Photo: Cosmopolitan.
It may have occurred on the other side of the world, but one piece of news that stopped Central Coast residents in their tracks last week was the passing of the Queen. On behalf of all our readers who’ve written in, we thought we’d just mark the moment with this stunning picture of an extraordinary woman.

See page 21
See page 3

The inaugural Central Coast Music Festival is set to wind up this weekend as a full week of live music, pop-up experiences and workshops held in and around Gosford since September 10 comes to a close.

ISSUE 35916 SEPTEMBER 2022 - 4325 7369 - Queen Elizabeth II, 21 April 1926 – 8 September 2022
More than 1,000 community members gathered at Wamberal Beach on Sunday, September 11, for a Line In The Sand protest organised by the Save Our Sand (SOS) group.

The “bold and ambitious” plan for the Six Cities Region has been welcomed by the Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA) for its clear vision to create Australia’s economic powerhouse.

Killarney Vale and Terrigal are set to butt heads in the AFL Hunter Central Coast Black Diamond Men’s Cup grand final on Saturday, September 17, as the season draws to a close.See

See page 13
page 32 BusinessSportOut&AboutNews Puzzles page 18
CCN encourages “community journalism”, including story leads, citizen reports, media releases & letters to the Editor.
Our news content is originated through our own team of experienced, local journalists as well as external sources, including media releases and public notices. All our content is subject to strict editorial standards (available on the website).
management, this results in a development that is not suitable to the “Thesite.amended application is anBishoverdevelopment.”alsofoundthatbased on the evidence of engineering and arboriculture experts, the proposed location/design of the cantilevered structure had the potential to adversely impact on the two Tallowwood trees at the front of the site.
nineBensonyears.”said the group was hopeful the latest refusal would see an end to the boarding house proposal.
Terry Collins
“The Court has agreed with the position ORRA has held all along.“We have been successful in every battle we have fought for
Ourimbah Region Residents Association (ORRA) has applauded the Land and Environment Court’s rejection on September 13 of the latest amended proposal for a boarding house in Glen Rd, Ourimbah.Applicant Zenith Tuggerah Pty Ltd had lodged an appeal with the Court against a deemed refusal of its latest development application (DA) for a 53-room boarding house on the site by Central Coast Council.
“Each time the Court has ruled against the developer.
“I accept that the amended application seeks retention of these trees, however, I find that the proposed development does not provide sufficient certainty that these trees are capable of being protected,” sheORRAsaid.
Central Coast Newspapers Pty Ltd (CCN) is a locally owned and operated, independent news media business, providing local print and digital news to communities across the Central Coast.
LEC rejects Ourimbah boarding house … again

“Due to the proposed size of the boarding house, specifically the number of rooms, on a constrained lot (due to the existing watercourse), and the requirement for associated services and structures that support the boarding house, being parking and waste
Commissioner Sarah Bish acknowledged Council’s major concerns that the development would be incompatible and inconsistent with the character of the local area, streetscape and zone objective and that inadequate landscaping allowed potential impact to two Tallowwood trees at the front of the site.
CCN publishes the Coast Community News weekly with over 40,000 copies available via more than 250 distribution points all across the Central Coast.Most stories can be viewed,thatis,
Ross Barry, David Abrahams (Digital Editor)
The building would be up to three storeys and parking for
to provide real, public-interest journalism without fear or prejudice, to keep communities informed about local issues and events and to ensure powerful interest groups, public and private, are held to account.
“This has been running since December 2013 and it has been before the Land and Environment Court three times,” Benson said.
All contributions should be emailed to: editorial@
Member for The Entrance, David Mehan, who has long opposed the proposed development, also praised the decision.Hesaid the proposal would constitute gross overdevelopment of the site and was not at all in character with the historic Ourimbah Village.“Iam very concerned by reports that Central Coast Council continued to entertain amendments to the development during the court proceedings without any community consultation,” he said.“Our community (members) have always worked hard to preserve the historic small timber town feel of Ourimbah and should be congratulated for their persistence and dedication, which should never be underestimated.”
The Court also ordered the Zenith to cover Council’s costs.
Terry Collins, Sue Murray Graphic Designer: Brad Yee
“I find that the proposed extent, elevation, and proximity to the front boundary of the cantilevered portion of the parking area, which also includes an enclosed bin storage area, is incompatible with the character of the local area and does not complement the existing streetscape,” Bish said.“The proposed cantilevered structure, as designed and located on the site, will likely be highly visible when observed from Glen Rd, the adjoining (western) property, as well as from the corner of Glen Rd and the Pacific Hwy.
Ross Barry, Publisher ABOUT US
(02) 4325 7369 Email to: ISSN 1839-9045 – Print Post Approved – PP100001843 – Printed by Spotpress Marrickville
25 cars would be provided.
Material that is offensive, defamatory, or overtly political will not be published.
First mooted in 2013, the proposal for a boarding house has seen multiple rejections and amendments, with the latest amended DA, submitted to Central Council in November, 2020, proposing a 53-room boarding house, including one room as a manager’s residence, comprising 18 double rooms, 30 single rooms and four accessible rooms.
spokesperson, Allan Benson, said the Court’s decision vindicated the group’s long-held contention that the proposal is an unsuitable development for the area.
The Court was not satisfied that the proposed amended development addressed the relevant jurisdictional and merit assessment requirements for it to determine to grant consent to it under appeal and rejected the DA.
“The developer still has the option to put in another DA but we are hopeful that if that happens it will be a development that is in keeping with the character of Ourimbah.”
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Member for The Entrance, David Mehan, and residents rallying against the proposal in March
CCN reserves the right to use, or
Anthony Wagstaff
not use, any material sent to us for publication and to validate, amend, update, expand or reduce the information provided at our sole discretion and in accordance with our editorial guidelines.
dunes.”Naven said the negative impacts of seawalls had been demonstrated at other NSW beaches which have had them installed.“Welove our beach,” he said.
than 1,000
saving the future of our beach.”
“People often get scared of planned retreat but we’re saying the beach should slowly be brought back to a natural system by not allowing any further development on the
More people draw a line in the sand at Wamberal
PAGE 3FRIDAY, 16 SEPTEMBER 2022 WWW.COASTCOMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AUFOLLOW US All Souls’ Day PROUDLY HOSTED BY 1203 2nd November 2022WHEN: WHERE: Hillside Chapel, Palmdale Lawn Cemetery and Memorial Park, Palmdale Road, Palmdale Conducted by Father Peter DeSouza Wyoming Parish Light refreshments will be provided and all are welcome. A t P a l m d a l e w e a r e c o m m e m o r a t i n g a l l o f t h e f a i t h f u l d e p a r t e d d u r i n g o u r A l l S o u l s ’ D a y s e r v i c e W e p r a y f o r a l l o u r d e a r l y d e p a r t e d l o v e d o n e s a t h i s t i m e o f r e m e m b r a n c e J o i n u s f o r t h e c o m m e m o r a t i o n o f a l l t h e f a i t h f u l d e p a r t e d ALL SOULS MASS Commencing at 5.00 pm
More than 1,000 community members gathered at Wamberal Beach on Sunday, September 11, for a Line In The Sand protest organised by the Save Our Sand (SOS) group.

to see the response changed.”
The gathering was in protest of the proposal to introduce a seawall solution to solve ongoing erosion problems.
process.“Itseems the plan so far has been to look at making a seawall work rather than look at other solutions,” he said.
“It’s also important to note that, come the March election, this issue is going to be at the forefront of voters’ minds; we hope (the protest) makes that clear.”For further details
Naven said some beachfront homeowners favoured seawall options, while others didn’t.
“We want to have a say about our beach and are not allowed.
Terry Collins
“(The protest) is all about

More than 1,000 people attended the protest
“The DA system is an ineffective mechanism for erosion response,” he said.

Naven said the gathering was also a protest against Council’s plan to put in seawalls via the Development Application (DA) system, with homeowners lodging separate DAs.
which has attracted more than 2,300 signatures on a petition and acquired 4,000 group members opposed to the seawall.Naven said the protest was about drawing a “line in the sand,” and telling Central Coast Council and the State Government that “enough is enough”.“Since the start, our voices have been silenced and our opinions ignored,” he said.
“It bypasses key consultation, studies and reports that are essential to ensuring the best possible outcome for the beach, community and homeowners.“Theprotest was about trying

Naven urged the State Government and Council to restart the consultation
He said better solutions which should be investigated included sand nourishment and dune revegetation.“Otherpossible solutions are voluntary buy backs or planned retreat,” he said.
SOS spokesperson, Hugh Naven, said the protest follows two years of ongoing campaigning from the group,
“We love walking our dogs in the morning, early morning surfs, coffees at the beach, fishing; we’re concerned we are not going to be able to do those things that bring so much happiness to our lives.”
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“It has given me a lot of
“Like many, I am saddened by the death of Queen Elizabeth II, who served her nation and the Commonwealth with complete dedication for more than 70 years,” Hart said “Central Coast Council joins the world to mourn her historic reign and reflects on her visits to the region.”
He has served as Junior Club Captain for the North Avoca Surf Club and is part of the Surf Life Saving Central Coast Youth Program.
community initiatives both locally and further afield; he volunteered at Quirindi at the height of the NSW drought.
During his time on the
Central Coast region as they made their way from Sydney to Newcastle on February 9, 1954.Thousands of local residents gathered at Gosford and Wyong stations to catch a glimpse of the Royal Train as it slowed through the newly painted and decorated stations.Hartsaid as a mark of respect, the Australian Flag outside Council’s Wyong Administration building was lowered to half-mast on Friday, September 9, after the official announcement of the Queen’s death and will remain at half-mast until Tuesday, September“Following20.protocol, the flags alongside are also flying at half-mast for this period,” he said.
Community members are invited to sign a condolence book which will be placed at Bateau Bay, Erina, Gosford, Kincumber, Lake Haven, Toukley, Tuggerah, Umina, and Woy Woy libraries from Thursday, September 15.
Source: Media release, Sep 14 Central Coast CouncilQueen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh pass through Gosford on the Royal Train in 1954

Terry CollinsKale Puata
“I really want to be an advocate for young people with the State Government, using the leadership skills I already have and applying themDuringfirst-hand.”his 10-year involvement with Surf Life Saving, Kale has been named both NSW and Central Coast Junior Life Saver of the Year
“We need to implement the right supports and policy settings to help avoid long term impacts of the pandemic on young “Improvingpeople.participation in volunteer organisations helps strengthen connection to the Ministercommunity.”forFamilies and Communities and Minister for Disability Services, Natasha Maclaren-Jones, said by actively listening and responding to young people, the Government can unsure it creates policies and services that truly reflect their needs.
“TheRobinson.NSWYouth Advisory Council is one of the most valuable ways that NSW Government engages with and creates space for young people to be involved in solutions that will deliver real outcomes for all young people in NSW,” Robinson said.
The day of the National Memorial Service on September 22 will be a National Day of Mourning for Australia and a national public holiday.
Kale also participates in Australian Air Force Cadets and was recently promoted to Corporal where he is responsible for the wellbeing of young cadets.
The day the Queen came to the Central Coast
were asked, cut that number down to 30 and a face-toface meeting at the State Library decided the final 12.
“I congratulate the 12
He decided to apply for the Advisory Council through a desire to make a valuable contribution to society.
Central Coast Council Administrator, Rik Hart, has added his voice to the millions throughout the world mourning the recent death of Queen Elizabeth II.
In 1954, the 27-year-old reigning monarch made her first visit to Australia with her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, and toured extensively during a 58-day royalTogether,tour. they travelled on the Royal Train through the
“COVID isolation has brought this more into focus.

members of the Council on their appointments, and I look forward to working closely with them to ensure the NSW Government is best supporting our children and young people to achieve the best start in life,” she said.
Kale Puata of North Avoca is one of 12 impressive and inspiring young people from across the state to be appointed to the 2022-23 Youth Advisory Council, which will provide advice to NSW Government during its one-year term.
Council, he would like to see a focus on the provision of more mental health services for youth and measures to encourage more youth into volunteering roles.
“There are a lot of issues surrounding mental health, with physical and social issues tied in,” he said.
leadership opportunities and I particularly enjoy being responsible for the wellbeing younger cadets.”
“It was quite a long selection process,” he said.
Throughout the one-year term, the Youth Advisory Council will be supported in its work by the Advocate for Children and Young People, Zoë
“Dad used to be in the Cadets and when I was young he encouraged me to give it a try,” Kale said.
Kale is also active in other
“First we had to complete an online application process with around 500 people from NSW“ sessions, where a number of questions
If you would like to send a message of condolence online, or read more on Her Majesty the Queen’s deep connection with Australia, go to the Australian Government’s dedicated web page:
North Avoca teen chosen for Youth Advisory Council
Kale, 16, attends St Edward’s College at East Gosford and already has an impressive record of community service through his involvement with Surf Life Saving and the Australian Air Force Cadets.

Both the EPA and Central Coast Council have been criticised for leaving residents to clean-up the dead, rotting, stinking fish on their own.

As the only other alternative, some people bagged the dead fish and left them by the Council bins at Vales Point Reserve near the boat ramp which didn’t sit well with others and caused some tension in the community.Itwasn’t until Friday, September 9 – four days after the fish kill – that Council stepped in to assist the community.Aswiththe August fish kill, the EPA had instructed Council to manage the fish clean-up
and dispose of the fish at a landfill that was licenced to dispose of such waste.
“Testing was also undertaken, and we are conducting further
PAGE 5FRIDAY, 16 SEPTEMBER 2022 WWW.COASTCOMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AUFOLLOW US NEWS First bill passed to deliver aged care reforms. We’re committed to putting backdignity,security,quality,andhumanityintoagedcare.Getintouch 3/69 Central Coast Highway West Gosford 2250 (02) 4322 Authorised by G. Reid, ALP, 3/69 Central Coast Highway, West Gosford NSW 2250.
“The birds were trying to take the fish away, cats were
A Council spokesperson said they were unable to enter private properties so Council provided residents along the foreshore with plastic bags, zip ties and disposal instructions so they could collect any dead fish.“They were asked to place the bags in Council’s skip bins which were located at the foreshore end of Waverley Rd for Council to collect on Monday, September 12,” the spokesperson said.
general clean-up to ensure there are no remaining bags, litter or other items.”
Kenilworth St resident, Neil Wynn, said four days after the fish kill residents in the street had two green bags and cable ties delivered with a letter to pick up their own dead fish.
“When Council services the skip bins, we will also do a
Sue Murray
“Council will also continue to monitor the public foreshore this week to check for further dead fish,” the spokesperson said.The investigation into the two fish kills is ongoing and the EPA is requesting that if the community has any further information that could assist with its investigation to phone the EPA on 131 555 or Council’s Customer Service Centre on 1300 463 954.
An EPA spokesperson said the power station had provided new information relating to the recent fish kills.
Power station investigated over fish kills
More dead fish have been discovered at Wyee Bay
“The EPA inspected the Vales Point Power Station facility on Tuesday and secured equipment on-site as part of our investigation,” the spokesperson said.
dragging them up into my yard and by lunch time on Saturday the pelicans had eaten most of the fish,” he said.
enquires.“TheEPA has requested a further report from the power station and this information will form part of the EPA’s ongoing investigation.“TheEPAis treating this as a top priority and is using all available resources, including assigning specialist investigators to the issue,” the spokesperson said.

In early August the EPA said the first fish kill was caused by a “natural event” which saw thousands of a variety of dead marine life floating or washed ashore around Mannering Park.
“It was all too late,” he said.
Only a month later, on September 6, there was another mass fish kill with reports that this time the dead fish were mostly mullet.

Bags of dead fish left at Vales Point ReserveDead juvenile spotted eagle ray have been discovered at Wyee Bay

The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) announced on Tuesday that Vales Point Power Station is being investigated over two separate fish kills at Wyee Bay in a month.

“Gorokan High School’s Local Aboriginal Curriculum has mobilised a community to unite behind an innovative approach to how this can be achieved.
“She can be seen organising and coordinating fundraisers to purchase resources, operating the canteen and attending all P&C meetings which are largely focused on rich conversations about curriculum and improving outcomes for all,” it says.
“She has been able to establish sustainable and collaborative partnerships within the broader educational community,” it says.
says he has had a long and distinguished career in his service to students.
Lewis from Gosford Public School picked up the Secretary’s Award for Excellent Service.Hiscitation
for all “Throughstudents.a balance of academic rigour and experiential learning, a dedicated Aboriginal curriculum is now available for all students from Year 7-12.”
strengthening of relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous peoples, for the benefit of all Australians,” the citation says.
Her citation says Pencheff has demonstrated her commitment to the Australian Teaching Standards where she has excelled in many of the leadership areas.
NSW Department of Education Secretary, Georgina Harrisson said the awards provided a snapshot of the outstanding initiatives occurring across the entire NSW public education system.“The awards reveal an ecosystem of innovative and collaborative teaching and learning,” she said.

