Care for In-Home Live-in Care Apply now ... If you have experience with clients who have high care needs and/or dementia. You will assist with showering, dressing, daily hygiene, cooking and manual handling. You have your own car and drivers license to take your client to appointments/shopping, etc. You must be an Australian Citizen/Resident to work for us. Some Visas are acceptable. We pay above award rates + super + penalty rates + paid training + salary packaging where you will not pay tax before earning $36,750
Labor MPs back Wyong palliative care unit
More transparency on Council officers’ interests
Source: Media release, August 23 Shadow Minister Central Coast, Wyong MP David Harris David Harris (right) met with representatives of Elsie’s Retreat
Fire and rescue crews assist elderly replace smoke alarms
“NSW Labor has been lobbying for these additional services since 2015, from both our State and Federal Members, the money has been committed by the government and we must receive a share of that funding,” Harris said. His push for the government to fund a palliative care unit at Wyong Hospital is supported by other Labor MPs Yasmin Catley in Swansea and David Mehan in The Entrance electorates. Elsie’s Retreat and local Lions Clubs funded the fit out of the unit and have committed to ongoing support of the facility including the need to train specialised Palliative Care Nurses through future scholarships.
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) crews are assisting the state’s most vulnerable residents, replacing smoke alarms at retirement villages across the Central Coast. FRNSW has responded to more than 760 residential fires so far this winter and 15 people have been killed in blazes regarded as preventable.
“Our 128 local councils manage $178B in assets and spend more than $12B each year on providing infrastructure, facilities and services to local communities across the State,” she“It’ssaid.ahuge responsibility and residents should be able to trust the people they’ve elected to council, along with council staff, are being honest and transparent about any interests they may have.”
“I urge everyone through our region to test their smoke alarms and make sure they are in good working order. If there’s no smoke alarm or it’s faulty, please make sure it is replaced as soon as possible,” Mr Crouch said.
Fire crews at Kincumber have been visiting retirement villages in their region, helping hundreds of residents replace smoke alarms and batteries. Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast Adam Crouch said seniors are most at risk of house fires due to their age and reduced mobility.
Tuckerman said it was important members of the public had confidence in their councils and their organisational integrity which this random audit will bolster.
Transparency will be lifted a notch at Central Coast Council, with a team of investigators to review disclosures of interests submitted by councillors and council staff across the state to increase public confidence in the local government sector.
“People should have availability of end of life choices – palliative care is an important part of that equation and it shouldn’t matter where you live, access to services is vital.
He and Shadow Minister for Central Coast, Wyong MP David Harris met with representatives of Elsie’s Retreat, an organisation leading the campaign for the palliative care unit to serve residents of the northern Central Coast.
In around 45 per cent of incidents, smoke alarms did not activate, and one in five of those homes did not have a smoke alarm at all.
based home for a few days each week? Our clients mainly live in the Northern Suburbs of
“It may just save your life and those of your loved ones.” Kincumber Station Officer Iain McGuire said his crews have been replacing old, substandard smoke alarms with new 10-year Lithium battery“Replacingdevices.asmoke alarm or its battery can be very difficult for seniors, especially if they live alone or have mobility issues,” Station Officer McGuire said.“We’re finding some of the outdated alarms are falling apart in our hands, so we’re more than happy to replace them for McGuirepeople.called on residents to check on elderly neighbours and help them with their smoke alarms, especially if they live alone.“We’re assisting the relocatable home villages as a key focus point of our home safety visits program. Anyone unable to replace a smoke alarm is urged contact their local fire station to book a home safety visit: php?
Minister for Local Government, Wendy Tuckerman, said investigators from the Office of Local Government would be conducting spot checks of written returns of interests which are required to be completed at all councils.
“Councillors and council staff, including general managers and administrators, are required to declare their interests, including any property they own or interests they have in companies, and whether they are a property developer or associate of a property developer,” Tuckerman said. “Checks will be conducted randomly after September 30 so councillors and council staff have more than two months to ensure all the information they’ve provided in their return is accurate and complete.”
The NSW Opposition is calling on the government to ensure that recurrent funding is made available to support a Palliative care ward at Wyong. Shadow Health Minister, Ryan Park, also met with health services and allied health workers from Wyong Hospital. He made an undertaking to write to the Minister for Health to convey staff concerns about proposed cuts to staffing in several key departments at Wyong Hospital.
Shadow Health Minister, Ryan Park, visited the Central Coast last week to show support for a dedicated palliative care unit at Wyong Hospital.
Source: Media release, Aug 25 Minister for Local WendyGovernment,Tuckerman Minister for Local Government, Wendy Tuckerman
Are you looking for a role where you will live in our client's
“In the last Budget the Premier promised $743M over five years towards palliative care and the Central Coast should be getting a fair share of that“Therefunding.isa strong case for a facility at Wyong Hospital as the population of the northern Central Coast is growing, and these important services should be provided close to home and family.
“Our community of over 300,000 people should have access to a mix of end-of-life options such as inpatient and outpatient (community) palliative care.

PAGE 9FRIDAY, 26 AUGUST 2022 WWW.COASTCOMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AUFOLLOW US CARING FOR OUR COMMUNITY 204/1 Bryant Drive PO Box 3763 Tuggerah NSW 2259 02 4353 0127 | Authorised by Emma McBride MP, Australian Labor Party, 204/1 Bryant Drive, Tuggerah NSW 2259 NDIS and forFederalImmigrationAdvocacyandPassportsGovernmentFundingcommunityprojectsMedicare or Aged Care Education and TelecommunicationsTrainingand the NBN Defence and Veterans AContactairs Emma McBride Ph: 02 4353 0127 | Email: Are you celebrating a milestone birthday or anniversary and would like a congratulatory message? DO YOU NEED HELP WITH...

Member for Robertson, Gordon Reid, said it was important to make the road safer for motorists and pedestrians across the Coast. “Every roadside death or injury is a tragedy, and it can be prevented, which is why the Albanese Government is committed to investing in our roads and protecting the wider community,” he said. The Black Spot Program aims Australian roads where a number of serious crashes have occurred or are at-risk of occurring.NSWwill receive a total of $29.5M under the program’s 2022-23 funding round, which will go towards 93 projects.
Member for Dobell, Emma McBride, said Fagans Rd is notoriously dangerous.
The remaining $205,000 will go towards upgrading Showground Rd at Narara between Manns Rd and Racecourse Rd. of raised islands with additional Stop or Give Way signs, a barrier on the roadside, the marking of road edge lines, upgrading the intersection, and adding a mark barrier line.
For more information on the Australian Government’s Black Spot Program, or to nominate a black spot, visit
Two of the Central Coast’s most dangerous roads are set for major upgrades, thanks to an allocation of $825,000 through the Federal Government’s Black Spot Program 202223.
A 3.8km stretch of Fagans Rd at Lisarow, between Tuggerah St and The Ridgeway, will receive a $620,000 makeover which will include vehicle activated signs, upgrading the seal, installing barriers on the roadside, and adding reflective pavement markers, curve alignment markers, guideposts with reflectors and a mark barrier line.
Source: Media release, Aug 22 Member for Dobell, Emma McBride, and Member for Robertson, Gordon ReidMember for Robertson, Gordon Reid, and Member for Dobell, Emma McBride, at Fagans Rd, Lisarow A Crime Coordinator at Brisbane Water Police District has retired after 41 years of dedicated service in the NSW Police Force. Senior Sergeant Vivienne Crawford was marched out by her fellow officers and farewelled in a celebration of the significant contributions she has made to NSW Police and to the community.Shewas attested as a Probationary Constable in December 1980 from Class 169.Two years later she commenced her Criminal Investigation training and secured a position at Chatswood, before moving to the Regional Crime North Office, where she worked major crime investigations. During her career, Snr Sgt Crawford performed duties at the Professional Integrity Command, worked in child protection investigations and in 2008 transferred to Brisbane Water Police District as Crime Coordinator.
Source: Brisbane Water Police Police officer retires after four decades Police form line of honour for Snr Sgt Crawford
“We’ve seen many accidents along this stretch over the years, some of which have been fatal, and that’s why this upgrade is so important,” McBride said. “This funding will go a long way towards improving the safety of motorists and pedestrians across the Central Coast for many years to come.”
Upgrades for two of Coast’s most dangerous roads
INFINITE AGED CARE CASA CHAMBERLAINMIA GARDENS 53-567 Chamberlain Road, Wyoming SOUTHHAVEN 11 Queensbury Road, Padstow Heights 1800 463 468

Second person charged over Kincumber shooting Man arrested on 76 charges
Source: Brisbane Water Police A man will face court next month charged after a fatal crash in Bateau Bay on Friday August 19. About 9.30am, emergency services were called to Bay Village Road following reports a female pedestrian had been struck by a bus travelling west. The 46-year-old woman was treated by NSW Ambulance paramedics but died at the scene. The driver of the bus – a 64-year-old man – and his passengers were uninjured. He was taken to Gosford Hospital for mandatory testing. Officers from Tuggerah Lakes Police District established a crime scene, and the Crash Investigation Unit commenced an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident. Following his release from hospital, the man was arrested and taken to Gosford Police Station where he was charged with negligent driving occasioning death. He was given bail to appear at Wyong Local Court on Wednesday 7 September 2022.Areport will be prepared for the information of the coroner.
A second person has faced court charged over a public place shooting on the state’s Central Coast earlier this year. About 5am on Sunday 26 June 2022, police responded to reports of a shooting outside a fast-food outlet on Carrak Road,PoliceKincumber.wereinformed that an altercation had allegedly occurred at the scene involving two groups of people, with a number of shots reportedly fired, before both groups left theTherescene.were no reports of injuries.Officers from Brisbane Water Police District secured a crime scene which was examined by specialistDetectivespolice.established Strike Force Argyle to investigate the circumstances of the incident. Following extensive inquiries, a 28-year-old woman was arrested in Erina Heights on Tuesday 16 August 2022. She was charged in relation to her alleged involvement and remains before the court. After further inquiries, a 34-year-old man was arrested at a home on Camaroo Close, Kincumber, about 1pm on Monday 22 August 2022. He was taken to Gosford Police Station and charged with discharge firearm intend to cause grievous bodily harm, acquire firearm - subject to prohibition order and possess unauthorised pistol. The man was refused bail and appeared before Gosford Local Court yesterday (Tuesday 23 August 2022), where he was formally refused bail to reappear before the same court on Friday 21 October 2022.Investigations NSW Police Media
Source: Brisbane Water Police District Facebook page, Aug 25 Police are appealing for public assistance to identify the pictured man. At about 5.15am on July 21 July, 2022, a stolen credit card was used in Erina. As part of the investigation, Brisbane Water Proactive Crime Team have released CCTV images of an individual they believe can assist with theirAnyoneinquiries.with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or online at strict confidence.
A 25-year-old man has been charged with 76 offences after officers from Brisbane Water Police District Proactive Crime Team conducted a search warrant at a Umina Beach address on August 24. The search was in response to a number of steal from motor vehicle and fraud offences in the Woy Woy, Umina Beach and Ettalong areas. The man was refused bail to appear at Gosford Local Court on August Investigators25. thanked all the businesses and residents who provided CCTV imagery throughout the investigation.
Anyone with information about these incidents should call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or use the Crime Stoppers online reporting page: Information provided will be treated in the strictest of confidence.
Source: NSW Police Media Pedestrian dies after crash Crime team investigating stolen credit card

It all starts with spirit
Advice on Spirit Super is provided by Quadrant First Pty Ltd (ABN 78 102 167 877, AFSL 284443) and issuer is Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd (ABN 14 008 650 628, AFSL 238718), the trustee of Spirit Super (ABN 74 559 365 913). Read the PDS at before making a decision. Past performance isn’t a reliable indicator of future performance.
Cheap and reliable energy underlies our standard of living. In the times of Egyptians and Romans, this was provided by slaves and horses. The world now uses fossil and nuclear instead. The hard fact is that the only real alternative we have now for baseload power without emissions is nuclear and that is illegal in AustraliaAustralia.hasno strategy in place, other than hope, (given it has made nuclear illegal), to replace the baseload electricity from ageing coal-fired generators given that some 75% of electricity generation in Australia today is from coal (80% in NSW). Given our trajectory, domestic power prices can only remain static or fall with the aid of government subsidies and our standard of living and our status in the world will suffer.
Book Week is the longest running children’s festival in the country and this year’s theme is Dreaming With Eyes Open which explores how books can take children on a journey into other people’s lives, into other perspectives and new topics, while also teaching and entertaining readers.AtKillarney Vale Public School the library was transformed into the wonderful world of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.Throughout this week librarian Candice Taylor took classes into the magical world of Roald Dahl and enthralled the students with her costume on the Everytheme.dayshe went to school with something else added to her Willy Wonka costume, such as hand painted shoes with waffles and ice creams or fingernails painted with the Willy Wonka insignia.
Seating problem on new interurban trains
Email, August 20 Hamish Cameron, Kincumber.
Dreaming with your eyes open
In Issue 355 of Central Coast News, T Bard of Tascott pointed out the USA and European experience is that solar and wind are not suitable for baseload power.
Email, August 20 C. E. Hemmings, Woy Woy
Sue Murray
The Book Week display at Killarney Vale Public School
All energy is subsidised Scomo’s secrets – so what With all the safety fuss over the new interurban trains (which is a real issue), what has slipped by is the fact that all the seats are fixed. Passengers will not be able to turn the seats to suit the direction of travel as they canHalfnow.ofthe seats face forward and the other half face backwards.Imagineif you are getting on at Woy Woy in the morning peak.AsWoy Woy is the last of the Coast stops, all the forwardfacing seats will be occupied so Woy Woy commuters will have no option but to travel facing backwards or stand.
Gloomy outlook for energy and emissions
Schools across the Central Coast have been getting into the spirit of Book Week with dress-up parades and other activities to celebrate Australian authors and illustrators and the joy of reading.
With low fees and a history of strong returns, we back hard-working Aussies.
“Our library is just out of the world this year,” said Principal Jeanette Dillon. “We haven’t done it for two years (because of Covid) and our librarian has gone to absolutely unbelievable levels, it’s amazing,” she said. “Candice has spent the past two years organising this and put in a lot of effort researching the theme and encouraging the kids to talk about books. “It was wonderful to have the library open again so families and the wider community could come to see the display and enjoy the Book Week parade,” Dillon said.
Email, Aug 25 Ian Munro, Killcare Heights
Email, August 22 Richard Olsen, Wyong
What is with this song and dance about the ex PMs secrets (CCN#355, August 19). Did he pocket any extra money?Washe corrupt? I don’t think so. Sure, he should of mentioned it to his cabinet – that was wrong, but it was not worth all this terrible crime reporting. Surely what is more important and (needs) correcting is all the abuse given to the ladies working in government house that we hear about so often –that would be a much better to be cut out.
The warming of the planet due to the strong, 15 micron absorption band of carbon dioxide retaining part of the energy of the Earth’s outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) can only be ignored at our peril. However, unless there is a concerted global move in this direction, the effort will be wasted if a significant part of the world population does not contribute to emission reduction and instead continues emitting CO2 unconstrained.
Contrary to Mr Bards ideas (Forum, CCN#355), there is not one form of energy that we do not subsidise using taxpayer money. In the 2020/21 budget we paid some $10.3bn to the energy industries, some $19,686 a minute. So exactly who got what? The fossil fuel industry was paid some $7.2bn, about $277 for every man, woman and child.The renewables industry was paid just $2.05bn (source: Federal and State Budget Papers 2020/21). Both geo and nuclear even got into the action. Climate groups have estimated that using the “spot” price of coal could force the fossil fuel industry subsidy up to $55bn or $2,115 per individual, meaning these funds will come from the societalWhetherbudget.asubsidy is paid by the consumer or paid out the Budget this is money is not spent on the taxpayer. What we forget is we could have bigger problems – last year China banned their financial institutions from investing in any overseas coal generation venture, taking some 70 percent of that portfolio out of the available market. Our aging coal generators have little life left. Regardless of any attitude we have on climate we should be welcoming this offshore wind farm with open arms. On its completion we should be the ones supplying the champagne.

