Unlock the Value
of your milk samples
Milk samples are loaded with information that affects your herd’s profitability. Unlike traditional methods, testing milk samples to gain the same insights for production, health and physiology, eliminates on-farm labor to find, sort and lockup cows, improving cow comfort, while saving time and money. Ask your CentralStar team for the key to unlock the value of your herd’s milk samples.
Finds infected animals, including those most likely to spread disease. High disease prevalence in the U.S. with negative impacts on production, longevity and salvage value.
Genotypes the beta-casein gene in cows for genetic matings to produce homozygous heifers. Stand-alone test that doesn’t require genomic testing.
Use to confirm or refute Neospora infection as cause of mid-gestation abortion outbreaks.
Fat & Protein
Fat and Protein ratios can serve as a valuable early indicator of subclinical Ketosis as well as Sub Acute Ruminal Acidosis. Fat and Protein values give insights into a cow’s true profitability.
Use 28-days post breeding and beyond to confirm pregnancy. As effective as traditional methods.
Mastitis PCR
Identifies up to 16 specific contagious and environmental mastitis causing pathogens for targeted management. More sensitive than culture, results in 48 hours.
Detects infected animals so actions can be taken to avoid further transmission. Prevalent in U.S. dairy herds; negatively affects production, causes chronic diarrhea and death.
Identifies persistently infected (PI) animals for culling to minimize transmission, impact on herd reproductive performance, and likelihood of calf health and growth challenges.
Measures milk quality and identifies subclinical mastitis. Paired with mastitis PCR testing provides insights into the root cause of new and chronic infections for effective management to maximize quality premiums.
Use for cows in the breeding pen to evaluate synchronization, protocol compliance and cyclicity.
Monitors protein utilization during lactation. Unbalanced rations decrease feed efficiency, increase feed costs, and lower milk production.
Great Lakes Regional Dairy Conference
Join us at the Great Lakes Regional Dairy Conference to learn new tools and strategies to keep your farm afloat in these tough economic times, while taking a moment to connect with other farmers.
The program includes: • Learn the state of the industry. buildings for everything from calves to cows, and manure What’s Next and what will it management. mean for you from Dr. David Kohl. • Explore how dairy beef feedlots may boost your • Brian Gerrits, CEO of Breeze bottom line and tips to make Dairy Group will share a those feedlots the most producer perspective on their profitable. unique thriving partnership and share concepts that you • Learn the trends in feed can apply to your farm. and milk markets and what • Hear from producers and strategies to employ to experts about ways to stretch improve your bottomline feed and forage digestibility. including a closer look at income over feed and • Tackle what’s new in butterfat management. calf care, transition cow management, designing
February 6-8, 2020 Bavarian Inn & Conference Center Frankenmuth, Michigan
Early registration extended to February 2!
www.glrdc.org • 517-884-7089 • honkemeg@msu.edu
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Order from your CentralStar Team or call 800.631.3510.
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Signup at www.mycentralstar.com/cowmanager 800.631.3510 • mycentralstar.com