Several Central Coast schools, teachers and parents have been acknowledged for their outstanding achievements, resilience and contribution to public education at the 2022 NSW Minister’s and Secretary’s Awards for Excellence.
“It acknowledges the establishment of professional learning communities and outstanding achievement in improving the learning outcomes of all students.
“Based in Tamworth, Maclean, Wallis Lake and the Central Coast, these new officers will play an important role in enhancing Aboriginal involvement in the protection of our waterways,” Saunders said. “They will also be vital in engaging with and fostering
New Aboriginal Fisheries Officer for Central Coast
“It also recognises the improvements in engagement
and success of female and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in the Central Coast.”Brad
The NSW Government has bolstered its ranks with the recruitment of four Aboriginal Fisheries Officers, one of whom is based on the Central Coast.
“He is a highly valued Principal within the Mooney Mooney Principal Network for his professionalism and wealth of educational experience,” it says.“Brad has held many important roles as an educational leader.
Nikyetta Pencheff from Woodport Public School received the Minister’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.
“With Brad, every student is truly known, valued and cared for.”Sally
The public is encouraged to report illegal or suspected illegal fishing activity to the Fishers Watch Phone line on 1800 043 536 or at: https://fal. cn/3gJWh.
Brad Lewis with NSW Department of Education Secretary, Georgina Harrisson
Terry Collins
Recognition for Coast educators
Nikyetta Pencheff with Minister for Education and Early Learning, Sarah Mitchell
“Illegal fishing remains a huge problem both inland and on the coast and these dedicated officers will work
Source: Media release, Sep 1 NSW Government

Minister for Agriculture, Dugald Saunders, chats to some of the new officers
Her citation says she has volunteered her time supporting and contributing to positive academic and social outcomes for all students.
Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast, Adam Crouch, congratulated all awardees.Minister for Education and Early Learning, Sarah Mitchell, said the 128 awards showcase schools with innovative programs for literacy, numeracy, science, student wellbeing and community partnerships.“Itissuch a privilege to celebrate so many positive and diverse achievements right across the state that highlight the excellence in our public schools,” Mitchell said.
“This award recognises her outstanding service, energetic support and dedication to innovative STEM education in Central Coast schools.
“The tireless efforts demonstrated by Sally Yates contributes to progress for students, staff and the wider community.”GorokanHigh School was recognised with an award for Outstanding School Initiative for its Banal-Ngaruga-Dhi Aboriginal“ the
alongside more than 100 others currently employed in the state to protect these resources for future generations,” Saunders said. This program marks the first time the roles have been offered only to people who identify as Aboriginal.
Yates of Wadalba Community School received a Parent of the Year award, having been an active parent representative at the school for a significant number of years.
partnerships between Fisheries Officers and Aboriginal communities.“Thisprogram seeks to increase Aboriginal employment across the sector and boost diversity within Fisheries Officer ranks to enhance cultural awareness.”
In addition to completing standard training, Aboriginal Fisheries Officers will also be provided with opportunities for specific cultural awareness and leadership training.
Minister for Agriculture, Dugald Saunders, said the recruits have been appointed as part of a new career pathways program, established to provide opportunities for Aboriginal people in the fisheries space.

“In all the roles and responsibilities Brad has undertaken he has been held in high regard for his strong moral purpose to improve learning outcomes for all students.
“Anchored in Darkinjung culture, delivered in partnership with the NSWAECG and local knowledge-holders while prioritising learning on country, the Local Aboriginal Curriculum has elevated the position of Aboriginal culture and histories
Telstra closed the complaint by sending Mr Smedley this reply email:
“All the networks are poor or non-existent and this is affecting their ability to pay or simply make a call to family and friends,” Proprietor of the Booker Bay Store Diane Unsworthy said.
“While Telstra claims it is switching off 3G support in 2024 things at Booker Bay went from bad to worse from aboutTelstramid-2022”and Optus are reportedly trying to encourage local workarounds by promoting their WiFi Calling service that effectively routes mobile phone calls through the customer’s NBN connection.
In related news the decade old mobile phone reception issues at Wagstaffe and Killcare have yet to be resolved, despite a cleared Development Application, federal funding and a high degree of community support.With mobile network providers transitioning to 5G coverage, it appears the transition so far has failed to deliver in Booker Bay, Wagstaffe and many parts of Ettalong and Killcare.
“Recent surveys of over 11,300 teachers in NSW also found that 60 per cent intend to leave the profession in the next five years,” she said.

The Government has promised 3,700 new teachers over the next 10 years
Earn well above what your currently paid Company support towards travel costs Strong management support Flexibility to work shifts that fit around your available time frames
MPs clash over teacher shortage
“Initiatives are progressing well, with significant design and early implementation activity underway.
“To support delivery of the strategy, the NSW Government committed an immediate investment of $125M over four years.“Building on our existing successful pipeline of teachers, the strategy will deliver 3,700 teachers with the right subject qualifications placed in locations of need over the next 10 years; 1,600 of these teachers will be delivered over the first five years.”
Residents and visitors to Booker Bay and surrounding Ettalong and Orange Grove are experiencing little or no mobile phone and mobile internet coverage in a situation locals say has lasted for several months.
remove and reduce barriers to attracting more teachers by diversifying teacher supply channels to strengthen an ongoing supply of teachers into the“Whilefuture.some initiatives are focused on growing the supply of teachers in the fastest way possible, many of the strategy initiatives are about designing, developing and testing innovative approaches to nurture and diversify pipelines into studying teaching and the teaching profession so that we have a sustainable workforce to meet future demand,” he said.“The strategy includes evidence-based measures and innovative pilot programs with built-in evaluation.
“The Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation (CESE) will lead the evaluation of the strategy.”
‘I regret we’re not able to reach a mutual resolution. Please reply to this email confirming you accept closing of this complaint and that you’d be escalating with your local newspaper…’Anotherlocal resident Ray Shaw runs a technology publishing business from his home at Booker Bay is dismayed by the situation which he says is untenable for such a popular, established suburb.
David Abrahams
Booker Bay Shops
Parliamentary Secretary for the Central Coast, Adam Crouch, has hit back at claims by Member for Gosford, Liesl Tesch, that the State Government is not doing enough to attract teachers to ourTeschschools.saidEducation Minister, Sarah Mitchell, promised 3,700 new teachers across the state to help solve the growing teacher shortage but only 27 new teachers for the entire state have been added in the 10 months since the program was“Outannounced.ofthe thousands of schools across our state, only 27 extra teachers have been delivered – barely enough to cover the staff required at a single local high school,” Tesch said.“We know that schools are forcing classes to combine which leads to poor outcomes for students’ learning and teachers’“Educatorswellbeing.across the state have been ditching the classroom in search of better working conditions and career opportunities, especially as pay
has been in a long phone and email exchange with Telstra about the issue, though nothing seems to have happened to resolve his problems.
“As a teacher, I know how undervalued our educators are; it is not a job where you
The local shop reports losing many customers because people cannot pay using Eftpost or their Apple or Google Pay mobile payments.
simply clock-off in the afternoon and do not think about it until the next shift.”
However, this service is limited to full-paying Telstra and/or Optus customers, and

Tesch said within secondary schools alone, without immediate action there will be a shortfall of 1,700 educators
Terry Collins
Supply Strategy launched in late 2021 is a 10-year plan which includes a range of innovative measures designed to create a diverse and sustainable pipeline of teachers to support our students into the future.“We are in year one of implementing a 10-year strategy,” he said.
as a result a large part of the population that uses third party services such as Boost, Aldi, Woolworths etc are not adequately serviced.
within three years’ time.

“Our local shop has suffered a significant loss to business having gone several days at a time without Telstra mobile coverage, meaning that DoorDash, MenuLog, and EFTPOS machines would not work,” he said.

AIN's & PCA's Registered / Enrolled Nurses

Mobile coverage at Booker Bay ‘abysmal’
Crouch said the strategy focuses on three strategic priorities to increase the appeal of the profession and help to
But Crouch said the Teacher
levels have stagnated or even declined under the Government’s policy of public sector wage caps.
“This will help us better understand what works and what does not, allowing us to make better investment decisions into the future.
Local resident Paul Smedley
To discuss the opportunities contact Louise Bendevski 1300 411 033
Council’s Director Community and Recreation Services, Melanie Smith, said the 2023 awards will help honour the local leaders who have helped make the Coast a better place to live, work and play.

“Whether it be a friend, colleague, neighbour, or someone at your sports club –now is your time to shine a light on these unsung heroes who have made positive contributions to our Central CoastCouncilcommunity.”Administrator, Rik Hart, said the 2023 awards will celebrate the region’s diversity, values, national achievements and hopes for the future.
volunteer work in a non-paid capacity.TheYoung Person Award recognises the outstanding contributions of an individual person aged 25 or under who has made a significant contribution to the community; someone who has achieved high levels in their field and acts as an inspiration and role model to their peers.
Marine Rescue Central Coast is putting out the call for more radio operators as the weather starts to warm up and more and more people are enjoying the region’s popular waterways.
Since the launch of its grants program in 2019, Jemena has awarded more than $500,000 in local grants to 51 groups, supporting critical emergency
“All you need is enthusiasm to work with a friendly group of volunteers.”Twointroduction meetings will be held from 6.30 pm on Thursday, September 29, and Wednesday, October 5, to give those interested an idea of
“Marine Rescue NSW is
“Each year, we’re thrilled to see the community come together to honour the outstanding achievements and contributions of local individuals and groups who go the extra mile for our community.” Smith said.
Terry Collins
The 2022 Citizen of the Year, Robyn Downham
what’s involved.
“Full uniforms and equipment are provided, and no experience is“Wenecessary.areramping up our recruitment efforts as we’ll need extra operators over the summer and early next year as we finally upgrade our new premises on our existing land at Point Meanwhile,Clare.” the unit has received a $10,000 grant to install solar panels at the new base.The Jemena Community Grant will see solar panels installed on the new base.
“It’s essential we have a good support team as summer approaches,” Morrow said.
Marine Rescue is putting out the call for more radio operators
The Senior Citizen Award acknowledges the outstanding contributions of an individual person aged 60 or over who has made a significant contribution to the community.
Wills & Estates Seminar Experienced down-to-earth help and advice throughout the Central Coast FREECALL - 1800 891 691 4324 7699 131-133 Donnison Street FREE SEMINAR WHEN: 20 September 2022 TIME: 6.45pm to 8.00pm WHERE: Gosford RSL Club HOW: Call 4324 7699 to reserve your spot now! The theme is to educate people about the options and choices available to them… alerting you to the pitfalls and procedures in dealing with Estate Planning, Wills, Powers of Attorney & Appointments of Guardian and how you should best deal with them. Geoff Brazel, Solicitor, will present the seminar on Wills, Powers of Attorney & Appointments of Guardian to help you through the maze of legal regulation. The seminar will be presented in a friendly relaxed atmosphere and there will be plenty of time for your questions. You’ll be helped a lot in understanding the system and will then be able to confidently consider what Estate Planning steps you need to take to properly plan for your own Will, Power of Attorney or Appointment of Guardian. AVOIDING ESTATE PLANNING TRAPS As part of the 2022 Brazel Moore Seminar Series, this free public seminar is being given by Brazel Moore Lawyers to help people understand what to expect so they know where they stand in –• Making a Will • Challenging a Will or defending a Will from challenge • Making a Power of Attorney and • Making an Appointment of Guardian FREE VOUCHER voucherSeminarEveryonewhoattendsthewillreceiveafreeabletoberedeemedtocoverthecostofaWill*.*Conditionsapply

committed to lowering its carbon footprint, and the generous donation of $10,000 from Jemena’s Community Grants program will be used to install solar panels at our (new) base,” Schott said.
achieve its mission of saving lives on the water.
“There is no denying the Central Coast community has demonstrated tremendous resilience in 2022, and there are many individuals and groups who deserve to be recognised for their
“The scope of categories as part of the 2023 Australia Day Awards means a wide range of contributions will be honoured, and I encourage the community to nominate the unsung heroes in our region who have dedicated their service and commitment to our community.
on Monday September 12 and close at 5pm on Sunday, October 23.
The Community Life Award recognises an individual who has made a valuable contribution to the community through the fields of sports, arts, culture, or environment.
Marine Rescue search for more radio operators
“Submitting a nomination is an easy process, and we encourage you to take the time to share the story of someone you believe deserves recognition and honour.
For more information about this program, visit baseWater,15Volunteeramalgamatedcameassistour-services/
The Volunteer Award acknowledges an individual volunteer who has made a significant long-term commitment to volunteer work within the community; someone who has demonstrated outstanding service, commitment, and dedication to our local community through their
There are five categories for nominations.TheCommunity Group Award recognises the important and inspirational work of a community organisation, in community services, wellbeing and community safety.
Unit Commander, Ian Morrow, said the volunteer rescue operation, which has been going strong at its Point Clare base for more than four decades, has outgrown its current premises and is in the process of building a $2M state-of-the-art two-storey glass encased HQ.

The Central Coast Citizen of the Year winner will be selected by the selection panel, based on merit, from the winners of each award category.
“Nominating someone for an Australian Day Award is a wonderful opportunity for our
This program has helped participants save around $650 on their energy bills on average.
“All training is carried out by qualified volunteer radio operators; Marine Rescue NSW is a Registered Training Organisation that delivers nationally recognised qualifications,” Morrow said.

relief, mental and physical health, education and other benefits for thousands of Australians.Jemenaalso provides support to community members who may need additional help navigating the energy sector and taking control of their energy bills through its Uniting Energy Assist program.
“Council is looking forward to hearing the stories behind our locals who have made positive contributions to our region through genuine kindness and generosity and offering these individuals and groups the recognition their impactful workNominationsdeserves.”for the 2023 Australia Day Awards opened
Source: Media release, Sep 12 Central Coast Council
“The solar panels will help our members reduce their electricity bills, enabling valuable funds to be used for our rescue services.”
Morrow said Jemena’s support would help the unit
region to appreciate those who have helped others this year.
Central Coast Council is calling for nominations for its Australia Day Awards 2023, providing an opportunity for residents to recognise individuals and groups who have made outstanding contributions to the region.
contributions.” Hart said.
Australia Day Awards nominations open
Marine Rescue Zone Commander Central, Darren Schott, welcomed the grant.

The warrants relate to Contravene prohibition/ restriction in AVO (Domestic), Common assault domestic
He is described as Caucasian appearance, between 180 and
Source: Tuggerah Lake Police
violence, Use carriage service to menace/harass/offend and Attempt stalk/intimidate intend fear of harm (domestic).
Anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or com.auhttps://nsw.crimestoppers.
Jarred Blackhurst
He is wanted on arrest warrants issued by Wyong Local Court on June 22 June for drug supply and Community Order related offences.

Brisbane Water Police are appealing for public assistance to locate three individuals all wanted on outstanding arrest warrants.
Tuggerah Lakes Police are investigating the theft of a large distinctive table at Wyong Milk Factory.
Matthew Kennedy Rebecca Argiridakis
Blackhurst is described as 25
Anyone with information on Blackhurst’s whereabouts is
M1 Freeway. If anyone has information about this incident or knows the people depicted in the CCTV footage is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333000 or details can also be provided confidentially via the Crime Stoppers online reporting page at
185cm tall, medium build and brownPolicehair.are also looking for Matthew Kennedy, aged 39, who is wanted on four outstanding warrants.
urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333000 or details can also be provided confidentially via the Crime Stoppers online reporting page at
Pictures taken from CCTV footage depicts three males wearing distinctive clothing at the time of the incident and Police are calling on public assistance to identify the men.

Rebecca Argiridakis is also wanted by Police for an outstanding warrant related to Supply prohibited drug and Deal with property proceeds of crime.Rebecca Argiridakis is also wanted by Police for an outstanding warrant related to Supply prohibited drug and Deal with property proceeds of crime.Argiridakis, aged 44, is of Caucasian appearance, between 160 and 165cm tall, thin build with brown/blonde hair.
David Mackie, aged 33, is wanted for offences related to robbery and drive motor vehicle during disqualification.

ON THE BEAT SOLICITORS & ATTORNEYS ABN. 80 010 976 639 We believe everyone should have a Will. That is why our office charges the following: WILLS$80.00+GSTORSELLING?OFFCONVEYANCINGFORTHEMONTHOFMAYIFYOUMENTIONTHISAD!appointmentsonrequestPhone43922611OurofficespecialisesinConveyancing,EstatesandFamilyLaw Applications open for ‘Our Voice, Our Region’ Regional InvestmentYouthProgramFundingisnowavailableforprojectsthatwillimprovethelivesandwellbeingofyoungpeopleinregionalNSW.$40millioninfundingisavailable to local councils, not-for-profit organisations and Local Aboriginal Land Councils who are delivering projects that genuinely reflect the needs and aspirations of regional young people in NSW. Grants of up to $3 million are on offer. Applications close 4 October 2022. For more information about eligibility and the Program Guidelines, go
Police believe the table was carried to a nearby vehicle that was parked southbound on the
Tuggerah Lakes Detectives are seeking information to locate Jarred Blackhurst.

Table stolen from Wyong Milk Factory
Kennedy is of Caucasian appearance, between 170 and 175cm tall, medium build and brownPolicehair.are appealing for public assistance to locate a female wanted by virtue of one outstanding arrest warrant.

Source: Tuggerah Lakes Police
years old, caucasian in appearance, 175cm tall, thin build with light brown hair.

He is known to frequent the Watanobbi, Tuggerawong and North Entrance areas.
David Mackie
Arrest warrant issued by Wyong Court
The table was stolen between 11.25pm and 11.45pm on Thursday, August 4 from the premises at 141 Alison Rd.
Help Police identify these men
Search for trio on outstanding warrants
Source: Brisbane Water Police
Police search for Jake Patman

Source: Tuggerah Lakes Police
Altercation at Kariong
Police are still seeking witnesses to the initial incident and anyone with information should contact Crime Stoppers, quoting Police report number E 90310938, on 1800 333 000 or
fire completely took over the house,” Sutton said.
Source: Tuggerah Lakes Police
Terry Collins
Fire completely guts Narara home
NSW Ambulance paramedics treated a 33-year-old man at the location however he died a short time later.
“Teresa, her husband Kirk, and their sons Jack and Harry now must begin the painstaking process of grieving for what they had and begin on the path of rebuilding their lives and
Jake Brian Patman, aged 34, who is believed to frequent the Central Coast, is wanted on outstanding arrest warrants.

The home will likely have to be rebuilt
Sutton and her other sister, Mary Keehan, have started a Gofundme page which had attracted $3,300 in donations as we went to press.
Police District established a crime scene, which was examined by specialist forensic police, and an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident commenced.Following inquiries, a 25-year-old man and 19-yearold woman were arrested at a home on Mary St, Gorokon, at about 9.45pm, and taken to Wyong Police Station.
All persons are believed to be known to one another and investigations are continuing.
“Insurance is unlikely to cover the full cost of repairs.”
Her husband, Kirk, and their other son, Jack were out at the time.Folkard’s sister, Anne Sutton, said the fire quickly engulfed the house, almost trapping Folkard and her son inside.
“The fire fighters said that they thought that it may have been to do with the chargers in the garage.
Jake Brian Patman
“The house was completely gutted and they lost everything in the “Theyfire.were able to get emergency accommodation and are now working through
the painful process of rebuilding.
Anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
home,” she said.
On September 11, the Folkard family lost everything when their Narara home went up in flames.

