The Central Echo - Tabloid 2014

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Photos | Chalcedon A. Sa単or

No Voice Unheard

Founded 1910

Photos | Chalcedon A. Sañor

Iloilo City Pursues Vision to Become Premier City by 2015 By Charles Arthel R. Rey

Compelled by the vision to become a Premier City by 2015, Iloilo City and its local government officials led by Mayor Jed Patrick Mabilog commit to regain Iloilo’s title as the Queen City of the South. Recently chosen as welcome international leaders, one of the hosts of the 2015 come 2015. Asia-Pacific Economic For one, the building of the Council (APEC) Convention, 700 Million peso Iloilo Convention the city sees this as a timely Center is now becoming a reality. opportunity to implement This 6,500-square-meter structure tremendous improvements to is located in Mandurriao.

The upgrade of the Diversion Road along Benigno Aquino Avenue has enhanced the distinct beauty of Iloilo City. It is considered by many as one of the best developments in the city so far. The improvement of the road includes the construction of a bike lane, the growing of plants and trees, putting pavements, and beautifying the center islands to make them more attractive.

Iloilo City, with its rich culture and tradition, also takes pride in the splendor of its heritage buildings along the Calle Real in the City Proper. These classic structures that stood for decades, witnessing the brave history of the city, are now being renovated to once again capture the nobility of Iloilo City. The Iloilo-Guimaras Ferry and Port Terminal, Iloilo Slaughter House, Iloilo Esplanade, and Iloilo

Community College were also established. Roads and drainage systems were evidently improved. These and many more projects are just the beginning of Iloilo’s rise to prosperity. Many more developments are expected to happen in Iloilo for the next few years. Ilonggo senator Franklin Drilon said in SunStar Daily last July 30, “This is the chance for

the people of Iloilo to show the rest of the nation and the world the very best of what we can accomplish. We must not fail.” Although most of the city’s recent implemented improvements are in preparation for the APEC Convention, these advancements will entice many to invest in the city and this in turn will benefit the Ilonggo people.

University population increases by 4.09%


centralecho central


Almost the same as yesterday’s


page 6 SMVC:

The Rising Otaku Phoenix

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Photo | Jedrick Leighnoir P. Solinap

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No Voice Unheard

Founded 1910

TAKING FLIGHT. Dressed in an eagle costume, a performer of Iloilo City’s pride Tribu Panay-anon is held aloft during the said tribe’s performance at the 75th anniversary celebration of the COED.



Environmental Sciences are most likely to be selected as the next to undergo pilot testing of the online enrolment system. Students are to expect further announcements regarding this. Pilot testing of the online enrolment system will continue this summer term. Pre-enlistment of subjects will take place in the middle of the second semester. This will enable students who plan to take summer classes to enrol even from their homes. Antonio Montaño Jr., Leo Paulo Beldia, Peter Pedro Rhys Cambronero Jr., and Lenon Pajar, faculty members of the College of Computer Sciences are the people behind the development of the new system.

Photo | UPV- CAS SC

The College of Computer Studies conducted a pilot testing of the Online Enrolment System that was implemented in the University this Second Semester of Academic Year 2015. After the initial five-day server, because the initial plan of conducting the said test- problem was caused by the ing, head of system development old server’s incapacity to Antonio Montaño rates the accommodate the number of result seven out of ten. students who were using the During the first day of service simultaneously, that is enrolment errors were found why the errors had occurred while signing up for an account during the sending and receivas well as during the advising ing of confirmation emails. process. Immediate actions In addition, adding and were undertaken to correct dropping of subjects and the problems. After the adjust- deployment of scholarships were ments were made, the enrolment planned to be integrated into the process went smoothly and on system, for greater convenience. The Colleges of Engineering, schedule. Moreover, Montaño said Nursing and Allied Sciences, and that the system will use a new Agriculture, Resources and

Centralian braves Syrian War, receives Distinguished Service Star Medal By Paul Mackey B. Marfil

Colonel Ezra James Enriquez, an alumnus of the University and now the commander of the Philippine Battalion and Number 3 in the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) overall command, was one of the 10 members of the 7th Philippine Contingent to Golan Heights awarded by President Benigno Aquino III on October 1 at the Malacañang Palace. Enriquez, head of the Star Medal, the third-highest Philippine Peacekeeping Force military award. in Golan Heights, was awardThe Distinguished Service ed the Distinguished Service Star Medal is an award given by

the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) to soldiers who have “rendered eminently meritorious and valuable service while holding a position of greater responsibility”. The colonel was the man behind the planning of the defense posture of the Filipino troops when they engaged in a standoff with the Syrian rebels. The said award was shared by Enriquez with Lieutenant Colonel Ted Damusmog who was tasked to head the military battalion which will help maintain the security of Pope Francis during his visit to the country in January. After giving the awards,

Continued on page 9

ROXAS URGES YOUTH LEADERS “Be part of the solution” D U R I N G



By Rhick Lars T. Albay

Department of Interior and Local Government Secretary Mar Roxas encouraged youth leaders to be at the forefront of disaster preparedness during his speech at the 9th Congress of the Student Council Alliance of the Philippines (SCAP) held at the Rose Memorial Auditorium, Central Philippine University last June 20.




By Rhick Lars T. Albay

Seeing the potential of the Ilonggo youth as a significant force for social change, the national alliance Youth for Accountability and Truth (ACT) Now assembled at the 4th Floor Conference Room of the Henry Luce III Library last September 13 to formally launch the Panay chapter of the organization. Kabataan Partylist Chief- this time of Political and Ecoof-Staff and former National nomic Crises”. Union of Students of the PhilThis is in the wake of the ippines Secretary General Va- 10-Billion Priority Developnessa Faye Bolibol served as the ment Assistance Fund Scam resource speaker during the exposed more than a year ago. said event, and discussed the Youth ACT Now cites that detheme: “Strengthening the Role spite the national upheaval and of the Youth in Advancing the the Supreme Court’s ruling on Right to Good Governance in the PDAF and the Disburse-


ment Acceleration Program (DAP), very little has been done to prevent these acts of graft and corruption from reoccurring, with only select members of the opposition and their alleged cohorts being prosecuted for pork-related crimes. The organization’s aim is to involve and make the youth aware of these relevant issues, encouraging young Filipinos to take initiative and be heard.

Continued on page 2

preparedness and awareness, as well as catalysts for establishing a more efficient means of information dissemination to better prepare communities for natural

disasters Elected SCAP National Chairman Heart Diño expressed her gratitude to Secretary Roxas for sharing his knowledge and time, citing that the Youth Congress event served as “an avenue to help our youth leaders commit to a deeper sense of nation-building and to awaken the spirit of bayanihan and solidarity”.

Continued on page 2

Photo | Joshua James P. Enriquez

VOICES OF CHANGE. Participants of Youth Act Now affixing their signatures as a sign of their support to end such issues jeopardizing the country.

“It is in your hands if you’ll be a victim or a leader. Do not be a bystander. Be part of the solution,” challenged Secretary Roxas, addressing the crowd of student council delegates representing different universities and institutions from all over the country. With the theme “Build Better Together”, the SCAP Congress aimed to highlight the role of the youth towards the rehabilitation and recovery of affected communities in the wake of Super Typhoon Yolanda. Roxas said that he holds active Youth Leaders as potential partners of Local Government Units in the initiative f o r calamity


Photo | Jedrick Leighnoir P. Solinap


ODE TO COED. Students of the different PE 1 classes performing their Field Demonstration during COED’S Jubilee Celebration.

COED Celebrates 75 Years of Excellence By Patricia Meliz Gerome U. Labramonte

The College of Education, known for its brilliance in nurturing and creating the best educators celebrated its 75th Founding Anniversary last September 2-4. The Diamond Jubilee celebration showcased the college’s history, moving culture and excellence and recognized distinguished educators . It was like COED’s time capsule of knowledge, preserved for years, in order for the future generations to grasp and witness. The celebration began dirty ice cream and snacks for each participant. After which, on Sept. 2 with a Fun Run for a Cause, starting from the Alumni Promenade Concert CPU Campus towards SM Park was filled with the college’s City grounds and back to the treasured and significant exhibits. The start. The College provided free second day, Sept. 3, started with


Youth Act... from page 1

a devotional followed by Tribu Panay-anon’s all-out performance on the big field. P.E. students from first year to second year also entertained the crowd with their lively performance. On that same day, a picnic and raffle draw were held for all Education students and alumni. In the evening, the COED’s Cultural Show showcased a fiesta of Filipino culture and exemplary talents at the Rose Memorial Auditorium. This was hosted by

Emily Victoria Oke and Mark Anthony Abapo. President of the COED Alumni Association, Dr. Carmen P. Santos welcomed the alumni and guests to the said event. The cultural show was a glimpse of everything “tatak Filipino” that included modeling of Filipinianas and barongs, folk dance, a musical performance by the EXCEL Chorale and the Symphonic Band. Not be outdone, Dr. Nelson Pomado, COED

University population increases by 4.09%

Youth ACT Now sees that “the most important duty of the youth is to become a significant force for social change and to unite as a sector to serve the people and transform society”. With the objective of further strengthening the youth and student participation nationwide in the fight for truth, accountability and genuine change in government, Youth ACT Now continues to foster more young Filipinos to become a c t i v e s o c i a l l y c on s c i ou s i n d i v i du a l s . In attendance were various student councils, publications, and youth organizations, representing different Universities here in Panay. Lead Convenors of the event were Kabataan Partylist - Panay, Anakbayan – Iloilo, College Editors’ Guild of the Philippines - Western Visayas, as well as the UPV- CAS and WVSU – CBM Student Councils.

from page 1

The Student Council Alliance of the Philippines is the largest formation of student councils, student governments, student political parties and organizations in the country. They hold their National Congress and Assembly annually, to discuss the different issues that are relevant to the Filipino youth of today.

for alumni especially. COED’s Diamond Jubilee was clearly a success, for it showed the immense truth behind the hard work, determination and excellence portrayed all throughout the years by the inspiring educators. This celebration was indeed only once, but it was something worth remembering, just like the college’s famous motto: “The heart of education is the education of the heart.”

CPU ranks 29th in 4icu top universities By Bryan D. Fran

Distribution of College Enrolment (according to Increase in Population)

Central Philippine University has been ranked number 29 out of 100 Philippine Universities by the survey website The University outranked as the ministries of education familiar schools such as Adam- and must be officially entitled to son University (no. 39), San Beda a four year undergraduate and/or College (no. 67), and as well as postgraduate degree. our sister university Siliman includes 11,307 versity (no. 45). learning institutions ranked by This has been a big leap for web popularity in 200 countries. The ranking is based on CPU, moving five places up from number 34 during the 4icu sur- search algorithms including five unbiased and independent web vey of 2012. The website, which stands metrics such as Google Page for 4International Colleges and Rank, Alexa Traffic Rank, MaUniversities, is an international jestic Seo Referring Domains, higher education search engine Majestic Seo Citation Flow and and directory reviewing accred- Majestic Seo Trust Flow. The aim of the website is to ited universities and colleges around the world. provide an approximate popularThese institutions are recog- ity ranking of world universities nized, licensed, and accredited by or colleges based on the popularnational or regional bodies such ity of their websites.

Centralian engineer ranks 5th in ECE board exam By Charles Arthel R. Rey Distribution of College Enrolment (according to Increase in Population)

Roxas urges...

Dean, rendered Binalaybay. Former COED Secretary Ms. Helen S. Coloso and Prof. Janet P. Jaco also gave a song number. The event’s main purpose was to appreciate the past; provide students and alumni Philippine culture, and reflect on what it is like being a true Juan. The last day of the celebration, Sept. 4, was the Optional City Tour with lunch

By Verna Roz Q. Taperla

For the first semester of academic year 2014-2015, the total student population of the University increased by 4.09 % against last year’s population of 13,075 students. The College of Business and population decreased from 1,567 Accountancy remains having the to 902 students which has a biggest population with a total of difference of 42.44 %. 2,920 students. Other colleges with increasHowever, the College of es in population are the College Nursing and Allied Health Sci- of Agriculture, Resources, and ences has the greatest increase of Environmental Sciences (31.58 %), 85.19 % due to the recent transfer College of Education (12.48 %), of the Bachelor in Medical Lab- College of Engineering (6.10 %), oratory Science degree from the College of Law (1.06 %), College College of Arts and Sciences. of Theology (25.58 %), College In consequence, the CAS of Computer Studies (10.46 %),

College of Medicine (5.09 %), and College of Hospitality Management (0.67 %). Besides CAS, the Graduate School is the only department with a decrease in population by 34 students (5.01 %). In the pre-collegiate departments, the population of both the High School and Kindergarten Departments increased by 0.62 % and 3.29 % respectively. While the Elementary Department decreased by 0.90 % this school year.

With the average rating of 88.50, Engr. Arvin Delmo Escultero placed 5th among the 1,532 passers of the September 2014 Electronics Engineering (ECE) and Electronics Technician (ECT) Board Examination, last September 27 and 28, 2014. Competing against 4,851 The top scorer offers this who took the exam, Escultero tied achievement to God, his family, with Engr. Ivan Vicente Paray- and friends. He also encouraged no from the University of the other aspiring engineers to develop East-Caloocan and outdid Uni- their understanding and patience versity of the Philippines Diliman in their respective fields. alumni, Engr. John Felix Guablas “I think, failing is normal. I Cabanlong, who ranked 7th with also experienced that. But when the average score of 88.20. we fail, we realize that we have Escultero graduated magna also shortcomings in ourselves. cum laude from the College of So whether you know a lot or you Engineering last March 2014. know less, be humble.” The college is also very proud to Escultero plans to pursue produce new Centralian Elec- post graduate degree in the tronics Engineers. future.