Central Coast artist Claire Tozer has taken the $15,000 first prize in this year’s Gosford Art Prize, with her acrylic and ink work on canvas, Web. Tozer said she was very excited to receive the news.
“I didn’t sleep for a few nights after being told,” she said. The inspiration for the work came from an early morning walk along the boardwalk at Davistown.“Welive at Yattalunga and often take the boardwalk from Davistown to Kincumber,” she said.“We do the walk early in the morning from time to time and on this particular day there were webs stretched out from one bush to another all over the place.“Itwas a foggy day and the light shining on those webs was just magical, with blue and green shades coming from the water.”Tozersaid the piece developed as she worked on it in her studio.“Itis an abstract piece and it changed as I interpreted the photos,” she said. Tozer said she had been painting for most of her life. “I qualified as a graphic artist in Melbourne in 1981 and started art classes when I worked back in Sydney at a community art centre,” she said.Although she has been painting ever since, it was only just over three years ago that Tozer gave up her two jobs to work full-time as an artist. She has previously been Highly Commended in the Ewart Art Prize, the Hornsby Art Prize and the 2019 Gosford Art Prize.Her biggest success to date has been winning the Korean Australian-Australian Arts Foundation first prize of $20,000 in 2018. She has participated in the Kedumba Drawing Awards in 2019, where artists have to be invited to enter. Her Gosford Art Prize winning work will be acquired by Central Coast Council for its collection. This year, 133 finalist artworks were selected for exhibition by a panel which aimed to include a variety of styles, content and techniques.
Second Prize was awarded to Central Coast artist Muamer Cajic for his colour pencil on paper work, Inselberg. Other prizes winners include: Aboriginal Artist Prize ($2,500), Charmaine Davis, Washpool calling; Highly Commended Art Prize ($1,000), Ali Tahayori, There is no queer in Iran; Highly Commended Art Prize ($1,000), Karen Coull, The Sunday Tablecloth; Gosford Ceramics Prize ($2,500), David Boyle, Secret Meeting of the Bouddi Scribbly Bark; and Highly Commended Ceramic Prize ($1,000), Peter Steggall, Forest. The winning works were chosen by judges Emily Rolfe and Vicki Grima, who said they were strong, showing a high degree of skill, consideration andTheintegrity.2022finalist exhibition will run from until October 23 at Gosford Regional Gallery from 9.30am-4pm daily, with entry free. A Viewer’s Choice Award of $500 will be announced at the end of the exhibition. Terry Collins Claire Tozer with her award-winning piece, Web
Yattalunga artist wins Gosford Art Prize
Spend $50*or more at Colesor $5 or more atspecialtyparticipatingstorestoenter.@lakesideshoppingcentre | The Entrance Road & Dening Street, The Entrance NSW Classic CAR SATSHOW9AM-2PM3SEPT LOCATION Lakeside Shopping Centre Carpark HOSTED BY Central Coast Historic Car Club DATE & TIME Saturday 3 September, 9am to 2pm *Terms and Conditions apply, visit Valid from 26 August to 23 September 2022. Four $250 gift cards to be won! $1000 FUEL GIVEAWAY To enter, spend $5* or more at participating specialty stores or $50* or more at Coles Lakeside. Collect your entry at the barrel near Coles or from participating stores.
The finalists include 11 interstate works, with almost one third of the finalists from the Central Coast, showing the strength of artistic talent in the region, Council said.

Join me in February 2023 on our Magenta NAILS fully escorted journey to my homeland Vietnam. Featuring Saigon, The Mekong Delta, & Hue, with extend time in my home town - Hoi An. We will see the sights, be imearsed in the culture and taste the delicious cuisine. With plenty of time to shop and visit the tailor to have some clothes made ! - Tony.
Boutique nail salon at Ettalong Beach
Troy Zarb to play Pocket Bar
Canton Beach bowlers support Shirley Shuttle
Troy Zarb will play his first ever Central Coast show as a soloist at Terrigal’s Pocket Bar on Thursday, September 13, in a night of free live and local music courtesy of Central Coast Music. Having relocated from Sydney’s inner west, Zarb is looking to becoming part of the Central Coast live music scene. He will be remembered from bands such as Scarlet’s Revenge and Crimes Against Fashion.Zarbwill be supporting The Emerald Ruby on her EP Launch Tour, Folksy Dreams V2. The two have performed together at various Sydney venues and at The National Folk Festival and Peats Ridge Festival. Guests will enjoy an intimate evening of folk song and storytelling at one of Terrigal’s cosiest venues. For more information on the event, visit, call 4385 1050.
“So many of our members know people who use this important service so fundraising for this worthy cause is close to us,” Margaret said. “Donations for our fundraising raffle were received from the club ladies, The Sausage Man, Barbara Galvin (left) and Margaret Dixon
Source: Media release, Aug 22 Troy Zarb Troy Zarb 20 % Discount on your 5th (Spend minimum $ 25 perMagenta NAILS 067 566 Ocean View Road ETTALONG
A WinterWarmer raffle conducted by the Canton Beach Women’s Bowling Club raised $1,000 which has been passed on to the Shirley Shuttle. Club President Margaret Dixon said the community transport service was their main recipient of fundraising because it supported so many people who needed a helping hand.Theidea for the Shirley Shuttle service began when the founder Barbara Galvin was looking after her Mum who had cancer. “She found it very hard to get her Mum to and from cancer treatment and that was before other community transport which is now available,” Margaret said. Barbara Galvin donated a mini-bus to the Cancer Council after her mother died of cancer in 2006 and the Shirley Shuttle service began, providing transport for cancer patients to attend treatment centres and appointments.Nowthereare four Shirley Shuttle vehicles providing more than 10,000 trips every year to Central Coast residents undergoing cancer treatment, through Community Transport Central Coast and Coast Connect.Theservice is manned by volunteer drivers and with support from Central Coast Health as well as fundraising by local groups such as Canton Beach Women’s Bowling Club it helps to support maintenance and onroad costs associated with the vehicles.

A full schedule of events as well as RSVP for free events and dog parade registration, volunteer sign up and raffle are available at
Media release, Aug 16 Coastal Twist
The Pooch Parade was a big hit at the 2019 festival
“This festival is inclusive and the A in the LGBTIQA+ stands for Allies who are a big part of theThejourney.”first festival, held in 2019, went for three days and attracted more than 7,500 people from all around the world, but the event was put on hold in 2020 and 2021 due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Not a Mounties Group member? Join now online via FATHER’S DAY WHAT’S ON FOR BREAKERSLONNIELEE THE LAST MAN STANDING Thursday 1 September Doors 10.30 | Show 11am Tickets: $10 M | $20 NM FATHER’S DAY RAFFLE Sunday 4 September $3000 worth of prizes Tickets on Sale 5pm | Drawn 7pm Food Specials at Skillion Brasserie Plus Live Entertainment WednesdayHALEKULANIFATHER’SDAYRAFFLE31August Tickets on Sale 5pm Drawn 6.30pm LONNIE LEE THE LAST MAN STANDING Sunday 4 September Doors 10.30 | Show 11am Tickets: $10 M | $20 NM Food Specials at Ohana Restaurant CLUBLONNIEWYONGLEE THE LAST MAN STANDING Wednesday 31 August Doors 10.30 | Show 11am Tickets: $10 M | $20 NM FATHER’S DAY RAFFLE Sunday 4 September Great Prizes Dad will love Tickets on Sale 12pm | Drawn 3pm Food Specials at Spinners Restaurant Plus Live Entertainment
Coastal Twist Festival is on again
This year, supported by a $53,611 grant through the NSW Government’s Regional Events Acceleration Fund, the festival has been able to extend to across seven days and nights with events to include a beach picnic party day, theatre, dance, live music, cabaret, family activities, a LGBTIQ youth teen area and a special innovation workshop with IBM, whose footprint in the region includes partnering with high schools with its Global P-TECH program.Electric Fields will headline the Coastie Fair Day.
Photo: Lisa Haymes
As the Coastal Twist LGBTIQA+ Arts & Culture Festival draws closer, organisers are calling on residents to get involved. To be held over seven days and nights, the festival will feature 14 events for all ages and abilities with the majority of activities free across Umina Beach, Woy Woy, Ettalong Beach and Gosford.
From a window display competition for businesses to the popular Pooch Parade, this year’s Festival theme is ‘Be the Change’ – a call to action, for all people regardless of age, gender, sexuality, ability or skin colour to come together and celebrate for a happier, healthier, and more welcoming Central Coast.
“Our first festival saw Coasties and tourists from far and wide; we want everyone to feel welcome and explore, from families coming along bringing their kids to Drag Storytime and entering their dogs at the Puparazzi Pooch Parade to those just up for a good time, good food and good music, reinforcing a better way for the future,” Festival Director, Glitta Supernova, said.