Police are hoping Central Coast people can help locate a man wanted on domestic violence related offences.
Sutton said the insurance company has said in its preliminary assessment that the house will need to be rebuilt although they may be able to reuse one or two of the external walls pending the engineers’ report.
At about 8.40pm on Thursday, September 8, emergency services responded to reports of a stabbing at a home on Bateup Dr.
He is of Caucasian appearance, light coloured hair and medium build.
The Police search for Patman is part of the North West Metropolitan Region’s Operation Persistence.
At around 4pm Teresa Folkard and her 12-year-old autistic son, Harry, were at home when a fire started in the garage.
between a male and female who were travelling in a Hyundai Getz motor vehicle at the time.
“They are in need of immediate funds for housewares and furnishings, clothing, jackets and shoes, food and school supplies.TheGofundme page can be found at a9800d8c.
Two charged after fatal stabbing
A male person has since been arrested in connection with the incident and as a result of police investigations.
The man was charged with murder and the woman was charged with accessory after the fact to murder.
Officers from Tuggerah Lakes
Tuggerah Lakes Police are seeking witnesses or anyone with information to an incident at Kariong Oval.
Police say the incident was
Anyone with information about this incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or
“With the assistance of neighbours, they managed to get out but unfortunately the
It is alleged a physical altercation took place at the oval between 8pm and 9am on Thursday, August 18.
Two people have been charged following the fatal stabbing of a man at Hamlyn Terrace.
We have complained about barking dogs for a whole year.
In the ACL Taylor Function Room of the Wyong Council Chambers In Hely Street Wyong. Entries in the Horticultural competition must be submitted between 9am and 11am and can be accessed via the council carpark at the rear of the council building where staff will be present to assist.

These trees could have been a centrepiece of the design, a nod to the Central Coast’s desire to maintain greenspaces and reduce the greenhouse effects of the Somersby
community of tolerating fatal dog attacks is false and unfair.
No creative thought has gone into the design.

Currently they are bulldozing a very extensive and (quite well-built I might add) road straight through the Parklands in the name of better access. What a lie.

possums and their babies destroyed.Thenative wood ducks’ ducklings will be paddling around dust and road grit as the works raze their way through what was once, and should have been left as, peaceful habitat and open space.ButI suppose that will be nothing once the new fast-food outlets and tyre repair place are built next door to the high school.
The current population of the Central Coast, according to the 2021 census was 346,596.
Doors open at 1.30 to view the Horticultural Competition entries. The Presentation will commence at 2pm with an afternoon tea at the conclusion. and a great visiting some beautiful gardens in the district as part of the Garden Competition. best thing is that it is free entry!
of 7 per cent the result is 1,341,217.Clearlytherefore a figure of 7 percent growth is totally unrealistic and unattainable for the Central Coast.
fines to anyone they see with a dog off its lead
Your headline accusing the
Industrial Estate.
Email, Sep 15
Francis Wiffen
In every society there are arrogant, ignorant people who have no regard for others.
Imogen da Silva’s response to this article has summed it up when she said that the rights of victims of dog attacks are not beingWhataddressed.hastheCouncil done as a result of these attacks?
Get your numbers right
It’s going to be one-way from
One of the most common complaints to Council is about barking dogs.
Council should act on problem dogs Love those pies
After tick box community consultation HCCDC goes ahead and does what it wants,
Central Coast Regional Director Paula Martin that “with an annual growth rate of 7 per cent the region would be home to more than 400,000 residents by 2041”.
Email, Sep 8 Wendy Black, Copacabana
PRESENTATION DAY—Wednesday 21ST September 2022
See Page 2 for address and Opinionsconditions.contributionexpressed are those of the writer and not necessarily of the
Issue number 358 of the Central Coast News on 9th September had a front page article entitled “Summit seeks solutions to housing crisis”.
Kangoo Rd to the high school, which in my opinion is going to ruin the access we currently have.This new road is an example of total over engineering and unnecessary destruction.
Bakery at Ourimbah and have already visited it several times. Thank you Russell Cox for making wonderful pies and for providing employment to the local personnel.
Email, Sep 15 Lisa Bellamy, Kariong
The danger with false statements such as the above is that they lead to a lack of faith in the credibility of the media.Ihope you will be able to publish a correction.
Regarding your editorial on fatal dog attacks on August 19.
Regarding the story in the last edition, “Heatherbrae’s tries in vain to open quietly at Ourimbah”, we have enjoyed Heatherbrae’s pies & sausage rolls plus their apple pies for quite a few years at their store near Hexham and the Bakery at Sutton Forest.
As we live at Ourimbah, we are now only 1km from the new
Many large trees that provide food and habitat to our native wildlife have been bulldozed andWithwoodchipped.atinybitof imagination these trees could have been left where they were, and the road could have swerved around them.
Many trees have been bulldozed
We need rangers who do their job and not just hand out more

Council has all the registration records of dogs, their breeds and their owners and has the power to stop irresponsible dog owners from having dogs.
Council did send a letter to the address in question but when we followed the ranger up, he said that he cannot knock on their door due to COVID.
The article contained a statement by Business NSW
Editor: Thank you for the correction Francis – well received. We can only assume the correct annual growth rate cited by Ms Martin should have been 0.7% which gets you much closer to 400,000.
As all responsible dog owners know - it’s not bad dogs, it’s usually bad dog owners.
It appears the name ‘Mt Penang Parklands’ is a euphemism for prime real estate, available for sale, for undisclosed sums, to industry andHunterdevelopers.andCentral Coast Development Corporation (HCCDC), which owns and operates the Mount Penang Parklands, is destroying what’s left of valuable community space.Inthe last couple of years over 25 hectares of vital native habitat of (the) parkland has been sold to Borg and Stevens Groups for industry and commercial development.
By the time this letter goes to print another five or so huge established trees will have beenYellowbulldozed.TailedBlack Cockatoo food gone; Ring Tail possum homes, and most likely the
which includes ignoring the public and trashing the last bit of free open community space we have in Kariong.
Email, Sep 9 Barbara Rae, Ourimbah
If one downloads a compound interest calculator onto their phone and inputs a starting figure of 346,596, a period of 21 years and an annual growth
1 B.Burton & C. Nunn * 17 McDonagh Road Wyong * Morning & Afternoon tea will be available from 10am-2.30pm for $7 with all funds to Legacy 2 T. Clifton 105 Mistview Circuit Forresters Beach 3 S. Davies 235 Woodbury Park Drive Mardi 4 F. Inman 22 Marigold Street Woongarrah 5 B. Post 46 Hakone Road Woongarrah 6 T. & D. Major 5 Canberry Close Buff Point 7 K. Mulhall 13 Lakeway drive Lake Munmorah 8 P. & H. Hodgson 33 Stewart Street North Entrance 9 B. & L. Hay 159 Buff Point Avenue Buff Point 10 Lions Sensory Garden The Entrance Road North Entrance 11 The Entrance Surf Club 42 Marine Parade The Entrance The following Gardens will be open for public viewing Come along
It’s the Council that does not take immediate action.
What is going on in Mt Penang ‘Parklands’?
Mount Penang Parklands being destroyed
Huge weekend to wind up Central Coast Music Festival
“With so many having got involved in this first year, the festival will continue to grow with external engagement and support.“Thediversity and number of people participating is testament to industry and venue support, notably from major sponsor Central Coast Leagues Club.”

Dan Sultan will be the headline act on September 17

Howard Shearman performed at Pinocchio’s Wine and Pizza Bar, Gosford

performances from a variety of artists and music industry advice sessions from a range of professionals held at various venues.Gateswill open at 9.30am on September 17 at Central Coast Stadium for a huge day of live music headlined by multi award winning musician Dan Sultan.Having received six ARIA awards to date including Best Artist, Sultan is also an accomplished author and actor.Other acts on the day will be Pierce Brothers, Moving Stills andCannardNEAV. said the fun would
“We have a large South American community on the Coast and there were 15 or 20 people involved with the workshop, engaging those in and around the park.”
The festival will culminate in a huge free community day on Saturday, September 17, and a music masterclass at Drifters Wharf on Sunday, September 18, followed an all ages presentation by Kingdom Sounds.Central Coast Council Unit Manager Community and
Highlights of the week of activities included multiple workshops held at Park House in Gosford, along with live

Terry Collins
The full program of remaining gigs, workshops, pop up performances and the main event can be found online at
The fun kicked off on September 10 with a Brazilian samba workshop in Kibble Park.“We had some really positive feedback,” Cannard said.
huge contribution of the local community, artists and organisations to making the festival a success.

Culture, Glenn Cannard, said the festival had been a huge success and was set to become an annual event.
continue until 4pm ad would include supplementary entertainment including the Gramophone Man with a ‘60s-‘70s juke box, roving entertainment to keep the children amused and a range of food stalls.

On Sunday, September 18, a music industry masterclass conducted by MusicNSW and Central Coast Music & Arts will be held at Drifter’s Wharf, Gosford from 11am-1pm. It will be followed by the ticketed event Never Had So Much Fun, an all-ages event presented by Kingdom Sounds fromCannard2-8.30pm.acknowledged the
“This was a model built on people participating and it was all about the collective effort,” he“Thesaid.festival has enormous potential for growth and Council is looking to expand it, with community involvement so that everybody feels ownership.“Withalot of cool venues and restaurants opening in Gosford there is a real live entertainment scene emerging, with flow-on effects for the economy and tourism.
The inaugural Central Coast Music Festival is set to wind up this weekend as a full week of live music, pop-up experiences and workshops held in and around Gosford since September 10 comes to a close.
Local filmmaker Tina A Wake will preview screen her debut feature film at Avoca Cinema on Monday evening (September 19) and locals are invited to the red carpet event.
“Therefilm.are so many talented professional filmmakers on the Central Coast,” Wake said.
The story is a breakup story with the by-line: An acting couple plays reptilians by day as their relationship falls apart atThenight.reptilian make-up and prosthetics team was led by local special effects artist Col Wilson and filmed by

cinematographer Stephen Mylonas.“Thetwo lead actors Justin Banks and Kirsty McKenzie had such great chemistry and looked like such a real-life couple that the crew couldn’t believe they didn’t already know each other really well,” Wake said.
Raw Challenge epitomises the Iris Foundation core values of resilience, hope and connections and supports Iris Foundation’s work to reduce suicide on the Central Coast.
The comprises starting from Tuesday, 4th October at 9.30am that will provide an intellectual challenge.
Volunteers with the Iris Foundation will help on the registration desk and some obstacle supervision between 7am and 2.30pm.
Bridge is a card game played by four people two competing partnerships. It is a game of thought, patience and strategy.
Calling for volunteers at Raw Challenge
Lead actors Justin Banks and Kirsty McKenzie

Sue Murray
Action 4th
Educational Leadership, Sharon McFarlane.
HSC students showcase musical talent
of six fun lessons
“They performed with a range of instruments, vocals, guitar, drums, bass guitar and in variety of genres such as pop, rock, acoustic, country,” he said.“It was an entertaining showcase of the students’ talents for other classes at the school, the Principal Sam Thomas and Director of
The course is $60 which includes a bonus book full of helpful tips and each lesson is 2 hours
“It takes a village to make a
“We filmed in Long Jetty at the time when there were only really allowed to be two people walking together outside, so we were very limited on what we could and couldn’t do.
A former musician, Wake also wrote three songs for the original soundtrack to the film and performed one by herself, one with Justin Banks while the other was performed by Justin
David Abrahams
film and I couldn’t have done this film without all the dedicated hours the cast and crew put into it.”
The whole production went smoothly, and we shot the 90 minute film in nine days.
Year 12 music students at Lake Munmorah High School took to the stage last week to perform for the public at the school’s annual HSC Music Open Day.

himself.Therehave been three feature films shot on the Central Coast in the last year and numerous short films through the local professional film-making group.Wake is keen to give locals the opportunity to have a special night and celebrate the local industry with a special preview Q&A session at Avoca Theatre on Monday night September 17. Tickets are available via Avoca Beach Cinema.
at a previous Raw Challenge Want to learn more about playing Bridge? LESSONS START Tuesday,
Sue Murray Zane Gould on drums with vocalist Laura Dunn, bass guitarist Josh Brown and Curtis Beveridge on electric guitar
The Iris Foundation is calling for volunteers to help out at this year’s Raw Challenge event at Doyalson.
challengers can jump, climb, balance and crawl their way through about 20 obstacles. There will be a post-race party with food, refreshing beverages by Sydney Brewery and the latest tunes by DJ Magoo.

September 8.
The full feature film ‘Love Triangles’ was shot during the lockdowns here on the Coast when many local film professionals were available and itching to get back into another
Full course: 12 hours of thought-provoking lessons and social interaction Bridge sharpens your brain, improves your memory all while having fun in a safe and relaxed atmosphere!
Music teacher Luke Barnier said solo instrumental and vocal musicians presented a total 14 items for the concert in the school hall on Thursday,
October 2022 at Central Coast Bridge Club - 415 The Entrance Road Long Jetty
The community’s contribution will help them to raise muchneeded funds and have a positive impact in the community.Youdon’thave to be physically buff to volunteer – just over 18 years of age and with a passion for helping others and having fun.Ifyou’re interested in being part of this fun day, email Sue at
For further details call 02 4339 3824 Or email
The Foundation is a supporting charity for the event on Saturday, October 29 and as a thank you, Iris volunteers will be able to try out the course for free at a special Volunteer Run in the afternoon.
The event is part of the Munmorah High’s Year 6 to Year 7 transition program, to give local senior primary students a taste of high school and is also open to parents and the wider community.
Red Carpet night to launch local feature film
Source: Media release, Sep 13 Community Environment Network experiment! Book your ticket either the 10am or 1pm performance to discover if they are successful.
“Meanwhile we are eager to share COSS with the public.
The free event will be held from 10am to 3pm in the Quad at Central Coast Campus of the University of Newcastle at Ourimbah.
“After what feels like a lifetime of mucking around with my art, without ever losing that crazy creative drive, I think it’s about time I went public,” she said.
soon forget.
The Community Environment Network (CEN) has reminded residents that its two-day Love Trees, Love COSS festival will see a Community Day on Saturday, September 17, featuring more than 30 stalls, speakers, a photography exhibition, a wildplant market and more.

“The Coastal Open Space System or COSS has been a unique feature of the southern half of the Central Coast since the 1970s,” Willis said.
for children and kidults 7+, Urza and The Song in the Dark brings together amazing puppetry, live songs and original music, and stunningly layered shadow visuals to take audiences on an epic journey they
“We will have some amazing stalls and speakers.
The one hour story is set in a subterranean wonderland of complex caves, underground lakes, with fantastical creatures and myths waiting to be discovered. Urza hears a mysterious song that leads her on an adventure into the depths of the earth – a journey that may well lead to her saving the world.
Two local artists, Liz Parkinson and Barbara Elkins, recently launched a shared exhibition at the Community Gallery section of the Gosford Regional Gallery.
“The finalists from our #Reconnect film and photography competition will be on exhibition and the winners will be announced.
“It is a unique and beautiful collection of bush reserves that is home to many endangered and threatened species of flora and fauna.
10 and there is little that she does not know about bees, the industry and medicinal and cultural uses for bee products. She is also a talented amateur artist, specialising in the colourful Australian nativism.
questions.”TheCommunity Day will be followed by a COSS Crawl on Sunday, September 18.
This will be a tour of the Coastal Open Space System (COSS) by bus and there are still some seats available cen. ticketed at $30 per person which includes morning tea, lunch, cost of bus hire and guided walk and talk.
“CEN has been working since 2016 for the Coastal Open Space System to be expanded to the whole Central Coast and we will continue that work.
With one performance at 10am on Wednesday 28 September this will tick the box for family entertainment in the first week of the school holidays.
Liz Parkinson’s graphic work is rendered in Indian ink,
discussing the importance of habitat and how we can look after it better and there will be plenty of opportunities to ask
Discover wildflowers in the COSS lands The Alphabet of Awesome Science Tuesday 4 October 10am & 1pm Adult $25 | Concession $22 | Student/Child/Groups 6+ $18 And for those children who are looking for a bit of excitement, a wow, a bang and some whizz … than The Alphabet of Awesome Science may be just the trick. Professor Lexi Con has curated a curious collection of her favourite words (one for every letter of the alphabet) with each word providing Professor Noel Edge with an inspirational point for 26 quirky scientific demonstrations. It’s a performance that’s equal parts explosive, messy, spectacular, hilarious, fascination and gross! And, what’s more - it’s a race? The plucky pair of professors have just 52 minutes to complete their alphabetical, scientifical countdown. That’s just 2 minutes per
The exhibition was opened by international cultural raconteur Russell Darnley to an assembled crowd of local art appreciators on Saturday, August 27.
“The Community Day is a free event and an opportunity to share our love of nature, learn about the environment and have fun.”
Liz has regularly been called an outsider artist, but she’s not at all like the stereotype, nor is she afraid to try new art forms or explore emotions others may find uncomfortable.
David Abrahams
Devised won’t
coloured inks, acrylic paint or felt-tipped pen on paper, she has been highly sought across the world over the years for her incredibly detailed work that delves into deep feelings.
For more than two decades Parkinson’s work has been exhibited in galleries across
“We will have games, waterbug activities,workshops, book signings, an art exhibition, music, speakers, panel discussions and food and drink,” CEN Chief Executive Officer, Samantha Willis, said.
Powerful women, powerful art
Liz Parkinson (left) and Barbara Elkins with Russell Darnley at the exhibition opening

Street Community Theatre Stage these school holidays the theatre is ready to welcome families, children and grandparents to enjoy these offerings. Laycock Street Community Theatre - 5 Laycock Street, Wyoming NSW 2250 Book your tickets at the Box Office 4323 3233 or online at Urza and The Song in the Dark Wednesday 28 September 10am Adult $25 | Concession $22 | Student/Child/Groups 6+ $18
Free community day as part of Love Trees, Love COSS festival
“This is an opportunity for young and old to learn about nature, buy some goodies and have a great day.
“Love Trees, Love COSS is part of CEN’s 25th birthday celebrations,” Willis said.
on Tuesday 4 October
“Our expert speakers will be
ready to hit the
With two
the world, from South Korea to Spain and Italy, Scotland and London and Parkinson’ has also been featured in her extraordinarily detailed local history books of both Terrigal and Forresters Beach, both of which can be found at local libraries.Barbara is an apiarist, known locally as Grandma Bees for her depth of knowledge of beekeeping. Barbara has been a beekeeper since the age of
“School Holiday Fun Hits the Laycock Street Theatre Stage” dynamic shows Laycock

