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Coast Shelter promotes reconciliation
Coast Shelter will host its annual reconciliation event to promote unity among the community at Gosford’s Industree Group Stadium at Gosford on Thursday, June 1.
The event, open to all age groups and cultural backgrounds, will focus on the importance of cultural exchange, mutual respect and understanding and emphasise the vital role we all have in healing and building our communities.
It will feature a Welcome to Country by respected elder Gavi Duncan of Nyanga Walang Aboriginal Cultural Services, a smoking ceremony led by Tim Selwyn of Girri Girra Aboriginal Experiences and cultural performances by The Glen and The Glen for Women. women to learn the basic skills to maintain their own homes to increase independence and not have to rely on others for assistance, especially when budgets are tight,” Tesch said.

There will also be a few moments of reflection from Coast Shelter CEO Michael Starr and Coast Shelter First Nations Co-ordinator Peter Downie.

The gathering aims to provide Central Coast residents with an insight into the culture of local Aboriginal communities while also creating an opportunity for all community members to come together and acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and heritage as a proud part of a shared national identity. Downie looks forward to bringing the community closer together through the event.
“I am so thrilled to see community members grab these opportunities and happy that (people) are sharing their skills whilst empowering other women.
“This is what community is all about.”
For further information on coming workshops email benchworks@uminacommunity group.com.au or join the Facebook Group www. facebook.com/groups/709400 457515582.
Source: Member for Gosford Liesl Tesch
“We’re so excited to be hosting this event and watching it grow over the years to come,” he said.
“We strongly believe that when we come together through events like this we can create a world with more understanding and unified communities.”
The day will start with a march from Coast Shelter’s Community Centre at 346 Mann St at 10am, through the streets of Gosford, to Industree Group Stadium. The reconciliation event will begin at 10.30am with members of the community invited to join in.
Photo workshop to express ‘disability pride’
People with disability are invited to join a unique photography project designed to capture their experience of the world and give others more understanding of living with disability.
Photovoice is a five-week photography workshop-project led by not-for-profit organisation, Social Futures –an NDIS partner in the community.
Social Futures Capacity
Building and Engagement Manager Lynda Hope describes Photovoice as a form of photographic storytelling.
“Photovoice explores the concept of ‘disability pride’ and each week participants take a photo connected to a theme that helps them express how they feel,” she said.
The topics the group will discuss include: I love being me because…; inclusion; courage; and pride.
Photovoice will be run online, so all participants need is a smart phone or a camera and the Zoom video chat app.
“And you don’t even need to be particularly creative to participate,” Hope said.
“You just need to be comfortable talking and sharing in a small group.
“You will also have the chance to make new friends.
“We will teach you how to use your smart phone or camera with tips and tricks on taking great photos.
“And you will need a willingness to learn more about yourself and to share with others.
“Every week participants will then share their photos illustrating that theme and then explain their photo.
“We do this as a group.
“People will feel supported and safe to explore their thoughts, feelings and perspectives about topics relating to disability that aren’t usually talked about.”
You can learn more about Photovoice by watching this video on the Social Futures website: https://socialfutures. org.au/service/photovoiceshare-the-world-through-
Source: Coast Shelter your-eyes/ Hope said she wanted to organise a community exhibition of the photos participants were happy to share.
“Thought-provoking photos show the reality of the participants’ lives to the community – they illuminate challenges, celebrate triumphs and hopefully encourage the broader community to have a deeper understanding of the lives of people with disability and the issues that affect them,” she said.
If you are aged 18 years or older and interested in being part of Photovoice – Disability
Pride groups with Social Futures, call 1800 522 679 or email lac@socialfutures.org. au
Source: Social Futures