3:00 Highway Patrol
Stars: Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Riz Ahmed 10:20 Movie: “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” (M l,v) (’09) Stars: Hugh Jackman 12:30 Home Shopping 6:00 Getaway (PG) [s] 6:30 A Current Affair (PG) [s] 7:00 Weekend Today [s] 10:00 Today Extra Saturday [s] 12:00 The Garden Gurus [s] 12:30 Rugby Union: Wallaroos v Black Ferns From Adelaide Oval [s] 2:45 Rugby Union: Post Match [s] 3:00 Rugby Union: Wallabies v South Africa From Adelaide Oval [s] 5:30 Rugby Union: Post Match [s] 6:00 NINE News Saturday [s] 7:00 NRL: Rabbitohs v Cowboys *Live* From Accor Stadium [s] 9:30 NRL: Post Match [s] 9:50 Movie: “Sicario: Day Of The Soldado” (MA15+) (’18) Stars: Benicio del Toro, Josh Brolin, Isabela Merced, Jeffrey Donovan, Catherine Keener The Junk Food Experiment Delish [s] 2:00 Home Shopping 5:30 Skippy - The Bush Kangaroo Reel Action [s] 6:30 Religious Programs [s] 7:00 Escape Fishing With ET [s] 7:30 Wildlife Rescue Australia [s] 8:30 What’s Up Down Under [s] 9:00 Australia By Design [s] 9:30 Studio 10: Saturday [s] 12:00 Freshly Picked [s] 12:30 The Living Room (PG) [s] 1:30 Healthy Homes Australia [s] 2:00 Buy To Build [s] 2:30 Luxury Escapes (PG) [s] 3:00 Everyday Gourmet [s] 3:30 Farm To Fork [s] 4:00 Taste Of Australia With Hayden Quinn [s] 4:30 Food Trail - South Africa [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:00 Luxury Escapes (PG) [s] 6:30 Wildlife Rescue Australia (PG) [s] 7:30 The Dog House UK (PG) [s] 9:30 Ambulance Australia (PG) [s] 10:30 The Cheap Seats (M l) [s] 11:30 NCIS: In The Wind (M) [s] 12:30 NCIS: Flight Plan (M) [s] 5:00 Worldwatch 9:10 Love Your Home And Garden (PG) 10:05 Great Canal Journeys (PG) 11:00 Paul O’Grady For The Love Of Dogs (PG) 12:00 Worldwatch Gymnastics: 2022 Rhythmic World Cup Highlights Trail Towns: Victoria’s Ride High Country 4:30 Cycling: La Vuelta Highlights Hell On Earth: WWII (PG) SBS World News 7:35 Worlds Most Scenic Railway Journeys: North East England (PG) Secrets Of The Tower Of London (PG) Coastal Devon & Cornwall With Michael Portillo: Coverack To Trebah Gardens Cycling: La Vuelta: Stage Spain Destination Flavour Weekend [s] The Morning Show Weekend (PG) [s] Of Wellness (PG) [s] 1:00 (’15) [s] (PG) [s] [s] Seven News At 5 [s] 5:30 Sydney Weekender [s] 6:00 Seven News [s] 7:00 My Kitchen Rules (PG) [s] 8:30 Program To Be Advised 9:30 Homicide With Ron Iddles: Wayne Amey (M) [s] 10:35 Undercurrent - Real Murder Investigation: The Boat And The Body (M v) [s] 11:35 Killer Tapes: The Gameshow Serial Killer (M) [s] 12:30 Home Shopping 6:00 Fishing Australia [s] 6:30 A Current Affair (PG) [s] 7:00 Weekend Today [s] 10:00 Sports Sunday (PG) [s] 11:00 Sunday Footy Show (PG) [s] 1:00 The Block: Master Ensuite Week (PG) [s] 3:00 NRL: Titans v Knights *Live* From Cbus Super Stadium [s] 6:00 NINE News Sunday [s] 7:00 The Block: Master Ensuite Reveal (PG) [s] 8:30 60 Minutes (PG) [s] 9:30 NINE News Late [s] 10:00 The First 48: Room For The Night/ Down And Out (M v) [s] Police investigate the killing of a man in a New Orleans motel room. Killer Couples: Angela Hill And Logan McFarland (M) [s] First Responders (M) [s] Tipping Point (PG) [s] Home Shopping 4:00 Religious Programs Home Shopping Religious Programs [s] Good Chef Bad Chef [s] 8:30 The Living Room (PG) [s] 9:30 Studio 10: Sunday (PG) [s] 12:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s] 12:10 The Masked Singer Australia (PG) [s] 1:20 Program To Be Advised 2:30 Luxury Escapes [s] 3:00 Australia By Design: Innovations (PG) [s] 3:30 My Market Kitchen [s] 4:00 Farm To Fork [s] 4:30 Taste Of Australia With Hayden Quinn [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:30 The Sunday Project (PG) [s] 7:30 The Masked (PG) [s] Hawaii: (Part [s] (M [s] Room (M [s] Sunday Project (PG) [s] Shopping O’Grady Of
1 *Live*
Dogs (PG) 12:00 Worldwatch 1:00 Motor Sports: Speedweek 3:00 Football: Countdown To Qatar 4:00 The Rising: The Marvelous Marvin Hagle 4:30 Cycling: La Vuelta 2022 Highlights 5:30 Hell On Earth: WWII (PG) 6:30 SBS World News 7:35 Tutankhamun - Secrets Of The Toxic Tomb (PG) 9:25 Zelenskyy - The Man Who Took On Putin (PG) (In English/ Russian) 9:55 9/11 - The Unheeded Warning (PG) (In French/ Dari/ English) 10:55 Cycling: La Vuelta: Stage 9 *Live* From Spain 1:50 Destination Flavour Japan Bitesize August26Friday Also see: ABC PLUS (Channel 22) ABC ME (Channel 23) ABC NEWS (Channel 24) Also 7TWOsee:(Channel 62) 7MATE (Channel 63) 7FLIX (Channel 66) Also see: GEM (Channel 82) GO! (Channel 83/88) LIFE (Channel 84) Also see: 10 PEACH (Channel 11) 10 BOLD (Channel 12) Also see: SBS VICELAND (Channel 31) SBS MOVIES (Channel 32) SBS FOOD (Channel 33) SBS NITV (Channel 34) August27SaturdaySunday28August Classifications: (G) General, (PG) Parental Guidance, (M) Mature Audiences, (MA15+) Mature Audience Over 15 Years, [s] Subtitles Consumer Advice: (d) drug references, (s) sexual references or sex scenes (h) horror, (l) language, (mp) medical procedures, (n) nudity, (v) violence Builders Licence # 204179C • LICENSED TRADESMAN AND QUALITY WORK • LOCATED ON THE CENTRAL COAST • OVER 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE AND FULLY INSURED • ENTIRE JOB MANAGED BY ONE PROJECT MANAGER • ANY RECONFIGURATIONS ARE EASILY MANAGED - Phone Scotty on 0401 601 082 for a free quotation SCAN FOR MORE INFO
2 *Live*
Singer Australia
5:00 Worldwatch 9:10 Love Your Home And Garden (PG) 10:05 Great Canal Journeys (PG) 11:00 Paul
Stars: Hadley Belle Miller, Alexander Garfin 2:40 Surveillance Oz (PG)
8 *Live* From
3:30 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line (PG)
4:00 Better Homes And Gardens 5:00
12:00 House
For The Love
6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show [s] 11:30 Seven Morning News [s] 12:00 Movie: “Jesse Stone: Sea Change” (M s,v) (’07) Stars: Tom Selleck, Kathy Baker, Kohl Sudduth, Rebecca Pidgeon 2:00 House Of Wellness (PG) [s] 3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s] 4:00 Seven News At 4 [s] 5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s] 6:00 Seven News [s] 7:00 Better Homes And Gardens 8:30 Movie: “Raising Helen” (PG) (’04) – Kate Hudson stars as modelling agent, Helen Harris who is young and carefree. But after her sister and brother-inlaw die in a car accident, Helen becomes the guardian of their three children.
10:30 FBI: Safe
Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG) 4:05 Jeopardy! (PG) 4:30 Letters And Numbers 5:00 Cycling: La Vuelta 2022 Highlights 6:00 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG) 6:30 SBS World News 7:30 Lost Treasures Of Ancient Rome: Colosseum (PG) 8:30 Ross Kemp - Shipwreck Treasure Hunter: Slaver Ship Secrets (M) 9:25 World’s Most Scenic Railway Journeys: Sri Lanka (PG) 10:15 SBS World News Late 10:50 Cycling: La Vuelta: Stage 7 6:00 rage (PG) [s] 7:00 Weekend Breakfast [s] 9:00 rage (PG) [s] 10:30 rage Guest Programmer (PG) [s] 12:00 ABC News At Noon [s] 12:30 Vera: On Harbour Street (M) [s] 2:00 Midsomer Murders: Till Death Do Us Part (PG) [s] 3:30 Great Southern Landscapes (PG) [s] 4:00 Spicks And Specks (PG) [s] 4:50 Landline [s] 5:20 David ConquestAttenborough’sOfTheSkies: Rivals (PG) [s] 6:10 Extraordinary Escapes: Sindhu Vee (PG) [s] 7:00 ABC News [s] 7:30 Grantchester (M v) [s] 8:20 Movie: “Philomena” (M) (’13) Stars: Steve Coogan 9:55 Midsomer Murders: Send In The Clowns (PG) [s] 11:25 rage Guest Programmer (MA15+) [s] 6:00 Home Shopping 7:00 Weekend Sunrise [s] 10:00 The Morning ShowWeekend (PG) [s] 12:00 Seven’s Horse Racing: Caulfield/ Memsie Stakes Day/ Rosehill *Live* [s] 5:00 Seven News At 5 [s] 5:30 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line (PG) [s] 6:00 Seven News [s] 7:00 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line (PG) [s] 7:30 Movie: “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” (M) (’16) –
Stars: Kate Hudson, John Corbett, Joan Cusack, Hayden Panettiere 11:00 Program To Be Advised 12:00 Program To Be Advised 1:00 Home Shopping 6:00 Today [s] 9:00 Today Extra [s] 11:30 NINE’s Morning News [s] 12:00 Movie: “Love Upstream” (PG) (’21) Stars: Kimberly-Sue Murray, Steve Lund 1:45 Garden Gurus Moments [s] 2:00 Pointless (PG) [s] 3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s] 4:00 NINE’s Afternoon News [s] 5:00 Millionaire Hot Seat [s] 6:00 NINE News [s] 7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s] 7:30 NRL: Storm v Roosters *Live* From AAMI Park [s] 9:55 NRL: Golden Point [s] 10:35 Movie: “Double Impact” (MA15+) (’91) – Twin brothers are separated when their parents are murdered but twenty five years later they reunite in order to avenge their parents’ death. Stars: JeanClaude Van Damme 12:40 Tipping Point (PG) [s] 1:30 Home Shopping
8:30 NCIS:
2) (M v)
6:00 Entertainment Tonight [s] 6:30 Good Chef Bad Chef [s] 7:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 7:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 8:00 10 News First [s] 8:30 Studio 10 (PG) [s] 12:00 Dr Phil (M) [s] 1:00 The Living Room [s] 2:00 Entertainment Tonight [s] 2:30 Food Trail - South Africa [s] 3:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 3:30 My Market Kitchen [s] 4:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s] 4:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:30 The Project (PG) [s] 7:30 The Living Room (PG) [s] 8:30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (PG) [s] 9:30 Program To Be Advised 10:30 Just For Laughs Australia (M s) [s] 11:30 The Project (PG) [s] Worldwatch 8:15 Football: FIFA U20 Womens World Cup: Semi Final 10:45 Worldwatch 11:45 Football: FIFA U20 Womens World Cup: Semi Final 2:00 Worldwatch 3:00 NITV News: Nula 3:35 The In a time of conflict, a group of unlikely heroes band together on a mission to steal the plans to the Death Star, the Empire’s ultimate weapon of destruction.
9:30 FBI: Legacy
11:30 The
12:30 Home
Movie: “The Peanuts Movie” (G)
Bitesize 6:00 rage (PG) [s] 7:00 Weekend Breakfast [s] 9:00 Insiders [s] 10:00 Offsiders [s] 10:30 The World This Week [s] 11:00 Compass [s] 11:30 Songs Of Praise [s] 12:00 ABC News At Noon [s] 12:30 Landline [s] 1:30 Gardening Australia [s] 2:30 Muster Dogs (PG) [s] 3:30 Rick Stein’s Road To Mexico: Oaxaca To Chinatlan Mountains [s] 4:30 Win The Week (PG) [s] 5:00 Art Works [s] 5:30 Antiques Roadshow [s] 6:30 Compass (PG) [s] 7:00 ABC News Sunday [s] 7:40 Spicks And Specks (PG) [s] 8:30 Vera: The Way The Wind Blows (PG) [s] 10:00 The War Of The Worlds (M) 11:00 The Capture (M l,v) [s] 12:00 Movie: “Philomena” (M) (’13) Stars: Steve Coogan 6:00 Home Shopping 7:00
PAGE 16 26 AUGUST 2022WWW.COASTCOMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AUFOLLOW US ABC (C20/21) PRIME (C61/60) NINE (C81/80) TEN (C10) SBS (C30) 6:00 News Breakfast [s] 9:00 ABC News Mornings [s] 10:00 Q+A (PG) [s] 11:05 Extraordinary Escapes [s] 12:00 ABC News At Noon [s] 1:00 The School That Tried To End Racism (PG) [s] 2:00 Grantchester (PG) [s] 3:00 Escape From The City (PG) [s] 4:00 Think Tank (PG) [s] 5:00 Anh’s Brush With Fame (PG) [s] 5:25 Hard Quiz (PG) [s] 6:00 The Drum [s] 7:00 ABC News [s] 7:30 Gardening Australia [s] Costa visits the hidden garden of a renowned landscape designer. 8:30 Baptiste (M l,v) [s] 9:30 Doc Martin (PG) [s] 10:20 ABC Late News [s] 10:35 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL (M) [s] 11:05 Aftertaste (M l,s) [s]