9:00 Today Extra [s]
8:30 Hampton Court - Behind Closed Doors (PG)
9:30 Just For Laughs Australia (M s) [s] 10:00 Just For Laughs Uncut (M s) [s]
6:00 rage (PG) [s]
7:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 8:00 10 News First [s] 8:30 Studio 10 (PG) [s] 12:00 Dr Phil (M) [s]
8:30 Movie: “Hidden Figures” (PG) (’16) – The story of a team of female mathematiciansAfrican-Americanwhoserved a vital role in NASA during the early years of the US space program. Stars: Taraji P Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monáe, Kevin Costner, Jim Parsons, Kirsten Dunst
6:00 Weekend Today [s]
8:30 Lost Pyramids Of The Aztecs (M) (In English/ Spanish)
12:00 ABC News At Noon [s]
5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s]
7:00 Better Homes And Gardens
4:00 Spicks And Specks (PG) [s]
8:30 Savage River (M) [s]
1:00 The Living Room [s] 2:00 Entertainment Tonight [s] 2:30 Ultimate Classroom [s] 3:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s]
6:00 Today [s]
9:10 The Autistic Gardener (PG)
1:45 9Honey - Queen Elizabeth: The Queen In Australia (PG) [s]
5:00 Worldwatch 9:05 Peer To Peer: Oscar Munoz/ Dr. Jim Yong Kim (PG)
6:00 The Drum [s]
Stars: Tom Selleck, Kathy Baker, Kohl Suddut, Gloria Reuben, Stephen McHattie
3:00 NITV News: Nula
7:35 Lost Treasures Of Ancient Rome: Herculaneum (PG)
10:30 rage Guest Programmer (PG) [s]
9:25 World’s Greatest Hotels: Bellagio, Las Vegas (PG)
PRIME (C61/60)
12:30 Rivals (PG) [s]
5:30 Antiques Roadshow [s] 6:30 Compass (PG) [s]
12:00 rage (MA15+) [s]
5:35 Secrets Of The Imperial War Museum (PG)
1:30 Gardening Australia [s] 2:30 Old People’s Home For Teenagers (PG) [s]
10:35 Undercurrent - Real Murder Investigation: The Truth Is Exposed (M v) [s]
10:15 SBS World News Late
11:05 Grayson’s Art Club (PG) 12:00 Worldwatch
6:30 SBS World News
3:30 Farm To Fork [s]
3:05 Escape From The City (PG) [s]
9:00 The Morning Show [s]
5:00 10 News First [s]
6:00 NINE News [s]
7:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s]
4:10 Supervet Specials (PG)
1:00 Drive TV [s]
12:00 ABC News At Noon [s]

