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Nashos spread Easter joy at Gosford Hospital
Patients at Gosford Hospital received a special Easter treat on April 5 when Members of the Gosford City Sub Branch of the NSW National Servicemen’s Association and Affiliates visited the hospital with baskets full of Easter goodies.
This year marks 25th year, the Nashos (as they are known) have held an Easter Egg Parade at Gosford Hospital, delighting hospital patients and staff with a friendly smile and chocolate treat.
President Alf Hill said the group always enjoys the special visit, delivering the goodies to the Children’s Ward,
Maternity Ward, Special Care Nursery and Emergency Department.
“Our members get as much joy out of the visit as the patients do, knowing that our special delivery really helps cheer them up and lifts their spirits,” Hill said.
“It’s really rewarding to do what we do and to see the smiles on people’s faces when we visit, especially the little ones and their families we meet in the Children’s Ward.”
A Central Coast Local Health District spokesperson said the annual Easter visit was always a highlight.
“We are grateful for the generosity of the Nashos who continue to do this every year and bring a lot of joy to our patients, visitors and staff,” the spokesperson said.
“The Nashos Annual Easter visit is a time-honored tradition.
“It is quite extraordinary the difference this visit can make to a patient’s day.”
More than $300 worth of Easter bunnies were handed out, financed solely with donations from Nasho members.
The NSW National Servicemen’s Association and Affiliates is a voluntary organisation and has fundraised over the years for many charities and worthwhile causes, in addition to several
Terry Collins
national and global disasters that have occurred in recent times.
New members are always welcome at the Gosford City Sub Branch for lots of social fun and outings.
Ex-service people include former Army, Navy and Air Force personnel, as well as those who have served in the Police, Ambulance or Fire Services.
If interested, contact Secretary Greg Mawson at gmaw6809@bigpond.net.au.
Source: National Servicemen’s Association and Affiliates