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Front Cover........Creation of Adam by Hannah Redding Note from the Editors
Note from the Editors
The editors of the 2021 issue of Inscape would like to sincerely thank everyone who took a part in this year’s publication. We especially want to thank the Inscape editorial team—Elise, Sarah, Keagan, Hannah, and Tyler—for all the work they put into building the 46th issue of Inscape. We also want to thank Sigma Tau Delta and its advisor Dr. Johnson, the director of the Writing Center Dr. Woldruff, Inscape’s faculty advisor Dr. Hatwalkar, and all of this year’s amazing contributors for their submissions. None of this would have been possible without all of you and your support for Inscape. This year was a unique year in Inscape’s history. Because of safety concerns in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we met exclusively online for both the fall and spring semesters. We all had to adapt to the new environment we found ourselves in. There was a learning curve when it came to collaborating via cameras and chatrooms, and we missed being able to speak to each other without awkward interruptions caused by a lagging connection. It is in times like these, however, that we can truly appreciate the unchanging value of art and literature, along with its ability to bring a little normalcy back into our lives. In an age of social distancing and self-isolation, we could all use a reminder of those special meals shared with teammates, of lessons learned while conversing with curious strangers in a bank, and of those hilarious camping trips with friends. It is the words and images captured by talented poets, writers, photographers, and artists that can remind us of what it means to be human—all the beauty, challenges, joys, heartaches,
Inscape 2021