7:00 ABC News [s]
6:00 NINE News Saturday [s]
3:00 What’s Up Down Under (PG) [s] 3:30 Taste Of Australia (PG) [s] 4:00 Ultimate Classroom [s] 4:30 Food Trail - South Africa (PG) [s]
11:00 Paul O’Grady For The Love Of Dogs (PG)
2:00 Pointless (PG) [s]
4:40 The Great Train Robbery: The Hidden Tapes
TBA *Live* From TBA [s]
6:00 rage (PG) [s]
5:00 NINE News: First At Five [s]
4:15 HM The Queen - The Family Vigil [s] 5:00 Weekend Today [s]
3:40 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG)
12:30 Home Shopping
2:00 House Of Wellness (PG) [s]
4:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s]
3:30 Great Southern Landscapes (PG) [s]
6:30 SBS World News
10:30 ABC Late News [s]
3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s]
10:05 Food Markets (PG) (In English/ Finnish)
5:00 Seven News At 5 [s]
4:00 NINE’s Afternoon News [s]
9:40 NINE News: Queen Elizabeth II [s] 10:40 NINE News: Remembering Queen Elizabeth II [s] 12:40 Queen Elizabeth II - Above All Else (PG) [s] 2:00 My Years With The Queen (PG) [s] 3:00 NINE News: Remembering Queen Elizabeth II [s] 5:00 Weekend Today [s]
10:30 Jack The Ripper: The Case Reopened (M v)
12:40 The Last Journey Of The Vikings (PG)
11:30 Seven Morning News [s]
8:30 Baptiste (M l,v) [s]
4:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s]
10:45 Das Boot (M l,n,v) (In German/ French/ English)
10:25 The Newsreader: Once In A Lifetime (M) [s]
10:00 The Morning ShowWeekend (PG) [s]
12:00 Worldwatch 1:00 Motor Sports: Speedweek 3:00 Football: Countdown To Qatar 3:30 The Rising: Arthur Ashe 4:00 Cycling: La Vuelta 2022 5:00 Going Places With Ernie Dingo (PG)
9:00 ABC News Mornings [s]
6:00 News Breakfast [s]
10:00 Q+A (PG) [s]
1:00 Savage River (M l,s) [s]
6:30 The Project (PG) [s]
6:00 Seven News [s]
7:35 Greatest Train Journeys From Above (PG)
11:00 The Best Of Back Roads (PG) [s]
6:00 The Talk [s]
8:20 Secrets Of The Tower Of London (PG)
7:00 Weekend Breakfast [s] 9:00 Insiders [s] 10:00 Offsiders [s]
10:30 The World This Week [s] 11:00 Compass [s] 11:30 Songs Of Praise [s] 12:00 ABC News At Noon [s] 12:30 Landline [s]
Stars: Zachary Levi, Mark Strong, Asher Ange, Jack Dylan Grazer, Adam Brody
5:00 Anh’s Brush With Fame (PG) [s]
10:20 Movie: “X-Men” (M h,v) (’00)
11:45 Movie: “Apocalypse Now” (MA15+) (’79) Stars: Martin Sheen
8:30 Program To Be Advised 9:30 Homicide With Ron Iddles: Gina Rossato (M) [s]
5:30 Letters And Numbers
6:00 Mastermind (PG)
5:00 Millionaire Hot Seat [s]
9:30 Summer Love: Imran & Nabilah (M) [s]
12:00 Seven’s Horse Racing: MRC Foundation Race Day/ Royal Randwick/ George Main Stakes Day *Live* [s]
7:00 The Dog House UK (PG) [s] 8:00 Ambulance UK (PG) [s] 10:00 The Cheap Seats (M l) [s] 11:00 NCIS: Lonely Hearts/ Ephemera/ In A Nutshell (M) [s]
6:00 Weekend Today [s] 10:00 Sports Sunday (PG) [s] 11:00 Sunday Footy Show (PG) [s] 12:00 NRL Women’s: Broncos v Eels *Live* From Central Coast Stadium [s]
8:30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (M l,s) [s]
9:15 Elizabeth I And II: The Golden Queens
12:00 Worldwatch
5:00 Worldwatch 9:05 The Autistic Gardener (PG) 10:00 Earth’s Natural Wonders (PG) 11:00 Paul O’Grady For The Love Of Dogs (PG)
6:10 Extraordinary Escapes (PG) [s]
September16Friday Also see: ABC PLUS (Channel 22) ABC ME (Channel 23) ABC NEWS (Channel 24) Also 7TWOsee:(Channel 62) 7MATE (Channel 63) 7FLIX (Channel 66) Also see: GEM (Channel 82) GO! (Channel 83/88) LIFE (Channel 84) Also see: 10 PEACH (Channel 11) 10 BOLD (Channel 12) Also see: SBS VICELAND (Channel 31) SBS MOVIES (Channel 32) SBS FOOD (Channel 33) SBS NITV (Channel 34) September17SaturdaySunday18September Classifications: (G) General, (PG) Parental Guidance, (M) Mature Audiences, (MA15+) Mature Audience Over 15 Years, [s] Subtitles Consumer Advice: (d) drug references, (s) sexual references or sex scenes (h) horror, (l) language, (mp) medical procedures, (n) nudity, (v) violence Builders Licence # 204179C • LICENSED TRADESMAN AND QUALITY WORK • LOCATED ON THE CENTRAL COAST • OVER 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE AND FULLY INSURED • ENTIRE JOB MANAGED BY ONE PROJECT MANAGER • ANY RECONFIGURATIONS ARE EASILY MANAGED - Phone Scotty on 0401 601 082 for a free quotation SCAN FOR MORE INFO
5:00 Worldwatch
3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s]
5:30 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line (PG) [s]
6:00 Sunrise [s]
11:05 Program To Be Advised
12:20 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL (M) [s]
4:00 Think Tank (PG) [s]
6:00 Seven News [s]
10:30 NINE News: Queen Elizabeth II [s]
5:05 Jeopardy! (PG)
10:05 Earth’s Natural Wonders (PG)
2:00 Motorsport: Superbike World Championship
7:30 The Living Room (PG) [s] e our home security smarter.
6:00 The Living Room (PG) [s] 7:00 Running: Blackmores Sydney Running Festival *Live* [s] 10:00 Studio 10: Sunday (PG) [s] 12:30 The Amazing Race Australia (PG) [s] 1:40 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s] 2:00 Pooches At Play [s] 2:30 Luxury Escapes [s] 3:00 Ultimate Classroom [s] 3:30 Food Trail - South Africa (PG) [s] 4:00 Farm To Fork [s] 4:30 Taste Of Australia With Hayden Quinn [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:30 The Sunday Project (PG) [s] 7:30 The Amazing Race Australia (PG) [s] 9:00 NCIS: Hawaii: Monster (M v) [s] 10:00 FBI: Never Trust A Stranger (M v) [s] 11:00 The Sunday Project (PG) [s] 12:00 Home Shopping
2:05 Greek Island Odyssey With Bettany Hughes (PG)
4:00 Seven News At 4 [s]
6:00 Reel Action [s] 6:30 Religious Programs [s] 7:00 Escape Fishing With ET [s]
9:25 Silent Witness: Redemption (Part 2) (M) [s]
ABC (C20/21)
TEN (C10) SBS (C30)
9:00 rage (PG) [s]
12:15 NINE News: Remembering Queen Elizabeth II [s]
10:00 Savage River (M l,s,v) [s]
8:30 Marriage (M l) [s]
4:50 Landline [s]
6:00 Home Shopping
2:00 Midsomer Murders: The Miniature Murders (PG) [s]
5:15 David Attenborough’s Life That Glows (PG) [s]
6:30 SBS World News
5:00 10 News First [s] 6:00 Luxury Escapes (PG) [s] 6:30 Bondi Rescue (PG) [s]
7:30 Gardening Australia [s]
3:05 The Hunt For Shackleton’s Ice Ship (PG)
After a big weekend of camping, the farmers choose who to take on their next solo date. Just as feelings seem to be getting clearer, Sam Armytage returns with a surprise.
1:55 NRL Women’s: Titans v Roosters *Live* [s] 3:45 NRL Women’s: Dragons v Knights *Live* [s] 5:30 RBT: Boss’s Fault (PG) [s]
5:35 Secrets Of The Imperial War Museum (PG)
11:40 Who Gets To Stay In Australia? (M) (In Burmese/ Dzongkha/ English/ Hindi)
10:45 Doc Martin (PG) [s]
7:00 ABC News Sunday [s]
12:50 Summer Love (M) [s]
NINE (C81/80)
7:30 Pat Callinan’s 4X4 Adventures [s] 8:30 What’s Up Down Under [s] 9:30 Studio 10: Saturday [s] 12:00 Luxury Escapes (PG) [s] 12:30 The Living Room (PG) [s] 1:30 Healthy Homes Australia [s] 2:00 Buy To Build [s] 2:30 Planet Shapers (PG) [s]
10:05 Scotland: 1000 Years Of History (PG)
Stars: Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender 12:30 Home Shopping
7:00 NRL: First Semi Final: Eels v Raiders *Live* From Commbank Stadium [s] 9:45 NRL: Post Match [s]
12:30 Vera: Death Of A Family Man (PG) [s]
7:00 NRL: Second Semi Final: Sharks v Rabbitohs *Live* From Allianz Stadium [s] 9:45 NRL: Post Match [s] 10:30 NINE News: Queen Elizabeth II [s] 12:00 NINE News: Remembering Queen Elizabeth II [s] 2:00 Home Shopping 3:00 NINE News: Remembering Queen Elizabeth II [s] 5:00 Weekend Today [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
11:30 NINE’s Morning News [s]
12:00 Movie: “Jesse Stone: Innocents Lost” (M v) (’11)
7:00 Weekend Breakfast [s]
7:30 Death In Paradise: Murder Most Animal (PG) [s]
12:00 Surfing Australia TV [s]
3:30 Rick Stein’s Secret France [s] 4:30 Win The Week (PG) [s] 5:00 Art Works [s]
7:40 Spicks And Specks (PG) [s]
7:00 Border Security - Australia’s Front Line: (PG) [s] Officers are put on high alert when an ex drug addict claims to be trafficking heroin into Australia.
11:45 Police - Hour Of Duty (M l) [s] 1:00 Home Shopping
7:30 Movie: “Shazam!” (M v) (’19)
10:00 Today Extra Saturday [s]
Costa learns about wetlands; Millie meets a native flower grower; Josh returns to a sandy soil transformation.
6:00 NINE News Sunday [s] 7:00 The Block: Kitchen Reveal (PG) [s] 8:30 60 Minutes (PG) [s]
5:30 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]
The Bizarre Pet Vets (PG) [s] 2:30 The Garden Gurus (PG) [s]
12:00 Movie: “Til Ex Do Us Part” (PG) (’18) Stars: Kelly Sullivan, Anna Van Hooft, Dan Payne, Alisha Newton, Sharon Taylor, Sean Kuling, Lee Shan Gibson
5:30 Getaway (PG) [s]
11:20 The Capture (M l,v) [s] 12:20 Harrow (M l,v) [s]
3:00 Touch Football: NSW State Cup: Finals Week 2: Teams
6:00 Home Shopping 7:00 Weekend Sunrise [s] 10:00 The Morning ShowWeekend (PG) [s] 12:00 House Of Wellness (PG) [s] 1:00 Program To Be Advised 2:30 Program To Be Advised 4:00 Better Homes And Gardens 5:00 Seven News At 5 [s] 5:30 Sydney Weekender [s] 7:00 Farmer Wants A Wife (PG) [s]
7:00 Weekend Sunrise [s]
7:30 Egypt Code Breakers (PG) (In English/ French)
11:00 The Project (PG) [s]
5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s]
6:00 News Breakfast [s]
3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s] 4:00 NINE’s Afternoon News [s] 5:00 Millionaire Hot Seat [s]
12:00 Movie: “Hidden Intentions” (M s,v) (’18) Stars: Ashlynn Yennie, Chris McKenna
1:00 Marriage (M l) [s]
9:05 Peer To Peer (PG)
5:00 Worldwatch 9:15 Peer To Peer (PG)
7:30 Great Coastal Railway Journeys: Tynemouth To Bardon Mill/ Newcastle To Lynemouth (PG)
PRIME (C61/60)
6:00 Sunrise [s]
9:00 ABC News Mornings [s]
9:00 Movie: “Sweet Home Alabama” (PG) (’02) Stars: Candice Bergen, Jean Smart
7:30 Hey Hey It’s 100 Years (PG) [s] – In the upcoming ‘Hey Hey It's 100 Years’, Daryl Somers takes a walk down ‘Hey Hey’ lane, reminiscing about the madness and the mayhem.
5:00 Worldwatch 9:00 Peer To Peer: Alan Greenspan/ Anthony M. Kennedy (PG) 10:00 Food Markets (PG) (In English/ Italian) 11:00 Grayson Perry - Divided Britain (M) 12:00 Worldwatch 2:00 Dateline: Football’s Racist Reputation (M) 2:30 Insight: Intuition (M) 3:40 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG) 4:10 Supervet Specials (PG) 5:05 Jeopardy! (PG)
5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s]
8:40 The Hundred With Andy Lee (M) [s] 9:40 Botched: Jaw Dropping Booberati (MA15+) [s]
9:50 Air Crash Investigations: Caught In A Jam (PG) [s]
The Block: Living And Dining Room Week (PG) [s]
11:15 The
10:35 SBS World News Late 11:05 Beforeigners (MA15+) (In Norwegian/ English)
6:00 The Drum [s]
5:30 Letters And Numbers 6:00 Mastermind (PG)
7:30 The Amazing Race Australia (PG) [s]
11:10 Fortunate Son: Eve Of Destruction (M d,v) [s] 12:00 Emergence: Fatal Emergence (M v) [s]
10:20 10 Years Younger In 10 Days (PG) [s] 11:20 The Latest Seven News [s] 11:50 Chicago Fire: Winterfest (M) [s]
8:30 The
TEN (C10) SBS (C30)
12:00 ABC News At Noon [s]
1:00 The Amazing Race Australia (PG) [s] 2:30 Entertainment Tonight [s] 3:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s]
3:40 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG)
7:30 Farmer Wants A Wife (PG) [s]
5:25 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]
9:00 The Morning Show [s]
7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s]
4:55 Anh’s Brush With Fame (PG) [s]
11:05 Grayson’s Art Club (PG) 12:00 Worldwatch
3:00 Escape From The City (PG) [s]
4:10 The Supervet (PG)
7:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s]
7:30 The Amazing Race Australia (PG) [s] 8:30 The Cheap Seats (PG) [s] 9:30 NCIS: Great Wide Open (M) [s] 10:30 NCIS: Los Angeles: A Tale Of Two Igors (M v) [s]
6:00 The Drum [s]
6:00 Today [s] 9:00 Today Extra [s] 11:30 NINE’s Morning News [s]
6:00 Today
7:30 Lighthouses - Building The Impossible: The Longstone (M)
2:05 Greek Island Odyssey With Bettany Hughes (PG)
11:30 NINE’s
11:00 David Attenborough’s Life That Glows [s]
4:05 Think Tank (PG) [s]
1:25 Vera (M v) [s]
5:00 10 News First [s]
9:00 ABC News Mornings [s]
5:30 Letters And Numbers 6:00 Mastermind (PG)
8:30 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL (M) [s]
12:30 National Press Club Address
3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s]
4:00 Seven News At 4 [s]
6:00 Sunrise [s]
6:00 Today [s] 9:00 Today Extra [s]
4:30 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
The farmers take Sam’s Choice out on a date and it’s not long before new romances are born. Back at the farm partners are left wondering when their farmers will return.
6:00 NINE News [s]
3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s]
6:30 SBS World News
5:00 The
7:30 7.30 [s]
6:30 The Project (PG) [s]
8:30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (M) [s]
The Block: Living And Dining Room Week (PG) [s]
10:00 Landline [s]
9:20 Extreme Weddings Australia (PG) [s]
8:00 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]
4:00 Think Tank (PG) [s]
8:40 Emergency (M) [s] 9:40 100% Footy (M) [s] 10:40 NINE News Late [s]
6:00 The Drum [s]
3:30 Freshly Picked [s]
10:30 ABC Late News [s]
A Current Affair (PG) [s]
3:00 Going Places With Ernie Dingo (PG)
4:00 Seven News At 4 [s]
8:30 DNA Family Secrets (PG)
6:00 Seven News [s]
2:00 The Durrells (PG) [s]
4:25 rage (MA15+) [s] Australia’s longest running music TV show, rage is home to the biggest vault of music videos from a diverse range of artists, genres and eras.
10:00 Four Corners (PG) [s]
[s] 12:30 The Project (PG) [s] 5:00
1:00 Emergency (PG) [s] 2:00 Pointless (PG) [s]
2:00 Autopsy USA: Patrick Swayze (PG) [s]
4:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s] 4:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:30 The Project (PG) [s]
8:30 Insight: Intuition (M)
6:00 News Breakfast [s]
12:00 ABC News At Noon [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
11:00 Antiques Roadshow [s]
5:30 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]
7:00 Home
3:00 Going Places With Ernie Dingo (PG)
9:30 Just For Laughs Australia (M) [s]
11:45 Autopsy
3:05 Escape From The City (PG) [s]
12:00 ABC News At Noon [s]
9:00 Today Extra [s]
Stars: Elizabeth Gillies, Cynthia Stevenson, William R. Moses, Sebastian Pigott, Tori Anderson, Tom Barnett
6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show [s] 11:30 Seven Morning News [s]
7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
9:00 ABC News Mornings [s] 10:00 Program To Be Advised 10:30 That Pacific Sports Show (PG) [s] 11:00 Rick Stein’s Secret France (PG) [s] 12:00 ABC News At Noon [s] 1:00 Win The Week (PG) [s] 1:30 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL (M) [s] 2:00 All Creatures Great And Small (PG) [s] 3:00 Escape From The City (PG) [s] 4:00 Think Tank (PG) [s] 5:00 Anh’s Brush With Fame (PG) [s] 5:30 Hard Quiz (PG) [s] 6:00 The Drum [s] 6:55 Sammy J (PG) [s] 7:00 ABC News [s] 7:30 7.30 [s] 8:00 Foreign Correspondent [s] 8:30 Q+A [s] 9:35 Kurt Fearnley’s One Plus One [s] 6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show [s] 11:30
6:00 News Breakfast [s]
9:30 Home - The Story Of Earth: Water [s]
3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s]
3:30 Freshly Picked With Simon Toohey [s]
10:45 The Business [s]
6:00 The Talk [s] 7:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 7:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 8:00 10 News First [s] 8:30 Studio 10 (PG) [s] 12:00 Dr Phil (M) [s] 1:00 Shaun Micallef’s Brain Eisteddfod [s] 2:00 Entertainment Tonight [s] 2:30 My Market Kitchen [s] 3:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 3:30 Freshly Picked With Simon Toohey [s] 4:00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield [s] 4:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:30 The Project (PG) [s] 7:30 The Dog House Australia (PG) [s] 8:40 Shaun Micallef’s Brain Eisteddfod [s] 9:40 Bull: Evidence To The Contrary (M) [s]
3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s]
11:30 Seven Morning News [s]
September20TuesdaySeptember19MondayThursday22SeptemberWednesday21September Programming information correct at time of going to press, changes are at the network’s discretion Prepared by National Typesetting Services Also see: ABC PLUS (Channel 22) ABC ME (Channel 23) ABC NEWS (Channel 24) Also 7TWOsee:(Channel 62) 7MATE (Channel 63) 7FLIX (Channel 66) Also see: GEM (Channel 82) GO! (Channel 83/88) LIFE (Channel 84) Also see: 10 PEACH (Channel 11) 10 BOLD (Channel 12) Also see: SBS VICELAND (Channel 31) SBS MOVIES (Channel 32) SBS FOOD (Channel 33) SBS NITV (Channel 34)
6:00 The Talk [s] 7:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s]
7:00 ABC News [s]
5:25 Hard Quiz (PG) [s]
7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s]
5:05 Jeopardy! (PG)
ABC (C20/21)
12:00 Movie: “Watch Your Back” (AKA ‘Killer Photo’) (M l,v) (’15) Stars: AnnaLynne McCord
10:05 Food Markets (PG) (In English/ German)
5:00 Worldwatch
8:30 Old People’s Home For Teenagers (PG) [s]
7:30 The State Funeral Of HM Queen Elizabeth II *Live* From St. George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle [s] – Live coverage of The State Funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth II.
1:40 The Durrells (PG) [s]
2:00 What The Killer Did Next: Kate Prout (M) [s]
10:05 Adam Hills: The Last Leg (M) [s]
2:30 Program To Be Advised
2:00 What The Killer Did Next: Norma Bell (M) [s]
4:10 The Supervet (PG)
9:00 Summer Love: Marion & Eddy (MA15+) [s]
10:40 NINE News Late [s] 11:10 Law & Order: Organized Crime: Lost One (MA15+) [s] 11:55 See No Evil: Manhunt (M) [s] 12:45 The Tipping Point (PG) [s] 1:30 Home Shopping 4:00 Religious Programs 4:30 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
9:35 Win The Week (PG) [s]
5:00 The Chase Australia (PG) [s] 6:00 Seven News [s]
7:30 Armed And Dangerous: Breakouts (M v) [s]
8:50 The Chernobyl Disaster: Fallout (M) [s]
12:00 The Block: Living And Dining Room Week (PG) [s] 1:00 The Hundred With Andy Lee (M) [s] 2:00 Pointless (PG) [s] 3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s] 4:00 NINE’s Afternoon News [s] 5:00 Millionaire Hot Seat [s] 6:00 NINE News [s]
5:30 Letters And Numbers 6:00 Mastermind (PG) 6:30 SBS World News
7:30 The Australian Wars (M) 8:35 24 Hours In Emergency: Back To Square One (M) 9:30 The Stranger (MA15+) 10:30 SBS World News Late 11:00 Vienna Blood: Devil’s Kiss (Part 1 And 2) (MA15+) Seven Morning News [s] Movie: “A Perfect Murder” l,s,v) (’98) Stars: Michael Douglas, Gwyneth Paltrow, Viggo Mortensen Kochie’s Business Builders Highway Patrol (PG) [s] Chase UK (PG) [s] Seven News At 4 [s] Chase Australia (PG) [s] Seven News [s] And Away (PG) [s] Front Bar: Grand Final Edition (M) [s] Join Sam Pang, Mick Molloy and Andy Maher as they share a laugh about the world of sport and catch up with stars of yesteryear and today. For The Horses [s] Latest Seven News [s] USA: Davy Jones (MA15+) [s] Shopping [s] Extra [s] Morning News [s] (M) Worldwatch Peer To Peer: Jerome Powell/ Kevin Plank (PG) Food Markets (PG) Grayson Perry’s Rites Of Passage (PG) Worldwatch Greek Island Odyssey With Bettany Hughes (PG) Going Places With Ernie Dingo (PG) The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG) The Supervet (PG) Jeopardy! (PG) Letters And Numbers 6:00 Mastermind (PG) SBS World News Guillaume’s Paris (PG) World’s Most Scenic River Journeys: The Potomac (PG) The Handmaid’s Tale (PG) SBS World News Late Gomorrah (MA15+) (In Italian) Luther (MA15+) Food Safari
3:00 The
9:00 Today
7:00 ABC News [s]
8:00 Take 5 With Zan Rowe: Guy Pearce (PG) [s]
11:30 Seven Morning News [s]
7:30 7.30 [s]
7:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 8:00 10 News First [s] 8:30 Studio 10 (PG) [s] 12:00 Dr Phil (M) [s]
9:00 The Morning Show [s]
4:55 Anh’s Brush With Fame (PG) [s]
4:00 Seven News At 4 [s]
2:05 Greek Island Odyssey With Bettany Hughes (PG)
10:00 The Montreal Comedy Festival (M l,s) [s]
10:00 SBS World News Late 10:30 The Point (PG)
8:00 10 News First [s] 8:30 Studio 10 (PG) [s] 12:00 Dr Phil (M) [s]
11:15 Grayson’s Art Club (PG) 12:10 Worldwatch
11:45 Heartbreak Island Australia (M l) [s]
1:00 The Amazing Race Australia (PG) [s] 2:10 Entertainment Tonight [s] 2:30 My Market Kitchen [s]
3:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s]
6:30 SBS World News
10:50 The Latest Seven News [s] 11:20 Chicago Fire: Back With A Bang (M) [s] 12:30 Home Shopping
10:15 Food Markets (PG) (In English/ Portuguese)
11:00 Program To Be Advised 12:05 The Capture (M l,v) [s]
NINE (C81/80)
11:15 The Latest Seven News [s]
1:30 Home Shopping 4:00 Religious Programs
NINE’s Morning News [s]
9:40 24 Hours In Emergency: With Or Without You (M)
6:00 Seven News [s]
3:00 Escape From The City [s]
6:00 NINE News [s]
5:05 Jeopardy! (PG)
5:00 Anh’s Brush With Fame (PG) [s]
6:00 The Talk [s]
3:40 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw (PG)
12:00 The Block: Kitchen Reveal (PG) [s] 1:30 Getaway (PG) [s] 2:00 Pointless (PG) [s]
9:30 Dateline: Football’s Racist Reputation (M)
10:00 Here
1:00 Home
9:00 ABC News Mornings [s]
4:00 Everyday Gourmet [s] 4:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s]
7:30 The Block: Living And Dining Room Week (PG) [s]
4:00 Think Tank (PG) [s]
12:00 The Block: Living And Dining Room Week (PG) [s] 1:00 Taronga: Who’s Who In The Zoo [s] 2:00 Pointless (PG) [s] 3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s] 4:00 NINE’s Afternoon News [s] 5:00 Millionaire Hot Seat [s] 6:00 NINE News [s] 7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s] 7:30 RBT: Best Friends/ V8 Dreaming (PG) [s] 8:30 Program To Be Advised 9:30 New Amsterdam: Unfinished Business (M) [s] 10:30 NINE News Late [s] 11:00 The Equalizer: Pilot (MA15+) [s] 11:50 The Gulf (M l,s) [s] 12:40 Tipping Point (PG) [s] 1:30 Home Shopping 4:00 Religious Programs 4:30 A Current Affair (PG) [s] 6:00 The Talk [s] 7:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 7:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 8:00 10 News First [s] 8:30 Studio 10 (PG) [s] 12:00 Dr Phil (M) [s] 1:00 The Amazing Race Australia (PG) [s] 2:10 Entertainment Tonight [s] 2:30 Food Trail - South Africa (PG) [s] 3:00 Judge Judy (PG) [s] 3:30 Freshly Picked [s] 4:00 Everyday Gourmet [s] 4:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:30 The Project (PG) [s] 7:30 Football: Socceroos v New Zealand *Live* From Suncorp Stadium [s] 10:30 Program To Be Advised 11:30 Law & Order: SVU: Turn Me On, Take Me Private
11:30 NINE’s Morning News [s]
11:00 Dementia & Us (PG) [s]
1:00 Rosehaven (PG) [s]
4:00 NINE’s Afternoon News [s] 5:00 Millionaire Hot Seat [s]
1:00 Hello SA (PG) [s]
7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s] 7:30 The Block: Living And Dining Room Week (PG) [s] 8:30 Paramedics (M) [s] 9:30 A+E After Dark (M) [s] 10:30 NINE News Late [s] 11:00 Family Law: Baby Off Board (M s) [s] 11:50 Chicago Med: It May Not Be Forever (PG) [s] 12:40 The Tipping Point (PG) [s] 1:30 Home Shopping 4:00 Religious Programs 4:30 A Current Affair (PG) [s]
6:00 Today [s]
7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s]
7:30 The Bold And The Beautiful (PG) [s]
12:00 Movie: “My Father Must Die” (AKA ‘Killing Daddy’) (M v) (’14)
10:00 Foreign Correspondent [s]
WWW.COASTCOMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AUFOLLOW US PAGE 18 FRIDAY, 16 SEPTEMBER 2022 ACROSS 1. South Africa’s ... Town 4. Patchy (complexion) 8. Street urchin 11. Speak publicly 13. US film award 15. Conveys by coaches 17. Deciduous tree 18. Authoritative command 20. Classifieds 21. Destiny 24. Wall fresco 27. Pub drink 28. Delay 30. Early Peruvians 31. Intimate (friend) 33. Vipers 34. Eldest 35. Tiny songbird 36. Flex 39. Sinew 42. Clear 44. Talk wildly 45. Kidney treatment, ... 46.dialysisRelinquish (territory) 48. Stop momentarily 49. Pop (balloon) 50. Work-out clubs 52. Exalts 54. Muscle twitches 55. Hillbilly 56. Scabbard 57. Outlays money 60. Ogled 62. Stiffened 65. Door sections 67. Cooking herb 69. Cutting blade 70. Adjust (clock) 72. Buck’s mate 73. Military leaders, top ... 75. Taking illegal drugs 77. Meadow 79. Delete 81. Egg-layer 82. Wrongfully seize 84.(power)Serving spoon 85. Wrote in icing 86. Croak 87. Edible shellfish 88. Fuse (metal) DOWN 1. Havana is there 2. Sheriff’s search party 3. Before (poetic) 4. Child’s toy, teddy ... 5. Atlantic & Pacific 6. Punctuation marks 7. Belonging to you 8. Lump (of chewing gum) 9. Soprano solos 10. Doom 12. Invited 14. Stringed instrument 16. Goat mammary gland 19. Sanitary 22. Passionate 23. Reflector 25. Worthwhile 26. Sharp-tasting 29. Daydream 32. Monarch’s sphere 35. Finishes off (5,2) 37. Pitchers 38. Made grubby 40. Adversary 41. Asian nation 42. Provinces 43. Show sum owed 44. Football code 47. Duke’s wife 51. More promptly 52. Control handles 53. Wool clippers 54. Inn 58. Movie star 59. Hog’s home 61. Step inside 63. Lodge deeply 64. Rushes 65. Swoop 66. Boost (3-2) 68. Cures 71. Avoid (capture) 72. Highly priced 74. Interrupting cough 76. Naughty kids 78. Imitated 80. Drain 83. Stitch MISSING LINK Fill in each letter of the alphabet once only. Missing Link Solution: © Lovatts Puzzles I K D N C E M I N U M I L A A B L O O E A R R E S R N U E R A L O R I E R E E N R I T E S N R D E O R S Y E O J D A N M A B L Z A U R N R C E V E N W G R I T E O S L N P R I D E F O R K S MISSING LINK Fill in each letter of the alphabet once only. PUZZLES Affordable Over 55’s Living in Point Clare Aubrey Downer Residential Aged Care home sits on eight hectares of lush undulating hills in Point Clare. Our two hostels share the grounds with three separate Independent Living Units, set up as either one bedroom or bed sitter configuration. Affordable housing can be hard to find, especially in the peaceful and serene settings we offer at Aubrey IfDowner.youwould like to know what’s on offer, enquire today by contacting our administration officer, Jade on 02 4324 2068 Bedsit’s available now – only $215 p/w LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS - PAGE 2

and Lunch event. Make
live DJs, Drag, Music & Performance. > Free Event, 18+ YOUTH DANCE PARTY FRIDAY 30 SEPT Ultra violet Dance party for Rainbow Youth, mates and allies. Its time to get your glow on & celebrated you! > Free Event, 12-17 yrs

55+ and seniors
A regular social club for LGBTIQ with yummy Brunch new friendships up with familiar faces.