Home Shopping 6:00 Today
Andy Lee
7:00 A Current Affair
adult acne, so the experts try the latest noninvasive cosmetic treatments. 11:00 The
Final *Live* 10:45
12:45 The
[s] 2:00 Pointless (PG) [s] 3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s] 4:00 NINE’s Afternoon News [s] 5:00 Millionaire Hot Seat [s] 6:00 NINE News [s] 7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s] 7:30 The
6:00 Today [s] 9:00 Today Extra [s] 11:30 NINE’s Morning News [s] The Block: Master Ensuite Reveal (PG) [s] 1:30 Getaway (PG) [s] Pointless (PG) [s] Tipping Point (PG) [s] NINE’s Afternoon [s] Millionaire [s] NINE [s] (PG) [s] The Block: Master Bedroom And Walk Week (PG) [s] Emergency (M) [s] 9:40 100% Footy (M) [s] 10:40 NINE [s] 11:10 Chimes Of Freedom (M [s] 12:00 : RDZ9021 (M) [s] 12:50 Hello SA (PG) [s] 1:15 [s] Shopping 4:00 4:30 A Current (PG) [s] Entertainment Tonight [s] 6:30 Good Chef Bad Chef [s] 7:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 7:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 8:00 10 News First [s] 8:30 Studio 10 (PG) [s] 12:00 Dr Phil (M) [s] 1:00 Program To Be Advised 2:20 Entertainment Tonight [s] 2:30 My Market Kitchen [s] 3:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 3:30 Farm To Fork [s] 4:00 Everyday Gourmet [s] 4:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 10 News First [s] 6:30 The Project (PG) [s] 7:30 The Amazing Race Australia (PG) [s] Have You Been Paying Attention? (M) [s] 10:00 Just For Laughs Australia (M) [s] 10:30 The Montreal Comedy Festival (M) [s] Worldwatch U20 Womens World Cup: Bamay 11:10 Worldwatch The Best Of The Symphonic The Kitchen (PG) [s] 9:00 Weddings (PG) [s] 10:00 10 Years In 10 Days (PG) [s] at of Latest Seven [s] 11:30 (MA15+) [s] 12:30 [s] 9:00 [s] 11:30 NINE’s Hundred With (M) [s] With Hymns Of (M) [s] Tipping [s] [s] Chef Chef [s] Judy (PG) [s] The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 8:00 10 News First [s] Studio 10 (PG) [s] Dr Phil (M) [s] Program To Be Advised 2:30 Entertainment Tonight [s] Judge Judy (PG) [s] Farm To Fork [s] Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s] The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] The Project (PG) [s] The Amazing Race Australia (PG) [s] 9:00 The Cheap Seats (PG) [s] 10:00 NCIS: Blood In The Water (M v) [s] 11:00 NCIS: Los Angeles: Imposter Syndrome (M v) [s] 12:00 The Project (PG) [s] Worldwatch 9:00 Inside The Modelling Agency (PG) 9:55 Station - Trouble On The Tracks (PG) 10:55 Vienna - Empire, Dynasty And Dream (PG) Worldwatch 2:10 Unknown Amazon (M l) 3:00 A Wetland For Te Waihora (PG) (In English/ Maori) The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG) 4:10 London’s Great Bridges (PG) 5:05 Jeopardy! (PG) Letters And Numbers 6:00 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG) 6:30 SBS World News 7:30 Great Coastal Railway Journeys (PG) 8:30 Insight: The Gender Spectrum (M) 9:30 Dateline: Thailand: Drugs, Tourists And (M) 10:00 SBS Chase At 4 [s] 5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s] 6:00 Seven News [s] 7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s] My Kitchen Rules (PG) [s] Air Crash Investigations: Grounded: Boeing 737 Max 8 (PG) [s] 10:00 The Front Bar (M) [s] 11:00 The Latest Seven [s] 11:30 Chicago Fire: The Right Thing (M) [s] 12:30 Home Shopping Today [s] 9:00 Today Extra [s] NINE’s With (M) Block: Chef Judy The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 8:00 10 News First [s] Studio 10 (PG) [s] Dr Phil (M) [s] Program To Be Advised 2:00 Entertainment Tonight [s] 2:30 My Market Kitchen [s] Judge Judy (PG) [s] Farm To Fork [s] Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s] The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 10 News First [s] The Project (PG) [s] Shaun Micallef’s Brain Eisteddfod (PG) [s] Gogglebox Australia (PG) [s] 9:30 Program To Be Advised 10:30 Law & Order: SVU: Ballad Of Dwight And Irena (MA15+) [s] 11:30 The Project (PG) [s] Worldwatch 9:05 Inside The Modelling Agency (PG) 10:00 Food Markets (In Catalan/ English) 11:00 Ancient Invisible Cities: Cairo (PG) 12:00 Worldwatch 2:10 Unknown Amazon (M l) 3:00 Going Places With Ernie Dingo (PG) 3:35 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG) 4:05 Jeopardy! (PG) 4:30 Letters And Numbers 5:00 Cycling: La Vuelta 2022 Highlights 6:00 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG) 6:30 SBS World News 7:30 World’s Most Scenic River Journeys: The Suir (PG) 8:30 Scotland’s Sacred Islands With Ben Fogle: Shetland (PG) 9:30 Suspect: Ryan/ Harry (MA15+)
rock bottom as a result
Point (PG)
6:30 Good
6:00 Entertainment Tonight
Hamish & Andy: Lisa/ Murray (PG) [s] 10:40 NINE News Late [s] 11:10 Law & Order: Organized Crime: Change The Game (MA15+) [s] 11:55 Game Of Silence: She Sang
8:15 Football: FIFA
Celebrity Obsessed: Gianni Versace
9:40 True Story
Andy Lee
Hot Seat
PAGE 1726 AUGUST 2022 WWW.COASTCOMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AUFOLLOW US ABC (C20/21) PRIME (C61/60) NINE (C81/80) TEN (C10) SBS (C30) 6:00 News Breakfast [s] 9:00 ABC News Mornings [s] 10:00 Landline [s] 11:00 Antiques Roadshow [s] 12:00 ABC News At Noon [s] 1:00 Rosehaven (PG) [s] 1:25 Vera (M v) [s] 3:00 Escape From The City [s] 4:00 Think Tank (PG) [s] 5:00 Anh’s Brush With Fame (PG) [s] 5:25 Hard Quiz (PG) [s] 6:00 The Drum [s] 7:00 ABC News [s] 7:30 7.30 (PG) [s] 8:00 Back Roads: King Island, Tasmania (PG) [s] 8:30 Four Corners (PG) [s] 9:20 Media Watch (PG) [s] 9:35 China Tonight [s] 10:05 ABC Late News [s] 10:20 The Business [s] 10:40 Q+A [s] 11:45 Vera: The Way The Wind Blows (PG) [s] 1:15 Vanity Fair (PG) [s] 6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show [s] 11:30 Seven Morning News [s] 12:00 Movie: “Dying To Be Loved” (M v) (’16) Stars: Lindsay Hartley, Paloma Kwiatkowski 2:00 Criminal Confessions: Cold Justice Confessions (M) [s] 3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s] 4:00 Seven News At 4 [s] 5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s] 6:00 Seven News [s] 7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s] 7:30 My Kitchen Rules (PG) [s] The teams and judges are off to Victoria to be hosted by fiery Italian sisters Leanne and Milena. 9:00 9-1-1: Lonestar: Shift-Less (M v) [s] 10:00 S.W.A.T.: The Black Hand Man (M v) [s] 11:00 The Latest Seven News [s] 11:30 Heartbreak Island Australia (M l) [s] 12:30 Home Shopping
Prison Time
1:30 Home
7:00 Judge
(PG) 3:35
World News Late 6:00 News Breakfast [s] 9:00 ABC News Mornings [s] 10:00 Four Corners [s] 11:00 David ConquestAttenborough’sOfTheSkies [s] 12:00 ABC News At Noon [s] 12:30 National Press Club Address 1:40 Media Watch (PG) [s] 2:00 The Durrells (PG) [s] 3:00 Escape From The City (PG) [s] 4:00 Think Tank (PG) [s] 5:00 Anh’s Brush With Fame (PG) [s] 5:25 Hard Quiz (PG) [s] 6:00 The Drum [s] 7:00 ABC News [s] 7:30 7.30 [s] 8:00 Hard Quiz: Battle Of The Duds 9:35 Win The Week (PG) [s] 10:05 Adam Hills: The Last Leg (M) [s] 10:50 ABC Late News [s] 11:05 The Business [s] 11:20 Spicks And Specks(PG) [s] 12:10 Baptiste (M l,v) [s] 6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show [s] 11:30 Seven Morning News [s] 12:00 Movie: “Girl In The Bunker” (M v) (’18) – A teenage girl is abducted and held in a forest in an underground bunker by a sexual predator. Stars: Julia Lalonde, Henry Thomas, Moira Kelly, Stephen Park 2:00 World’s Deadliest: Wheels (M) [s] 3:00 The
(PG) [s] 7:30
September1ThursdayAugust30TuesdayAugust29MondayWednesday31August Programming information correct at time of going to press, changes are at the network’s discretion Prepared by National Typesetting Services Also see: ABC PLUS (Channel 22) ABC ME (Channel 23) ABC NEWS (Channel 24) Also 7TWOsee:(Channel 62) 7MATE (Channel 63) 7FLIX (Channel 66) Also see: GEM (Channel 82) GO! (Channel 83/88) LIFE (Channel 84) Also see: 10 PEACH (Channel 11) 10 BOLD (Channel 12) Also see: SBS VICELAND (Channel 31) SBS MOVIES (Channel 32) SBS FOOD (Channel 33) SBS NITV (Channel 34)
News Late
Today Extra
Morning News [s] 12:00 The Block: Master Bedroom And Walk In Robe (PG) [s] 1:00 Emergency (M) [s] 2:00 Pointless (PG) [s] 3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s] 4:00 NINE’s Afternoon News [s] 5:00 Millionaire Hot Seat [s] 6:00 NINE News [s] 7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s] 7:30 The Block: Master Bedroom And Walk In Robe Week (PG) [s] 8:40 The
Morning News [s] 12:00 The Block: Master Bedroom And Walk In Robe Week (PG) [s] 1:00 The Hundred
In Robe
Garden Gurus Moments
Lollipop lady Klara’s self-esteem is
UK (PG) [s] 4:00 Seven News
Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG) 4:05 Jeopardy! (PG) 4:30 Letters And Numbers 5:00 Cycling: La Vuelta 2022 Highlights 6:00 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG) 6:30 SBS World News 7:30 Saving Lives At Sea (M) 8:40 DNA Family Secrets (PG) 9:50 24 Hours In Emergency: Support Bubble (M) 10:45 SBS World News Late 11:15 Beforeigners (MA15+) (In Norwegian/ English) 12:10 Outlander (MA15+) 1:20 Miss S (M v) (In Mandarin) 4:00 Vice Guide To Film (MA15+) 6:00 News Breakfast [s] 9:00 ABC News Mornings [s] 10:00 Foreign Correspondent [s] 10:30 China Tonight [s] 11:00 Our Brain [s] 12:00 ABC News At Noon [s] 1:00 The War Of The Worlds (M v) [s] 1:55 The Durrells (PG) [s] 3:00 Escape From The City (PG) [s] 4:00 Think Tank (PG) [s] 4:55 Anh’s Brush With Fame (PG) [s] 5:25 Hard Quiz (PG) [s] 6:00 The Drum [s] 7:00 ABC News [s] 7:30 7.30 [s] 8:00 Great Southern Landscapes (PG) [s] 8:30 Old People’s Home For Teenagers (PG) [s] 9:30 Science Of Drugs With Richard Roxburgh: The Stimulants (M d) [s] 10:30 ABC Late News [s] 6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show [s] 11:30 Seven Morning News [s] 12:00 Movie: “Deadly Lessons” (AKA ‘A Stolen Past’) (M v) (’18) Stars: Jessica Barth 2:00 What The Killer Did Next: Helen Bailey (M v) [s] 3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s] 4:00 Seven News At 4 [s] 5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s] 6:00 Seven News [s] 7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s] 7:30 My
Master Bedroom And Walk In Robe Week (PG) [s] 8:40 After The Verdict (M) [s] 9:40 Family Law: Mama Don’t Preach (M s) [s] 10:40 NINE News Late [s] 11:10 Chicago Med: Leave The Choice To Solomon (M) [s] 12:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s 12:50 Destination WA [s] 1:15 9Honey - Queen Elizabeth [s] 6:00 Entertainment Tonight [s] 6:30 Good Chef Bad Chef [s] 7:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 7:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 8:00 10 News First [s] 8:30 Studio 10 (PG) [s] 12:00 Dr Phil (M) [s] 1:00 Program To Be Advised 2:30 Entertainment Tonight [s] 3:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 3:30 Farm To Fork [s] 4:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s] 4:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:30 The Project (PG) [s] 7:30 The Amazing Race Australia (PG) [s] 9:00 Ghosts: Vault/ Ghostwriter (PG) [s] 10:00 Bull: To Save A Life (M) [s] 11:00 Bull: The Head Of The Goat (M) [s] 12:00 The Project (PG) [s] 5:00 Worldwatch 9:00 Inside The Modelling Agency (PG) 9:55 Station - Trouble On The Tracks (PG) 10:55 Vienna - Empire, Dynasty And Dream (PG) 12:00 Worldwatch 2:00 Dateline (M) 2:30 Insight (M) 3:35 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG) 4:05 Jeopardy! (PG) 4:30 Letters And Numbers 5:00 Cycling: La Vuelta 2022 Highlights 6:00 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG) 6:30 SBS World News 7:35 Tony Robinson’s History Of Britain: The 1950’s (M) 8:30 Secret Scotland: Grampian And The Central Highlands (PG) 9:20 The Stranger (MA15+) 10:15 SBS World News Late 6:00 News Breakfast [s] 9:00 ABC News Mornings [s] 10:00 Back Roads [s] 10:30 That Pacific Sports Show (PG) [s] 11:00 Rick Stein’s Road To Mexico (PG) [s] 12:00 ABC News At Noon [s] 1:00 Win The Week (PG) [s] 1:30 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL (M) [s] 2:00 The Durrells (PG) [s] 3:00 Escape From The City (PG) [s] 4:00 Think Tank (PG) [s] 4:55 Anh’s Brush With Fame (PG) [s] 5:25 Hard Quiz (PG) [s] 6:00 The Drum [s] 6:55 Sammy J (PG) [s] 7:00 ABC News [s] 7:30 7.30 [s] 8:00 Foreign Correspondent [s] 8:30 Q+A [s] 9:35 Divided America (PG) [s] 10:05 ABC Late News [s] 6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show [s] 11:30 Seven Morning News [s] 12:00 Movie: “The Wrong Neighbor” (M v) (’17) Stars: Michael Madsen, Andrea Bogart 2:00 Kochie’s Business Builders 2:30 Border Patrol (PG) [s] 3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s] 4:00 Seven News At 4 [s] 5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s] 6:00 Seven News [s] 7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s] 7:30 Ambulance - Code Red (M) [s] – Follows the work of an ambulance service, giving an insight into the life and death incidents. 8:30 Crime Australia:Investigation On Borrowed TimeThe Michael AssassinationMcGurk(Ml,v) [s] 9:45 Police Strike Force (M d) [s] 10:45 The Latest Seven News [s] 11:15 Autopsy USA: Miles Davis (MA15+) [s] 6:00 Today [s] 9:00 Today Extra [s] 11:30 NINE’s Morning News [s] 12:00 The Block: Master Bedroom And Walk In Robe Week (PG) [s] 1:00 After The Verdict (M) [s] 2:00 Pointless (PG) [s] 3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s] 4:00 NINE’s Afternoon News [s] 5:00 Millionaire Hot Seat [s] 6:00 NINE News [s] 7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s] 7:30 NRL: Eels v Storm *Live* From CommBank Stadium [s] 9:50 NRL: Knock Off [s] 10:35 NINE News Late [s] 11:05 The Equalizer: What Dreams May Come (MA15+) [s] McCall, Mel and Harry take a leap of faith when they help a self-proclaimed psychic, Julien, find his missing sister who he says is in imminent danger. 12:00 The Gulf (M l,s) [s] 1:00 Getaway (PG) [s] 6:00 Entertainment Tonight [s] 6:30 Good
Bad Chef [s] 7:00 Judge
Fortunate Son:
Religious Programs
WWW.COASTCOMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AUFOLLOW US PAGE 18 FRIDAY, 26 AUGUST 2022 MISSING LINK Fill in each letter of the alphabet once only. Missing Link Solution: © Lovatts Puzzles K M S E S F N A A T M T T Y E U A S W O D N E S S A A T E I N E T A N E I A S P E S S S M N U I C E T H D Q F K V M U S E S F I N A L A T M T N T Y P E U E A S T W O D D N E S S A A T E C S I X N M E T H A N E I G A S P E A S K S B O S M N J U I C Y Z E R O S T H D W MISSING LINK Fill in each letter of the alphabet once only. Missing Link Solution: © Lovatts Puzzles M V I I S A S F B O O A F A R A S E A D A N A L D E N E E E M B A R O E S O D L E E D U I R A O O S M O O S S M F V J Q U O I T V I S A S F B O O M A F A R R L A B S X D E A D P A N A L I D E N E W E E M B A R G O E S O D A L E Y E D U I S R A O Z O N E S M O C K O S S H ACROSS1.Skull4.False courage 8. The ... of Capri 11. Mutineer 13. Innocent 15. Perverse fate 17. Geological age 18. Longing (to know) 20. Border 21. Duped (3,2) 24. Oral sense 27. Negative vote 28. Lethal 30. Levied 31. Athletic sprints 33. Expects 34. 35.languageScandinavianWordindicating action 36. Gifted 39. Defeated people 42. Alternate 44. Single 45. Rubs with abrasive 46. Lay off (worker) 48. Shy 49. Bumps 10.DOWN88.,3),3)NoisyconfusedfightHeartorlungBeforenowLicitLargewadingbirdFootballarbiterLead-inDeerPutupwithQuotesRelievesResoundMostheatedCastrate1.Inheritor2.Smell3.Wolf’shome4.Haemorrhaged5.Sportsgrounds6.Waned7.Individuals8.Creepingplant9.ParisriverJittery 12. Local regulation 14. Thoughts 16. Firearm 19. Flu symptom, ... 22.congestionPass(of time) 23. Water mammals 25. Bends 29.26.circumstancestoClansSensationalist (press) 32. Cantonese lunch, yum 35. Small trace 37. Bread maker 38. Natural abrasion 40. More senior 41. Holy person 42. Stench 43. Sloped walkways 44. Tarnish (reputation) 47. Stopping 51. Pine tree leaf 52. Skin disease 53. Weirder 54. Religious lecture 58. Straighten 59. Health spring 61. Possessed 63. Apportion 64. Pick 65. Harass with questions 66. Districts 68. V-shaped cut 71. Emerge 72. Attendant 74. Deep wound 76. Help (criminal) 78. Family war 80. City, ... de Janeiro 83. Scrounge MISSING LINK Fill in each letter of the alphabet once only. PUZZLES LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS Central Coast 8444 • FREE delivery 5 days a week • Wellness checks with every delivery • Community Restaurants & Assisted Shopping Progams Meals on Wheels Central Coast delivering nutritious and delicious meals to our community, providing peace of mind to our clients, their friends, and families. • No contracts or minimum orders • Caring and personalised service • Low fat, low GI, low salt, gluten free, vegetarian, dairy free, and texture modified meals available Contact us today for a free copy of our NEW menu on 4357 8444

