Realistic and Attainable Resolutions for the New Year In 2022, consider making one of those realistic resolutions that are beneficial for your mind, body and soul. By Larissa Hamblin
very year, we set New Year’s resolutions that usually consist of drinking more water, eating healthier and planning to exercise more. While they are set with good intentions, they typically fall off the radar by the time spring rolls around. With 2021 almost behind us, it’s safe to say that some self-care is truly needed in the year ahead. So, challenge your-self to set realistic resolutions centered on your wellbeing, even if you have already made a resolution that revolves around the usual topics of health, fitness and finance. Here are some ideas for your mind, body and soul. Reserve 30 Minutes for You
As a society, we are constantly rushing, from the moment we wake up to the time we get home, and in return, we overlook the things we can do to better ourselves, and our minds. Resolve to take 30 minutes each day to do something that you find relaxing and meaningful. Whether that means reading a couple chapters of a new book, drinking a cup of coffee without distractions, watching a guilty pleasure TV show or taking a walk around your neighborhood, be intentional with choosing an activity that will boost your energy and productivity.
Central Florida Lifestyle | December 2021