CBA conquers U-Day 2014 CPU BMLS Grad

ranks 9thon MTLE

By Vic Alizon P. Morena

The College of Business and Accountancy conquered this year’s University Day with a score of 600.5 points in the overall tally. “We are overwhelmed with According to CBA Goverthe results. It has been three nor Jayvee Bayaban, it has been three years since CBA lost its years that CBA has been stagnant throne to the Department of at second place so we stayed foHigh School, but has now finally cused on our goal this year and, finally, victory was the fruit of it,” reclaimed it. he said. 1

Bayaban said CBA baggingfirst place in events like Cheerdance, Men’s Volleyball, Debate and Women’s Softball was a huge contribution to their over-all score. Furthermore, he said they also performed well in other events, winning different places

and contributing more points to put them on first place. “Even though we did not dominate the academic events, we still gave our full support and appreciation for their efforts to help our college,” he said. “It is not only because of the athletes, the council, and the

Centralian Bachelor in Medical Laboratory Sciences (BMLS) graduate Alicia Rose Autentico ranked ninth during the Medical Technologists’ Licensure Exam (MTLE) last September 13-14. Autentico scored a general average of 89.20 among the 3,615 BMLS graduates who took the exam. “This has been our dream, actually, to have a topnotcher from this particular batch. We had five honor students, two cum laude and three magna cum laude. Our top nine, Alice was actually Magna cum laude”, Medical Laboratory Science Department Chairperson Ma. Corazon Porras said. Autentico is now preparing to take her National Medical Admission Test and at the same time looking forward to

faculty. It is also because of the voice of every CBA student who watched and cheered in every game that fired up the participant’s spirit for them to strive to win,” he added

Photo | Centralite 2014

By Rosanne Grace M. Castor

AYUDA! Students from the College of Business and Accountancy endure the heat as they paint the town red during the University Day’s grand parade.

Photo | Jedrick Leighnoir P. Solinap


teach in the Medical Laboratory Science Department. “I am hoping to avail of a scholarship for Med school. Hopefully with God’s grace and guidance, I can make it and will become a doctor someday”, she said. Furthermore, 71 Centralians passed the MTLE, 70 being first timers and one repeater. CPU had an overall performance of 83.53% during the MTLE.

Meanwhile, last year’s champions, the Department of High School grabbed second place with 575.8 points, and the College of Engineering came at third with 491.0 points.

CCP Performers Grace CPU M 5.7 quake jolts Panay, disturbs normal operations By Paul Mackey B. Marfil

CULTURE IN HYMN AND MOTION. Actors from the Cultural Center of the Philippines grace the stage of the Rose Memorial Auditorium with performances aiming to preserve Filipino culture. By Aimee Lou J. Tagaro

Three nationally acclaimed groups from the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) performed six Tagalog plays at the Rose Memorial Auditorium last September 25. The Baao Children and ni Lam-ang, Bul-ul, Ulo ng Youth Choir (BCYC) of Baao Apo, Mutya ng Pasig, Bernardo Camarines Sur, Barasoain de Carpio, Pagkakaisa and Kalinangan Foundation Inc. Pananampalataya. (BKFI) Theatre of Malolos The show mixed humor, Bulacan and Lahing Batangan tragedy and fantasy with wonDance Troupe (LBDT) derful singing voices, passionate of University of Lyceum , acting skills and graceful dances. Batangas City brought original “We have gotten good feedinterpretations of the plays Biag backs from the audiences.” Cul-

tural Affairs Office (CAO) secretary Sheila Mae Gumayao said. The show was in celebration of the 35th year of CCP’s Outreach Programs in which regional cultural tours are being organized. “CCP has connections with CPU through the CAO. They are contacts of Dr. Anita Illenberger, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and former Director of Cultural Affairs,” CAO secretary Shiela Mae Gumayao added.

A magnitude 5.7 quake struck Panay last October 3, disturbing normal operations all over the island, including the classes and examinations being carried out in the University during that day. However, Tumalay also The epicenter of the quake was located in Culasi, Antique, mentioned that the University’s and then reverberated all response to the quake did not throughout the Panay region, adhere to some of the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). placing Iloilo City at intensity 3. “We have caused traffic since According to Security, Safety and Discipline Officer the gates were closed, but that Jonathan C. Tumalay, the tremor was part of our SOP. The problem had disturbed on going classes is that some of the students and and final exams, but it did teachers did not follow proper not cause any minor or major protocol,” he expressed. During an earthquake, damage on any of the buildings in students, teachers, and everyone the University. “Wala man kita may nakita else who are inside any of the nga damage, minor or major, buildings within the University sa atun nga mga buildings (We are advised to come out and go haven’t seen any damage, minor to open areas like the Big Field or major, in our buildings),” said or the soccer field at Half Moon Drive, yet according to Tumalay Tumalay.

some were hesitant. He also observed that some teachers did not do a head-count during and after the quake, which is supposed to be a part also of SOP. “The problem is cooperation. That is what we lacked. We also have to take things seriously, especially during an earthquake or any other calamities, natural or man-made,” Tumalay said. To improve the University’s preparedness during such calamities, the Security, Safety and Discipline Office has decided to plan for drills to be carried out during the second semester. “Disaster preparedness should not only be a policy at CPU, but it should be the culture of everyone,” Tumalay finally added.

SAFETY FIRST. With the aid of his megaphone, Safety and Discipline Officer Tumalay urges Centralians to go out to open areas during the earthquake last October 3.

Photo | Chalcedon A. Sañor

Photo | Chalcedon A. Sañor

VOLUME 105 NO. 2  DECEMBER 2014

OPiniOn VOLUME 105 NO. 2  DECEMBER 2014


Routes and Rouse


It would have been unfair for aspiring Filipino youth leaders to wait an entire year for the reformation of the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK), only to find out they might possibly wait for one more year. Ending its hiatus after being postponed last October 2013, the SK elections are now set to transpire on February next year. The registration in late September yielded around 3 million Filipino youth, and yet, the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) is urging to postpone anew the SK Elections until after May 2016. The typical Filipino young person may take the proposed postponement as another slight to the ability of the youth to serve the country. Sure, the SK had its share of bad reputation hence its postponement, but even now the two chambers of the Congress are pushing through with their reforms. The SK’s function is to provide an avenue for the youth to be trained as leaders. In short, it should empower the youth. However, if it all boils down to youth empowerment, there are more opportunities out there other than the SK. Youth organizations have become even more active now that controversy after controversy shake the government. With activities from something as simple as holding a youth seminar to something as powerful as filing two impeachment cases against the President, the young people will never run out of opportunities to be involved, whatever their stand and inclination. The SK, helpful as it is in its own way, needs not necessarily be there. School organizations and community groups offer as much liberty for youth empowerment as any other entity, and the National Youth Commission still offers programs for those who really want to work or serve in the government. Furthermore, these choices require a spirit of volunteerism, a sure way to drive passion with no strings attached. But somehow, the fault also lies with the young people themselves. They want to be functional in the society, but tend to linger endlessly in front of their laptops and tablets. When issues of national concerns pop out, they instead turn their eyes and ears to fresh trends and new media releases. They are given power in more ways than they can imagine, and yet they shrug off the hands that offer them the opportunity. If the youth wants to be empowered, if the youth wants to make a change, then the youth should shake off the chains of apathy and modern illusions and actually, actively, make a stand. And when they do, they should do it with integrity, to testify Rizal’s words that the youth is the hope of the country. It is not a question of postponement, abolition, or reform. It is not a question of where to serve. There are many opportunities out there. The true question is whether the Filipino youth will choose to actively seek out the windows that empower it.

centralecho central the

No Voice Unheard

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Founded 1910

Rhick Lars Vladimer Albay Ron Adrian Dionaldo Dazen Dawn Lariza Verna Roz Taperla Paul Mackey Marfil Katrina Joyce Mabanes Jeziel Vargas Patricia Meliz Labramonte Bryan Fran Almina Marie Gange Micaela Allen Garcia Charles Arthel Rey Chalcedon Sañor Jedrick Leighnoir Solinap Allen Grace Tabi Michael Angelo Fandagani Irish Paoline Jurinario Julian Paul Querubin Unique Canonicato Krystille Camille Bontuyan Rosanne Grace Castor Vic Alizon Morena Vivienne Songcayawon Aimee Lou Tagaro Christian Sevilla Ivana Javellana Esther Rose A. Romarate Rea Angelica F. Villeza

One-Track Mind Rhick Lars T. Albay

We’ll Never be Royals


ast year, a song that called out the present youth’s shallowness and obsession with fame, smashed the charts. It rejected all the hype and fascination with excess. It condemned the superficial. It went against today’s Selfie Mentality. It rallied against the attention-needy youth, as well as, urged us to “crave a different kind of buzz”. Yes, that song is Lorde’s Royals. But somewhere in the end- at what cost? Most of us live life less replays, it lost all its meaning. half-emerged in Facebook, tethThe very youth it told off em- ered to our phones 24/7, paying braced Royals, singing along more attention to the need to cuto half-memorized lyrics, yet rate how we present our lives to grasping zero of what it was other people on our walls, to give about, ironically embodying an eff about actual human interall that the song stood against. action. Social networks claim that they connect us, but actual Baby, I rule, right? conversation, interaction, and inBUT EVERYBODY’S LIKE volvement are at an all time low. It’s ridiculous how FaceThere’s discussion how it book likes and Twitter followers seems our generation merely are our generation’s measures of inhabits this world, not taking self-worth. They call us Millen- an active role in shaping it, not nials, the Selfie Generation, often taking into our own hands the described as narcissistic, shallow, need to build a brighter tomorentitled, and uninvolved. With an row. We may post our complaints inherent craving for popularity and opinions, (but mostly comand attention, always seeking an plaints) on our walls or public audience’s validation, whether it discussions, but all this amounts be through retweets, comments, to merely preserving our disconor shares. Even the most mun- tent, when we undertake no true dane actions and trivial thoughts action to start change, make a difconverted to wallposts in hopes ference, or leave a mark. of snagging a dozen or two likes. The youth have become so Social media has made great engrossed in their self-centered things possible. It has connected bubbles that they fail to realize us to the world and made com- the world beyond them. It’s as if munication even more easy, but we’ve had our cameras pointed at

No Voice Unheard This school year the Central Echo has officially adopted the motto: “No Voice Unheard,” encapsulating the publication’s role of ensuring that the Centralian Student body is never stifled or silenced. It speaks of everyone’s right to free expression and underscores all-inclusion, as well as open-mindedness. It is a dictum we will firmly follow in the service of the Centralian Student body, for many more generations to come.

our faces for so long, that we’ve forgotten to aim our lenses and viewfinders at the events, thoughts, and issues that truly require attention. (Ease off the Selfies, guys. Please lang.) Just-Woke-Up Selfies? Thousands of Yolanda survivors still welcome each new day in dilapidated housing projects and tent cities in Tacloban. You Only Live Once? There’s been a surge in the numbers of crime in our country, ranging from mall shootings to unsolved media killings. Have the overwhelming urge to post pictures of every single meal you eat? Nearly a quarter of our country’s population lives in poverty, barely eating thrice a day. Another post about your relationship woes? Our country is in crisis, with a crippling debt and politicians continually funneling hardearned tax money into their own pockets. (Hashtag Dramatic, Hashtag Makonsensya ka) The old cliché is “the youth is the hope of the fatherland”, but at this rate our future seems to be dim.

20 million of us, ages 15 to 24 in the Philippines, the youth sector being a vast majority, but why do we have very little say in the affairs of our country. Not trying to oversimplify matters, but our generation can choose to emulate one of two things Royals with all the regalia, fame, and spectacle or be Rulers, with the will and authority to lead and make a difference. There’s an existing call for the involvement of our country’s youth, still largely untapped and indifferent to the issues that should concern them, but with enough pledged hands, we could be the change that this country urgently needs. Social media should be put to better use. Instead of being mere avenues for vanity, Facebook, Twitter, the entire Internet for that matter, has the potential to be a means to mobilize the young population of our country. Instead of videos or Vines, it should be petitions, movements, and news that should go viral. Instead of adding friends, why don’t we build communities? Instead of sharing Selfies, why don’t we share ideas? As Lorde so sublimely puts it, we should start craving a different kind of buzz. Striving for leadership and influence not popularity. Aiming for relevance and involvement not likes and shares. The Filipino population is a young population and we bring with us new eyes, new perspectives, and new initiatives. We all have the potential to leave a mark and make a change in this country, all we have to do is put down our phones and start getting involved. Baby, we’ll rule.