Other articles include a lawyer who defends, “the worst of the worst”, a brother that is looking for the answers to the bombing of Pan Am 103 and a computer hacker who uncovered the secrets of HSBC’s money laundering and Swiss Bank’s and tax evasion tactics.Thelast article is about Anthony Bourdain, written in 2017, a year before his death. There are a great mix of characters and the articles are entertaining, illuminating and at times frustrating but ohhh so interesting. Keefe says, “These are wild tales, but they’re all true, each scrupulously fact-checked by my brilliant colleagues at The New Yorker.” I say they these tales are great reading – and that I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
“In the past the ChromeFest weekend has attracted over 50,000 visitors, so planning ahead is important,” he said.
“Not only does ChromeFest inject a great deal of money into our local economy –over $14M in 2019 – it reintroduces tourists to The Entrance and surrounds, which has so much to offer,” he said.
Source: Media release, Aug 22 Central Coast Council
ChromeFest is set to return live to The entrance on October 21-23 after two years of being online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Visitors will once again be able to enjoy American classic cars, vintage glamour and the sound of rock ‘n’ roll in a threeday tribute to hot-rods and everything 1950s and ‘60s.
The wine expert at Christie’s verified this.Christopher Forbes brought the bottle for £105,000. This caused a flurry of people seeking out this rarest of wines. And questions about how there could be so much rare wine. Then there is a chapter about a Dutch gangster and the pain and trauma he has caused his family. Next is about a mass shooting ... it is the States, so of course. However, the shooter was a middleaged neurobiologist, named Amy Bishop, which made this case very unusual.Didthe actions of Amy’s parents, years ago, set her on this course? After writing the article about El Chapo, Keefe got a phone call from El Chapo’s lawyer. Ut oh, what could that mean? It turns out El Chapo wanted Keefe to write his memoirs. Keefe declined. And if you want to get really annoyed, the article about Mark Burnett will do it.Seems that we have Mark Burnett to blame for Trump’s ascendancy. Mark portrayed Trump, “as an icon of American success”, to prop up the ratings of his show The Apprentice. People bought the hype.
Vintage cars and fashion will both be on display
Publisher: Picador I previously wrote a review for Patrick Radden Keefe’s book, Empire of Pain, about the Sakler family’s contribution to the opioid addiction. I liked that book and commended the author on the vast amounts of research it contained. Rogues is different. It is still well-researched but instead of a book it is a compilation of articles that he has written for The New Yorker magazine over the past dozen years. Keefe tells us that he first fell for magazines in the late 1980’s while still in junior high. Back when a magazine was, “the physical thing, these bright bundles of stapled paper – were obliquitous and felt as if they would be around forever.”Hedreamed of the day he could write for The New Yorker, and his dream came true in 2006 when they published one of his freelance articles.Keefetends to, “pursue stories that pull me in for one reason or another, because of the complexity of the character or the intrigue of events.”
“Due to the pandemic, car enthusiasts have had to cool their heels by attending ‘online’ for the last two years, (so) we expect this year’s ‘inperson’ event to bigger than ever.”ChromeFest
OUT&ABOUT Rogues: True Stories of Grifters, Killer, Rebels and Crooks
The first article is about a counterfeit wineTurnsbottle.outpeople will spend a lot of money on wine, in this particular case a bottle of “Lafitte (which is now spelled “Lafite”)”, with the letters “Th.J”.Those initials mean the bottle probably belonged to Thomas Jefferson, making it the “world’s greatest rarities.”
Keefe explains in the preface, that after he wrote the article about Mark Burnett, “he wouldn’t speak to me –but he had two ex-wives who did, and in the end, I think I learned more from Burdett from speaking to them than would have from Burnett himself.”
2022 highlights will include: iconic car displays; retro market stalls; three outdoor stages with undercover dancefloors and live entertainment; a vintage glamour fashion parade; the NSW Pin Up Pageant Grand final; Kittens & Chrome one on one hair and make up; Paint N Chrome; and cafes, restaurants and bars open throughout The Entrance.
Kim Reardon The Reluctant Book Critic
Central Coast Council Unit Manager Community and Culture, Glenn Cannard, said there will be hundreds of show cars on “Whendisplay.youcombine classic chrome with rock ‘n’ roll, vintage glamour and the beauty of The Entrance, you have quite a weekend on your hands,” Cannard“Whethersaid. you’re a car enthusiast or not, you won’t be able to resist lining the streets to watch the classic cars cruise through The Entrance.” Cannard said registrations are now open for eligible cars to be part of the spectacular.
Road closures will be in place during the event with Council’s free shuttle buses leaving every two hours from 9am on Saturday and 8am on Sunday from Tuggerah Railway Station on Bryant Dr and Harry Moore Oval, Canton Beach. Car owners wishing to register their vehicle to be part of ChromeFest, should visit all information on eligibility and to register. Community members and visitors can find out more information to plan their ChromeFest weekend by visiting
Council Administrator, Rik Hart, said ChromeFest has become one of the Central Coast’s most successful events.
Chromefest set to return in October
“We invite locals and visitors to partake in a fun weekend that offers something for everyone – Show N’ Shine, The Entrance Hotel Hub, roving entertainment, live caricature drawings, a walk down memory lane and much more.”
Author: Patrick Radden

PAGE 20 FRIDAY, 26 AUGUST 2022 OUT&ABOUT CARING FOR THE COAST MEMBER FOR ROBERTSON Authorisation by Dr Gordon Reid MP, Australian Labor Party, Level 3, 69 Central Coast Highway, West Gosford NSW 2250 MY OFFICE CAN ASSIST WITH: • Services Australia and Medicare • Education and Training • Telecommunications and the NBN • Defence and Veterans Affairs Contact Dr Gordon Reid: Level 3, 69 Central Coast Highway, West Gosford NSW 2250 on 02 4322 2400 or email reid4robertsonFacebookGordonwithConnecton • National Disability Insurance Scheme and Advocacy • Environment and Energy • Immigration and Passports • Federal Government Funding for Community Projects MP

The Central Coast is set to benefit from a $300M State Government plan to fasttrack the delivery of essential infrastructure and unlock tens of thousands of homes across the state.
Source: Media release, Aug 19 NSW Government EAST GOSFORD PROBUS CLUB Inc
MEETINGS We meet on the first Thursday of each month at Waterford Retirement Village Lodge, 24 Kincumber Street (next to the Community Centre) at 10am YOUR INVITATION Come and see for yourself. Please accept this as your invitation to join us at one of our future meetings. We would love to see you!
Premier Dominic Perrottet announced 41 councils experiencing high growth, including Central Coast Council, will be able to apply for a share of the latest round of the Accelerated Infrastructure Fund“The(AIF).NSW Government’s successful AIF program is being extended for a third round, to help councils roll out critical infrastructure projects that support the delivery of much needed new homes,” Perrottet said. “It’s about getting keys in doors and giving people the opportunity to own their own home.“Tobe able to unlock land and increase supply, our state needs the vital infrastructure in place to allow community growth – this includes roads, sewerage systems, stormwater drains and parks.”
The funds will support infrastructure works such as sewer upgrades to pave the way for new homes
Business & Property
The roundtable, which was a continuation from an earlier meeting held prior to COVID-19, aimed to foster an ongoing networking opportunity for local businesses, provide an update on The Entrance Township and outcomes achieved to date and hear from local state government agencies.Superintendent, Chad Gillies, and Chief Inspector, Colin Lott, from Tuggerah Lakes Police District discussed crime rates and increased police taskings in the Centraltownship.Coast Council’s Director of Community and Recreation Services, Glen Cannard, provided an update on activating the town centre and upcoming events in the township which will assist in driving further tourism. Kamper acknowledged that consistent work needs to continue to revitalize the township.Heand Mehan discussed Labor’s position on small business and the post COVID business landscape.
Government fund will help provide essential infrastructure
“When you build a house, you’ve got to lay the foundations first,” he said. “This funding lays the foundations to unlock more land and build thousands of homes in the communities where they’re needed the most.“Itbuilds on the investment we’re making right across regional NSW to help fast-track construction of new homes and ease housing pressures as communities grow.”
Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW, Paul Toole, said 23 of the 41 eligible councils were in the regions.
The recent business roundtable at The Entrance
“Our $2.8B housing package announced in this year’s State Budget will help us pave the way for hundreds of thousands of new homes over the next four years,” he said. Twenty-three regional councils will be able to apply for a share of $120M, and $180M is available for 18 eligible metropolitan councils in Greater Sydney, the Central Coast, Newcastle and Wollongong.Tolearnmore about AIF
Minister for Planning and Minister for Homes, Anthony Roberts, said the investment is part of a suite of end-to-end measures aimed at putting downward pressure on house prices and making home ownership a reality for more people in NSW.
ABOUT US Probus provides you with the opportunity to meet with fellow retirees, listen to interestingspeakers and join in socialoutings, in the company of new friends MembershipMEMBERSHIPisopen to any member of the community who is retired or semi-retired and is looking for fun, friendship and fellowship.
Roundtable on the future of business at The Entrance Member for The Entrance, David Mehan, and Shadow Minister for Small Business, Steve Kamper, met with local businesses at Euro Bean Café in The Entrance on August 23 to discuss business opportunities in the region.
“With local business and government agencies continuing to work hand in hand, we can achieve great things for The Entrance township,” Mehan said. “Regular get togethers are now being scheduled to continue discussions on how we can continue to improve the area.“The Entrance is a prime tourist destination, and we need to entice people to continue to visit. “Small business plays a central role in this. “Enhancing the township also adds considerable value.”
Source: Media release, Aug 23 Member for The Entrance, David Mehan

Terry Collins
Some of the happy staff members at the Kincumber store
Andrew Malloch and Chris Thew from Bara Barang Corporation spoke about the services Bara Barang provides to Aboriginal youth on the Central Coast, including training and employment opportunities.Theyspoke about the partnership with E-Bisglobal. NSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce (NSWICC) CEO, Deb Barwick, spoke about how partnerships with members are important and how events like this were important to bring people together. She then unveiled the new 4m mural, displayed on the wall of the E-Bisglobal building.
A working farm at Wyong Creek will be expanded with farm stay accommodation and an aviary for native birds of prey. The farm stay will be for temporary, short-term paying guests, adding to small scale tourism in the area and a secondary business to primary production on the property.
National award for Kincumber IGA
Sue Murray Proposed farm stay site at Wyong Creek
SOLICITORS & ATTORNEYS ABN. 80 010 976 639 We believe everyone should have a Will. That is why our office charges the following: WILLS$80.00+GSTORSELLING?OFFCONVEYANCINGFORTHEMONTHOFMAYIFYOUMENTIONTHISAD!appointmentsonrequestPhone43922611OurofficespecialisesinConveyancing,EstatesandFamilyLaw Go-ahead
The 6.47ha at 670 Yarramalong Rd, adjoining Ourimbah State Forest, is already being used for the keeping and breeding of Highland and Poll Highland cattle.Anew addition will an aviary for the keeping, breeding and training of native birds of prey, such as owls, hawks and falcons, to diversify the primary industry enterprises. They will be part of mobile exhibitions which will take placeOtheroff-site.plans at the property include the demolition of the existing residence to make way for two other houses.
IGA Xpress at Kincumber, recently rebranded as Local Grocer plus Liquor IGA Kincumber, has taken out the Small Format Store Innovation Award at the National IGA Awards of Excellence 2022. After taking the 2022 Store of the Year and Store Innovation awards for NSW and the ACT at the state awards, the familyowned store proceeded to the national, finals, where its innovation practices earned it the top gong. Store manager, Kerry Beck, said staff were very proud of the achievement and looked forward to continuing to support the local community.
Coast business celebrates NAIDOC Week
Central Coast business E-Bisglobal celebrated NAIDOC Week on 17 August at its Tuggerah head office, unveiling a new mural. With this year’s NAIDOC theme being Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!, an area outside the office was set up with both the Australian and Aboriginal flags in flight and a stage for presentations and dance. The event kicked off with E-Bisglobal CEO, Sean Havard, welcoming guests and providing a brief background on the company’s Aboriginal heritage, the procurement services it provides to government and public business sectors and its partnership with Bara Barang Corporation.TimSelwyn from Girri Girra Aboriginal Experiences performed the Acknowledgment to Country and Smoking Ceremony, providing an explanation of the significance of the ritual and singing a moving Aboriginal song.Aboriginal dance group, Thikkabilla Vibrations, staged several performances with clapping sticks and dance that told stories of traditional practices on a stark black background of the hidden mural.
“Our new name will see new signage installed and allow us to be competitive with other supermarkets and bottle shops and still keep our good old fashioned customer service,” Beck“Wesaid.have a big variety of groceries, perishable products, fresh produce and a fantastic bottle shop instore with a great range.”Beck has been manager at the family-owned store for two years after working for 20 years at the Umina Mall. “I love working at Kincumber – the IGA people are fantastic and there are area and department managers to help you out when you need it,” she said.“It’s a friendly store – you get to know a lot of the customers by their first names (and) everyone says is has a really niceWithatmosphere.”astaffof12, the store continues to thrive with a community focus and provides online shopping and DoorDash with competitive catalogue specials and wheelchair access.Itsponsors the Kincumber Colts and supports the local tennis club.
Names Whales Country, the bright, vibrant, and meaningful piece was painted by Kyle Waters, who has joined E-Bisglobal as a trainee graphic designer through its partnership with Bara Barang Corporation. Member for Wyong, David Harris, and Member for Terrigal, Adam Crouch, both spoke on theTheyday.highlighted the region’s large Aboriginal youth population and how businesses are embracing our Aboriginal heritage across the Coast with a strong sense of pride. Following the formalities a bush tucker barbecue was served, offering everything from kangaroo to buffalo, emu and barramundi.
Source: Media release, Aug E-Bisglobal20 Artist Kyle Waters in front of the mural for native bird aviary

