News April - May 2020
Test Date: 03-23-2020
A more convenient and effective way to manage SCC
If you rely solely on individual cow or bulk tank Somatic Cell Count (SCC) scores, you are leaving money on the table. To really manage SCC’s impact on herd performance and profitability, multiple data points must be monitored, which is why CentralStar Cooperative developed the SCC View Analysis report. “You don’t have time to dig up and analyze multiple data points to manage SCC, so bulk tank and individual cow information ends up being the norm when it shouldn’t be,” said Doug Moyer, Director of DHI Services. “Recognizing this challenge, we created the multi-point SCC View report, which does a great job of stratifying SCC averages by lactation and stage of production, allowing you to easily zero in on groups that might otherwise be overlooked.” The report highights five key areas for your dairy including... Quickly review key SCC management metrics. Current test day information is provided along with goals that can be adjusted for your dairy.
Monitoring only bulk tank SCC can mask opportunities within lactation groups or stages of lactation. Find quick insights here for specific groups of cows that may need more investigating.
Experts agree that monitoring new infections each test day is one of the best early indicators of a looming SCC issue. Monitoring new infections over time lets you see if you are heading in the right direction.
Different than the graph above, % New Infections through the Dry Period focuses on how many cows entered the dry period without an infection, and are calving in with an infection. Keeping cows from picking up infections through transition is an important step in starting the lactation off on a productive path.
Just as important is curing cows that entered the dry period with an infection. If your dry cow program is not yielding a minimum of 80 percent cure rates, it is time to re-assess your approach. Get Started... Send an email to with your herd name, RAC code, herd code and email address(es) to receive the report (you, veterinarian, etc). You will receive a confirmation email, and will begin receiving the SCC View with your next DHI test-day.
SCC View
Goals that trigger FARMS red highlighting or red lines can be changed by your DHIA affiliate WALNUTDALE
Test Date: 03-31-2020
GoalsBENTHEM that triggerBROS. red highlighting or red lines can be changed by your DHIA affiliate Test Date: 03-23-2020
Uninfected (SCC <or4.0 or 75% Number 2381 2536 Goals that trigger red highlighting red lines can 200K) be changed by your DHIA affiliate 94 % >Goals Eligible Infected (SCC >= <4.0 6 Goals < 75% 15% Number 155 Eligible 2536 % Uninfected (SCC 4.0oror200K) 200K) 91 > 2006 2199 Uninfected < 4.0 or 200K) 949 New Infections Milking 2 ><75% <15% 6% 2381 51 2536 2144 Infected (SCC(SCC >= 4.0 orHerd 200K) 193 2199 Infected (SCCMilking >=Milking 4.0 or 200K) 64 < 15% 15572 Chronic Infections Herd 66 86 2536 130 New Infections Herd < 6% 1795 28 52 6 21
NewInfections Infections Milking Fresh 1st LactHerd Chronic Infections Milking Herd Chronic Infections Milking Herd New Infections Fresh InfectionsThrough 1st LactDry Period
Dry Period Cures New Infections Through Dry Period
100 2
Fresh Infections 1st Lact
New Infections Through Dry Period
Dry Period Cures
Dry Period Cures
Lact Lact 1 Lact 1 2 1
< < 6% 10%
6% <<10% ><80% 6%
< 10%
< 6%
> 80%
> 80%
Test Day SCC by Days in Milk by-Days 1 - 40 Test 41 - Day 100 SCC 101 199 in Milk 200 - 305 Test Day SCC by Days in Milk 1 1.8 -1 40 41 100 101 199 200- 1.1 - 305 0.9 1.2 - 40 41 - 100 101 - 199 200 305 67 130 68 84 1.4 0.7 0.6 0.9 1.1 0.9 1.2 1.8
2 36 3+2 1.0 0.9 Goals / 3.2 3+3+ <= 2.4 / 2.977 1.0
57 0.9 0.6 <= 2.0 / 2.7 / 3.0 121 0.9
<= / 100 <=50 2.0/ 81 / 2.7 / 3.0
<= 66 93/ /2.9 115 <= /2.4 / 3.2
5197 7 2144187 85 86 130
7 14 6 2
109 66 6 107
85 109
306+ 306+ 1.3 306+ 97 1.31.6
49 1.2 0.7 98 1.2
67 1.8 1.4
<= 2.1 / 2.8 / 3.1
<= 2.5 / 2.9 / 3.2
<= 2.6 / 3.2 / 3.4
<=2.1 54/ /2.8 87/ /3.1 107 <=
<=/71 <= 2.5 2.9/ /93 3.2/ 115
76 // 3.4 115 / 132 <= 2.6<= / 3.2
2.3 1.6108 2.3 88
Simple Solutions To Complicated Problems The Select BioCycle™ Family of Products Select BioCycle™ Plus
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Enhances metabolism, combats severe environmental and feed challenges, improves rumen function during stress from changes in ration.
Immune modulation, combats environmental and feed challenges, helps with SCS, abortions, transition problems and improves milk quality and quantity.
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• Stronger heats • Better feed utilization • Improved reproductive performance • Lower somatic cell counts • Less metabolic problems • Fresh cows off to a better start • Higher fat tests • Healthier calves
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Agrarian-CentralStar_7.5x4.5.indd 1
11/26/2019 10:22:22 AM
Unlock the Value
of your milk samples
Save time finding and treating sick cows. Early intervention results in a healthier herd, fewer cow losses and improved production. CowManager makes your life easier and more profitable! CowManager’s Health Module
Monitors each cow 24/7 by combining behavior and ear temperature Identifies sick cows 1-2 days before visual detection Provides insights into the recovery of sick cows Saves costs through reduced cull rates, treatment costs and labor Visually displays health alerts for items needing action
Try CowManager for 90 days.
Testing milk samples to gain insights for production, health and physiology, eliminates on-farm labor to find, sort and lockup cows, improving cow comfort, while saving time and money. Ask your CentralStar DHI Specialist to add any ELISA* test to routine DHI samples. Multiple test discount when conducted on same sample: 2 ELISAs = $10, 3 ELISAs = $13.50. Leukosis*
Mastitis PCR
800.631.3510 | |
800.631.3510 •