Rumpus is where the wild things are! A Cabaret featuring some of Australia’s most significant LGBTIQA+ artists across stage, screen and club scenes. > 18+ BEACH PICNIC PARTY SATURDAY 1 OCT Fun in the Coastie sun. Bring your pooches, picnic, posse & your loudest tropical wear. Live entertainment, volleyball, DJs & activities > Free Event, All Ages DANCE SATURDAYPARTY1OCT Surrealist costume ball. Performers, visuals, DJs in an immersive party vibe. > 18+ SUNDAYCOMEDY2 OCT Loads of Belly Laughs served by Kweens of Comedy with a side serve of local yummies. > 18+ FAIRDAY Featuring ELECTRIC FIELDS MONDAY 3 OCT All day entertainment, shopping, curated food + Bar, DJs, Rainbow family zones, teen hangout & Puparazzi Pooch Parade. > Free Event, All AgesSLE’OFHOUSE•SLIPPERSRUBY•VILLASCHARLIEDJ•SVETADJ•DRAGNATIONAL&LOCAL•MAYNGEJOYCE• •FUZZPEACH•GINAVA•TIMESTORYDRAG•COMEDYOFKWEENS•TAIDYAN•SHARON•GALEXYSEXY•3DMISS • ETCETERA ETCETERA • EMPRESS STAH • ELECTRIC FIELDS • DJ JONNY SEYMOUR • PUPPETRY BY ERTH •


> Free Event, 55+

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> Free Event, All
27 Sept - MON 3 OCT 2022 CENTRAL

a unique food, drink and entertainment
A Monthly Queer Travelling Social club through Gosford in with


A little bit Naughty and a whole lot of Nice. Drag Bingo with the locals, will be treating punters to a fun and hysterical Bingo session!
and catch

This debut novel by Tess Gunty is a great read.
Inclusive dance party a big hit
Joan lives in C2, she is in her 40’s and “has the posture of a question mark, a stock face, and a pair of nineteenth-century eyeglasses. Her solitude is as prominent as the cross around her neck. You could be persuaded you’d never seen her before, even if you passed her daily. You could be persuaded you saw her every day, even if you ‘d never passed her before.”
Joan works at
“When we were in the middle of a sacrifice, it was like I was – like we were processed. Like in a horror movie…. Like we had no control at all.”
Terrigal Club sponsored Kincumber to charter.
Vacca Vale used to be something, back when Zorn Automobiles had a factory there, which meant the people had jobs.
Source: Media release, Sep 14 Social Futures
More than 150 people partied on Friday night, September 9, at the Central Coast’s second Waves Inclusive Dance, organised by young people with a disability.
She has been admonished by her boss for allowing an “unfit for publication” comment about Elsie which was written by Elsie’s son Moses.Moses, upon finding out his comment has been taken down has become incensed and vows to get back at Joan.
A spokesperson said the 70 people attending the 40th Anniversary event included charter members and Past Presidents Michael Hunter and Ron Tesoriero.
community issues,accelerating solutions to health problems such as polio, expanding horizons for young people, creating vocational excellence and helping local communities to enjoy fun and fellowship.
Elsie was in her 80’s but when she was a young girl, she starred in the hugely popular tv show Meet the Neighbors, “a mid-twentieth-century show about a family of misfit city folks who move to a farm town.”
In apartment C8 of the Rabbit Hutch is a mother trying to nurse her fourweek-old baby.
inclusive and accessible for others with a disability.
The town is dying … and the lengths some will go to because they resist change.
Three boys, Jack, Todd and Malik and one girl, Blandine Watkins.
The Waves organising committee is supported by
and her job is to screen for inappropriate comments on the deceased and Elsie Blitz is one of those deceased.
It was chartered on June 22, 1982, with 22 members, but the Charter Night was September 10, 1982.
She has a phobia of the baby’s eyes and can’t bear to look at them.
“(Many) recalled fond memories of the fun had while working side by side on projects, working bees and community events, in particular in 1986, when the Club organised the community celebration of the opening of the Mooney Mooney Bridge on December
Ida thinks the people in the apartment above them are throwing their dead mice out the window, which then lands on Ida’s balcony.
Social Futures’ Community Development Coordinator, Scott Jones, said the Waves organising committee is planning to hold the dances every three months, with a third event to be held before Christmas (date to be confirmed).Formore information email or contact Scott Jones on 0434 312 536.
Terrigal Rotary and Social Futures, an NDIS partner in the community.Organiser Andie Poetschka said the Central Coast needed an event where people with disabilities felt welcome and safe.“Our aim was to do something for people over 18 on the Central Coast, where they could be treated with respect and feel free to be themselves,” she“Thesaid.fact that Waves is organised by people with disabilities makes it more
“It was clear that all still have a soft spot for their club and their fellow Rotarians,” the spokesperson said.
In C6 live an elderly couple named Ida and Reggie.
Elsie played Susie Evans, “only six years old when the show began, but she acted with the grace and confidence of an adult.”
Past Presidents Past Presidents Max Wilson, Ron Tesoriero, Michael Hunter, Ralph Brown and John Heuston
But why would Elsie’s son try to publish such an unflattering picture of his mother?
“Everyone – with and without disabilities – felt comfortable, could be themselves and could have fun in a safe, accepting and inclusive space.
Publisher: One World
“It was brilliant, and for many younger people with disabilities their first chance to hear live music.”
The first Waves Inclusive Dance was held in June and attracted a crowd of 60, with attendance at the second event at Central Coast Leagues Club confirming the initiative is fast growing in popularity.

“Members14.and guests were welcomed by President Margaret Neal and celebrated with like-minded individuals their years of community service.“This included taking on national and international building projects, tackling
The Rabbit Hutch is about the week
The Waves organising committee: Ben Brown, Andie Poetschka, Maddy Dimond, Maggie Vincent (Rotary), Scott Jones (Social Futures) and Brendan Jones
“Before she was a mother the mother was Hope.”
Kim Reardon The Reluctant Book Critic
The Rotary Club of Kincumber celebrated its 40th birthday on Monday night, September 12, at Davistown RSL Club.

Source: Media release, Sep 14 Kincumber Rotary Club
Kincumber Rotary turns 40
Her husband comes home from work and tells Hope that Elsie Blitz
In C4 lives four teenagers who have aged out of foster care.
Author: Tess Gunty
Blandine is also very intelligent and received a scholarship to go to Philomena’s, a prestigious private school, but something happened, and she never graduated.
The characters in this book are all a little crazy and a lot lonely.
This lack of control will lead to disastrous consequences.
Rotary turned 100 in Australia and New Zealand in 2021, with big celebrations highlighting the organisation’s message of Service Above Self, so Kincumber Rotary is still quite a young club.
“Kincumber’s fundraising efforts over the years have assisted many organisations and causes in the local community through Christmas raffles, Christmas tree sales and involvement at markets.”
The HutchRabbit


“The agony is sweet, as the mystics promised.”Blandineis a student of the female mystics and in particular Hildegard von Bingen, who lived over 900 years ago (as an aside I suggest you do a google search for von Bingen, what an amazing woman!)
The Rabbit Hutch is a term used for the La Lapinère Affordable Housing Complex, a run-down apartment building located in Vacca Vale, Indiana.
A highlight of the program was a stirring rendition by a quintet of Past Presidents Max Wilson, Ron Tesoriero, Michael Hunter, Ralph Brown and John Heuston.
“At Waves we are free to dance if we want, have a drink if we want and be treated like adults, like we want to be treated and not feeling like we’re being ‘looked after’.
passed away.
preceding an event that will have Blandine “exit her body.”
More about Elsie later.
It seems to be a random grouping of people but, creatively, it all comes together in the end.
But the factory closed, and Vacca Vale’s best days are behind it.
“Most people are beautiful because they look like the average of everybody else, but Blandine is beautiful because she looks bizarre… A beauty that should be ugly but isn’t.”
Jack, Todd and Malik are all a little bit in love with Blandine and for some crazy reason think animal sacrifices are the way to get Blandine’s attention.Jacksays,
“The Sydney mega-region includes the Central Coast City and currently delivers around a third of the Australian GDP making it by far the most important economic region in Australia and with over 6.3 million people it needs to be planned to grow as a globally competitive conurbation.”
connect communities, as well as strategic plans for the passengers and businesses that use airports, including general aviation airports such asMannWarnervale.”saidanother subject was to gain more understanding around what achieving a climate resilient city would require.“Regrettably, there is no mention of biodiversity in the Six Cities document,” he said.
The UDIA welcomed the Discussion Paper’s recognition that better connections throughout the Six Cities would open up new opportunities for settlement and support increased housing supply.
Business NSW Central Coast has welcomed the announcement that the State Government’s new one-stop shop Women in Business Hub has gone live.
“We need to use this major strategy review now to implement better processes for planning, governance, and engagement to unlock the private sector investment required to support the NSW Government’s vision for the Six Cities Region as Australia’s economic powerhouse,” Mann said.The Six Cities Discussion Paper is now open for public comment on the Greater Cities Commission website.
UDIA Central Coast Chair Caine King (from left) at last week’s meeting with Minister for Planning and Homes Anthony Roberts, Parliamentary Secretary Central Coast Adam Crouch and UDIA NSW Chief Executive Steve Mann

New online hub will help female business leaders

98 per cent of all businesses in the state but just 33 per cent are led by women,” Kean said.
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with a focus on health, technology and food manufacturing linked to freight systems.“There needs to be better digital connectivity to support innovation districts,” Mann said.“Planning is needed for fast rail over the longer term and in the medium term we need better transport including improved bus services to
“The Women in Business Hub appears to be another Service NSW offered aggregator and as
such, has lots of handy links to resources, opportunities and compliance requirements and considerations when running a business,” she said.
“The 100-plus links across the entire site take you to other government resources, forms, websites of useful organisations and funding opportunities.
The “bold and ambitious” plan for the Six Cities Region has been welcomed by the Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA) for its clear vision to create Australia’s economic powerhouse.
the sentiment in the Six Cities Discussion Paper and called on the NSW Government to focus on several actions in Central Coast City immediately to get the vision off to the best possible start.
“We see the opportunity for new towns and centres to
emerge within the Six Cities Region supported by appropriate infrastructure at regional, city and local scale,” Mann“Thissaid.should be managed with a settlement strategy that considers greater potential for population growth and broader acceptance post-COVID working from home, while still maximising the benefits of the established key centres in each of the Cities.
He said that included more ambitious housing targets to address supply challenges; updated industrial lands policy across the Six Cities; and a new innovation district to be developed on the Central Coast
Terry Collins
“We clearly have a long way to go before this is achievable and government must get it right as the mega-region represents 90 percent of new housing supply for NSW,” he said.CEO of UDIA NSW, Steve Mann said their Issues Paper – Priority Focus Areas to Ensure Success for the Six Cities Region – aligned closely with
“However, I think the most useful aspect for women is the ‘Business Concierge’ offering personalised support via a phone booking system and Business Connect, offering tailored advice.
“The vision of achieving higher housing and jobs targets won’t be achieved in the Central Coast City without committing to a strategic solution to balance biodiversity and growth outcomes.”
Designed to make it easier for women in NSW to start, run and grow their own businesses, the hub offers a range of support mechanisms.“Business NSW has been advocating for increased support for female business owners, and it is encouraging to see a dedicated online resource to assist female business owners navigate the complexities of running a business,” Business NSW Senior Director Region and Visitor Economy Paula Martin said.“While females are the fastest growing cohort of business
businesses,” she said.
“The hub will connect women with personalised support, a ‘women in business’ toolkit, opportunities for networking, training, grants, funding and mental health support to enable more women to start and grow their own business.”
Taylor, said the 2021-22 NSW Intergenerational Report identified that although women’s participation in business ownership is projected to increase, it is still expected to remain below that of“Wemen.have created the hub to help women overcome the initial challenges of starting and developing their own
The new hub will provide tools for women starting up a business
Chair of UDIA Central Coast Chapter, Caine King, said the NSW Government’s new strategic focus on the Six Cities Region presented an enormous and crucial opportunity to set the Central Coast City on a path for exponential growth as part of the broader Sydney megaregion.“Ifthe proper settings are put in place now, we can build better communities with enhanced economic, social and environmental benefits and lift the global competitiveness of NSW,” he said.“The blueprint represents a clear vision for the Six Cities Region and it will be essential to leverage this new focus,
King said the 10-year outlook indicated that 400,000 new dwellings would be needed by 2031 in the Six Cities Region.
owners across the nation, they still lag behind their male counterparts representing around 33 per cent of ownership.“Anysupport program that helps women boost their success as business owners, encourages entrepreneurialism and helps them cope with responsibilities like family would be helpful to any female business owner on the Central Coast.”Treasurer Matt Kean said the online hub was a recommendation of the Government’s Women’s Economic Opportunities Review to improve women’s financial security through increased workplace participation.“Thereare an estimated 800,000 small businesses in NSW, accounting for more than
Minister for Women, Bronnie
Sue Murray
“I can see these adding real value for women who may just want to talk to someone about anForissue.”more information on the hub go to
“It will connect women to trusted resources including the Women’s Financial Toolkit and the Return to Work Toolkit which was designed to help women easily navigate reliable resources.”Thehubwill provide female business owners information on grants, funding, training education, networking, mentoring, mental health support as well as links to assistance.Founder and Executive Director of Women on Boards, Claire Braund, said an online portal which helps people navigate the “bureacracy of doing business” can save everyone in business a great deal of wasted time and effort.
‘Bold and ambitious’ plan for economic powerhouse
whereby the value of the megaregion is greater than the sum of its six parts to enable that vision to turn into reality.
Business & Property
“This vision also lays the groundwork to supercharge the development of more modern and advanced manufacturing in the Six Cities which will be key to boosting economic activity and creating more skilled jobs.”
The Region and City Plans will be informed by integrated data, including the priority actions set out in the NSW Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and the 2022 NSW Floods Inquiry, to reflect and respond to exposure and vulnerability to climaterelated risks, particularly urban heat, bushfire and flooding.
The Region and City Plans will prioritise areas for housing developments that are connected to transport hubs and supported by local infrastructure.Thepaper also suggests increasing the proportion of multi-unit and higher density housing in accessible locations that are supported by infrastructure.TheCommission will work with government at all levels to improve delivery of affordable housing, including new financing mechanisms, with a 10 per cent affordable housing target for new rezonings where there will be a housing uplift.
The discussion paper can be accessed on the Greater Cities Commission website.
The Region and City Plans will identify locations with low rates of digital connectivity and where higher speed or increased connectivity would support innovation districts.
local jobs and
economies is another “region shaper”, with the Region Plan and City Plans to include globally significant innovation districts with strategic economic advantage in each city, to be linked to port and airport gateways, university campuses and VET training institutions.
Terry Collins
The paper sets out six key “region shapers” to form the basis of a united mega-city.
Plans for a mega-city incorporating the Central Coast and stretching from the Lower Hunter and Newcastle in the north to Illawarra-Shoalhaven in the south have taken a step forward with the release of the Six Cities Discussion Paper for public comment.

Premier Dominic Perrottet said the plan was to establish a globally competitive city region with more jobs, housing, education opportunities and lifestyle benefits, bettering the lives of everyone in the Six Cities.“Our ambitious vision includes unlocking new opportunities for businesses across the Six Cities in traditional industries and also in the industries of the future such as defence technology, aerospace, medtech and renewable energy,” he said.
Six Cities Discussion Paper open for comment
“With more migrants set to settle in the Six Cities – our plans will include targets to achieve the housing we need.
A map showing the Six Cities • Purchase & Sale of Property • Refinancing Mortgages • Purchase & Sale of Business • Retirement Villages APPEARANCES • AVO Matters • Drink Driving 4323 4766 138 Robina Town Centre Drive Robina Qld 4226 PO Box 3275 Robina Town Centre Qld 4230 Tel: 1300 36 0867 Fax: 1300 81 8962 email: PROOF DQCW SOLICITORS & LAWYERS Linda ByHomeSinceLawyerEmery1983Hospital&VisitsAppointment Terrigal seniors housing application amended Residents have until October 10 to make a submission on revised plans for a seniors housing development in Painters Lane, Terrigal. The amendments would see the number of proposed reduced from 25 to 21 and a 3m reduction in the height of the development to comply with development standards. They would also see greater setbacks provided and room locations configured to reduce overlooking.Apartment sizes have also beenMultipleamended.objections were received to the original application, which was estimated to cost more than $14.5M.Details are available on the Central Coast Council website. Source: Central Coast Council DA DA63749/2021tracker An artist’s impression of the development supplied with the original application

First Nations peoples will be involved in strategic planning, linking to the NSW Government’s Implementation Plan for the National Agreement on Closing the Gap by: creating new partnership frameworks; amplifying First Nations perspectives in NSW Government decision making; increasing First Nations
To ensure an embedded First Nations voice, the Greater Cities Commission plans to establish a First Nations Advisory Panel to advise on regional strategic planning.ThePanel will operate as a voice to the Commission and guide implementation of Region and City Plans.
to achieve climateresistant green cities, the Region Plan and City Plans will embed pathways to accelerate the achievement of net zero under the NSW Net Zero Plan including: emissions reduction targets; targets for electric and zero-emissions vehicles; accelerated electrification of public transport; and strategies for increasing active transport.

Minister for Infrastructure, Cities and Active Transport, Rob Stokes, said the Sandstone City region can become a global exemplar of sustainable urban development.“Housingtargets need to be more ambitious to address supply challenges and I want to ensure that all new residential development on Government land includes 30 per cent social, affordable and diverse housing,” Stokes said.
“We also have to reduce our dependence on cars and provide more safe options for people to walk or cycle.
“In order to achieve that we need to continue to plan and invest in the right active transportIntendedinfrastructure.”asastartingpoint for a deep engagement period throughout the Six Cities, both online and in-person, the discussion paper is a precursor to a Six Cities Region Plan which will be undertaken next year.
City Plans will set a target of up to 30 per cent for the proportion of social and affordable housing in residential developments on government land.Powering
The Region Plan will set job targets for each of the six cities and across four categories of jobs (knowledge-intensive, health and education, population-serving and industrial).Inaiming
To improve connectivity, the Commission will work with Transport for NSW on six cities airports and ports strategies for integration in the Region and City Plans and work on fast rail to facilitate more reliable journey times, opportunities to grow housing supply in accessible high amenity areas and provide improved access to employment, services and
opportunities.Fasterand easier access to cultural and recreational activities would boost quality of life, domestic and international tourism, the 24-hour economy, and the service industry, the paperRegionsays.and City Plans will see improved public transport in Newcastle, the Central Coast and Wollongong, the paper says.The plan will seek to ensure housing supply, diversity and affordability with City Plans to set five, 10 and 20 year housing targets for each Local Government Area (LGA), including for resilient, adaptable, affordable and diverse housing.
representation on decision making and advisory bodies; seeking feedback on the cultural safety and appropriateness of engagement and planning and how these can improve; and assessing how programs and policies will impact First Nations communities.Toachieve a Connected Six Cities Region, the Commission will identify high-priority precincts in each of the six cities and work with State and Federal governments, local councils and the private sector to prioritise increased digital connectivity in these.
City Plans will develop tree canopy investment strategies and set place-based targets for canopy cover.
These focus on including First Nations involvement, connectivity, housing, inclusive places, jobs and economies and greening up the cities.
PAGE 23FRIDAY, 9 SEPTEMBER 2022 WWW.COASTCOMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AUFOLLOW US CARING FOR THE COAST MEMBER FOR ROBERTSON Authorisation by Dr Gordon Reid MP, Australian Labor Party, Level 3, 69 Central Coast Highway, West Gosford NSW 2250 MY OFFICE CAN ASSIST WITH: • Services Australia and Medicare • Education and Training • Telecommunications and the NBN • Defence and Veterans Affairs Contact Dr Gordon Reid: Level 3, 69 Central Coast Highway, West Gosford NSW 2250 on 02 4322 2400 or email reid4robertsonFacebookGordonwithConnecton • National Disability Insurance Scheme and Advocacy • Environment and Energy • Immigration and Passports • Federal Government Funding for Community Projects MP