PAGE 23FRIDAY, 26 AUGUST 2022 + 02 4365 1906 terrigal@parliament nsw gov au adamcrouchmp com au adamcrouchmp More information can be found at Authorised by Adam Crouch MP, Shop 3 Fountain Plaza, 148 158 The Entrance Road, Erina NSW 2250, funded using parliamentary entitlements For more information, visit or scan this QR Code. For any questions, please contact my office Applications Open Now! Close 23 September 2022 Community groups and Central Coast Council are now able to apply for funding that can be used to enhance community and sporting infrastructure, upgrade accessibility options or improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representation and involvement. This grassroots program can be used to develop bike paths, sports fields, playgrounds, and community centres, investing in our region $160 Million to Strengthen Our Central Coast Region! Some Previous Projects... Tacoma Clubhouse Development Norah Head Shared Pathway Tuggerawong Shared Pathway

Council is still to sell the land in Mann St Gosford including the old Council chambers, which is the subject of an MOU with the State Government, which intends to develop a TAFE precinct on the site.
“The aim of every government body should be total transparency for the good of democracy and for the good of the people,” she said.
Toon has previously been named Australian Business Woman of the Year at the My Business Awards, and received numerous other accolades.
“The funding will target the in-demand industries such as community services, including aged care and disability support, hospitality, agriculture and digital technology.
“Residents deserve to see the full costs of the sale of these sites,” she said. “Now that the $60M cash target has been easily and quickly reached with the selloff of these community owned assets, please cease any further sell offs of public land.”
Accolade for Umina Beach businesswoman
“The number one issue facing businesses right now is access to skilled workers,” he said.
Source: Media release, Aug 23 Tooned
“A note should also be on the table if there were any reviews of the valuations pre agreement of sale price considering the white-hot real estate market we were experiencing,” Cooper said.“Surely the ever-patient residents should know what conditions of sale were agreed to for exchanges to occur –especially as these good residents had to suffer rate increases and loss of community land. “As I’m sure you realise … delayed settlement benefits the purchaser in a booming market and not the seller.”
“My ‘misfit’ approach to entrepreneurship includes showing up in an honest and real way – never promising unrealistic results or overnight success.“Although the entrepreneurial journey can be a rollercoaster, at least you get to choose your own“I’mseat.soglad I’ll never have to work for ‘the man’ again; I love this entrepreneurial life too much.”Toon’s businesses offer courses, resources, events, training, templates and supportive communities, where business owners, entrepreneurs and freelancers can come to learn, collaborate andHerconnect.membership comprises more than 600 businesses, based around Australia and internationally.
Central Coast Council has agreed to valuations being included on reports following the sale of Council assets as part of its financial recovery plan.
Administrator, Rik Hart, agreed to the move after hearing from community activist Joy Cooper prior to the Council meeting on August 23, which saw him adopt an update on the Asset Disposal Program.
Hart agreed to valuations on asset sales being shown once the sale is complete and asked for the total raised to be added to the list of sales as well as the valuations.Buthewould not agree to list agents fees’ and made no promises that Council won’t sell land in the future, with staff still looking at land that could be sold for affordable housing.
Source: Media release, Aug 22 NSW Government
“Despite the Commonwealth’s funding for fee-free training ceasing at the end of this year, the NSW Government will extend funding for fee-free courses through to July 2023.
Cooper also asked for information on agents’ commissions and the dollar value paid to valuers and consultants to be made public.
The Top 50 Small Business Leaders report recognises small business leaders who have excelled in the key judging criteria of innovation, overcoming challenges, embracing sustainability and contributing to their local communities.InsideSmall Business Editor, Tim Ladhams, said those recognised epitomise the resilience, innovation and agility needed to thrive as a small business in today’s challenging economic climate.
Cooper said the community had been promised no environmental land sales or fire sales and that both promises had been broken.
The update approved on August 23 detailed properties sold over the period from June 1, 2021, to August 15, 2022, and included sites at Mannering Park, Wyongah, San Remo, Toukley, Long Jetty, Tuggerah, Wyong, Jilliby, Warnervale, Bateau Bay and Doyalson.
Central Coast residents who want to get skilled for a first job, a new job or a better job will have more opportunities to access fee-free training, with the NSW Government extending funding through to the end of the 2022-23 financial year.
Fee-free job training options extended
Minister for Skills and Training, Alister Henskens, announced the funding extension to mark the commencement of National Skills Week, which will remove barriers to training and help people get the skills they need for the jobs they want. “We want people to get skilled, find in-demand jobs, grow the economy and deliver a brighter future for their families,” Henskens said.
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Council Administrator Rik Hart in Chambers
For more information on eligibility and locations of the fee-free training courses across NSW including online, visit
Valuations on Council asset sales to be made public
Terry Collins
“My businesses have been built in response to an identified need – to help small business operators and freelancers grow their success, through a DIY approach to business skills, online strategy and digital marketing.
Kate Toon of Umina Beach has been named one of the top 50 small business leaders in the country by Inside Small Business magazine. The founder of the Stay Tooned group of businesses has made it into the magazine’s Top 50 Small Business Leaders report for 2022. Toon operates three businesses from her backyard shed: The Clever Copywriting School, the Digital Masterchefs and the Recipe for SEO Success.Shehas helped more than 12,000 businesses improve their SEO skills, digital marketing knowledge and grow their business success.
“I’ve taken a different path to success,” she said. “I’ve never had a business plan or a business coach.
Linda ByHomeSinceLawyerEmery1983Hospital&VisitsAppointment
“Every person that gets skilled up and into a job under this program is a success story for local communities and businesses across NSW.”
Business NSW CEO, Daniel Hunter, welcomed the investment which will help train more workers for jobs in critical industries.
The joint NSW – Federal Government funded JobTrainer program, providing fee-free training in response to the impact of COVID-19, is due to end in December, but the NSW Government will step in to ensure more people can access training in priority industries.
Beach businesswoman
Cooper spoke at the public forum before the meeting, asking for exchange dates be published along with valuations and the dates of those.

Around 16% of locals think yields are more attractive today than they were before, com pared with 30.5% overseas. The survey respondents also disagreed about what the MSCI World Index will return by the end of the year. Aussies were very bearish, predicting 3.1% versus the global forecast of 6.4% Not surprisingly, the top three sectors that fund professionals avoided in March, when the survey was conducted, were non-fungible tokens (45%), crypto (42%) and tech (27%). Around 45% of advisers say they haven’t changed their views on the equities market despite its constant swings.
Michelle BALTAZAR Editor-in-Chief
Local and global finance experts disagree on the outlook for commercial real estate. in the home and maybe also a capital gain – takes out a stan dard mortgage and pays out the rent-to-own companystakegoescoveringhigher-than-usualbuysaforabovewherepremiumearnersOwnHomeplatform.targetshigherwantinghomesinmetropolitanareas,thetypicalpriceiswellthe$750,000thresholdgovernmentsupport.AnapprovedcustomerpickspropertyandOwnHomeit.Thecustomerpaysaweeklyrentallcostsofthehome.Aboutathirdofthat“rent”towardsthecustomer’sintheproperty.Ona$750,000home,theestimatestheweekly
WITH when you subscribe to Money magazine this August 13 ISSUES for $74.99 SAVE 37% Visit and click Subscribe during August ENTER CODE: 32208MON Two issuesbonus CCN_Bottomthird_2208.indd 1 28/7/2022 12:17 pm
The Grattan Institute, a public policy think-tank, has proposed shared equity schemes as a way of levelling the playing field. Shared equity schemes –where another party pays for and owns part of your home – are not common in Australia, although some state govern ments do run modest programs.
Housing affordability has become a huge issue. Prices have soared, espe cially during the pandemic, with median price rises across the nation peaking at 21.3% in the 12 months to January 2022, according to CoreLogic. Despite prices now trending down and interest rates rising, a property is still beyond the reach of many. Since the early 1990s, median housing prices have increased from four times median in comes to more than eight times today (10 times in Sydney), Grattan Institute figures show. It now takes 12 years on average to save a 20% deposit for a typical dwelling, up from seven in the early 1990s. So, it’s hardly surprising that home ownership rates are falling fast, especially among the young and the poor. Between 1981 and 2016, home ownership rates among 25- to 34-year-olds fell from more than 60% to 45%, and among the poorest 40% of that age group it has more than halved, from 57% to 28%. Tell ’em they’re dreamin’! Aussies want annual returns of 9% on their portfolio in the long term, an unrealistic expectation given the linger ing effects of the pandemic and global recession. In a survey in March and April, the funds giant Natixis In Home ownership is also fall ing among older Australians. Among the poorest 40% of 45- to 54-year-olds, just 55% own their homes today, down from 71 % four decades ago. Shared equity The “bank of mum and dad” has helped many young people clear the deposit hurdle to get their first home, but not all par ents have the means to do this.
Optimistic investors dream of a 9% return
The NSW government will trial a shared equity scheme for 3000 first home buyers a year. It has the same income caps as the federal scheme, and is limited to homes valued up to $950,000 in Sydney and some regional areas and $600,000 elsewhere.Underthe model proposed by vestment Managers asked more than 2700 financial profession als around the world what their clients want to achieve in the next three years and beyond.
payment to be $1000. The max imum price the company will finance in Sydney is $1.8 million. After a minimum three-year rental period (and a maximum of seven years), the buyer takes out a commercial mortgage and buys the property from OwnHome at a price based on an increase in value of 3.8% a year (or 0.32% each month). If OwnHome originally paid $750,000 for the home and the tenant chooses to buy it three years later, the house would cost just under $840,000. Buyers pay a starter fee equal to 1.5% of the property value (for example, $11,250 for a $750,000 home).This doesn’t contribute to the buyer’s equity (or purchase offset, as the company calls it). After the home is purchased, the buyer pays a further 1% that does count towards their equity. In Victoria, Assemble Commu nities has a different model. The developer, in which Aus tralianSuper has a 25% stake, builds apartments aimed at households in low to moderate incomeTakingbands.intoaccount two years for an apartment to be built, tenants who qualify, then rent for five years, can buy at the end of that period (seven years) at the originally agreed price.
Housing schemes can level the playing field
• Money magazine
In Australia, investors expect 9% returns annually, higher than the 6.9% that fund profes sionals predict is more likely. Grattan, and largely adopted by federal Labor, the government would co-purchase up to 30% of the value for existing homes (40% for new homes), taking a proportionate share of any profits when the home is sold. Purchasers would borrow the remaining funds from a private lender, provided they have at least a 5% Homeownersdeposit.would also be able to buy out the gov ernment’s equity stake, in 5% increments, at the prevailing market price. The scheme would be limited to people purchasing a home to live in (with price caps ranging up to $950,000 in Sydney and Overseas, investors are more bullish – or unrealistic – expect ingTo10.4%.grow their clients’ wealth, against inflation and interest rate worries, fund professionals are investing in alternatives, such as infrastructure, private markets and commodities. NSW regional centres) and to individuals with annual incomes up to $90,000 and couples up to $120,000.Itwillbe limited to 10,000 places a year. Rent to Rent-to-buy,buy another scheme aimed at helping people into their own homes, is also gaining a little traction in Australia. A platform with a rent-to-buy scheme will offer to buy a home that a customer then rents, while also paying an equity contribution.Attheend of an agreed peri od, the customer – who should have built up enough ownership A high 59% of those surveyed are still shying away from fixed-income assets and find returns from bonds are not as appealing as they were in previous years.


