5 minute read
King’s Birthday Honours List
He says that literally the day he resigned he started his involvement with Legacy in Canberra.
“Before then I didn’t think it was fair to get involved as I was moving around a lot with the Army,” he said.
Morton and an ex-Army fellow also set up their own financial planning business specialising in retirements for senior officers and senior public servants.
More than 20 years ago Morton and his wife, Pam, headed for the Central Coast and now live at Long Jetty –and he joined the team at Brisbane Water Legacy.
He has been on the Board of Directors for all but one year since 2003, has been President twice, Vice-President, chaired a number of committees over the years and is now the Finance Director and chairman of the Finance, Risk Management and Investment Committee.
“I look on this as an accolade for all the volunteers that have been working hard over the years for Legacy, particularly in our club here, and also for the salaried staff that we have here at Brisbane Water Legacy –they are absolutely second-tonone and I’ve never worked outside the Army with such a dedicated and great group of people who are led by a really topnotch CEO, Peter Lawley,” Morton said.

David Smallman, OAM
“You used to have to play where you lived so I played with Gosford, East Gosford, Lisarow Ourimbah and Narara Wyoming over that time.
“I played in six or seven first grade premierships.
“Because I played until I was in my early 50s, I slipped down the grades as I got older and ended up playing in fourth grade.
“By then I was pretty much a slow bowler.” attain zone status in its own right about 20 years ago, after formerly being part of the Hunter zone.
A Life Member of Narara Wyoming Cricket Club, Smallman was Club President from 1984-1988 and was named Sportsman of the Year in 1975-1976.
Smallman has also been involved in a multitude of community organisations and still goes to watch Narara Wyoming play cricket every week of the season.
“Cricket is as strong now as it’s even been and the Central Coast is still doing very well in the reps,” he said.
Robyn Hawes, OAM experience.
Robyn Hawes of Gosford received an OAM for service to the community of Rookwood but was unable to be contacted.
Unit Commander Ian Morrow was one of four Marine Rescue NSW volunteers to be recognised with an Emergency Services Medal for his service to the Central Coast and Newcastle communities.
Morrow joined the then Royal Volunteer Coastal Patrol in 2007 (it became Marine Rescue NSW in 2009), serving as a volunteer for both the Central Coast and Newcastle Units in various capacities.

During the 2022 Flood emergency, he co-ordinated and led the Central Coast Unit team to assist with flood relief for properties on the MacDonald River near Wisemans Ferry.
In 2015, Morrow became Deputy Unit Commander of the Newcastle Unit for four years while also undertaking the role of Operations Officer, Trainer and Assessor and Training Systems Officer for both the Newcastle and Central Coast Units.
He was elected Unit Commander of the Central Coast Unit in 2022 and also continues with training and other related duties at the Newcastle Unit.
David Smallman of Wyoming has received an OAM for service to the community of the Central Coast, and to cricket.
Smallman has had a lifelong love of cricket, starting out as an opening bowler for Gosford in 1954, when he was just 14.
“I played cricket for 36 years straight and barely missed a game – and that’s a lot of cricket,” he said.
He has also served as President and Board Chairman of Central Coast Cricket (20022003 and 1991-1992) and President of Gosford-Wyong District Cricket Association (1991-1998) as well as being a delegate to the NSW Country Cricket Association and NSW Cricket Association (19951998).

He counts as once of his greatest achievements spearheading the move which saw the Central Coast Cricket
Wyong Family History Group to host state conference

Wyong Family History Group will host the NSW/ ACT Association of Family History Societies Annual Conference at Toukley 50+ Leisure Centre on September 8-10.
The association has been in operation since 1984 and for many of the years since, member societies have taken a turn at hosting an annual conference.
Wyong Family History Group was established in 1983 and last hosted the conference in 2009, when it was held at Wyong Racecourse.
This will be the first “in person” conference for three years, with COVID restrictions having had a major impact on such events.
The theme of the Conference is The Running Waters of History, chosen to reflect the importance of rivers, lakes and ocean to the residents of the Central Coast, both past and present.
The first day of the conference is open to all, free of charge, with a variety of local and nationally known speakers lined up for the three-day event.
Topics will cover many aspects of family history.
Members of the public are welcome to attend on Friday, September 8.
There will be a trading table area, where services and businesses with a connection to family history will be available to answer questions and for customers to purchase their wares.
Light refreshments will also be available for sale, and there will be raffles over the three days, with some significant prizes.
To take full advantage of the wonderful speakers, people need to register to attend the Saturday and Sunday sessions via the conference website, with an early bird discount available for those who register before June 30.
All speakers will be recorded, with access available via Zoom for a fee.
Ticketed social events include a Meet and Greet at Toukley RSL on Friday night, September 8, and a Conference Dinner, with live entertainment on Saturday, September 9, also being held at Toukley RSL.
One of the speakers will be Jason Reeve from Ancestry. com, which is sponsoring the conference and donating raffle prizes.

He is often on the Australian version of Who Do You Think You Are?
Keynote speaker for the conference will be Minister for the Central Coast and Member for Wyong David Harris.
More information about the speakers, opening times and a full list of traders, along with ticket prices and bookings can be found at unpublishedwater. weebly.com or www. wyongfamilyhistory.com.au
Wyong Family History Group’s cottage opens on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10am-3pm.
For more information call 4351 2211.
Source: Wyong Family History Group
Ian Morrow, Emergency Services Medal
Morrow is a qualified trainer and assessor with a TAFE Cert IV in Training and Assessment and while primarily involved with the Central Coast and Newcastle Units, he has become the subject matter expert in ongoing training for the region’s coxswains and watch officers. He also is a qualified NSW Boat Licence trainer.
In the past few years he has added administration of Marine Rescue Units to his abilities and
Marine Rescue Central Coast
Marine Rescue NSW Commissioner Alex Barrell said being awarded the Emergency Services Medal was a fitting tribute to Morrow.
“Ian’s dedication to the Central Coast Unit and community makes him a worthy recipient of the Emergency Services Medal and Marine Rescue NSW is extremely thankful for his commitment to the service and the local boating community,” Barrell said.
8 th - 10th September 2023 At
Speakers include:
Jill Ball
Michael Bell
Mark Bundy
Kerry Farmer
Jason Reeve
Register and pay online

Gay Hendrikson
Martyn Killion
Jeff Madsen
Michelle Patient and others to be confirmed.
Geoff Potter
Richard Reid [Transcription trio forum: Joy Murrin, Marilyn Rowan, Laurence Turtle]
Registrations for physical attendance will close at 200.
Cost: $175.00
Early Bird rate $155.00 if paid by 30th June
Friday night Meet and Greet $25.00
Saturday night Conference Dinner $65.00
Virtual attendance $50.00
Group Virtual Attendance $150.00
Email: wfhgconference@westnet.com.au
Website: The Running Waters of History - Home (weebly.com)