These will include a mix of one, two three and fourbedroom units between the twoThetowers.latest amendment will see the removal of two of the lower basement levels, reconfiguration of carparking layouts and reduction in carparking from 910 to 708 spaces.Other amendments include an increase in area to the pub offering with associated gaming room and a reduction in the commercial area on LevelThere1. will also be an adjustment to hotel facilities and amenities at L5 and L6 and provision of a rooftop bar and restaurant.
Source: Central Coast Council DA DA46256/2014/Dtracker
The consent was modified on December 23, 2016, to increase the number of hotel
Send EOI to GSArchitects at: Or call 02 9482 7033
Hotel rooms were to be provided in the east tower only.
reduction in size of units and balconies.Furtheramendments on July 24, 2020, saw an amended site description to include lot 2 DP 504322 No 120A Mann St, which was not included in the original description by error, and several layout revisions.
Tender will be October 2022.
Project funded by Commonwealth & State Governments and by Catholic Schools Broken Bay.
More affordable housing at The Entrance
Tender will be October 2022.
Demolition of existing building and construction of 2 storey classroom block.
A $2M affordable housing project of eight townhouses will be built at 15 Warrigal St, The Entrance, pending approval by Central Coast Council.
provide for the residential amenity and liveability for the townhouse residents.”
EOI closes COB 26 September 2022
Our Lady of the Rosary Primary School, The Entrance
Project cost $7m.
The development application says it is not appropriate to use a one size fits all approach to determining the needs for private open space.
There will be eight basement car parking spaces with access off Warrigal Key2RealtySt.will manage the day-to-day operations of the complex under Plan of Management guidelines which will be reviewed regularly by the managers and Pacific Link Housing in conjunction with the
rooms from 134 to 167 with a reduction in hotel room sizes to accommodate the increase and modifications to amenities and meeting facilities.
Council has to consider whether to allow private open space for each unit below the minimum planning standard and another non-compliance by not providing visitor parking.
The prime development site in the heart of Gosford
Expressions of Interest Building Construction Head Contractor
When for sale signs appeared on the site earlier this year, plans for the development appeared to be in limbo.
Alts and adds including 7 new classrooms & Projectlift. cost $5m.
Provide capability & financial statements, experience and proposed personnel details.
Our Lady Star of the Sea Primary School, Terrigal
Provide capability & financial statements, experience and proposed personnel details.
“The size of the private open
Sue Murray
Originally approved seven years ago, the major development, which occupies a block bounded by Mann, Donnison and Baker Streets, has seen several amended applications and major holdups.Itwas first approved by the Joint Regional Planning Panel on May 14, 2015, to comprise a mix of retail, commercial and entertainment uses, seeking to retain the existing Union Hotel use on the
Project funded by Commonwealth & State Governments and by Catholic Schools Broken Bay.
The townhouse development will comprise eight onebedroom units plus study, with two of the units allocated as affordable housing as required under the Housing SEPP.
Thesite. approved development included a hotel complex with 134 rooms, amenities and meeting facilities, with hotel rooms in both the east and west tower, car parking over one basement level and three above ground levels for 476 vehicles and 276 residential units in the two towers.
The modification also saw an increase in car parking spaces from 476 vehicles to 507 and an increase in residential units from 276 to 342 with a
Subsequent amendments saw hotel rooms remain at 167, residential apartments
It was deemed to be generally consistent with the direction of State and Regional planning policies, particularly the development of housing and jobs in existing centres with good access to services and transport.Atthetime, the development was predicted to have a positive effect on the local economy and kickstart the revitalisation of the Gosford CBD.
EOI closes COB 26 September 2022
space should be proportional to the size of the dwelling … the DCP does not distinguish that a 3-4 bedroom townhouse of some 135sqm floor area may have different private open space requirements to a single occupant, one-bedroom townhouse of 65sqm floor areas as proposed in this application,” it says in the application.“Theproposed development is considered to provide appropriately sized private open space that will adequately
As to the lack of visitor parking, the application refers to the Housing State Environment Planning Policy (SEPP) which does not require visitor“Thisparking.isinconsistent with the requirements for visitor parking in the DCP and the provisions of the SEPP prevail over the DCP where there is an inconsistency,” the application says.
Expressions of Interest Building Construction Head Contractor
owners.Theowners, Oakland60 Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Ashton Rowe Pty Ltd, is a privately owned company with extensive experience in affordable housing developments.Thedevelopment application (2251/2022) is available for public comment on Council’s website until Friday, September 30.
Send EOI to GSArchitects at:
Archibald development lives again with new amendments proposed
Or call 02 9482 7033

reduce to 289 and parking spaces increase to 910.
The site has subsequently been acquired by Aland Property Developments, which is seeking to progress the development proposal and introduce a series of changes to improve Fundamentallyit. the development is designed to retain the approved form, footprint, height, FSR and setbacks.Thechanges are largely internal, and the form and presentation of the building is largely maintained as approved.
After sitting idle for two years, a prime development package in the heart of Gosford, incorporating the former Union Hotel site, looks set for some action at last, with a new, amended application for the Archibald development open for public submissions until September 23.

The primary changes see a reduction in the number of hotel rooms from 167 to 130 and an increase in the number of apartments from 289 to 323.
area of 45sqm and a minimum dimension of 4.5m, set by the Development Control Plan (DCP).Each unit has private open space at or near ground level ranging from 15.9sqm to 73.5sq with a minimum dimension of 3m.
The proposal doesn’t incorporate private open space for each unit with a minimum

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Five factors to consider when evaluating property ETFs are:

SLF has 24 holdings and its biggest are Goodman (27%), Scentre (12%) and Dexus (12%).
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higher fee is not bringing supe rior returns at present.
4. Liquidity
Of the two international EFTs, DJRE, which has $401 million in Australia, Victoria, NSW and South-east Queensland an nounced hikes to average rates for residential customers from either July 1 or August 1 this year, and these increases could potentially add up to hun

5. TheDiversification.twooffshoreETFs are the winners here, with 338 stocks (REIT) and 254 stocks (DJRE).
WITH Visit and click Subscribe during September ENTER CODE: 32209MON when you subscribe to Money magazine this month TWO FREE BOOKS CCN_Bottomthird_2209_.indd 1 5/9/2022 12:11 pm

• VanEck Australian Property
Among local ETFs, VAP invests in 32 stocks.
“Power prices may be higher across the board, but there are still differences between retail ers and plans, and a small price difference could make a big difference to your energy bill.”
dreds of dollars to an annual bill, says Ryan.
Another downside is having no control over the portfolio in which you own a stake.
These impact overall returns, so the general rule is the lower the better, unless higher fees are tied to outstanding performance.
1. Fees and costs
Enter real estate exchange traded funds (ETFs), which are available on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX).
MVA owns 18 stocks and has about 10% in several A-REITs, including Goodman, Scentre, Dexus, Stockland, which owns a large portfolio of retail town centres, workplace and logistics assets and residential, land lease and retirement commu nities, and Mirvac, a diversified property developer and investor with residential, office, industrial, retail and build-to-rent divisions.
Households can prepare for more energy bill shock
• Vanguard Australian Property Securities Index (ASX: VAP)
This is also a factor of its size: it’s a giant among the six with more than $2.3 billion in funds.
The RBA blamed global energy problems and domestic disruptions which, according to the Australian Energy Mar ket Operator, saw wholesale electricity prices triple between March and June.
The four local ETFs, ranked from highest funds under man agement down, are:

For DJRE, data centre investor Digital Realty Trust (4.3%) and Simon Property Group (3.4%, the biggest owner of shopping malls in the US) rank second and third.
VAP is the clear winner, trading almost $5.6 million in average daily volume.
Editor-in-Chief • Money magazine
For a start, diversification across geographical boundar ies reduces risk, while access to expert management is an attraction – although this does come with fees.
Winter may be behind us, but high energy bills are sticking around.
• BetaShares Martin Currie Real Income (RINC)
RINC is the only one that does not track an index and its twist is it includes utilities and infra structure stocks, such as AGL Energy, APA Group and toll road owner and operator Atlas Arteria, as well as A-REITs.
Invest in property without the high price tag
US companies represent the biggest chunk of their portfolios, at about 70%, with Japanese and European companies rank ing second and third.
funds, trades about $4.3 million, and REIT ($200 million under management) has an average daily volume of $3.8 million.
•(MVA)SPDR S&P/ASX 200 Listed Property (SLF)
Warehouse investor Prologis is the biggest holding for both.
Its largest holdings are Goodman Group (25%), a global industrial logistic centre inves tor, Scentre Group (11%), which owns 42 Westfield shopping centres across Australia and New Zealand, and Dexus (8%), owner of a substantial portfolio of Australian office, industrial and healthcare properties.
• VanEck Vectors FTSE Interna tional Property (Hedged) (REIT)
The two international ETFs ranked by size are:
ETFs also pay regular distributions, which is particu larly good for those who live on investment income.
With many households al ready under increased financial pressure, she encourages peo ple to review their plans and, if necessary, switch providers.
All six pay regular dividends, though current yields (at the time of writing) are elevated because of the steep decline in prices since March.
• SPDR Dow Jones Global Real Estate ESG (DJRE)
A key advantage of using an ETF is the ability to buy and sell your investments quickly.
VAP is the clear winner here, charging 0.23% in management fees each year while the other four, MVA, SLF, REIT and DJRE, charge 0.35%, 0.4%, 0.43% and 0.5%RINC,respectively.whichisactively man aged, charges 0.85% and its buy/sell spreads are also high at 0.49%.
2. Income returns
RINC’s 3.9% indicates its
“Some retailers in South
Having property in your in vestments makes a lot of sense.
You can buy an ETF for as little as $500 and instantly have a diversified portfolio of either Australian or overseas in come-producing property com panies that own assets in many sectors, such as residential, commercial offices, industrial, retail, health and hospitality.
“Energy retailers are navigat ing a volatile wholesale market and are passing significant costs onto customers,” says So phie Ryan, a spokesperson for iSelect, a comparison service.

The Reserve Bank predicts that electricity and gas prices will rise by a further 10%-15% in the second half of 2022.
3. Dividend frequency VAP, SLF, RINC and REIT pay quarterly distributions while MVA and DJRE pay six monthly.
Most Australians want to invest in property – after all, bricks-and-mortar has many attractions.Butwithhigh prices and surging interest rates, we need to look at other ways to get into property without outlaying a fortune or borrowing heavily.
The second and third stocks in REIT’s portfolio are Equinix (4%), an internet connection and data business, and Public Stor age (3%), the largest brand of self-storage services in the US.
Other pluses are low initial outlay, high liquidity and trans parency.Onenegative is volatility: you have no control over the price of your ETF, so ideally you would not panic and sell if it fell.
1800 550 Out550
“Each team was allocated a female mentor – these were people who have worked successfully in technology.
“It was out first year of running this project although we have been running STEM for some
community and took ownership in designing and building a solution.“Teams were encouraged to align their solutions with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals targets,” he said.Students learnt the basics of computer programming and came up with a mobile app business idea, testing the idea, writing a business plan, developing a prototype, and pitching it via an online video platform.They spent 12 weeks completing four modules; ideation, research, build and pitch.
offered that day and parents can volunteer their time.”
The girls worked for many weeks with Nash, researching and developing their apps,
Money raised through the Ride For Sick Kids, held from September 2-10, will equate to more than 1,400 nights of accommodation provided to seriously ill or injured children and their families from across Northern NSW.
“Overall, the main goal is for the girls to become technology entrepreneurs,” Nash said.
A team from Kariong Public School has taken out a state award in the 2022 Techgirls Competition for developing a Breakfast Club app.

“But along the ride you get to talk to families and children impacted by illness about what the charity has done for them,”
House Charities was all about.
Zyenna Hamblin, Sophie Luland, Rishika Satheesh and Aleira Holland were named the NSW Primary Regional Winners in the competition, run by the Techgirls Movement Foundation with their new Breakfast Club app.STEM teacher Mark Nash said the competition is about young girls solving young people’s problems, so two teams from Years 5 and 6 at Kariong identified a problem that was important to them in their local
Charity cycle raises $260,000 for Ronald McDonald House
using digital technologies and production skills.
“It’s important for the teacher to stand back a bit,” he said.
Terry Collins
Terry Collins
Nash said the girls came up with the idea unaided.
Kariong PS tech whizzes win state award
Out with the old ways of doing things. Out with wondering if we locked our place securely. Out with worrying about the garden. Out with feeling old. And in with living fully and not growing old so gracefully.
A charity ride last week from Inverell to Newcastle, which saw 25 cyclists pass through the Central Coast, has raised $260,000 for Ronald McDonald House Charities.

With the ride suspended in 2020 and 2001 due to COVID-19 restrictions, Nicholson was unable to complete the entire course this year due to other commitments but offered his services as an anchor on a couple of the legs. He said before joining the first ride, he had little understanding of what Ronald McDonald
Members of the winning team Zyenna Hamblin, Sophie Luland, Rishika Satheesh and Aleira Holland with the old.
he“Yousaid.realise the importance of what you’re involved with when you hear how illness has impacted on those families and
the gratitude they have for any support.“Youknow you are part of something very worthwhile and“Thespecial.ridegives you plenty of time to think about how many kilometres are between some of these suburbs and how emotionally and financially difficult it is for some of these families to visit their kids in hospital.RMHC Northern NSW CEO, Ross Bingham, said it was
wonderful to bring the event back in its physical format following two years of virtual rides.“Each year we support over 6,000 families from across the region so we are calling on the Northern NSW community get involved to help raise the vital funds,” he Donationssaid.can still made until the end of September by donating to a rider at www.
Tyson Nicholson on his first ride
“This is a fantastic way of promoting girls in STEM, science and technology in particular –the girls got to do everything from identifying a problem and coming up with a solution to developing an app business plan to promote it to the whole community and writing lines of code.“Team 1 chose our new Breakfast Club, which we will start on a trial basis one or two days a week next term, as its theme.“Through the app parents and kids can see what’s being
Tyson Nicholson of Woongarrah was involved with the ride for the second time after first completing it in 2019.
years,” Nash said. “We were the only public school to receive an award.
“This was a wonderful achievement not only for lour school but for these girls in particular – this is what the real world is about, and the competition encourages girls into science fields and technology.”
Discover the retirement you deserve by booking a Long Live Me experience at Henry Kendall Gardens this October.

An early learning centre at Woongarrah is one of nine finalists in the national 2022 HESTA Early Childhood Education and Care Awards which highlight extraordinary work by Australia’s early childhood educators and carers.
Musical artist Melinda Schneider, award winning Aboriginal artist Garry Purchase, Paralympian old medallist and world record holder, Helena Brunner, and MHAW award winning youth artist, Lily Slade, have offered their support for the unique exhibition, which is coordinated by Coast & Country Primary Care.Coast
Last year 140 artworks were displayed across a variety of artistic genres and mediums including painting, ceramics, au.isworkshopsstorytelling,artefactincludeandOctoberonadjacentworkshopsrangingandsculpture,drawing,embroidery,quilting,withentrantsfrom10-90yearsold.Thisyear,aseriesoffreewillbeheldinstudiosatthegallerySeptember26-30and10-14.ThesewillhaveawellbeingculturalthemeandwillAboriginalart,weaving,making,arttherapy,
Paralympian Helena Brunner
“The centre was then able to create a tailored learning approach which included developing a mindfulness curriculum and engaging an Occupational Therapist to help educators understand the children’s different learning styles,” she said.
“There are some wonderful stories and achievements and it’s a privilege to help share these inspiring stories from educators and carers around the country and recognise the people doing this important work,” she said.
Regional gallery to host Mental Health Art Works exhibition
“All four have either previously entered, been a finalist or won categories.”Schneider said she knew first-hand how important art can be in healing from depression.“Ientered for the first time last year after a tough few years of overcoming two bouts of depression,” she said.
Excellence in childhood education rewarded
“I’m so impressed by what
For Slade, the exhibition has provided a voice for her experiences and shown her the importance of a healthy coping mechanism.“Itisawonderfully diverse representation of our Central Coast community,” she said.

Winners of the three award categories – Advancing Pedagogy and Practice, Individual Leadership and Outstanding Organisation –will be announced at a gala dinner in Canberra on October 7.
Shann Crain, Centre Director of Goodstart Early Learning Child Care Centre Woongarrah
“As a result, the centre has created genuine, trusting relationships with their families.“They have also improved learning outcomes by helping families access early intervention services prior to their children starting kindergarten.”
Sue Murray
“As a singer-songwriter, creating my music has always helped me process so much emotional stuff, but in the past three years, painting has helped me just as much and I was thrilled that my mental health work was purchased by Member for Dobell, Emma McBride.“Iwillcontinue to share the story of my journey and support this wonderful initiative long into the future.”
Crain said the centre planned to embed mindfulness practices across all learning environments and share their knowledge with the broader early childhood community.
“It takes enormous dedication, drive and heart to educate and look after our youngest Australians which is so important for a strong economy and the future of our nation,” Blakey said.
“I always hope in my heart that acceptance and support will flourish further.”
& Country Primary Care CEO, Kathy Beverley, said the exhibition, now in its 23rd year, showcases the stories of people who have been touched by mental illness and express this through art.
“Our champions have lived experiences of their own and are courageous to share their stories with others,” she said.
Helena Brunner said each year she found herself more open to expressing who she is through her art.
HESTA CEO, Debby Blakey said the nine award finalists were the very best at what they did and demonstrated excellence by frontline educators and carers.
The annual Mental Health Art Works (MHAW) Exhibition is set to be held at Gosford Regional Gallery from October 8-17, with four high-profile Central Coast champions coming on board to applaud the therapeutic benefits of art.
and families’ specific needs.