“I encourage all artists, arts and cultural organisations and local councils to apply for funding to develop exciting arts and cultural experiences for audiences and communities right across the state.”
For more information, guidelines and to apply, visit the Create NSW website at www.
“Everyone deserves access to enriching creative experiences and the ACFP is one of the largest investments in arts and culture funding of its kind by any state government in Australia.
Applications open for Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast Adam Crouch is encouraging Central Coast artists and organisations wanting to shine a light on the innovation, vibrancy and creativity within the region’s arts and cultural sector residents to apply for grants under the State Government’s Arts and Cultural Funding Program (ACFP).
Source: Media release, Aug 22 Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast, Adam Crouch
The $67.7M Arts and Cultural Funding Program for 2022/23 is part of the Government’s record $271M investment in the program from 2021-2024. Artists and organisations can apply for grants under the annual organisations, projects and creative Koori projects categories.Minister for the Arts, Ben Franklin, said the aim of the grants was to increase access and availability of arts and cultural experiences across NSW.“The Arts and Cultural Funding Program supports the state’s vibrant arts and cultural sector, local economies and jobs and is part of the Government’s commitment to supporting NSW’s world-renowned creative network and ensuring the sector is stronger than ever,” Franklin said.
Sue Murray Concept drawing of the proposed childcare centre
arts and culture grants
New $2.9M childcare centre for Wadalba Plans for a new childcare centre in Wadalba for 100 children are being considered by Central Coast Council. The proposal is to subdivide the 5,000sqm property at 225 Johns Rd into two lots with the existing residence at the rear of the block to remain and the childcare centre to be built on the other lot at the street frontage.Thechildcare centre called Eden Academy Wadalba will provide early learning education and care for up to 100 children provided by up to 17 staff at peak periods. It will be a single storey building with administration area, kitchen/staff café, outdoor play areas as well as 25 car parking spaces, landscaping and security fencing.Thecentre will operate between 6.30am and 6.30pm, Monday to Friday. It is considered to be a good location for a childcare centre in a residential area with public transport access and close to Wadalba Community School, Tacoma Public School and Wyong Hospital precinct. However, some submissions already received by Council raise concerns that traffic in and out of the childcare centre could cause more problems on the narrow and busy road where drivers tend to speed and there is no room to pass cars turning into driveways. A traffic study conducted as part of the development application concluded that traffic associated with the childcare centre would not present any adverse implications in local traffic movements or public safety. The development application (468/2021) is on exhibition for public comment until September 16 and all associated reports are available on Central Coast Council’s website.
HEALTH & EDUCATION S l e e p s u r f a c e s f o r a l l L i f e s t y l e s Adjustable Bed SaleAA.H.BeardVAILABLEINKING SI N G L E , D OU BL E , Q U E E N A N D S P L I T K I N G . 103 B l a c k wa l l R d Woy Woy P h o n e 43 4 4 6 9 6 9 O p e n 6 Days M o n d ay t o S a t u r d ay 9 am t o 5 p m F R E E I n s t all a t i o n & A f t e r s al e s s up p o r t o n al l Ad j u s t a bl e B e d s • R e d u ce s i n f l a m m a t i o n i n t h e le g s & f e e t • R e d u ce s a c i d r e f l u x • R e d u ce s b ac k p a i n • R e l i e f f r o m S no r i n g • Ea se s A r t h r it i s an d J o i n t p a i n • A s si s t s i n R e s p i r at o r y i s su e s
“This funding is a great opportunity for our local artists and arts and cultural organisations to get creative and submit ideas that can deliver on a range of arts and creative activities and offerings, and I encourage everyone to take up the opportunity to enrich our community,” Crouch said.

Central Coast residents are being urged to put their best foot forward and walk to work on Friday, September 2, as part of Walk to Work Day. The initiative encourages employees and employers to build regular walking into their daily routines by walking to and from work, taking a walk at lunchtime if possible, and using the stairs instead of elevators andTheescalators.annual event is celebrating its 22nd year and supports Diabetes Australia. In the last 12 months, 120,000 Australians have been diagnosed with all types of diabetes, making it the fastest growing chronic condition in Australia.Itcan lead to a range of debilitating complications including vision loss, limb amputation and kidney and heartRegulardisease.walking helps lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and can help people living with diabetes manage the condition. It also helps prevent and reduce the impact of other chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer.
Put your best foot forward and walk to work
North Gosford based Radio Five-O-Plus (93.3FM) commenced broadcasting Central Coast News’ Weekly News 5@5 in August, in a new partnership aimed at bringing high quality local news direct to listeners across the Central Coast and beyond. Radio Five-O-Plus Station Manager Allan Maddox said: “We have been waiting to secure our own source of local news for many months now and are delighted to add the excellent weekly local news summary 5@5, presented by David Abrahams to our program schedule.”“Itsuitsour needs perfectly for the weekend, and we know our listeners will begin to rely on this new service of local news, sport and cultural events, to stay informed.” From the North Gosford studios of Radio Five-O-Plus, the station has grown since its humble beginnings from rooms above a Umina chemist in 1993 with a 10-watt transmitter. It now broadcasts with a powerful 2000 watts from its Kariong tower all across the Central Coast, throughout the Hunter, Lake Macquarie, northern suburbs of Sydney and some areas of the Blue Mountains.Thestation’s live internet streaming service also reaches out to many new listeners –anyone with a computer!
Sally Freeman regularly walks around 1.5 kilometres from her home at Berowra to the train station, before catching the train to Gosford and walking to work at Gosford Hospital.“Istarted walking as part of my journey to work around May last year and I’ve found it’s not only a great way to clear your head, but it’s also much more convenient,” she said. “I don’t have to worry about getting a parking space at the station and leaving the car at home allows me to do some studying on the train.
Source: Media release, Aug 23 Central Coast Local Health District Sally Freeman on her daily walk to work at Gosford Hospital
Radio Five-O-Plus boasts at least 600 members, with a staff of 30 volunteer presenters and administrators, and a memberelected committee of seven that meets regularly to monitor not only station quality control and audience feedback but to remain abreast of all digital and associated platforms for continuous integration of their automated programming.
For Freeman, being active has become a real family affair. She is currently training for two 50-kilometre ultramarathons later this year which she will do with her two sisters, brother-in-law and husband.
Local news is now on radio weekend
“It’s great because my walk to the station has a couple of routes and in the warmer months, I’ll take the bush track past Joe Craft’s Creek; it’s really picturesque.
The keyword for the new shared affiliation between Central Coast Newspapers and Radio Five-O-Plus is … community.Thepaper’s masthead publication Coast Community News prides itself on its outreach to the Central Coast community.Similarly, Radio Five-O-Plus on 93.3FM has been serving its local community for 29 years and looks forward to celebrating a great 30th anniversary in August next year! In 2019, 93.3FM received a community funding grant which enabled the upgrading of all its broadcast facilities to state-of-the-art digital equipment, modernising both presentation studios with simplified cabling and much improved audio quality and soundproofing.
HEALTH & EDUCATION and also needed VET NURSE RECEPTIONIST Will train for busy vet hospital To apply please send: Full name, suburb & phone number to: Suitableschoolstudenttransport@gmail.comForSchoolStudentsAM&PMforpensioners&retireesMusthave4doorvehicle
CCN’s David Abrahams said: “The Weekly News 5@5 has gained a good following over the last three years and I’m very pleased that community radio listeners will now be able to tune “We’vein.delivered 5@5 in a video format directly to 10s of thousands of inboxes and social media accounts – the stories are produced directly from our local newsroom by ourTherejournalists.has already been positive feedback from 93.3FM listeners from the first weekend of CCN Weekly News. Karen of East Gosford said “it was a refreshing change to hear local news and another listener Graham from Umina phoned saying “it was good to catch up with what was happening on the Coast”.
Primary source: Media release Radio 50 plus, August 15, 2022. Station Manager Allan Maddox (left) with CCN’s David Abrahams
“I started doing triathlons in my late 30s and really caught the bug,” she said. “I’ve now done 10, but the ultra-marathons this year will be my furthest distance.” Nigel Tebb, health promotion officer at Central Coast Local Health District, said walking was also good for mental health and social connectedness.“TheCentralCoast is such a beautiful place,” he said. “Getting out and enjoying our beautiful region by walking not only has great benefits for our physical health, but also reduces our risk of anxiety, stress and depression, and helps us connect more with our community.“Walking a kilometre only takes about 10 minutes. For more information on Walk to Work Day, visit www.walk.
The new service can be heard on 93.3FM each weekend; four times on Saturdays at 6:30, 8:30 & 10:30am & 3:30pm, and three times on Sundays at 8:30 & 10:30am & 12:30pm. Streaming link for your outof-area friends and Listen.htm

• Get out there and pull up by hand or give them a good hoe.
Be it a window box, a pot of any size, a hanging basket or even a vertical garden arrangement, growing plants on a balcony, deck, courtyard, or patio will involve you having to recreate an environment for your plants that they are going to thrive in.
Beetroot is a vegetable garden favourite that does double-duty as the leaves are incredibly sweet and tasty and the beet is a prize either roasted, juiced or pickled. A heavy feeder, so you will need to ensure a moist soil and fertilise with a complete allpurpose mixture each week, but the return is home grown beetroot which is divine. You will need a large pot, at least 40cm wide with excellent drainage and top-quality potting mix. Place in a full sun position. Plant seedlings according to their type and seeds need to soak in water for a few hours before planting. Snip off outer leaves to use as needed and harvest beetroots while they are young as they are sweeter.
An Edible Potted Garden
Send gardening questions, events, and news to:
Guess who hates wet feet and has a lovely trailing habit? This Australian Native annual and that makes them perfect for hanging baskets on your balcony, patio, or courtyard. They are heat and drought tolerant and you can use a general-purpose potting mix, as long as it will drain freely.FanFlowers need full sun but don’t require much maintenance and also don’t usually attract pests but do watch out for aphids or thrips.
Pots come is a never-ending variety of materials and styles but as a rule of thumb, make sure they are about 15cm deeper than the root ball of your intended plant and 10cm wider. If you are planting multiple plants, then use this as a rough guide to overall container size.
I don’t think there are many herbs that you couldn’t grow in pots, but these are a few that you can grow without any real issues: Basil, chillies, chives, coriander, mint, oregano, parsley, rocket, rosemary, sage andWhythyme.don’t you also try growing ginger (Zingiber officinale) in pots? Slow growing but so worth dedicating a pot or two to the cause. Ginger grows from rhizomes, that’s the part you eat, and you can use organic ginger that has budded, or you will find that ‘planting’ rhizomes are fairly easy to obtain from suppliers online.Minimum pot size is 30cm wide and make sure it is deep. Into this, plant a 3cm piece with a growth bud to a depth of 5cm. If you have a larger container, the spacing will be 20cm. Your ginger needs a fun sun, warm position and you must use the best quality potting mix and keep it moist. Feed with an all-round liquid fertiliser fortnightly. Ginger is ready to harvest in about 8 months, once the foliage dies back. When that occurs, empty out the pot and collect your spicy, delicious ginger!
The Challenges You will face similar challenges with all your crops in pots as you would growing in the ground such as pests and disease and there is no difference in the solutions for most of Additionalthese.issues you may need to address includes inadequate drainage, incorrect positioning, inferior or incorrect soil or the over or under use of fertiliser.Aswell as having adequate drainage, make sure that the water can drain away. This means either having pots stand a little higher than the surface they are upon. This can be done by using ‘pot feet’ or standing pots on a saucer that is emptied as required or you could nestle your pot on a bed of some sort of open medium like gravel or small stones. Soil in container gardens needs to be correct for the plant type and refreshed or replaced regularly as you are asking your plants to grow in a confined space that is not changing.Thereis no connection with the earth’s micro-organisms in a pot so the addition of compost, organic fertilisers and sometimes complete soil replacement will keep your plantDon’thappy.over-feed either. Indications of too much fertiliser include browning, blistering, wrinkling, or wilting ofAlsoleaves.make sure that you give plants a deep water after feeding so the roots won’t burn.
• This week you can plant the following: culinary herbs, artichokes, asparagus, beetroot, broad beans, cabbages, carrots, cress, kohlrabi, lettuce, mustard, onions, parsnips, peas, potatoes, rhubarb crowns, salsify, silverbeet, calendula, Canterbury bells, cleome, delphinium, English daisy, gloxinia, gypsophila, honesty, marigolds, polyanthus, primula, snapdragon, statice, sweet William, verbena Cheralyn Darcey is a gardening author, community garden coordinator and along with Pete Little, hosts ‘At Home with The Gardening Gang’ 8 - 10am live every Saturday on CoastFM963. Archived articles can be found on Cheralyn’s Blog:
When it comes to purchased pots, there are many ready to use types that you can find at local nurseries and even online.
A few vegetables that will grow successfully in pots include broccoli, bok choy, cabbage, capsicums, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, eggplant, kale, lettuce, silverbeet, spinach, tomatoes, beans, peas, snow peas, squash, carrots, garlic, potatoes, radish and zucchini.
Flower colours range from blue, pink, white and purple, foliage a lovely blue/ green and the plant can attain a height of up to 30cm and a width of 40cm. Blooms appear throughout the year except in some areas in winter. Propagate via seed or stem cuttings. If growing in a hanging basket, choose a wire frame with an organic lining like coir so that the soil can drain well.
All regular garden & landscape maintenance Hedge trimming & height reductions Tree pruning, formative & specialist pruning Garden clean-ups, makeovers & restorations Mulching, fertilising & weed control AAA. A ADEPT GARDENER Chainsaw work Small tree removals & chipping service Stump grinding - low impact & difficult access CALL ANDREW: 0449 170 008 Clean, polite, punctual & efficient service High level of experience Fully insured
Upcycling objects that might be suitable as pots is a great sustainable idea, but just make sure they have adequate drainage holes, or you can create them. If the container is very large, say garden bed size, perhaps you could create a wicking bed system.Bemindful of treated timbers, lead-based paints, or toxic metals as these can all leech into the soil and then into your plants.Examples of upcycled containers are old wheelbarrows, cooking pots and other kitchen items, old gumboots, wine barrels, bathtubs and sinks, tins, buckets, and the list goes on!
A moveable fruit farm is appealing to a lot of people, and everyone can have at least one of their most used or loved edible fruits in a pot including apples, apricots, blueberries, cherries, lemons, limes, mandarins, oranges and peaches.Whydon’t you plant some strawberries? Firstly, make sure you have a self-pollinating variety and get a little creative because strawberries love growing in hanging baskets, window boxes and interesting containers that support their cascading habit. They need lots of sun, a warm position, top quality potting mix and a potassium rich feed when fruiting or in a growth phase.Simply pot up the young strawberry or crown in a pot at least 30cm, keep soil moist and wait for the berries. Other crops in pots to consider are Australian native foods including warrigal greens (Tetragonia tetragonioides), finger lime (Citrus australasica) and midyim berry (Austromyrtus dulcis).Youwill need a specialist native potting soil and fertiliser, but they are rather easy to grow in pots. More Ideas Vertical gardens are having a heyday right now and why not? They are a brilliant way to make good use of wall and fence spaces that might otherwise only host as a backdrop to a smaller quantity of plants. Complete ready to use systems are available commercially but you can also recreate the look with either fixed or free-standing shelving and potted plants. Keeping the area, or large areas of your vertical garden to similar plants or at least ones with the same needs will mean a greater chance of success. By doing this, you will be creating a microenvironment that has the same food, water and light requirements and you can easily manage the care of all the plants in that area at the sameHangingtime.baskets are a triedand-true way of container gardening and can add a whimsical note your balcony, patio, or courtyard as well as use space that might otherwise beThewasted.most important thing to note is that hanging baskets usually dry out faster than any other gardening method because they are subject to a greater amount of air movement aroundAlwaysthem.keep a close eye on the moisture level of yours, not just when it is dry or hot.
Once you need or decide to garden in an area away from in ground garden beds, it means one thing -gardening.container
• New growth is starting to pop up with the warming weather but so are the weeds.
PLANT OF THE WEEK: Fan Flower (Scaevola aemula)