They call us, the Millennials ration, Selfie Gene ed often describic, as narcissist itled, shallow, entlved. and uninvo


In Royals, Lorde sums up today’s youth very aptly. Individuals aiming for the status, prestige, and lifestyle that befits Royalty, instead of craving the power and influence of a Ruler. It’s parties and pageantry over leadership and responsibility. It’s the need for fame and popularity, not the capability to stir change. The young are supposed to be the fore-bearers of the future, a new foundation for change, but how can we be so when we’re too engrossed in ourselves to care. There are nearly

Editorial Policy The Central Echo is an independently managed and financed student publication. The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of Central Philippine University or The Central Echo Editorial Board. The opinions expressed by the cartoonists, columnists and in letters to the editor are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the entire editorial staff of The Central Echo. We are the Central Echo the Independent Student Publication of a Free Student Body.

The History

Now in our 104th year, The Central Echo is one of the oldest student publications in Southeast Asia. Founded in 1910 as The Hoe, The Central Echo is an independent, nonprofit organization and is fully staffed by students. This publication is not for sale.




OPiniOn VOLUME 105 NO. 2  DECEMBER 2014


remember it like it was yesterday. I held you like you were the very air I breathe, a little piece of heaven here on earth. You were my best friend, my shoulder to cry on, my hand to hold when I was cold, basically my “almost everything”. And in a blink of an eye, you were gone. I don’t know how or why or where you went, I just knew you were never coming back. Maybe because you thought you’d be replaced. And there you went, carrying with you all of our hopes and dreams and every memory of us together. It hurts, but I have to let you go…Xperia Neo L. And there you were thinking that matching puppy dog face)? I was talking about my failed love Nothing. But then, as they say, life. Sorry to disappoint. too much of everything kills. Yes, people. I’m here to Being extremely materialistic talk about a phone because I am might bring you to your doom. a slightly materialistic person. I remembered this certain Well, aren’t we all? With all those moment with a bunch of my gadgets in our bags and pockets publication friends in a repair beeping while the teachers discuss shop. We were planning to about the answers to exams you have our office keys duplicated were about to fail because you when we noticed the girl being were too busy taking selfies for hysterical at the counter. She your Instagram. Oh, just admit it! was talking to the cashier about You do that a lot. *winkwink* something. We were oblivious to So what is materialism? the whole thing until we realized According to the Merriam- she was going crazy over a bag she Webster Dictionary (because, had repaired which she couldn’t admit it, that thing’s one of claim because she lost the the most reliable sources in receipt. Since the store had this this planet), materialism is a policy about not returning the way of thinking that gives too item without a receipt unless it much importance to material reached a certain period of days. possessions rather than to Apparently, she needed the bag spiritual or intellectual things. because her current bag (which I admit nothing’s wrong with was black, by the way, and would being a little materialistic. I mean, absolutely match anything) just what’s wrong with being attached wouldn’t match with her #OOTD. to things you’ve worked hard And just when we thought the for (may it be through working situation couldn’t get any crazier, your brains off or begging with she mentioned having a lawyer

ape c s e o try t e of t s u We m the Cagd fromsure, fin Pres own our tities iden


Verna Roz Q. Taperla

Break Free I

have a friend, whose identity I shall hide under the alias Maria, who rarely speaks out her mind when our barkada is deciding upon something like where to eat and what to do. We usually tease her that she only goes with us to some place that she would not usually approve of because of peer pressure. It’s like if she was a leaf thrown onto a gushing stream, she would just go with the flow. So now, whenever we decide The Plastics Queen Bee, Regina upon something and Maria just George. However, the act turned quietly nods, one of my friends into reality, and Cady found herwould immediately respond, self becoming a “mean girl” like “Na-peer pressure naman na siya. The Plastics. She was already HAHAHA.” wearing pink on Wednesdays, To all the ignoramuses out writing names on the Burn Book, there, peer pressure happens helping plot plans to snatch away when one of your contemporaries Regina’s boyfriend, and lying to or equals, tries to push you or in- her “Art Freak” friends and even fluence you into doing things that her mom. may or may not be to your likWe must admit though that ing. It comes in different shades sometimes we are like Cady (by and shapes and is not always in the way it’s pronounced like black and white and completely Katie). We are too busy wanting obvious. Sometimes, the pressure to fit in a crowd and be liked from our peers is so subtle that by everybody, that we forget we fail to notice that it has already that along the way, we are just seeped into our subconsciousness nodding to everybody’s wishes and we are already doing things to be like this and like that. We that we never thought we would. eventually lose our own identity Remember Cady Her- and become parasitically on from the 2004 movie, Mean dependent on others to decide Girls? At first, she was this home- what is best for us – like how schooled girl from Africa who Cady depends on Regina and was exuding innocence when she The Plastics in deciding what first stepped into the high school to wear and how to style her jungle. Later on, she got coerced hair. It may be human nature by her friend Janis Ian to act like to want affection and attention one of “The Plastics” so that the and Facebook likes or whatever latter could exact her revenge on from everyone, but I think we’ve

prepare an affidavit of loss for her just to claim that bag. Imagine all that fuss over one bag. And there we were thinking of the children starving in some parts of Africa while she mentioned she’d commit suicide because of her fashion disaster depression. Did I mention it wasn’t even designer? Basic White Girl Alert. Yes, some people just go overboard with their extreme materialistic desires. We find ourselves going insane over the latest IPhone saying things like “I would die to have that for my birthday!” while there are people on some parts of the globe who actually die to gain peace and freedom for their people. We find ourselves complaining over the “turtle net” while some people don’t even know what a computer is. We find children throwing tantrums over the latest Play Station model while children in Gaza and other parts of the world prepare themselves to fight a war they may never survive. We find ourselves longing for WiFi everywhere we go while some people just around the corner long to be loved and cared for. According to an article from, our appetite for wealth and material goods isn’t driven by hardship, but by our own inner dis-

content. We’re convinced that we can buy our way to happiness, that wealth is the path to permanent fulfi llment and well-being. We still measure ‘success’ in terms of the quality and price of the material goods we can buy, or in the size of our salaries. While this statement may be true, we can never deny the fact that materialistic things will never truly make us happy. There’s this void in our heart that will never be fi lled by anything we could get from this earth. It needs something much more than money can buy. Sometimes all it takes to not miss the people around us is to turn off our phones and actually spend time being with them and talking to them. Not even the world’s most expensive Cafe Latte could ever replace the cheapest gift this world could offer: TIME We could help build a better country, a better world, a better place for us to live in if only we looked past all our materialistic desires and see how every person just longs to be happy and loved. We would care more about our present situation if only we opened our eyes to the realities we are facing rather than open our Facebook accounts. If only we read more newspapers rather than Wattpad novels and watched the daily news program

wasted more than enough “I-am-onlyhuman” reasons for it to be further valid. Last year, in one of our lessons in Organizational Behavior, I read an experiment wherein a random person was put inside a room and was unaware that the others inside were accomplices. An easy question was being asked by another proctor-accomplice that anybody could answer. However, since the accomplices had the same wrong answer, the random guy also followed suit even though it was obvious that he knew the answer was wrong. This is all I remembered from that experiment, but after reading it, it made me think about the random person’s behavior. It was almost as if he was a teenager threatened to be excommunicated from the “Religion of Cool” if he did not conform with the other followers even though he knew that what they were doing was wrong. Oh the power of peer pressure – and it doesn’t end with influencing and coercing. It could also mean the pressure one feels when his/her friends are doing well and he/ she is failing. Or the heavy atmosphere that could be felt when your genius classmates talk about your lessons and you feel like you are an alien for not knowing what they are talking about. These types of pressure are usually experienced by weak-hearted adolescents who are afraid to be the only ones failing in a group of competitive coevals. When one gets involved with pressure like these, it is just like diving into the Marianas Trench without any safety gear or equipment – one gets crushed under all that pressure and it’s never a pretty picture. I must admit that I am also a victim of peer pressure in numerous and various circumstances. After all, it’s not an easy cage to escape from. With the cage’s weakening properties, it makes us numb and powerless, like what Kryptonite does to Superman and how the Sea Stone paralyzes Devil Fruit Users. Even so, we must try to escape from the Cage of Pressure, find our own identities, and walk the path of life in our own pace. To do these, we should be intrepid enough to block away the influences that might hinder the expression of our true selves, independent enough to make our own choices, and courageous enough to be the wonderful “error” in a sea of homogeneous products. It’s only then that we could be strong enough to destroy the Cage of Pressure and be able to break free.

5 Pursey Jackstone and the Goldlympians: The Laughtrip Thief much e so b n a We c than a more ook status Faceb OOTD. or an


Dazen Dawn P. Lariza rather than some sappy teleserye with a happy ending (although it’s quite comforting sometimes), we’d see that there’s more to life than the things we surround ourselves with. As the youth, we are the hope of our nation and Tito Pepe (Jose Rizal) would not be pleased with how materialistic our generation has gotten. It’s

time we proved to the world that we are much more than the ignorant youth that they have named us to be. We can be so much more than a Facebook status or an OOTD Instagram post. We can bring so much more than all the riches of this world could ever give: HOPE. And that costs next to nothing.

An Open Letter to PNoy

Maximum Volume Franklin G. Robite

Mahal na Pangulo, Ipinapanalangin ko pong sana’y nasa mabuti kayong kalagayan habang binabasa n’yo itong liham ko. Alalangalala po ako sa inyong kalusugan kasi nakikita ko po kayong umu-ubo sa telebisyon tuwing nakikinood ako sa TV ng aming kapitbahay. Sana po ay itigil n’yo na ang paninigarilyo hindi lamang sa kadahilanang ito’y masama sa inyong kalusugan kundi dahil sa nakikita po kayo ng maraming kabataan at ang inyo pong ginagawa ay hindi magandang halimbawa (ipagpaumanhin po ninyo) para sa kanila dahil tinitingala po kayo ng marami, kasama na po d’yan ang aking mga anak na umiidolo sa inyo dahil sa inyong katapatan. May ilan po akong katanungan sa inyo; bakit po ba parang ang gulu-gulo ng gobyerno ngayon? Para saan po ba ang ginagawang imbestigasyon ng Senado sa buhay ng mahal na Bise Presidente? Totoo po ba ang mga paratang sa kanya na s’ya ay nagkulimbat ng milyun-milyong pera sa kaban ng bayan para ipatayo ng kanyang hacienda sa Batangas? Alam ko pong s’ya dapat ang sumagot sa mga katanungang ito pero papano po n’ya masasagot ang mga tanong kung ayaw naman n’yang humarap sa Senado? Ayon po sa aking mga naririnig sa paligid, matalino po si Bise Presidente Binay dahil hindi s’ya humaharap sa imbestigasyon dahil lalo lang daw s’yang mababaon sa kontrobersiya kapag s’ya ay humarap sa Senado, kaya lang po, ako po ay lumaki sa mga pangaral ng aking mga butihing magulang at sabi po nila, ang taong walang kasalanan ay wala dapat katakutan. Kaya po kayo ang tinatanong ko kasi sabi ni Bise Presidente Binay magkaibigan daw po kayo at klows po ang inyong mga pamilya. Ito rin po ang nagbibigay sa akin ng malaking palaisipan; kung kayo po ay tumatahak ng tuwid na daan at s’ya naman ay inaakusahan ng katiwalian, papano po kayo naging magkaibigan? Duda rin po ako sa motibo ng dalawang Senador na bumabatikos kay

Bise Presidente Binay; totoo po kayang ang kanilang hangarin sa pag-iimbestiga ay upang mangibabaw ang katotohanan? Sa baba po kasi ng antas ng aking pinagaralan (elemintari gradweyt lang po ako) ay ‘di ko maintindihan ang usapan nila sa TV, Ingles po kasi sila ng Ingles. Di ko rin po sila kilala, basta ang isa po sa kanila ay mestiso na may patalastas din sa TV tungkol sa mga mabubuting ginawa n’ya sa Taguig; duda nga po akong may balak po s’yang tumakbong Presidente. Ang isa po sa kanila ayon sa balita ay dating sundalong nakulong na rin dati sa kadahilanang ‘di ko rin maintindihan-basta ang narinig ko lang pong dahilan ng kanyang pagkakulong ay ang salitang kubeta. Gano’n po ba kahalaga ang kubeta at dapat itong pag-usapan? Sabagay po, nang pinasok ng Eh Bi Es Si Bi En ang sinasabing hacienda ni Bise Presidente Binay sa Batangas eh napanganga na lang po ako; mas malalaki pa po ang mga kubeta ng mga alagang baboy doon kesa sa tinitirhan naming barong-barong. Mahal na Pangulo, pasensiya na po at napahaba ang aking sulat; hanggang dito na lamang po at ako’y pupunta pa sa lamay kina Aling Juling na aming kapitbahay--ang anak po kasi n’yang si Jennifer ay walang-awang pinatay noong isang linggo. Marami nga pong mga tagapamahayag ang nakapunta na roon dahil makapangyarihan daw po ‘yong pumatay sa kanya. Sana po ay makadalaw po kayo sa kanilang pamilya kahit sandali lang. Malaking bagay po sa aming mihihirap ang pagbisita ng Ama ng Bansa--kahit papano po ay maiibsan ang pagdadalamhati ng pamilya ni Jennifer. Isa po itong paraan para maramdaman namin ang pagmalasakit ng pamahalaan sa aming mahihirap.