Terry Collins
they have been able to achieve in improving inclusivity in learning and giving children their very best start in life.
“I love to be able to share this ride with others in the ‘same boat’ of mental illness and welcome them in and not row the boat alone,” she said.
The Goodstart Early Learning Centre has been selected in the Outstanding Organisation category for its work to create an inclusive learning environment.CentreDirector, Shann Crain said they did this through ‘inclusion mapping’ – painting a holistic picture of each child

“Breaking the stigma is a constant theme and this exhibition is all about this.
Garry Purchase said he had used art as a tool in his own healing.“Iwholeheartedly believe in sharing this opportunity with
others,” he said.
While herbs such as mint, lemon balm and most parsleys can survive on less than six hours, others like rosemary, oregano and thyme need their full six-hour quota.
Your Soul Expo
“Working with the earthy stronger herbs first lays the base for a dish and then layering the more delicate flavours at the end makes sure all flavours have a chance to fully develop.” Chef Pauly enjoys taking advantage of supply from local vendors and community gardens in his kitchen and said that he uses loads of Italian Parsley in his cooking along with baby herbs to compliment higher
herbs from the extremes of heat and cold and make caring for them easier.
I asked him for his secret in getting the best from herbs when cooking.
Terrarium Workshop
Chives, Jekkas or Creeping Thyme, Oregano, Dill, Mint (but keep mint in a pot or container as it will overtake your garden).
Feeding your herbs with a complete balanced fertiliser or a homemade organic mix every month will help boost the growth.
To grow from seed, dampen a good quality seed raising mix and lay this on top of your garden bed or use in seed pots.

Let’s not forget the cost-saving because you will only ever cut what you need and never need to buy a few sprigs for a handful of dollars again.
Growing herbs indoors is a little challenging but can be done if you have the right light conditions.
most will need to be watered once or twice a week depending on herb type and rainfall.
Native River Mint (Mentha australis) will need to be grown in a pot as it will spread like its mint cousins, but it is a lovely local alternative that can be used in all the places of common mint in your kitchen.
Send gardening questions, events, and news to:

Culinary herbs are mentioned in the Book of Genesis in the bible, references are found chiselled in ancient Assyrian tablets and they were favoured by the Ancient Egyptians as not only medicinal aids but also as important flavourings to their foods.
Not only that, the flavours of herbs, freshly picked from the garden is unbeatable.
Italian Parsley, Sweet Basil, Perennial or ‘Slow
It’s aromas delicious flavours to
Drainage is also crucial as most will not survive getting their feet wet.
It needs very good drainage and a full sun position to thrive.
Soil that is friable (light and crumbly) is also needed and although most herbs do not require an over-rich soil, organic compost, and the addition of well-rotted manure prior to planting will help them to thrive as will the addition of a light watering of a seaweed emulsion every month to encourage strong root growth and as a tonic against disease.
Herb plants need you to eat them! Harvesting regularly promotes them to grow healthier and bushier which means more herbs and less failure to pests and disease.
If planting in pots, you must have lots of drainage holes and don’t allow water to pool in the bottom of any saucers you might want to use.
Which Herbs?
As a bonus, this plant can live in part shade and indoors as it is a rainforest plant.
As with all plants, you will find a larger variety of seeds available than seedlings in the marketplace and this is simply because it would be impossible for the market to support hundreds and thousands of varieties of herbs in seedling form.
2pm - 3:30pm Saturday 17 September at Burbank House & Garden Erina Heights. Make your own gorgeous terrarium to take home. Cost $90 phone 43655396 to book.
Native Thyme (Prostanthera incisa) has a warm peppery-mint flavour and goes well with meat dishes or make herbal tea.
Most herbs need at least six hours of sun every day to ensure strong, healthy growth and flavour.
Check information for each type.
endSweetsdishes.are not off the herb menu either in this Chef’s kitchen with his fondness for the fresh, citrusy notes of Lemon Balm in many of his dessert dishes and an Aussie favourite, Lemon Myrtle featuring in his famous Italian Meringue.ChefPaul Mac is currently at The Joker and the Thief Terrigal -
WITH CHERALYN DARCEY a gardening author, community garden coordinator and along with Pete Little, hosts ‘At Home with The Gardening Gang’ 8 - 10am live every Saturday on CoastFM963.

almost impossible to pinpoint when humans began using herbs with their food, but it was probably from the very beginning of time, for who can resist the
Lemon Myrtle (Backhousia citriodora) is probably the most well-known native herb and works well in baking, teas, sauces and meat dishes that will benefit from its zesty flavour.
Plant Lovers Fair
Grouping of plants with like needs will help create a microclimate that will protect your
Don’t stop at the old favourites, to add some real zing to your cooking and to make the local wildlife happy, add a few Australian Native Herbs.
Bolt’ Rosemary,Coriander,Garlic
Grow what you know you will eat but this bunch is a great foundational start to your herb garden.
of these plants that promise the
8am - 4pm, Saturday 17 and 9am - 3pm Sunday 18 September at Kariong Mountains High School features over 40 exhibitors offering plants and garden related wares along with grower/ exhibitor talks. Tickets at gate or online: $15 or two-day pass $22. (two day pass online only)
Growing Herbs
Archived articles can be found on Cheralyn’s Blog:
Mulch around your plants, not too close to stems to help retain moisture and to keep soil temperature constant.
Growing your own herbs is one of the easiest gardening practices that you can undertake.

For tender herbs such as chives, parsley and dill I recommend sugar cane mulch as it helps reflect heat in summer and for more robust herbs like rosemary and thyme, straw mulch works well.
This foundation will set you up for a range of familiar flavours everyone will love and from here, start exploring for new additions to your growing herb garden.
Australian Native Herbs
Some seeds do better if you sow directly in beds, while others can be raised up in starter pots to seedling stage before transplanting.
Local Chef Pauly Mac took me through his herbology in the kitchen this week.

10am - 4:30pm Sunday 18th September. Along with a lot of divine Mind Body Spirit exhibitors and a full day of inspirational speakers, at 11am Cheralyn Darcey talks about the world of Ethnobotany and how various plant-focused modalities work.Entry to expo $5 at gate or online
A lot more expensive, lucerne mulch is also an option for all herbs.
Plant your seeds and if there is still the danger of frost or cold conditions, cover with a cloche (can simply be a clear bottom of a drink bottle).
Just make sure that this position is not directly next to a closed glass window as there is a danger of the plant becoming burnt.
Herbs also add their aromas to your garden and lend lovely textures and colour with their varying foliage and delightfully sweet flowers, so let’s hop into the herb patch this week!
The Ancient Greeks and then Romans took inspiration from the Egyptians and developed their own ways with culinary herbs.

Seeds can be allowed to slightly dry out between watering’s to encourage root development, but new seedlings will require watering each day for the first week and then
TASKS & TIPS FOR YOU THIS WEEK Many herbs die back over winter and will need replacing. Now is the time to renew your basil and pop it in this year next to your tomatoes as it will improve their flavour. This week you can plant the following: culinary herbs, beetroot, cabbage, capsicum, carrot, celery, cucumber, eggplant, lettuce, marrow, late onions, parsnip, peas, silverbeet, tomato, ageratum, alyssum, aster, candytuft, carnation, cosmos, delphinium, larkspur, petunias, portulaca, lobelia, love-in-a-mist, lupin, nasturtium, nemesia. Cheralyn Darcey is
Avoca Beach then staged a fightback and, with more possession, were able to respond with two late tries. Neither try was converted
The match proved to be an intense and very exciting game ofTherugby.Razorbacks had the better of the first half and they

However, Finals are a whole new ball game and the Razorbacks have come into good form at the right time of the season.
The Trojans increased their lead early in the second half when they crossed for the first try in the match and a further converted try saw them leap out to a 20-3 lead.
the Razorbacks defeated Kariong 38 points to 19 in the Minor Semi-final.
The Preliminary Final between Avoca Beach and Ourimbah will be played at Woy Woy Oval this Saturday (September 17) in what should prove an enthralling clash.

Both teams have very good forward packs and with backlines that can score from anywhere on the paddock. They have played each other twice, with Avoca Beach winning both contests.
Best for Avoca Beach were

their third try, but it was the Razorbacks who finished the stronger.Theywere able to re-assert control and steadily posted a further four tries to take the victory.Best players for the Razorbacks were hooker Jordan Clark, No.8 Rob Peden, and five-eight Owen Turner, while Kariong were best served by lock Nick Outram, No.8 Lachlan Peruch and fullback Jake Hubbard.
Premier 1 Major Semi-final saw the Terrigal Trojans defeat the Avoca Beach Sharks by 23 points to 13 and book a place in the 2022 Grand Final.
Main Source: Match report, CCRULarryPresident,Thomson

SPORT GROWNAUSSIEAUSSIEOWNED NIK & JANE’S FURNITURE AND BEDDING EXPRESS TRADE IN YOUR OLD FURNITURENO.1CENTRALCOASTHOMECAREPACKAGEPROVIDER FREE DELIVERY-INSTALLATION-TAKE AWAY FOR ALL SENIORS BIG DEALS FOR SENIORS! Shop 11, Karalta Plaza, Karalta Lane, Erina - 4365 0997 PAY LESS FOR CASH At Home Care UpLift Adjustable Bed GST FREE MOBILITYHOSPITALAPPROVED GRADE Sealy Full Massage Adjustable Bed with USB Port GST FREE MOBILITY APPROVED LONG$1999SINGLE KING$2099SINGLE DOUBLE$2249 QUEEN$2299 ADJUSTABLE BED WITHMATTRESSEXPLORER MobilityStresslessApprovedchairsfrom$1999Huge range of Recliners Electric and manual from $499 La-Z-Boy Recliners/Lift chairs Instock & Ready for immediate Delivery GST FREE Mobility Approved LimitedStock GSTFREE GeorgeMobilityApprovedElectricLiftChair$999 Package Deal sale price GST FREE Trojans through to Grand Final Terrigal and Avoca Beach in action in the major semi-final at Woy Woy Oval

and Terrigal were able to hang on to a 20-13 lead to secure victory.Bestplayers for Terrigal were hooker Ethan McInnes, fiveeight Adam Danckert and centre Brent Merritt.
were able to take the early lead with two tries, but Kariong hit back with two tries of their own in the final five minutes of the first half to lock the scores up at half Kariongtime.then took the lead early in the second half with
The match was played at twilight at Woy Woy Oval, and it proved to be typical Finals rugby.The first half was a dour battle with neither team willing to give any favours to the opposition.AvocaBeach opened the scoring after 13 minutes with a penalty goal, but for the next 20 minutes no further points were posted, reflective of the intense defence from both sides.

Gradually it was Terrigal who came back into the picture with two penalty goals late in the half to go to the halftime break with a narrow lead of 6-3.
halfback Mitch Magrath, fullback Mitch Briggs, who crossed for 2 tries, and prop TimTheNewton.Sharks will get a second chance next week when they meet the Ourimbah Razorbacks in the Preliminary Final after
“The basketball program is known for the depth of talent and success that has followed this program over many years,” he“Whensaid.
Representatives from Special Olympics Central Coast Club accept the cheque
“What an amazing week in sport, athlete registrations are incredibly strong, corporate support by Central Coast Granite is now confirmed and we are working closely with Basketball NSW to ensure this program and indeed those across the regional academy network are making a difference in regional NSW.
significant to the whole program.“I’mam also very relieved to be close to finalising a global agreement with Basketball NSW to continue to build opportunities for athletes across the regional academy network.”Managing Director of Central Coast Granite, Jim Cunnington said the business and his family were proud to be associated with the Central Coast Academy of Sport basketball program and the great work that the Academy is doing with basketball on the Central Coast.
Special Olympics Central Coast Club has received $2,000 after taking out the public vote in the program’s August round, which will go directly towards supporting the local athletes.

Club Vice Chair, Jennie Harrison, said the organisation
“This funding … makes a massive difference to our athletes and their families and takes the pressure off them to cover the entire cost of travelling to compete in the
“It’s extremely important for all people to have access to sports where they can compete at their own level,” he said.
CCAS Managing Director, Ian Robilliard OAM said that on top of the current enrolment it was pleasing to also announce the ongoing support by local company Central Coast Granite.
Online voting in the September round of the community#GreaterCentralCoastfundingprogram is now open and closes at 5pm on Wednesday, September 28, at
“We are very proud and excited that three of them have qualified for the National Games in Launceston in October – one in tennis and two in tenpin bowling – with the ultimate goal of being selection for the Australian team to compete at the Special Olympics in Berlin next year.
“The results are evident especially with the Rebels, Waves and Crusaders Programs and we’ve guaranteed our ongoing support for the next 3 years,” he said.
TheBASKETBALLCentralCoast Academy of Sport (CCAS) is delighted with the strength in numbers of athletes seeking to gain a scholarship position within the CCAS Basketball Program.
Source: Media release, Sep 14 Greater Bank
relies heavily on community support.“We currently have 52 athletes in the Central Coast club competing in tennis, ten pin bowling, basketball, golf, soccer, bocce, athletics and swimming,” she said.
Road Car Park NB stall
“I’m delighted to again be working with Jim Cunnington and his family at Central Coast Granite, Jim has a close affinity with the sport and his genuine care and interest in providing this level of support is so
Sponsorship for scholarship basketball
The program which forms part of the endorsed athlete pathway in partnership with Basketball NSW will again be finalising selections in the
National Games,” she said. Greater Bank’s Central Coast Regional Sales Manager, Josh Swetnam, said Special Olympics Central Coast Club provides terrific opportunities for local athletes.
Basketballers in the Central Coast Academy of Sport progam

selection trials commence it appears the 2022-23 program will be no different due to the number of interested athletes seeking to gain a position within the squad of 32.”
participants selected to the program.“Oneof the most difficult barriers to overcome in recent years is the cost of delivering such an intensive, robust program and Central Coast Granite has helped reduced this barrier to participation,” Robilliard said.
“We’d like to wish the Central
Dunban sites until 6.00am
PAGE 31FRIDAY, 9 SEPTEMBER 2022 WWW.COASTCOMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AUFOLLOW US SPORT MARKET SPRING SPRING MARKET Spring flowering plants, collectables, books, costume jewellery and much more. Sunday September 25 2022 7am to 1pm Great variety of stalls, BBQ, Tea & Coffee Vendors Welcome $20 per car
Greater Bank backs three Coast athletes
“Each of the athletes needs to raise $4,000 to cover expenses, so this money from the Community#GreaterCentralCoastFunding Program will be split between them to reduce that financial burden.”
Harrison said the club would hold fundraising events such as raffles and community barbecues to help with the athletes’ expenses.
Also benefiting from the August round were runnersup, Toukley and District Art Society and 1st Ourimbah Scout Group, each receiving $500.The nominees in the September round are Brooke Avenue Public School P & C Association, Point Clare Public School and Central Coast GangShow, with another $2,000 to go to the winner and $500 to each of the runners up.
Source: Media release, Sept 13 Central Coast Academy of Sport
Cnr. Ocean Beach Road Woy Woy Always Last Sunday(no events in December) ENQ: 0478 959 895 Car Boot Sale Woy Woy Peninsula Lions Club ALL PESTS, ALL AREAS TERMITE SPECIALISTS ACCESS PEST CONTROL PH # 02 8924 5652 (pensioner discounts) LIC# 5092837 WILL BEAT ANY COMPETITORS QUOTE

not open
Coast athletes all the best for the National Games and good luck in the quest to qualify for next year’s Special Olympics.”
sport, Central Coast Granite, a local family-owned business has again aligned significant support to the program which provides a huge cost saving for
In more great news for the
The club is part of the Special Olympics network which provides a range of sport, recreation, social and health opportunities for people with an intellectual disability to have fun, be healthy, build selfesteem, demonstrate courage, and make friends.
Three Central Coast athletes will be supported in their quest to compete at the Special Olympics Australia National Games in Launceston next month thanks to a $2,000 boost from Greater Program.Community#GreaterCentralCoastBank’sFunding
coming weeks, at the trials 16 boys and 16 girls will be chosen to undertake the six-month offseason program.
Killarney Vale and Terrigal to clash in AFL grand final
postponements and cancellations due to torrential rains which saw grounds impacted all over the Central Coast earlier in the year.
finer points of the game.”
At Adelaide St Oval, the Women’s Black Diamond Plate
offering free coaching to current or former teams who participate in the local competition.“Wearealso keen to help teams that have previously played or are registered in the current competition with some coaching to improve their team’s performance,” Dillon said.
“Withsaid. our summer competition starting at the end
Free come n try Touch Footy at Umina Beach
“If you’ve never played Touch but have always wanted to, this if the perfect opportunity to come and try it before committing to the season,” Dillon
said.“Quite a few games couldn’t go ahead and while some were replayed, some couldn’t be –there was lots of moving around on a weekly basis.”
“It is a real social event with music and local company, Hawkesbury Brewing Co. offering free tastings of their products.”Formore information see the Peninsula Touch Facebook page or email: peninsula.
Killarney Vale, is sure to be a close one, with Killarney Vale going into the game as minor premiers and Terrigal having come second on the points table.The game will wind up a full weekend of AFL grand finals following a five-month season which saw game

The game, set to kick off at 2.20pm at Adelaide St Oval in
“It’s been a very wet season, but people seemed to enjoy being back at the footy after two years of COVID-19 disruptions,” a spokesperson
A full day of AFL will see grand finals played at Bateau Bay as well as Adelaide St Oval.
commence at 11.50am with the Black Diamond Men’s Shield game as Warners Bay takes on Musswellbrook, followed by the Black Diamond Men’s Plate at 2.30pm to be contested by Nelsons Bay and Newcastle City.
Source: Media Release, Sep Matt Sawyer, Peninsula Touch
Killarney Vale and Terrigal last clashed in the semi final
the basic rules and will involve a few simple drills followed by a modified game, allowing everyone to get involved, no matter what your skill level.
Touch Association will be holding a come n try Touch Footy event on Friday 23 September from 5:307:00pm at McEvoy Oval, Umina Beach.

“We’ll have experienced coaches ready to take you through a 30–45-minute session and help you feel more confident and ready for summer comp,” said Mr Dillon.
In addition to a beginner’s come and try session, experienced coaches and first division players will also be
Photo: Bruzer Photography
Peninsula Touch Association President, Rod Dillon, said the session was designed to give beginners an introduction to
“So, bring your entire team down and go through a more focused session on some of the

Vale and Terrigal are set to butt heads in the AFL Hunter Central Coast Black Diamond Men’s Cup grand final on Saturday, September 17, as the season draws to a close.

At Bateau Bay, the action will
kicks off at 9.20am with Cardiff taking on Lake Macquarie, followed by the Black Diamond women’s Cup at 11.40, when minor premiers Newcastle City will clash with Killarney Vale. The day’s play will conclude with the main event – the Black Diamond Men’s Cup.

Terry Collins
of October and the weather starting to warm up, now is a great time to try Touch Footy.”