“Take a picture and share to social media, tagging Iris Foundation with the hashtag #lightacandle so we can share to encourage others to reach out when times are tough,” a spokesperson said. The Foundation has also shared some ideas on how to support suicide prevention efforts.“By sharing your mental health stories, raising awareness and connecting with your local community, you can help prevent suicide,” the Foundation website says. “Take proactive steps to safeguard your mental health, encourage help-seeking, and empower your friends, family, and colleagues to support one another in times of crisis.
The challenge starts on Thursday, September 1st and will run to Friday, September 30th.Toregister, visit:
David Abrahams Dr Bowden is raising money for Cancer Council Central Coast
The Foundation traditionally recognises World Suicide Prevention Day with its annual Tree of Dreams campaign. The Tree of Dreams is situated at the Wyong Milk Factory, with messages of hope, strength, remembrance and support collected from people all over the region in the lead-up to the day.
But due to the current health situation, The Foundation has decided instead to once again join people all around the world who are lighting candles at 8pm on the day. Locals can light a candle of their own or order a free paper lantern from the Foundation which can be illuminated with a candle or tea light.
“Add crisis contact numbers to your phone and encourage loved ones to do the same. “Reach out to someone you care about who you think may be struggling with their mental health; visit ROUK? to learn how to start a helpful conversation.“Support initiatives that ensure everyone has access to mental health care, suicide prevention training, and funding for local crisis resources.”Ifexperiencing mental health difficulties contact: Lifeline, 13 11 14; Kids Help Line, 1800 551 800; Suicide Call Back Service, 1300 659 467; NSW Mental Health Line, 1800 011 511; or Mensline Australia: 1800 789 978. Terry Collins Light your candle at 8pm on September 10
Thereprizes.are many categories to win: the individual most steps, most steps as a team, biggest fundraiser, a caption competition, and more. Local companies Eastcoast Juices & Smile On Clinics are this year’s major sponsors.
Light a candle to support suicide prevention
Jaynie Moloney, Community Relations Coordinator, Cancer Council NSW – Central Coast said:“We are excited to see this initiative return to the community for its third year. As well as the positive health benefits gained from those participating, the funds raised will support local cancer patients here on the coast and fund critical research. Dr Bowden suggests using any type of activity watch or smartphone to track steps. Participants log their steps each day to go in the running to win
The Foundation is urging residents to share a message with friends, family, and through social media to raise awareness of the day and event.On the day, participants should light a candle or tea light near a window at 8pm.
The #MoveAgainstCancer Step Challenge encourages people to record their number of steps over the whole month of September to win prizes whilst fundraising for Cancer Council NSW – Central Coast. Participation in the challenge costs only $10, with all money going to Cancer Council to ensure nobody on the Central Coast faces a cancer diagnosis alone.This is the third annual #MoveAgainstCancer step challenge, and Dr Bowden said he wants this year to be bigger and better. “Last year, we raised over $100,000 for Cancer Council and had over 800 people involved. I was absolutely blown away by this” Bowden said. “It is such a simple, achievable challenge for people to participate in. When I’m asked ‘How do I get more active?’ the best answer is to start with a walk.“Moving more has unbelievable benefits on your health – reduced risk of cancers, reduced risk of cardiorespiratory disease, improved cognition and more. Importantly, it has a huge impact on our mental health, something we all need right now.“The pandemic and current financial climate has caused so much stress and anxiety. With the loss of incomes and so much uncertainty getting outside and staying active massively helps your headspace, helping us to stay positive as we move forward.
challenge on again
Dr Ash Bowden, also known to the community as Doctor Do More, is on a mission to get people exercising and moving more to improve their health and happiness through a step challenge he initiated in 2020. Dr Bowden is encouraging people across the Central Coast to participate in his annual #MoveAgainstCancer Step Challenge throughtout September.Afterraising over $100,000 last year the Step Challenge is back in 2022 renewing the message to locals that moving is highly advantageous for both our minds and bodies.
The Iris Foundation, based on the Central Coast, is inviting residents to light a candle at 8pm on September 10 to show support for suicide prevention, to remember a loved one lost and for the survivors of suicide.
Move against cancer step
WWW.COASTCOMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AUFOLLOW US PAGE 30 FRIDAY, 26 AUGUST 2022 HEALTH & LIFESTYLE MGLCARPENTRY Carpenter & Joiner 40yrs Experience Decks, Pergolas, Doors, Windows etc Fully Insured - Call Gary 0458 130 829 4341 1346 NO LABOUR & MATERIALS OVER $5000 PANEL BEATER We are looking for a fully qualified and experienced panel beater to join the team in a multi dealer approved shop that has stood the test of time in Hornsby. You must be fully qualified with a NSW tradie Licence and have first class attention to detail with good organisational skills and a “quality only” approach to work standards. Valuable skills and attributes include: • Speed • Quality • A keen eye for detail and finish • Work well under pressure As you will have direct contact others in the team, it’s important that you have good communication skills and an approachable manner. Job Type: Permanent Full Time Salary: Competitive salary Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 to 4pm Contact: Phone: (02) 9476 2558 POSITION VACANT Stairs, verandas,pergolas,decksetc. Available now CARPENTRYGENERALALLCallMichaelBennettPh:0407281046 Lic. 28352c

Source: Match report, August 21 Larry Thomson, President CCRU Terrigal and Warnervale in action at Woongarrah Oval
Trojans secure minor premiership
Wyong race day set to dazzle in spring
After the penultimate round in Central Coast Rugby Union, the final five teams have been established, with Terrigal securing the minor premiership after a thumping win over Warnervale, 40 points to 5. Warnervale’s loss to the Trojans at Woongarrah Oval sees them drop out of the race for the Terrigalfinals.started strongly, jumping to 14 point lead with two converted tries and then controlling proceedings to go in at half time leading 33 points to nil.Warnervale rallied in the second half but Terrigal were too strong with powerful performances by lock Macklan Collins, flanker Noah Hughes and winger Blake Irwin. The win sees the Trojans nine points clear on top of the table on 65 points ahead of a final round clash with The Lakes. Back on their home ground at Slade Park, The Lakes proved too strong for Hornsby, winning 51 points to 19. The Lakes form has steadily improved in recent weeks as the wet conditions have disappeared.Theydominated the first half, scoring early pushing their lead out to 29 points to nil before Hornsby were able to cross for their first try just before halftime. It was not long before the Lakes extended their lead to 39 points to 7 and held on despite two late tries to Hornsby Best players for The Lakes were lock Sean Anlezark, centre Ashton HutchinsonWalters and forward Tim Poese, who crossed for four individual tries, while Hornsby was best served by centre Harry Fox and lock Hamish Perring. The win by The Lakes sees them push into the final five on 49Inpoints.thefinal match of the round, Gosford played one of their rare home games at the Showground against the Avoca BeachDespiteSharks.the home ground advantage however, the Sharks proved far too strong running out victors 67 points to 6. Their backline, headed by Michael Houssenloge, Mitch Briggs and Alex Halls, proved dangerous every time they handled – these three scoring seven tires between them. The Sharks’ No.8 Michael Hobden and flanker Harrison Bowcock also had strong games.Avoca Beach moves to 56 points and second place on the ladder with a final round match looming against Hornsby at Heazlett Park.
David Abrahams Oakfield Pinto, trained at Wyong by Kristen Buchanan
PAGE 31FRIDAY, 26 AUGUST 2022 WWW.COASTCOMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AUFOLLOW US SPORT GROWNAUSSIEAUSSIEOWNED NIK & JANE’S FURNITURE AND BEDDING EXPRESS TRADE IN YOUR OLD FURNITURENO.1CENTRALCOASTHOMECAREPACKAGEPROVIDER FREE DELIVERY-INSTALLATION-TAKE AWAY FOR ALL SENIORS BIG DEALS FOR SENIORS! Shop 11, Karalta Plaza, Karalta Lane, Erina - 4365 0997 PAY LESS FOR CASH At Home Care UpLift Adjustable Bed GST FREE MOBILITYHOSPITALAPPROVED GRADE Sealy Full Massage Adjustable Bed with USB Port GST FREE MOBILITY APPROVED LONG$1999SINGLE KING$2099SINGLE DOUBLE$2249 QUEEN$2299 ADJUSTABLE BED WITHMATTRESSEXPLORER MobilityStresslessApprovedchairsfrom$1999Huge range of Recliners Electric and manual from $499 La-Z-Boy Recliners/Lift chairs Instock & Ready for immediate Delivery GST FREE Mobility Approved LimitedStock GSTFREE GeorgeMobilityApprovedElectricLiftChair$999 Package Deal sale price GST FREE
HORSE RACING Local race horse trainers, jockeys, owners and fashionistas are looking forward to this weekend’s Wyong Ladies Raceday on Sunday when locals meet other regional race teams from across the state. This Gold Carnival is part of the Carlton provincial racing cup carnivals that signal the start of the regional spring racing season across the country.Expert analysis will be available on the day by the popular female caller Lizzie Jelfs will be trackside to add her valued commentary to the Magic Millions sponsored race dayThemeeting.Wyong Ladies Raceday will also focus on fashion, revealing a series of new spring outfits and is also a fundraiser for the IRIS Foundation. The IRIS foundation works across the Central Coast to help reduce the risk of suicide by facilitating and supporting awareness campaigns, programs and partnerships for healthy local outcomes. Patrons are encouraged to dress well and be part of this springGatescarnival.openat 11.15 am and close after the last race at 5 pm.The Wyong Race Club is part of the Central Coast NSW Provincial Race Club that was established in 1875. The club hosts 22 race meets per year and many community events. Members and Patrons are reminded that they are not allowed to bring their own food and drink into the venue.

Entry forms available at local libraries, nurseries and garden supply centres, or via email or by phone on 0419 277 928 The competition is open to all residents of the former Wyong Shire.
There will be an Open Garden Day on Sunday 25th September from 9am -4pm. A list of the gardens open that day will be published in this paper, and also available at the email below.
Hugh Vaughan in action earlier this year
The program, beginning in August, is supported by NSWIS, Ingenia Holiday Parks, Shoalhaven Council and the Surfer Strength Program.
Ingenia General Manager People and Culture, Kristy Minter, said the team is thrilled to play a part in supporting the state’s future champions.
FiveSURFING Central Coast youngsters have been named as members of Surfing NSW’s 2022 Junior High Performance Program (JHPP) team comprising 52 young surfers aged between 12 and 16. Hugh Vaughan from Bateau Bay has been named in the U18’s, Chex Dempsey also of Bateau Bay has will join the U14’s and competing in the U12’s will be Talia Tebb from Kincumber and Olive Morriss and Zara Hall, both of Avoca Beach.Vaughan, 16, said it would be an honour to participate in the program.“Itwillreally help me prepare for the Australian Titles,” he said.The youngster has been surfing for 14 years.
“The opportunity to support young athletes in their training and development is such a valuable piece of our partnership with Surfing NSW,” she said.
Preliminary Judging begins on Monday 5th September, with Final Judging to commence on Thursday 8th September.
Coast surfers selected for elite junior program
to get your entries in for this Garden Competition
Come on all you keen gardeners - Have a Go! There are trophies and gift vouchers for each section as well as a Grand Champion and Reserve Champion. The vouchers are donated by local nurseries, garden supplies and some local businesses as well as local garden Clubs Any other businesses who would like to come on board and support this competition please contact us on the info below.
“Not only is this team extremely talented, they are the future of our sport and all display incredible potential. “In working with the team, the goal is to provide each with top-level physical preparation specific to surfing, giving them the best chance at success for themselves and the NSW team at the Australian Championships.”Apartnership with Ingenia Holiday Parks will allow the team to spend time together to learn from each other and strengthen their cohesiveness.
The program for the U14-U18 athletes who will take part in the Australian Titles includes three state camps, including: Ingenia Holiday Parks, Merry Beach on the South Coast; Two-days at the Surfing Australia High-Performance Centre’ and One-day training at North Stradbroke Island. The U12’s don’t compete at the Australian Junior Titles but still have an extensive program. The state’s youngest elite athletes-in-training attend a one-day training camp at Ingenia Holiday Parks, Merry Beach on the South Coast with the state’s top surf coaches. The team will also catch up for monthly online development sessions where they will have the opportunity to be inspired and empowered by a number of sport specialists and representative athletes.
Surfing strength and conditioning specialist, Dean Jamieson from the Surfers Strength Program, said he was pleased to be a part of the Surfing NSW JHPP.
“I love working with these young athletes and helping give them the skills and knowledge to use their bodies to their full potential so they can be the best surfers in the world,” he said.
The JHPP team, with members selected from their results at the State Junior and Grommet Titles, provides NSW’s top junior surfers with the resources and pathways to reach their full potential. Not only will they be supported as athletes and have access to Surfing NSW’s world-class junior training, but they will represent Team NSW at the Australian Junior Surfing Titles at North Stradbroke Island from November 26-December 3.
With aspirations to become a professional surfer, Vaughan has already won two state titles and a national one. Later this year he will compete in the Australian Titles on North Stradbroke Island and plans to follow in the footsteps of brother Joel, who is in the Challenger series and hoping to get on the Championship Tour at the end of the year.
“I started so young because I had three older brothers who all surfed and I just wanted to have fun with them,” he said. “But I started riding some good boards and getting some good results and something just clicked for me.”
Terry Collins
It’s not too late
Entries for the Garden Competition close at 5pm on Thursday 1st September
There are 12 Sections in the competition this year, which gives everyone a choice to enter one or more sections. There are sections for individual homes as well as to suit schools, villages, business premises, resorts and clubs. On Wednesday 21st September there will be a Presentation Day and a Horticultural Competition at the Wyong Council Function Room at 2pm.