Lubos na gumagalang, Juan

Graphic | Unique M. Canonicato


When we hear the words student activism, we think of a group of students bearing placards and megaphones, parading down the street and yelling about issues that distress them. We think of them as the people who rally, the ones who cause traffic and we blame them for being late for school or work. This cannot be farther from the truth. I had the privilege of talking “It is innate in every student whose to a few student activists and I heart wants this kind of freedom, asked them to shed some light on wants to set free oneself from the this misconception that we all have dominating rules of society.” Activabout them and about activism as ism is not just thinking about you, a whole. As I got to know them I it is reaching out, and according came to understand that what most to them it is being the voice of the people think about them is wrong. voiceless. “It is being aware, being We misjudge them and more often involved and taking a stand. I know than not we fail to understand that I am not simply a student, I am part they are striving to help our society of a whole so I need to change the to be better aware. I got a chance to system of present society that deals talk to Bryan Bosque the spokes- with the future of the youth,” Jane person for the Anak Bayan Iloilo, said. Rev. Cannon Franz Foerster and Simply put, student activism another Centralian who did not is more than what meets the eye. want to be named for personal rea- We must eliminate the hackneyed sons so let us just call her Jane to idea about them being the kids keep her identity private. who march on the streets shouting Student activism is not just aimlessly at passers-by. Most of taking to the streets the issues that us ask why they chose to become plague our country, “It is taking ac- student activists? Jane said, “As tion on the social issues. Not just you can see, there is no change if posting them on social network- we just conform.” For Bryan, it is a ing sites” according to Bryan. “It way to express his feelings. “It is an is a means of arousing the fellow expression of the youth regarding youth. You must mobilize them to the rotten government system; it support your cause; you cannot be is a way that the youth can unite an activist without mobilization with a common goal. These days and it should not be just individu- we fail to see that the main enemy ally but collectively.” Fr. Franz says of the youth is not each other but

society.” They, too, have reasons why they chose this path instead of the usual where we simply conform to the system that we grew up with. Although many tried to stop them, family, friends, classmates and society as a whole, they have decided to be firm, saying “I don’t want to do nothing. I don’t want to be called pathetic because I just complain and do nothing. I want to serve the youth.” As I talked to them I couldn’t help but admire the quiet strength in them, the courageous hearts they hide inside their chest. Only a few people have the courage to stand up for what they think is right. Not everyone has the guts to fight back and not all can fi ll their shoes because today non-conformists are taboo in our society. Think of all the threats hurled along their way just because they chose to speak up on pressing matters. It makes me rethink the way I viewed these people when I was younger. What they want is to change the views of people regarding student activism, to enlighten them. They have certainly illuminated my mind and they managed to tug at some strings in my heart especially when Jane said, “We all have a responsibility to change the

social system.” It made me realize that it is not just the president’s responsibility to implement change in our community but we, as students, have the right to move for change. Like what Fr. Franz said “My mentality regarding student activism is if they could, why couldn’t I? And if I won’t, who will?” What drove them to pursue this path is much deeper. It goes all the way back to the turning points in their lives. Their own experiences of social injustice that opened doors for them to become activists. It blossomed and turned into a passion, a way of living. That’s fine dandy and all but now you may ask what do they do to help the community? They help not just by organizing feeding programs but they provide help in terms of livelihood programs. They educate people about their rights and they help them mobilize their social concerns. They understand the masses probably more than anyone else since they live with the community they serve. They immerse with the people, experience life with them. They conduct educational discussions and campaigns in the community. Most of the time they plan; a rally is just an expression

of the plan to change. Rallying is simply the end point of those discussions where they put into action what they have talked about and eventually, when there shall be change there shall be no more rallies. Many want to know what it’s like to be a student activist. “It goes along with a lot of responsibilities; your academics and organizational responsibilities,” Jane said with a smile. “It molds you into a new person; you learn how to be responsible. You are now aware of your actions and words because you want to change the misconception.” For Bryan, the feeling is rewarding. Activists serve without pay; all they get are the smiles on the faces of the people they helped. You can see the sincerity in the service they do. But what does it take to be a student activist? “Anyone can be an activist as long as the person has a heart for the masses.” What you need to do is first you have to involve yourself. You need to have willingness, openness, curiosity and principles. You have to be firm in your principles. Now after the spotlight finally hits them, we see they are not different from us except for the fact that they are our voice.


If you are not one of the many who turn the television on just for the sake of background noise, then the common pattern of the news, nowadays, must already be apparent to you.. Change the channel and it will be the same. Corruption, rape, stealing, murder, but with different names of characters. bombings, wars, politics, accidents, and Or playing DOTA or LOL with the same injustice have become one of the not-so- strategies, items, and opponents, and delicious menu of our dinner (well, since knowing you’ll lose over and over again. most of us watch television while having Quite painful. dinner). If you want something to defuse the For Filipinos, there is always room stress after eating at your official karenderya for hope. And there is always hope for or before studying, then watching television change- for the betterment, for less dirty around 6 pm is not a good idea especially if politics, for transparency, for peace. There you’re on to local channels. You know what are things which are inevitable, but most of the ingredients of our not-so-delicious you’re going to watch, anyway. It’s like reading books with same plots menu is evitable. Since we want to push

change, some of our comrades resort to activism. Television allows us watch people who gather with huge placard and wanting no voice unheard. They are the activists doing this vigorous activity wanting to have change, to remove the daily monotonous painful news and bring development to our country. In more violent incidences, stones hover above their heads and water cannons target their bodies. A typical scene of a rally. True, several issues in our history have been adressed by these means. This roots from the time of Rizal, Gomburza,

del Pilar, Lopez-Jaena, and of others who strived for political reform and independence. It was achieved by pen and by blood. This also happened during the People Power Revolution I and II. Activism isn’t also just about shouting for your rights. It’s about sending a strong message and making a change. Though it often create scandals, at the very least, their legacy is undeniably strong. Activism is f lamed by a cause. Sometimes it causes trouble, but it will always be one of the greatest means by which we had gained independence.

Central Echo Cpu

Central Echo Cpu

October 15 at 5:12pm

October 14 at 2:04pm Edited

Ok. Let’s move on. Here’s our QOTD:

Question of the Day:

“What does CPU need to improve?”

“Ngaa man may iban nga CPUR Officials nga nagpadalagan last election kag nagdaog pero wala man lang nagpa-enroll or wala na gali ga-eskwela sa CPU kay nag-graduate na? Are they fleeing from their responsibility or something? It just doesn’t reflect the qualities of a “responsible student leader” to me.”

Comment your thoughts below. And let’s keep this intellectual and professional, shall we? Like Comment 61 people like this.

John Elmer Loretizo Facilities :)) (e.g. Laboratory rooms and classrooms)

This was raised by a concerned student who would like to remain anonymous.

October 15 at 5:16pm • Like 8

DISCLAIMER: It is addressed in GENERAL (as in DAMU sila). No particular person was targeted.

Eune John Joshua Grain bag-o nga inidoro

Comment your thoughts below. Let’s keep this professional and intellectual.

October 15 at 5:23pm Like 4

Roxanne Mahinay the security guards who let the koreans go inside the campus even though obviously, they violate the dress code.

PS: You can also post your own opinions on this group. Let your voice be heard. 114 People like this.

Hutch Gonzales Free Wifi sa iban nga locations sa campus.

Delight Asentista Garrovillo For the sake of credits. For the sake nga once in their lives, nagserve kunuhay sa school -- kay ara ila name sa centralite/projects. hahahaahhaah #MyThought

October 15 at 5:35pm Edited Like 6

October 14 at 4:54pm Like 13

October 15 at 5:27pm Like 21

Dion Greg Reyes Uniformity in teaching the subjects. Wala gapareho ang level of difficulty and style sand mga teachers bisan pareho pa kamo course syllabus sa pihak section. May kaluluoy, may gahapos. (see also: Airon’s column way back when haha) October 15 at 5:37pm Like 16

R-jay Bañez Di man sa insulto or kahambogan, but i think we need to filter people. Daw tanan man bi makapasar sa entrance/placement exam. Sino man bi matakta sato. And unconsciously there’s a spread of an undesirable culture sang mga pabaya sa pag-eskwela. Honestly. Contagious, Haha. Look at other schools where they have standards i accepting students, they perform quite better. And also retention, to serve as a challenge man sa aton nga di lang magsettle sa tres, but to do better. Again, di man sa insulto or kahambogan, just a piece of thought. PS. Hi CE pips! Hahaha October 15 at 5:40pm Like 35

Tin Victoriano They should advertise course programs that have low umber of enrollees. Kasi nga konti lang ang naka enroll. Hindi yung papabayaan nalang kasi kaunti lang yung enrollees. How do you expect prospect students to enroll under that course when they don’t even know that that course is being offered in this university? Nagooffer sila ng course na ganyan thinking that people would just know about it out of the blue kahit a wala silang effort sa pagpupublicize na may ganyang course. Grabe effort sang alumni and current enrollees nga magpromote sang course nga na pero gina balewala lang sang college. October 15 at 8:48pm Edited Like 20

Jose Roy Santos Jr. Online Enrollment October 15 at 8:50pm Like 11

Clark Deciembre Abolishing of being strict in term of uniform hahaha just a thought peace. October 15 at 9:15pm Like 1

Central Echo Cpu October 7 at 11:49am Edited

HELLO PEOPLE! Let’s get the questions going! So, what can you say about the strict implementation of the dress code and the wearing of the universal uniform this school year? Comment of your thoughts below. Let your voice be heard! Like Comment 32 People like this.

Bryan Fran Wala ako problem sa pag wear sang uniform kay dapat gid lang na. We’re a respected institution so we have to act like one. Selfrespect kag respect to the school bala... October 7 at 11:56am Like 4

Joshua Marlowe Gome Freedom to wear civilian attires which are considered to be socially-acceptable would have been nice but some seem to take this in a “whole new level” so yeah no complaints about the uniform implementation here. “Express yourselves” on weekends. October 7 at 12:36pm Like 1

R-jay Bañez Ngaa napinasugtan lang ya ang mga gasuksok sang school uniform, nga naka rubber shoes? Gadinamo na gd ya. Di gd ya bala manami tulukon, as in. October 7 at 3:22pm Like 9

Delicia Gaje St Denis By all means wear your uniforms, you should have a dress down day on Fridays, to balance it. October 8 at 1:59am Like 2

Zeni Magno Ngaa ang mga kurng pwede ka gwa sulod maski la naka univ uniform? La langggggg, haha. October 9 at 9:25pm Like 5

Tammi Enriquez Ok lang tani mag universal uniform basta tani may one day per week nga pwde maka civilian. Kay sa mga iban nga ga dorm kabudlay mag sunod laba laba sng uniform for a week. orrrr ma universal uniform ang tanan wala exemptions asta mga koreano kay sila ya may version sang ila univ uniform ex: too short palda then tucked in nga blouse tapos rubber shoes. Tapos ok lang? Te tani kami i modify man namon amon univ uniform eh. Hahahaha just sayiiing October 9 at 9:45pm Like 11

Hutch Gonzales There is no such thing as perfect system. Damo pasaway daan (students, faculties, ad staffs) October 9 at 10:07pm Like 1

Zeni Magno (Nong hehe may mga teachers nga la ga uniform kay kuno gutok sa ila tani sa amon nga students nga gutok ang uniform nd man kami mag uniform, pati a jk lg haha) October 9 at 10:07pm Like 4

Rachel Antoinette Yusay-Ramos Contreras If wala man lang sila nag pa enroll but naga serve man lang, I don’t see what’s wrong. Ang lain lang kun makita mo lang kun may event pero wala man lang inubrahan. October 14 at 7:14pm Like 4

Edgar Binas Hopefully, the CPUR and COMELEC or CE can provide more information to the students like who are these CPUR officials and from what college. If the student was a graduating student (March), then there was a flaw in the screening process because the candidate should’ve been immediately disqualified. If you are not enrolled you can not hold the CPUR position or become a CPUR staff... no valid CPU ID. What actions have the CPUR and COMELEC taken to prevent this from happening in the future. Correct me if I’m wrong. Thanks. October 14 at 7:48pm Like 11

Rey Cordova P.E. to establish your state of health upon enrolment. Basi may contagious disease ka ya kundi naghasik ka ng lagim sa school... heheheh. Seriously, a sound mind in a sound body dapat. Nugon lang to-on mo un indi mo mapuslan kay pirme timo gamasakit. I think UP has the same policy. Used to be that one of the requirements sa UPCAT is a doctor’s certificate that one is fit and healthy. October 23 at 12:56pm Like 8

Paoo Escucha T kun me sakit ka, ang school mpa check up simo? Dba dapat ikaw nana mismo ky imu na ya responsibilidad sa lawas mu kg sa pamilya mu. October 23 at 2:02pm Like 4

Francis Adam Fegarido September 26 at 11:07pm

Just wanna share an observation. A few months palang ko nga alumni sg Alma Mater natud and I’m kinda disappointed. Nanotice ko nagd nga ka unruly ang attitude sg ibn nga students during events sa Rose Memorial parehos kagina sa CCP show. Gastart na pro may ga singgit pa ya sa likod namon. Tapos unnecessary noises sa mga part nga tane gapamati na kg gafocus. I’m not against public showing sg inyo reactions, but come on guys, once in a lifetime (butang ta muna b) nga event tapos daw ka indi amo ang batasan. tsktsk. Same thing sg Guitar Contest sg UDay. While kinanglang nga QUIET tani ang audience k haluson mabatian ang gatukar k gabisyo yata ang mic sg time nga to, daw ara sa tinda ang iban ta nga kaupdanan nga galantaw nga wala patay wakal kg kadlaw sa likod. What I’m trying to say is that sometimes ang gahud, murmurs, unnecessary noises natun ibutang ta man sa lugar. Sometimes kinahanglan ta man nga magrespeto sg iban nga galantaw. Also proper courtesy sa mga gaperform sa tunga. Abu nyo manami nga madistract ka while performing live in a multitude of people. Try nyo bla para nyo ang feeling. Dumdumon ta nga ang Rose Memorial Hall is an AUDITORIUM not a FISH MARKET. (kn pwede ko lg ni ma-Bold kg Underline and change font size...)

