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Two-year wage freeze for state MPs and top executives
State MPs on the Central Coast, along with all NSW MPs and senior government executives, will see their wages frozen for two years as the State Government moves to fulfill a major election commitment.
The NSW Cabinet has approved two bills to freeze the pays for two years from July 1 this year.
Member for Gosford Liesl Tesch said the Government had acted quickly to prioritise investment into essential services such as schools and hospitals over the “ballooning wages” of government executives.

“Our front-line workers have suffered under wage caps while delivering the critical services that run our state and the Government has clearly shown its investment priorities,” she said.
Member for The Entrance David Mehan said the Labor Government is looking for all the savings it can make to ensure it has more to invest in frontline public servants.

NSW Treasury estimates the move will save taxpayers around $260M over four years – funds that can instead be invested into essential services like schools and hospitals.

Senior executives covered by the freeze include departmental secretaries, agency chief executive officers, executive office holders, commissioners and judicial officers.
The senior executive and politician pay freeze was supported by both major parties ahead of the March 2023 state election.
One bill will enforce the pay freeze on members of the
Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council via the Parliamentary Remuneration Tribunal.
The Parliamentary Remuneration Amendment Bill 2023 will amend the Parliamentary Remuneration Act 1989 and effectively freeze the basic salary of all parliamentarians – regardless of their political party – for two years.
The second bill will enact the senior executive freeze via the Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Tribunal.
The Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Amendment Bill 2023 will amend the Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Act
1975, and related regulations, to implement the pay freeze for senior executives.
The Statutory and Other Officers Remuneration Tribunal determines the remuneration for senior public servants as well as judicial and non-judicial office holders.
The Government’s bill will prevent the tribunal from awarding any increase in remuneration for two financial years.
Premier Chris Minns said the new Government had inherited a “challenging budget”.
“But budgets are about priorities,” he said.
“Our priority is rebuilding our essential services and investing in frontline workers.”
Special Minister of State John Graham said the bills were about capping the top end of the service to reinvest in front-
Residents ramp up opposition to feedlot
Mangrove Mountain residents have ramped up their opposition to a feedlot development proposed on the corner of Ironbark and Hershon Rds.
With submissions on the controversial proposal set to close on June 6, community members gathered at the Mangrove Mountain Hall on May 27 to reiterate their concerns and facilitate the lodging of submissions.
The Mangrove Mountain Computer Club opened to support community members to make their submissions online to Central Coast Council and Member for Gosford Liesl Tesch dropped by to lend an ear and provide technological support to those who needed it.
In true community style, the CWA supplied scones and tea to keep hunger at bay.
The development would house up to 400 cattle in two sheds with many saying it would be unsustainable and unsuitable for the local community.
Tesch said the community forum provided great insight into what the residents think.
John Dickinson, who owns the lot adjoining the proposed development site, has urged fellow residents to make submissions.
“It is essential that the community comes together and that these objections are put to Council,” he said.
The gathering followed a community meeting held early in May, where business owner and meeting facilitator Alex
Stewart said the proposal was “completely unsuitable” for a rural and residential area.
“Many established surrounding houses and approved building envelopes would be severely and detrimentally affected by noise, water, dust and odour pollution,” he said.
“While we appreciate the property owners’ right to lodge a development application, this particular proposal is completely unsuitable for this area and needs to be refused.
“Community members are very open to meeting with the property owner to see if we can discuss other viable options for this parcel of land.
“We wouldn’t put a rocket launching pad in a residential area, so why would we allow a cattle feedlot in one?” line workers.
“This senior executive and politician wage cap will help us build capacity in the public sector and stop essential workers leaving the state,” he said.
“We value our public service leaders, and the work they do for our government and our state.
“This is a tough decision as we prioritise what is important.
“Twelve years of the Coalition created a ballooning executive wage bill yet a shortage of essential workers.
“The NSW Government offers some of the best pay for senior executives across the public sector nationally.
“Even with the wage freeze, NSW will continue to attract the best public service talent.”

Terry Collins