Christian Stephen Serania Legayada Rachel Antoinette Yusay-Ramos Contreras yes, la malain mag serve pero i think my ara qualifications sa

omnibus election code ta para maka run sa CPUR. Next time, COMELEC should be more stringent in scrutinizing students who opt to run for an office in the CPU Republic October 14 at 8:18pm Like 10

Kai Porras June 26


Lyle Joseph Ay... KASADYA lamang. More comments PLEASE

1. Ngaa kamahal sang TOR? P80/page and sa long bond paper lang gina print?

October 14 at 8:48pm Like 5

2. Ngaa kamahal sang Good Moral sa CAS? P50 gd?

Jason Uy Here we go again...

Gusto ko lang mangayo sabat para mka getover na ako sa ginbayad ko

*grabs popcorn October 14 at 9:02pm Like 14

Like Comment 17 people like this.

Angelo Listano This is a challenge to the new CPUR COMELEC. The CPU students deserve the right to know about the election process. Kung ano ang chakto, chakto lang. Strict screening of the COCs and follow up of the profile of our CPUR officials will do.

Maf Vilchez

October 14 at 9:03pm Like 3

Sembreak po may dress code? Pft

Genesis Jan hmm. daw klala ko man na aw. tsk! cnxa guys ulihi na namun na bal an... hmbal ya samun b enrolled xa. tsk! October 14 at 9:09pm Like 6

Liel Lim

October 16 at 2:40pm Like Comment 54 people like this.

Kenoy Militar Malamang kay may rules nga ginatawag. October 16 at 4:20pm Like 3

Hutch Gonzales Nah yesterday, today, and tomorrow are the same. This is Philippines Politics running.

Maf Vilchez te way nlng ya phuway? kung gnakuga mas nagapasaway ang students. dpat gaan man nla phuway like freedom maskin sembreak tni wala lg dnay, d mnggd amy na ka liberated ang mga sleeveless, kta na gd gaclimate change, malamang mainit.

October 14 at 9:31pm Like 4

October 17 at 9:49am Like 5


Wesley Angelo Magalona Barayuga Wala pa daun nla na hmbl ang time frame kng whn pde mg sunod sng “dress code”... dpat ang mga mal-am nga ga walking kg jogging kis-a d pg psudlon ky nka shorts. Hahaha

October 14 at 9:19pm Like 5

October 17 at 6:32pm Like 3

Karmilean DeAsis Palagpat man mga guard. As in. Bias gd sa iban. Nka uniform nko gna nga completo with id, sita ypa kg pamangkuton kng cpu bayo ko. you kidding me? October 17 at 11:51pm Like 6

Paoo Escucha hambali sa bala mil na kilala mku, hahahaha October 17 at 11:52pm Like 2

October 15 at 4:15pm Like 5

Paoo Escucha Ask lang ko tane ngaa one of the requirements para magpa enroll is physical examination slip? Kag ngaa gina require gid kami magpa Physical exam haw? Meaning gle kun ndi ko physically fit or anu da, ndi ko pwede kapa enroll? May additional pa dayon na 150 payment. Para sa? Anu gid purpose sg physical exam update nga gina point out ni sir Gico? Para macheck kun healthy ang students? Dw wala naman da jurisdiction ang school unless ma feeding program sila sa amon. Haha thanks gid Like Comment 203 People like this.

Angelo Listano Tinonto ito ha! 13000 students assume ta lang. Times 57% of the total students ag wala naka pa PE. So 7410 students ag wala naka pa PE times 150php equals 1,111,500php ang labor sang doctors. Wow! October 23 at 11:55am Like 14

John Paul Alejo Gaa aray di pd kung wala PE? Aragay October 23 at 11:55am Like 9

Luke Primero Trasporto Ako dapat kahapon pa nag enroll. Nd daw pwede kay wala pa ka pasa grades iban na teachers tapos gin extend ang pag pass sang grades tapos sa mission pa ya mpa P.E. Hmbl sang work subong lang daw nag abot sang sulat nga NO p.e. and NO grades nd mka pa enroll! Nd daw mka final exam kon wla P.E. te ngaa damo man kmi nka kwa?? Tapos... ahhh heck. Ka awat ah. Happy birthday to me. October 23 at 12:08pm Like 18

Ma ke Ang bagay nga ni indi gid dapat pagpalampason. Ginpabayad nyo ang mga estudyante 15,500 kda isa tapos pag-abot sa hotel wala sila ya kwarto kundi naggilinutok sila sa rooms sang may ara. Ano klase nga kagaguhan ni CBA sang Central Philippine University? Mamangkot insakto ang estudyante sabton nyo nga daw sila pa dapat magpasalamat kay bisan papanu may tulugan sila japon? Wala man lang kamu nangita paagi para mahatag sa estudyante ang binaydan nila? You call this an educational tour. Panu ni sila maka learn maayo kun tama ka uncomfortable sang sitwasyon nila nga pwede man lang mangin komportable kay gabayad man sila sang sakto? May respeto gid ko sa kadatawo pero sa tion nga ni daw name duplaan ang mga faculty sa likod sini. Wala man lang sa listahan ang ngalan sang iban nga estudyante nyo nga nakabayad kag ara man present sa tour. Ano na? Guluginansya? This is the second day of the tour and at least you could have done something to correct if ever that error wasn’t intentional! Like Comment 300 People like this.

Ma ke My sister texted me a while ago ngaa moh na natabo sa ila sa manila. And I was surprised. Kun wala ko nang insulto para lang makakuha sang itinerary, wala gd may napagwa nga itinerary. I will wait for them to arrive home. Di ko ni pagpalampason. December 19 at 9:04pm Like 13

Marc LovelBedona Diretsuha nalang na ky Sir Robles. Para no choice ang those involved but to settle it, but dapat ang students nga affected ang makasulat letter sina December 19 at 9:04pm Like 13

OPiniOn VOLUME 105 NO. 2  DECEMBER 2014

8 CAMINELLA Micaela Allen S. Garcia

Bakit masarap ang Bawal? I

ka nga ng mga kabataan ngayon, “Masarap ang Bawal”. Bawal na nga bakit masarap pa? Hindi na nga nakabubuti sa kaanyuan, masarap pa? Halos di na nga makilala ang itsura dahil sa pagkakalulong sa mga nito, masarap pa? Halos kasing tunog na ng asong ulol ang taghol ng bawat pag-ubo, masarap pa rin? Talaga lang ha? Ano ba talaga ang meron sa mga bawal na ito? Bakit nga ba napakabilis mapakagat ang mga kabataan ngayon sa mga ipinagbabawal na mga gamot o kung tawagin ay droga? Nakalulungkot isipin na ang sa peer pressure na usong-uso sa ilan sa mga ka-edad ko ngayon ay mga magkakaibigan, madalas na makikita mo lang na aliw na aliw walang may napapaayaw sa mga sa mga nagpapagaan ng kanilang trip ng tropa. Kung nasaan ang karamdaman sa temporaryong isa, doon ang karamihan. Kung panahon ngunit hindi nakikita sino ang mas maimpluwensya, ang reyalidad na unti-unti ng doon lahat nakabuntot. Dahil napupunit ang pagkatao dahil sa dito, ang pakiramdam na masasamang dulot nito di lang sa pagkahiya kung hindi ka sasali katawan kundi sa pangkabuuang ang kapalit ng pag-ayaw mo sa pananaw sa buhay. Mga batang kanilang gusto. Minsan ang hindi nakasasabay mo sa dyip, bihis pa pagkakasundo nitong mga na bihis ngunit amoy alak at kabataan ang magiging resulta sigarilyo. Mga estranghero na kapag hindi ka kakagat. nadadaanan ko araw-araw, Pangalawa, ang pagtakas lumilipas ang gutom dahil daw sa kasalukuyang problema sa kuntento ng makalanghap ay isa ring dahilan kung bakit ng ipinagbabawal na kemikal nalululong itong mga walang katulad ng rugby. Paano ba kamuwang muwang sa dapat ito malulutasan kung sa buhay. Kung sa bawat pagdami ng populasyon sa Pilipinas, kumakarera na rin ang pag-angat ng numero sa mga taong gumagamit nito? Ayon sa United Nations World Drug Report, ang Pilipinas na ang nangunguna sa pagiging suki ng mga gumagamit na bawal na gamot mula 2012 pa. At hindi lang ang matatanda ang inaasahan na gumagamit nito kundi mga kabataan na edad mula 13 hanggang 19. Sa t o t o o n g ganitong murang edad, lulong usapan lamang, wala na sa bisyo at adiksyon ang mga namang problemang ika’y sana’y pag-asa ng bayan ayon nga matatakasan. Ang pagtakas sa kay Gat Jose Rizal. ito’y temporaryo lamang at hindi Ano nga ba ang dahilan pangmatagalan. ‘Di tatagal at kung bakit mas madaling magkakaharap din kayo muli. napapahamon ang mga Pero ang mentalidad ng mga kabataan sa panahong ito? Ayon henerasyon ngayon, hindi na sa isang survey at research ng napapalawak masyado dahil mas mga estudyante ng paaralan nauuna ang emotional na aspeto ng Ontario, may limang mga ng sarili kaysa sa kalahatang dahilan kung bakit ang mga aspeto. Dito nagiging kawawa kabataan ay nagkakaganito. Ang ang mga walang malay. makapag-fit in ka sa mga barkada Ang pangatlo naman ay ang unang-unang dahilan. Dahil para maka-eskapo sa kabagutan

t a a nn , a b a k o M gaag a n g aayt t a l t n a at mg a at a a g a s a t a l g ay n a ang ba m nam a sa alakakasir n a h a y. . . bu

o “escape from boredom”. Dapat pala sa panahon ngayon, lahat ng mga estudyante may ginagawa na para hindi mabagot sa buhay. Kung titingnan nga sa panahon ng mga kalolohan natin, ni isang gadyet hindi pa napapanganak, ngunit ni minsan hindi naman sila nagreklamo na nabagot sila sa mga ginagawa nila noong binata sila. At proud na proud pang sasabihing ang kabataan nila ay hindi kailanman naging malungkot. Ang kasunod ay ang magmukhang nakatatanda o “ to seem like a grown-up” para maging malaya. Hindi naging sukat ang paghawak ng yosi o droga o kahit anuman na ika’y magmukhang nakatatanda. Sino ba ang gustong maging matanda kung pansinin? Eh, ako nga gusto kong magmukhang bata habambuhay samantala ang iba gusto namang magpakatanda. Ang pinakahuling dahilan ay ang “curiosity” nila at ang pag eeksperimento sa mga bagay na hindi nila alam kung ano ang epekto sa kanila. Mga kabataan talaga ngayon, atat na atat talaga sa mga bagay na alam namang nakasisira sa buhay, eh gusto pang subukan kung talagang hindi sila natatalab. Alam kong hindi nakasasagana sa buhay ang pagkalulong sa masamang bisyo lalong-lalo na sa mga bawal na gamot. Ang alam ko lang na nakakaawa ang mga nilalang na walang kamuwang-muwang na unti-unti ng nasisira ang kanilang kinabukasan. Pano nga ba ito malulutasan? Siguradong hindi ito napakadali sa mga kabataan mismo na mga biktima at nagpabiktima sa mga ito. Pero hindi rin ito kawalan ng pag-asa para sa kanila kung ang kamay ng pagtulong galing sa mga taong nagmamalasakit sa kanila ay nandiyan. Sa pamamaraang sila’y maiangat muli sa katinuan, ang mga taong maimpluwensya sa kanila ay kinakailangan muling idisiplina at pagpapaintindi sa kanila ang mga maaaring makasira at mawala sa kanilang sarili. Kahit ang kadalasan na maririnig nating linya na “pag ika’y nakapasok, mahirap ng makalabas” ay hadlang sa pagbabago. Hindi naman sinabing hindi ka na makakalabas. Laging tandaan na walang shortcuts sa problema. Mahabang pasensya at pagiintinding may kasamang maiging paghihikayat sa matuwid na daan o pagbalik sa wastong landas lamang ang solusyon.

A Fragile Kingdom Paul Mackey B. Marfil

School: A Game of Thrones?


hey say there are four generally accepted ways on how to die. You are either killed by natural causes such as illnesses or old age, or perhaps by accident; you can be killed by the hands of others, and you can be killed by your own hand. In school, however, there is beings have been competing with a fifth way to meet your maker, each other since time immemoriand it usually happens when one al, but it’s a different thing when sees his report card. we talk about education. You see, Ah yes, the smell of freshly education should be baked grades straight from the for the imteacher’s oven. Some would rush in line just to take a bite, while others would just simply pass by to smell the scent of their impending doom. But there is more to that story, and that more is usually being buried six feet below the ground by apathy and nonchalance. I’m not a fan of George R.R. Martin’s magnum opus, but I do know what GoT is all about—kill or be killed, plus the awesome intro music, p r o v e courtesy of Ramin Djawadi, and ment of society, and don’t ask me about Daenerys Tar- not for just one individual only. garyen, or else. However, some of us still believe The title itself speaks about that being at the top of class the story, about people vying would guarantee a seat in heaven. for the ultimate throne. Isn’t the Is it for justifiable purposes or for same thing happening in some personal satisfaction only? classrooms? Now, I am not against those The great Herbert Spencer who have higher grades than me. (and not Charles Darwin) once I can be envious sometimes, but said that only the fittest would that’s just because I’m human. survive in nature. That apothegm I have high respect for them, alone has become the mantra of and they can be a source of inmost people. And unfortunately, spiration for some. I just loathe that ideology is being used by it when some people would go some to justify such actions in the extra mile and use Draconiclassrooms. You see, classrooms an and Machiavellian means to are like jungles. You have para- assure their place on the highest sites. You have animals that are pedestal. You’re an achiever bedocile in nature. You have seem- cause you cheat? Shame. You’re ingly harmless plants. And of an achiever because you bribe? course, you have those who are Shame. You’re an achiever beat the top of the food chain. As cause you practice some kind of time progresses, those who are at voodoo with your teacher just the bottom of the food chain will to make your grades levitate to slowly wither away, and those at higher ground? Double shame. the top—considered to be the So much for grades that smoke fittest—would remain and excel; weed. High, but they ain’t good. thus, surviving the concrete junAh, but we should never gle. forget that our grades are only But seriously, do we really the result of a system—a system have to kill each other (academ- wherein we are being taught ically or literally?) just to win the about certain things, given tests educational race? Sure, human to evaluate how much do we

Yo e d uuc s e e , shou at i on for t ld b e i mpr he of s o oveme n o t f c i e t y, n t indiv or justand idua one l onl y.

know about those things, and then lo and behold, measured by how well do we know about what the system wants us to know. The winners would then be labeled as “fit” to work in society, and the rest will be labeled as losers; or worse, incompetent. I really hate it when a teacher tells a student that he or she is incompetent after just seeing the result of an exam. Is human potential measured by a piece of paper only? It’s degrading, really. Why label a person incompetent if we haven’t even seen yet the full potential of that person? Just because a student isn’t good in math doesn’t mean he or she is hopeless and futureless. Of course, rudimentary topics like arithmetic, writing, and reading are indeed essential. But do we really have to complicate things and then label ourselves? So what if he can’t solve complex mathematical equations? If he’s not taking up a mathematics-related course, what’s the big deal? (Honestly speaking, I am not referring to myself. Just in case you know me very well). Healthy competition and equal treatment should be mandatory in classrooms—no, they should be part of culture. Why? Have we forgotten the bayanihan spirit? Save ourselves, forget the rest? Sure, it’s not that easy to make an egalitarian classroom, but at least make things fair. It’s hard to admit it, but we all have to agree that it’s already a common sight nowadays in classrooms where the smart kiddos are just getting smarter and the not so smart kiddos are just getting . . . It all boils down to cooperation. As what a former Central Echo member once wrote, “The goal in education is to make it a fertile ground for egalitarian principles and values. In that sense, we must say and affirm that social education for the intellectual well-being of society, not of individuals, is fundamental.” But if we would still adhere to such principles where individualism and narcissism are given more emphasis than mutualism and cooperation, where killing each other (again, academically or literally?) would keep us on the summit of the educational mountain, then and only then would we still associate school with George R.R. Martin’s A Game of Thrones— without the porn, that is. Oh, and by the way, study hard.


Chalcedon A. Sañor


about X



****, S*x, B***y, A*s, F**k, and all the other words with an asterisk on subtitles or simply silenced in audio, are commonly used as lyrics of popular songs which are available to everyone even to children and teenagers below 18 years old. These are inappropriate words that are alarmingly common to us. Bad words, as adults label we know, kids sing those words these words, are usually used in without understanding their true cursing somebody or just a way to meaning. express something not good; but Songs about love have become now many so-called “artists” use everything about s*x, and beauty them just to create a rhyme in their now has become everything about money-injected music. Next thing b***s and b***y, add to that, are the

sexually laden music videos. Some artists release explicit and censored versions, the latter to cater to young audiences. But the question is, what`s the point of censoring the lyrics of a song when its video remains uncut or uncensored and is available to everyone , especially to minors who, out of curiosity, may follow it? Music is supposedly a medium of expression of different emotions that reflects the change in culture and time. It reveals how the present generation behaves,



the present generation g i v e s m o r e focus on s*x as

tu re u f a ant c i t i z e nd w e W e ve r y e , a n l e w here s p o n s iobn e w a yw i s r s i c i s h e m h on e mu te a ch t b e d o to s can t h i p e r l y. pro

presented in many lyrics of songs muffled by catchy tunes -- a sad and ugly truth that slowly pollutes the mind of the younger generation.

The youth is supposed to hold the fate of the future. It`s the present generation`s job to guide them, nurture them and teach them the right way of living. Singers should be more responsible for their work. Their audience does not consist of adults only, but also the youth who idolize them. We don`t want the future to be controlled by irresponsible citizens who communicate inappropriate messages casually. We want a future where every citizen is responsible for their own self, and music is one medium for teaching them, showing them and letting them understand the correct way of living.

natiOn VOLUME 105 NO. 2  DECEMBER 2014


Centralian alumnus appointed to the NYC

Peñol makes history as 1st Youth Commissioner from Region VI

Photo | Jo Jan Paul J. Peñol

By Ron Adrian A. Dionaldo

PRIDE OF CENTRAL. Commissioner Peñol poses with the rest of the newly appointed NYC commissioners at the Malacanang Palace.


Centralian braves... from page 1

Aquino thanked and praised the 344 peacekeepers for showing courage in the midst of adversity. “Humahanga ang buong sambayanan na talagang ito ang uri, kalidad, saka galing, tapang, husay, talino ng ating Sandatahang Lakas (The Filipino nation is truly impressed that this is indeed the kind, quality, ability, strength, skill, and intelligence of our Armed Forces) ,” the president remarked. The Golan Heights Crisis Enriquez, however, was caught in a predicament after they defied the order of the UNDOF commander Lieutenant General Iqbal Singha

to surrender their weapons, an act which Singha would call as “an act of cowardice.” But according to Enriquez, he made the right decision, and that he had never defied an order until during the standoff. “I have been in the military service for 30 years and never defied tactical, operational or administrative orders from my superiors until that standoff in Position 68,” said Enriquez in a public post on Facebook on September 2, just a day after the unauthorized escape. Due to the differences with one of his superiors, Enriquez decided to tender his resignation, which was then rejected by Singha and instead placed him on administrative leave.

“Col. Enriquez, the chiefof-staff of UNDOF, because of disagreement with the force commander offered his resignation but the force commander instead put him on administrative leave until the repatriation of the troops from Golan Heights,” said AFP public affairs office chief Lt. Col. Ramon Zagala. Moreover, former Defense Secretary Gilbert Teodoro had said in a comment to Enriquez’s Facebook post that the colonel had only “took command in a situation where there was a failure in command.” “The UN must learn from this experience and never again should it place those serving under its banner in harm’s way. If there is any institution to

fault it could be UN Security Council, the all powerful body that trumps even the General Assembly, for not formulating a clear policy and plan of action in the area,” the former Defense Secretary said. As to Enriquez, the country prevailed and the crisis ended in the successful escape of the Filipinos from Syrian rebels. Prior to his mission in the Golan Heights, Enriquez was the Deputy of the Philippine Army Personnel Management Center (APMC); he is also a former commander of the Aviation Battalion of the Light Armor Division . He holds a Master of Management in Defense Studies from University of Canberra.


Photo | Chalcedon A. Sañor

By Paul Mackey B. Marfil

TOGETHER WE RISE. The Central Echo staff together with the National Convener of Rise For Educ and the President of the College Editors Guild of the Philippines.

With the aim to further spread awareness, garner more support, and achieve meaningful changes towards a better education, the Rise For Education Alliance held a dialogue with the Central Echo, seeking the help of the publication to be one of its supporters and amplifiers for change. According to Rise For Educ National Convener Sarah Jane Elago, the Central Echo plays a significant role in informing Centralians and other people as well about issues that are jeopardizing education in the Philippines. “If we are going to campaign on an issue, it’s important to be well informed, to keep up to date with relevant news and to understand how the issue affects our communities. No less than The Central Echo, being the offi-

From the seats of the Sangguniang Kabataan to the benches of the Municipal Council and the House of Representatives, Centralian alumnus and former Central Echo Editor-in-Chief Jo Jan Paul “JP”Peñol triumphed greater heights when he was appointed the National Youth Commissioner representing the Visayas, the first from Region VI. cilor of Pavia. Despite being the With his advocacy for the youngest member of the council, youth, Peñol was elected to lead he finished his term in 2013 as the two Committees in the NYC: Councilor who passed the most Committee on Employment and number of resolutions and filed Committee on Local Govern- the most number of ordinances. His next milestone came ment. His job as Commissioner is to preside sessions relative when then Pavia Mayor now to measures pertaining to the 2nd District Iloilo Congressman Arcadio H. Gorriceta above-mentioned committees. “I firmly believe that if we give invited him to join his slate our youth and children a better as vice mayoralty candidate. life now, we give the Philippines a Though Peñol lost the election better tomorrow,” Peñol said, add- by a small margin of votes, a ing, “I chose to focus on the youth bigger window opened when he because it is us who will create the was appointed as the Chief of Office Operations in the House future of this country today.” Senate President Franklin of Representatives, and was Drilon, who strongly endorsed also the youngest member of Peñol’s appointment to the Pres- the Congressional Team. Peñol ident, said that his “unparalleled worked in the House of Reprepassion and determination to sentatives for 10 months before serve the youth must not be con- his appointment to the NYC. tained within the walls of Iloilo.” Peñol took his oath of office His claim to fame Aside from being the first before President Benigno Aquino at the Malacañang Palace last Sep- commissioner to be appointed tember 1 alongside other newly from Western Visayas, Peñol is appointed officials of the Nation- the youngest at 23 among the al Youth Commission (NYC), the new batch of Presidential apprincipal government agency that pointees.. He is also the only specifically focuses on the welfare commissioner to have served an elective government post in of the Filipino Youth. the local government. Peñol currently holds other His humble rise to power Even before his appointment to positions including Founder the NYC, Peñol started his politi- and Chief Executive Officer cal career aiming to empower the of the Juniors for Progress youth when he served as Sang- Movement, an organization he guniang Kabataan Chairperson founded when he was a Grade from 2007 to 2010 in his home- 6 pupil. He was also elected as town, Brgy. Purok II, Pavia. He President of the Youth Leaders then ran for SK Municipal Feder- Association of Asia last August ation presidency but lost to a good 18 in Seoul, South Korea. He also authored the book, friend. Despite this setback, Peñol was determined still to advocate Leadership Next: A Guide for Emerging Leaders of the Next for the youth. “I told myself that a loss in the Generation, when he was 18. “I have personally seen the elections will never hinder me to serve my constituents,” Peñol said. potential of our young people,” An unexpected turn came Peñol said, adding, “with propwhen hundreds of people er support and guidance, our marched to his house on August young people will champion 18, 2009 to present him enough our country’s tomorrow.” Peñol graduated from Cennumber of signatures urging him to run for Municipal Councilor. tral Philippine University with Inspired and empowered, Peñol a Bachelor of Arts in Political ran for the position, and at a Science degree last October young age of 18, became a Coun- 2013. cial student publication, can well take the lead in all these. Under the Central Echo’s leadership, the CPU stakeholders will be armed with up-to-date information that is vital to the relevance and sustainability of our campaigns,” Elago said. The Rise For Education Alliance is a campaign alliance of student councils, student publications, youth organizations, parents, out-of-school youths from various colleges and universities, and citizens from all walks of life who believe that education, being relevant to our country’s needs , should be made accessible to all. One of the most emphasized goals of Rise For Educ is the junking of some of the development fees which they believe are being used for capital accumulation. The said organization was founded by 12 universities and has grown exponentially all over the country; it has also built linkages with fellow education campaign alliances in Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and the United States of America.

It was last January 18 when a caucus of student leaders and publication members from the National Union of Students of the Philippines and the College Editors Guild of the Philippines gave birth to the said alliance. Although the alliance has already extended its spheres and garnered support from various orga n i z at ions, E lago st i l l sa id t hat t he f ig ht aga i nst t he com mercia l i z at ion of educ at iona l i nst it ut ions ha s just beg u n a nd t hat t here’s st i l l more to accompl ish. “The growing alliance in itself is a great accomplishment. Much has been accomplished but there’s still much to be done,” Elago added. Other than the Central Echo, the Rise For Education Alliance has also sought help and support from different organizations from other schools such as the University of the Philippines - Visayas (both Miag-ao and Iloilo City campus) and West Visayas State University.


Photos | Unique M. Canonicato


VOLUME 105 NO. 2  DECEMBER 2014

SMVC: The Rising Otaku Phoenix By Verna Roz Q. Taperla

From beyond the Grandline of Anime and the Kingdom of Manga, came forth a phoenix that rose from the ashes of Otaku Geirin. With its fiery talons and burning wings, it forced its way back over the Grandline and through the Kingdom, flying over massive obstacles of indifference and random expectation. Now it is here on the Knock Up Stream of Potential, waiting for it to be hoisted up to the Sky Island of Success where it could be able to realize its dreams. No, this is not the storyline Lushayne Guindan answered, of a famous manga by Eiichiro “Before, there was an anime orgaOda. Instead, it’s just one way of nization, the Otaku Geirin, here giving a grand introduction to the in CPU. Originally, we intended brand new club in the University to continue running the organithat had captured over 30 enthu- zation, but there were problems siasts. They call themselves the regarding its requirements in orSociety of Modern Visual Culture der to be officially recognized by or SMVC, and no, it’s not another the University. So, we decided to one of SM Corporation’s subsid- create a new organization out of the ashes of Otaku Geirin.” iaries. When asked how the SMVC And so, the SMVC – a phoenix was conceived, Vice President – was born.

With a captain’s pride, Guindan,who’s also known as Heichou to her peers, said, “Unlike Otaku Geirin, however, SMVC is not just an anime organization. Since it’s the Society of Modern Visual Culture, it also includes Western animations and movies, comics, and other forms of visual art.” The bubbly group which aims to promote visual culture, not only within the University, but also in the whole of Iloilo, made their first flight by setting up a three-day booth at the Halfmoon Drive during the University Week. Besides selling anime-related merchandise, and giving off awareness flyers about their organization, most of them also cosplayed the main characters of the

hit anime, Shingeki no Kyoujin. The last move pushed the fainthearted Centralian fangirls into swooning over them and having selfies with their favorites. Another milestone that made them soar was their active participation in the Cosplay Fest 2014. Marie Gem Cajilig, a.k.a. Senpai, and April Marie Himalaya, a.k.a. Chamcham, entered the competition as Mikasa Ackerman of SnK, and LeBlanc of League of Legends, respectively. And thanks to the added strength provided by the cheers of their SMVC family in the background, they even got into the top ten! However, don’t think that they merely cosplay without

knowing their characters, because in SMVC, cosplaying is just a hobby and is not their main reason for existence, nor is it an overpowering criteria for them to accept members. The real purpose of SMVC is to let otakus express themselves in terms of the many methods that visual culture could offer when it comes to self-expression. Heichou even referred to it as inviting the recluse to open up. “Back then, I was not such a sociable person, but SMVC became an avenue for me to express myself better,” shared Gem-senpai, adding, “It made me realize the importance of having bonds with people, and it also taught me how to treasure memories, because it’s not just limited to having regular meetings, but we make it a point to establish friendships with each other.” Dian Polison, a.k.a., Dian-sama, even said that it is a definite means of expressing one’s self. “No matter what your past experience is, as long as you’re

a part of SMVC, we will still be able to understand you, because that is the kind of bond we have in our group,” Wisdom June Cuestas said. Being judgmental is definitely a no-no in their world, because all of them have certain characteristics that normal humans would find weird and even off-putting. It’s a good thing, though, that because of their understanding for each other and for having the same mental and emotional wavelengths, they do not judge each other’s oddity. In fact, it’s one of the Society’s many awesome facets that Heichou is very proud of. SMVC may just be a fledgling among a flock of similar veteran organizations, but with its strong members, they would be able to sustain their flight and maybe even break through hard 50-meter walls of various obstacles. Just like how easily the Colossal Titan can pulverize Wall Maria with one kick. Oops. Now this could be one tough job for the Survey Corps guys at SMVC.





ON TWO WHEELS Photo | Centralian Cruisers Cycling Club and Friends

By Ron Adrian A. Dionaldo

CYCLING ENTHUSIASTS. Members of the Centralian Cruisers Cycling Club and Friends gathering at Molo Plaza.

Daredevil stunts are no match to the huge evolution bicycles have progressed through the years. From going green to getting fit and healthy, cycling had become a popular trend that integrates almost all features of life—adrenaline, environment, leisure, transport, fitness—uniting them into one immortal pursuit that is both stylish and functional. Indeed, if life is a wheel, then bikers and cyclists are lucky enough to have two wheels instead of one. And there is no better time aling still engages the muscles in than ever for cyclists and neo- the thighs and calves, thus prophyte bikers than now. viding the legit excuse to skip leg The growing demand to day. do almost everything in an Cycling is also involved in eco-friendly way had pushed charity. It has been used in war as bicycles out of the shadow of a means of scouting and stealth, modern cars and back into the and even recent studies have limelight again. With zero gas shown that those who get on the emission and zero gasoline cost, bike have a more unconventional bikes have become a green and advantage in the bedroom. wallet-friendly mode of transWith all its benefits, cyportation. Maintenance is low cling evolved to become one of cost, training is minimal, and the most popular recreational there is no age restriction. Sure, sport. The open space and the safety gear is still needed and you natural ambiance around a cyhave the weather to consider, but clist, not to mention the scenery weighing everything else, biking along the way, mark cycling as a is a fast, cheap, and eco-friendly perfect balance of freedom and way to get from Point A to Point peace—a feature a regular car, B. with its enclosed structure and Along with the transport controlled environment, could is a great exercise to boot. Cy- never achieve. cling does not demand the same The popularity of cycling amount of strain associated with had also given birth to activism. walking or running. There is Cyclists are now afforded their less impact and pressure coming own traffic rules. Even governdown on the knees, and yet ped- ments have supported cycling

Bagamat natalo ang Gilas Pilipinas sa 2014 FIBA World Cup na ginanap sa Seville, Spain, pinagpupunyagi naman ng bansa ang kanilang pagkwalipika sa naturang torneyo. Nagtala ang Gilas ng bagong record sa larangan ng basketbol sa Pilipinas. Pagkatapos ng 36 na taon, muling nagpakita ng liksi at talas ang mga Pilipino sa isang international tournament. Natatandaang nasungkit ng (ang Gilas) have a tremendous koponan ang ikatlong pwesto sa dynamic team, and the execution FIBA Asia Cup sa Tsina, matapos of that style is very high level. talunin ng grupo ang mga They play very well, they’re Tsinong basketbolista sa iskor different because they feel this na 80-79. Sa kasalukuyan, ito na (game), they play with passion.” ang pinakamataas na nakamit ng Bagamat ito na ang ikalawang Pilipinas sa FIBA Asia. Ikaapat na pagkatalo ng Gilas sa iskor na 85ranggo lamang kasi ang naabot 81, isang karangalan na muntikan nito noong 2010 at 2012. Kasama nang talunin ng koponan ang ng Gilas ang Iran at Chinese Argentina na kinilala na sa Taipei na umabante sa Fiba international basketball, bilang World Cup. ikatlong pinakamalakas na Sa FIBA World Cup 2014, Basketball team sa buong mundo. umuwing bigo ang kuponan na Napuno rin ng hiyawan makapasok sa 16-team knockout ang City, Arena sa Sevilla, phase ng torneyo pero naani Spain, nang ginanap ang laban naman nila ang respeto ng ng Pilipinas at Greece. Sa kanilang mga kalaban dahil sa Unang quarter pa lamang, kakaibang puso at determinasyon pinangunahan na ng Greece nilang manalo para sa Pilipinas. Hellas ang laro, 20-10 ang Ipinahayag ng mga coaches ng iskor. Naging mainit na ang ibang bansa ang bilib sa mga sumunod na mga quarters. Pinoy na basketbolista. Ayon sa Nag-tie ang dalawang kampo kanila hindi nila dapat minaliit sa second quarter. Binawi ng ang mga Pinoy sa larangan ng Greece ang laro sa third quarter, Basketbol. pero lumamang naman ang Gilas Nakamit ng Gilas Pilipinas sa last quarter. Ang kabuoang ang unang pagkatalo, sa kanilang iskor ng dalawang grupo, 82 mainit na bakbakan kontra ang Greece, at 70 lamang ang Croatia, sa iskor na 81-78. Pilipinas. Naging dehado ang Kapanapanabik ang laban, dahil mga Pinoy sa tangkad ng mga kinailangan pang tumawag ng manlalaro ng Greece. Ang over-time ang laro upang ibreak mga manlalaro ng Greece ang tie. ang pinakamatataas habang Kalaban ng Gilas, sa kanilang ang Gilas naman ang mga ikalawang laban, ang Argentina. pinakamaliliit sa FIBA 2014. Matapos ang laro sumaludo Sunod sunod na pagkatalo ang Argentina Coach na si Julio ang nakamit ng Gilas, dagdagan Lamas sa Gilas, ayon sa kanya, pa nito nang maungusan sila nererespeto niya ang Pilipinas ng Puerto Rico, 77-73. Ikaapat dahil sa kanilang potensyal na pagkatalo na ito ng Gilas sa mula sa umpisa pa lamang ng FIBA World Cup. Subalit, dahil laro. Dagdag pa niya, “They pusong Pinoy ang mga manlalaro

hindi sila nawalan ng pag-asa. Sa ikaapat na laban nila sa torneyo, nakamit ng Gilas ang kaunaunahan nilang panalo sa FIBA, matapos tumbahin nila ang matikas na koponan ng Senegal sa iskor na 81-79. Tuwang tuwa ang mga manlalaro dahil sa nakamit na pagkapanalo. Ito na kasi ang kauna-unahang pagkapanalo ng Pilipinas sa FIBA matapos ang halos 40 taon. Hindi naging hadlang ang apat na sunod sunod na pagkatalo ng Pilipinas upang purihin ito ng mga kritiko. Marami ang napabilib sa taktika at execution ng mga manlalaro na nagpanganga sa mga manonood. Hindi rin abot akalain ng mga manlalaro na makakakuha sila nga mga papuri sa mga respetadong mga personalidad sa larangan ng basketbol. Ma-oobserbahan na ang karaniwang resulta ng mga laro ng Gilas ay hindi malayo sa nagwaging grupo. Ito’y isang senyales, na talagang may ibubuga ang mga pinoy sa isports na ito. Pagkatapos ng halos 40 taon, muling nagpakitang gilas ang mga Pilipino sa international basketball court. Naungusan ng Gilas ang Philippine Basketball Team na tumalo sa Central African Republic noong 1974. Ika-13 ang Pilipinas sa 14 na koponan na sumali sa torneyo. Ito’y lubos na patunay na bumabangon na ang kalidad ng isports sa bansa. May potensyal ang bagong henerasyon ng mga basketbolista na magkaroon ng korona sa mga world cup. Para mangyari iyon, ayon sa mga kritiko, kailangan pang paigtigin ng bansa ang

kanilang programa sa isports. Kulang umano ang exposure ng koponan sa mga international tournament sa labas ng Asya. Ito ay makakatulong sa labis pang training ng koponan. Aminado si Gilas Pilipinas Coach Chot Reyes na kulang ang eksperyensya nila sa mga international games. Sabi niya, “Every game we played, we had a chance to make the game-winning play and couldn’t deliver, Perhaps it’s our inexperience in situations like this, not only the players but also me as a coach.” Iba umano ang presyon kapag may nakasulat na “Pilipinas” sa harap ng kanilang uniporme. Isa sa mga nakabihag ng puso ng mga manonood ng FIBA ang puso ng mga manlalaro. Ubos lakas nilang iniaalay para sa bayan ang lahat ng kanilang laban. Kahit na sila’y talo sa karamihan ng mga laro, hindi sila nawawalan ng pag-asa. Alam nilang kahit anong mangyari, naroon ang mga Pilipino na susuporta sa kanila. Kahit na apat ang talo at isa lamang ang panalo ngayong taon, ang pagkwalipika ng Gilas sa 2014 FIBA World Cup ay isa lamang proweba na kung palalakasin lamang ng gobyerno ang suporta sa basketbol, samahan ng masigasig na pag eensayo, suporta ng mga Pilipino, at tatag ng paniniwala sa maykapal siguradong makakamit ng Gilas ang inaasam na korona sa international basketball arena. Muling mapapanood ang liksi, bilis, taktika at lakas ng tiwala sa sarili ng Gilas Pilipinas sa qualifying round ng Olympics 2016, sa susunod na taon.

with tons of projects and programs including path systems and parking spots. European countries, as a fact, top the lists. In contrast with Europe, the archipelagic geography of the Philippines may at first glance be a hindrance to bikers seeking long courses. However, bicycle race stages have been done in the country, one of which is Le Tour de Filipinas, a professional stage race done annually as part of the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) Asia Tour. Other national and regional races and events have also been held in the country, and teams have also participated in international events. In

C4F, an independent cycling club aimed at promoting the benefits of riding the bicycle and is majorly composed of alumni, students, faculty, and staff of Central Philippine University (CPU). The CPU grounds and landmarks themselves offer a decent route and scenery for cycling, and with several buildings populating the campus, some students and faculty have taken to bicycles for transport and convenience. With the growing population of bikers, an unheard petition for bike-friendly projects in the University rings out in echoes. Cycling offers that “I’m the king of the world” or “Look

ma, no hands” moment with all the tricks and stunts that can be pulled off with a bike. For less extreme cyclists, a peaceful ride along the park, a mountain trek, or a suburban journey may suffice well enough. Whatever the reason, cyclists have the power to control the bike, or let the road take them wherever they go. With nothing more than two wheels, a set of pedals, a frame, and the occasional accessory, bicycles have become one of mankind’s most trusted and valuable assets—a steed that offers character, fun, pride, and freedom; a steed that playfully opens a man’s heart to life itself.

fact, just recently, Bicycle Motocross (BMX) racer Daniel Caluag made groundbreaking history when he won the first gold medal for the Philippines in the 2014 Asian Games Men’s BMX Race. These competitions have given birth to several groups and clubs. Usually, the organizations form out of common hobby or interest with nothing more than to enjoy the fellowship of cycling with other bikers, but some clubs are more specialized dealing with stunts, mountain trekking, bike races, or the like. One such club in the local chapter is Centralian Cruisers Cycling Club and Friends or

Photo | Chalcedon A. Sañor

Photo | Chalcedon A. Sañor



By Vic Alizon P. Morena

Photo | Chalcedon A. Sañor

The CPU Golden Lions dominated this year’s Iloilo School Sports Association Competition after winning 32 championships. According to the Sports events. and Athletics Department Head “We are happy that our Atty. Alejandro Somo, they athletes were able to maintain were pleased that the athletes the standards of CPU,” Somo performed well in the events. said, adding, “The Golden Li“Last year, we won 31 ons will do their best to win the championships and this year championship again next year.” we bagged 32, “he said. This year’s ISSA was hostFurthermore, the Gold- ed by the University and will be en Lions won first place in hosted by the University of San 10 events and second in four Agustin next year.

IT'S OFFICIAL. A player delights himself in a game of Frisbee, which is now recognized as an official U-Day event by the CPUR.

CPU ESCRIMA: The Art of Combat By Verna Roz Q. Taperla

Ultimate Frisbee gains UDAY sports event recognition By Rosanne Grace M. Castor

Ultimate Frisbee gained recognition from the Central Philippine University Republic as an official sports event during this year’s University Day Celebrations. According to Prime Committee to be approved as part Minister Dojie Gumata, Frisbee of the events. in the University started way Gumata said, further back in 2011 when several deliberations have been made Centralian athletes introduced due to the financial aspects this game but it has not been since the different colleges did included in the tally of the total not include Frisbee in their scores. budget for the sports event. “It has come to a point Prime Minister Dojie Gumata and CPUR President Bryan Cerebo where the Steering Committee headed off to promote this event decided not to include Frisbee to the University Day Steering as part of the event but we

appealed to make the event official since the budget will come from the CPUR,” said Prime Minister Dojie Gumata. The Frisbee community in the University is now composed of about a hundred members from different colleges. “There are estimated ten to fifteen national Frisbee players in the campus from Iloilo, Negros, and Boracay. We facilitated to fight for this event to become part of the university day events because there are potential athletes in the campus” said

Theology student Jead Dela Llave. Moreover, Central Philippine University is the only university in Iloilo to recognize Frisbee as an official sports event. E n g i n e e r i n g Representative Threscia Robles is the person in charge of the event and Gumata served as the adviser. Hopefully, Frisbee will be part of the much-awaited annual competitions of the University Day celebration.

Gonzaga, Hinirang na Finals MVP sa Shakey’s V-League


Ni Charles Arthel R. Rey

Mangiyak-ngiyak na tinanggap ni Jovelyn Gonzaga ang tropeyo nang koronahan siya bilang Finals Most Valuable Player (MVP) ngShakey’s V-League Open Conference sa The Arena, sa San Juan City, noong Ika-31 ngAgosto 2014. Dobleng saya ang naramdaman iskor na 25-14, 25-7, 25-23, kung ng Ilongga at dating Centraliang saan 13 sa mga puntos na ito ay atleta matapos tuldukan ng nasungkit ni Gonzaga. Kasamang Philippine Army Lady Troopers nanguna sa laro sina Rachel Anne ang paghahari ng Cagayan Val- Daquis, na pinarangalan ring ley Rising Suns sa kapanapana- League MVP at Ging Balse, na bik championship match nila, sa pawang nagkamit ng 13 puntos.

Jam-packed ang The Arena ng mga gigil na gigil na fans at enthusiast ng volleyballs upang masaksihan ang kapapanabik na kampyonato mula sa dalawang malalakas na koponan. Hindi naman binigo ng dalawang grupo ang mga manonood. Napakasaya ng unang dalawang set, lalong lalo na para sa mga taga suporta ng Lady Troopers, nang nilampaso nila

Health, Self-defense and Culture are the three main aspects and focus of the CPU Escrima Club – a Philippine Martial Arts Organization in the University that has just been established in the beginning of the school year by founder and adviser Associate Professor Bernardo Cagasan and co-founder and president Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management student Robin Ivan Yap. Cagasan said the word of the historic combative skill, Escrima is Spanish for combat no matter what nationality is and is a complete art which in- practicing it. cludes not only Arnis – the NaFurthermore, Cagasan also tional Sports of the Philippines said that joining the Escrima could – but also other fighting skills have good effects on a student’s and combative arts like Aikido, physical aspect by acquiring skills Karate, Jujitsu and even Box- in self-defense and staying healthy ing. through combative exercise. It “The objective of Escri- could also be mentally beneficial ma is to promote Philippine because it helps a student maintain Martial Arts, which is gradu- his focus through self-discipline. ally fading [in our culture],” he On its first year, the said. Escrima has assimilated about He also said that it is 20 members who signed up for ironic that Philippine Martial free. These club members have Arts is more popular in oth- been practicing in the Lifestyle er countries than here in the Building every Tuesday and Philippines where it has been Thursday to get promoted to developed. He further noted higher ranks in their discipline. that when foreigners practice Their other activities also Arnis, they put a Philippine include participating in Flag on their uniforms, and tournaments with other Arnis even yell out Tagalog words and Martial Arts Clubs, and when executing certain stances attending seminars outside of or instructions. These help in the University regarding the preserving the Filipino essence practice of Martial Arts. ang kalabang koponan sa unang dalawang bahagi ng laro. Sa ikalawang set, mas nadismaya ang mga fans ng Rising Suns, nang pitong puntos lamang ang naitala ng kanilang mga idolo na natatandaang kampeon nong 2013. Sa ikatlong set, makapigil hininga ang laro. Ubus lakas na sinubok ng Rising Suns na dominahan ang laban, subalit sa huling apat na puntos ipinamalas ni Gonzaga ang kanyang crosssmash at down the line kill, samahan pa ng bilis at liksi nina Daquis at Balse, naungusan

nila ang kalaban sa lamang na dalawang puntos. Matapos ang ika-25 puntos, nagyakapan ang Army sa tuwa at galak. Nag-iyakan ang mga ito at nagpasalamat sa Diyos. Muling magpapakitang gilas ang Lady Troopers sa taunang AFP Olympics, kung saan muling papatunayan ng mga ito ang lakas ng kanilang grupo. Napakalaki ng hamon naman ang ha harapin ng kupunan, na depensahan ang titulo sa susunod na taon.


Photos | Chalcedon A. Sañor


Lights amidst the Storm

The Hunting Party by Linkin Park Review by Patricia Meliz Gerome U. Labramonte

With the previous success of their electro-rock albums, Linkin Park decided to depart from the band’s recent electronic rock sound and came up with the birth of their sixth and recently embedded album, The Hunting Party. Mike Shinoda, the rapper and principal songwriter of LP described the album as, “A Rock record. It’s loud and it’s Rock, but not in the sense of what you’ve heard before, which is more like ‘90s Hardcore-Punk-Thrash”. For the band wanted to bring back the sound of the 90s to the forefront, just like Linkin Park’s legendary albums, Meteora and Hybrid Theory. The title of the album was actually a contextual metaphor; Linkin Park is the party that is hunting to bring back the energy and soul of rock. And as for the album cover, a monochrome archer pointing and aiming downwards imposed onto a predominantly white and light grey background; the archer is said to be the band itself. Shinoda also stated that, “We’re not 18-year-old kids making a loud record – we’re 37-year-old

GRANDEUR IN THE SKIES. A pyrotechnic display concluded the ceremonial opening of lights at Central.

adults making a loud record. And what makes a 37-year-old angry is different from what made us angry back in the day”. With the albums twelve track list of plain hardcore intensity, it is as sentimental as your first rock album that you bought from walmart. Which in my case is undeniably true, I mean, just imagine playing this record in full volume in your bedroom while dressed up in your favorite band t-shirt and headbanging to the beat, what’s more to ask right? Everyone can dream being a frustrated rock star and to be honest my dear, there is nothing wrong with that. Die-hard fans, you’ll know how it feels like to consider their music as your flesh and bones. Too exaggerated right? But let’s look at this way, “even pushing forty, these dudes can still bring it like backward-ball-cap warriors hopped up on Mountain Dew and Dad’s fourth divorce,” and that was stated by Rolling Stone reviewer Jon Dolan. If you’ll come to think of it, screaming is good for the heart and this is what this album does to you. It is smooth, thrilling and dedicated enough to propose that there is life in rock despite the ignorance of people about music today. Ranging from the guitar solos and depths of the spine tingling lyrics, it is a “solid album”. Just tracing from the roots of Linkin Park, the renowned sound is still there, excitingly and precisely vulgar and marked by its immense heavy greatness and rectitude.

Inferno by Dan Brown Review by Vic Morena

CENTRAL LIGHTS. Christmas lights illuminated the University as CPU celebrates its yearly Festival of Lights tradition. by Verna Roz Taperla

Loops and drapes of Christmas lights illuminate the trees that adorn the campus streets, edges of buildings and usually drab structures. Festive and soothing music from the symphonic band traveled through the air. Oversized “CPU” letters that weren’t there in regular days stood out in the big field. Even the frivolous flagpole was converted into something glamorous fit for the season – a grand Christmas tree made of lights and decorations. On December 5, 2014, there may have been reports of the inevitable landfall of Super Typhoon Ruby in the Visayas, and Iloilo may have been placed under signal no. 1, but those did not stop the Centralian tradition of celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. The opening of the 2014 Festival of Lights and Music at Central still shone that night.

Prior to the turning on of the lights, however, an opening program was held at the Alumni Promenade Concert Park, which also featured the induction of the new set of officers of the CPU Alumni Association, Inc. and the Board of Directors for 2015. After all, the annual event has always been a partnership between the University Administration and the CPUAAI. The campus was packed with people by the time the program began, however, it was quite noticeable that the number of visitors of the recent Festival of Lights is comparatively lower than the years before. And it’s all thanks to Ruby, a.k.a. Hagupit. Despite the glum and ominous weather, the theme of the event, “Shining Within and Reaching Out,”still made it rain

with positivity all throughout the campus. University President Teodoro Robles has emphasized the theme in his opening remarks, and he also explained one of the meanings of the theme. He said that shining within and reaching out is what the alumni of Central Philippine University have been doing all over the world. In case you are wondering about how many lights covered the campus,the 2014 Festival of Lights Chairperson, Engr. Isagani Jalbuena, in his welcoming speech mentioned that there were approximately 417,600. He also said that the ongoing Centralian tradition which began in 1998 just started as simple Christmas lights in some parts of the campus. When 8 o’clock finally came, the fireworks reminiscent

of colorful flowers adorned the night skies. It was almost as if the typhoon was not approaching with the ah’s and ooh’s of the energetic crowd. After the pyrotechnical excitement, the lights were gradually turned on starting from the University Church. The luminescence of the decorations against the darkness of the heavens above awed the spectators. One of them even said out loud one of Dumbledore’s lines in Harry Potter, “Happiness can be found even in darkness, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” For 16 years, the Festival of Lights and Music has warmed the hearts of people who have come and witnessed it. Most important of all, the event has also reminded everyone of the birth of the Great Light that has shone all over the world – Jesus Christ.

In the heart of Italy, Harvard professor of Symbology, Robert Langdon is drawn into a harrowing world centered on one of history’s most enduring and mysterious literary masterpiece, Dante’s Inferno. Langdon awakens in a hospital in the middle of the night. Disoriented and suffering from a head wound, he remembers nothing of the last thirty-six hours of his life, including the origin of the macabre object that

the doctors found hidden in his belongings. Langdon’s world soon erupts into chaos, and he finds himself on the run in Florence with a young woman, Sienna Brooks, who saves his life. He quickly realizes that he is in possession of a series of disturbing codes created by a brilliant scientist. Against this backdrop, Langdon battles a chilling adversary and grapples with an ingenious riddle that pulls him into a landscape of classic arts, secret ways, and futuristic science. Drawing from Dante’s epic poem, he races to find answer to every question and decides whom to trust. Racing for their lives, Langdon and Brooks discover a network of hidden passageways and ancient secrets, as well as, a terrifying new scientific paradigm that will be used either to vastly improve human life on Earth or to totally devastate it. Brace yourselves as you take the most exciting and controversial adventure of your life. Be prepared for a flood of symbols, secrets and untold mysteries, as Dan Brown’s new thriller unveil mysteries before your very eyes.

Photos | Chalcedon A. Sa単or & Jedrick Leighnor P. Solinap


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